07-083.00 CH2M Hill: Valley Corridor Project Environmental Studies~~ . :~ - . Tr~,nsporta#io~ Improvement f~aard ~- ~orlultarlt ~pplrn~ntal grlwmnt Agei,Cy City Of pOk2,rle Valley Protect Num6~r #05-~0 ProJeCl N2~me pity Of p~ka~e Valley orrid~r Project - Er~vir~r~mental tudi~s Consulting Firm HNI .HILL, InC_ up}}lem~nt ~nase En~+ironmental tudi~5 The Local Agency of pity of Spokane Valley desires to supplement the. agreerrlent entered into +n++th N2M WILL, Inc_ and executed on Jude 29, 2~0~. - All provisions ire the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by-this supplemen#. ~`he crlanges to the agreement are descried as follows; - ectiarl II, SCOPE OF ORI{, is hereby amended to include code of Work additions ar',d deleti~r~s as described in attached HM HILL letter to pity of Spokane Valley,-dated April ~1~, OQ7. eotion IV, TIME FOR BEtaINNIN Alf] OOAIIPLETIOhi, is amended to change the Completion Cate SUPPLEMENTl~L ~~MFLETIOh! SATE October ~1, 0Q7 ectian V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as f~IlpwS as set forth in Exhibit A MAIPw+IUM AMOUNT ~I~Y~4BLE 1.849.~f] EWIBlT A Original Agreement 9upplelment Total Qirect salary Cast $4,899.14 1 ~,7f~.1 ~fi,175.6 overhead {including Payroll Adtriti~s~ $76,81.16 1 x;.81 93,fi86.97 Qirect Pion-salary Costs 6;49.57 ~15,d51 _~) $51,041.1 Fixed Fee $14,670.14 X3,819.49 $17,983.47 ion#ir10ency ,9fi~.5~ Q.OO 2F9fi2.59 Total $06,375.59 15,47d_QO 2~1.84~,§f] If you concur with this supplement and agree to-the changes as stated above, please sign and date in the appropriate spaces below. AgenCY ~~ aalure dale . ~~ CansullanE ~ignatura d~t9 ~~ ~ ~ ~r TISCONSULTpNTSUPPLElAcNTAL AGREEEMENT f~b 4,a0L ~~-~~ ~ • ~..® CHZMHILL ~`. April ] 3, 2007 332655.A1. Steve Worley Senior Engineer for C1P City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 7.06 City of Spokane Valley, WA 99206 CN2M HILL 9 Saulh Washington Suite 409 Spokano,lwA 99201.3709 Tel 509.623.1664 x245 Fax 509.252.1507 Subject: Scope of Work/Budget Supplemental Agreement No. 4 for Valley Corridor Environmental Study Project 17car Steve: This letter documents ou.r April 1.1_, 2007, meeting regarding justification far an amendment to the scope of v<~ork and budget for the Valley Corridor Environmental Study Project. CH2M HILL performed the following additional services, which were requested by City and not inchtded i.n our original scope of work or subsequent supplemental agreements. Task 1: Project Management Coordination Meetings Related to Interdisciplinary Team Meetings. Task ]..2 of our original scope of work provides for CT-12M HILL staff to attend four Interdisciplinary Team (TDT) meetings. 't`hree of the four scheduled TDT meetings have already occurred Quly 14, 2005, September 8, 2005, and L7ccember 16, 2005). It is our understanding that tllc fourth IDT meeting will not be necessary and is therefore deleted from CH2iVI HILL's scope of work. In support of the TDT meetings, CH2M F-IILL staff attended seven additional coordination meetings with City staff. The project manager and transportation planner attended the additional meetings and additional effort was needed for preparation, follow-on, and administrative activities related to these meetings. Advisory Team Meetings. Task 1.2 of our original scope of ~~ork also states that Advisory Team (AT) members will be invited to attend all ID'f meetings. The scope of work and budget did not assume separate AT meetings. I-Towever, at the request of the City and AT members, five AT meetings were held separately from the IDT meetings. These meetings occurred on the following dates: • October 12, 2005 • December 21, 2005 • • Steve Worley 1}age Aprii 73, ~[]U7 3'~2b5~.A-1 • January ~4, 2006 • February ~4, ~UUb a}~ 19, ~f~0~ There x~ere additional unplanned revisions based on input received at these 1lT meetings, as ~vel1 as t>tie effort to prepare For and attend these it~eekin~s- Prior fio tl~e AT nteekings klte Cit}~ anCl ~!