11-040.00 Century West: Broadway Ave Safety Improvements . t AMENDMENT TO COPY AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Adding Additional Design and Coordination Services Century West Engineering Corporation COSV Contract# 10-011 Broadway Avenue Safety CIP#0063 Broadway Ave Resurfacing and Stormwater Coordination THIS AMENDMENT No. 1 is made to the Agreement for Professional Services dated .� a February 17, 2010 by and between the City of Spokane Valley, a code City of the State o L of Washington, hereinafter "City" and Century West Engineering Corporation, c o To hereinafter"Consultant"and jointly referred to as"parties." g co o n - Pursuant to Sections 1C and 18 of the Agreement, the parties hereby agree to c M a amend the Agreement as set forth in the attached Proposal and Detailed Scope M = o of Work. These services will be tracked and billed on time and materials basis, N and are subject to all of the conditions set forth in the original Agreement. The 3 Q 2 City agrees to pay Consultant up to $26,350.00 for the additional services ec o o woo provided for in this Amendment to the Agreement. 2 ° E' ° u to v N o Exhibits to this Amendment are as follows: .E L ° ° �' CO 3 lD csi 1. Professional Services Agreement dated February 17, 2010; 8 ° s N 2. Additional Design Services Scope of Work dated March 22, 2011 a 3 -0 3. Task and Fee Proposal dated March 21, 2011 3 Q o 3 o - n3 +' B aWi co C a) .n_ YI C - •V Original Contract Amount(Design Services,Broadway Ave Safety) $ 97,700.00 . s o v Prior amendments $ 0.00 ' ` 2 Current Amendment Amount $ 26,350.00 Amended Contract Amount $ 124,050.00 The remainder of the Agreement will remain unchanged by this Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have executed this Agreement this. u day of March, 2011. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: Consultant: CENTURY WEST ENGINEERING CORPORATION 1/g674 / Mike Jacksonl�Cty Manager Tax o. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: CILAAAA.,° � / / Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Office of tld City Attorney t Il - dy0 EXHIBIT A-2 PRELIMINARY SCOPE of WORK Local Agency: City of Spokane Valley,Washington Local Agency Project No: Consultant: Century West Engineering Corporation Consultant Project No: Project Title: Broadway Ave. Safety Improvements Project Work Description: Project Engineering(Design) Phase—Amendment#1 AMENDMENT DESCRIPTION The project scope shall be modified to provide additional design services for the following tasks: 1) Pavement resurfacing from Park Road to Vista Road 2) Crack sealing from Vista Rd. to Pines Rd. 3) Support and coordination of City-designed stormwater improvements to be included with the Broadway Safety Project Contract Documents. Proposal assumes that additional services will be completed concurrently with original scope of work and that a combined final PS&E package will be prepared for bidding that incorporates both original scope of work and additional work from Amendment#1. SCHEDULE Consultant anticipates completing PS&E package, including additional scope of work from Amendment#1, for advertising and bidding by June 1st, 2011. Schedule is based upon Notice to Proceed issued by March 28th, 2011. PROJECT SCOPE The Consultant shall generally modify or add the following tasks to the original scope of work to provide additional services: 3135. BROADWAY RESURFACING TASK 3.5.1 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING/CONCEPT DESIGN (PE/CD) PHASE A. Topographic Survey and Base Maps: 1) Consultant shall visually inspect Broadway Ave from Park Rd. to Vista Rd. to verify utility lid quantities and approximate locations. 3.5.2 PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE A. Pavement Condition Review 1) Evaluate Existing Information: Consultant will visually inspect the existing pavement from Vista Road to Pines Road to verify quantities for crack sealing and update areas for pavement patching. City of Spokane Valley Scope of Work—Amendment#1 1 Broadway Ave Safety Project 3/24/2011 3.5.3 DESIGN PHASE A. Consultant will incorporate results of Tasks 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 into a PS&E suitable for bidding. 3.5.4 BIDDING PHASE A. Consultant will provide 2 reproducible sets of final combined plans and contract documents, coordinate respond to bidders' inquiries, prepare addenda as required and conduct pre-bid informational meeting, attend bid opening, evaluate bids,prepare bid tabulation, and recommend award of construction contract for combined project tasks. 3136. STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS TASK 3.6.1 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING/ CONCEPT DESIGN (PE/CD) PHASE A. Project Coordination: Consultant shall coordinate with City to insert City designed stormwater improvements into PS&E package. B. Topographic Survey and Base Maps: Consultant shall conduct a survey of proposed parcel for stormwater improvements per attached scope of work exhibit dated 2/24/2011 from LandTek to determine the physical layout of the existing site in support of the stormwater improvements to be designed by the City. 1) Perform topographic survey of parcel. 2) Prepare Boundary Survey of parcel 3) Prepare Record of Survey and file with Spokane County Auditor's office 3.6.2 PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE A. Consultant will coordinate with City to identify modifications needed to Consultant prepared plans and specifications to accommodate City prepared plans and specifications for insertion into combined PS&E package. 3.6.3 DESIGN PHASE A. Consultant will coordinate with City staff to insert final plans and specifications prepared by City into final combined PS&E package suitable for bidding. 3.6.4 BIDDING PHASE A. Consultant will coordinate with City staff to include City provided responses to bidder questions, addenda, and pre-bid meeting information to prospective bidders. DOCUMENTS TO BE FURNISHED BY THE CONSULTANT The Consultant shall furnish the following documents, exhibits, or presentations for the work covered by this Agreement. All such material used in the project shall become and remain the property of the Agency: 1.AutoCAD file of Parcel Topographic Survey 2.Parcel Record of Survey 3.Additions to PS&E package for pavement resurfacing and crack sealing. City of Spokane Valley Scope of Work—Amendment#1 2 Broadway Ave Safety Project 3/24/2011 EXTRA WORK In addition to the foregoing specific services, the following special services may be added upon written agreement of the parties by executing an Amendment to this Agreement: 1. Separate PS&E Package for Amendment#1 Work: Consultant can prepare separate PS&E package for Amendment#1 scope of work for separate ad,bid, award process. City of Spokane Valley Scope of Work—Amendment#1 3 Broadway Ave Safety Project 3/24/2011 DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The page entitled "Consultant Fee Determination Summary Sheet" contains confidential cost and rate data and is withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(F). Prenotification; confidentiality of data. A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550.