07-085.00 Knife River: Appleway Ave ReconstructionC~ City of Spokane Valley U Contract `CHIS AG1ZE~I~M:LI~T1'; made and entered into this ~~ day of C~/.S 2007, between the °I"he City of Spokane Valley under and b_y virtue of `I"itle 35 RCW, as amended and Knife River hereinafter called the Contractor. V~rITNESSETH: 1 hat in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein and attached and made a part of this agreement, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: i. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment for: The improvement of F.A. Project STPUL-3$42(002) Spokane Valley Rid ;`lumber 07- 015, Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project, Tschirley 17oad to Hodges Rtrad. The project will include the construction rrf a new roadway section consisting of cement concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, 5-lane roadway sections with bicycle lanes, one signalised cement concrete intersection at Appleway Avenue and Barker Road, storm drainage facilities, szrnitary sewer improvements, and other work. In accordarnec ~~rith and as described in the attached plans and specif cation, aT~d the standard specification of the Wasl.irngton State Department of `fransportation which are by this reference incorporated hercui and made part hereoi'and, shall perform any changes in the work in accord with the Contract 1ocuments. The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work and labor; of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the ~~~ork provided for in these Contract Documents except those items mentioned therein to be furnished by the. City of Spokane Valley. II. '1`hc City of Spokane Valley hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ, and does employ the Contractor to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the above described work and to complete and finish the sanne in accord with the attached plans and specification and the terms and conditions herein contained and hereby contracts to pay for the same according to the attached specifications and the schedule of unit or itemized prices at the time and irn the manner and upon the conditions provided for in this contract. III. The Contractor for Iuinselflhersel f, and for his/hers heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, does hereby agree to full performance of all convcnants required of. tlne Contractor in the contract. 07-83 • ~ N. It is further provided that no liability shall atrtach to the City 4f Spokane Valley by reason of enteri_n~ onto this contract, except as provided herein. IN `VTTI~t1=.SS «'T=1ERE0~; the Contractor has executed this instrument, on the day and year first below written and the City of Spokane Valley has caused this instrument to be executed by and in the name of the said City of Spokane galley the day and year first above written. Executed by Contractor October (~' , 2007. Knife Raver Executed by the T.,ocal Agency David A. -lidtlyng, Vice-President (Contractor) ~~~ , 2007. ~~ ~~ By: Date: /4'~~-.~~~~ , (Local Agency Approving AuthoriR~) By: ' (Lc>c~l gency Attorney) _ ~ • -- C'IUTY oF7 -- _ - - _ -- _ J ~alley~ BOND NO: 190018256 and 104891355 CONTRACTOR'S PERFOR1ti1A1YClr AND PAYMEIT BOYD TO DUAL OBLIGEES iGNOV1~ ALL?V4EN BY Th'ESE PRESENTS, that Hap Taylor. & Sons, Inc. dba: Knife Raver Liberty P4utua nsurance Company an {Contracto*), as Principal, and Travelers Casualt and Surat Com an of m(BohdingCot=tpany), as Surety', a corporation of MA and CT , whose princigal office is located at 601 t.'. Main, Suite 1400, S okane ti~'A 99201 are Firmly bound unto the State of R`ashington and the Clty of Spokane Valley, a political subdivision the State of 1ashington, as Obligees, to fulfill the obligations of the principal and the Surety under the Contrpct to which reference is hereafter made, in the amount of S 4 , 565 , 859.95 (including Washington State sales tax) fQr payment whereof Prhtcipa! and Strcry 'bind themselves, the'a hers, executors, administrators, successors and assigns joint!}' and severally, frrnly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has by writ=.en Proposal dated 9 / 28 / 2007 offered to enter into a Contract with the City of Spokane Valley for Contract No. 07-015 ptusuaat to the terms and conditions sc~t forth in the Contract Documents dzted 10/8/2007. Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project, Fed Aid No. 5'i'PUL-3842(002) NOVV, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if the Principal shall faithFt:liy perform all U`te provisions of the Contract on its part, and pzy aJl laborers, mechanics, subcontraetors and mzteria] suppliers, and al! persons who sLppiy such person or persons or subcontractors with provisionu and supplies for the carrying on of such work, and indemnify and hold harmless the Obligees from al! loss, cost or damage which it may suffer by reason of the fail~~^e to do any of she foregoing then this obligation sha!l be nu!! and void; otherwise it sl•,all remain in full forte and e$cct. .All aersons wlta have furnis?ted labor, materials or supplies far use in and about tiro work provided far in the Contract shall hive a direct right of action under this pond; ~ the extent and in the tnattner set forth in RCW 39.48. The said Surety far value received hereJy s'spulates and ae ees that no change, extrtuion of time, alteration or addition to :tie terms of t,'te Contract or to the WORT: to be performed thereunder o; the SP1rCIFICATIONSeccompanying the same shall in any way affect it; obligRtion an this BOND, and it does heteby waive notice of any such change, extrnsion of time, aheration or addition to the teats of t:7e Ccnn'act ar to the WORK or to the SPECIFICATIONS, No fine! settlement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR s'.nal! abridbe tee ;i~tt of any beneficiary hereunder, w;~ose clairn maybe unsatisfied. SIGNED A1~D SEALEt7 THlS 10th DAY OF October. YEAR 2Q0~ AaPP Tavlor b Sons, Inc. dba: Rn5.fe River. PRINC~~~ ' SiSS~t~~a~~re David A. Midtlyng Typed Name Vice-President Liberty Mutua]. Insurance Company SURETY - 'athy u ey, At ozney-in-Fact Signature Txave3.ers Casualty and Surety Company of America UR Y at y J. Gur y, tto Zey-in-Fact ~`iticx _ . Si.