07-099.00 JUB Engineers: Street Master Plan1. Professional Services Agreement dated May 18, 2006; 2. Exhibit A Street Master Plan Maintenance and Update Supplemental Work 2007 -2008 3. Consultant Fee Estimate and Summary Original Contract Amount $ 435,470.00 Prior amendments $145,112.20 Current Amendment Amount $ 178,000.00 Amended Contract Amount $ 758,582.20 The remainder of the Agreement will remain unchanged by this Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this �S day of Qrte er, 2007. wlorFolkf— Qi- CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: Consultant: J -U -B ENGINEERS, Inc. \, r David Mercier, City Manager Owner Tax ID No._ REDACTED ATTE APPROVED AS TO FORM: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Office o e City A rney CADocuments and Settings \djkl \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \OLK26E\NB amendment No 3 - Supplemental PMP TIP Work.doc C07 -99 Q) M o > aa) AMENDMENT TO o . °ca c io •E AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES E Q J -U -B ENGINEERS, Inc. cm ,,; CI- o.� 4� Street Master Plan X fY1 M 0! C C -0 f o 00 N M 4- L C THIS AMENDMENT No. 3 is made to the Agreement for Professional Services dated C U o n t1i, 2006 by and between the City of Spokane Valley, a code City of the State of May 18 -a C 4-- + o° o Washington, hereinafter "City" and J -U -B Engineers, Inc., hereinafter "Consultant" and c W C Ln 3 a)C o jointly referred to as "parties." UO aJ C r\ > U o c L v o ,n Pursuant to Sections 1C and 18 of the Agreement, the parties hereby agree to `o L -a `o v > N amend the Agreement as set forth in the attached Proposal and Detailed Scope � of Work. These services will be tracked and billed on time and materials basis, � :° -a u and are subject to all of the conditions set forth in the original Agreement. The Q o ° o City agrees to pay Consultant up to $178,000.00 for the additional services �° Q provided for in this Amendment to the Agreement. s E L t o Q� L Exhibits to this Amendment are as follows: 1. Professional Services Agreement dated May 18, 2006; 2. Exhibit A Street Master Plan Maintenance and Update Supplemental Work 2007 -2008 3. Consultant Fee Estimate and Summary Original Contract Amount $ 435,470.00 Prior amendments $145,112.20 Current Amendment Amount $ 178,000.00 Amended Contract Amount $ 758,582.20 The remainder of the Agreement will remain unchanged by this Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this �S day of Qrte er, 2007. wlorFolkf— Qi- CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: Consultant: J -U -B ENGINEERS, Inc. \, r David Mercier, City Manager Owner Tax ID No._ REDACTED ATTE APPROVED AS TO FORM: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Office o e City A rney CADocuments and Settings \djkl \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \OLK26E\NB amendment No 3 - Supplemental PMP TIP Work.doc C07 -99 November 6. 2007 J -U -13 Engineers, inc. West 422 Riverside, Suite 722 Spokane, Washington 99201 Attention: David J. Kliewer, PE Area Manager GEOENGINEERS Subject: Supplemental Gcotechnical Engineering Evaluation (Revised) Proposed City of Spokane Valley Roadway Improvements Spokane Valley, Washington F ile No. 11264-009-01 INTRODUCTION This letter presents our revised proposal for a supplemental geotechnical engineering evaluation of existing pavements for the city of Spokane Valley (city), in conjunction with your preparation of the city's Street Master Plan. GeoEngincers completed an initial geotechnical evaluation of existing pavements at several locations within the city limits under a prior subconsulting agreement to J -U -8 Engineers. Results of our prior study were presented in our report dated April 4, 2007. As part of our initial study, we investigated pavements at the following locations: • Appleway Boulevard, east of North Willow Road • Appleway Boulevard, east of South Dartmouth Road • South University Road, between East 9a' Avenue and East 10`s Avenue • South University Road, north of East 13" Avenue • South Dishman Mica Road, north of South Herald Road • South Dishman Mica Road; north of East 32'1 Avenue • East 19°i Avenue, east of South "Pierce Road (control section) • North Pines Road, south of East Sinto Avenue (control section) We obtained cores of the pavements and conducted a visual pavement condition survey at these locations. We observed three types of structural pavement failures during our study including: "alligator cracking"; longitudinal cracking; and nutting. There are several factors that could be related to the observed structural failures including: inadequate compaction of the asphalt; base course and/or soil subgrade; low asphalt concrete temperature at time of placement; cold joints; poor mix design (incorrect oil content, aggregate gradation that is out of specification or insufficient fracturing of aggregate); and paving methods, to mention a few. We recommended that the city consider additional study if further evaluation of the possible cause or causes of pavement failure are warranted. Such study, in our opinion, should consist of non - destructive tj 9J2� Easy SoeonO A.e tN•p'x.•. $09.26�.S12S SPOW1 . WA WzUz : scdmii.' SQ9 J6 3178' } ,.'