07-039.00 Gavin Associates: Valley Mission Park Site Master PlanAGRFF:ML'NT FOR PROFESSIONAL SFRV[CL'S Gavin Associates Contract Number 07-013 THIS AG1ZE)=,Ivi>rNT is made by and between the City of Spokane Valley, a code City of the State of Vlfashington, hereinal~er "City" and Gavin Associates, hereinafter "Consultant;" jointly referred to as "parties." }~} CONSIDERATION of the terms and conditions contained herein the parties agree as follows: I. Work to Re Performed. The Consultant will provide all labor; services and material to satisfactorily complete the attached Scope of Services. A. Administration. The City Manager or designee shall administer and be the primruy contact for Consultant. Prior to commencement of work, Consultant shall contact the City Manager or designee to review the Scope of 1'Jork, schedule and date. ofcompletion. Upon notice from the City Manager or designee, Consultant shall commence work, perform the requested tasks in the Scope of Work, stop work and promptly cure any failure in performance under this agreement. T. Representations. The City has relied upon the qualifications of the Consultant in entering into this agreement. By execution of this agreement, Consultant represents it possesses the ability, skill and resources necessary to perform the work and is familiar with all current laws, rules and regulations which reasonably relate to the Scope of 1'Vork. No substitutions of agreed upon personnel shall be made without the written consent of the City. Consultant shall be responsible for the technical accuracy of its services and documents resulting there&om; and City shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies therein. Consultant shall correct such deficiencies without additional compensation except to the extent such action is directly attributable to deficiencies in City furnished information. C. Modifications. The City may modify this agreement and order changes in the work whenever necessary or advisable. "fhe Consultant will accept modifications when ordered in writing by the City Manager or designee. Compensation for such modifications or changes shall be as mutually weed behveen the parties. The Consultant shall make such revisions in the work as trre necessary to correct errors or omissions appearing therein when required to do so by the City without additional compensation. 2. Term of Contract. This agreement shall be in full force and effect upon execution and shall remain in effect until completion of all contractual re.quirerttents have been met. Tither party may terminate this agreement by ten (10) days written notice to the other party. In the event of such termination, the City shall pay the Consultant for all work previously authorized and satisfactorily performed prior to the termination date. 3. Compensation. T}ie City rtgrees to pay the Consultant on a time and materials basis in accordance with the attached fee schedule as full compensation for evcr}~thing done render this agreement, not to exceed 56,000.00, for work directed by the City. 4. Payment. The Consultant shall be paid monthly upon presentation of an invoice to the City. Applications for payment shall be sent to the City Clerk at the below stated address. Agreement for Professional Services Page 1 of 5 ,~ C07-39 The City reserves the right to withhold payment under this agreement which is determined in the reasonable judgment of the City Manager or designee to be noncompliant with the Scope of V1~ork, City Standards, City ordinances and federal or state standards. 1~°otice. Notice shall be given in writing as follo~~~s: TO THl/ CITY: TO THE. CONSUL'1"ANT: Name: Christine 13ainbridge, City Clerk \'ame: Tim G. Gavin, t?resident Phone \zumber: (509)92 I -1000 Phone Number: (509) 869-1283 Address: 11707 East Sprague Ave, Suite l06 Address: 371 I N Molter Rd. Spokane ~'alley,l'~A 99206 Otis Orchards, ~tl'A 99027 6. Applicable. Laws and Standards. The parties, u~ the performance ofthis agreement, agree to comply with all applicable Federal, State, local laws, ordinances, ttnd regulations. 