08-018.00 Avista Corporation: GIS Data License Agreement°'°~r ~ ~ ,.~ ~, '~ sue ~~` • '~~~ '~ Utilities Aib1L'\'~Dl~'II?\t'C \'O.2 `CO AGRI+'.~Li~~1:LN'1' (A~TiS'1'A FILE \'O. R-213113) 13LT~VEL+'N Avista Corporation clba Avista Utilities (`'L•icensor") ANll City of Spokane ~~allcy ("Licensee") This Amendment is hereby annexed to and [Wade a part of the printed part of the 17ata License Ag-cemcnt identified by the above bile i\~ttmber. In each instance in which the pro<isions of this AmendrTZent contradict or are inconsistent with the provisions of the printed portion of the Agreement, and any prior Amendments thereto, the provisions of this Amendment shall prevail and govern, and the contradicted, superseded or inconsistent provisions shall be deemed amended accordingly. This :~grcentcnt is amended as follows: Replace I/<~chibit "A", .Gicetrses, incorporated into ihc: subject agreement, in its entirety, with the revised E.~ltibit "A," attached to this Amendment. Except as set,.forth herein, all "I'crms and Conditions of the Agreement, and any Amendments [beret[), shall remait in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto Mave executed this Amendment, effective as of the last date of execution below. LICI:NSI~Il: rwista Utilities (Si~,nature nr„rrlr c. Ri~•1, (Pit ntCCl ~(:n11C) A1nna~er Teclmiurl Services/GIS (Title) ./~ 3 /~~ (Date) .Sunre as aGove. (Principal Contact) PO Ros 373 i ;1•f SC-2d 1411 6. ,t~lssiorr Avenue Ltcen'sL~.: City ril Spokane Valley (Signs~ rq~.) /~l1iC'~ q~~~ (printed Name) }7~Ov~y t/~ ~a,s^acr-e~- (Title) 21~~ 1a~ (Date) (Principal Contact) Spoluure, If'A 9)220-3727 (Mailing Address) (Agailing Address} Rev 3121!05 Page 1 of 1 Avista Contract No. R-21303 Licensee: City of Spokane Valley C08-18 • • Exr~l~~rr A I~ICEIU~~L7 MATERIr`il~ Layrr Vnnre Irffective DFa19 Accuracy Ortho I2esolutiorr 17ata Origirrativn License Dute Date Fee. (T) Avisfin/Spakune Vnlleyl I0/2003 Y 5' ~"' 0.5' 06I2002* $3,377.73 Spokane Co T7ais license iS for the Digital Ller~atima A1ode1(DLA4) mad high resolartiun color orthvplrotography coverag¢s for all or portions of the Sections/Quarter S¢rtivrrs or files in fh¢ uicinity of the City of Spoknue Vallrny in SJaokane Cvunty, lNnsJriargturr (approximately 4S square Wailes total or 150 - 3000' x 3000' Tit<:s) ns described by tlae OrthoplrotagrapJry ?'i!e Index, ~,ulticla iS attached to mad is considered a part of this ¢xhibit, Exhibit A('I). (2) rlvistalSpokmre Valleafl 1Uf2003 ,VIA a\rlrl )'~ 0.5' 06/200i° 52,612.03 Spokane Co 'Phis license is for tla;: high resulrrtiat cvlvr orthvJ.~Iioto~ryaplry covcra,ees for all or por•t:ions of tlae 5¢ctionslQuar-tcx Sec- tiuns ur'IileS in the z!ieinity of the City of Spvkuaac Valley in Spuknrr<•: Corrnty, i~Vaslaingtoaa (approximately 4s sgetnre nfiles tutu! or T50 - 3000' x 3000' Tiles) as described by the OrtAophutography!'afe Ia1dF:x, 2ulriclr is attached to and is considered a part of dais ¢xhfbit, TrlaibitA('1). Totn! License Fees for Items (1) ~ (2) above ~ ~,959.iG (3) A~~istn/Spoknne Vnl!