07-080.00 Spokane County Library District: Capital Facility Area . •..~i. . y • • . r , JULVT REQUEST F'OR ESTABLISHRZE\jT OF CRE-ATLR SPO1Lr1NL VALLEY LYBRARY CAPI'fAI, FAC1L1TY AREA Consistent with the requirements of RCW 27.15.020, the Spokane Couniy I.,ibra.ry laistzict (the "Taistricr'), the Town of iMill«<ood (the "Town"), and the City of Spokane Valley (the "City"), hereby jointly request the Board of County Commissioncrs of Spokane County, Washington to cstablish a library capital facilily area io be knokNn as the "Greater SpAkane Valley Library Capital Facility Area" (che "CtSVT CFA") in that part of Spokane County identified on Exhibit• A attached hereto and to submit hvo separate ballot propositions to the qualified electors to (1) authorire the esiablistunent of a]ibrary capital f.'acility area ta be known as the GSVL-CFA in that part of Spok.ane County ideniified on Fxhibit A attached hereto and (2) authorizing the GSV1:,C.FA to finance a replacement Spok.ane Valley library, new Veradale/Greenacres library a.nd Argoiuie library expansion by issuing general obl.igation bonds in an amount not to exceed S33,400,000 and 'unposing aii excess levy to retire the general obligation bonds. To accomplish- the foregoing, the District, the 1"oNvn and the City jointly request that the propositions be in substantially the following foml and to contaiu substantially the following content: . . Pronosition 1: That the qualifed eleetors with the proposod GSVLCFA approve the establislunent and creation of the GSVLCFA consistcnt with chaptcr 27.15 RCW and according to all other applicable terms and provisions of (1) Rcsolution No. 07-04 of the Board of Trustees of the District, adppted an October 16, 2007; (2) Resolution N0. 07-016 of the City Council oF the City, adopced on October 9, 2007; anci (3) Resolution Na 07-04 of the Town Council of the To«m, ad4pted on October 1, 2007. Pronosition 2: That the qualified electors within the proposed GSVLCFA approvc the issulncc of gencral obligation bonds in the principal amount of not Eo exceecl S33,400,000 and approve the imposing of an excess property Eax levy with..in the boundaries of the GSVLCFA in an amount necessary and sufficient to retire such bonds; all in order to finance the acquisition construction and remodel of library capital facilities to be located within the GSVLCFA in order tq eapand available library service in Spokane County, Washingtnn, all as may ' be further subject to the terms and provisions of chapter 27.15 RCW. Allaehed to this Joint Requcst as Exhibit B are certifiied capies of (1) Resolution N0. 07-04 of the Board of Trustees of the District, adopted on October 16, 2007; (2) itesolution No.07-016 of thc City Council of the City; adopted on Qctober 9, 2007; and (3) Resolution No. 07-04 of the Town Couneil of the Town, adopted on October 1, 2007, each of which indicates both (a) such lcgislativc authority's approval of the crcation of the proposed G,SVLCFA; and (b) agreement on how el.ectian costs will be paid for submittuig ballot L/ 07-80 . . ~ • o propositipns ta voters that authorize the GSVLCh,4 to incur general indebtedness and impase excess levies to retire the gcneral indebtedness. Sincerely, SPOKANE COLNTY [IBRAIZY 1715'1'R1CT TQWTT Oh MILLWOOD Ann App • on, ~air Dail ork, Mayor Jac Laete, Vice-Chair CiTY pF SPOKAivE VALLEY ~ ~.~►~.~a ~ Sh.,i,,, 7"im Haticnburg, Trus~ Diana `7Vilhite, Mayor &ri ~ ayne, Tnistce~ `.'Ir ~ • Niary C. Lloyd, ,tee 0 KOEGEN EDWARDS LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW Brian M. Werst Ctnail address: brian a korgenedu-ards.cvm Uirect Dial: (509) 343-4474 October 24, 2007 RECEIVED Via Electronic and U.S. Mail: OCT 2 5 C"Zl MS. laaniela EricksOn; Clerk oF the 13oard CfiYOFSPOKANE VALLEY of Spokane County Commissioners CITYGLERK 1116 W. Brpadway Spokane, WA 99260 Re: C:rcater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area Dcar 17anicla: Pursuant to RCW 27.15.020, Enclosecl i'or presentalion to the Board of Cotmty Commissioners of Spol:ane County (thc "Boarci") is ai1 executed original of the Joint Request for Establishment of Greatcr Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area, along with executed and certified originals of the following resolutions, whic.h are attached to the Joint Request as Exhibit B: 13(1): Spokane County Library District Resolucion Nlo. 07-04; B(2): City of Spokane Valley Resolution No. 07-016; and $(3): Town of Millwood 1Zesolution No. 07-04. The enclosed ddcuments are a prerequisite to the riwo resolutions to be considered by the Board on NOVeanber 6, 2007. Should you liave any questions please do not hesitate to cantact us. Very truly yours, KOEGEN EDWARDS I.,LP i `~L~ l, - Brian vi. 1Verst BMW:eoci Lnclosures ce: Spokane County Library Dislriet tyu ~ ~ S .Qka~ ~alll"'~ ToNvn of Millwood BANK OF AMERICA FINANCIAL CENTER 601 W. RIVERSIDE AVE., SUITE 840 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99201 509-747-4040 PH 509-747-4545 Fx vi w tiv .'k o c g C n e d w a r o S. c o m . • JOINT REQUCST FOR ESTABLTSA►l'IENT OF CREATER SPOhA~~IE VALLEY LIBRA1tY CAPITAL FACILITY AREA Consistent with the ret{uirements of RCW 27.15.020, the Spokane County Library District (the "District"), the Town of Millwood (the "Town"), and thc City of Spokane Valley (the "City"), hereby jointly request the Board of County Conunissioners of Spokane County, Washina on to establish a libra,ry capital .facility area to be known as the "Greater Spokane Valley'Library Capital Facility Area" (the "GSVLCFA") in that part of Spokane County iclencified on Exhibit A attached hereto and to submit tvo separate ballot propositions to the qualified electors to (1) authorize the establishment of a library capital facility area to be known as the GSVLCFA in that part of Spokane County identified on Exhibit A attached hereto and (2) authorizing the GSVLCFA to finance a replacement Spokane Valley library, new Veraciale/Greenacres library and Argonne library expansion by issuing aeneral obligation bonds in an amount not to e.cceed S33,400,000 and imposing an excess levy ta retire the generAl obligation bonds_ To accomplish thE foregoing, the District, the Town and the City jointly request that the propositions be in substantiAlly the followina form and to contain substantially the following content: Proposibon l: That the qualifierl electors with the prvposed GSVLCFA approve the establishmcnt and creation of the GSVLCFA eonsistent with chapfer 27.15 RCW and aecurtling, to all other applicnble terms and provisions of (1) Resolution No. 07-04 of the Boarrl of Trustees of the District, adopted on October 16, 2007; (2) Resolution Vo. 07-016 of the City Council of the City, adopted on 4ctober 9, 2007; and (3) Resolution No. 07-04 of the Town Council of the Town, adopted on OctoUer l, 2007. Proaositipn 2: That the qualified electors within the proposed GSVLCFA approve the issuance of general obligation bonds in the principal amount of not to exceed $33,400,000 and approve the impnsina of an excess property tax levy within khe boundaries of the GSVLCFA in an amount necessary and sufficiznt to retire such bonds, all in order to finance the acquisition construction and remodel oPlibrary capital facilities to be located within the GSVLCFA in order to expand available library scrvice in Spokane County, VJashington, all as may be further subject to the ternis and provisiom of chapter 27.15 RCW, Atcached to this 7oint Request as Exhibit B are certified copics of (I) Resolution No. 07-04 of the Board oE Trustees of the District, adopted on October 16, 2007; (2) .Resolution No.07-016 of the City Council of the City, adoptecl on October 9, 2007; nnd (3) Resolution Vo. 07-04 of the Town Council of the Town, aclopteci on October l, 2007, each of which indicates both (a) such legislAtive authority's approval of the creation of the proposed GSVLCFA; and (b) agreement on how election costs will be paid for submitting ballot . - ! r ~ _ - propositions to voters that authorize the GSVLCFA to incur general indebtedness and impose excess levies to retire the general indebtetlness. Sincerely, SPOKANECOLNiTY LIBRAI2Y D1STRICT TOWN OF MILLWOOD ~12 jx) / Ann pper Ch'air Dan Mork, Mayor /1aeoWLaete, Vice-Chair CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Tim FattJhbuir- rustee. Diana Wilhite, Mayor FcaKk~ Pi~yne, 'trustee Mary E. Lloyd, *-3§ee U . EXHIBIT A BOUNDARIES QF THE GREATER SPOKAI\'E VA1.LEY LTBItARY CAPITAL FACILITY AREA The bounclaries of the proposed Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Faciliry Area are described as follows: THE BOUNDARY NCLUDES F1LL 0F THE T0NVN 0F MILLWOOD, AND ALL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VAI.LEY AS THEY BOTH EXIST ON OCT 5, 2007 ANTD SOME PORTIONS OF UNINCORPORATED SPOICANE COUIVTY, ALL MORF, 1'ARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: . BEGNNIN~'r AT THE N0RrF[W:EST CORNER OF SEC 35 TWP 26 RGE 43, SAID PONT AL,SO }3ET~i 1G ON THE EAST LINE OF THE CITY OF SPOKAN'E; 1'HENICE EASTERLY r1LONG THE NORTH SECTION L1NES OF SEC 35 AND 36 TWP 26 RGE 43 AND SEC 31, 32, & 33 TWP 26 RGE 44 TO THE N0RTHWEST CORNE•R OF SEC 34 TWP 26 RGE 44; TH:ENCE SOUTH ALONG THE WEST LIN'E SEC 34 TWP 26 IZGE 44 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF NW 1l4 SEC 34 7 WP 26 RGE 44; THENCE EAST A.I.ONG THE SOUTH LINC OF NW 1/4 TO CENTER OF SECTION AND NVEST LINE OF $ENNETT ESTATES, 5AID POINT ALSO BEIlVG ON EAST LiNE UF MCDONALD RD; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAI:D EAST LINE OF MCDONALD RD TO TH.E NOR"I'H L[NE OF SANSON Itll, SAID PONT AI1S0 BEING OrI NORTTI BOUNDARY LINM OF CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY; THEI~~CE GENERALLY EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHE1tL.,Y BOUINTDARY OF THE CITY OF SPO.TCANE VALLEY SEVERAL COURSES THROUGH SECTIONS 34, 35, 36 TWP 26 RGE 44, SEC 6 TWP 25 RGE 45 A.NrD SEC 32 TWP 26 RGE 45 TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID CITY BOUNDARY, ANM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE W 1/2 OP SEC 5"rWP 25 RGE 45; THENCE SOUTH AL0NG THE EAST BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF SPOKA~~1E VAL,LEY, AND THE NORTH-SOUTH CEN'1`ERL]NES OF SECTIONS 5 AND 8 TWP 25 RGE 45 TO THE TNTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHWEST BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE; THENCE SOUTH ALONTG THE BOUNDARY COMMON TO BOTH THE CITY OF SPOICAiNE VALLEY AND T1-IE CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE, TO THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF LTBERTY LAKE TiN SEC 17 TWP 25 RGE 45; TFTEiNCE GBNERALLY EASTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY OF CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE THROUGH SECTION 17 'CWP 25 RGE 45 TO THE WES7` LINE OF SEC 16 TWP 25 RGE 45; THENCE SOUTH TO THE SOUTH LINE OF $W1/4 SEC lb TWp 25 RGE 45; THENCE CONTINUING GENERALLY C-ASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF CITY OF LIBERTY LAiCE (AS DEFbNED IN CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE RESOLUTION 01-010 DATED JCJNE 12, 2001) THROUGH SECTIONS 21, 22 AiND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SECTlON 23 TWP 25 RGE 45 TO THE NORTI-IWES1' CORNER OF SEC 24 TWP 25 RGE 45; TI-ENCE SOUTH AL4NG THE WEST LTNE OF SEC 24 TWP 25 RGE 45 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORIVER OF THE A1W1/4 UF SEC 24 TWP 25 RGE 45; TFIENCE Et1ST ALONG THE SOUTH L1NE OF SAID NWl/4 70 THE NORTHEAST CORTFER OF THE W1/2 OF SR'l/4 OF SEC 24 TWP 25 RGE 45; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE EAST L111E OF SAID W 1/2 OF SW 1/4 TO • • THE N0RTHERL-Y RIGHT OF WAY I.1rTE OF LAKLSIDE RD; THF•NCfi SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LAKESIDE RD TO THF NORTH LINE OF SEC 25 TWP 25 RGE 45; THCNCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF,SEC 25 1"WP 25 RGE 45 TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TI-IE NW114 SE•C 25 T`VP 25 RGE 45; "fHENCE SOU1"rl ALONG THE EAST LINE, Or NW 1l4 TO THE CENTER OF SEC 25 TWP 25 RGE 45 SA1D PONT ALSO BEING THE SOUTHLAS'1° COMNER OF GOVT LOT 2; TH.ENCE WEST FILONG THE SOU1"H LItNE 0F GOVT LOT 2 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNTR Or GOVT LOT 2 SEC 25 °CVJP 25 RGE 45; TI-CENCN SOUT[-IWESTERI.fY IN F1 STRAIGHT LNE ACROSS THE T.,IBERTY LAICE WFdTLANDS TO A POTNT 76.58FT; MORE OR LESS, N0RTH OF THE N0TtTHFAST CORNFR OF GQVT LOT 7 IN SEC 26 TWP 25 RGE 45; 7"f-iFNCB SOUTH ALONIG SAID LINE, TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVT LOT 7; THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTH LTNE GOV r LOT 7 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNIER OF GOV"r L0"[` 7 AND THE SOUTI-fWEST CORiNER COVT LOT 6 SEC 26 TWI' 25 RGE 45; THENCE NORTH ALONG WEST LM OF SATD GOVT I.OT 6 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF GOVT LOT 6 AND A PONT ON THE EAST-WEST CENTER LiNE OF SEC 26 TWP 25 RGE 45; THEIICE WEST ALONG SAI17 EAST-WCST CENrTER LINE TO THE EAST LINE OF SEC 27 TWP 25 RGE; THENCE THE FOLLOWING TWO COURSFS (AS R:ECORbED ]N 'ChfE SURVEY AUDITORS n4506544 BK 93 PG 69): (1) NORTI-I 1486.07FT, MORE OR LFSS, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SEC 27 TVVP 25 RGE 45; (2) N89DEG 29yfIN 40SDS W 1449.53 FT MOR.E OR LESS, TO A POIr!