7. Relstionship of the Parties. It is understood; agreed and declared that the Consultant shall be an independent Consultant and not the agent or erttployee of the City, that the City is interested in only the results to be achieved, and that the right to control the particular mrumer, method and means in which the services are performed is solely within the discretion of the Consultant. Any ~tnd all employees who provide services to t:he City under this agreement shall be deemed employees solely of the Consultwit. The Consultant shall be solely responsible for the conduct and actions of all employees under this agreement and any liability that may attach thereto. $. Ownership of Documents. All drawings, plans; specifications, ar~d other related documents prepared by the Consultant under this agreement are and shall be the property of the Ciry, and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to RCR' 42.56 or other applicable public record laws. 9. Records. °fhe City or State Auditor or any of their representatives shall have full access to and the right to examine during normal business hours all of the Consultant's records with respect to all matters covered in this contract. Such representativcsshall be permitted to audit, examine ~md make excerpts or transcripts from such records and to make audits of all contracts, im~oices, materials, payrol Is and record of matters covered by this contract for a period of three years from the date final payment is made hereunder. 10. Insurance. The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the agreement; insur~rnce against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, its agents, representatives, or employees. No Limitation. Consultant's maintenance of insurance as required by the agreement shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Consultant to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Consultant shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 O l or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, Agreement for Professional Sen~ices Page 2 of ~ tl~e policy sl~al] he endorsed to provide contractual liabi~it}' coverage. 2. 'ornerciaf ~ier~sr~a~ L~abiJ.ity insurance shall be wrirten on ISM accura~ence form ~~ 00 ~I and shall cUVer liabilit}' arising from premises, operations. independent contractors a~~d persa~~al injury and advertising iiyjury_ The City shall be nxrned as xn insured under the Consultant's ~atrymerc~ial General i~iability insurance polio}' ~vith respect to the work performed for tl~e pity. 3. porkers' C'o~p~rxsation coverage as required by tl~e Industrial in5uranc~e laws oftl~e State ofl~Vashington, 4, ~'roessianal !.;!ability insurtu~ce appropria#e #o the ~onsultsnt's prrifession_ B. ~linimu3~t Amounts of insurance, Consul[anl shall main[ain the follo~4'ing insurance limits; -- - 1. ~~tamobife Liab~firy insurance with a n~iE~imum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of 1,00,000 per accident- ~_ C'~rnrnerclc~l Crenerad Lrabi~ity insurance shall be ~~'eitten with limits no less than 1,000,Q~0 each occurrence, ~,~00,~00 general aggregate, 3. ~'ro,~~ssioraa~ L~rabi~ity insurance shall be ~~rrit#en with limits na less Eha~ X1,000,000 per clairrt and 1,UQ0,00~ policy aggeegate lin~it. ~, ~tl~er Insura3~ee Provisi ns. The insurance policies are to contain, ar be endorsed to contain. the fallowing pro~~isions for Automobile l,iabilit}', Professional Liability a3~d commercial General Liabi] ity insuranee~ 1, ~"he onsulta~it's insurance coverage shah be primary insurance as respect the pity, ran}' insurance, self-insura~7ce, or insurance pool coverage rr~aintained by the City sl~al] Ise excess of. the consultant's insurance and sl~nll no# contribute with it. 2. The Gonsr~ltz-nt's insurance shall be e~~dorsed to State that coverage shall not be eaa~celled by either part}', except after shirt}' (30) days prior written notice b}' aerti.i:ied mail, return receipt requested, I~as been gi~~eE} fio the pity ar the C:ity's onsuitantagrees to notif~'the pity thir[}' X30) days prior to cancellation ~vitl~ written notice b}' ceri'iI'i~:d mail, ret~en~ receipt of tl~e i,nteEtt to cancel tfEeir insurance. D. Acceptabil it~of i~~ur~rs, .