07-092.00 Eastern Washington University: Mirabeau Cultural Resources Surveyh • CONTRACT FOR SERVICES WITH EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY • TFUS AGREEMENT, made this 1 st day of November 2007, by and between Eastern Washington University, Cheney, Washington 99004, mi Agency of the State of Washington (hereinafter "EWU ") and City of Spokane Valley (Name) 2426 N. Discovery Place Spokane Valley, WA 99216 (Mailuig Address) (hereinafter the City or "sponsor") Witnesseth: Recitals: (1) The sponsor needs consultant services to assist in carrying out cultural resources survey. (2) The consultant is qualified and willing to provide professional services as outlined in this agreement In consideration of the foregoing and mutual premises hereinafter contained, the parties agree that this agreement wiill be performed in accordance with the following conditions: GENERAL CONDITIONS I. Scope of Work Work to be performed by E`VU: See Attachment A — Scope of Work II. Performance Period The performance period of the agreement will extend from the effective date of November 5, 2007 through January 31, 2008 unless amended by written mutual agreement. No expenses will be reimbursed which are incurred prior to the effective date or subsequent to the termination date unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties hereto. I.II. Source of Fluids The original source of funds for this agreement was provided , agreement number , under Catalog; of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number vo5 f -fp 07 -92 w • • IV. Fixed Cost and Expenditure Limitation The sponsor will reimburse I NVT -J for the firm, fixed price of $8,322.67 negotiated under this agreement unless amended by written mutual agreement. V. Allowable Cost and Pgyment A. The sponsor will reimburse EWU for the firm, fixed price negotiated for the performance of this agreement (1) Estimated Costs by Category are identified in Attachment B. B. EWU will submit vouchers as necessary to sponsor to obtain payment. VI. Sponsors Program Supervisor The Sponsors' Program Supervisor is Mike Jackson VII. EWU's Program Director EWU's Program Director responsible for the conduct of the work contemplated hereunder is Stan Gough. VIII. Reporting Reporting by the consultant to the sponsor shall be made in writing. IX. Liabilitv Each party of this Agreement shall be responsible for damage to persons or property resulting from the negligence on the part of itself, its employees, or its officers. Neither party assumes any responsibility to the other party for the consequences of any act or omission of any person, firm, or corporation not a party to this Agreement. X. Termination It is in the best interest of both parties that all services agreed to be carried out within the time frame established. Either party may terminate this agreement upon 90 days written notice to the other party. X1. Nondiscrimination Title VI of the Civil Rights Act 1964 (Public Law 88 -352; 42 USC 200d -1) provides that no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program of activity receiving federal financial assistance. Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 (Public Law 92 -318; 20 USC 1681- 1683), prohibits the exclusion of persons on the basis of sex from any education program or activity receiving federal financial 2 1105 f -fp assistance. By acceptance of this agreement, the sponsor and EWU agree that they will comply with all state and federal laws pertaining to discrimination. XII. Records EWU will maintain adequate financial records, in accord with generally accepted accounting practices, to clearly and easily identify expenses of the agreement, to describe the nature of each expense and to establish relatedness to this agreement. All records related to the agreement shall be reasonably available for inspection by the sponsor. The financial records of this agreement will be retained in accord with Washington State Law and OMB Circular A102 Guidelines. XIII. Law This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with, the laws of the state of Washington. The venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in The Superior Court of Spokane County, Washington. Approved and agreed: Eastern Washington University BY: (SignatiUy Toni Habegger (Name) Associate Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (Title) Approved As to Form by: Deborah Danner Assistant Attorney General for Eastern Washington University Mike Jackson (Name) Director, Spokane Valley Parks and Recreation (Title) REDACTED TIN # rh is document contains confidential tax information and been redacted pursuant to RCW 82.32.330. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. 3 1/05 f -fp r Ol Contractor: City of Spokane Valley Project: Mirabeau Park - 57 acre survey option Date: October 12, 2007 Part I - Salarics, Benefits, and Indirect Costs • Attachment B — Budget Part 11 - Goods and Services copying, photo, phone, postage, etc. Pan At - Travel per diem motor pool mileage Total J $7,586.10 $455.17 $0.00 $213.00 $68.40 $281.40 $8,322.67 1/05 f -fp Loaded No. Hourly Hours Rate Salary Secretary II $33.78 5371.58 Director 8 $74.01 $592.08 Archaeologist 8 $40.12 $320.96 Archaeologist 68 $54.27 $3,690.36 Cartographer /Archaeologist 8 $47.23 $377.84 Projects Coordinator 20 $53.38 51,067.60 Archaeologist 24 548.57 $1,165.68 Part 11 - Goods and Services copying, photo, phone, postage, etc. Pan At - Travel per diem motor pool mileage Total J $7,586.10 $455.17 $0.00 $213.00 $68.40 $281.40 $8,322.67 1/05 f -fp U�4 1 EASTERN WASIIINCTON OVIVERNI'IY November 20, 2007 Ms. Michelle Simpson City of Spokane Valley 2425 N. Discovery Place Spokane Valley, NNIA 99215 Dear Ms. Simpson: Office of Grant & Research Development Ruth A. Galm, Executive Director 210 Showalter Hall Cheney, WA 99004 -2444 • Enclosed please find one (1) fully executed original of the Contract for Services between the City of Spokane Valley and Eastern Washington University for "a cultural resources survey of the 57 acre Mirabeau Parcel." Thank you for this opportunity. Sincerely, Ruth A. Galm Executive Director Enclosures Cc: Stan Gough, Director, AHS I wire: (504)359 -6367 fax: (509)359 -6693 e-mail: rgaim @rnad.ewu.edu Eastern B'ashington UnNers y is coramined to afimmNve action and equal opportunity ...., • ` j EASTERN ^(nom N,ISIIINrTON UNIVERSITY stet somt:thiatl big October 12, 200: Michelle Sintpsom. Adrnin►strahve :'Assistant C'i0' of S1) ofiarte va lley Parks and Recreation Department • Attachment A — Scope of Work This letter and enclosed cost estimate in tlte, amount of 58,322.07 comprise the technic-al and cost propos;li for the 57 acre Mirabeau Pa Teel. arcliaeologieal and Historical Services will: (1) solicit input irony the Coeur (I'Alene and Spokane lndi.im Iribes; (2) conduct site File Lind literawre a-.archc -, 3t. the. I)eptirtttient of Alrchaeoimy awl Historic Presetvatiow (3) conducl 71 pecltshian suavey and shovel testing or the land parcel; (4) complete necessw -y rosaw-ee forms; and, (5) prepare drift and final reports of findings. The report will include gntphies ilhistratine the arias inspected and tested. Prehistoric airchascylo&al site. 45SP233 and 45SP234 are recorded witUi the 57 acre hind Imccl. Site 45SP233 has been determined eligible fbi• listing in the National Register of Historic Pieces (I`rRUP), however site 45SP334's NRI-IP statits is unevaluated. Shovel test investi7adons proposed by AFIS ar.. designed to clefine site 45SP?33's boundaries relative to the 57 acre land parcel vi order to I:acilitate project design and pinnning. Shovel test sediments will be screenecl; and located zttifacts documented, but no artifacts will be collected. tf you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact meal (509) 359 -2239. Sincerely, Stan Gongty Director ElIcics'ure ®ArchnoologicaI and Histor ical Sewiccs • Reseaxh. S'•Nmv, tm4 E(Iow ;ion &nre '19W �i11 1 ii�li • Geney, NC1 C�DOIN- ?ai:0.509 35e: ! ?39 • «l.f J ?f1 �S�J 6451 1 I:AI Un.on Ave SE. �U:i^ I113 • C,T,•ma). Yen 9050 D-133' • 360.5a A 04- • :a: 20 FAC Aw 7 I:f SF,mKMnnp:On UnhMON �S [Otntfii 0 �D JgUb 47GO1Lln:Y ab7 aftrsnLar PBgn � H�YWi�'� 4 1/05 r- fl)