`l' 0N THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF MOLTER RD; THENCE N0RTHERLY AL0NG SAID EF1ST RIGHT OF t'JAY LINE TO TI-iE NORTH LINE OF SEC 27 TWP 25 RGE 45; T'HENCE tiVEST ALONG THE NORTH L]NE OF SEC 27 TVXl1' 25 RGE 45 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SFCTION; 'flaENCE. SOU'fhl AI,ONG WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 27 TO A POINT 300FT NORTH, MORE OR LESS, OF THE SOUTHVVEST CORNER 0F SAID SECTI0N 27 (.AS RECORDED IlV SURVLY AUDITORS #9503 1 7024 1 BK 64 PGS 24 - 26); THENCE THE FQLLOWING F1VE COURSES ALONG THE BOUNDARIES ESTABLISHED 1N SAID SURVEY: (1) S73DEG 421vIIN 23SDS VV 884FT MORE OR LESS '1"O 1'I4E SOU1'HWESTERr,Y 7tIGHT OF WAY Of i-fENRY RD; (2) NORTHERLY & WESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY TO A POINT ON SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF HEiNRY RD 2206.95FT WEST, AND 386.65FT NORTHERLY, MORE OR LESS, FROM THE SOUTHF-AST CORNER SEC 28 TWP 25 RGE 45; (3) TI-IENCE SOUT14ERLY 386.65FT MORE OR LESS TO T.i-iE NORT.1-I LiNE OF SEC 33 ;TWP 25 RGE 45; (4) THENCE WEST AL0NG SAID NORTH LINE 2507.04FT, MORE OR LESS; (5) THENCE N29DEG 34MIN 20SDS W 1603.65FT TO A POTNT IiN SE1/4 SEC 29 TWP 25 RGE 45, SAID PO.INT ALSO BE1NG NOR1'I-IEAST C0RNER OF TRACT "D" OF THE SUBDNISION OF SAL.TESE LAKE (AS RECORDED fiN SUkVEY AUDITORS #4064362 13K 74 PGS 30 & 3 t); TT IENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTf=C LfN'E OF SAID TRACT "D" 2518.56FT, MORE OR LESS, TO THE WEST L[Nl~ OF SAI.D TRACT "D";;THENCE SOU"1"14EASTERLY ALONG WEST LIiNE OF TR.ACT "D" TO THE N0ZtTH LINTE OF SEC 32 TWP 25 RGE 45; THENCE WEST A.LONG SAID NORTH LINE TO A POIiNT 30FT EAST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER QF SATD SECTI0N; THENCE SOUTH 435 FT PARALLEL TO T14E WEST LNE OF SAID SECTION; TI-IENCr EAST 200FT; TI-IENCE SOUTH 160FT, THENCE NVEST 200FT; Ti-t:ENCE SOUTH 905FT; THENCE WEST 30FT RETURNING TO THE WEST LINE OF SEC 32 '1'WP 25 RGE 45; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID WEST LINE TO SOUTHNVEST CORNER OF SAJD . . • SECTION; THENCE WEST ALONG SOUTH LINE SEC 31 TWP 25 RGE 45 TO A POINT ON TFIE. EAST LINE OF PARCEL "M" .(OF RECORDED SURVEY AUDITORS FILE NUvtBER 8110210210 BK 26 PGS 27 & 28), SAID POINT BEING 435 FT., MORE OR LESS, VVEST OF THE SOUTH STAiNDARD QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SBCTIOV; 'Il-iENCE SOUTHERLY, WESTEIZ(,Y AND NORTHERLY ALONG THE BOUNDARIES OF SAI]7 PARCEL "M" THAT FALL IN SECTION 6 TWP 24 RGE 45 AND RETURN TO T14E STANDARD SECTION LII1E; THEr'CE CONTINUING WESTERLY ALOTiG THE SOUTH LINIE OF SAtD SECTI0iN 31 TO THE NORTH«EST STANDr1.1ZD CORNER OF SECTION 6 TWl' 24 RGE 45; THENCE SOUTH ALONG WEST LINE S.EC 6 TO T14E SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SEC,6 TWP 24 RGE 45; THENCE 1~~VEST AI..ONG THE NORTH LNES 0F SEC 12, 11, 10, 9 AND 8 TWP 24 RGE 44, TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER 0F SEC 6 TWP 24 RGE 44; THENCE NORTH AY,ONG T14E EAST LIlNTE OF SEC 6 TVVP 24 RGE 44 TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNIER OF GOVT LOT 7 IiN SEC 6 TWP 24 RGE 44; THENCE WEST ALONG THE SOUTf-I LINE OF GOVT LOT 7 TO THE SOU1'HQVEST CORNER OF THE El/2 OF GOVT LOT 7; "CF[ENCE NORTH AL0NG THE WEST LINE OF THE E1/2 OP GOVT LOT 7 AND THE WEST LNE OF GOVT LOT 1 TN SEC 6 TWP 24 RGE 44 TO THE NORTH L NE OF SEC 6 TWP 24 RGE 44; THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE SEC 6 TVVP 24 RGE 44 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TI-IE SE1/4 SEC 31 TNVP 25 1tGE 44; THENCE A10RTH AL0NG THE WEST LINE OF THE SE1/4 TO THE CEN'CE2 OF SL°`C 31 TWP 25 RGE 44; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE WASHNGTON WATER FOWER 1'RAiISM1SSTON LINES, (AS REFERENCED IN EXHIBIT "A" OF THE IIOUNDARIES OF MOR.AN PRt1IRIE L1BRARY CAPITAL FACI.LITY AREA DESCRIBED N R.ESOLUTION'NO. 3-0740 DATED NOV 19, 2003), TO THE EAST RJGHT OF WAY LINE OF WARSINKE DR IN SEC 31 TWP 25 RGE 44; THENCE CONTINUING N0RTHWESTERLY ALONG THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LM OF WARSNK.E DR TO THE SOUTI-I LIIJE' OF SEC 30 TWP 25 RGE 44; 1'I-IENCE WFST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SEC 30 TWP 25 RGE 44, TO THE 1NTERSECTION WITH THE WASHIlVGT0N WA"CER PONVER TRANSMISSION LINES faESCRIBBD IN SF1ID EXHIBIT "A"; THENCE NORTI-IWESTERLY ALONG' SAID TRANSMISSION LiNES TO THE EAST SECTI0N LINE OF SEC 25 TWP 25 RGE 43; THE•NCE 1VORTH AI,0NG THE EAST LIINE OF SEC 25 TNVP 25 RGE 43 AND THE EAST LINE SEC 24 TWP 25 RGE 43 TO THE 13,4TERSECTION WITH THE SOUTFI BOUNpARY OF THE CITY OF Sl'OICANE VALLEY IlV SFC 19 T~,'JP 25 RGE 44, SAID PO1N1' AL-SO BENG ON THE EAST LNE OF SEC 24 7WP 25 RGE 43; THENCE NVESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNAARY OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY TI-IROUGH SECTIONS 24, 25 ANrD 26 TWP 25 RGE 43 TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE BAST BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE, SAID PONT ALSO BENG THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SEC 27 TWP 25 RGE 43; THENCE GENERAI.LY NORTHERLY AND EASTERLY ALONG THE L1NES OF SAtD COINCIDENT MLNICIPAL BOUNDARIES CpMMON TO SECTIONS 23, 22 E1ND SECTI0NS 14, 15; THROUGH THE NORTH HAr:F OC SECTION 14; CONMON TO SECTIONS 11 AND 12; THROUGH T'HE NORTH HALF OF $ECTI0N 12; AiND THROUGH THE SOUTHEAST; QUAR'I`ER OF SECTIO-NT 01 TWP 25 RGE 43, TO A POIrIT ON THE SOLJTH BANK 0F ~'CHE SPOKANB RIVER ON THE SECTION LINES CONLVION TO SEC Ol TNVP 25 RGE 45 ANrD SEC 6 TNVP 25 RGE 44; THENCE, LEA'VTNG THE BOUNDARY OF THE CITY i OP SPOKANE VALLEY, GEN:ERA:C,LY SOUTHWESTERLY & NORTHERLY ALONG THE EAST BOLTNDARY OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE THROUGH • ! SEC 01, 02 AiND 11 TO THE EAST LNE OF SECTTON 10 A.GL 'IIV 1'WP 25 RGE 43; 7'HENCE NORTI-IERLY ALONG Tf-IE EAST L,INE OF SAID SECTION 10 TO THE NORTHEAST C012NE12 0F 1!-IE SECTION: 1HENICE CONTI~IUMIG GEtNER.ALLY NORTHERL.Y ALQNG SAID EAST LINE OF THE CITY OF SPOICANE THROUGH SECTIONS 02, TWP25 RGE 43 AN77 35, TWP26 RGE 43 TO tHE NORTHIUEST COItNER OF SAID SECTI0iN 35 AND TI-IE POINT O.F BEGINNING. , E`CHIBIT B(1) SPOKAiNE COUlYTY LIBRARY DISTRICT RESOLUTION N0. 07-04 . . ~ s RESOLUTIOIY NQ. 07-04 A RESOLUTION OC TtiE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF SPOKANE COiJPITY LIBRARY DISTRICT, SPOKANE COWi Tt', WASHIL-NGTOV, REQUESTPTG T'M.E ESTABLISHNIENT OF THE GREATER SPOKANE VALLEY LIBRARY CAPITAL FACILITY AREA TO FINANCE TRE ACQUISITION, CO\STRUCTION AiND REiVIODE.G OF EXISTIYG AiNrll ADDITI01sAL L.CBRARY CAPiTAL FACLL1TlES IN ORDER TO EXpAND AVAILABLE LTBRARY S.ERVICE; REQUES'I'I~i tG THE AYPROVAL OF A PLAiN UF F"L\ANCE FOR SUCH ANTICIPATED AD.D.[TiONAL LIBRARY CAPiTAL FACLLITIES; APP120Vi-NG A~\* [NTEI2LOCA.i.. AGREENIEn' 1' WITH RESPECT TO THE SANiE; AND I'I20VIllING FOR OTHER NIAT'CER$ PROPERLY RF•LAT.TivG 'I''EIE17ET0 SPOKANE CQUNTY LIBRARY DIS'I'R1CT Spokane County, Washinb on BE [T RESOLVED B1' THE BOARD 4F TRUSTEES OF SPOKANE COIJ~~TY L.IBRARY DIST(t(CT, SPQKANE COLNTY, W4SH[NGTON, as follows: WEIEREAS, the Spokane County Library District, Spokane County, Washington (the "District"), is a rural library district duly oraanized and exisCing under and by virtue of the Constitution and the laws of the state of VVashington (the "State"); ~-VI-IEREAS, the Distric[ provides library services to residents of the tmincorporated portions of Spokane County, Washington, (the "County"); as well as residents of the Gity of Sppkane Valley (the "City") and the Town of iMillwood (the "T'own"); WHEREAS, areas located east of the City of Spokane, Washington, and in the City, the Tovrn, and anincorporated portions of the Counry (the "Service tlrea") have experienced gowth in the number of resiclents since existing library facilities were constructed; \VHEREAS, t}ie growing population in the County has resulted in an increased demand for library services; WHEREAS, the District cannot presently accommodate the increasEd library servicc needs in sucll areas from its current branch facilities; WHEREAS, chapter 27.15 RCW permits; upon the request of the District, the approval of the City, the Town and the County and khe relevant approval(s) of the qualified electors, the ci•eation of a library capital facility area to acquire, construct, remodel and finance library capital facilities; . • • NVHEREAS, the cost of providing additional facilities for the needed library service can most fairiy be paid by the resiclenis of the Service Area and through the establ.ishment of a library capital facility area; . WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the District (the "=Board") is authorized and empowered by RCW 27.15.020 to submit awritten request to the County for the adoption of a resolution or resplt►tinns by the County calling fo.r the vote of the qualified electors within the Sen.rice Area for the creation of a library capital facility area, for the issuing of general obligation bonds to aequire, construct and remodel certain library capital facilides to be located within such library capital facility area, and for the imposing of excess property tax levies to retire such general obligation bonds; Wf-[EREAS, the Board intends to submit a joint written request from the District, the City and the 'I'own to the County for the adoption by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County (the "Aoard of Caunty Commissioners") of a resolution or resolutions calling for the vote of the qualified electors within the Service Area for dhe establishment f►nd creation of the Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area (the "GSVLCFA") and for the approval af the issuance of general obligation bonds to construct, acquire and remodel certain new and existing library capital facilities to be locAted within the GSV[,CFA and for the imposing of escess property tax levies to retire such general obligation