07-103.00 JUB Engineers: Street Master PlanAMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES J -U -B ENGINEERS, Inc. Street Master Plan THIS AMENDMENT No. 4 is made to the Agreement for Professional Services dated May 18 'b, 2006 by and between the City of Spokane Valley, a code City of the State of Washington, hereinafter "City" and J -U -B Engineers, Inc., hereinafter "Consultant" and jointly referred to as "parties." Pursuant to Sections IC and 18 of the Agreement, the parties hereby agree to amend the Agreement as set forth in the attached Proposal and Detailed Scope of Work. These services will be tracked and billed on time and materials basis, and are subject to all of the conditions set forth in the original Agreement. The City agrees to pay Consultant up to $24,200.00 for the additional services provided for in this Amendment to the Agreement. Exhibits to this Amendment are as follows: M c �a c 0 E 0 M C M X N � M +' N 00 � V N d' o o r V M �n 3 � L �f0 3 r a c o -0 ++ u r -a E V � o �t 1. Professional Services Agreement dated May 18, 2006; 2. Exhibit A, Supplemental Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation (Revised) Proposed City of Spokane Valley Roadway Improvements Original Contract Amount $ 435,470.00 Prior amendments $ 323,112.20 Current Amendment Amount $ _ 24,200.00 Amended Contract Amount $ 782,782.20 The remainder of the Agreement will remain unchanged by this Amendment. —/,ern IN WIINESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this day of N er, 2007. �� i CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: Consultant: J -U -B ENGINEERS, Inc. W,aMercier, City Manager Owner Tax ID No.— REDACTED ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: istine Bainbrid e, ity Clerk Office o e City A ey PAPublic Works\Street Master P1anUUBUUB amendment No 4 - Supplemental Geotechnical Work -doe c a�i 3 � = v O - > ai c c � -,8 .V . F i n O N . Q- O .� v) Y tW a-+ � C O C: = -0 w i C L 7 (B Q O N & o v 0 3 �^ j u N p v O -O U LQ LQ O O > N ) 0 3 0 Of CU L U Q O O M .1 � ,�� •n c E U •L o n C07 -103 November 6, 2007 J -U -B Engineers, Inc. West 422 Riverside, Suite 722 Spokane, Washington 99201 Attention: David J. Kliewer, PE Area Manager • GEOENGINEERS� Subject: Supplemental Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation (Revised) Proposed City of Spokane Valley Roadway improvements Spokane Valley, Washington File No. 11264 -009 -01 INTRODUCTION This letter presents our revised proposal for a supplemental geotechnical engineering evaluation of existing pavements for the city of Spokane Valley (city), in conjunction with your preparation of the city's Street Master Plan. GeoEngi.neers completed an initial geotechnical evaluation of existing pavements at several locations within the city limits under a prior subconsulting agreement to J -U -B Engineers. Results of our prior study were presented in our report dated April 4, 2007. As part of our initial study, we investigated pavements at the following locations: • Appleway Boulevard, east of North Willow Road • Appleway Boulevard, east of South Dartmouth Road • South University Road, between East 9d' Avenue and East 10'b Avenue • South University Road, north of East 13c' Avenue • South Dishman Mica Load, north of South Herald Road • South Disltman Mica Road, north of Fast 32"d Avenue • East 19'' Avenue, east of South Pierce Road (control section) • North Pines Road, south of East Sinto Avenue (control section) We obtained cores of the pavements and conducted a visual pavement condition survey at these locations. We observed three types of structural pavement failures during our study including: "alligator cracking'; longitudinal cracking; and rutting. There are several factors that could be related to the observed structural failures including: inadequate compaction of the asphalt, base course and/or soil subgrade; low asphalt concrete temperature at time of placement; cold joints; poor mix design (incorrect oil content; aggregate gradation that is out of specification or insufficient fracturing of aggregate); and paving methods, to mention a few. We recommended that the city consider additional study if further evaluation of the possible cause or causes of pavement failure are warranted. Such study, in our opinion, should consist of non - destructive _ �.,i _ / y «e � \� - ^� •'�y'a„� .a 1 �I' i�,`�. Y��' 923 Eastlecoe0 Aye �; u�epno+v 569 ]H�.3125 1 ,,ls\ a� EariEStieRx¢ +� Tee Mot- �t j � y {�E�3i!�'l, y� �h � r . ��• w �. 1� ��� `A\ � � �-� 'Y�= iy ��'• � � G .t � T� �I -. _ - S. - �elWle: wee pe•n�maera con • i -IJ -b Engineers, Inc. November 6. 