2011, 05-03 Study Session Minutes MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Couucil Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington May 3, 2011 6:00 p.m. Atlendance: Councilmembers S1eM Tom Towey, Mayor Mike ]acksoq City Manager Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Cary Driskell, Ac[ing CiTy Attomey Dean Grafos, Councilmember Neil Kersteq Public Works Director Brenda Grassel, Councilmember Ka[hy McClung CommuniTy Dev Direc[or Gary Schimmels, DepuTy Mayor Ken Thompsoq Finence Dvectnr Ame Woodard, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Rec Director S[eve Wodey, Senior Engineer Rick VanLeuveq Police Chief Morgan Koudelka, Sr. Adminishative Analyst Carolbelle Branch, Public Information �cer Chris Bainbridge, CiTy Clerk Mayor Towey called [he mee[ing to order at 6:00 p.m. i Aoolewav Court Alternative Fundine—Jolm Fishec Communiri Frameworks Speaking in [he absence of JoM Fisher, Community Frameworks Development Services Program Manager Jeliii Ogundele explained that conceming the Appleway Cwrt phase two project, that the owner of the project is a non-profit corporation which provides aft'ordable housing for seniors; that a month ago the Phase 1 grand opening was held; and tonigh[ he said they want to share infortnation about the second phase of the project; that they came to Council in Januery reques[ing support for their application for Uie low income task credit, which is very competitive and he said they were unable to score very high on tha[ application; and [herefore they decided to look for altemative funding for this project; and said it is not unusual when dealing with affordable housing ro look around for several years before all [he resources are received. He said they will be applying for HOD 202, which is a federal housing program that provides funding for senior housing across [he country; and said this funding is similaz to the one they used for phau one; and he explained tha[ they are reques[ing wer $4 million from the federal housing agency in support of the Appleway Court Two, and said [he funding will leverage o[her funding sources from the state and also from the Spokane County Home Pmgram. Mr. Ogundele said they are asking for a confirma[ion of CounciPs support based on [he letter of support in January; that they are seeking a similar letter bu[ this wiil be addressed to someone differen[ at the federal housing agency; he said this projec[ will have thirty-eight uni[s, all one-bedroom, and the resident of [he faciliTy would pay no more [han 30% of their montM1ly inwme as ren[; and the rest of the rent would come from tLe federal housing progam as rent subsidies. He said the idea is [o have a facility that will provide housing services while they age in place, such as meals, heal[h services, and a library, for a one-stop shop for seniors. Councilmember GoUvnann asked if tM1ere is any reason why council cannot act on this tonight, and Mayor Towey said a motion could be made [onighi. Therefore, it was moved by Cow�cilmember Gothmann, seconded and unanimously agreed to provide a supporting letter. Council SNdy Session Minules Mey 3, 2011 Pege 1 of 5 Appmved by Cauncil: May 24, 2011 2 Investment Accounts — Ken Thomoson Finance Director Thompson explained that curtently we have most of the city's money in the state imeshnent pool; that the state gathers money from a lot of Ne smaller orgenizations end invests it, with the idea that they would get a better investment on $100 million than on $1 million a piece for a hundred different agencies; that the di�culty now is that the rates are low and have been low for so long that we only eam belween 2/10 and 3/10 of 1°/a, which is a very low rate. Mr. Thompson said staff would