~n3t'.ucc (SEF~) _ . Title .: . .... THIS POWER OF ATTORNE~OT VALID UNLESS. IT IS PRINTED ON RED BACKGROUND.• _ ". • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ This Power of Attorrtey.limits tfie acts of those named herein, and they have no authority: to bind tfie Compariy.except in the manner.and to the extent herein statedl ~ ~ " - LIBERTY:MUTUAL INSURANCE COPAPANY. ~ " . ~ BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS.::. - " - POWER OF ATTORNEY - KNOW ACL. PERSONS .BY .THESE :PRESENTS:. That Liberty Mutual Insurance Company"-.(the "Compam/"); a Massachusetts stock insurance . company, pursuant to and by authority of Ute By-lave and Authorization Hereinafter set forth; does hereby name, constitute and appoint _ W• W. WELLER, GEORGE:C. SCHROEDER, ICATH.Y,. GURLEY; CHRIS LARSON,.DALEE_MOUA, H. KEITH MCNALLY, ALL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE;:STATE OF WASHINGTON ..:.. .:..... .... ..,.. .... - - ..... ... .... .. each Individually if there be morr3 than ane+tiamed, its-true and tavrful attamey-fn-fact to make, ezeCUte; Seal, ackTtovrledge and detivar, for and on its behalf as-surery and as its act and deed, an .and all urxfertakings, bonds,;recogriizances'8nd other~su~ety obbgaLonS.in.ihe pen31 sum.not exceeding.'' -_ fIFTY MILLION AND 00/100"`.'.".**"'*~""•"" -" .. - "- `DOLLARS ($ 50;000,000.00""' -:~.. )each; and the : execution of.such undertakings, bonds, recognizartCes and: other. surety obligations, `in::pursuanco•oaahese presents;:;shall.be as 1>inding:upon the - Company as if theyhad been duly si$ried by-the president"an~if~attest®d by the secretary of;the Comp~anyan their ovrn propel persons . - That lhls pov:er is made and executed:pursuanCtoaad by authority of the foflovring By-law:and Authorization :_ _ - _ ARTICLE XIIL-Execution of Contracts, Section 5. Surety'Bonds"and Undertakings. _ - _ Any officer of the- Gornpany aufttorfzed :forthat purpose in writing by the chairman or the president. and subject io -such lirn'itaGona as ahe chairman or the president may prescribe, shall: appoint such attorneys-in-facl, as-may be necessary to_act fn behalf of the Company to make;- ~ execute, seal, acknowledge and: deliver as surety any and all undertakings, bonds, recognizances and other surety ablicyations: Such -o •'=, attorneys-in-fact, subject to the fimitalions set fortfi in their respoctrve prnvers of attorney, sha[I have full pourer fo'bind the Company by their N a signature and execution of any such instruments and to attacfi thereto tfie seal of th_e:Campany " Whemso executed such.insttuments shall be c ~ as banding as if signed by the president"and.attested bytho srcretary. - . ~. ~ By the follovring Instnimeni the chairman or the~presidenthas authorized the officer ar other official named herein to appoint attorneys=ln-fact .: - ~ - .' a c Pursuant to Article Xlll, Section S. of the .By-Laws, "Comet W. ~lllott, Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual insurance t:,ompany, is. hereby .: ~ '.: W authorized,to appoint such. attorneys-in-tact as maybe necessary to act in behalf of the Campanyto make, execute, seal; acknowledge and _ ~ j deliver as surety any and"all undertakings; bonds,;recognlzances and. other Surety obligations " _ - ._ - V pt ~. : - - . "" - - fA ~ That-.the By-taw and the Authorization sot #orth above are fnio copies thereof and are nrnv in full force and •effect - ~ W . ~ C ~ ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Powarof Attorney ham"brsen subscribed by an'authorized officer or;officialof-the Co~mpanyand the corporate seal of `o a ~ ~ Liberty Mutual Insurance Company has been affixed therein in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania this 20th `day of July -.; Q ~. ~ ~ 2006 -" - _. -_. - ~ ~ •. _ _ -• - - - - o ~. ~. N ~_ - = .- -. -: LIBERTY MUTLiAL INSURANCE:COPAPANY . - ~ c ~ ~ :: ~ Garnet W: EI6ott, Assistant Secretary _ o' iii .`, COMFAONWEALTKAF t?ENf~SYLVANIA "" ss "- - : ~ ' ~ _ • _ - . y : O =. ~ ~ COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY _ _ - - . ~ ~ ~ ~ On tflis 20th day ot: July ; -2006 ;before me, a tJotary "Public, personallq Came.-Gamey W. Elliott; to• me. known,. and acknowledged ~ d C ~ that ho is an Assistant Secretary of Liberty ~Autual insurance Company; allot. he knows the seal "of'said. corgoratiort; and- that he executed the above .~ Ear `Power of Attorney and affixed t71e corporate seal of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company thereto iviihatieauihority and at. the.dirccUon of said corporation: ~ ~ O c`o : - - ~ ~ IM TESTIMONY WFi ,~ P itve unto subscribed:mynamo and affixed my notarial eat at Plymouth MitaUnO Pennsylvania" on the dayand year t ~ .~ C ~ a0 - v first above virttten. ~. ~ON W . ~~ _ •_ :" ~ N ~ ~ _ ~~ ~O •: ~~4 9 --CO?/1,tQ EALTMOFPF3IN VAN •_ _ _ CV ~•' n ;~„ ~ «, >_ - ~• _ _ -'r : N66srid6ad '=- .f3 ~7lQi~f'~i~~_ '- " C Cp _ OF TeresiPa:.~e: NOIa~Y Puosc ~~i-Or/ Z v ~ ~""0"D`"T"p'~~ Ter sa PaSteUa"Notary P,ubliC -v ~ . t+r+y Cori:mt~ion ExDl~ Mir: ?B, 8008 ". ~6t.~P~~ ~ ' kommor F~nnr,MrtM Acsoda5o!f ot-Nada>ib" .•. ~ ~ - : ~ CERTIFICATE _LLJJ~r 4~ .-_": -.