07-069.00 David Evans & Associates: Appleway Reconstructioniwr Washington State Department of Transportation Supplemental Agreement p p g Organization and Address David Evans and Associates, Inc. Number 4 908 N. Howard, Suite 300 Spokane, WA 99201 Original Agreement Number L A591 I(City Prol. n05 -0016, contract 05 -015) Phone: 509- 327 -8697 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date S "rPUL- 3842(002) 7/11/2007 Project Tide New Maximum Amount Payable Appleway Avenue Reconstruction $ 289,450.53 Description of Work Design work necessary to redesign the Barker /Appleway intersection to avoid right of way impacts to the parcels at northeast and northwest corners. The Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley, WA desires to supplement the agreement entered into with David Evans and Associates, Inc. and executed on 11/8/2005 and identified as Agreement No. 05 -0016, contract 05 -015 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: The scope of work is amended to include the services described in the Specified Services, attached hereto. 11 Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: completion date to h changed _hange.d to .luly 1 2007 per this supplement. Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: 17he 10tal authorized amnuntfo_ for Supplement a is $11-494-25 as deccrihed in the Estimated Fec aluch d hereto and according to - 15-1 as set forth in the attached Exhib�x, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. See 11 1 1 ► 21 1 ental SjWiature Page Consultant Signature Approving Authority Signature DOT Form 140 -063 EF Date Revised 9/2005 07 -69 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of �6 7 between the Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley Washington, h einafter called the "AGENCY" , and the above organization hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT". In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year first above written. CONSULTANT By - Consultant David Evarand Associates, Inc. 0 LOCALAGENCY By Agency City of Spokane Valley By Consultant Agency WS'DOT Local Prob,ains By Agency By Agency DOT Form 140 -089 EF Appendix 31.810 Revised 6.05 Consuitant/Addrewrelephone Supplemental Signature David Evans and Associates, Inc. Page for 908 Iii. Howard; Suite 300 Standard Consultant Spol.ane,,WA 99201 Agreement Agreement Number Project Title And Work Description LA5911(City f# 05 -0016, Contract 05 -015) Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project. Five -lane principal arterial for 1.25 nLiles. Federal Aid Number STPUL- 3842(002) Agreement for Supplement #4. Local Agency City of Spokane Valley THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of �6 7 between the Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley Washington, h einafter called the "AGENCY" , and the above organization hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT". In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year first above written. CONSULTANT By - Consultant David Evarand Associates, Inc. 0 LOCALAGENCY By Agency City of Spokane Valley By Consultant Agency WS'DOT Local Prob,ains By Agency By Agency DOT Form 140 -089 EF Appendix 31.810 Revised 6.05 DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The page entitled "Exhibit E -1 / Consultant Fee Determination Summary Sheet" contains confidential cost and rate data and is withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(F). Prenotification; confidentiality of data. A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The page entitled "Exhibit F / Breakdown of Overhead Cost" contains confidential cost and rate data and is withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(F). Prenotification; confidentiality of data. A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The page entitled "G -1 / Subconsultant Fee Determination — Summary Sheet" contains confidential cost and rate data and is withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(F). Prenotification; confidentiality of data. A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The two pages entitled "Forward Pricing Rate Agreement (FPRA) for Indirect Cost Rates" contain confidential cost and rate data and are withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(F). Prenotification; confidentiality of data. A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of o pursuant to Spokane Valley Mu pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. PrMJect 143me Applempy Avenue RcconstudiOn Anree m Ont No, CiLy Pro 445-un7b, aoniraat 05 015(DEA) p,Je Agreemonl l l eR 005 5landard Cansul=l A9rccmwst1 11maam Su ppk inenl Al 112VWW Suop1�AeM 112 212=007 Iskipplerrefll Yf3 F1isr2007 jSupp&muM 94 Dy.SOtAian a7 WcTk Radcsi9n, gidding RP•FLr naqublLloa SarVJCCS Slaldng for Ull;ics _ Ca mucto fnu design, wwje rsto amertlan, thN rcpurL cO51 f�dlu3lrnenl, !?fU'1 rallaGCl rml resoyi C7F 13aAerN. Lee Ruvi*iuns Exhibit Loharand O.H. r•F - 5140,179,0L9 514,87 3.41 1 5566-45 ssem -s0 3P,o0 $L},00 30 -OD 511 #.237,287 -31 I $25,1MEM 1 515,1OX56 I 55,:709.00 I 3299,450.53 MRF Canimal 7alal CumuleLW Taal )00-pp 615,00QOO 5173,952.30 $973,961,3& ME.C113 W -00 $75,963.00 Faso 915.38 ;n nn fig 699.461 SA00 $250,915.38 ssem -s0 3P,o0 $L},00 30 -OD 