like to begin the process of obfaining authori�ation from Council for the City Manager and the Finance Direc[or to invest in state authorized investments, which he said would be primarily federal notes and mortgages guaranteed by [he federal govemmen[, or state bonds and [he bonds of other small govemmen[s wi[hin the state of Washington; he said we know we can get [hose at a reNm of behveen 1 and 1.4% and tha[ difference on [he amoun[ of money we invest, would likely generate over $20Q000 a year more [han what we are currently receiving; and said if Council is agreeable with that, s[aff would like to bring back a resolution nex[ week to authoriu the Finance Director and CiTy Manager to invest in state approved imestrnents. Mr. Thompson stressed that any imestment made in this regard would be guaranteed by [he federal govemment; and that we would take some money ou[ of the sta[e invesdnen[ pool and use tl�a[ to buy the o[her federally-backeA securiNes; he said we would no[ totally give up on the s[ate inves[men[ pool bu[ would keep some money there, keeping in mind that if the funds are spread arowd [here is less cM1ance of losing money. Councilmember Gothmann suggested council should come up wi[h a policy before authorizing this, and said he also wants to see [he kinds of imestrnents the policy would pertni[; and sugges[ed doing that prior to council moving forward with the authorization pmcess. Director Thompson explained that an investrnent policy wmnt exis[s, and he said he would be happy to share that with councilmembers, that it tracks with state law which explains there must be a guarantee when making invesiments; adding that this policy was approved several years ago by Council, and the finance committee reviewed it recen[ly as well. Mr. Jackson said staff would be happy [o bring [ha[ back to council for counciPs review and Nat council can makes changes as necessary; he also stated that our fiscal policies in the curtent rosolution now allow the finance director and the city manager to make Utese imeshnents, but because these would be new investments ro[he City, he and Mr. Thompson wanted to bring Nis forward ro Council; and said we need a resolu[ion which combines these policies; he said many [imes when Mr. Thompson moves forward to make an investment, the investment company asks for proof firom this legislative body [ha[ [hose staff members have the authority to make those investrnen[s; and said tha[ is [he real intent; tha[ we will Ming those policies before council for discussion, and there is m hwry with this item. In response to a question &om Councilmember Grassel, Mr. Jackson said it would not be his intent for council to have to approve every inves[ment, but ins[ead to se[ the paratneters by which the Ciry Manager and Ne Finance Direc[or cen make tAose investrnents, which is wrrently pertnitted by [he fiscal policies and resolution in place, bu[ we are now moving into new [ertitory and wanted council to be appraised; and he emphasized that [hese would be totally federally insured, safe investments and that we are not talking about the city taking risks; and he rei[era[ed that the return on the sfate imes[ment pool is very low which has caused us to move from our ultra conserva[ive imestmen[ policy, and examine a super conservative investmen[ policy; and said it is not the intent W bring [o council each investmen[ opportunity. Councilmember Grassel asked abou[ the frequency of making investments, and Mr. Thompson said it is a matter of being able to move when an instrument comes up; that he gets e-mails from different organi�a[ions such as Wells Fargo, and Seattle NW which deal in ucurities, explaining that they have inshumen[s backed by the federal govemment, and