07-090.00 Spokane County Library District: Library & City Center Master Plan• • M)E:I<gOTtAiYllUiVI O>N, UNL)~,ltS"1'AN1)1NG This Memor~u~dwn of Understanding (MOD) is entered into by and between the City of Spokane Valley (hereinafter Spokane Valley), and the Spokane County Library District (hereinafter SCLD), jointly referred to as '`Parties". This Memorandum of Understanding will summarize the terms and conditions upon which the Parties agree to jointly utilize the services of hrccdman, 'l'ung & I3ottomley (rTl3) as set forth in the Scope of Services dated September 10, 2007, attached as Fxhibit I to this MOD. Spokane Valley is currently utilizing the services of f"1"~ to develop a city center master plan, which will include a new city hall. The SCLD also anticipates constructing a new library facility within the area covered by the city center master plan. 'fhe Parties recognize there are mutual benefits in having FT$ include the planning for the location of the SCLD library facility in conjunction with plannuig the location for the new city hall. 1. Parties. The parties to this a~eement are the City of.'Spokane Valley and the Spokane County I,:ibrary District, sometimes jointly referred to as "Parties". 2. Purpose. The purpose of this memorandwn is to establish the terms by which the SCLD will reimburse Spokane Valley for costs directly related to the L ibrary and City Center Master Plan, as set forth in the Scope of Seri=ices dated September 10, 2007, attached hereto as Fxhibit 1. 3. Terms of the Memorand~un of Understanding. "1"he SCLll agrees to reimburse Spokane Valley $19,961.00 oE'the total of X39,922.00 in expenses incurred by Spokane Valley from hrccdman., °l"ung & Bottomley for creating the Library and City Center Master Plan. In the event additional expenses from 1+'I'B are incturcd in developing the Master Plan, the Parties agree to meet and discuss in good faith allocation of payment for the additional expenses. L~ the event the expenses are less than $39,922.00, the Parties will split the costs evenly. Executed this ~ day of October, 2007. Spokane County Librar}= District Bv: Dale: 1®Z U City of Spokane Valley Approved as to form: B}=: ~ ~G Date: // / ~ 0 i/ Offi of t e C ty Attorney 07-90 `~ • • City of Spokane Vtilley Library and City Center piaster Plan Scope of Services !%ersiorr 1: Seplenrber 1O, ?UDi Overview, assist City Staff. in coordination with the Spokane County Librai~= District., tc) determine the location for a new library facility ++=ithin the plan for a City Center development on the southwestern quadrant of the site designated in the draft Sprague/Apple+vay Subarea Plan as "City Center- C[)re." 'I'o enable the Library District. to move forward with planning and financing for the finicalit}••, final deliverables +vill illusU•ate the location and e.aneeptual layout of a new library facility both within a future City Center Corc area, as well as on the same site +vithout a City Center development. Description of Sea=ices. `1'he following specific tasks w=ill be carried out by Freedman Tung & Bottomley (F"C'l~) under the terms of this agreement: Task 1. Collect information necessan= for site planning. A. Compile question list and transmit to Cih= Staff; Library Staff; and consultants 1) Question list re: facilih' requirements fur Library 2) Questions list: re: facilih= requirements for City Hall 3) Question list re: property availability far redevelopment. at U-City 4) Question list re: Sprague Avenue rec•c~nfiguration I3. Teleconference and a-mail follow-up with City, Library & consultants Task 2. Prepare I'rcliminary, City Center cC Library R•Iastcr Plan laluslration(s) A. Prepare site development master plan concept(s) of City Ce- nter with library ~. Prepare site development master plan of library without City Center C. Prepare site development programs (buildings R parking) 'T'ask 3. 