¢y/ aV/A n-IrI Y' O.5' OS/2004' $3,426.77** Spokane Co 77riS license is for the high a•esolutiar color orthoplrotograplay' coverages fur n!1 or portions ujthe SectionslQunrter Sec- tions orTilcs in the vicinity of tla¢ City of Spokan¢ l%alley irr Spvkrarr¢ County, LVcrshington (approximately 4S sgr+ar¢ rnil¢s total or 150 - 3UU0' x:3000' Tiles) as described by th¢ Orthoplaotograplry Tile Index, which is attached to mad is considered n part of this exhibit, E.ilribit A('1). Total l.ie¢nse lee forItenrs (3) 5'3'4~6'~~*~ "License fee for Jterrr {3) includes n11 cost-shm~e read relicensirag fee a•edits far 2003 orthu & 2002 DEM. (4) Avistn/Spokane Valley! t\r/~1 1~rlA ~" 0.5' 06/2005` ~2,~T7.J'Fi*i Spoknue Co 77ris tir_rarse is for tJre high r<zsnlration color ortlanpluatograpla yt coaleragcs for all or portions of tlae Sect ionslQuarfcr S¢c- tiorrs ar Tiles in tlac: uicinit~ of tlae City of Spokane Vall~'y in Spokane County, j~t%aslaiugtora (approtiurately 4S square miles total or 150 - 301)0' x 30D0' Tiles) as desr_ribed by the OrNaophatograplr yTile Ladex, wJtich is attaclud to mad is cvnsidt'red a part of this e_Ylaibtt, Exhibit A(.?.). Total License Fee for items (4) for project 1 c:car 2005 $2,215.3G"` "Liceaase fee for IIe-ra (4) includes r,Il cost-share nrad relicensbag fee credits jur 2004 ortlau & 2002 DEM. (5) AvistalSpokmre Valleyl ArlA NIA )" 0.5' OS/2006* 5'T,Z53.1S" Spokane Cu Tlais license is fur tlae high resolution color orthoplrotograplry` coverages far n!1 or portions of the Sections/Quarter Sec- tions ur Tiles in the vicinity of the City of Spokane Valley ira S/~oknne Car+nty, t~Vaslringtora (npproxinantely 4S square rrriles total yr 150 - 3000'.r 3000' Tiles) ns described by the Ortlavplaotography Tile Index, which is attached tv and is considered n paa•t of dais exhibit, Exhibit:t(.?.). Rev I11$f20rJ8 Pa~~e I cif ? A~•isra c;onaract ~o. rc-: r~ru Licensee: Clty of Spnl<ane V~Ilep ' • (6) Avistn/Spukatrc VaI1ctiJ! i`tlA U/A Y* 0.5' OS/2007` x'1,57.0.73°'' Spoknne Co This license is for the high resalation color orthophotogrrrplry~ coverages for all or portions of the SectionslQuarler Sec- tions or Tiles i,t the t+icirtity of the City of Spokane Valley in Spoknne Cutrnt~, bVashingfon (approxiuratel y 4S srturrre stiles tote! or 150 - 3000' x 3000' Tiles) as described by the O,•thophotogrnphy Tile Index, tulrich is attached to nod is carsirlered apart of this e_rhii,it, Exhibit A(1). (7) Avista/Spokaue Valley! Spoknne Ca Y 2' N/A N/A OSl2007 S3,1)a7.Z3 This license is for the LiDAft catltanced Digital Elevntivn iL'Iode!fDFA~), IZttw LIDAR a,rd I3rn•e knrtlt data coverages for atl ur portio„s of the SectiurrslQnrarrer Sections orTiles in the vicinity of tJtr; City of Spokatre Vnllcy in Spokane Crnutty, YVasltrn,Kto+t (a J~proxii:t~~tely •ISsr{Wore Wailes rota! or'C50 -30iJ0' x3U00' Tiles) cts rleserif,ed by the C)rthuphotography file Index, z+,hirle is ~+ttached to artrJ is entrsidercd rt p+1rt of this r_shibit, Exhibit. X1(1). Total License Fee for Items (5), (6) ~' (7) for Project Years 20Uti ~ 2007 ,~S,SZT.TrI"` °°Licerte fee for Items {b) v (G) includes a1I rost-share a-td reJicensinS fee credits far Z0U5 - Q6 arilto F~ 2002 l~lr+d. 17atn Forruat: C.1S l}igita7 F~ata Transfers are provided in Arc/htfo. Other special fonnnts are ,te~atiable depetuli,tg m+ the Licc:nsar sojttuare enpabilit y and charged on a per Itorrr basis as a etrsiom query. Most important, fhe client should know that forntnts other than Arc/Info, such ns t~~CF, hair limited a#ribute handling capability. rl4cdia: Licensed ivtateria! shalt be provided to Licensee on CD ROt~7 unless otherrnise spectfied and mrtlrrally agreed to by Licensee mul Licensor. 