if [he rate is good, i[ will likely only be available for sometimes as little as riventy minu[es. Mayor Towey agreed it would no[ be feasible [o ga[her council every time [he Finance Director wan[ed to make an investment, bu[ as a wuncil, those parameters and guidelines should be es[ablished, and said he has no objection to staff bringing [his back May 10 for that policy discussion. Councilmember Gothmann recommended Councilmembers read the Local Govemment Investmen[ Policy, which he said is on-line. Councilmember Grassei asked if cowcil could get a quarterly report on those imestrnents, and Mr. Thompson explained [ha[ information is contained in the Finance Council SNdy Session Minutes May 3, 20❑ Page 2 0( 5 Approved by Cowcil: Mey 24, 2011 DepartmenYs Monthty report each month, which shows that some of our money is in the state investment pool, that we have a time certificate with a bcal bank, and that is counciPs opportuniry to see where and how money is being invested. Mr. ]ackson said we can include that material in ce�ct week's packe[ so council can see Ihat first quarter 2011 report again. 3 Public Access Fundin¢ Process — Morean Koudelka Senior Adminis[ra[ive Analyst Koudellca explained that staff issueA a Request for Proposals (RFP) on the "publid' portion of those PEG (public, education, govemment) funds, and received one proposal, from CommuniTy Minded Television, which is [he curren[ channel manager for public access broadcesting on channel 14; [hat tfiey have a contrac[ with [he CiTy of Spokane and curtently record our council meetings to later broadcas[ on channel 14; he said tha[ proposal me[ all [he requirements specified in Ihe Request for Proposal; that they curren[ly provide public access broadcasting twenTy-four hours a day, every day, and they provide six different types of training classes; they have one fiill [ime and one part-time employee; and said s[aff recommends we make available $35,000 of PEG funds for qualifying capital expenditures for 2011 ro Community Minded Televisioq and reiterated [hat this is only for [he public portioq end he said staff will follow up with a separate RFP for the educaGonal programming. Mr. Koudelka said the complete proposal is included in the council materials for tonighYs meeting, and [hat this is an opportunity for council to ask questions about the proposal and whether council has any objection [o staff bringing this back neM week as a mo[ion considera[ion to awazd thou funds. Mr. Koudelka said we would only make funds available for [he first year, [ha[ [he amoun[ is approximate and dependent upon what we actually receive from Comcas[, and would opera[e in a reimbursement fortnat so when the provider makes a parchase of a qualified item, they would submi[ their documentation to us for reimbursement if we determined such as a qualifying expense, bu[ such reimbursement would only be done if the funds had been received from Comcast, and said we would not use other city funds. Attorney Driskell mentioned the contract would exp've December 31, 2015; that this contract covers a �ant for $35,000 for capital equipment and that the actusl amount of funding will be determined by the ac[ual PEG wntributions provided by Comcas[, with any addi[ional funds subjec[ to the same requiremen[s as [he original PEG fee grant. 