>vr~surance is to be placed with insurers with a current A,~1. Test rating ofnot less #han A: ~'Ii. .E. Verification of Cavera~e_ Cnnsultanl~ shall Furnish the pity with original cerfificate.s and a copy of the a»~endatory endorsetr~ents, including but not necess~v~ily limited to #hc adc{itionaj insured endorsement evidencing the insurance requirements ol= the Consultant before cammencement ofthe kvorlc, F, Evidence of ~overa~e_ .4s evidence of the insurance coverage's required by this contract, the consultant shall .Earn isle acceptable insurance certificates to tl~e pity at the time !tgraenre~rt for ProteSSiona] S~n~iccs t'age 3 of5 ,~k ~ ~ l the consultant returns the signed contract, Tl~e certificate shall specify all ofthe parties ~~~ho are additionril insureds, and i I I include appiic:able palit~y endorsements, tl~e thirty (3{}}day cancellation clt~use, and tF~e deduction nr retention le~~el, Insuring companies or enti#ies are subject to ~it}+ acceptance. IFrequeste~, complete copies of in5uea~~ce policies sl}all be provided to tl~e pity- The Consultant shall be financially responsible for $11 pertinent deductibles; self=insured retentions, ~v'idlor self insurance. l . Indcmnifierrtion acrd Wold Harmless. Consul#ant shall defend, indcrnn if}' and hold the iiy. its off cars, officials, eir~ployees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, da~r~$~es, losses, or suits including xCtonie}~ fees, arisi~~g out of or resulting From the negiigent acts. errors ar omissions of the Con5ult2~nt in performance ofthis agreement, except for injuries and damages car~sed h~, the sole negligenceaf tl~e ~itv- 12- V~aiver. o officer. empioyee; agent ar other individual acting an behalf of ~ii'her putt' has the power, ri~htorauthority to waive art}' ofthe conditions oe provisions ofthis agreement, Igo waiver in one insta~~ce sl~all beheld to be ~"raiver of any other subsequent breacl~ or ~~onperformance. rill remedies afforded in tl~i~ a~reeEnent or by lain, shall be taken and construed as aumu~ative, and in addition to ever}' other remedy provided herein or by law, Failure ofeit~herpart}~tae~~farceatanytime$nyoftheprovisionsofthisagreement or to requiee at anytime perfiorfnancc by the other part}~ afarr}~ provision hereofslyall in ~ioaybc construed to be a ~4~aiver afsuch provisions nor s~~all it affect the ~~alidity of this agreement or any par€ thereoi<= 13, A.sSir"nment aud.DcJc~ation. I~leitherpariy Shrill assig~i, transferardelegatea~~y nor all ofthe respor~Sibilities ofthis agreement ortl~e benefits received ltercuncler u~ilhoulfustobtainingthe ~~Titten consent afthe other party- 14- Subco~ttraets. Except as otherwise provided hercltl, the Consuii'ant Shall not enter into subcontracts for any of the work conterrrplated under this agreement i#7~out obt2~ining prior uvriftert approval of the City. 'I ~- Confidentiality, onsulta~~t may, frgin Lime to time, receive infonnxtion v~~hich is deerned by the City to be confidential. consultant shall not disclose such information without the express v~ritte~~ ca~~sent of the City ar rtpan order of $ court of competent jurisdiction, 16, Jurisdiction and Venue. This agreement is entered into i~~ Spolcrv~e bounty, Washington. Venue shall be in Spokane Count}+, Stag of Washington. 17, Cost and Attorney's >F'e~s. f.n the e~~ei}t a lawsuit is brought with respect to this agreement, the prevailing party' sl}ail be awarded it's costs and attorney's fees in the amount to b~ determined by the ~vurt as reasonable- Unless I~eavided otltierwisc b}' Statrit+e, Consultant's attorney fees payabEe b}' the City shalt not exceed the total Suns a~naunt paid under t~~is agrcednent. '1 S- iCntire ~~~reemenr. 