boncls; N'VHEREAS, the .District expects that it shdll be primarily responsible for designing, adrninistering the construction of, and operating and maintaining the library capita] facilities financed by the approved ballot propositians as set forth in the Interlocal Abreement by and between the Distric;t and the GSVLCFA; and NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY FOLJND, DETERMItNED AND ORTaERED, as follows: Section 1: Defuutions As used in this Resolution, the tcrms herein have the meanir►gs provided in this Sectian 1. VVords of the masculine gender shall be deemed and construed to include correlative words of the feminine and neuter genders. Worcls imparting the sin~ular number shall include the plural numbers and vice-versa unless the context shall otherwise indicate. Board shall mean the District's Board of Trustees, as the same shall be dul_y and regularly constitutecl from timc to t'►me. Board o.f County Commissioners shall mean the Board of County Commissioners of SpokanE Counry, Washington, as duly and regularly constituted from time to tirne. Chair shall;mean the Chair of the Board or any presiding officer or titular head of the Boarci, or his successor in fonctioris, if any. Citv shall mean City of Spokane Valley, Washington, a code city duly organized and exisNng under and by virtue of the Constitution and the laws of the State now in forcc. -z- . . a', • • . Coarnty shall mean Spokane County, Washington, a class A county duly organized and existing under and by virriic of the Constitution and the laws of the State now in Fotce. District shall mean Spokane County Library District, a duly incorporated rural libiury districti operating under and by virtue of the Constitution and the laws of the State novr• in force. Ifrierlocal Agreemejit means that certain lnterlocal Agreement by and between the District and the GSVLCFA approved by the Board pursuant to Section 5 of this Resolution in the fonn attached hereto as Exhibir B. Resolution shall mean this Resolution N0. 07-04. GSVLCFA shall mean the CJreater Spokane Valley L.ibrary Capital Facility Area proposed to be approved and established consistent with the requirements of ehapter 27.15 RCW, the boundaries of such area to be as described in Exhibit A attached to this Resolution and incorporateci herein by this reference. Secretmy shall meAn the Secretary to the Board, or his successor in funetions, if any. Service Area shdll mean the areas east of the Giry of Spokane, Washington, located in die City, the Town and imincorporated por[ions of the County. Stute shall mean Ihe statE of Washington. Town shall mean Town of Millwood, Wastungton, a town duly nrganized and existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and the laws of the State now in force. Vice-C{,nir shall mean the Vice-Chair of the 8oard, or his successor in functions, if any. Section 2: Approval of Creation of Greater Spol:ane Valley Library C:ipital Facility Area The District finds that the creation and establishment of a new library capital facility area and the subsequent acquisition and cnnstruction and remodeli.ng of new and existing library capital faeilities are each essential to the public welfare and to ihe residents nf the District. Thc District hereby approves of creation of the GSVLCFA. Secdon 3: Request to the Bnard of County Commissioners 'fhe Uistrict, jointly wiih the City and the Town, hereby requests that the Board of County Coaunissioners, pursuant to chapter 27.15 RCVV, takE all appropriate action to provide for establishing the GSVLCFA, the boundaries of such area tn be as described in Exhibit A attached to this Resolution and incorporateti herein by this reference. Furthermore, the District, jointly with the City ancl the Town, hereby requests that the Board ut Gounty Conunissioners, pursuant to chapter 27.15 RCW, submit to the qualified electors of such area hvo ballot propositions at a special election to be held as soon as reasonably practicable, such progositions to be in substantially the following forrn and to contain substantially the following content: ' -3- • ~ • Proposition l: That the qualified electors with the proposed GSVLCFA approvc the establishmcnt and creation of the GSVLCFA consistent with chapter 27.15 RCW and according to all other applicable terms and provisions of this Resolution. Proposidon 2: That the qualitiecl electors within the praposed GSVLCFA approve the issuance of general obligation bonds in the principal airount of not to exceed $33,400,000 and approve the imposing of an excess property tax levy within the boundarics of the GSVC,CFA in an amount necessary and sufficieiit to retire such bonds, all in order to fmance the acquisition, construction and remodel of library capit3l faciliries to be located within the GSVLCFA in order to cxpand available library service in Spokanc County, Washino nn, all as may be further subject to the terms and provisions of chapter 27.15 RCW. Section 4: Elcction Costs The District shall pay the costs of submitting the t.vo ballot propositions to the qualified electors. Section 5: interlocal Agreement The District hereby approves the Interlocal Agreement by and between the District and the GSVLCFA in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B. The Chair and Vice-Chair of dle Soard are each authorized, individually and collectively, ro approve any revisions made to the Interlocal Agreement as he or she, individually or together, may determine are in the best interests of the District, and each aTe hereby authorized, individually and collecrively, to execute and deliver the Interlocal Agreement on behalf oF the District. Section 6: Aukhorization to Submit ftesolution to the Board of Count,y Comnussioners The Chair, Vice-Chair and the Secretary of thc Board are each autharized and ciirected, individually and collectively, to certify x copy of Ch.is Resolution and submit it to the BoArd of County Commissioners. Section 7: Aruendments to Resolution The Board from time to time and at any time may adopt a resolution siipplemental hereto, which resolutian thereafter shall become a part of th.is Resolutinn, to: (i) add to or delete from the covenants, undertakings or ag-eements of the District in this Etesolurion; and/or (ii) cure, correct or supplemenf any defeetive ar ambiguous provisioil contained in this Resolution. Section 8: Ratification All actions not inconsistent with the prowisions of this Resolution heretofore taken by the Board and the District's employees with respect to the GSVLCFA are hereby in all respects ratified, approved and con6rmed. -4- • a . SecNon 9: Repealer All resolutivns nr parts thereof in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed, auid shall have no further force or cffcct. Section 10: Effective Uate This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. ADOPTED by the Board of Trustees of Spokane County Library District, Spokane County, Washin~*ton, at a regular meeting thereof held on 4ctober 16, 2007. SPQKANE COUNTY LfBRARY D[STRICT Spokane County,Washington OJA b Atw Apperson, Ghair ATTEST --~&2"-Z Michael J. Wirt, ~-J Secretary to the Board ofTrustee.s (SE AL) -5- . , • CERTIFICATION Michael J. Wirt, the Secretary to the Board of Trustees of Spokane County Library Disdict, Spokane County, Washino on, hereby certiFy that the foregoing resolution is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Spokane County Library District, duly held at the reo lar meeting place thereof on October 16, 2007, of which meeting all members of such Board had due notice, and at which a majority thereof were present; aiid that at such meeting such resolution was adopted by the following vote: AYES, and in favor thereof, Trustees: NAYS, Trustees: ABSEVT,1"iustees: ABSTA..V, Trustees: I further certify that I have cfu-efully compared the same with the oiigin11 resulution on 61e and of record in my office; that such resolution is a full, true, and correct copy of thc original resolution adopted at such meeting; ancl that such resolution has not been amended, modified or rescinded since the ciate of its adoption, and is now in full force and effect. IN WITiNESS WHEREOF, I have sct my hand and the seal of thc District on October 16, 2007. SPOKANE COLJNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT Spokane County, Washington -Vbez - Micliael J. Wirt '--J Secretary to the Boarcl of Trustees ~SEAL ) . . . ~ • . EX11[13I'T A BOUNDARIES OF THE G12EATER SPOtiANE VALLEY LIBRARY CAPITAL FAC(I.ITY AREA The boundaries of the propnsed Greater Spokane Valley Library Gapital Facility Area are dcscribed as follows: THE BOUNDARY INCI..U'DES ALL OF THE TQWN OF btiLLWOOD, AND A.LL OF THE CfTY OF SPOK.ANE VALLEY AS THEY BOTH EXIS'C Ov OCT 5, 2007 AvD SOvtE PORT[QNS OF UiN1~CORF'pRATED SPOKANE COUNTY, ALL ViORE PA.RTICULAR.LY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNIiNG AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SEC 35 TWP 26 RGE 43, SAID POINT AI..SO BEING ON TH'E EA$T LfNE OF THE CITY OP SPOKANE; THEVGE EASTERLIc' A.LONG THE N0RTH SEC'TION L. [~iES OF SEC 35 AND 36 TWP 26 RGE 43 AND SEC 31, 32, & 33 TWP 26 RGE 44 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SEC 34 TWA 26 RGE 44; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE WEST LINE SEC 34 1"WP 26 RGE 44 1'O THE SOU'Cl-IWES'1' CORNER OF NW 114 SEC 34 TWP 26 RCE 44; THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH L[NE OF NWl/4 TO CE\jTER OF SECTION AND WEST LNE OF BENrEETT ESTATES, SA:l:p PONT ALSO I3ENG ON EAST L(NE O.F MCDONALD RD; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID EAS'I' LCNE OF MCDONALD Rp TO THE NOR'TH LNE OF SANSON RD, Sf1ID POINT ALSO BENG ON NORTH BOL7NDARY LINE OF C[TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY; THENCE GENERALLY EISTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERI.Y BOUNDARY OF THE. CI'1`Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY SEVERAL COURSES THROUGH SECTIONS 34, 35, 36 TWP 26 RGE 44, SEC 6 TWP 25 RGE 45 AiND SEC 32 'CVJP 26 RGE 45 TO THE vORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID CITY BOUNDARY, AND THE NORTHEAST CORIVER OF THE W 1!2 OF SEC 5 TWP 25 TZGE 45; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE EAST BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF SAOKANE VALLEY, AND THE NORTH-SOUTH. CENTERL[NES OF SECTIONS 5 AND 8 TWP 25 RGE 45 TO THE NTERSECTI0N WITH THE NORTNWEST BOWDARY OF THE CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE; THENCE SOUTH ALOUG THE BOWDARY COMMON TO E30TH THE C[TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AiND TI-[E CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE, TO THE SOUTH BOUNDARY Or THE CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE IN SEC 17 TWP 25 RGE 45; THENC6 GENERALLY EASTERLY ALOVG SAiD SOUTH BOUNDARY OF CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE THEZOUGH SEG°TION 17 TWP 25 RGE 45 TO THE WEST LINE OF SEC 16 TWP 25 RGE 45; THENCE SOUTH TO THE SnUTF-I LINE OF SW1/4 SEC 16 TkVP 25 RGE 45; THENCE CONTINUIN'G GENERALLY EASTERLY t1LpNG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE (AS DEFIiNED fN CITY OF L1BERTY LAKE RESOLUTION 01-010 DATED JUNE 12, 2001) TI-IROUGH SECTIONS 21, 22 AND ALONG THE NORTH LIniE OF SECTION 23 TVVP 25 RGE 45 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SEC 24 TWP 25 RGE 45; THENCE SOU"('H ALONG TE-IE WEST LINE OF SEC 24 TIVP 25 RGE 45 TQ THE SOUTHWEST CORiNER OF THE NW1/=1 OF SEC 24 TWP 25 RGE 45; TWENCC EAST ALONG THE SQUTH LNE 01= SA[D NW 1/4 TO THE N0RTHEAST C012NER OF THE WU2 OF SW 1/4 OF SEC 24 TWP 25 RGE 45; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE EAST LI\fE OF SAID W 1/2 OF SVJ l/4 TO THE NQR'Z'HERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LAKESiDE RD; TI-IENCE SOLJTH.EASTERLY ALC}NG SAID NO1tTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LAICESLDE RD TO THE NORTH LFNE OF SEC 25 TV4FP 25 RGE45; THEPNCE EAST ALONG THE. NORTH LNE OF SEC 25 TV4'P 25 RC.E 45 TO TI4E NORTHEAST COFtNER OF TI-IE IV'W 1l4 SEC 25 TWP 2 5 RG E 45;'THE iNCE SOUTH ALONG THE EA STLENE OF 1VIV 1A TO THE CEiNTE,R OF SEC 25 TWP 25 'RG6 45 WD POfN7 AL5O 8F.