- - ~QRY E'V' - _ " ' I, the undersigned,.Assistan ecrefary:of Liberty Mutual-Insurance Company do hereby certify that ilie original pov er`oE•attorney of which the foregoing • is a full,. true and raorrect copy,_ts in fultaoice and effect.ori the~date of tfi_is;ceRificate; artd•I'do rurtnec:certi that,ihe _offlcar of aflicial .who executed-the.. •• - - said p~ovrer of attorney 95 an Assistant;Secretary'speciallyauthorized by alts chairman •or the president'io-appoint;attorneys-in-fact as provided in Article. -. . : ~ : X111,.Section.5 of the By-laws bt Liberty PAutual insurance Company: _ . ~ _ : _ : _ _ • - This certificate and: the above paver: o#-attorney may: be signed by ,.facsimile or mechanically reproduced signatures underand by authority :of the ' ' following vote of the board of diractors.of Liberty MutuaL.Insurance Company at a meeting:duly called and held an the 12th day of,March, 1980. ' VOTED Ghat"theaacsimile or`medlanically reproduced signature of any assistan4 secretary af.the.oompany, vrhereVer appearing: upon .a . certified copy of anypo+ver of attorney issued by-the company.in aanneetion vritfi solely bonds, sha[I" be valid and binding upon the company : vritll the sametarce and effect as though,manually affixed --:: .~ ~ - - .-" _• "- IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF l have hereunto suliscn'bed mynama and affixed the corporate"seal of the said company, this ~ 10th : day of - :October: - X007 - -. - • . - -. - - ~+.~ . ~ paw -M: Carey, Ass' "t Secretary _ ~- TRAVELERS) PO«'FR QF AT1Y')K~IEI' Fartnnghin Casualty' Cnmparw Fidelity and Guaranty Lruurrutee Crnnpuu}' Fiilelih' and Cuaronh• Insurance Underwriters, lac. tieahnard SurcW Compam' Sl. Paul Fire and Dlstrine Insurnnce Company St. Paul Guardl:m insurance Cnmpany $t. Pmtl Mercury lnsurunce Company Travelers Casuals}• and Surety Company Travelers Casuals}• and Surely Company ufamerirr United Slags Fidelity and Cuarnnty Cnmpan}• Atlurney-ln Fact iVo. 21 K98K Certillcate.'n. 0 018 8 0116 KVg1\' .11,1. A1F.N lit' TIiESL PRL'SEI\ fS: Ttrn Boohooed Surety Cnmpany is a cnrporauon duly otYOUnired under the. Incas of the State of \ew York, that St. Paul Fire and Rlarine fisurunce Conspany. SL F"wl Guarilism Insurtnec Company tsnd St. Paul Rlercurv Insurance Cornp:ut}' are a:rpcrcsuinns ihtly organized under the luu^s of the tiuste of 19innrsoAa. that Funninguin Casuals}' C:intp::ny,'I'rnvCters Csa alt}' and Sun=ty Company. and Travelers Cusu::lt}' ::nil Surety Compare}' of Americo aro cotposvtic~ns duly oreanizcd under the laws of the State of Connecticut, that United States Fidelity and Guarunt}' Cin»p:nry is u cntpr~r:uion dal}' organiixd uruler the lows of the. State of b1su1'land, shat Fidelity and C;;uurunn' [nsuatnre Company is a ci~rpOration duly org;utizcd antler the lows of the State of Iowa. and that Fidelity and Gum;mq' Insur:utcc Unilesu•rirn•s, ls-c. is a cnrporution duly os~unized under Use laws of tha State of \\'isconsin (herein ettllectively culled the "Comptmies"), and that the Companies rln hereby make, constitute and appoint Chris Larson, George C. St;hroeder, W.W. Weller, Wm. Dinneen, H. Keith Mc~lally, Kathy J. Gurley, Jo Ann Mikkelsen, and Heathsr Anderson of the Cit}' of SPOkan~ .Suite of ~Veshint;lol] ,their true. and lawful r\rtomey(s}irt-Fact, each in their septu:uc capacity if nmrc than cme is Wonted abcive, to sign, execute, seal and seknnu'Icdgc any :utd all hands, rrca+gnixani:es. conilitianal nnderakings and other uvitings ohligatnry in the nature thereof on behalf ul the Comp:miec in their husks ofAUnranteeing the fidelity r?f pes.onc, guaranteeing the performance of ~~ . conu:rcts and executing ar guaranteeing bonds Anil undertakings n.quircd or pcmiit[ed:in any=acuuns or proieedings alh~t~~ed I>}• law. J ~ ~ ~ ' ~~~~~ ~•~~~~ .. Q~U° 3rd 1xV N'I t:\'aU l1S~iGRF.(1F, the Coittpj~tjeOcltavc rnuscrl this insttv\\\n,to be sytt~[l,and tit`\vc'orpotnte cculs to he hereto affixed. this day of 9 V 7 ,~~y~. `~v~ ~< '~ ~~~~ S Farmington Casualty (;gm~iittij~\, `~~~~~+ ~~,1i `~~ St. Paul (.:nardian Insurance Company Fldelit}• and (.:uaranty Insurance\Gompmq;~~~~ tit.. Paul t\lercun• Insurance Compare}' Fidelity and (.:unranty Insut•uncrUnderNriters, Inc. '1'rovelers (.usUalt}• and Surety Contpan}• Sea hoard Buret}• Cnmpany '1'ravclers Casualty and S'unt}' Ci.nnpan}• ofelmerica St. Paul I~irc and ~larinc Itt_sut•tutce Cnmpan}• United .1'tatcs Fidelity and Guaranty Company YC 'V4 l ~,r ,,v~.ca` ~.~..~~~'b P~.~nsooa+ ar.".,YOGI ~~~yc~ ~c1gY't~p ~ t v x a6 0 ~ ,1977 tm ~~ 92 ~ ~ 1 w ~ ^ i ~ `"°" '``t n 7 ,uarroro. ~~ mrcro, ~ to ~~• S ~ ~ -a~ 195 # :. ~! ~oSd fl t.ln ~l5TiAL:'s° % CCrBi ` ~ ~ ~,~,` ~'+ ~ ! _ r: 1 G=rfu `:.::% .;` -~"'` '., ,r not State of Connecticut City' of Hartfoni ss. B}•: Georg 1 'llpnnpum. ~:im ioc Prr.;idcnt 3rd August 2007 On ibis Ilse day of .before rest perscmall}' appe;rreil Gerirge N. Thompson.. who acknowledged himself ro be the ticni~~r Vice President of Parrnistgtiin Casualty Cnmpam•. Fidelity and Guaranty Insw:utce Company, Fidelity' and Guaranty lasururtce L11EdCr1Y'rltel5, Inc., Seaboard Surety Cnmpan}'. St. Paul Fire and ;<4arine Insurance Cnmpany, St. Paul Guurclian Insus.utce Company, St. Paul s\tercuq• lnsurunce. Company. Tra~'elets Casualty and tiurct}• Cnmpany. Trat'rlrss Casualty and Surct}• Company of America. and Uniterl States Fidelity' and Cuarnnty Cnmpan}'. and That he. as such, being, outltorirxd so t0 iin, executed the forrroing insLtvsnent for the purlmses thcst:in contained by signing un behalf Of the corporations by himself as a duly audwiri'Led oftieer. G•T~ A A . '. In N'itn~ws N'hcrt.~:~f, [ hereunto set my hand and ntiicial s~cul. ~ ~A ~W w" M}' Commission expires [he i0t11 day of June, ?I;11 1. n p~t,~j * `C`laric C. Teueault. haaary H:btic ~-E~s 58440-5-07 Printod in U.S.A. WAANItdG: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT YWE REO (3ORDER POKIER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALIQ WITNOl1T THE RED BORDER ~ ' This Prnt'er of Attorney is granted ~}Cr and by the authority of the following rcsahuions adtrprerl by the Boarils of Directors of FaTga+n Casualty Comp:u»•. Fideliq' clod Gu:rrtmy Insurance Company. Fidelity atad Guaranty 6[surtr~e Underwriters. Inc_. Seaboard Surety Company, St. Paul Firc and iNarine Insurance Campan}', St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul i\9ercurp Insurance Campauty, Tr;welers Casuahv and Surety Cwnpany. "travelers Casualty and Surety Campany n1' Antrria?a. and United States Fidrlih' and Guaranty Compan}'. which resolutions are now in full force and effect, reading as follows: KF;$pl..