07-048.00 WSDOT: Sullivan Rd Interchange PCCP IntersectionAGREE~IE'VZ' 1\O. GCA a~12 A1~IE:VDIIE~N'T NO. 1 This AMENDMENT NO. l is made and entered into this ~ day of , ~ 7 between the State of Washington, Department of Transportation, herca t e TATE," and the City of Spokane Valley, l 1707 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 99206, hereinafter the "LOCAL AGENCY." WHEREAS, the parties hereto entered into Agreement No. GCA 4912 on August lU. 2006, which providod for the STATE to construct PCCP paving south on Sullivan Road from the SPATE right-of-way to Mission Avenue, and WHEREAS, it was found that the breakdown of the Federal and LOCAL AGENCY funding percentages wet~e not shown in the original AGREEMENT, and WHEREAS, it is required to amend the original AGREEMENT to provide for the LOCAL AGENCY and Federal financial responsibility percentages, and NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to RCW 47.28.140 and in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants and performances contained herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof, Ci' 15 MUTL•ALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: A. Article li, PAYMENT section of the original AGREEMENT is hereby amended to include the following: The STATE and the LOCAL AGENCY have reached agreement where the LOCAL AGENCY shall provide funding using Federal STP funds with a LOCAL AGENCY match of 13.5%. In the event that direct or indirect costs incurred by the STATE arc not eligible fir Federal participation, the LOCAL AGENCY shall be responsible for 100°!0 of those ineligible casts. The LOCAL AGENCY shall provide authority to the STATE to obligate the LOCAL AGENCY'S Federal STP funds far the work completed under this AGREEMENT. B. The Estimate of Cost, Exhibit A, in the original AGREEMENT is hereby superseded and replacexl by Exhibit A-1, attached hereto and by this reference made a pan hereof. C. All other terms and conditions of the original AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect except as modified by this AMENDMENT NO. I. 7 -~r~ IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AMENDMENT NO. I as of the day and year first above written. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ay: Title APPROVED AS TO FORM pate: - 5 ~ ~~ ~7 ny: ~-- a ~.-,.~ ~ Assistant Attorney General CITE' OF' SPOKANE VAI_tE~' By: - Title: Date: l.11 q~~ APPROVED AS TO FORM Date: G tt - o~ sy: City Attorne P8G8 JOS NO: L2799 F1A8HINGTON 8TAT8 DBPARTII$NT Dl DATB: PAC3E:1 TRANSPORTATION 05/30/2007 CONTRACT NOs 007291 89T1a411T83 AND BIDS ANALYSIS 8Y9TH1! TIKB: 7:45 1VER: PRSLII[1.NARX DOT -RGG100 V/ORX OADBR XL4799 ••• SSTIMATB - BY ••• IT81f ITB14 BTD. UNIT PR8- NO. ZTS!! DBSCRIPTZON 1[8118 DNIT gUANTl'TY AMOONT QIIAL NO. PRICE PREPARATION MsJB_LI7J~TION L.S. 30,000.DO Ai OOOI CRUDZNC 2 ROADWAY HXCAVATTON INCL. C.Y. 15.00 1,142.00 17,130.00 ,T6 0310 HAUL 3 SQRYACZNG rstUSHED SUPfAC1N(3 TOIL 5115 COURSE -•~' .