1!fastcr Plan Rey=iew• Session with City, Library ~C Consultants A. Coordinate meeting logistics with Cit,~ and prepare for session fi. Attend Review Session -travel to/from SV, setup and attend Session. Task 4. Revise City Center & Library ir'laster Plan tllustrstinns A. Revise site development master plan of City Center with library and prepare site plan C~. Revise site development master plan bf library without Cit}= Center and prepare site plan C. Revise site development programs (buildings & parking) Task ~. Final details review (~=ia tele-coufercnce) w/ City, Library K Consultants ' • • t~. Transmit revised master plans and programs to City, Library & consultants B. nttend phone conference w/City, Library Rc consultants; receive direction re: final refinements "I°ask 6. Finalize City Center & l..ibrar-y ll9aster flan Illustrations A. Finalize site development master plan of City Center with library B. Finalize site development master plan of library without City Center C. Finalize site development programs (buildings & parking) D. Transmit final plans and data to Cite (electronic files in PDF format) Task 7. Update City Center Illustrations as part of ~uharea flan Public Re~~iew nraft Preparation Task $. Project ~~9anagemeut (allowance) City of Spokano Valloy: Ljbrary and City Center Master Plan Staffing and Budget Spreadsheet (v.1b) Tasks: FTB Only princ(pal I Pdncipal II Sr Associate Associate Urhan Oesigncr Draftsman Prof Aaslsl II Total hours tats hors fees hors foes hors fees hours fees hares fees iroura fens Fccz 1. Collect Intonnalian neeasary for site planning SiD SO 50 S*l SD 50 0 SO SO A. COatoile question list end transmit io City, LLrary, and ctvrsutants SO $0 50 SO SD ~ y ~ iu ~D SO 50 1- Ouea~:ian list re: facLty needs regriren>°nts tw Libbary 0,6 5113 0 $D 0 50 0 SD 0 SD 0 50 0 517 5129 2- Oues!bn list re: fac[ry needs requramentstaCity He0 0,5 SS 13 0 SO 0 50 0 SO 0 SO 0 50 0 Si7 Si29 3- Oueabn list re: properties avallabtliP/ Ior redrrel meat at ULiry 0.6 SS 13 0 50 0 50 0 SO 0 SO 0 50 0 Si7 SS29 4- Oueslbn list re: Sprague A.ti~ertue recornlguratbn 0.5 SS 13 0 50 0 &D 0 g0 0 $0 0 SO 0 Si7 5129 B. TeM<ott'arence and e-mail tollovivrp with City, Ubnry R corairltarX-. 3 So75 0 $0 0 SO 0 SD 0 $0 0 SO 2 5109 ~ 5775 2. Prcparc Preliminary City Cotter b Library Master FWn Illustratioruis) B $0 SO SD SO 30 SD 0 SD SO A. Prepare silo dovolaamenl miner eLtn cartxp!(s) o! City Cert!er ttiUr Gbrary 32 57,200 0 50 0 SO 0 SO 8 5680 0 SO 21 St,192 59,IY'2 8. Prepsre site cbeveleontent piaster plan as 3tuary without Clly Center 14 53,150 0 eA 0 SO 0 30 4 5340 0 $0 s0 5524 54 Ou G. Prepare site tlen•ebpmera programs (bulldogs 8 oerkhpl 4 5900 0 SO 0 $0 0 SO 2 5170 0 SO 3 8181 51,231 S. Master Piart Review Sesalon with Cfry, Library 3 Gonaultanta SO 50 SO $0 50 SO 0 $0 30 A. Co:sdinato meeting lops;ic-. wish City and pceparc for session 2 $4S0 0 SO 0 $0 0 50 0 50 0 $0 i S68 $Sie 8. Attend Rcvdn•.v Session -trarrcl idtr SV, setup and aCend Sessiw>. 12 52,700 SD 0 SO D SO 0 SO D $0 7 5406 53,105 4. Revise C(ty Center a Library toaster Ptan IIltrtratEans SO SD $0 SO SO SO 0 SO 50 A. Revise site develoarnenl crtaslet phtn of City Cenlar w7.tt IDrery arttl prepare s'le Plan 16 53,600 SO SD 0 $0 D 50 32 82,720 0 $0 17 3948 59,253 8. Rwise site tle•reloprnent masler plan of library vdtttcut City Conroy and propuo silo plan 6 51,350 SO SO 0 SO 0 50 8 5880 0 iA 6 5305 52,335 C. Re•:ise silo devebpmertt programs (brild~rgs & par'.+.ing- 3 5671 SO SO 0 50 0~ SO 1 ~ S85 0 ba 2 $154 5874 S. Final datails rev9ew via talocontoronco wf Giry, Library d Consultants SO SD 50 SO SD 50 ~ D -aO 50 A. Transmit revised molter plans and programs to City, l.ibmry 8 cvrsullarts 0 SO 0 $0 0 SO 0 50 1 535 0 SO 0 513 $99 9, Attentl phone conference(s) vn'Clty, Libraty, rec direabn Ihtal rellnemants 3 5875 0 SO 0 SO 0 SO 0 $0 0 SO 2 S10 i 5776 Q Finalize City Center 8 Library Master Plan Ilhcstre0ona 50 SO 80 SO $0 80 0 _ 50 SO A. Finalize site development master plan a City Cort;a with bleary 6 SS,36D 0 50 0 SD 0 SO 8 $690 0 SD 6 ,5305 52.335 8. Finale site development rnasaer phn a litxary wi:hor4 City Corner 2 5450 0 50 0 SO 0 SO 4 3340 0 SD 2 5119 5309 C. Finalize sa drrve7opmoni pmgrvns (huilditgs R pa:kin91 2 5450 0 SO 0 50 0 SO 1 593 0 SD 1 380 $Si 3 O. Trarrsm"st final plans and programs to City IPOF riles] 0 SO 0 50 0 SO 0 SO 1 S65 ( 0 SD 0 S13 598 7. Update City Center Illusualions as part al Subarea Ptan Public RevlaN Draft Preparatlon S 1 3225 0 SO 0 $0 0 $0 4 5340 SO 2 585 $650 8. Project ltlanagerttertt 8lbwarlCe) 2 $450 0 50 0 $0 0 $0 2 5170 D $0 2 593 $713 Subtotal - Proloasional Servlcos Foes: 5.95,892 I ~ I I Reimrwrsar:ae Expenses: 53,230 ,~ Trevel ertcxs: 5800 Projoct Budgot Total: Sia,9z2 I B p • Page 1 2007-09-1O_City Center and Library Master Pk•1n Preparation vl