\`F;D, that the Chairmm~, the Prt~:ident, any Vice Ch:tinuan. an}• Ereuutive Vice Presidrnt. <uty Senior Vice }'resident, an}' \`ice Yresidrnt, any Scconcl \+icc 1'residcnt, the Treasurer, any Acsisrrnt Treasurer, the Corpar:ue Secret:y ter any Assist:un Secretary may appoint Attorneys-in-pact and Agents in act for and nn hchuli' i?f the Campany and may give ,each appointee such :ruthorin' as his tx her certificate of authority tnuF' prescribe to sign with the Compun}'~s name anil sent with [hc Camptrm''s seal hoods, recagniurnecs, contracts of indemnity, and otltera• writings ribligati~ry in the nature of a band. rrcognirance, or conditional undertnking.:md any of said alliccrs or the Iimrd of C)irectars at any tints ma}' rentm'i: ;uty such appuin[ee and revrkr the prn.'rr given him ar her, and it is .~ ~~ ~,. ~ FIJK'fH1:K KkSOl,\ LI), that the Chairman. the I r~sidcnt, any Vice Chairnt:rn, an}' Faecutive \'i+.~e President, any Senir?r \'icr. I rcaridrnt ur any \rCr President may delegate all or any part of the forrgi?in~ authority to ime or more olTicers ar employees of this Canp:my, pNVii(ed th:u cash such delig:uion is in writing :utd a copy tttrreof is tiled in the ul'fice of the Secrctar~•: and it is FUK"I'NI>K RI>$OL.VBI), th:rt any bind, recognir•utce, amtract of indemnity. or writing obligatory in the nature of a hood, recogniumcc, or conditional undcrtal:inb shall he valid and binding upon the Company when fa) signal M' the President, any Vice ChaiaYllan. any E.eecutive \riti~ President, am' Senior Vice President or an}' Vice Presidrnt. any Second Vice Prcsidrnt. the 'T'reasurer. any Assistant T'rcuntrcr, the Cnrpnratc Secretary ar an}' Assistant Secretary unrJ duly attested and sealed with the Comp:my'S seal by a Src•retnr}• or r\ssistunt Secretary: or (b) duly executed (under seal. il'required) b}' one nr tracer Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant to the Itowr.r pr>rseribed in his or her crrtifirme or dteir certificates of uuthurity or by one or more Company ofticcrs pursuant to a written iteleg;rtian of autharit}^, aced it is H'UK'1'HEK KFti(.)I.VH;D, [ha[ the signature of each of the following officers: F'rrcidrn[. un}• L'xerutivr Vice I'rrsident, any Senior i`icr I'residen[, any Vice I'residcnt, an}• Assistant Vice Ificsidcnt, any Secretary, any Assi54rm 5ecreutr}', and the seal of the Crimpuny may br aftised by facsimile to an}' prnxcr of attamcy or to any ccrtifirne relating thereto appointing Kesident Vice Presidents, Kesident Assistant secretaries or ;VU:rftte4's-in-P:rcl for pnrpi?Ses only of executing and attesting bonds and uttilettakings and ndter writings obli;:uor}• in the nature thereof, unit any such pc~wcr of rUtomc:y ar certifiC:Ue bearing such fucsimilr signature i>r fucsimilr seal shall be w,did and 1?inding upon the Campany and unY such plover so executed and eenified by such facsimile si~nagn'i: and f icsiniile. seal shall br valid .md binding on the Comp:my in the flute with respect to any Ixintl or undersuunling to which it is aturchrd. I. Kori ;`•l. Johanson. the uncbersi;;nrd, Assistant $ccrctary, of Furmingn)n Casuahy Campan}'. Fitlelitt':mJ Guaranty Insurance Campany. HtcEelit}' and Ciuarsmty Insurance Underwttite[s, lac., Se;rlarard Sm>;tp Company. St. F'aul htrr :end i\9arine lnsuramcc Conmpam}~ St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company. St. F'aul \4rrrury Insurance Compan}','ffavclcrs C:rsu:rU}' ear Surety Ctrntpuny. Truvelrrs Casualty and Surct~Coinpany~of~Amcti~u`nnd United States Fidelit}' and Gu:uanty Comptuty do hereby ccriify than the above and fore~toing is a uaee and coreect copy o(tlsr F'inver~`Attornr}~e.~rcutrd bv~satd'(aompanics, which is in full farce a[n:f effect :ofd has not been ~1 ~D ° , revoked. > . ~~~ ~, ~, ~' QQ ~Q~ ~~ ~ ~~~ (a\ TESTFi\10N1' N'HERL'OF'. l have hereunto set my hand and aifl,~•ed [h seals ofcaid~C~`tir p'anies this l~tt) day ul' OCC•r)trPT , ~p~7 d ~~~~~~~~~, ~4~~~ 5 - QQ ~ Knn ,\4. lohans ;lssistatu Secreutr}' G•6U.~~ L 3yv^tt StFll \L1! ~ ~~...'~~^G C+ ir9G~ 1Y ANp ~~~» ,,~c~TY.~ Y Or r}'a~ C~ e ~ 1 : y~ ~~~~Raoa,,'9 ~~,'. _....,,a6r J~~ +~w ~ ® 1A'. ~t 9 a zS~ g ~ •~ sn atrn i 92 ~ :~• ~ ~` - ~`.'~ iQ;~'"''°':~, ~l ° N.a~t~.: ~~ ~t=a 4 ~d,`hct" a° ~ 1a$1 ~r.~ ag~c ~,;5£AL~`o~' ~ti.SSAL,re ~ o01u:. ~ ~\ '^"'. /Q ~ 189b ~ 1~ cknEtc eve °is~;~ ~r r~ °~ ,r ~ ~ 'Alrrtttb~ Ta Verify the :ruthenticit}' ul this F'ou'rr of Attorney. cull I-Sll(1-+i21-iR;Sll or contact u> ut www.nm'elersbnnd,cam. F'leasr refer to the Atlorne}'-In-Fact number. the above-nanurl individuals and the details of the lwnd o> wltii•h tlir puwrr is auuchrd. MARSHA CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ~ CERTIFICATE NUMBER ~ _ _ ( CHI-001759005-04 ___ PRODIlC£R THI9 CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A NATTER OF INFORIAATION ONLY ANO CONFERS Marsh USA InC. k0 RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLOER OTHER THAN TNOSE PROVIDED IN THE 333 South 7th Street, SUlte 1600 POLICY. THIS CERTIF1CATn DOES HOT RMENO, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE PAinneapolls, MN 55402-2400 AFFORDED BY 744E POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COfdPANY 43750-KRCC-GAWX- A LIBERTY PAUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. INSURED CON3ANY KNIFE RIVER -SPOKANE DNISION B NIA P.O. BOX 2047 COEUR D'ALENE, ID 6816-2047 ~I~PAI'n' C LIBERTY INSURANCE CORPORATION OOM.PANY D wA COVERAGES _ _ ___ This Certific.Itl? supersedes al4d replaoc~ any previously is~ueli certificate for the policy period noted bElow. _ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES Or INSURANCE DESCRIBED HERC•IN HAVE.BEEN ISSUEO TO THE IrJSUREO NAN.Ep FlrRF.IN FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. N07YlrI'HS4 