-li2 WILL tivould agree on ~n appr~a~h and strate~,~ For traffic mode~in and analysis. Based on that approach and strategy, ~~ork would be performed and ~c~ntlusions would be reached. l~owevcr, input front the additional AT mcctiri~s resulted in redouig ar n~adif}Ping the ntiadcling, analysis, and conclusions, which were subsequently suntimarizeci in tecFuiical men~arandums, Jrt addition, pro]~Ct team (i->v2 ~iiLL aria ~it}~ staft~ meetings +~ere usually >~eld before the AT meetings tv plan for meeting presentations. Because of the concerns of the Spokane Regional Transportation council (F{TC} and other 'f members, additional effort was needed to explain our struteg}~ and approach, presentation ntiaterials ~=ere developed to explain ou r concl unions at the AT rne~tin~s- Project Administration. The ori~ nal scope of ,,vork's schedule kvas for t>tie project to be completed u7 5 months (by the end of December ~Of}5]. The schedule was cxtertded tlu-augh arid-August as a result of the need for additional AT meetings, coordination with the STC, and to address the various issues related ko alternative selection, The extended project schedule, in turn, resulted in additional administrative costs, Sx~tr~~tr~ri~ of Task ~ F'rojectll~at~age»xet~t Artddt~n~trrl Cnst~s: $ 5,Q00 interdi~~iplinary Team l~Ileetin~ ~oordinativn $1,745. Advis(ary Term Meeting ~ $.588 ProJeet r~drtxi3listration ~,33~ Total bask ~: deficiencies and Alternatives fur initial scope of c}rk assumed tltiat exi8tin~ data and ~nformat;on ~vUUld be used to develop deficiencies and assess alternatives. AT input, particularly that From S1~T staff, resulted in re~Farking the ~t~i~dolin and analyses, a~~d the need to sumtt~ari~e these c>tianges ivn upci~ted techn.i~al rnernorandums. Ln aclditior~, a "alley corridor Traffic Systcnti anagementf'FraEfic Den~a~td tana~ement [T$,lh f TD] Alternative Development" technical memorandum was prepared to address S~7't='s request for presenting a c€etai l~cl, well-tho+~gltt-out T$M f TpM alkernati+~e as one of t>tie altea-naHves ko be included in the short list. Also, a.l ternatives ~vere developed and recanui~cnded b}+ H~ H1LL a3id an additional alternative ~=as included lased on pity council recor~rnendations. Irxitiall~, the scope of. -r 1 . . • • Steve Worley Page 3 Apri113, 2007 332655.A1 work assumed analysis for up to 20 intersections per alternative. In the end over 29 intersections v,~crc analyzed for most alternatives including re~~ising operations analysis resulting from staff recommendations on cha.n.nelization. Surn~nary of Task 517cficiencies ar~rl Alternatives Additional Costs: $22,701 Analyses and Re-evaluation of Alternatives $ 1.,612 'I°SM/TD1vI Technical Memorandum $ 4,317 Added City Council Alternative to analysis 1 258 tldditional intersections with updated Technical Memorandum $29,888 Total Task 7: Preferred Alternative This task is deleted from the scope of work, therefore, a credit of S7,349 (the original budget amount, including applicable fixed fee) is applied to this amendment. Task 8: Transportation Discipline Report 't'his task is deleted from the scope of ~~ork, therefore, a credit of $16,391 (the original budget amount, including applicable Eixed fee) is applied to this amendment. Task 9: Public Outreach The remainder of this task (one public meeting) is deleted from the scope of work, therefore, a credit of $X7,007 (the unused portion of the original budget, including applicable fixed fee) is applied to this amendment. The original budget amount for this task is $39,343.78. The total accrued charges to date on Task 9, including the applicable fixed fee, are $22,337.15. This includes the $21,947.94 invoiced through I~lovember 24, 2006, plus $389.21 incurred but not yet invoiced. Summary Ln summary, the aggregate cost of the added and deleted wank is $1.5,474, as summarized belo~~. Task ], -Project Management $26,333 Task 5 - iaeficiencies and Alternatives $29,888 Task 7 -Preferred Alternative ($ 7,349) Task 8 -Transportation Discipline Report ($16,391) Task 9 - lyublic Outreach $17 00 Total $15,474 CT I2M H[(~ir is requesting approval of Supplemental Agreement 4 to incorporate the above described scope of work and budget revisions into our farmal Agreement with the City. • • Steve Worley Page 4 Apri113, 2007 332655.A1 We appreciate the opportunity to work with the City of Spokane Valley. 1f you have any questions, please call me. Sincerely, CM2iVi 1-iIT T Jim ingfield, Pr Senior Project vianager p47 32UU7 l~etter.doc