'his written agreement constitutes the entire and complete agreement bet~+reen the pz-rties and supersedes any prior oral or v~~ritten agreements- Tl~is agreeine~~t inay not be clanged, modilied car altered except in writing signed b}+ the parties hereto. 1 Aflti-kiekbsek. Ago officeror ernployee ofthe fit}', having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this agreement shall have or ac~quixe any interest' in this agreement nr have sol ic~ited, ac~ceptcd or grantecE 3 present ar future lift, favor, service or other thing of value frnm a3~y person with a~} interest in this x~r-eernent. ~preemeirt for ProCessiora~ Sen~ iCCS Page ~ of ~ .~ ~~. - ~ v . . GAVIN ASSOCIATES,., April 5, 2007 Mike Jackson, Director of P. 8 R. Dept. City of Spokane Valley 2426 N. Discovery PI. Spokane Valley, WA 99216 RE: Proposal of Landscape Architectural Design Services for: Mission Valley Park landscape Architecture Park Planning Sustainable Srte Design Green Raefs Mr. Jackson We at Gavin Associates...r.endscepe architecture are pleased to present our fee proposal for the above referenced park project. We anticipate that our responsibilities will require a four to six week schedule of work to produce an approved site plan for the additions of two (2) proposed picnic shelters and new playground equipment including walkways and associated landscape improvements. We also understand that park background drawings in AutoCAD are not available at this time. SCOPE OF WORK: We would acquire all background drawings from you to be able to produce AutoCAD drawings of the park site area. If additional surveying is required to complete the background drawings, then that survey would be provided by the City. Initially I would conduct a 'Design Program' interview with you and staff to further understand the functions of the proposed site elements and how they would fit into the role of the park. This design program is a 'work in progress' and will be constantly referred back to as new information comes forward. This process can progress while background information is being discovered and prepared for use in the conceptual site design. Best practices will be incorporated into the design including, but not limited to compliance with National Recreation and Park Association Playground Safety Guidelines, proximity to roadway, proximity to exiting softball fields, ADA accessibility issues. We will study and make recommendations on the fence and shrub area on the west side of the park, to consider removing chain link, shrubbery and trees and suggest a new style of fence or wall including new landscaping. Finally, we will provide alternate conceptual site designs to speak to each of their pros and cons and from that exercise develop a final site design. The final design will be provided in a black a white format, a CD in an AutoCAD dwg. file and a PDF file.. It is not anticipated that cost estimates will be required at this level of design nor will other design disciplines be needed to complete this design process. 3711 NORTH MOLTER ROAD OTIS ORCHARDS WASHINGTON 99027 e-mail- tggavinassoc~comcast.net ph -509-889.12$3 fx: - 509-926-5619 . ~~. aoENCY I ~l1ONw ?•Dduced by Ayan! RoeourCO Site `~ ~ ~~ oArt IN.M~IIOl1'YYY) PERSONAL UMBRELLA APPLICh~r~~•~N 04118!20+17 0-R~4R APPLICANt'9 NAME AND MAtUNO A90R5tt. p~duda covnry & IIP~41 NAICCOD£ vACRITYCDOG e~ TlalDTHY GAVIN ( ! r Not' Sharon Gavle 3717 N h10LTER ROAR - _ _ PAIKUtI d ASSOCIAT=E OTIS ORCI;J~RB UPA 000,27 ppLICYR 725 N STAnrLEY STE D 61907x6810 ?AEflICAL LAKE '+rA S'422 DATh AI CONUN HOML• FNONE t CAY CURR RE9 M.9WTDIIt3n PBC (5~:fj fr26-SCva =VE CODE: SAD~'.651 SUD COgG: • _ EiFECTNE DATE Elt>'IRATLOV OATS DU3tN 9S PMCNE 9 ~?AY AOENCY CUSTOfA.