Ap1pING ANY R¢OUIl21:N.ENT, TERM OR CCNDmON OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER OOCUMENI' WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THE CGRTIFOCATE N.AY &E ISSUED OR MAY PERTAW, THE INSURANCE AfFOROEO aY 'rHE POLICIES CESCRIHED IIEREIk IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, COr+OIYlON5 ANO E%CLUSIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGRL•GATE LLNI15 SHO'nIw MAY FIAVE PEEN REDUC[O BY PAID CLAIMS. CO LTR TYPE OF INSVRANGE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE PATE (MMJDOlYY) POLICY =_XPIRATION DATE (M1UOOlYY1 LIMITS A OENERALUA91uTY TB2-641-005097-047 01f01f07 01!01108 GENERALAGGREGnTE ~ $ 2,000,000 X C.OM MERCUiL GENERAL LlAarlrrY PRODUCTS - COrAPADP A(X; $ 2,000,000 CLAIMS rAADE ~ OCCUR PERSOkAL R ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 OWkER'S 8 CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OOCURRENCE I $ 1,000,000 Fr2r E DW,IJAGE A mo 5m I $ 500,000 trED Pte? fAm ale on $ 10,000 A AuTaaIOBILEUAeIUTY AS2.641-005097-057 01!01107 01!01108 COMBII.'ED Sf.VGLE LP1IT $ 1,000,000 X AIJY AUTO ALL O'WNEO AUTOS BOlXLY INJURY $ (POr porsnn} SCHEDNLEp AUTOS X H7:~tEp AUTOS BODlY INJURY $ X (Paaacidenl) kOP1-0V.'NEDAUTOS PROPERTY pAIAAGE $ OA.RAG£ LIAEILITY P.lfrO ONLY - EA AOGOENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER TY.AN P.VrO ONLY; I $ AGGREGATE $ I E%CE39 LIABILITY F.ACN OCCURRC•NCE $ U.NBRELLA FORM AGCREOATE S OTHER THAPr UMIIRELLA FORM S C EMP LPE sanovAND LOYERS' LIABILITY WC7-641-003097-027(GuaGCGSO 01!01!07 01101!08 X TO Y IMI ER C WA7-040-005097-017(AOS) 01!01!07 01101!08 ELEACk1A0ClDEPIS $ $1,000,000 G THEPROPRErORI X IrrCL WC7.641-005097-037(OR,WI) OllOll07 01/01!08 EiDI5E4SE~OLICYLRIt1' $ 51,000,000 PARTMERSlExECUT4VE OFFICERS ARE: [XCL INCLUDES "STOP GAP" EL OLSFASE-EACH EMPLOYEE $ 51,000,000 0 ER WORKERS COMPENSATION IS EXCLUDED FROPA ADDITIONAL INSURED WORDING DESCRIPTION OP OPERATI0r7SILOCATiONSlVEHICLESfSPECIAI ITEMS Re: Appleway Avenue Reconstnrction PrD1'eet {Contract No. TA 2922) Project No. 07-015, Fed Aid No. STPUL-3842(002) Spokane County, City of Spokane Valley, and State of Washington are included as additional insured as required by written contract.. Coverage is primary aluJ non-contributory to any insurance maintaine(1 by the additional fIYSUred. Gross Liability is included. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION o190ULD ANY OF mB POUCIE9 06.^,GRSi£D FEREIN 0E CAKCElLED BEFCRE THE ExPIRATION DATE 1TEREPfT, I'I1E INlil11ZLN AFr•PRIXNC CO'J~RAGE W111 ~ L'.AL X45, DAY:a 'JIWYi1J1 NDi1CE TP THE C(ty of Spokane Valley cERTR1CA,E NPI.Der+ oacu.ED NEi~w, acx~txwu Tk~:~ltxa<awcucal~r< 11107 E. Sprague AvenlN; Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 ~c~c~K~ulxxx~xlrx~Y.o~sTarxxa4~exxK~uaurxtt~mTS~~x.>sarxxro:x~ar.t>~xx7a>~TS~xRE pSgtlgaigKk~CIS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;c MARSX U3A INC. BY: DeeAnn HDwrka ~ ~,.- /}.~q,.~ ---- __ - -------- --__-- - = _---~ ~_.__r- MA11(~l02) ~ VALID AS OFD ~LOf25107 ~ ~• NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CLAIM LIEN AFTER PFRFORMAr°CB B>/G1NS IMPORTANT: READ 'T'HIS NOTICE CAkEPULLY. P~RpOT,EC~T YOURSF~LF FROM PAYING TWIC>r pate: ~ I f ~p / b CS Re: ~' ~ 1 ~ I C ~`-C~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~ -- Cas~ ,mac. From: AT THE RFQUFS"I' 01~: ~~ ~~ ~~~ l ~ ~~ ~~ Apo ~~~ , ~ ~l ~~! ! - D'? t S THIS IS NO'T' A L1L"N: This notice i sent to you to tell you ~+~ho is providing professional services, materials or equipment for the irnprovement of your property and to advise you of the rigl-ts of these persons and your responsibilities, Also take note that laborers on your project may claim a lien without sending you a notice. O WNER/OCCUPIER 01' L:YISTING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Under l~~~asllington law, those,~+~ho furnish labor, professional services, materials, or equipment for the repair, remodel, or alteration of your owner-occupied principal residence and who are not paid, have a right to enforce their claun for pa}orient against your property. This clauu is known as a construction lien. The law limits the amount that a lien claimant can claim against your property. Claims may only be made against that portion of the contract price you have not yet paid to your prime contractor as of the.time this notice: was given to you or three days after this notice was mailed to yau. Review the back of this notice for more information and ways to avoid lien claims. COM,v1TRCIAL AID°D/OR;`1'E~V RFSIDE~ITIAL P1ZOP>RTY We have or will be providing professional services, materials, ar equipment for the improvement of your commercial or new residential project.. Ilt the event you or your contractor fail to pay us, we may file a lien against your property. Alien may be claimed for all professional services, materials, or equipment furnished after a date that is si~cty days before this notice was given to yau or mailed to you, unless the improvement to your property is the consul~ction of a new single-family residence, then ten days before this notice ~~~as given to you or mailed to you. Sender: I•I2 Pre-Cast, I71C. 4919 Contractors Drive ._ _ East Wenatchee, ~ti~A 98802 _ PUHUC NOTICE FOR fNIIiTAnON'YO 810 C1�Y.06 SP0I�AAME VALLE1! PU�UQ S!D �1-015�� I 11701 E�PRAQUE AY�F.NtIE,'SUfTE 108 •SPOKAHE VALLEY. WA 99806-6124 �tiae�l� here�y�Biven that t�e City af� o- kana�Yalley, Spoi�ne En��. �shing on wifl �accept s�led:6tds tor Sp�karie Ve�l�y Bid Pltimt�t 07-415, ApplswayAvenus Re- constructinn Pro�ct, YsChT�l�t Road to Nbd��s� Rad. 1'�� proJ�ct will include U� 'c�pstructlon oi a new roadway s'�tion con- sls�(rlg:ol ce(nonl c�ncrate curbs. gutte� �sld�alks �-1�ns c�dv�► sectinns wit�� bicy�}e lan�, �tte si Aali�d cement aon- Gret� inte�section �t��ppI�wajf Avenue and B�rk�r Raad, storm Qrainag� facilitlr�s, san t,ary s�w�' improveme�s� artd othe�, vrdr t; all in.acc4rdance �vitfi� the Cantract ptar�s Prmisioris an� Sia�dard Spe�itiaa- •Federal Tax ID No. 91"-0420030 tlo�ls. Gopies of the bid �Lket (nCiuding sp�ciflcgiions�a �d pi�ns can he qbt�in�l '�ar tfie dfR�e bf he Ctty af Spo�ane Val��t AFFID'AVfT OF PUBLICATION Public INorics �l'n�n1, U7Q7 E, SRr� �.gug Avenue, Suit� 106. Spokane Itall�y, STATE OF WASHINGTON V�ashington 99206, Man�ay tlitpug�l Fr�day irom 8-00 �',m. ro 5:00 p.m. A� �0n- Cour�ty of Spokane, ss. celurtdabl� a�d�nt o� �$50�10 �S �Auir,ed. �oples�ni th� titd packet�ipalu�ir�g s �eo#fi- cQtions o�ans ins� �e �btalned n�F IVame: City of, Spokane Valley Acct: 42365 fbrmat on a compact dis� at no c ia��a. All bi�s usi �P accampanl�f �y a bld�de- pasit In Ih� (orm of a surety t�ond, p�tal P.O:: Line�: 87.