4 Draft 2012-2017 Six-Year Transoortation Imorovement Plan ('I1Pl — Steve Worlev Public Works Director Kers[en and Senior Engineer Wodey wen[ over the projec[ lis[ explaining [he projec[s and some of [he funding op[ions, and asked for counciPs feedback. Mr. Worley explained thet we are mandated Yo submit our Six-Year TIP prior to July 1 every year. Some of the projec[s, he said, such as the Greenacres Trail include the need to acquire righ4of-way, which is in the process. Councilmember Woodard commented on his preference for changing the Greenacres Trail [o a hvo lane instead of a[hree lane, and Mr. Worley explained that Uvee-lane description was included in the applicaGon when [hey received the grant, that if could still be modified, and those kinds of comments are what staff looks forward [o when seeking communiTy feedback. Mr. Kersten added tha[ typically when we're going [o have the volumes that we're going to have on that road, we would want a three lane from a safery standpoin[; [hat not having that left-[um lane for people [o pull in makes it much less safe; so al[hough i[ is a residential area, iYs s[ill going to have qui[e a volume of traffic and a road is needed [here that can handle [ha[ level of Vaffic safely. Council and staff diswssed the process for adopting and amending [he TIP, including [he need for a public hearing and Mr. Wodey explaiced that even once adop[ed, ihe TIP can be amendeA whenever, and as many [imes as necessary. Councilmember Grafos suggested moving some of [he projects to 2013 until [he funding can be de[ermined, while Councilmember Gothmann suggested leaving the projects as listed, and said we could always tum down funding if necessary, and added that unless the projects are listed on [he TIP, we dodt ge[ them. Mr. Kers[en added [hat of [he few projec[s that are unfunded, that we are jus[ looking for design money now and no[ total project money; that at t1�e earliest something conceming Council SWdy Session Minutes May 3, 2011 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: May 24, 2011 federal funding would be available late fall, so these projects wouldn't happen until next year anyway, adding [hat wuncil has the option to keep them where they are, move [hen down a year, or remove them from [he list Director Kersten said Nat f you leave it on the list for 2013 and projects come out, we would still look a[ putting that application in, and so [he question is, is there a point when Bant funding becomes available and council doesdt wan[ us to lurn in an applica[ioa Mr. Kersten said staff tries [o always come to Council prior to tuming in [hose grant applications. However, he explained ti�at in [he past sometimes the agency hasdt given us more [han a week's notice to ge[ [hem lurned iq although he indicated he felt that would change in the future; and said there are other projects as well ti�at cwncil migh[ like to fund, such as a city entrance, and said staff is planning [o come back for a discussion of that bigger picture and of all funding availability. Further discussion included stree[ preservation and mention that the topic of capi[al projec[s is scheduled for [he May 17 council agenda, and CiTy Manager Jackson stressed that as we move forward with the budget process, Council can make those decisions conceming funding projects, adding [hat essentially we can fund [he projects [ha[ are on the list, bu[ we'll have to make some decisions on future projects, and will need decisions between preserva[ion and o[her grant pmjects. Public Works Director Kers[en added tha[ if council wants staR'ro come back to council on some of these projec[s, such as project #6, we would need to do that very sooa Other issues discussed included the use of grant money for our sidewalk infill program; Sullivan Bridge concerning possible restrictions; and discussion concerning rights-of-way. Mc Kersten again noted that the needed $4.5 million for street preservation is not included but the funds are despera[ely needed in order to maintain the streets. Comcilmember Grafos said he feels i[ makes sense to defer some of the projects, and Mr. Kersten said [hat decision is