€NG THE ~OUT.HEAS'!" CORNE I~ 0 F 00 VT LO7' 2; TH.EN CE. WE ST ALONG THE SOUTH LTNE 0F GOVT LOT ? TO TF-1E $OlJTHW'E$"E' ~~RN'EI~ OF ~'iOVT LO'7' ?^~EC 25 TWP 25 RGE 45; 7HENCE SOUTHWESTERLY I'N ASTRAIGHT L1NE ACROSS THE LI13ER7Y L-AKE WSTLANDS TD A POINT 76,58FT, MORE OR LESS, NORTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORN-ER OF G DV'T' LOT 7.iN S.EC 2 6 TWP 23 RG E 45; THENCE S OUTH A.LONC'x S.A.E,D L rN E. TO TH E NORTHF-AST COR~~~~ OF GOVT LOT 7; "Cf~ENCE WP-ST ALONC~ THE NORTH Ll.idE C; OVT LOT 7 TO THE N 0RTHWEST CORIVER OF GOVT LOT 7 ARD THE SDLJTHWE.ST C-ORNEit COV'i` LQT GSEC 26 'T`WI' 25 ROE 45; THENCE NORTH ALONC; WEST LINE OF S AfD G OVT L.OT 6 TO THE IVORTHWES'F C ORNEIt OF GOV'I' LOT 6 AI*1D A PDiNT ON TKE EAST-NVEST CENTER LItNE OF SEC 26 TWP 25 RGE 45; THENCE WEST ALOA1G SAID EAPT-WEST CENTER LINE TO TKE EAST Lll~~ OF SEC 27 TWP 25 RGE; THENCE THE F'OLLOWIiVG 3'WO COURSES (AS R~CMD.ED CN ll"l:.CE SURVEY AUDiTORS 44506544 SK 93 PG 69): NORTH 1486.47FT, LVLORJE OR LESS, ALQNG TNE EAST LliJJE. bF SE.C 27 TWP ZS RCsE 45; (2) N$9DEG 29LMIN 40SDS W 1449.53 FT NiORE OR LESS,'TCl A POINT OLN THE EAST RMHT OF WAY LINF, OF MOL,TE.R RD; THENCE NORTFiE,RLY ALONG SA1D EAST P,10ff1' OF WAY LfNE TO THE NOFt'F.H LLNE OF S EC 27 7WP 2 5 RG 2 45; THEN CE WE ST ALONG T HE NORTH LfNE OF S E.C 2 7 TWP 25 RGE 45 TO THE NORTHWEST CO.RNE-R O.F $Af.D SECTION; 'fH.ENCE SOU7H AL.ON G w.EsT T.I;iN E O.F S AID S F-CTfO iq 2 7 T'O A POIN T a00F'f NORTH, MORE OR r.ES S, ~F THE SOCJI"HWE.ST COR1VE.lt OF SAID SECT'ION 27 (AS RECORD£D IN' SURVEY AUDITORS #9503170241 BiC 64 PGS 24 -2G); THENCE TI-iE FOf.LOWChlC3 .F.N'E CO[JRSES ALOPN'G THE BQUNDARIES ESTABLISHED FiN SALD SURVEY: (1) S73'D.EG 42E1~TN 23SDS W 884FT MORE OR LESS TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF HENRl' RD; (2) NORTHERLI' 8c WESTERLY AL~~~ SAfD SOCiTHERLY RICaHT ~F WAll TO A POli4T ON SOLJTH RiGHT OF WAY OF HENRY RD 2206.95FT WEST, AiND 336_65F'f NORTHERLY, N1ORE OR LESS. FROIvI THE SOUTHEAST CORNER SEC 28 TV4fP 25 RGE 45; '(3) THENCE SOUTHERLY 386,65FT MORL OR L-ESS TO xH$ NORTH LINE OF SEC 33: TWP 25 RGE 45; (4) THENCE WEST ALONC'i SA.CD NORTH L..NjE 2507_04FT, EV1ORE 09, I.ESS; (5) T'.HENCE T929DEG 34MIN 2OSDS W 1603.65FT TO A POIiNT IN SE114'SEC 29 TV4FP 25 RGE 45, SAID POINT AL.S'O BE1NG NOR.TREAS'f CORNEk OF TRr~!CT "D'- OF THE SUBDIVISION OF SAL7~~E LA.KE ~AS KECORDED iN SURV£Y AUDITORS 44064362 BK 74 PGS 30 & 31 THENCE V4FEST ALOIVG Tl-iE NORTH LENTE OF §AID TR4CT ~`D,° 2518_56FT, MO1tE O.R LESS, TO THE WEST L1?VE OF SAIII TRACT °°D.°: THE-LNCE SOUTHEASTERZ.Y ALONG WEST LIN~ OP TkAC"f :`D" TO THE NORTH LiNE OF SEC 32 TWP 2 5 ftGE 45; THENCE WEST AL0NG SAID NORTH LINE `FO A POYBNT 30FT EAST OF THE 1JORTHWEST CORNER 0F SAlb SECTLON; THEiNCE 5DUTH;435 FT PKRALUEL TD THE WEST LTNE OF SAiD 3EC'TION; THENC E F-AST 200FT; 'C-K tN C E SO1JTH 160F7', T H~~E W EST 2 DOiF'f; I'HENCE S OLF'I`H 9 0 5FT; TI=fENCE WEST 3OFT RETURxfNG TO THE WEST LINE OF SEC 32 TWP 25 RGE 45; . . . , • ~ . THENCE SOUTH ALONG SA[D WEST LINE TO SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE WEST ALONG SOUTH L1NE SEC 31 TWP 25 RGE 45 TO A POItNT ON TI-LF, FAST LfNE OF PARCEL "M" (OF RECORDED SURVEY AU.DITORS TILE NliMBER 8110210210 BK 26 FGS 27 & 28), SAID POINT BETING 435 FT., MORE OR LESS, WEST OF THE SOUTH STAiIDARD QUARTER CORNER Or SAID SECTI0N; THENCE SOUTHERLY, WESTERLY AND NORTHERLY AL.ONG THE BOWi DARlES OF SAID PA.RCFI.: "M" THAT FALL IlV SECTION 6 TWP 24 RGE 45 tVVD RETURN TO THE STANDARD SECTIOiN LINE; TKEiNCE COiN'TLVUNG WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LfNE OF SAID SECTI0N 31 TO THE NORTHWEST STANDARD CORNER 0F SECTIOiN 6 TWP 24 RGE 45; THENCE SOUTH ALONG WEST LNE SEC 6 TO THE SOU1'HWEST CORNER. OF SEC 6 TWP 24 RGE 45; THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTH LI~~ES OF SEC 12, 1 l, l0, 9 AN-D 3'[NVP 24 RGE 44, TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SEC 6 TWP 24 RGE 44; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SEC 6'IWP 24 RGE 44 TO THE SOUTHEAST CORs~1ER OF GOVT LOT 7 N SEC 6 TWP 24 RGE 44; THENCE WEST ALONG THE SOU'TH LINE OF GOVT LOT 7 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE El/2 OF GOVT LOT 7; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE WEST LNE OF THE E1/2 OF GOVT LOT 7 AYID THE VVEST LINE OF GOVT LOT 1 LN SEC 6 TWP 24 RGE 44 TO THE NORTH C,CNE OF SEC C TWP 24 RGE 44; THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTH L1\'E SEC 6 TWF 24 RGE 44 TO THE SOUTHW`EST CORNER OF THE SE114 SEC 31 TWP 25 RGE 44; THE\TCE NORTH ALONG THE WEST LI\TE OF THE SE 1/4 TO THE CENTER OF SEC 31 TWP 25 RGE 44; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY AL0NG THE VVf1SHINGTON WATE.R POWE"R `C'R.ANSMISSION f ItNES, (AS iZEFERENCE.D IN LXhIIl31'IT;w'Ol; THE BOUNDARIES OF v10RAN ['RAIRTE L[BRARY CAPITAL FACILiTY AREA DESCRTBED I\~ RESOLUTION NO. 3-0740 DATED NOV 19; 2003), TO THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WARSNKE DR I~i I SEC 31 TWP 25 RGE 44; THENGE CONTTNU]NG NORTHWESTERLY ALO\'G THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY L[NE OF WARSINK.E DR TQ THE SOUTH LNE OF SEC 30 ?1VP 25 RGE 44; TI-IENCE WEST, ALONG THE SOU'fH LI'NE OF SEC 30 TWP 25 RGE 44; TO THE 1NTERSECTlON WITH THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER TR,kNSMISSION L1NES DESCRIBED IN SAID E1HIB[T "A"; THENCE 1TORTHWESTERLY ALONG SATD TRANSMISS[ON LINES TO THE EAST SECTIOiV LINE OF SEC 25 TWI' 25 RGE 43; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EAST LTNE OF SEC 25 TWP 25 RGE 43 AND THE EAST LriIE SEC 24 TWP 25 RG:E 43 TO THE INTERSEC'1'IOv WITH THE SOU 1"H BOUNDARY OF 'tFiE Cl"1"Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~N SEC 19 TWP 25 RGE 44, SAID PONT ALSO BENG Q\j THE EAST LfNE OF SEC 24 TWP 25 RGE 43; THENCE WESTERLY ALO\G THE SOUTE=[ERLY BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF SPOICANE VALLEY THROUGH SECTIO\TS 24, 25 AND 26 'T1NP 25 RGE 43 TQ THE IN'['ERSECT(01' WITH TH.E EAST BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF SPOKr~►\'~E, SAID POfvT ALSO BE['vG THE NORTHEAST CORNIER OF SEC 27 TWP 25 RGE 43; THENCE CENERAL•LY NORTHERLY AND E•ASTERLY AL•ONG THE LP1ES OF SAID COII`jCIDENT iMUNICIPAL BOLTND aRIES COM VION TO SECTIONS 23, 22 AND SECTIONS 14, 15; THROUGH THE NQRTH HALF OF SECTION 14; COMVi0N TO SECTIONS I I AND 12; THRpUGH THE N02TH 1-It1LF OF SECTION 12; AND THROUGH TFl_E SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 01 TWP 25 RGE 43, TO A POIINT ON THE SOUTH BANK OF THE SPOKE1NE RNER 0iN THE SF'CT10N LCNES COMMON TO SEC 01 TWP 25 RGE 43 AND SEL 6 TW"P 2i RGE 44; THENCE, LEAVING T!-iE BOUNDARY . A • OF Tf-CE CITY OF SPOKA_~IE VALLEY, GENERALLY SOUTHWESTERLY & NORTHERLY AGONG THE EAST BOWi DARY OF THE C[TY OF SPOKANE THROUGH SEC 01, 02 AND 11 TO THE LAST L11iE OF SECT[ON 10 ALL [N TNVP 25 RGE 43; THENCE NORTHERLY A:L0NG THE EAST LNE OF SATD SECTIO\i 10 TO THE NOR7HEAST CORNER pF THE SECTION; THBNCE C0iNTINUING GENEFtALLY NORTHERLY ALOiNG SAID EAST LINE OF THE CITY OP S.POKANE THROUGH SECTIONS 02, TWP25 RGE 43 AND 35, TWP26 RGE 43 TO THE vORTHWEST CORNBR OF SAID SECTION 35 AND THE 1'OTiJI' OF BEGI'MN[NG. s • I.iNTERLOCAL AGREENIENT GREATER SPOKANE VALLEY LIBRARY CAFITAL FACIi,ITY AREA FOR PROPUSED PROJECT FOR NEW LIBRARY FACYLrTIES . . . ~ • fNTERLOCAL ACREEMENT This Agreement is cntEred into by and behween the SPOICANE COtJ~iTY LTBRARY DISTRICT (the "Pistrict") and the GREATER SPOKf1N'E VAL.LEY LTBRARY CAPITAL FAClLITY AREA ("GSVLCFA") (collectively, the "Parties" and each a"Parcy'°). This Agreernent is macie pursuant to chapter 39.34 RCW (the "Interlocal Cooperation Act") and has been authonzed by the Doverning body of each PFU-ty. Fach of the 1'arties is a"public agencv" as detined in the Interlocal Cooperation Act. REC('TALS WHEREAS, Spokane County, Washington (the "Gounty"), is a class A county duly organized and existing under and by virtuc of the Constitution and the laws of the state of Washingtan (the "State"); WHEREAS, the District is a rural library district duly organizcd and existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and the laws of the State; WHEREAS, the Districf has adviscd the County that the areas east of the City of Spokane, Washington, lucated in the City of Spakane Valley, the Town of Millwood, anci unincorporated portions of the County (the "Service Area") have experienced rapid grotvth in the number of its resitlents since existing library facilities were constructed; WHEREAS, the District advised the County that the gro«ring population in the County has resutted in an increased demand for library services in the Service rlrea; WHEREAS, the District advised the County that the bistrict cannot presently acc:ommodate the increased library service needs in the Seivice Area with its current facilities; 1WHEREAS, chapter 27.15 RCW permits, upon the request of the District, placement before the qualified electors by the Serviee Area, the creation and establishment of a library capital facility area to construct and finance one or more library capital facilities; WHEREAS, the Board of Trustces of the Distriet is authorized anci empowered by RCW 27.15.020 to submit a writtcn request to the County for the adoption of n resolution or resolutions by the County: (i) calling for the vote of the qualified electors for the creation of a library capital faciLity area; (ii) issuing of general obligation bonds to acquire and c;onsiruct certain library cApifal facilities and to remoclel certain existing libcary capital facilities to be located within such library capital.facility area and (iii) imposing exccss property tax levies within such library capital facility area;to retire such general obligation bonds; WHER.EAS~ the Board of Trustees of the District adopted District Resolution Nv. 07-04 authori2ing the submission of a written request to the County for the adoption by the County of the necessar_y resolutions cAlling for the vote of the yualified etectors within the Scrvice tUeA for the creation of a library capitAl facility areA under chapter 27.15 RCW to be known as the "Greater Spokane Va(ley Library Capital Facility Area"; -1- . A • WE-LEREAS, the County adopted County ResoluNon N0. and Resolution No. submitting to the qualified electors of the GSVLCFA, the proposiNon of whether the GSVLCFA shaFl be created, whelher general obligation bonds shall be issued and whether excess propert y tax levies be imposed within the GSVLCFA for the purpose of acquiring, and constructing new library capital facilities and remocleling certain existing library capital facilities; WHEREAS, at a speciAl election helci Tuesclay, March 11, 2003, and pursuant to thc tei-ns and provisioas of chapter 27.15 RCW, the GSVLCFA was approved by the qualified electors in order to, among other matters: (i) acquire and construct new library capital facilities to be located on a site in the planned Citv Center between Sprague Aventie and Appleway west oY University Road in the City of Spokane Valley; (ii) acquire and conskruct a new library facility