� money arder ce$h, 4�shi�s dre�kk or cat- tittesf chec� �n an amount eqUat io �iva per- 'c�ni (5�b) of �t��amodn.t of Ehe_bfid ;pro Total Cost: 77.69 Log No: -SR14628 posed. f�ilure to iuridsh .e bib bohd fn c�mpli�nce Ytitlt the City's bid ,depas� I, Patricia� Knowles sut�tsr pond �far�i' siigl� mak� the bl nqn-r�sDonafve and� ca�e 1he aid to tr� do solemnly swear that� I am..the Principal Clerk of �the SPOKESMAId- re�eut�. REVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly, published, on`ce Bids �mUs� b� s1��mit�gd tn seaje�. 8°�' each ,day in �the English language, �in and of general circulation in� the lopc� addra�s�d• to th� C��y C(er� oi .the City of� Spokane Spokane County, Washington; and in the City of C;ty �t Spokene Uall�r, ,IU,o� E Spr�gu� Coeur �d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper has Avcnt�a, sutte to6 Spbk�ne Va1�1 wash- b�een so established and re ularl ublished and has had said eneral ington, g92Q6, and recoiued nat t�ter tt�n 9 Y P 9 Fri dav. S .e�ember �Z�-?a07 1���oD circulation continuously for m,ore �than six,(6) montlis prio� to the 23rd �.m. incat 6fd o��nings mtl be ,d8y of July; 1941; that� �said newspaper is printed in an office he(d� immediete the�eatlec a�d maintained at its lace_ of ublication in the C of S okane, al���d ln �itiQ council cham�ars ei Soo�en� p- p �Y p Vatt� City Wall at th� addre�s �lste� Washington; :thaf said newspaper�was approved and designated.as a al�a The City cefains lhg right to reJeM legal, newspaper by order af t�ie Superior Court of the �State of a�ry and �a(� bl,�s,an� to wai�e�min�r �rre�u- Vllashin on for S okane Coun on the 23rd da of� Jul 1941, �and� larilies �n the btd�ing �rocess� 9t P tY Y Y= that :said ortler has not been revoked and is in` full foroe' and ,effect; Th� fallawing is ap p ,�tc�bie �o� ��a�-aia that the notice attached hereto and which is� a part, of �the proof of pm� fs: Trie Ci of S�n� e Vall�y, fn ac- I co �itca vriifi ��te vr�t t CiY�[ Ri�hts publication; was published in said newspaper, one ,time(s), the� �ct ot 1�fi� St�G 25�2 .42-u.s.C. 2ooUd publication having been made.�once.each �dme on the �following dates: tq 2004 eqd 1iUe �9, E9d6 0l Fedarel Regulet�qr�s, �eDarUnont �f Tr��spart�i- �August 30, �2007 d k1�n, subtlU+� A, Oiftae �oi the Se��etary, Part 2l, 'non-disc�im�nation in �eera��y I` assisted pr�grams of the-l��artt�ent u� Trans riation i�ued pursuant ta su�b n d, he�teby �rotiti�s all btddsi� t�at iiitl Subscribed and sworn to before. me at the C�ty of Spokane, this� 30th �1 �iitmativ�ty insure that �n am cont�a�►� day ,of �August 2007 ent$rea! into pu��fant ta thi� eduertise- me�t, disadvatltaged btr�iness ent�rprises r I tvil�'!� afforded full aPpufturtil� to's�hmit s bf�'s ir re�pons� to this lnnt�tion and rvill �'8-}!�',j-��/� r J, I not �t� diss�mi�� against on .the Notary Public in and �for the, State of Washington� ground6 ot rece,�color ,or�naiinnat arigi�t in ��BgE tjs Cor�idcration ior an award residing in Spokane County,. Washington �,Q��� S �aN Ex Inioimation�l,'Capf�s ot maps, pinns and 9 O I s eciflceti�ps are qn i�le tor inspectipn at `o g� N �RY ��t' CRty of� Spokane Galley; C+ty Nall� _11J07 E� o Z S p r� gus �v�nu�, Suite i08, Spokane Ve�- Iey,Washington; t5�91921-i0Q8. 1� L K�-��" Q O c �n�n�$e�rna�a��; cMC �q S�okar�cVall _�ityCl�rSi �OFWP` I i509) G88-Ol�l SRT�l6�8 �S �City Of Spokane Valley 11707�East Sprague No�. Words �at per,word �Total Spokane Valley ,Washington°99206 No�. Lines at per line Totai Attn�Chris Bainbridge No.��Column �in at a�x eusiness card�ed,�°S�O per�s�t per Col. In. Total siso.00 A��IDAVIT O� PdJBLICATIOIV STA�E OF WASHIIVGTOIV, Coun4y of Spokan'e Kelly�McGiUis being first��duly swOm, says that�he is the Classitied ad� Manager �of the Joumal Of Business which is a Local News newspaper published.and issued B�- �Neekly regularl�y at Spokane Spbkane county. State of Washington and is of general circulation ,in said county and state, that� the ClassiFied �ad ot� which the �one hereto PASTE C LI.P P I N G attached is a true and corr.ect, was published in said news,paper A D V E R�T I"S.E M E N T ��CQ a week for 4 I N� TH IS �S PAC E W88ks being published 2 consecutive times first• publication being 'on ,the' 30th day of August 20� .07 and the last on ttie 28 day of Sept Zp 07 That said natice was.'published��in the regular and�enfine'issue�of every'number of ,"sa+d newspaper during said period �and times of publication, tfiat said notice was published in the newspape�' proper and� not' in a�� supplement; �that .tha charges heron made are.at.the regular rates charged for sucf� adverti�sing; and:that the same or any part thereof has not, been paid. Y`� �•Subscribed�and swom, to-tieto�e me th�s- 3�0 th, o August 07 J No Public in'and tor th te�of Washingt Q���ss�ok .o 0 �4 �to9!N V NnTAR�y �n C��IV�./ �N ��g N�� n B L 1 C o 2 Restding at o G��� �sr,5 �6�/ASN�� Q P�I��iC 1+i�]Tt�� FC��i Nh�V�iAT���I TO 81� +�F �P+C��ClINE 1�A� P'U�I.t� 'W4R� D��A��"IEi�tT Bi@ 07�15 �'OT Sp3�A+L�►ttlE AV�{d�JE, Sr�J��� 1��•l.L��d Wl� ���1 �4 '(*��t�� ;s I�r�r �iv�n !