counciPs preroga[ive. Councilmember Grassel stressed her concem with no[ having preservation maintenance in the budget, and said she feels it should be a top priority, and questioned why we would add more streets if we cad[ maintain wha[ we have, and [ha[ she doesdt mind approving [he TIP if any of the projec[s cen be rejec[ed la[eq and i[ was noted again that is CounciPs prerogative. Mc Kersten said that tonighYs diswssion is a work session, and the topic of how [o fund street maintenance and capitel projects will be discussed more at [he May 17 mee[ing; and that Council will have a few more opportunities [o discuss Ihese projects before ul[ima[ely considering approval of the resolution which will adop[ [he T7P. Mayor Towey called for a recess at 7.26 p.m. and rewmened the mee[ing at 738 p.m. 5 FlashineBeacons—NeilKersten Public Works Director Kers[en explained [Ma[ the Washing[on Traffic Safety Commission issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for school mne flashing beacon projects, and that speed studies must be comple[ed prior [o submitting the application, which is due May 20. Mr. Kersten said sffiff plans to submi[ applications for hvo school zones: Orchard Center Elementery along Park Road, and Ches[er Elemen[ary along Pines. Mr. Kersten said jus[ applying for two schools still leaves many elementary schools withou[ beawns, and said that staff will continue to work on those as grants keep coming around, but said [he grants come in pretty slow, and once we receive no[ificatioq [he schedule is tigh[ as they must be completed by [he end of summer, adding [hat grants are only for funding elementary schools. Councilmember Grafos asked why we coulddt include in that Bowdish projec[ since thaYs about traffic, and tfie criteria for [hese flashing beacons match what we have on Bowdish, and he asked why we couldd[ include [ha[ as part of tha[ projec[, and as we do [ha[ road, [o put those beacons in. Mc Kersten said [hat if that is CounciPs desire, we can do that, and Councilmember Grasul ageed and there were no objec[ions from council [o include [ha[ in the projec[. Mc Kers[en said staff will move forward with [hose two schools as noted, and there were no objections from Council. Council Smdy Scssian Minuhs May 3, 2011 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: May 24, 2011 6 Advance Aeenda – Mayor Towev Issues Councilmembers indicated a desire to discuss dwing fumre meetings included signage on I-90, speed limits, capi[al project funding a prioritiud lis[ of preserva6on projects, [he Broadway Stortnwater issue, and Sprague/Ciry entrance improvements. Councilmembers also requesteA a copy of the pavement preservation progam prior m review of that topic. Mr. Iackson said conceming the si�age on I-9Q we are waiting for information from Washington Stste Departmen[ of Transportation, capital projects funding is scheduled for the May 17 mee[ing, Ihat Mr. Kers[en is in the process of updating the preservation lists &om a 2008 sNdy that listed projects by year by prioriTy for six years and that we will likely have that list available during [his summer, that preservation will be discussed at the retreat, that the stolmwater issue is connected with an upcoming budget amendment as are the ciTy enVance improvements, and that staffwill make sure council gets a copy of the curtent pavement preservation plan. Z Informa[ion Onlv The Parks and Rec. Quarterly Reporf and Regional Animal Con6ol Faci(iry Update were for information only and were no[ reported or discussed. B.CouncilCheck-in–Ma orTowe Other [han men[ion of the S[ate of the City addresses, there were no reports or commen[s. 9 Ciri Manaper Check-in– Mike 7ackson City Manager Jackson said he spoke with Briahna