~.Dn iB5.00 7,1«5.00 Fe C~IBlTT CO?1CRST8 PAVBlQBNT 4 CEMENT CONC. PAVEMENT - C.Y. 2DO.OD 570.D0 194,000.00 CO 5679 INZLUDING OGWELS TRAF!'IC 5 PAINT LZNfi L.F. 0.30 2,000.00 600.D0 P6 6806 6 PAINTEI} WIDE LINE L.F. 0.60 150.00 1:0.00 P6 6817 7 PLASTIC CROSSWALH LI2rE S.F. 5.00 144.00 720.00 V6 6857 8 PLASTIC STOP LINE L.F. 7.00 56.00 392.00 V6 6859 9 PLASTIC TRAFFIC ARROW EACH 100.00 1.00 100.00 V6 6833 10 INDUCTION LOOP EACH 800.00 7.00 5,500.00 H2 12 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 500.00 W3 6964 DEVICES ~ TRAFFIC CONTROL VEHICLE OAY 50.00 20.00 1,000.00 w3 6969 13 TRAFFIC CONTROL LA80R HR {0.00 1,920.00 76,800.00 W3 6979 24 TP.AFFIC CONTROL SUPERVISOR L.S. 19,x00.00 W3 6974 IS CDIti;T~UCI'IQN SIGNS CLASS A S.F. 10.00 167.00 1,670.00 W3 6982 OTHHR IT814S 0 AD.JU3T. VALVE HO2( EACH 300.OD 1.00 300.D0 M4 6243 lb ADJUST .MANHOLE EACH 500.00 1.00 500.00 T8 3080 17 ADJUST IxLET EACH 4oo.oe l.ac 400.00 G2 9602 HA38 356,457.00 TOTAL I-90 SL'LLZVAN RD I'3TERCHANG£ PCCP Z/S RBFiABILZTATZON iSPOKANE VALLEYI }:L«799 P3i8 JO8 L2744 1fA$AIIPQTON STATH DSPARTMSNT OF DATE: NO: TRANSPORTATION 05/30/2007 CONTRACT BSTIKI-T83 AND BIDS ANALY8I9 TIME: 7:45 NO: aa7291 SY5TBi( ti1ORK •'• PRBLIMZNARY BSTIMI-TB - DOT ROli400 ORDER#: YL2799 SL7l08ARY •~• SR HI681U1Y : 090 PROJECT TITLE I-90 SULLIVAN RD INTEP.CF[ANGE PCCP I/S REHABILI TATION {SFO2~.ANE VALLEYI xL2799 TYPE OF WOA1C THE t3CA AGREEMENT W1LL BE f'C?R THE PCCP ON SJLLIVAN P.OAD BETWEEN WSdJOT AND MISSION AVE. FEDEA.AL AID PAOJfi~ NO COIINTYlS) SPOKANE P8OGRA?t ZTBZd 6090498 NQI~tBSR (a ) coNTROL s8c-lz+,rrs 3 Z a: n 3 ssTIMATaD cosT aATA ' WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAx: H-60! OF $ 356,357.00 PROJECT SIIBTOTAL ENGINEERING 15.001 REMARKS: TOTAL ESTSMATF._.D COST OF TH& PROJECT P11~38: VER: 1 356,457.00 iGROUPS: 1 1 30.655.30 387,112.30 •• 58,066.85 441.179.15 I-90 SULLIVA*1 RD INTERrtiF+NGE PCCP I/5 REHABILITATION fSFOKAh'E VALLEY! xI,z799 J08 NO: L 2799 PSb~E WASHINGTON STATE DSPARTIIYNT OF TRANSPORTATION CONTRACT N0: 00'1241 SSTZD(ATHS AND HZDS ANALYSIS SYSTBI! WOkK ORD1iRN: XL-274? rrr PRHLIMINARY ESTIMATE - StTaQSARY rrr HIQHWAX SR G9G: PROJECT TITLE I-90: S'JLLIVAN RD INTERC}iANGE PCCP I/S REHABILITATION {SPOKANE VALLEY} RL2799 TYPE OP 1rORE THE GCA AGREEMENT WILL SE FOR THE PCCP ON STILLIVAN ROAD BETW£t-'P1 W.~T R/W ANLI MISSION AVE. TZDERAL AID PAOJSCT NO s COUNTY (8) SPOKANE: PROt3RAM ITEM NUl~SR(a) 6040498: CONTROL SECTIONS 3«0103: E9TI![ATHD C09T DATA C AE!lAR1C$: TOTAL ESTIMATHD CDST OF THE PROJECT 'STP Portion 86.30'h S385,079.96 City Match 13.50y. 560,099.19 Total Estimated Cost $445.179.15 *The City of Spokane Valley will be responsible for pravlding a letter releasing the STP funds to WSDOT. ?DATE: 05/30/2007 FA TZI~: 7:45 DO2_RfiCi2 0 0 Washington State Department of Transport Douglas !. MacDonald SFCn?t~fy ai i fanspnr,anon Duly 3, 200 Steve M. Worley. P.E. Senior Engineer -Capital Projects City of Spokane Valley 11707 Fast Sprague Avenue City of Spokane Valley, WA 99206 ation ~~~L~~~ _ ~ L:r JUZ 5 ~~x:;t.j Zl~Q7 ,~ ~~ Y• / East~+n Rtsgion 2' 14 N h~3yfair Street Svokane. VvA y9207•:090 509-324{r000 Fax 509-324.6005 rrY: t-8ao-833-83388 wNw w9dot wa gov RE: GCA 4912 Supplement No. l 1-90, Sullivan Road interchange PC'CP intersection Rehabilitation Dear Mr. Worlev: Please find inclosed one Fully executed original of Agreemem N~~. GCA 4912 Supplement No. 1 for your records. Please contact me at (509) 324 6122 ii'you have any questions. Sincerely, Darryl . Ratcli i 1~ Eastern Region Agreements Engineer L'nclosures CC: file