�t I�e Cify a� ��ar�e V'�s11�r 5�karte Co�n#y�, 'V�'asfiingtcm vaiU accept sealed b�ds EE�r Spokane �n1�ey �id hium�er f�7-�1S A�ppfew�* Arr�nue� ��siru�kian Fr��e�c#, T�#tir�y �R,oqd �o Hot��t�s Rov�t. TI� �rcaj�a�l vvikl intlu� t�e cons�ctlat� o� d r�sw roa�d+�,+�y s�cr�n corrsi�tir� �f �m�nt c�,�fe�a curhs, ���r sid�v�rolks, 5-lcme raadwqay sec�,�ns v�rirfi b�cy'cle Ic�nes, ane s�r�li�c1 aerrierei �ca�ie i�FSec�� at,��wcry Avssxue and �drk�F R�, s�orm t�Er�i�� Facil�tFes, aanilvey t�avv�� imprs�v�msnls, �tnd a�r wark, �11 fn ucco�csnr� with t� ��an6r� Fkarrs, �'rc�v�si�rns a�d �iandurd 5�«xlions. Copi�� o# Ihe b�d �ke� �r�c�udi�a �af�fions and p1�s�s ca�t be ol��ir�d al �Me �f4� o� t� ��y �F S��uone llall�y Puls�ic �York� ���a�tme�t, i��37 5 ue A,w er�ue, SuNe �D�, Sp�k��e VaMI�, �hm�t�t �+�'2Qb. Mfliuc�t�y th�ou�h Frid�y ft�n 8.D0 o,m. 3:00 p.m. A r��r��e��dvble �r�sfuRl oF �Sfl.#}0 �s �uir�et� Copi�s or� tF+� b�d p�cl�e1 irecfeufirt� spe�i�catior� �nd p�ns mr�y► 6�e v�skair�d 'in Pt3� f�a�pt on a+�omrpact disc c�f n��ht�s e. AU bKds mv� E�e bcc�am�ni�d �y r� k►id depersit in thg f�rm �f c� wr�fiy ix��td, p��� mcan�y oF�fer, cosl�, ��shiet's c�e�c, ar cerlifi�ch�lc in cn amc�urrl �qo�t�l !o iiv� rc�ent �5°{6j the �mtwrrt ihe bid p�rc�pa�+ad. ��ik�ra 1`a fiumish s� bir! ba�►d in cqmpli- v nn�� wilh Ih� �'rh�'s b}d d�it su�°e�y 6�nd �r� slr�1� muke I�e b�i nn�es�asive �a� wus� ih� b�d t� b� re�e�t�d. �ad� mus� bg s�,6fairr�d �n ��d ��lv� �rass�s� to t�re �ity �le1�c of 11w �ity r�� 5�►okon� Vr��I+e�. 11 r�(}7 Spr�u� A�rnue, �utFe l�. �P��an� Va41e�r, Wa�hington, 9�i�Qf�, �tt�l rs��+�d r�c�fi (ater t�an, �r��y,. �epv��r �1s� 2#1��, 11:�0 o.m� loc�al tier��. Bit� ��Saninc�� will Yt�d �mmedi�t�.ly t���et�ft�r ar+d re�d �la�tx� ir+ ih� �twn�;! t�nrnf� 4� �p�4c�'�af��y► City He,l! ot tl�e a+�dre�s I�s�ed �bav� �te Ci1y net�ilts the t'sgh� t,d ����ci 4r�y �nd all bid8 anr� �a �waia� m3nv� irre�ult�r�t�es ir� t1�� �'�3�� ��ocess �he �t�l�ov►�ng is a�hca�le rn Fedsral�td �rojec€s� Zh� �iy a# Spok�ne V�II�y in avcc�rdr�nce aaith l�itl� Ifl t�f the Ci,vi� Ri��t� Act a# 196d, Sta1. �5�, �2 IJ.S,�. 2t��31� �'C��d ,�rtd �iif� �nde of Fede��l R���}�!'rr��5. S��rr�mnr� ��Tra�p�rt�tiern� s�6t�le A►, �ce af the SeEr+dr�t�, R�rrt 21, r�trr�dls�riminr�lic�+ in f�eta�ly� �ssi�ted prograrr�s of I�e[��ot��rr�+1 ���r�ans�rort�t�a�� ��susd �urf��1 ��ur�h Aet I�eb� r+c�ti#ie� all i�tt�d��s f��� i� �vi9� ��rrncativra�yr in�ura �hat �n �y �nnl�act �r�t�ad int� �ussu�n� A� 11��a ac4vertise�a�nt, c�i�odvc�n�ed 6u�ir�ss �n�er��ris�s vviU +��mrded �ul) opportsrnity tca s�tbmit bia�� m r��ans� t� I�i� i�vitrasi�an a�d w��l �t be a�isr.�im4- nsstaed agdinsa on ff� grovnds ra��D c�t�Jt ar nptia�l origi� in corisid�rotit�n �r aw e+�++cardl. lnfc►�moliotl�l oapi� �F nt�p� p9ans ar�d sReci�ir�i€qr�z are on file Ear i�s�ecti�n ak City �f �okan� Vt�l1r��, C�h� Flallo 11 S�Srvgu� At�er�ue, �vii¢ 1�b, S�ar+� V�Iley, Vlroshjr���,an, ��{?4� 9� �-i (3fD�. �I���atin8 Boiinl�t i�lge, C�1� S�kan� �kalf�y �ity �ler� r SUPERI�R COLTRT �F W�SI�TGT�N ��R S��I�A�TE C�LT1�T'TY Jn the I1r�a�ter of; PUBLIC 1\I�TI�E FO�1� IN�V�ITATI�I�1 �To. TQ BID �ity of Spokane il�lley AF�SDAVTT �F PUBLLSHL�i�G Publ�c Vl�arks I�epartmen.t B�d# 07-015 N�T�CE STATE �F VIIAS�TGT[7N �ss. County of Spol�ar►e �+QCHAEL bein� first duly swarn nn aakh depczses and says that he is the �riITC)� ofThe 5pokane tJ�,l��y NewsHeraZd,� w�eklyn�ewspaper. Thatr�aid newspager is a le�al n�wspaperand ilis now and hashe�for more than six months pri�r t� the dale af the publ�cation her�inafDer refe�rr+�d to, published in the En�;kish languag� mn�nually as a weekly newsp��er in Spokane Caunty, Washingtcin, anci it is now and durin� atl of said bme was p�tted in �n offict m�tained ak �e a#s�t�esatd place of publicatinn of �aid ne�rspaper, wh�h said newsgaper had been approved as a l�gal newspa��r by vrde.� of the Supexivr Court of the 5t�te of Washington in and for Spokarte Couxtity. That the fol�avvir►g is a true ropy af a aublic natice as it w�s published i� regular issues aommencing an the 31st day nf Attg�s��ZUO� and ending the 7th da�► of Sentember. 2 all d in�lusive, and t�tat surh newsp��er was xegularly diatri�►uted t�o its subscribers during all Qf said �tr�t,lc r��nCf Ir�di�nnoN m a�n Ctrr o� s�axap� V'ALL�r �u�� wa�c� ��grrr 9!D A� 0't�#6 417G7 SPRAI�U�AY�dUE, SplTE i46 �RN to before rne a��ar�� v� wa �o�a�s� thi_s �th dav of �p�emb+er, v�fley Spake�ne c,�mty, v�mp� virlq �pr 5�aletl blds [�r Spab�n�s 1�iq�yr 9id �lumb�t a� ►�m�,ti�� State of Vl�ashington fi�+ y+�� t� mo a� County af Spokane w�l� �n��e m� �nwc�ian a1 n�+ �a�rap sQd�n �ortt�i�tinpJ_�� t�rnditt tloaetete ouri�, �tu�. ��au�, �►�7r ��,sw�, I certify that I know or have �atisfactvey evidence khat �aytio �:�R�s, n�,e ���s,��l �e� ir�c�l�n at �pp�y Avdnua m�mi �rk�r Michael Hufiman i� the person wh� app ared befare �rn► a�,� me, and said ers�n acl�awl+ed ed that he si ed �m�nuvamsur�, and ah�r w+w1c. ap in �aort€�nce �m����e,�,r�n���ms�,d� P►A� �y� this instrument and acknowl�dged it ta be his free sp��at�or�. �p�arlf�,�rd�drst�nntt,a. �r.� 4.. y ����;on and valuntary act for the us�s and pur�a�es men- tn� �ilir�3lo�es and pldn� cen ba abbwnad ak 11 tha a�e of ttae �1y o� SG�n� �Ilny F�IIc ��P �IOIl� LR �'Lt? U15�f1'L1I7tP,Ilf. V11�rlt� p��auhl'�n4 11 �"o►� E, spr�e,que,tu�, s�� �as, s Q ve�. w�ni�,� s�. �oT ARY nns� tnr��y�n I�y �ron, e.cm e.m. c� �:�R t�� �,m A �o�-t�iundsbgo �tmquril �sP #�13-�0 Is Q rQa�r�d. GGu�jes �r th4 atd pBak�t amatudtnQ ��tl �n ,a Jolene Rae W PnF bemtiat Qn,� c e�s. A!� a�n �t �rn�ra� ay a�a �o�it fn `,�'�q�',16 Title: Notary u !ha faem �4' e�urety b�. P� matioy a� o�ntm #�x ires: 5-16-I 1 �h, w Y PP P �ncurrt o�va�tt► k'� �M,{s�� aft�ta amaur�l af ih�s btd prapos�d. �aflura to�umf�h n bld b�4d r� �t�pl�ancrs �+�Ih �14� �r�� �3d �c�sJ3 �rraoty t�on� #arm ahaq m��ettm bra �ar�nspen�n nnd jG7 oaltse 1� �Id t� �e reJe¢�- 91ds mttu! �n su4tmlEtt+d In �led env�lvp�s �rn�d I� s�ra C�y C�t vi lhe Ciiy a[ $pt� kerte 1rda�, 11yU'� �pf9g�r�e.AYEUtItq Suft� tt�, wagn►�ta�, s�2o&, �rrd Fas�l� not l�t�P th�tl Ftlday $ent� 21ert 2�8� 1 L�. �i �Ings w�l I+rald imrt�latuly �r�tr�t end alp�A m ltt� GourM�li at ��c�cVa I1�y�itY Nt�41 at if�a �fre�, I�Od �avt�. i� Cfty rttal�#f� 'reghl� r�q any anA efl �lds and to w�ay� mir� 6��ar8fss 3n ttira b9dd1ltg Th9 i+�llowit�9 d� apP�IrsDle to Fodaral-sitl P��: ThQ �ity $f �pal�n� 1f&I�+y, a� �ordanc� wflh `titfe Vi nf lhe �IYd Flight� A�! af iea�. ssa�. u,s.