to bE located on Conlclin Road south of Sprague Avenue, in the City of Spokane Vailey; and (iii) remodel aad construct the existing l.ibrarv facility loeatecl on Argonne Road and Upriver Drive in the unincorporated area of the County commonly known as Pasadena Park (eolleetively the `:Projeci"); WHEREAS, at such sp4cial election there was approved a ballot proposition aUproving the proposed issuance by the GSVLCFA of general obligation bonds in the amount of not to exceeci $33,400;000 (the "Bonds") maniring wittun a maximum term ot 20 years and impasinD excess property tax:levies within the boundaries of the GSVLCFA as are necessary and sufficient to retire all the Boncls, WHEREAS, it is the intent of the GSVLCFA to issue the Bonds in arder to finance and accomplish the Project and in order to expand available library service in the County; WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Parties that the District be primarily responsible for the canstruction, acquisition , operation and maintenance of the Project and that the District own and hold title to the facilities compiising the Aroject cQnsistent with the authority provicled by R.CW 27.15.040; and WHEREAS, the Parties now wish to establish their respective eights and responsibilities with rESpect to the Project with the proceeds of the Bonds that are anticipated to be issued by the GSVLCFA, as heretofore approved by the voters of the GSVLCFA at the above-mentioned special election; vOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTTES HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Section l. Dusign and Construction; Related iVlatters. a. Reimbursement of Districr Fees and Costs Relative to GSY'LC! A. The GSVLCFA recogni'zes that the GSVLCFA was created ancl established by vote of the qualified electors of the GSVLCFA on vlarch 11, 2008. The GSVLCFA further recognizes that the District has expended valuabte time and other monetary consideratinn in conjunction with the creation and establishment of ttie GSVLCEA. The GSVLCFA covenants and agrees that it shall rcimburse the District for project tnanagement costs, fees, expenses and other associated aiimirustrative costs related to the approval of the establishment and creation ot the GSVLCFA -2- • ~ • and the subsequent approval of and development of the Project, all to tt►e grea.test extent that it may lawfully do so from proceeds of the Bonds. (t is the specific intention of the Parties that the District be reimburscd for legal fees and costs (together with oiher publication costs and other fees anci costs incurred in connecrion with the election) from proreeds of the Bonds to be issued by the GSVLCFA, all in an amount cletermined tp be reasonable by the GSVLCFA Board (defined below); provided, ho+vever, that the GSVLCFA shall not reimburse the Distjict for fees and costs the reimbursement of which would cause a violation of thc provisions of the Intemal Revenue Code of 1986, as amencied (thc "Code"). b. Management. The Parties intend ihat for purposes of the undertakings contemplated by this Agreement, the staff of the District will act ax the staft of the GSVLCEA without separate compensation for the duration of this Agreernent. By way of example and not by way of limitation, the Exeeutive Director of the District, tlie Secretary to the Board of the District and the District's $usiness Manager shall act in such positions on bEhalf of the GSVLCFA without scparate comp •rnsation and may carry and use similar titles when and if called to act on behalf of the GS V LCFA. ln additian; and consistcnt with RCW 27.15.040, the Parties intend that: (i) the GSVLCFA Bofu-d delegate to the District thc authority and responsibiliry to design, administer . and operate the Project and (ii) the District shal] nuw and hereafter own and hoid fee simplc absolute title to all of the real propertv, librtiry facilities, ecluipment, materials and the like which are now or hereaftcr acquired and constructed with the proceeds of the Bonds. Fwther; the Yarties ultend that d1e District undertake to admiruster the pre-consrruction, cnnstruction, and post-construction stages of the Projeet ro the greatest extent possihle so that Counry staff not expend time on behalf of the GSVLCFA or the Project. The District intencis to present to the Board of County Commissioners of the County in their collective capacity as the governing board of the GSVLCFA (the "GSVLCFA Board") only such iterns as are ncccssary for approval from the GSVLCFA Board on behalf of the GSVLCFA by law or as are required to be brought to the GSVLCFA Board pursuant to this Agreement and the By(a«<s of the GSVLCFA. Absent such a requirement, it is the i.ntention of the GSVLCFA Board that the District or the Project Committee make decisions regarding the C'roject on behalf of the GSVLCFA. C. ArchBteci, Fngineer, Conslrirction Mancrger and Related Matters. The GSVLCFA Bnard hereby acknowledges that the District has selected an architect for the project, wh.ich selt;ction is hereby ratified and reconfirmed. The GSVLCFA Board acknowledges that the District shall tnlce stcps after the effective date of this Agreemcnt (includinD the creation of the Project Committee, if desired or decmed necessary in the svle opinion of the District) toward identiFying potential clndidates for a construction manaDer (t}te "Construction iManager" andJor ageneral contractor (the "General Contractur") for the Prclject. The District may establish a Project Committee'for undertaking certain selection processes as may be requu•ed by law. The Parties agree that sucll Project Conimittee may, but need not, consist of five individuals. Preliminarily, but not conclusively, the Parties contemplate that the Projer.t Committee could be established to incltide the following: one member of the Board County Commissioners of the County in his or her capaeity as a mcmber of the GSVLCFr'1 Board or a dcsignee appointed by the GSVLCFA 136ard, one Trustee serwing on the Board of Trustees of the District, ihe Executive Directvr of the District, antl two other staff members of the District selected by the -3- . 0 • District. The District covenants and agrees that the Disirict and/or the Project Comrnittee will supply a Constr-ucfion Manager, which mAy be a member of the staff of the District, to the GSVLCFA at no cost to the GSVLCFA. The Disfict staff shall be responsible for processing all bid documents as may be necessary to undertake and accomplish the Project. d. Public 6-Vorks; General Contractor. The PartiES intend that the District andlor the Project Committee:shall unclertake to negotiate, prepare and finalize the public works contraet(s) for the acquisition and construction of the Prnject on behalf of the GSVLCFA consistent with chapter 39.04 RCW. The GSVLCFA Board shall ratify and approve such public works contracts «ncen and as may lie reasonably necessary upon the recommendation of the District andlor the Project Committee; and in the event such ratification and approval is deemed necessary as a matter of law. The District covenants and agrees that the District and/or the Project Committee will follow substantially the following process for purposes of selecting the General Contractor: (i) preparing, printi , ng and mailing, likely with the assistance of the Architect, a request for bids with respect to the Project (the "Bid Documenis"); (ii) opening and reviewine Bid Documents, (iii) selecting the appropriate candidate pursuant to chapter 39.04 RCW based on the review of the Bid Documents, and (iv) mAnaging and administering the public works contract(s). The DistricG Board shall have sole responsibility and authority to approve the selcction of the General Contractor and to approvc the execution and delivery of the public works contract(s) unless at some latzr date the GSVLCFA Boarci determines chat it will bc necessary for the GSVLCFA Board to approve such matters as a matter of law. The llistrici acknowledgcs and agrees that, as the, goveming authority of the GSVLGFA pursuant to RCW 27.1 5.030, the approval of the General Contractor and all necessary public works contracts are within the power and control of the GSVLCFA Board. e. Budget. The sta .ff of the District shall prepare, maintain and adrninister a budget for the Project thaC~ shall solely reflect the proceeds af the Bonds_ The District covenants ancl agrees that in the event the Project exceeds the budget, the District shall complete or cause to be eompleted the Project at the District's sole cost and expense. E Uesign.. With the support of the GSVLCFA, the District and/ar the Project Committee shall hold publie meetings to provicle information on tllz proposecl design and construction from the public located within the GSVLCFA. At meetings the District and/or the Project Committee shall receive input from the public located within the GSVLCFA regarcling the design and construction of the Project. The Disfict, the Project Cornmittee or the GSVLCFA Board may coordinate the tiearings. T'he District Board shatl have sale responsibility and authority to ratify and approve the final proposcd design of the project upon the recommendation of the District's staff andlor the Project Committee, unless at some later date the GSVLCFA Board determines that it wili be necessary for the GSVLCFA Board to approve such matters as a rnatter of law. The District acknowledges and agrees that, as the governing authority of the GSVLCFA pursuant to RCW 271 5.030, the ratification and approval nf the final proposed design are within the power and control of the GSVLCFA Board. g. Repnrts; Drail+i►igs. The District andlor the Project Committee shall keep the GSVLCFA Board reasonAbly apprised of the progress of the Project during the pre-construction -4- . . • _ • • . and construction stabes. Thc GSVLCFA Board hereby expressly delegates to the District the responsibility for makinQ ccrtain that chE ciesign work wd all construction drawings for the Project are timely completed; with the understanding that the District may further dclcgate such responsibility to District staff or the 1'roject Committee. h. f3illings, Change Orders; Pacrcjrasing. The District shall administer the paynieni of all bills associated with the acquisirian and construction of the Project and shall Ue charged with administering any necessary change orders for the Project. The District intends ihat all bills received with respect to the Aroject shall be reviewed by the Arch.itect, the Construction Manager (if any) and a member of District staff prior to p3yment. The District shall have authority to execute change orders with respect to the Project without sccking approval from the GSVLCFA Baard. The GS VLCFA Baard hereby expressly dele;ates responsibility for timely pa}mrnt to the Diskrict, provid'cd however, that the District shall have an obligation to bring ta either the District Board or the GSVLCFA Board (or both) any change order with respect to the Project that is in excess of S50,000. The District shall follow irs current purchasing policy with respect to the purchase of goods aild services for the Project and during the period ot rime when the District is actively involved in unclcrtakings associated with the Project. i. Insctrance. The District shall obtain and keep in force, for the duration of the Bonds, one or more insurance policies with one or more reputable insurance companies with respect to the Project, such policy or policies to provide for full value replacemeni caverage, which shal) list dle GSVLCFA as an additional nnmed insured in the event ofa loss, it being the