07-032.00 L&L Cargile: Beverly Hills DrainageS~i~1~.r~e ~~ , ~ . - . ~~al~ey• CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT: Beverly Hills Drainage CONTRACT: 07-002 CONTRACT DATE: A rtil 26 2007 CONTRACTOR: L8L Car ile Inc. CHANGE ORDER NO: 2 SCHEDULE A - PROJECT NO: 0078 SCHEDULE B - DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES L~ue to desit,-n changes during the construction, a chtutge order is required to address the following items: (1) Installation of filter fabric under the rip rap, upstream of the "F.ner;~~ faissipation System". "1'he filter fabric would add additional protection against erosion; (2) Hydro-seeding the areas disturbed with the instL111ation of the rack dissipation system attd the pipe system in the vicinity of Skyline and Winter; (3) Adding steel rutgles to raise grates that were modified ~~fien the concrete pipe and water line were lowered; (4) Removing trees that are overhanging and tnay pose a safety issues. Removal of these trees was not part of the original scope of work, the roar balls for these trees were exposed while enlarging the trench for the roadside ditch; 5) At the intersection of Center and Lieverly Drive, the grate inlet, has an opening tha[ is large enough for vtimals to crawl or fall into. A safety bar spanning the area will be added; and, 6) hxtending a culvert to reduce the cut into a slope. Total Ghan a 510,816.02 Sales Tax 8.6°r6 S930.18 Total Amount of this Change Order: 511,74820 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Original Date: Prior to this Change Order: Including this Change Order: Ma 21 2007 Ma 21, 2007 Ma 21, 2007 ANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL CONTRACTAPAOUNT 5338,322.67 ........................._._......................._...._...._._............................._._...._....................... W._......................._...._........_........_._.............._._._... .._.. TOTAL PRIOR CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $4,648.66 CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER 5342,971.33 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER 11,746.20 CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CWANGE ORDER S354,717.53 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: ~ DATE: S The contractor hereby accept diustmery nder the enns of the original contract for all work perfomed. RECOMMENDED BY: ~ .~ DATE: ~ ~ ~7 Project Engin~r oATE: S -~ APPROVED BY: Neil Kcrsten, Public rks Director APPROVED BY: ~~~ ! G~ DATE: a ! 3I o '~ Dave P.terCier, City alter ATTACI•IMENTS: See attached contractor ro osal P.P1'11FOmq/RUnpIB105JC0 (N6v 05) _ coy-3z