1_iccnse Fee: The ltlaterial license fee is breed u» the Licensee's co--rmitment to participate in the cost-shari+:g of the annual or muhi- yec,~r updtrting ujtl;e ,l4ateriad described above, The schedule for tke :Llaterial update +,~Il lie esreblislted as mutually agreed trpun by li- censor rrrri cost-sJ.artu~ 1tcensees. Follffrving dl.e erecutiotr of this .agreement, 5ltauld the T_lcfnSee Gl7ortse t0 trot particiyate in a A.~taterial update, in order to re-i;stablish !heir cost-share status, the Licensee will be regrtired to camyensate the Licensor the praJtortivnal share of the cost-Sl~ara~ fur each Material update not parficipater7 in plus iJte cw~rent tLlaferial repldate biting regtrrsted or ather tompensatian as agreed uparr in turiti7rg with Licensar. In rr;turn, t}rr. Licensor will prouide Licensee a copy of each of the A9atr:rin7 updates nQt partici- pated in for tohich cotrtpet><wtian is reaeitmd, as aUel1 as the current r~rfaterial teydate being requested. 1Zev IllSIZUU3 Page 2 ref Z Avista Cunrr~cr ~~'o. R-21303 Licensee City of St~okane Valley • Exhibit A(1) Data License Agreement City of Spokane Valley Orthophotography Tile Index Spokane Proiect Area (Total Avista Tiles = 150) TILE NAME T1LE NAME TILE NAM! 12505:270 12538:267 x2526:258 12508:270 12541:267 x2529:258 12511: 270 12544:26 7 12532: 258 t2517:27U 12547:267 12535:258 12520:270 x2502:264 x2538:258 12523: 270 12505: 264 12541: 258 12526: 270 12508: 264 12544: 258 (2529:2 70 12511: 264 1254 7:258 12532:270 12514:264 12499:255 12535:270 12517:264 12502:255 12538:270 x2520:264 x2505:255 12541: 270 12523: 264 12508: 255 f 2544:2 70 12526: 264 12511: 255 x2547:270 12529:264 x2514:255 12529:279 t2532.~264 12517:255 12532:279 (2535:264 12520:255 12526:2 76 12538: 264 12523: 255 12529:276 12541:264 !2526:255 x2532: 276 12544: 264 12529: 255 ! 2535:2 76 1254 7:264 12532: 255 12538: 276 12499: 261 12535: 255 12541: 276 12502: 261 12538: 255 12544:276 12505:261 12541:255 1254 %:276 12508: 261 12544: 255 12520: 273 12511: 261 12499: 252 12523:2 73 12514: 261 12502: 252 12526: 273 12517: 261 12505: 252 12529:?.73 12520:261 !2508:252 12532:273 12523:261' 12511:252 12535: 273 12526:261 12514: 252 12538: 273 12529:261 1259 7:252 12541: 273 12532:26 7 12520: 252 t 254 4:273 12535: 261 12523: 252 1254 7: 2 73 12538: 261 12526: 252 12502:267 12541:261 12529:252 12505: 267 12544: 261 12532: 252 ~t2508: 267 12547: 261 12535: 252 12511: 267 12499: 258 12538: 252 12514:267 12502:258 !2541:252 12517: 267 12505: 258 1259 7:249 12520: 267 12508: 258 12520: 249 12523:267 x2511:258 12523:249 12526: 267 12514: 258 12526: 249 12529: 267 12517: 258 12529: 249 12532: 267 ~ 12520:258 12532: 249 12535: 267 12523: 258 12535: 249 12517:246 12520:246 12523:246 12526:246 12517:243 12520: 243 12523: 243 12526:243 12517:240 12520:240 12523:240 12520: 237 TILE NAME