Taybr and [hat at approximately 230 Wday, the Governor signed the port of entry bill, which means that will become law ninety deys after the end of the session; and he men[ioned [here were many people involved in the movement of tha[ bill. There being no further business, i[ was moved by Deputy Mayor Scbimmels, seconded and unanimous[y agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjoumed at 7:51 p.m. w—� � omas E. Towey, ayor ATTEST: v� ' ristine ainbridge, City Clerk Council SNdy Session Minums May 3, 2011 Page 5 of 5 Approved by CounciC May 24, 2011 i�a �e'�nau�:��raai[ozwcziozuab�8ctroz'zioz��m�nt�c'ma�raam!��am=nv�a uop�MSUO� _ � .,CeM 3�'34 = MH �(1elnam¢onna3 �p �tsa� SuuaamBaH �!m!Iazd = 3d 'lue�6 (�)d1S le�apa� e Rq papun; si �oafad ayl �peoa �aWeg o� peoy e�o�j wm� �euaye ueqm aue�-ewyl e o� anuany uoissiw uBisap ��im �afmd siyl '� (��r+oM2113d1BZL0#aaHavgolvaoij •g �ue�6 (3)d1S �e�apej e Rq papun; si y�efad ayl �6em�iea wey}�ory yee�� ay};o a)na ay� eouo sen� �eyl �em-;o-l4Bu peo��ie� paumo ,quno� eue�odg uo ,qlsow payeoo� aq p�nom I!�3 841 'IIeW Rellen aue�odg ay� o� a6a��o� R�iunwwo� eue�odg wa; �ie�; esn -i;�nw pezuo�ow-uou e�iw g�g e;o uBisap pue 8uiuue�d eyl epinad ��pH �efad eyl (A�NO3d)S4L0#'1R'tl1400Mlllyy-A3lltl/�3NtlNOd$ '9 •lue�6 pyW� le�apaj e Rq papun� si pafad ayl �sagi�ioe; �elemuuo{s pue qmo '��eMapis yQy 'saue� e�iq 'aue� umy ue� snonuiyuoo ylvn RemH�ed neaqe�iyy �o ;sam anuany p�eysueyy ol 'Pil seuid wa; uoi�auuo� de8 �euaue aue�-g e;o uoilisinboe /em-;o-yy6iy pue u6isap (AlNO M2U3d) 42! 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SIDEWALK INFILL PROGRAM L � � This projed will completa the PE end CN for Phase 1 of the Citys effort to fill in sidewalk gaps and improve transit access at selected locations throughout the City. � The project segments will focus on improvements within the walking radius of schools, high density housing, commercial districts and transit facilities. It will also look at installing transit shelters at high use stops and public facilities which are expeded to increase ridership and reduce single occupancy vehicle trips. For example: Sidewalks on Farr Road from 4� to Appleway and a transit shelter at Appleway/Farr; sidewalk on Perrine Road north of S�rague and a trensit shelter on Sprague; sidewalk on Pines Road west side from 16 to 19� and east side from 16"' to 23"'; install trensit shelters at high-use locations. The project is funded by Federal CMAQ and EECBG funds. 8. SPRAGUE AVEISULLIVAN RD ITS PROJECT Install fiber optic cable and signal interconnect on Sprague Ave. between Evergreen and Sullivan Rd. end Sullivan Rd. from Sprague to I-90. The project is funded by a Federal CMAQ grant. 9. SULIIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE This project will reconstruct and widen the west bridge of Sullivan Road over the Spokane River, just north of Indiana Ave. This project is 50% funded by FMSIB ($2M) and Federal Bridge Replacement ($8M) grents. Cost: $19,582,000. 10. 247H AVENUE SIDEWALK—ADAMS 70 SULLIVAN #0746 This project will complate the gaps in the sidewalk between Adams Rd and Sullivan Rd with a new 6-ft wide sidewalk and barrier curb on north side. This projed is funded by a TIB grant. . 11. BROADWAY AVE. IMPROVEMENTS — FLORA TO BARKER (PE ONLY) Design a three-lane urban arterial from Flora Road to Barker Road with curbs, gutters, and sidewalks includes completing the gap in roadway between Greenacres and Long roads. 12. PARK ROAD IMPROVEMENTS — BROADWAY TO INDIANA #0068 (RW/CN ONLY) This project will reconstruct and widen Park Road to a three-lane urban street with sidewalks, bike lanes, curbs, gutters and associated drainage systems. The PE phase is funded through a Federal STP(U) grant. 