� �l" ✓ yJ : , � �1� { ���i L � �� �y �stda wM�in�atuaeis.000 • J -U -B Engineers, Inc. November 6, 2007 Page 2 deflection testing (NIDT) of pavements at the locations of the prior coring and pavement condition observations. At the request of the City, we also will assess conformance of the base course layer at select locations with project specifications. This proposal outlines our proposed scope for NDT and data evaluation. SCOPE OF SERVICES `l'he purpose of our supplemental services is to further characterize pavements at the locations listed above (with the exception of the control section on East 19`x, which will be omitted from this study) using NDT and laboratory testing methods. Our specific scope of services will include: 1. Non - destructive deflection testing at each of the locations of prior observed failures and on North Pines (toad (control section) using a falling- weight deflectometer under subcontract to GeoEngineers. NDT data will be acquired for approximately 100 feet, at 25 -foot intervals, on either side of the location where cores of pavement were obtained. We will retain the services of a qualified traffic control company to work with our ND`i° subconsultant, in general compliance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 2. In-place density tests of asphalt concrete pavements at prior core locations using a nuclear density gauge. Measured densities will be compared to laboratory- determined maximum Rice density typical for the specified mix. 3. In -place density tests of the base course unit at two locations (each) along Appleway Boulevard and Pines Road. We will expose the base course unit by saw - cutting an approximate 3- l:oot- square in the roadway and removing the asphalt concrete layer. In -place density tests will be completed using a nuclear density gauge and measured densities will be compared to laboratory - determined maximum dry densities typical for a base course unit. Following completion of in- place density tests, we will fill the cut area with quick-set concrete and seal the adjacent joints with crack seal. 4. Supplemental coring at alternative locations to collect additional asphalt concrete and base course samples for laboratory testing, as necessary. 5. Laboratory testing of asphalt concrete samples. Laboratory testing could include but not be limited to: wet unit weight; percent asphalt; gradation of aggregate; bulk. specific gravity; Rice: specific gravity; percent air voids; and percent compaction. Prior to submitting our samples for testing, we will meet with the project team, review core samples and select sample's to submit for testing. 6. Laboratory testing of base course samples. Testing will include gradation analysis and percent of fracture. 7. Review of plans and specifications which are applicable to each of the test and control locations. We also will review and comment on any changes to the WSDO'r Standard Specifications between the time of each paving project, as applicable and appropriate. 8. Data evaluation. We will review the field and laboratory data relative to the plans and specifications to assess whether or not the asphalt concrete and base course at each location appears to comply with the contract documents. We expect there will be some minor deviations from the plans and specifications, but will attempt to identify those deviations that might influence long -term pavement performance. FVP Na. 11264 -009 -01 GEOEKGINEEFki J -U -B Engincers, Inc. November 6, 2007 Page 3 We also will evaluate the NDT data and compare the measured resilient modulus of each pavement layer (asphalt concrete surfacing, crushed rock base course and soil subgvade) with typical values for properly manufactured materials and well compacted materials. 9. Provide opinions regarding the possible cause or causes of pavement failures observed during our initial study. 10. Present our findings and conclusions in a final written report. 11. Attend two meetings, as requested, with the city and J -U -B to discuss the results of our proposed study. The site exploration program will be coordinated by an experienced representative from our staff who will manage our NDT subconsultant, and traffic control and pavement cutting subcontractors during data acquisition, and obtain additional pavement cores (if required). Upon completion of the site exploration program, pavement cores will be returned to our laboratory for selection- of representative samples for testing. Results of our site data acquisition and laboratory testing programs will form the bases for engineering analyses, which will be used to formulate conclusions and recommendations commensurate with the scope of services described above. SCHEDULE We understand that time is of the essence in terms of completing our proposed scope of services. We should be able to mobilize to the site in less than one week following your authorization of our services. Site exploration should be complete in two to three days. Laboratory testing will require five to six days. Our final report should be completed within about three weeks thereafter. TERMS AND BUDGET Our services will be completed in accordance with the terms contained in our General Conditions, which are attached and form a part of this proposal. Please read our General Conditions carefully and advise us if you have any questions. The fee for our services will be a lump sure. For the scope of services described above, our fee will be $24,200. This lump sum includes $8,900 for subcontractor .field services, $6,700 for laboratory testing and $1,000 for meetings. We will provide a credit should actual testing and meeting costs be less thrtn the above components of our total lump sum fee. File No. 11264-109 -01 GEOENGINEERS r,/.) EXHIBIT - A City of Spokane Valley Street Master Plan Maintenance and Update Supplemental Work 2007 - 2008 Scope of Work SECTION 1 - BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE In 2006 The City of Spokane Valley contracted to have J -U -B ENGINEERS, Inc. provide consulting services to prepare a Pavement Management Plan and database development to support annual development of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to prepare the first Street Master Plan and a Pavement Management Plan (PMP) for the City. The intent of the efforts described in the Scope of Work below is to provide the City ongoing support, data collection, and maintenance of the TIP database and Pavement Management Program. SECTION 2 - ITEMS PROVIDED BY CLIENT TO J -U -B The following information, data, services and /or responsibilities will be provided by the Client, without cost to J -U -B. • Two traffic count devices. Intersection Level of Service for any applicable intersections, which are calculated by the City staff, during the preparation of this updated Master Plan. Any bid abstracts, City of Spokane Valley or other public agencies, as desired to add to the Summary of