intention of the Parties that the Project and its contents be properly insured against loss in favor . of the GSVLCFA and the District far the duration of the Bonds. Section 2. Finances. a. The District Board shall select the underwriter or underwriters to be engaged for the financing of the Project. However, any undervTiter for the Projcct shall be retained subject to the approval of the GSVLCFA Board. ThE GSVLCFA Board shall approve the issuance of the Bonds as soon as reasonablv practicable. b. The -District Board shRli select bond counsel and other consuttants ncccssary for the issuance of the Bonds proposed to be issued by the GSVLCFA. However, Rny bond courisel, financial advisor or other consultant necessary for the Project shall be retained subject to the approval of the GSVLCFA Board. The GSVLCFA Board (or the District or its staff on behalf of the GSVLCFA) shall bc entitlecl to pay the fees and costs of bond counsel, disclosure counsel, underwriters, rating agencies, printers, financial advisors and the like from proceetls of the Bonds. The determination as to whether ar not to insurE the Bonds shall remain with the G5VLCFA Board but shall be made in accordance with the advice of any financial advisor retained for such matters. c. The District shall hold the proceeds of the Bonds as che administrative agent for the GSVLCFA within the office of ihe Treasurer of the County (the "Treastu•er"). The District and its staff shall manage and administer the finanees vf the 1'roject with the support and assistance of the Distrirt's E3oard in al) cases and Nvith the support and assistance of the GSVLCFA Boartl -5- . . . • • • only az may be required by law. The resolution authorizing the Bonds shall proVide that bond proceeds shall be deposited into the normal and customary funds and accounts of the Distriet maintained hy the: Treasurer; provided, fiowever, that such nor3nal and customary funds and acCOUnts may be designated and established by the GSVLCFA Board in the resolution or resolutions adopteti in connection with the authorization of the sale ttnd issuance oF the Bonds; it being the intention of the Parties thai the GSVLCFA Boarcl, the District ancUor the Treasurer take all necessary action to maintain corripliance with, aanong other matters, the laws and regulatiuns applicable under the Code. The Treasurer or his or her designee shall be cx-officio treasurer for the GSVLGFA during the duration of this A&preement, unless law other than this Agreement shdll dictate a different result. Section 3. Reports. At each GSVLCFA Board meeting, the District or its representative or the Project Committee or its representative shall provide a report on the status ancl progress of the Project and a finaneial report oF the GSVLCFA. The District and the Project Committee (or both) shall provide such other reports related to the Froject as are reasonably requested by the GSVLCFA Board. Section 4. Operation. 1'he District, with the assistance atid support of the GS V LGFA Board, shall provide all necessary Administradve support to the GSVLCFA without c6arge for the dw-ation of this Agreement. The District shall operate and staff the Facilities comprising the Project. The District shall be responsible for maintaining and repairing the interior and exteriar of the facilities comprising the Project, any sunoimding lawn, landscaping, and removal of snow, litter, and other items that may accumulate on or near the building. The District shall maintain general liability insurance on the Project w7ch the GSVLCFA nAinetl as an additional insured on thc policy consistent with the requirements of Section l(i) above. Section 5. O%vnership. Legal title to the library capital facilities acquired and constructed (i.e., the Project, real property and related materials or equipment) pursuant to this Agreement shall be held now and hereafter by the District in fee simple absolute for the duration of the Bonds and thereafter. Seetion fi. Term of Agreement. This Agreement is effective as of the date the MArch 11, 2008, sgecial election is certificd and shall remain in cffect until the GSV[..CFA is dissolved in accordance with RCW 27.15.060. Such dissolution shall only occur after all obligations (including but not limited to the Bonds) issued or incurred by the GSVLCFA have been discharged and any other contractual obligations of the GSVLCFA have been discharged or assumed by another governmEntal entity. -6- ~ • . Section 7. Resolution of Disagreements. [n the event of a continuing dispute behveen the Parties under tiis Agreement, each Party shall designate an appropriate representadve to facilitate the resolution of the dispute according to a procedure established by thE GSVLCFA Board. T'he representatives shall meet within 15 d'a,ys of either Party's request and shall use their best efforts to resolve the dispute in a manner acceptabte to both Parties. The representatives' negotiated resolution shall be subjcct to approval by each of the Pai-ties' govennin- 6oards. Scctioii 3. viiscellaneous Pravisions. a. This Aareement may be amenc~ed nnly upnn consent of the Aarties thereto. Any amendment hereto shall be in writing. b. The waiver by any Party of any breaeh of any term, eovznant, or condition of this Agreement shflll not be deemEd awaiver of such term, covenant, or conclikion or Rny subsequent breach of the same or any other tertn, covenant, or condition of this Agreement. c. Any Party hereto shall hAVe the right to enjoin any substantial breach or threatened breach of this Aareemcnt by any other ~'arty, and shall have the right to recaver damages and to specific performance of any pnrtion of this Agreement. • d. This Agreement is solely for the benEfit of the Parties hereto and no thirci party shall be entitled to claim or enforce any rights hereunder. C. The reeards and documents with respec:t to all matters covered by this Ageement shall be subject to audit by the Parties diEring the term of this Agreement and three (3) years after termination or such othcr longer period as may bc required by law or the Code. f. If any provision of this Agrcement or application thereof to any Party or c.ircumstance is he1J invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invaliclity shall not aftect t11e other provisionS of this Ag-eement which can be given effect without the invalid provision oe• application, ancl io Ehis end the provisions ofthis Agreeinent are declared to be severable. 9. This; Agreement shall be effective whether signed by the Parties on thE sane document or in cauiiterparts. h. All notices or other communications shall be deemed sufficient hereunder if made in writing and delivered by facsimile or by first-class mail, postage prepaid, to each Party at its respective address set forth below; ar such other address as such Paity may hcreafter designate to the others in writing. i. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construcd to limit or alter the statutory authority or the responsibilities of the pistrict, the GSV LCFA Board or the GSVLGFA. -7- Q • . • • j. For purposes of RCW 39.34.030(4)(a), the Executive Director of the District shall serve as the admiriistrator responsible for administering ihe joint and cooperative undertaking among the Aarties to this tlgreement. There shall be no `Joint board" as that term is usEd in RCW 39.34.030(4)(a). Section 9. Filing of Ageement. The Parties shall cause this Agreement and any amcndment thereto to be filed with the Spokane County Auditor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executcd by each Party as set fortll below: SPOKANE COWi TY C.iBRARY D[STRICT GREATER SPOKANE VALLEY LiBRARY Spokane Couniy, Washington CAPITAL FACILITY AREA Spokane County, Washington Bv By Ann Apperson, Chair Mark Richard, Chair of the Board of'Trustees By Bonnie Mager, Vice Chair 13y ?odd Mielke, Commissioner AT'f EST: ATTEST: Michael J. Wirt, Secretary Daiuela EricZ:son, Clerk to the Board af Trustees of the Board of County Commissioners -s- • • . EX.HTBfT B(2) CITY pF SPOtiAi~1E VALLEY RESOLiJTIOV N0. 07-016 . ~ • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPO:KANE COUNTY, WAS~ii GTUiN RE, SOLUT.iOiN T'O. 07-016 A RESOLU'I'ION OF THE CITY OF SPOICANE VALLBY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHWGTON, 4PPRpVNG THHE JOTNT REQUEST TO ESTABLISH THE GREATER SPOKAN.E VALLEY . LIBRARY CAPITAL FACII.I'fY A1tEA; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER viATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, : the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washiagton (the "City"), is a nonchartered code ciry duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and the laws of the state of Washin' on (the "State"); and • WFTEREAS,'the City is annexed into and is a part of the Spokane County Library District (the 'Tistriet"); and WHEREAS, library services to die residents of the City are provided by library facilities oNviied and operated bv the District; and WHEREAS, 'the City has heen iriformed by the ,pistrict that the District cannot presenfly accommodate the increased needs of the growing populat;on in the areas tocated east of the City of Spokane, and in the City, the Town of vlilhvood (the "Town") and unincorporated portions of Spokane County (the "Counry') with respect to library services; and NVHER.BAS, chapter 27.15 EtCW permits, upon the joint request of the City, the Town and the District and the approval of the County and the r4levaat approval of the qualified electors, the creation pf a libracy capital facility area to construet and finance library capital facilities; and i WHEREAS, the City has bcen informed by the District that the Discrict intends to submit a written request to the County for the adoption by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washin;ton'(the `Boarti"), of a resolution or resolutions calling for the vote of the qualified electors within a proposed library capital facility area for the establishment and creation of the Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area (the "GSVI.CFA") and for the approval of the issuance of general obligation boitds to eonstruct, acquire and remodel certain library capital facilities to be located within the GSVLCFA and for the imposing of excess properh}+ tax levies to retire such general obliaation , bonds; and VJHEREAS, the City would be located within the boundaries of the GSVLCFA; and WHEREAS, tlie City Council and District have determined the cost of providing additiona[ facilities for the needed library service can most fairly be paid by those residents of the area served by and through the establishment of the GSVLCFA. _ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL.VED BY THE CITY COTJNCrL, OF CITY OF SPOKAFVF, VALLEY, SPOKANE COLN1'Y, WASITYNGTON, as folloNvs: i Section l.: Approva.l 'of Crcatioa of Greater Spol:ane Valley Libraiy Capital FaciGty Area 1"he City finds that the creation artd establishment of a netiv library capital facility aeea and the subsequent acquisition and construction and remocleling of new and eYisting library facilities are each Resulution 07-016 Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area Page 1 of 5 - • . . essential co the public welfare and to the residents of the City. The City he.reby approves the creation of the GS\rLCFA pursuant to chapter 27.15 RCW. Sec.fion 2: JointRequest to the Board of County Commissioners The City hereby approves ihat a request be jointly submitted by the City, the District, and the Town to the Board, 'pursuant to chapter 27.15 RCW, requesting that the Couoty take