'I3. SULLIVAN ROAD CORRIDOR TRAFFIC STUDY (I-90 TO WELLESLEY) Conceptual planning for Sullivan Road corridor improvements. WII evaluate future traffic needs based on impacts from Spokane County's Bigelow Gulch project, Bridging ihe Valley Overpass improvements at Trent and Sullivan Road West Bridge improvements. �4. UNIVERSITV RD/1-90 OVERPASS STUDY Study feasibilRy and potential congestion relief benefits of an overpass at Univeraity/I-80 to Montgomery and between Argonne and SR27. The project is funded by a Federal CMAQ grent. 75. SIDEWALK AND TRANSIT STOP ACCESSIBILITY PROJECT Sidewalk and bus stop improvements in conjunction with STA. Sidewalk segments to complete gapa: Montgomery Avenue (University to Wilbur); 4� Ave (University to ' Pierce Rd); Tshirley Rd (Sprague to Coach); Mansfield Ava (Pines to Houk); Park Rd PE = Prelimioary Engineering (Desi� & Envuonmental); RW = Rightof-Wey; CN = Construction PiPu6licWOrka�CepimlProjech�C1P-Y@Fmdin8�012-201717F�DreR2012iIN20I1Pm1��s�^W�.docx Pege2 EaBed �p'�M!nnPl�fnyllOZWLLZ10Zll�N.A111022I0A8�!Pm1idLL'A�\*'WfadR!!da'J\sAroM>!I9^d��d uml�nASUa� = x�'. = M1I'(1 � ffi[sa� 8uuaam8m3,Siem�ml�d = 3d eq p�nom �ie�� eyl 'IIgW �ape� aue�odg eyy o� aBa��o� l�unwwo� eue�odg wo�; �ie�� asn-i��nw pezuolow-uou e�iw gg e;o uoiy�rulsum pue uoi�ismbae ,(em-;o-;y6ia ' (��r+0 N�/M?1) 4440# i�l a00nn»iW-�i�v� aNVHOeS'4Z •saiypioe; �e�emuuo�s g saue� aNiq 's��eneapis 'q�no Meu ppe pue saue� g o) Rempea uepim o� Bwuue�d IGeuiwil�d (AlNO 3d) ZZ60# NOISSIyy 013f1'JtltldS-dtlOZf VHOIj'►Z �spea Buo� pue sa�aeuaa�� ueem�aq ReMpea ui de6 eyl Bui�ruysuoo se ��ann se s��emepis pue 's�aun6 'sq�n� yl!m peoa �e��eg o� peoa e�o�j wa; �euaye ueqrn aue�-aa�y� e ol pea �ru�suooea (A'INO NJ/M21) a3HHtl8 Ol tlt101d — S1N3W3AOMdW I'�tl AtlMOtl01l8 '£Z �sai�i�ioe; �elemuuols pue q�n� '��emepis ypy'seue� e�iq 'eue� wn� ga� snonuilua� y�iM RemWed neaqenyy �o �sam enuany p�aysueyy oy seuid wa; uoiy�auuo� de6 �euay�e eue�-g e�n�ysuo� (A'1N0 NJ) a21 H�OH i01Stl31d OOZ Ol (LZ!!S) $3NId — N011�3NN0'J 3Atl a�31dSNtlyy'ZZ •s��emapis o� apew a9 II!M suoileoyipow tlOtl Pue sapi�ioe; �alemw�ols o� apew eQ Ilim seper6dn�iedw biyw� �oru� y6iy wa; Buigm �anas ol anp ela�ouoo yyiM uoi�es�alui �ru�suoaea (AlNO NJ/M2l) L4L0# 1�3f01ld N011�3SU31NI 313U�N0� al��f13/NtlNllflS' 6Z •peoa �eWeg o� peoa e�o� j wo�� sail!I!oe� �alemuuo�s pue saue� a�iq 's��emepis 'qrm y3im 6empea aue�-awyy e�n�ysuop (A'1N0 NJ) EZ LO# a3NNtlg Ol tli101 j— 3Ay NOISSIW 'OZ �s��ennapis ol apew eq ��iM suogeoyipaw ypy pue segi�ioe; �elemuuoys o� apew aq ��im sapwBdn�iede� 9�e�� �orul y6iy wa; Buigm �anas o� anp a�wouoo y;im uoi�es�alui �ru�suoaaa (AlNO NJ) Z460# SN011�3SM31NI 313M�N0� Ntlllflyy(dNNO'JNtl � AVMUVONQ '6 � �y�g� o� y�g wa; seggi�e� �a�eMw�o;s Mau pue ��eMapis'q�n� ylim uoiy�as eue�-Z se �ru;suo�a� :y�g ol an6e�ds wa� a�e�nsaa 3f1'JVtldS Ol H19� — OtlOtl HSI4M08 'B 6 �y�a(o�d Rape� eyy Bui6pug ey�;o }�ed si siyl �aseyd uoiy�misuoo ayl �o! 91SWd R9 (uo!II!w Ol$ 43!m) pepun; R��eiy�ed si �efad a41'(O6Z2lS) lue�l/peal!e� dSN9/�a��eg �e uoile�edas ape�6 e;o u6isap lue��nsuo� (AlNO MM/3d) 6460# NOI1VLtld3S 3Otli1� jSNB/atl021 a3NMtl8 'L L ��a��eg �o ysam ,(eAnpeag yo�ew o3.+aWeg �o lsea 6empeag u6i�ea� :saiygi�e; �a�emuuo�s pue seue� a�iq 'sN�en�apis 'q�n� y�im uogaes eue�-g e ol �n��suooea 3fIN3Ay AtlMdtl01l9 Ol AtlM3lddtl - dtlOa El3NMtlH '96 'V1S 48no�y� spun� y� �e�apa� y�im pepun� �(,�g� ol ,�4) uenill�S :(apis y�ou) awa� Rdsi�N � eueipu� '(�ewo� /�/�g) se�de3S � eueipu� :(epis yinos) lll � eueipu� :(s�awm 3N'8 MS) uaa�B�an3 � eueipu� :��ed �eu�snpu� aue�odg � uenp�ng :�eWeg;o ysee uoissiw '(uoi�as�e;ui;o �sea) ue��nw � uoissiw :(�awoo 3S) ��e,� � Rema�ddy'(�awoo 3N) eueneH � anBe�dg '(�awoo MN) .uej � en6e�dg � :(epis yyou) ue��nyy/auuoB�y � an6e�dg '(�awo� MN) lqis�aniu� � anBe�dg :(siewoo 3S '8 MN) P2i seuid � en6e�dg :s�uawanadwi pa�e�a� pue s�at�ays snq e�n�n; �o; selis 'sdwe� q�no 'sped snq :s3uawanadwi dols �isue�y •( � o� ,�g) located mostly on Spokane County owned railroad right-of-way that was once the route of the Great Northern Railway. 