2007 Page 2 deflection testing (NDT) of pavement's at the locations of the prior coring and pavement condition observations_ At the request of the City, we also will assess conformance of the base course layer at select locations with projec[ specifications. This proposal outlineq our proposed scope: for NDT and data evaluation. SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose of our supplemental services is to further characterize pavements at the locations listed above (with the exception of the control section on Fast 19 *, which will he omitted from this study) using MDT and Laboratory testing methods. Our specific scope of services will includu; I. Dion- destmc ive dellection testing at each of the locations of Pri or observed faitures and on North Pines Road (wntrol section) wdrtg a falling- weight deflectorneler under subcontract to CEoEngineers. ND-r, data will be acquired for approximately 1'00 feet, at 25 -foot intervals, on either side of the location where cores of pavement were obtained_ We wil I retain the services of a qualified traffic control company to work with our NDT subconsultant in general compliance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 2. in -place density assts of asphalt concrete pavements at prior core locations using a nuclear density gauge. Measured densities will be compared to laboratory - determined ni.aximum Rice density typical for the specif=ied mix. 3.. In -place density tests of the base course unit at Mo locations {each) along Applr way Boulevard and Pines Road_ We will expose the base coursr: unit by saw - cutting an approximate 3-font- square in the roadway and removing the asphalt concrete layer. in -place density Lesis Will be cornpleLed using a nuclear density gauge and measured densities will be compared to laboratory - determined ma imuin dry densities typical for a base course unit. Following completion of in- place density tests, wu will fill the cut area with quick -set concrete and seal the adjacent joints with track seal_ 4. Supplemental coring at alternative locations 10 collect additional asphalt concrete and base course samples for laboratory testing, as necessar}r. 5. Laboratory testing of asphalt concrete samples. Laboratory lesting could include bit not be limited to: uE;t unit weight; percent asphalt, gradal.ioil of aggregate; bulk specific gravity; Rice spuciiic gravity; percent air voids, and percent compaction. Pdor'to submitting our samples for testing, we will mutt wiih the project team, review core sarnpIus and select samples to submit for testing_ 6. Laboratory Nesting of base course samples. Testing will ineludu gradation analysis and pcment of fracture. 7. Review of plans and specifications which are applicable to each of the test and control locations. Wralso will review and comment on any changes to the WSIDOT Standard Specifications between the time of each PELViFig project, as applicable and appropriate_ S. Data evaluation. We will review the field and laboratory data relative tq the plans and specifications to assess whether or not the asphalit concrete and base coljrse at each lauation appears to comply with the contract doctpmcrnts_ We expect there will be some minor deviations from the plans and specifications, but will attempt to identify those deviations that plight influerim long -term pavement performance_ r "r?a o_ ;1264 -00941 GwENGINEER 0 0 J -U -13 Engineers; Inc. November 6, 2007 Page 3 We also will evaluate the NDT data and compare the measured resilient modulus of each pavement laver (asphalt concrete surfacing, crushed rock base course and soil subgrade) with typical values for properly manufactured materials and well compacted materials. 9. Provide opinions regarding the possible cause or causes of pavement failures observed during our initial study. 10. Present our findings and conclusions in a final written report. 14. Attend two meetings, as requested, with the city and J -U -B to discuss the results of our proposed study. The site exploration program will be coordinated by an experienced representative from our staff who will manage our NDT subconsultant, and traffic control and pavement cutting subcontractors during data acquisition, and obtain additional pavement cores (if required). Upon completion of the site exploration program pavement cores will be returned to our laboratory for selection of representative samples for testing. Results of our site data acquisition and laboratory testing programs will form the bases for engineering analyses, which will be used to formulate conclusions and recommendations commensurate with the scope of services described above. SCHEDULE We understand that time is of the essence in terms of completing our proposed scope of services. We should be able to mobilize to the site in less than one week following your authorization of our services. Site exploration should be complete in two to three days. Laboratory testing will require five to six days. Our final report should be completed within about three weeks thereafter. TERMS AND BUDGET Our services will be completed in accordance with the terms contained in our General Conditions, which are attached and form a part of this proposal. Please read our General Conditions carefully and advise us if you have any questions. The fee for our services will be a lump sum. For the scope of services described above, our fee will be $24,200. This lump sum includes 58,900 for subcontractor field services, $6,700 for laboratory testing and $1,000 for meetings. We will provide a credit should actual testing and meeting costs be less than the above components of our total lump sum fee. File No. 11264 -009 -01 GEOEKGINEERS� DATE jMhUGGrY+"'!