°_R10 9aJ~8J2007 94!'182008 (508) ?28-5804 fl:E UMBRELLA INFORMATION PREMIUMS I CALCULATIONS COYEItAO@a OOLICY AMOU\"T RETENTION BASIC S TDV,L'U RE9tDENCGS s i 599 +-UTOMORt1,f,S 2 a ~fXInfIRA OPTIONAL COVEMGES TO A9PLT RECRL~ATIONAL VEXICLE9 S e UNINOURCO N,OTDRIST • UNIN4UAEiD MOTORL~'T f VNOGItWJUREC Y,f7TOA137 • UNOGRI?76URCR MOTORIST ~ S I waTEltcRAR s • tF 4PPUCAeIE IM YOUR STATE OTNER: 2 DEP09Tr 2 0,0.0 s OTH[R ESTIMATED TOTAL PRC--MUM S 1ED,C0 PAVMEATT PLAN I ~ ACORD 610 attached (NOT APPLICABLE IN NC ' - AR POLICY TC; M aCCOUNTP: ' OP.UN6 I IF DIRrCT &LL: Ii APPLICANT GILL: AGE?tT X OIR[CI b:L X BILLAPP_-GAVT ~ OTME:: I X FULLPAV APPLICANT gG{NCY a .L ~ GILL vORTGAGEE ( OTNER• C~TNER: PRIMARY POLICY INF ORMATION Ltnl l8 OF LisO1LT1' TYPfy OF POLICY COMPaN'Y NAMEJPCLICY NUMBER POLICY PEAtOO 9fNOLE UMR I 600IlY INJURY PRO?E RTY gAMAGF; 155772~D D12007 -072097 SOOA00 aA;.le I.te!raaolltan J 402 AtTTO UNINS «,OT NON,F ble:rq IIt2f118102SSd980 012007 - D12008 50QD00 ~ , PERSONAL I LIAQIUTV OEHTA LO Mo.rcpolitan J D8338358a0 oT2o0b - D720+37 109000!309000 59000 wATERORAFt - I ~ RECREATgNAL (3AS1G vCMb~l6r ~VLVSNOT [MrwacR9 ( A`rA I NIA LIAII[LITV .- ' PROPERTY LIST ALL OWNED, LEASED OR OCCURIEO PROPERTY, INCLUDING RC~IOCNCP,Y, O'JILOfN09. FARM, VACANT 6AN0,ETC _. O I LOCATION __ OESGRrFTIVN err ©UJLT InTCAE~T OceV-At+cY .. I AUTOMOBILES UST etl AUTOS OV+NEO, L[AEED OR FVRt119NC0 POR REGULAR U°E 0 yEpR MAKE 4ND MOCEL ,..~..•.~.. • „-••--- _ _...____ LIST MorORCrcLes, sw~wrrvol~cn, ou+re 6vsele~, Mlwel•ten, ere 0 YEJUt ~ TYPE, MAICe ANO MODEL 1 +399 UL'UGt, 1jAKrJTA PUGLGAB - - ~ ,n ~nr~~n /`P9a7DADATIAIJ 1QCA_96AS RGORD U3 (ZOOSJOZj RPR 16 2207 1i~47 PyaGE . 02 ~• ~' ,-. Paikuli and Assocraes 725 North Stanley Street, Suite D Medical Lake WA 99022 Phase (509) 299-9299 Facsimile Fax (509) 299-9298 April 18, 2007 Total Number of Pages: 2 Mike Jackson Phone: Fax: 509-688-0188 Re: Tim Gavin Dear Mike: I am the insurance agent for Tim Gavin. Attached is a copy of his po~icy confirmir~y he ~,as • liability limits of $1,000,000. Please call with any questions. . r Sin r , .~ Ki o Paikuli Agent akp Page 1 APB 1~ ~a0r l~:ar PP.G~.01 Datr, (I/J.UDQJYYVY) A l~ Odd D~ ~ ~ ~ 04liOr07 PR09UCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A 0.1A•I'rER OF WFORDdATION ONLY P.ND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE LeatZOw Insurance HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT ADAEND, EXTEND OR 1 +~1 d St t S it 208 2 22 ALTER TF(E COVERAGE AFFORDED 6Y THE POLPCY BELOYJ. . n ree u e 30 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Oak Brook IL 60523 , cor,1PANY A New Hampshire Insurance Company INSURED COrv1PANY Gavin Associates e 3711 N. Molter Rd. coMPa.NY Otis Orchards WA 99027 c , - COhAPANY D ~ .. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BE! OW NAVE EtEEM ISSUED TO THE IVSUREO NAA4ED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATi=D. NOTL^JITHSTAN~DING ANY REOUIREAAFNT, TERM OR CONDITICAV OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER aOCUrv1ENT'~JITH RESPECT' TO WHCCH THIS CERTIFICATE NAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCWSlONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LII.UTS SHObVN AAAY NAVE BEEN REDUCED BY P.41D CL.AlA4S. CO TYPE OF INSURANGe I PGLICY NUh1B'tR POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION L7frirT5 LTR DATE (MMIDDJYY) DATE ~h'iA7lDDlYY) GENERAL LIA8ILITY BODILY UdJURY OCC S C01.tPRE.