all appropriate action to provide for establishinp the GSVLCFA, the boundaries of such area to be as described in Exhibit A attached to this resolution and incorporated herein by this reference. Furkhermors, the City hereby approves that;a request be jointly submiited by the City, the District, and the Town to the Board, pursuant to chapter 27.15 RCW, to submit to the qualified electors of the such area, hvo balJot propositions at a special election to be held as soon as reasonably practicable, such proposifions to be in substantially the following forni and to contain substantially the following content: Proposition 1: Thst the quali.f'ied slectors with the propnsed GSVLCFA approve the establishment And creation oEthe GSVLCFA corisistent with chapter 27.15 RCW and according to all othcr applicable terms and provisions of this resolution. Proposition 2: That the quali .fied electors witiiin the proposcd GSVI,CFA approvE the issuance of general obligation bonds in the prineipal acnount of not to esceed $33,400,000 and approve the imposing of an escess property cax levy within the bowidarics of the GSVLCFA in an amount necessary, and sufficient to retire such bonds, all in order ta finance the acquisition, construction and remodel of library capital facilities to be located within the GSVLCFA irt orcier to expand available library service in Spokane County; NVashington, all as may be further subject to the terms and provisions of chapler 27,15 RCW. Section 3: l,lection Costs The City shall not be obligated to pay the costs of subrnittina the nvo ballot propositions to the qualified electors. The f7istrict has agrced to pay tlie costs of submikting the two ballot propositions to the qualified electors. Secdon 4: Authorization to Submit Resolution to the Board of Couuiy Cammissioners The Ciry Clerk is audiorized and directed to cercify a copy of this resolution and submit it to the • Baard. Section 5: Amendments to Resolution . The Council from time to time and at any time may adopt a resolution supplemental hereto, which resolution thereafter shall becorne a pact of this resolution, to: (i) add to or delete from the covenants, imdertakings or agreements of the City in this resolution; and/or (ii) cure, correct or supplement any defective or ambiguous provision contained in this resolution. Section 6: Rat-ification All actions not inconsistent with the provisions of this resolution heretofore taken by the Council ajid tlle City's employees with respect to the GSVLCFA are hereby in all respects ratified, approved and confimled. ' Section 7: RepeAlcr All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewitli are, io the extent oF such conflict, hereby repealed, and shall have no further force ar cffect. Resolution 07-016 Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Faciliry Area Page 2 of 5 , ' • . • Scction 8: Effective Date This resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. ADOPTED BY THE'SPOKANE Vr1I.LEY CITY COUNCIL THIS 9" DAY OP OCTOAER, 2007. . ` Iaiana With.ite, Mayor A.PPROVED AS TO FORM: C J~ ~ _ ~stine Bainbrid?e, Ci1y Cler c Office oi~e City Attorney ; ResoluCion 07-016 Gaeater Spokane Valley Library Capita) Facility Area Page 3 of 5 • • . Eh'MTT A BOUI\DARMS OF GREA'1'.ER SPOKAN15 VALLEY MRt1.I2Y CAP[T'AL Fr1C1LYTY AREA The boundaries of the proposed Greater Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area are set forth in the aitached rnap, which eontains the entire boundaries oFthe City of Spokane Valley. nesolutioo 07-016 Grcater Spokane Valley Library Capital Paciliry Area Page 4 of 5 Proposed Greater Spokane !/alley Library Capital Facility Area F y 1 ~ I d ~ ~ e~ Y . , - • _ • • _ ' ^ r • ~ tz~~ _,i...' ~ ~~::i:;-'~:j~.~' ~ ~~Li..~?(".i F`°~ ~~t:.'~tii:, ~ i _ t~l~ - ;,j t ~ ~ -r : c.... ' ~i am~=.' , t•~~~ , - w " r~' . W~".: * J.~ - . ! ' L ~ f ~i r~..~ a ~ - !~`~iit • p i ~ ` ~ `.~`4 ! ~ G_ : ~p-. A^r__ 6~~ . I . ~ TT i- NM ~ _ P, ~ ~~+^'~1.~ela' _ ~-0~`~~ ~ ~ ~ ♦ ~V ` . ~ , . ~ Mj ~y~ `l ~ ~ o f ~i " r .r T ' t , ~ l ° . ~ _ _ Jt'; ►'S' 1~ e _ ~ •~1'`P"tyi' ~ .4'if ~ `.i_~~-. _~i~~l• ~'4 _11.. 1 ~ _ ~ 1.'~7 "'~.~t-{~ !-F:: ~ I..._y,..i I ~„-:..'-I . • : ~t ~ ~ ~,~~.m Oyi ' . ~ ~ ....'n°. "r` -T 4 ~ = ~ , ' r.., 1~1~."7'-6.. ~ - ~ ~ - ~a;; ~ y ~,i ')a..ri- a♦ i ~v ~ , , ~ ! ~~~''Ri~'~' "t•~ 1,, - r---- '`,1 --~~1--_lR,~,-IE,~~'•j^_~ _ .~t l... -~~~!iw.~t~w.~y~] ~t~.u+ I 1',.~ 7~~ ,t11' `►.~.f ~ ,C ?~~.5jdf~t i 1 ~ ~ 9~ ` ~ ~ ~ . ~ .~„_~,_a } ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~a , ~~1 1 ~ . ~ , F3 . . ~ ~ ~-#~j ~1 • { ) s ~ • . ~.1 ,.v r ~ -_E~i ` .6 1. ~ ' 1'~~t .~.~~$~.I~ ~ • _ ,Il j !~i) ~ '~5., . `I ~I ~ ~ ' ~r.,, , ~ . ~,.-.I'..' }4.. ~C ~ ~ _ ~ ~ 1..1 j ~ ~d_.. ~ • ' (.o _ 1.. :t r ~ , ~ "r~ ~ r A f _ ~ ~ i ~ ~sn :5g ~ • ` 1 ~ ~ ' ~~e ~ ^ ~ . f.G•.',^ ! z Lif 4 ~ eaoaoW G~m sQoiane uuo, uanrv caaad v,ruq.ao, G~~ncwn►w.rw-a.wereweara.r e / ' ~ . ' - . . , _ . ' „ , u~_,C~ enw uv-n ~ - - • N ~ ~ 1 ~.~1= - { • ow- a.do.a~v:r.xa y i r" ~ wen nr_~ry , ~ . . 4 0 Od OA 1.6 2.4 37 ~ r ~ -i+ts+ . „ <.r~-+s- / . ( o . . • `i ~ . e . ~ ~ I 1F ~L 1~ k fk IF 9e fk .4 fk ~k f~ ~ ~ * * ~ CERTIFICATI0N I, Christine pAabridge, the Clerk to the City Counci] of tM City of Spokane Vallcy, Spokane County, WashingEon; hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a full, #rue and correc# copy of a resolution duly pass~d and adopted $t a regul ar me.eting of tha City Council of Ciky of SpokAne VaIley, duly held at the re~ular meeYin- place thereof on October 9, 2007, and that at such it3ceCin¢ such Fesalutioo was adapted by the fo] lowing vote: i AYand iri favor thereof, Cauncilmerrkbers; iMayor 1'dilhite, Daputy Nlayor Taylor; ~ Cauncilrneiiibers SchimTm[s, Denemiy, Gothrnanit, De'4'iaming I NA'YS, Caunc3Lnembers' nono ,LBSENT, CouncilroeTObars; Councilrnember i1~.[unson A-BS'T'AlN4, Councilnieinbers; none ! i Further certiify tFiat I have caTefully compm-ed tMe samc with the oFiginal resoiution on fi1e and a#' moord in my off-ic.e; that 5urh resolution is a full, true, and correct copy o£ khe original resolution adopted at such mcettng; and that such resolution has na# been anietided, modiied or rescinded since #he da#e of its adoption, and is now in full fot`c-e autd effect. I I U WITNESS R'HEREOF, I have set rny harad and tFke~seal of the City on Oc#ober 15, 2007, I i ~ I C£TY OF $PO.KAINT VALLEY _ Spokane Coun#y, Washingtnn ~ ~j~~'~7~p'~-, ~ ~ ~ ~ •C7 ~'i~~k~~+'C~: ChrxsEine Bainbndge S tojj , ~ Clerk to the City Cauncil . _ y . 'o.1~~~ I ; ~ ~ i Resoiutson 07-016 GreaOer Spokane Valle}r Library Capita] Facility Arsa Page 5 0f 5 . . ' • - . ' • . . • . . . . - . . . . a ° . . RESQLUT`TON NO. 07-04 . ARESOLUTION OF" THE : TO`VN COUNCIIJ• OF 1"HE, TOWV pF ' MILLWOO.D, SPOKANE COUNT1', WASIiINGTON, APPROVINC THE JOINT REQiJES1' xU ESTABLISH THE GREA'TTR SPOKANE VAGLEY „ I,IBRARY{CAPITA:L FACILIrY ARE A; AIVD 1'ROVIDING FOR.OTHE1t . NIATTCRS Pf20YE12LY RELAT'IntG THERETO ' . . . - . , . . . • " ' " .TOWN OF vIIL,LWOOD " . Spokanc Co.unty, Washington , . ' $E' iT RESOL'VEl7 BY T'HE TOWN; CQUNCIL 'OF TONVN OF 4kflLL.WOOD, S.POKF1NE COUNTY, WASHINGTON; as fo! lows: _ ' • ' . ' " . ' - . WHE1tE:AS, the -Towm ;oF Mill wciod, Spokane County, %'ashington (the `town"), is a to,"m d'uly organi2eil and existing'under acid by virtue of the Gonstitution and the lAws of tlie stafe . ' of Washi_natoti (the•=`State"); : WBEREAS, the Town is-annesed into and a part• of the Spokaue Coun .ty LibraryDistriCt • (the "-District"); - . ; - . WHEREAS, library servia;s to the.residents oFthe Town are providcd by. library.facilities' . ' owned and operated by the'District; ' . ` , , • > • - • , . - ° ,WHEREAS, the `Cown.has been informed by the District that the District cannot presently accommodate the increas.ed needs of fhe•growing population in the areas IocAtcd e:as't of th-c City ; of Spokanc; and in the Town,City of Spokane Valley (the "City") and unincorporated portions o^f Spokane County',(tlie !"County") with,respect to lilirary services; WI-1CREAS; chapter 27.15 RCW permits, uPon'the jouiC requcst of :tFie Townt the City ' -and. the District and the approval of, the C6unty°.and the relevant approval` of the qualified . electors, ~lie creatiqn= of a; library capital facility area to acquire, const.ruct, remodel Rud finance • ' library capitaf facilities;. . , - , . . . . . , - . , . WHEREA5~, the Town, has heen iuformed. by th'e. District that the. District intends to submit a wraiten -request, to the Councy for the adoprion by the Board of County Commissioners •,~of the Coimty (the l "Board"), of a resolution-ar resolutions calling foz'flie vote of the qualified electors 'within a,proposed library capital facility~ area ~for the establishment and creation, of the , Greater Spokane'Val:ley i,ibia-ry Capital Facility Area.(fhe "GSVLCFA") and for the, approval of ' the issuance of general obligat7on bonds to coristruct,.acquire aid remodel certain library capital . facilities fo be located within fhe GSVT..GFA and for the`imposing of excess property tax levies . to retire such general obligAtion bonds; . , . . • _ `VHEREASr the Town would be locatEd within the boundaries of the GSVI,CFA; . , . ~ • . - . ' . . . : . - ` • , a . ♦ ~ , • ' . • ' . . . ' . + I . • f . • , • ` ' . ~ , - ' . e ! , ' , , . ' . , . ' I - , ' ' • . - . ~ . , , , , . - . ~ , . . . _ . WHER~S,r1ie Town Council atid the District-have deternviied,the':eost-4providing ;.additional faciliriesj.f'or the needed library service~can-most fa.irly be paid by.those resid'erits of-the a%ea served by'and th.rougti the eSCablishment-of the GSVLCFA; • . - ' - . . - : ' : , . ' , , . - ; . . : . „ _ . • . . _ • . _ - . , . . N0W, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY FOLIND; DETEIZMINED 'AND;:ORDERED, as,. : follows; ; ' ; - _ ` , , - - • : _ . . , , . . . - . Section.l: Ap~iroval of Crcation of Crcater Sp6kane Valley Library,Capital Facility : - , Area- , ~ ; . . . . - ' , . _ . _ , , , _ . . . - . . . . - . , _ . . „_Thc Town finds-that.iYie.-creation and establishment of a.nevv Iibrary capital facility.area- and ithE~ subsequcnt acquisition,_ construction and remodeling of neW-certaTo,~~nr n:liar}=:facilifies are• each cssential to the public Nvelfareand,to the residents o£the I'own. ; Ihe hec eby,approves ~ of creation of the GSVLCFA pursuanf to chaPter 27. tS.RCW: . _ - ` - _ , ; • . . - . , . . . . _ . , . . . . _ - , , . . . • Section 3: Joint Request to-the; Board of County Commissionei•s , ~ ° ' - ' , 7 . . - . . . . . . "t .w a . ' . ' . , . . " . c . y fi ' ♦ ' e ' ' ~ ♦ . ` . • . • •Tlie Town hereby approves that a request be joinily submitted by the Toivn, ,the .District, and the City to thEr Boazd, pur'suant, to chapter 27.15 RCW;. requesting triat. tlie.Coupty tal:e all'. appropriate action to provide for establishing the GSVLGFA, tfie bouridaries of such:a.r.ea to be as ' desctibed in EYhibit -A,'aitached to this, resolution and incorporated herein by`thisreference. ' Furihermore, ihe Town' fiereby approves that a request be jointI}~ submitted,by,.t}ie Town, the . District, and the CiCy- to the Board; pursuant tb chapter 27.15. RCW; to submii [o'the qualified elecfors of.such srea two ballot`propositio.ns at a.special election to be lield_as-soon as Teasonably. • ` . . ' practicable, such :propositions to :be' in. substantially the folloNving .`forruo` and to contaia . ' ~ ,substaritially the foll&ving coiitent: . . . . ' ; Propositi`on 1: . • 'Chat the qualified 'electors «nth the proposed , GS`1LCFt1 -approvE the establishinent aiid cceat.ioa of the GSVLCFA ccrosisient-with: clia~2er . . ~ : 27.