511 #.237,287 -31 I $25,1MEM 1 515,1OX56 I 55,:709.00 I 3299,450.53 DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The two pages entitled "G -2 / Breakdown of Subconsultants Overhead Cost" contain confidential cost and rate data and are withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(F). Prenotification; confidentiality of data. A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The email entitled "RE: CH2M Hill Overhead Rate Verification" contains confidential cost and rate data and is withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(F). Prenotification; confidentiality of data. A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The page entitled "CH2M Hill, Inc. Overhead Rate" contains confidential cost and rate data and is withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(F). Prenotification; confidentiality of data. A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The page entitled "CH2M Hill. Inc. 2005 SFR Overhead Rate Calculation" contains confidential cost and rate data and is withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(F). Prenotification; confidentiality of data. A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. Sp6k<ae ..;0OValley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallOspokaneval ley. org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Hal West (CIP) Thru: Neil Kerst6n, Public Works Director � 1 Steve Worley, Senior Engineer (CIP)Im I J Date: May 29, 2007 Re: Appleway Avenue Re- construction Project Contract with DEA — Supplement 94 (Barker/ Appleway Intersection Re- design, etc.) Please find attached 3 copies of a supplement to DEA's engineering services contract for $11,494.25. This supplement is for re- design of the Barker / Appleway intersection. This is a supplement in the standard WSDOT form for Local Agency Consultant Agreements. The supplement and attachments have been reviewed and approved for execution by WSDOT Highways and Local Programs. The original contract Aith DEA was for $173,952.38 including a Management Reserve Fund (N1RF) o f $15,000. Supplement fi 1 was authorized in November of 2006 for right - of -way acquisition services and added $76,962 to the original contract. Supplement 42 was authorized in January of2007 for additional surveying work and reduced the MRF by $8,699.00. Supplement #3 was authorized in March of 2007 for concrete intersection design, wage rate correction, title report cost adjustment, RJW re- tracement survey research added $27,040.90 to the contract. See Exhibit A for contract summary. Original Contract S173,952.38 (includes $15,000 NfRF) Supplement 41 $ 76,963.00 ($60,605 approved by Council) Supplement 42 $ (8,699.00) (NfRF) Supplement 43 $ 27,040.90 (Win Dave's $50k authority) Total: S277,956.28 Remaining MRF $ 6,301. Based on the current estimated constriction cost, there are ample Funds for this supplement. Given the previous amendments to DEA's contract, Dave's change order authority, and the remaining MR.F, Dave has authority to approve this supplement. This i.s a re- submittal the signed �,upplcment, the origi W for $11,288.99 did not incorporate coinments from DOT, the correct a3notuit is $1 1,494,25 T_A,,t me know i V you need any additional information. S p6 k0ane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley VIA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhalt @spokanevattey.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Hal West (CIP) Thru: Neil Kersten, Public \/forks Director VY-11, Steve Worley, Senior Engineer (CIP) J Date: May 29, 2007 Re: Appleway Avenue Re- construction Project Contract wan utA — ,uppiemena w+r (Barker/ Appleway Intersection Re- design, etc.) Please find attached 3 copies of a supplement to DEA's engiiieering services contract for $11,288.99. This supplement is for re- design of the Barker/Appleway intersection. This is a supplement in the standard WSDOT form for Local Agency Consultant Agreements. The supplement and attachments Have been reviewed and approved for execution by WSDOT Highways and Local Programs. The original contract with DEA was for $173,952.38 including a Management Reserve Fund (MRF) of $15,000. Supplement 41 was authorized in November. of 2006 for right - of.- -way acquisition services and added $76,962 to the original contract. Supplement 42 was authorized in January of 2007 for additional surveying work and reduced the MRF by $8,699.00. Supplement 43 was authorized in March of 2007 for concrete intersection design, wage rate correction, title report cost adjustment, RJNV re- tracement survey research added $27,040.90 to the contract. See Exhibit A for contract summary. Original Contract S173,952.38 (includes $15,000 MRF) Supplement #1 $ 76,963.00 ($60,605 approved by Council) Supplement 92 S (8,699.00) (MRF) Supplement 43 $ 27.040.90 (Nv /in Dave's $50k authority) Total: $277,956.28 Remaining MRF $ 6,301 Rased on the current estimated construction cost, there are ample funds for this supplement. Given the previous amendments to DEA's contract, Dave's change order authority, and the remaining vLR.N, Dave has authority to approve this supplement. I recommend this supplement for $11,288.99 be approved and signed by Dave. i..et me know if you need any additional information.