~iENSNE FORlb 80DILY INJURY AGG S PR1;1.11SES'O~PERATIONS PROPERTY DAIAhC-E OGC 5 UNDERGROUND ExPLOStON GOLLAPSE HA7AR0 FROI=ER'I"Y DAIMGE AGG S PROOUCTS'COPIALETFOOPFR DOES NOT APPLY BISPOCAI~CBINEDOCC S COtdl-RACTUAL ea d PD COI,t81PJED aGG 5 INDEPsNDFPJT CONTRACTORS PERSONAL INJURY A.GG S BROAD FOR16 I'ROpER'IY QAIA0.GE PERSOPAL INJURY AU TOLLOBILE LIABILITY BODILY RSFURY $ (PCr POrSp-i) ANY AUTO ' BODILY ItSIURY ALL OV 'NED AtrTOS P i P S ~ r vate ( ass) fPer Aoduent) ALLOwNEDAUTVS (OCAer than Private Passenger) DOES NOT APPLY PROPERIY DAIA4G£ R T ' 5 HI ED AU OS NOk-OUVNEDAUTOS 80DILY Itd1URY PROPERTYOAIA0.GE $ GARAGE LIABILITY ~ COh1BIMEt1 EXCESS UA8IUTY EACH OCCURt:PJCE S Uh1BRELLAFORId DOES NOT APPLY AGGREGATE S OTHER THAPJ UMBRELLA fOR1A 5 I 'A'C SYAIU- I 0TH WORKERS COI/,PENSATION ' 70?.Y UA!!TR ~R ANO EN.PLOYERS LIABILITY EL EACH ACCIDEPJT S THF• PROPRIETOR! PARTMERS'EXECUTNE INCL DOES NOT APPLY Ecl OFSkASE • POLICY LIM]T 5 8 OFFCCERS ARE: EXCL [L DISEASE - F.A E>+IPLOYEE 5 OTHER 1,000,000 each claim A Professional 004090499 115!2007 1/5/2008 1,000,000 aggregate Liat~ility DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSfLOCATIONSNEHICLESJSPECIAL ITEAdS Re: Mission Valley Park, Site Plan .. City of Spokane Valley SHOULD AMY OFTJ{EABOVEDESCRIBEDI'OL/CIESB'c CANCELLED BEFORE THE Attn: Mike Jackson E%PIRATIOJf DATE THEREOF, YNE ISSUING COJ.JPANY VJILL h1Ali 30 DAYS 2426 N . Discovery Place 1'lRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER KAI~ED T'O THE LEFT. Spokane Valley, WA 99216 AIJTHOR~ED REPRESENTAYNE LEATZOW INSURANCE 1.yF A}g ^ "~~~- "11~1ASTER LICENSE SERVICE a ~ PO Box 9034.Olympia, WA 98507-9034 • (360) 664-1400 ~~~R,.ar'~ REGISTRAT_ IONS AND LICENSES S`CATE OF ~ - ~NASHInGTC)n' Unified Business ID 8: 602 301' 304 Sore Proprie#orship - _ Business ID 8: 1 _ _ Location: 1 ;'c7 Expires : 04-30-20013 TIMOTHY GGAVIN - - ~=~~ _ .` -GAVIN gSSOCIATES ~~ ~ - . 373.1 ~ N MOLTER -RD ~, OTIS ORCHARDS WA 9907.7 ~~:= `1-;tir - --- - ~f-~ J ~ - TAX REGISTRATION ~~~~' D``~'' . CITY 1..3CENSES/REGISTRATIONS i - ~~ - - "`y~'J- SP4KANC' VAI_d.I;Y GENrRAI_ i311SI~NESS ~~ '~ :` ~~,'"4 REGISTERED TRADE tJAMES: ~ ~~~~~'`~~`~-~' '` ~~~%~ .. _ GAVIN ASSDCIATES ~ '- ~_x`~ -~ ~ , ~,,~ } `l~1\ - 7~~ ~'~ The licensee named above has been Issued rho business registrations or Ifcenses IEsted. Sy accepting this document the NcensAe certifies the information provided on the appllcatlort for those licenses was complete, tru®, and acxurate to the best of his or her knowledge, and that business will be coatduct0d to compliance with HII applEcable Washington state, county, and city reguia[lons. _ ~ , Otrettnr, Depsrtmont at 6lconelrg ~ -~, ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DAT ~ ~) TM. 04110 00 PRODUCER Pnorw: (509-92&7060 iu: (599-32fi-7086 THtS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF tNFOR1AAT10N TED MORAN INS DBA FARWEST INS AGENCIES ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 1423 W, GARLAND HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT APAEND, EXTEND OR P.O. BOX 9430 SPOKANE WA 99205 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC it INSURED INSURER A: Ah7COINSURANCECOMPANY TIA7 GAVIN INSURER 8: DBA GAVIN 8~ ASSOCIATES INSUR'cRC: 3711 N MOLTER RD OTIS ORCHARDS WA 99027 INSURER D: INSURER E: COVERAGES Ttrr~ POLICIES OF IKSURANCE LISTED BELOIY HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE ItrSURED 1rAME.O ABOVE FOC-t THE POLICY PER100 INDaCA'rED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUGtEA1ENi, TERIA OR CONDITION OF A,VY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOW\1ENT V.1TH RESP=CT TO WHICH THIS CE.4TIFICATE I.IAY 6~ I$SIlD OR ~ ALL THE TERMS, EJ(CLUSOOKS AK9 CO?1DRIONS OP SUCH MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES OESCRI'-,ED HEREIN IS &U8.7+-CT TO POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOVrN IAAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CIAL\1S. rtSR ~ TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EfiECTIVE POLICY E%PIRATDDN LIMITS LiR Uw DATE IMM~D 04TE N:NIDaPY1' GENERAL LIABILITY ACP7531427804 11104!06 11104/07 EAGJIOGCURRENCE S 1,000,000 X GOMMERCL4L GENERAL LIABILITY DMKGE TO RENIEO raEMr,F.a IFr err..