07-095.00 WSDOT: Pines Montgomery to Mansfield Signal System Controller~. '~ • • , LOCAL AGENCY PART:ICI:E'A7'I_NG AGREEMENT GCA-54~~ WORK BY STATE ACTUAL COST J~~ ~G~ 13~i ~11e,,~be~ This AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 2UU7 between the STATE OF 1~VASHINGTON Department of Transportation, hereinafter the "STATE," and the City of Spokane Valley, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite IOG, Spokane ~~allcy, WA 99206, hereinafter the "CITY," and eallectively the "PARTI:ES" and individually the PARTY." WHEREAS, the CITY is planning the constniction of a project titled, SR 27, Pines Rd. 1~ehveen Montgomery Drive and Mansfield Avenue, hereinafter the "PROJECT," and ~V:I-l_~.REAS, the STATE and the CITY have reached an understanding wherehy the STATE agrees to provide Sigmal System Cabinet/Controller ~ Controller hardware for the CITY'S PROJECT, T~rOV~', THEREFORE, pursuant to RCW 47.28.140 and in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performances contained herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS ~'OLL.OVdS: 1. GENERAL I.1 The STATE will provide to the Ci'f Y, Signal System Cabinet/Controller & Controller hardware for three intersections located at: SR 27/Montgomery Drive, Sly 27/M:ansfield Avenue, and SR 27 V~T~ off-ramp/Indiana Avenue. Plan sheets showing the PROJECT signal system locations are labeled in Exhibit B which is attached and by this reference made part ofthis AGREEMI/yT. 2. CITY RESPONSIBILITY 2.1 The C1rY agrees to provide funding for the equipment supplied by the STATE, as listed in Exhibit A, which is attached and by this reference made a part of this AGR[/Ei~1:~NT. 3. STATIr RESPONSIBILITY 3.1 The STATE agrees to provide Signal System Cabinet/Controller & Controller hardware as listed in );xhibit A. Page 1 of 3 GCA-5408 07-95 • • 4. 1'AYi17ENT AND COSTS 4.1 '1"he CITY agrees to reimburse the STATE for the actual cost for the SigTnal System CabineUControllcr & Controller hardware provided to the CITY. A copy of the cost estimate is shown on Exhibit A. 4.2 The CITY agrees to make payment within thirty (30) days from receipt of the billing from the STATE. 4.3 If the cost estimate is expected to exceed 25~/o above the original cost estimate, the CITY and the STATE agree to discuss such increased cc7sts and, if appropriate, amend Exhibit A to cover such increases or terminate this AGREEMENT. 5. INDEPENDENT CAYACITX 5.1 It is understood that this AGREEMEI\tT is solely for the benefit of the PARTIES hereto and gives no right to any other party. No joint venture, agent-principal relationship or partnership is formed as result of this AGREEMENT. No employees or agents of one PARTY or any of its contractors or subcontractors shall be deemed, or represent themselves to be, employees or agents of the other PARTY. 6. VE)\'UE 6.1 hi the event that either PAR"1"Y deems it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any right or obligation under this AGREEMENT, the PARTIES hereto agree that any such action or proeeeduigs shall be brought in the superior court situated in Spokane County, ~Vashing~ton. 7. TERIVIINATI(~N 7.1 '1"his AGREEMENT shall begin as of the date entered into above and terminate when the PARTIES have fulfilled all requirements under this AGREEMENT. 7.2 This AGREEMENT may be terminated pursuant to the provisions of Sectio^ a.3. The CTTY agrees that it will be responsible for any non-cancellable obligations. 