Bid Tabulations by Bid Item created as part of the 2007 Street Master Plan. SECTION 3 - SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY J -U -B J -U -B shall furnish the services specifically limited to the following: Pavement Management Plan Maintenance and Update Pavement Inspections and Quality Control: Consultant shall inspect pavement to assess the condition of City streets in accordance with the current Pavement Surface Condition Field Rating Manual used by the Northwest Pavement Management Association and consistent with the methodology used to establish the pavement condition ratings for the Street Master Plan. Pavement condition surveys will be conducted for a standard 10% sample size of each roadway section taking into account the condition of the road in each direction of travel. The initial update recommendation is to inspect arterials and collectors every two years, and local streets every three years, thus for the purposes of this Scope of Work it is assumed that one- half of arterial and collector roadways and one -third of local roadways will be inspected this update year. The local streets have been divided into six zones based on the approximate age. Two zones will be inspected each year. Data Input: Pavement condition data collected will be entered into the Pavement Management System software for evaluation. Program Maintenance: Roadway network changes due to new road construction or annexations will be added to the Pavement Management System software. Basic data such as street names, segment lengths, road width, construction date, etc. will be included with linkages to the GIS base map. Consideration shall be given to consolidating like segments to reduce the database. Scenario Runs: The information contained in the pavement management database updated through previous tasks shall be used to prioritize the maintenance and rehabilitation needs of the City under realistic constraints such as budget limits. The final product of this task shall include an annual update to the multi -year pavement maintenance and rehabilitation plan that is developed based on the parameters established in the pavement management program. Maps created as part of the Street Master Plan will be updated to represent recommended treatments that show the proposed locations of work throughout the City. Close coordination with City staff will enable iterative budget scenarios to be evaluated. This effort also includes updating algorithms included in the Cartegraph software based on historical changes in pavement condition. Project Management: Key J -U -B staff will oversee efforts of this Pavement Management Plan Update throughout the process. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Planning Maintenance and Update Traffic Data Collection and GIS Updates: The consultant shall review with City staff traffic count data and determine locations for new or updated all -day traffic counts. All -day traffic counts will be collected for 8 weeks with 10 traffic counters (2 provided by the City), with each counter being used twice each week. Data collected, including Spokane County and SRTC counts, shall be entered into the GIS database supporting the development of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) prepared as part of the Street Master Plan. Updates to the Intersection LOS Map and the Volume /Capacity Map (V /C) included in the Street Master Plan will be prepared, including examination of V/C equations used. Consultant shall obtain from the City intersection Level of Service analysis for any desired intersections. Prepare Traffic Volume maps for each year of count data for comparison and tracking of changes. Accident Data Summary: Consultant shall obtain accident records from WSDOT for the period April 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 (or most recent available). Accident records for an anticipated 1950 accidents shall be reviewed and "cleaned" in order to allow geocoding. Manual review of actual accident records for approximately 150 "old" accidents and an anticipated 50 additional accidents will be performed to incorporate records that could not be geocoded and incorporated with the Street Master Plan database based on WSDOT database 0 0 alone. Updates to the three Accident Maps included in the Street Master Plan will be prepared, including examining/ updating equations used to calculate rates and ranges. Project Cost Estimates: The consultant shall augment the Summary of Bid Tabulations by Bid Item with Bid Abstracts from recent bids from the City or from other jurisdictions in the region as available. This database will be used to update project costs for projects currently included in the TIP database. It is assumed that 5 additional projects may be scoped and new project cost estimates will be prepared. Six -Year TIP Report: The consultant shall assist city staff in the development of the 2009- 2014 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) using data identified in Tasks 1 -3. Modifications and improvements to the TIP Report and other supporting tables created for the Street Master Plan are expected and will be prepared to the extend feasible as requested by the client. SERVICES NOT TO BE PROVIDED BY J -U -B AS PART OF THIS AGREEMENT The Consultant will not provide the specific services detailed below: Public Involvement Comprehensive traffic forecasting nor modeling for future conditions. SCHEDULE Pavement Management Plan • Data Collection - Fall 2007 Data input and update - Winter 2007 Updated PMP - Spring 2008 Transportation Improvement Program • Data Collection - Fall 2007 • Accident Data -Fall 2007 • Bid Tab database update - Fall 2007 • Project Cost Estimates - Spring 2008 • TIP Report - Spring 2008 -3- DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The page entitled "Consultant Fee Determination Summary" contains confidential cost and rate data and is withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(F). Prenotification; confidentiality of data. A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550.