�. 2�Dt�d �o ��oo-o nn� Tifio 4� Cod� nf �c�der�i Rsgul�tbans, af 1�t of Trer�spol�an. v�b�illaf� Ol�ce t�tp: Part 21, na�irnlnst�mf in Fadet,atGy s�sfistpd pr�o�ertts 4d Ih� OopoRmanl Cf ��p$�}p�C�}{W1 j$�{Ipd pu18u8ftt t� S#�1 1� ���1��3 �M� b1�fif81h,�11f M�h Ft�11118b'W�1 E�ure th$tin ori�t9tmt�t�ntered Iryto M bo thts s�re�� disadwarQa�sd ente�prl� wln ba 0lfataied fUq 4pp�#unPly ta ati,hMfl hd� in ra�ponse ta ifs� tnvitstloti and w�11 t�e d'�Ins�Qd a�a�nss am af �ct�. oot�r ar� rtatf�rtiel grf�in In ft�' a�1r �srd_ r�l�r�s�Or�ei p� �i s� Tccadiva� nra on fll� !o� "rn�p�ct�on at Ci�y ot S�D6�@ Vensy Cdty h�811� 11TOX E$P�'B� Avo�e, Su�ta 108, �pokahn �ay� Chrl�flr�s -1��04. S Vtltt�Y� I'�y �{�!t 6BEp�lf77 pU�L1�4: Iwgu�131 and Se�t 7, �4G7 PUBUC NDTICE FOR [HVITATtON 1Q Bf0 CITY OF SPO�IIIME YAIIEY PUBLIC WORKS OEPARI'MENT 810 07-015 11701 E SPRA6UE �VENUE, SUITE iQ6 5POIUME VALLEI', WA 832fl8-6124 Notice ►s hereby given that lhe C�ly of Spa� kar�e Valtey. Spokane Caunty, Washingron wili a�ceDt svafed bids ior Spakane Vaileyr 8td Numbet 07-Q15, Appleway Aver�ue Re- constructioR P�t�t, Tschidey Raad to H�dges Road. Tha proJe�t will inotude the constru�tion of e new roadway �t�an eon- S�Sti�g Ot c�nl8id (�ACt@t8 CUI�5 gutters, sidewaihs, 5-lane roadway sectians with bicycle lan�s, ort� srqr�alaed ceme�t con- �rete inters�cijon at Appt�wey Avenue and Barker Rosd, stcrm drain�ge facilitres, saniiary sewer improvemertts, and othe� waric. alt rn accocdence with fhe Contrac� Ptans, Prov�sions and Standard Specifica 'Federal Tax ID No. 91-0420030 tttms. Capl�S of the bid pa�ket �ttcluding spec�tiCat�ons and plans c�n be nDta+ne� at the off�ce of the City oi Spokane Yatley AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Publfe Wotks Qepartmeni� I170y E Spr�- gue Avenue, Suite 1f15, Spokane Vaitey, Wbshin$taR S92A6 MonQ$y throuBfl Friday STATE OF WASHIIVGTON fmm ��DO �.m. to 5:00 p.m. A non County of Spokene, ss r�#undable amns�n� of �0,00 is re�u�r�d_ Copi�s of ihe b1d packet irtcluding sp�aff�- cations and pl�ns may be obtained in Paf Name: City of Spokar�e Valley A�ot: 42365 fwmat an a compaci di�c at no ohar�e� A!f bids must be acs�rompar�ied hy a�i� de- posit in tfie fnrm of a surety band, postal Lines: 87 mon� arder, cash, cashier's �Ae�k, ar �r- titied check m an amount equal tu tiue p�t- TOt�I COSt: 77.69 r�nt t596�) af the smarnt of ine b�a p+r� Log No SR14628 �ed. F�ilure t� iumis� a bid bond m compllance With lhe Cifiy's bid de�a�t I, Patricia Knowles sur�ty bond torm shal� mak� the �id do solemnl swear that I am the Principal Cierk of the SPOOCESMAfd- nan�res�nnsive end cavse th� b�cl to la� Y relect��, REVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly published, once e►ds mus� be submittea �n seat� e�L�- each day in the English language, in and of general circulation in the tupes addressed to lite City Cletk oi ihe City of Spokane, Spokane Cou�ty, Washington; and in the City of City �t SpokaRe llalley, 11707 E. Sprague Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper has av�nue, suite t�s Spokane Vall�y wasn- been so established and re ularl u �r�$con 992�&, and t�ei�red nqt �ater than g y p blished and has had said general Fridsp ss tp�r�her ztss 2Q01, tttoo circulation continuously for more than six (6} months prior to the 23rd a. focal tfine. B�d apenings will b� day of July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office hetd immedfafet� the�eafter and read maintained at its lace of ubl alnud in the cauncil �hambers at SpoheRe P p ication in the City of Spokane Ya«�y Ci�y Nall �t tt� s��ress lisced Washington; that said newspaper was app�oved and designated as a ebove 7he City re�ei�s the tight to re�+�t legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of eny and all bids end towa�ve m�nar i�r��u- WaShi� on for S ok (arities in the b�ddmR procQSS 9� p ane County on ihe 23rd day of July, 1941, and that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; The iol�awing appficsbte tn federat that the notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of p�je�ts: The C y of Spokane Vap�, �n ac ublication was cordanre with Titir VI cf tfie Civi) Rights P pubfished in said newspaper, one time(s), ihe �ct ot ts�€, 7s stat 252, a2 u.s.C. 2000d publication having been made once each time on the foilowtng dates: ta 2040-4 and fiitle 49, Cade of fe���1 Regutafions, Oepartme�t af Tr�as�arta- t�on, saatt�ie a Olf�te of the Secr�ta September 6, 2007 Part 21, non-discriminattnn in Fede��l�jr assfsted programs af iha Dppartment af Transpo�tat�on issued purs�ant to such act he�eby notifies all blddets tfi�t it will Subscribed and swom to before me at the City of Spokane, this 7th aflirmalively insure that in any coritract day of September, 2007 entered into pu��suent ta this adve�ls� ment, disadvantaged business entarpr�ses will 6s afforded tull opportunity ta submit bids in t�spon� to this invitatiort and wili not be discrimma�ted egarns# on ttre IVota Public in and for the State of Washin on, ��ggET gro�nds of rac�. cofor or natiurral orig►n in gt �ansideration tar an aw�rd residing in Spokane County, Washington Q��� F,�. Informaifonal copies of maps, ptans and Q�� 9� 0 specificatians are an ti18 for inspection et p� nSARY 9 Crty of Spalcans Valley, City Nall, 117D7 E o v c- Z Spr� ue Avenue, Suite 106. Spo�ane Yal- I�r, �ashin�ton,1509) 921=1000. tA 1� RL�� ��Q O Christine 8ainbridge, CMC .9 Spahane V�IIEy City �lerk (��sa �as-oin s��as2� �FWAS