7.3 Failure by either PARTY to require full and timely performance of any provisions of this AGREEMEI\r"1" at any time shall not waive or reduce the right to insist upon complete and timely performance of such provision or any other provision thereafter. Page 2 of 3 GCA-5408 ~ ~ ~ ~, • $. ~'IODiFICATION $.l No modification of this AGREEMEI~~T is valid unless evidenced in writing and signed by persons authorized to bind both PARTIES. No verbal agreement may supersede, replace or amend this section. I'N W[TNhSS WHEREOF; the PARTIES hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day, month, and year first above written. CITY OF SPOKANE VAi,LEY By: ,. Title: Date: ~,Ll1,l ? ~ ~o ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF 7"RANSPORTATION By: Titlf APPROVED AS TO FORM By: ~-~~~-f" City Attorney Date: / U r~i '~~ APPROVED AS TO FORM BS" ~__ ~A~.-~c Assistant Attorney General Date: ~ ~ ~ ~~~ 7 Page 3 of 3 GCA-5403 a' 3 ~ ` u Yi o ~~o~va ~~ ' r. o .°. o' .~ ~iS~~m°en°~~3~5 z W = ~.~ ,aa:, ~ ..~ u 4 s ~_`: _ °~aN~Y _ebo ~~~2 J d V~.~ iVifzoo~-_a~iu .- as E` ~eW ~~ t ~~ ,o' ~r; ;. ;. Z ~1 ~ ~ • a 1, 1 1 • ~1 : N ~1~1 •~ _ ~ 1 '1• 1 ~~ ~. ; f 1 ' y f rr ~'1,'~ ~~ 1 ' ~~ ~ i n ~ ~~ ; ~ ~ ~'~ ~ J Q Q Z s. ~'~ s ^, 00 N = ~ _~j~_~D 5~, ~: a 111. 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N ~ ' 3- °'~ 1 "3m 3m ~~~ N ~ ~ O ~ ~ e N .n C x U 2~ S ~e$ 1~~~ ~ ~t ~~ :'~ 1 a f;,~.~ ~. -~ eye ~~ -x lr~l ~~1 7~1 ae ~~yg~ ~a ~ I~~ 's b6 u r" l °~" C ~ p~oa_ ~ m yf U v u~- `~ ,~ ,'- 0 ~~ - ~ - r ~--~-~~ -~ ~~6~ s ~ a-~ • ., q w °q~s ;~ W ~a pro S~ q~'O?a Q u ~ as yZ ~~ > nW. r ; _ ~i~ J __ a o ~ ~s = JWNs" _ ~{- iAo JL^ 6N u~ N J ~V z ~'g $n3;o ~2 q _~d aL J ono `r^...~ o ~_ -~ .~ 0 0 0 0 OHO ~,~- ~~: ~~. - ~': = - ~ ~ ~:y f s d=~ I ~ u d a ~. a _ _ f+^ S_ ~ M V ~ 9 ~ 7 • • GCA 5408 Exhibit A STATIC Supplied Materials (TA2942) 1. SR 27/Montgomery I/S Signal System #l Cabinct/Controller & Controller Hardware. 2. Indiana & SR 27 Westbound Uff--ramp Signal System #2 CabinetlController & Controller Hardware. 3. SR 27/iVlansfield US Signal System #3 Cabinct/Controller & Controller Hardware. Subtotal 7`otal Equipment Cost CvtAQ Portion City Match freight Charges 'Dotal City Portion 86.50% 13.50% Total Agreement Cast $25,000 $23,000 $28.000 $76,000 $ 6.536 $82;536 $71,394 $11;142 240 $11;382 $82,776 ~ a d q 9 - B~ «..~-~E34 0 _ ~ 4 p" .. r_~i eeu u ~' ~ H T pub _ ~_~.._ -.- q O ~N vuYi~~.Y u~~C Q~~gS Ff = _ +~ gg ~ ~B~'-~~Yk~~',5557~~ Ti 38 i i 1 I~~ ~ ~~ ~o..:J2P~~'~fl ~ G ~~ ~~ n~ w~ ........................... ~.-_ v ~• Yr~1pp1yy":~~..., ~ ., ~;~Pa- /: ~.,.~1 ;1 ~: a ~° ~w Y~x ~*:1 w N W ~ ~, Yt _ • w Y xx _ ~ ~ . ird - _ • ; 9ii y '~ - - 5 ~ v >t I ~ i ~ 6 s e s s W = s s= o ~ _ ~a"s ~ ~_ ~~ r~~' '^ = Bt~ ~'~<~ m 3 e - „~' C S ^ ~ ~$~. '~ W ~ ~ 6 M~i~6V- 11yy .~ - - l NYC 0 n „• ~~~~ ~1\ -., 111 \.. .-_..-__-.. ~p s~ ~~ 1 ~ ~w~~~ _' ~ ~ -'°i!i ~~ 1 1 ~~ ~\ ~r ~_~ ~'~- ~~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~~ ~'~a ~~ ~'. K' 1 ~' _ W um__ a. oe N 2 1 A ~ O ~ ~ V ~~ 2~ ~N~ ~ /1- ~ o L C •p 3P ~,i w • Washington State Department of Transportation Paula J. Hammond, P.E. Secretary of Transportation ~ ~ ~r--~ ~_~~~~ T~ I ~~~ ~ i' ~~~~ ~lovember 14, 2407 Steve M. \~~oriey, P.E. Seiuor Engineer -Capital Projects City of Spokane Valley 11707 fast Sprague Avenue City of Sp©kane Valley, ~~'~ 99206 RE: GCA 540s ISR 27, Pines Interchange Partnership pear Mr. Worley: • Eastom Region 2714 N. Mayfair Street Spokane, WA 99207-2054 509-324000 Fax 509-32a-6405 TTY; 1-B00-833-6388 www.wsdot.wa.gov Please find enclosed one fully executed original of Agreement No. GCA 5408 for your records. Please contact me at (509) 324 6122 if you have any questions. Sin cly, J,~ parryl R. Ratcl i ff Eastern Region Agreements Engineer Enclosures CC: file