•eerb $ 300,000 CLAIMS h1ADE~ OCCUR MED. E%P (Anyone pcrwnt $ 5,000 A PERSONAA d ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL RGOREGA.TE s 2,000,000 GENk AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PROOUC't5-COh1PA']P AGG. S 2,000,000 X POLICY ~ JEC~T LOC AU7 0MOUILf= LIABILITY COM3INED 5tNGLE LIMIT 1 000 000 (Ea acddenll , , S ANY AUTO ALL O'NNEDAUTOS B000.Y LVJURY P S SCHEDULED AUTOS dr perSOn- ( A X HIRED AUTOS PAOU,Y WJURY $ X NOK-OWNED AUTOS (Pcr accident) PROPERTY OAAING I Pcr acddoni $ GARAGE LIABILITY AliTOONLY - EA ACGnCMt 5 ANY A1JT0 OTHER TrL4ro EA ACC 5 AUTO ONLY; qGG S EXC£SS I UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACW OCCURRENCE I S OCWR ~ CWII.tS MADE AGGREGATE S S DEDUGi186E $ Rc-TENTIOro s s WORKERS COMPENSATION AKD ~~C STATLL OTHEA TORY UAlITS EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY E.L EACH ACCIDENT 5 ANY PROPWCT06UPART7lEREXELUTNE OFFICEWIAENAIGR CXCLtN1ED'T E_L DISEAS.E-EA EMPLOYEE s C yet, Oeec~lbo under DISEASE-POLICY LllllT E L $ SPECYAL PROYI910N9 below' . . OTHER: DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSlLOCATIONSNEHICLES(EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT! SPECIAL PROVISIONS THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS LISTED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED. Sh70U10 ANY OF THE AflOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BE=ORE TH. EXPtRATIOK DATE THEREOF, THE ISSULVG INSURER 1"ALL ENDEAVOR 1'O NAIL 30 GAYS VlRfTTEN NOTICE TO TKE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DO 50 SHALL GIPOSE N008LIGATION OR LlABILIN OF ANY KINDUPO.V THE INSURER. ITS 2426 N. DISCOVERY PLACE .AGENTS OR REr~RESENTATIVES. SPOKAN E VALLEY, WA 99216 AUT1ioRIZED H~PRES xTATrvE r-~" ~~"~'- Ted-PJI a!`1: ivy Attention: ACORD 25(2001108) CeroflcatB ~ t3fiitiG vf+\.vrcu ~.~rcrvlwnvl~ laov CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION Submitting Dept: Parks and Recreation Date: May 17, 2007 Budget Account No: 349,309.004.594.76.61.00 CONTRACT TOPIC: Produce an approved site plan for the additions of two (2} proposed picnic shelters and new playground equipment including walkways and associated landscape improvements at Valley Mission Park. CONTRACT BACKGROUND: The City negotiated with an architect to provide consulting and design services to provide conceptual site designs and final site design for the renovation of Valley Mission Park. PARK SITE PLAN: - .. ' 1. Acquire site background information and convert into an AutoCAD forma#. 2. Prepare a Site Analysis plan to expose the opportunities and constraints offered by existing natural and man-made site features. 3. Best practices will be incorporated into the design including; but not limited to compliance tivith National Recreation and Park Association Playground Safety Guidelines, proximity to roadvray, proximity to exiting softball fields: ADA accessibility issues, 4. Develop a `Design Program' that will put into words your vision for the park improvements. This is a `work in progress` that has already begun and will be completed at the end of the design process. 5. Prepare and present alternate conceptual site plans for review, comments and approval to proceed. 6. Prepare and present a final site plan The standard City of Spokane Valley Agreement for Professional Services is being developed for this work and the fee for Architectural services. The results are as follows: Gavin Associates Not to Exceed ,000 based on the above information and a review of the needs of the City, eve recommend proceeding with a contract with Gavin Associates for consulting and design services to develop a site plan to renovate Valley Iv1ission Park. Discussion It is our recommendation that eve utilize Gavin Associates for consulting and design services to develop a site plan to renovate Valley r1/lission Park, will be the focus of the Scope of 1Nork. c Parks & iecreation Department A, ~ City Manag ~-~, a ~ ~. Gavin Associates Page 2 of 2 ~o... ~ . Legal Finance City Clerk DISTRIBUTION: Parks and Recreation Department Accounting ~~~ L ~l~rk Vendor ~ ~ Cc (~oK Ye~ ~^s~