~15 .RCWand~ accordirig to ~all. otlier applicable terms anc~ provisians of t,his 4, , . . • " _ ' .iesolution-. ' . . . . , . . ~ : - . ; • . ; . _ t'. . • - . , - . , ' ^ . Pro nosition-2: : 'Chat tlie qualified elect'ors withi~ the proposed GSVL GEA~ alip"rove,t~ie issuance of general obligation bonds in the principal amount ofnot,t~~ - . . , ' ' zxceed $33,400,000 ajid: approve the imposing of :am excess, -property'tax levy, ' ° • . • ~ „ , within the "houndaries of flic GSVLCFA in aii amount necessary and,'suFticient to - , • . , . >retire such bonds,,all in.order.io financE tlie acquisition; construction. and~iemoclel . of l~°brary capital: facilities ta be located cvithin the GSVLCFA.`in. order to expand . . , _ available tib.r.ary sen~ice;in Spokane County,',Washinaton, all as may be' fiirttier subject to.rhe.terms and provisions 6f'chapter'27.15`RCW: ` . , • ' • ~ ; ~ ; ~ , . . - • ` = , ' : "r , , . . Section 3: Election-Costs , - • - . • • . ' ' . Y t~ • I ' ' . . ~ _ , ~ ' • • • ' . ' . 'Y`he Town shall not_be-bbligated to }~ay the`c4sfs of,submitting the'two'ballot propositions to the yualitied elcctors ' _ 1_he i7istrict has agreed to pay the cosYS of submitiing the two balloi • p`ropositions to the qualified electors. - ` . - . • > . . . . . , , . . - = - , . . . . . . • - . : _s . , : _ , . . • . • : . -2- - . _ • - ' . ' . ' . ` . , , . . . . .WHFI2.E:45', the Town Council' and,thiet District have deEermined -thecost of providing ° addidonal facilities.for the necdcd libra'ry service canulost.fairly:be paid by thqse iesidents-pf the ; art;a.served by and through-the establishment-of the GSVL.-CFA; - _ . , , . • . - , .'.I~10W; Tf-iE1tEI'0Rr, IT IS HEKEBY FOLIND,, DET'ERMNED AND ORDERED; as ~ f01101AIs: - ; . - • - , . . , _ . ' . • . • - . , . . . ; ' . . . . < SecNon 1: - Aproval of Creafioa of Greater Spokane Valley Library: Capital Facili ty ' - Are.' . " - . , The "I'ovvn finds that the creation, and- establishment of a new• lilirary capital faciliry' area . •and itie subsequent! ~cqiusition, construction and remadeling of new~certain library facilities=aie . each,essEntial to therblic welfare and;to the iesidents of the Tolffli. The Town hereby, approves , , of creation oF the GSVLCFA pursuant to cliapter 27.1 5R.CW.' ' . ; , ~ . . . Section 2: Joiht Requ*est to the'Boarcl of CountyACommissioncrs Xhe ~Towri hEreby approves that a request be jointly submirted by the, Town, the District, .-and the City to tlie Board, pursuant.to chapter 27.15. RCW, request,i:ng that the Courity take all appropriate actiou to .pro-6de for establishinig the GSVLGFA; ihe.boundaries vf such area to be as ' descn~ied in ~E:clubit A: attached to this. resohition and incarporaied herein 'bj- ttus reference. _ Furtliermore,_ tie '°oi~n hcreby approv"es- chat a request ae~ joinily.submitted°•by the Tovni, the _ '.•District; and the City to tlic Board; pursuant, to chapter 27:15 RCW;`to submit to:rfie qualified . electors of 'such area_two ballot propositions at a special eleetion to be. held as soon as reassonably . practicable; such, propq`,sitions, to be ''in :subst~~ntially .fhe following :form _.and to -contain sub'staiitially the fallo~,ving.cAntent: _ . ' - - . - . . • - - . . , ' . - - • . _ . _ , - - . • . . ~ J - , _ • Pronositian- l:' : • Tliat.the,qualified'electors with the: proposed GSVLCFA • : . : appiove the establishment, and c"rea'tion of the GSVLCFt~i consistent with. chapter' • . . 27.15 RC W_ and accorcting to all other' applicable temis and-,piovisiotis of this. . iesotution.` - . . , - . ° . - . . ~ . ProDOSition 2: jhAt the qualified- electors wittiin the proposed GSVLCFA , -.approve the issuaiice of general;obligarion.Uonds in the.prineipal ari%ount of nat to . eic.eed $33,400,000 arid approve, the imposi.ng of an eYCess property tam' levy wirhin the bouiidaries of.the :GSVLCFA in ari amaunt, necessary and sufficient to: _ retiie such -bailds; all' ir1 order to finance the aequisition; construction and remod'el _ of library capital facilities to ~be' located Nviihiri the GSVLCFA in ord'er_ to._ expand . = . • - : ivailable library service in`Spokane CouriYy, 'Washingron,` all'as ~iiay be further ` - - subject tn the ieizns;and p'rovisions of chapter.27.1 S RCW: ° 'Secfion 3: E1'ectioii Costs> _ ' The Totivii shall not bc obligated ta pay the costs of submittirig the two ballot pr6positions - to the qualified electors. The District: has agreed to :pay the. costs. of submitting the two" ballot propositions to the qualified eTectors. : ' ' , , , . . . , a . • • -3- ' . ' ti . ~ ~ - ~ ' ' _ ~ ~ _ . ~ ' , • . .J , ' . . . ` . ~ . ~ ~ ~ , . ~ , . • , ' . . . ' . • . t r _ ~ ~ . ' • • ` ~ ~ ~ Section:4: Authorization to Submit.Resolution to the Board of Cuiinly Commissioners ~ • ~ . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ; . _ . . • The Towii Cleik is autliorized• xnd directed to certify a copy of this resolution and subinit i't to the Board. . . . . . . . _ ~ ~ . . ' ~ , - o . . . . ~ ' . . - , ~ ~ ' + ~ ~ • • - ~ ~ , . - •Section 5: Amendments-fo Resolution ` ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' • . ~ 'The, jown 'Council from time. to time and.-at ,anp, tirrie may ~adopt,,a resalution - supplemenEal hereto, %vhich re,solution thereaffer shalt becjome a part• ofthi;Tesoiutioii, tu: (i) add to or delete &om the covenants, underfakings ar agr.eemepts of d1e Town in this.resotution; andlpr• (ii) cure, correct or supplement any defeckive, or ambiguous provi,siori 'contained. in this , • ' resolution. ; - " • . ~ . . , ~ . - ~ . . . . . Section;6: Ratification . ' ~ . • ~ ~ • . . ~ . ~ ' ~ ' . . . ~ . ~ . ' ' , . . . ~ ~ • All, aotions noi inconsistent evidi the provisions ci,f this resolucion heretofbre'taken .by.the . :Town -Gouncil and the Town's emplo}7ees wita respect to . the , GSVLCFA are hereby ~ • . respects ratifiea, approved and conf rn1ed: . . , ~ ~ ~ . • . . _ Section 7: 'Repealer ~ - ' • ` ' . ' , . , . . ~ ' ; ` - , . . ' . . ~ ~ ~ • , - . . , , ~ . . , ; , . All •resolutions~oi parts tiiei•ebf -in'connici'herewAth are; to.fhe"extent. of sueh conflict,. : hereby repealed, and shall have.no further force or effeci.: • Section 8: `Effective.: Date • , . - • . . . ~ : ~ • ; - . < . , , ' , Thisresolution shail tal;e ef~'ectimmediatelyupon-its adoption. ~ , ~ ~ : _ • ~ ~ - _ , _ , . • ; ~ . ~ . ~ : , • . ~ : ° ~ . . . . ~ " ' PASSEL7 BY 'f°FIE COiNCIL OF, THE TOWN OF MILLWOOD THIS I51 'DAY ~0.F' o ~ . OCTOBE[Z, 2007. . . ~ ~ ~ . ° ~ • , . , . . , . . , . . , . . ~ Dari Mork, Vlayor . • ; ` , . ~ . ; 'ATTEST: . ; ~ , ' ` /1 ' . • J 'I ' P • ' ~ ' ` ` . ♦ `r ' - . I ' • • . ' , ~ ~ ` " , . - , . . . ' . Y , ♦ ; • 1 ' . _ . . ~ Fva ~f.. ColQinb, C[erl:-Treasiirer • , .i ~ . ' - , . . ~ l . - . . ~ . - ` . ~ ' , . . , ; . , ~ , . . . . . _ . . : - ~ . • - ~ , . , . , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , . • a - _ ~ ` • , , ~ • ' , , . ; . , ' ' ' ~ . . . . • ~ , ' e _ • _ - • • " - ~ • , ' ~ _ ~ _ ' ~ . ~ • . , ~ . ; . . ~ . . ' . , • ~ , . ~ ~ _ ' - • - ' . . 0 - : • • _ . . ' ; . _ ' i . { • . ~ . CE-RTIFICAT10iY, " _ - . . ; . , . , . . ~ I, EvRL: C016mb, the Clerk to.the Town Council of the- Town,of Millwood, Spokane • Counry, Washington, heieby certify that the fore~oing resolution' is a full, true and correcf copy - of a resolution duly passed'and aclopfed at a`regular,rriee'ting, of the Towm Couricil of Town of ~ NIillwood, duly held-atthe regulai meeting place thereof ori`October 1; 2007;'of whiCh meeting , ~all inembers of sucii Boai•d had due notice, ancl. at which a majority thereof were presenf;' and that at such meeting such resalutian -was adopted by the'following vote: AYES, and in fayor!thereof, Trusrees: , . ' ~ . , . . , e : . - • - • . . . . ~ . . NtkYS, Trusiees: 4fi-Z.(Yit,l,-,'~ . . . , - . , _ . , _ - . . . ; . . . ABSENT-, Trustees: . ~ , . ' " ' ABSTA1N, Trustees: . : • ' _ " , - . 1 firrther certify that I have carefully coznparzd-.the same ~with the origi.nal re;olution on - file and of record in my off"ice; that such'resolution'is a full, tnie,, and correct copy of the original , resolution zidopted af such meeting; wid t,har' sach resolutiori has noc ,beeri ainended, modified- or ' rescinded since.the daie'of its adoprion, and is riow in f~ill force and' effect. • - ~ TN VI!ITNESS` WHEREOF,. I fiave, set my hand az►d the seal'. of the Town on "k , . 2007: . , - . ~ ~ ` . . . ~ . • . `.TO"~ OFMILLWOOD . . • ' - . ' • _ Spok-ane County; Washirigton - , . , , , • , ' ' ` Eva L. Col'omb Clerk-Treasuuer to tlie Town Council . ~ - - • , . ' • . - , . . , , . . . . _ • . . , Q , - , • • . . , _ • , - . . _ . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . ~ . . - . _ . ~~1,~ ; ~ ^ • L, . . . , . : . ' : ` - . . . • ' ~ ~ FAC7LT' ATA t L - y'Lf~l'tA~,2Y. CA.YI~,A _ - , • ~ . acility"p,zea' re, s ti_ • ~apital F a S QF Va11ey. Libr~±xY: '~,+tiltwood. • . .~,p1,''f)A~ ~'rr~ater '~pok aundaries of the ~O'~`'~ i , , ; ' • . ~ ~ ' . ~ e bound~ies;`°f propho,.sed .ccin~'ins .the eni~re b , • . - . . , - . . . ` ` • n ~e attach~d map; Qf~~~hic . . , ~ • ~ . ~ ~ _ ~ ' . " - ~ • . ~ . . forth i . . . - c . ~ . , . ~ . ~ . ~ = . ' . , . . . . , _ . ' , , d o . .j .u ' . ,A ~ . . _ ` • ^~Y. ~ ~e ' . . . . ~ ~,o i . ' ~ , . . . . ~ ' ~ . r . • . ~ . , ~ , ' ' - . . . • ' . . . ' ° ~ , . . 1 I . '1 ♦ • Y ~ ' ' • . , " ' ' ' . , , J . y ' . . . . ' _ ' . '.'1b. ~ 1 . ~ ♦ ' n, t,e . , , . , ' . , t✓ ` ~ • . D ' x• ; ^ ' . ` . . ' + - ' , 1. • • ~ , '`s ~ . • • - ~ • ~ s . s • 1 • .t • ~ ' ~ ~ • . . ^ r v~ , ' ' ' . V ' , I x ' . = . ` . ^ " { : . - ,,`F ' • . ,n . . " ~ ' . ' ' ' ' . . 4 • • . r • . .y ' • ~ ~e•_~• Y . . 'S~~ ` . ' , w,'-+ `.C' ' ' ~ T tD . . " . • , ' . , ' ; ~ ' ; ^ ' ~ . . . .y. . j - ' . . . ' . ` • i ` ~ K . ~ Y . . ' e . ' , _ . ' . ' . i ` , ~ • ~ ' ` . , ' . . . • - . ' , , ' . , ; ' ~ . • • . . ^ , t' . , c. • L ' r. ' ~ , . ` . . . ' : ~ . , ' ' ( ( • , . . . ` ' - ' o. 1 ~ _ L , . ~ . i~ • ' . . ~ ~ . . . • ` `i . c . . ` ~ ' . . e . f . ~ ~ . , , . : V ' ' ' . - ' ' , . " . ~ , ~ r' . ~ . . . ` ~ • , ~ . . ' . ~ • i - . . ` . . . • . , . i ~ • ` ~ t ' ~ ' - , " ~ ~ ' . ~ . . o ' ' ~ • • , ' ` n ~ . , ~ ' a ~ ~ ~ ' + ~ ' ~ .,A L , S ~ . • a , * • ' ^ , ' ' .L ~ • ~ , , ^ . . ~ ` ~ ^ e Y . . ~ ' • • ' ' • . . ' . I , . - ` . . ~ , , , ~ J , ^ . . 1~ • ` ' „ ^ . • - ~ ' ( . . ' ^ - . . . , . ~f. • . ^ I . F ~ .l ` . ' . ` ' • . ~ ~ ' , . ' • - . . - • • , ' ' ~ , - ~ . / F~ ' • . • ~ ` _ • " • • ' • Y ~ - ~ ♦ ' • , • • • ~ . ' ~ ~ , ' 1 . ' ~ . ' ' - ' . . ,1 . ' • - • _ . ' c , ` ' . . . . . . , . ~ • y , ' . r . ' , . ' . . i ' . . . _ , ` ~ , ` . , ' , , ~ ~ ' . '~s . . . ~ a. . - f ; ! .7F1 ~L , , -f: L~4•• h_~' °IL~_ J ~ F1 a L - J r '~9(~.a~-~is_.,v~-~-~-~.~-~$ t=,. r`1*i~ .t7- 9 ` r) IA ~~1~' ~ r~':~ -~~J'`•r-- T". ` B~ ~ c ~i i _ : ~ % t_~ I1 I~ ~ •~4' - Z 7E ~ I ~ ' ~ J 4 ~ -.~'TF~- ~F ~ V7I ~ ~ I i t ~i l 4 ~i'"}.,~'~~ ~,II'~~ •5 i ~3 I j jl ♦ +~Y .S~ t a ~ C ~~r" } h~• 7 ~ ~ ' ~ " ~ F ~ ar „y='.-. - ~"~i 1_7 _ ~K~~`'~~~~'•l~ I ~~~t~4= - tiw~ ~ ' / ~ ~L ' r_J~~' 1,~ X.~- -,~**-~k'~~ ;L'_ ~ . .~..~~;µ.-----j--,•--~ ~ d ~"T .~4 df~ y+ _r.R ' ~i F~t' • 1 ~ t ~ . ~ ' ~ ~`.``~ti R ~;„I * ~ _ 1 ~J .i h,~. _ ~ ~ ;4' _ . i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'1l .~4.~F~ ~ { ~ r~'~ ^l''"~ di•'`5G' . L.. cr i aa - { ~ - q , . , ~ d • . - e' ~ ,J' -fi .:i ' ; ~ ~ 4%t;~.~ t ~ 1_.~«• ~ 1~ - ~ f . ~ , tf ~ r ' `~y,~,~.ti ~~r• # ~ ~ ~ ~ • E 4- k ' ' " ; i ~ • ' ,r~ , ti~ . r~ '1~ - ~ ti ~ ~ ~ ~ -17 I '4 ~ ~ • tl~4.l r , . I ~ . . ' ~ ' . • ~7}. P ! ~ ~ ~ ' a = ~ ~ . _ . ° _ ~ ' ~4a1r 1 - - - d