�'f COR EI T LATE F LIABILITY INSURANCE. p� 1 08/08/08 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS AMA FR OF INFORMA71ON ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE The Hartwell Corporation - Cal HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AN1ENQ, rtXTEND OR PO Box 400 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORD: D BY THE POLICIES BELOW - Caldwell ID 83606 Phone:208- 459 -1678 Fax:208- 454 -1114 INS URER5AFFORDING COVE RAG E NAIC# ImW RED INSURER Fireman's Fund Ins Co LHSUREA H: Liberty Engurance.- (A XV ) -., .. . J -U -B Engineers, Inc. 25�) S Beechwood Ave, Suite 201 WSURERD: Boise ID 83709 INSURER E: - - - _- �OVERAGES TJ;E POLJCIES OF INSURANCE LISTED MOW HAVE 0EEW ISSUED TO THE imSuRED NWED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PEHIM INDICATED, NownTHSTANDING ANY REOUIRFMENT, TERM OR CGKL ITFON OF ANT -CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMErdT WITH RESPECT TO %NHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INWRANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HERELR IS SU SJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXQLUSIONS AND GOND(I'IONS OF SUCH PGLGCIF.S, AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN h1AY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INWAIDU POUT NUM0ER �QCIC PIRA I LTRINSR TYPE OF INSURANCE DATEMMfpp1TY DATE MWI)RY'Y LIMBS } X GEMQRAL LIABILITY X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY MZK80893375 1 I I��/ I7�{ �� f DS/ 0lF 09 rI'RENIISE OCCURRENCE S Esouxuenc oj a 1,000,000 5100,004 XR (Any one pecan) S 1(),000 CLARAS MADE 9 -- , OCCUR PERSONAL % AD'-' INJURY 5 3,000,600 CGI. CQ F¢xG6 Y07H moeai GF,NERAL AGGREGATE % 2, O O O, O Q Q - DENY AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER; PRODUCTS - C04,00P AGG S 2,000,000 POLICY j PRRr1 O- o GC JJ A AUTO MOBILE LLABILITY ANY AUTO Max80B93375 08/61/08 08101109 CQMBNED $INGLE LIMIT {EDsxlp,,rn) 51, 040,Q00 x BODILY INJURY {Per➢Q�so¢) 6 ALL OWNED Aims SCHEOULQDAUTOS BODILY INJURY {Ped axlWril) HIRED AUTOS N0##- U4VNZd AUTOS , PROPERYYDAmAGE {QC! wG= idenl) $ - ` ., +' GE LIABILRY AUTO OKLY - EA ACCIDENT 6 - - OTHFR THAN EA ACC AUTO Or4I.Y; AGG S • ANV AUTO - S EXCES5JUM6RELLA LIABLLITY EACH 4CCURFENCE S 4,000,000 AGOREi3ATE s A $ OCCUR ED CLAIMS Ka.DE XAtIG0351640 06/01/48 08/01/09 S 5 HOEDUORBLE 5 XRETENTION %10,()00 W044 9 @RSODMPEMSAT1DNA144 X TORYLLKrrT ER E.C. EACH ACCIDENT 5 10 00 0 00 C EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROD }RrETORjPAFTNr;F?JexECUnVE OFFI{;FRJME,hidEJ? FJ! ('L IJDPD? 1LTB0 54 OT5 03 0 8 Y:"CL VA STOP AP _ O B /01 /0 8 -- _ _ - - 08101109 - E I- OISEASF - EA EMPLOYE 5 100 0 00 0 E,L. DISEASE - POLICY UPA1r S 10 4 0 0 0 0 IF qas, deacfte untlar 5FEIN IAL PROVISIONS pe7aw OiMER B Professional Liab. AE8197131 -0109 04/02/06 04/02/09 Fa. C1uien $7,406,060 $100,000 Deduct. Anti. A $7,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSI LOCATIQJ48 f VEHICLES f EKGLUSrONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT) SPECIAL PIMVISFONS Certificate Holder is additional insured for general 1Jability as required by written contract and as provided by policy farm CG7156. Y'.FOT19tr.A7F wni nFR CANCELLATION Spor _ 3 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION' DATE THEREOF, THE IS$UING INSURER 1YLLL ERCEAVQR TO MAIL 3 0 DAYS WRITTBN City of Spokane Valley NGnCE TO THE CERTIPI)CATE HOLDER NRMEO TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILUPE TO 00 SO $HALL Attn: City C �I- e rk Im FO$E NO GGLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND ill }ON THE IN511 P ER, ITS AGEMS. OR 11707 E Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 REPRESEHTis71UE5, A BREJ }R ENTA -TyJE A00RD 2$ 12001 M3) v xt. rca, +..+.+n�k, a -,11 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL IN S UP E D. the polio(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorse men t(s)_ If S UBROGAT10N IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement, A statement on #his certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative v producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25 (2001!06)