26. GREENACRES TRAIL, SULLIVAN RD TO EA3T OF d7Y LIMITS #0148 (RW/CN ONLY) � Right-of-way acquisition and construction of Greenacres Trail from the Walt Worthy Building to Hodges Rd. - approximately 2.2 miles of non-motorized multi-use trail from the Centennial Trail just east of Sullivan to the east of Spokane Valley city limits. Partially funded by an energy grant. 27. BOWDISH ROAD — 24TH TO 16TH Reconstrud roadway as 2-lane section with curbs, sidewalks and new stormwater facilities. 28. SULLIVAN RD/UPRR OVERPA33 BRIDGE RESURFACING PROJECT Resurfaca railroad overpass bridge deck which is currently delaminaling. The project is partially funded by a Federal Bridge Replacement grant. 29. BARKER ROAD—SOU7H CITY LIMITS TO APPLEWAY#0125 (PE ONLY) Preliminary design of roadway to a 3-lane section with curb, sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities. 30. FLORA ROAD—$PRAGUE TO MISSION #0122 (RW/CN ONLY) Right-of-way acquisition and conslruction to widen roadway to 3 lanes and add new curbs, sidewalks, bike lanes & stormwater facilities. 3'I. SULLNAIUKIERNAN CONCRETE INTERSECTION Reconatruct intersection with concrete due to sever rutting from high truck traffic, repairs/upgrades will be made to stormwater facilities and ADA modifications will be � made to sidewalks. $Y. SULLNAN RD CONCRETE PAVEMENT� INDIANA TO WELLESLEY Reconstruction of urban arterial in concrete consisting of a 4part plan. #t: replacement of existing bridges at SR290 and the BNSF railroad crossing and adding pedestrian and bike facilities; #2: reconstruction of enlire length of roadway in concrete; #3: replacement of Sullivan Rd West bridge (southbound) over the . Spokane River from 2-lanes to 4-lanes adding sidewalk on the west side and bike lanes; #4: resurtacing of the bridge decks over the UPRR. 33. BARKER ROAD/BNSF GRAUE $EPARATION #0743 (CN ONLY) Construct grade separation at Barker/BNSF railroadlfrent (SR290). The project is partially funded (with $10 million) by FMSIB for the construction phase. This is part of the Bridging the Valley project. 34. BARKER ROAD —SOUTH CITY LIMITS TO APPLEWAY #O72S (RW/CN ONLY) Right-of-way acquisition and construdion of Barker Road to a 3-lane section with curb, sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities. PE = Prelimivary Engineering (Desipp & Env'¢onmeMal); RW = Righaof-Wey; CfI = Construction P:NublicWwks�CepitelPmJectl�C�-TIPPwding�2012-201'!'I'��D�W301I7�2011An1e���Pb�.docz Pege6 35. PARK ROAD/BNSF GRADE SEPARATION This projed is part of the Bridging the Valley program and proposes to construct a bridge to allow vehicle traffc over the BNSF trecks at Trent Avenue. A Freight Mobility Stretegic Investment Board (FMSIB) grant for $5 million was received for this �-� prqect, as well as $2 million from TIB. We anticipate additional funding support from the BNSF, federal grants, and possibly WSDOT. 36. UNIVERSITV/SPRAGUE CONCRETE INTERSECTION Replace asphalt pavement with concrete, repairs/upgredes will be made to stormwater facilities and ADA modifications will be made to sidewalks. 37. BOWDISH ROAD� 32ND TO 24TH Reconstruct roadway as 2-lane section with curb, sidewalk and new stormwater facilities. PE = Preliminery Engineering (Design & Environmental); RW = Right-of-Way; CN = Construaion P:�PUblic WakSlCePi�e1 ProjectS�C�-i@ Fwding�1012-2017 T@�D�eR 2012 T�2011 RoJ� dncripGO�.docx Pege 5