08-019.00 Poe Asphalt Paving: Street & Stormwater Immediate Winter Repairs~ • ~•~ SP~)•w;A,i~JE `~nILEY !«a::~ '~, 3 ~ P, 11'rp7 C Sprague Ave Suite 106 ~ Spokane V'at!e, W~ 89206 509,97.;1.10f,0 9 Fax: § 4 eityhaUc~pn4w'ncvr.Uey.erg 11 l' ~' ~~~i I ~~'~~---~. .a ~~'' ,' ~j II~~ ~r ~,~ =- ~~171'Uc'tX;4' ~, :~Qfl~ ~~ '~.~~ ~ F~~ ~ `~ zf7Q8 ,~ poe ,~.sl,~halt ;P7vis~„ Inc:, , :~`i:l ".7. Ni l~ eck: ~t.o csil. Post J~alls, :(]7 $08:~~~i he: 1~nnlemerrtation ofa car~dr~ct firt~ i1~t»tcr~i~,ttc titi~iralcsr~ rriariE~;~artce. Dear ~~l:~r. frri;C):itlA; The c.:•i~;y i:~ x4w'letia-ing ?lae'?00'7 Street Anti Scgrm•water a~rlainteziaA~re a~xcl l~G.pair. Services Contract ;fr~r. 1rA~ei~al iu 2Q08. 'How~ez7er, eft^me wc;c~-t:EAer aran~liliuras I~a~~e diverted our attention Eo ~e »ae~~ ;FOr, l'[rlld'1~:fjlaltC, xC;;~rlj]';y U~~Ol'C''~'~: aciclre•ss 411e entire cgntract fax 200$. r1t t7>is tim,,; because of ?~k~~. i.n;ct~r~e•c`ti~tc~ nfiturra aaY currant ~.-iuter conditiaA~s which b,~.vc zestilted. iii street sep~~.r. AdCk+d:"; ~cti'u i:ecluc:st A Cg31tS:~ct nat to exe~eed ~?Ot1,U()U £ox u~intur stxcct mair~te~l.~ulcu. I''leasr arta.csh }'ollx• ~i10$ un~f price costa, 77x1 :;il;~n raid ret`urtt dAis :tester, a-ith ;attaeF>rneots, to the (;ity of Spal~an ~"ali;,y, I~'t11,Yia ~'Jgxltis 1/1e~art~ent so thae we uan o~ia.iai, tlic: ap~:ral~ra~~tc; 4~tyJ St~Ilatli]'8S• A.i1 op tk-,c oftAer can~lraat pxovisi.ons eoz~tainett ua hlyc ~~xi~;ixicil 2UU7 a~eeuaez~c are in place and utill rerr~ai~A unchanged i.n ~thi5 ncir- 4~~ OO,000 a~eement. Please not;, tY~ar tli.e City Co~,~Aaril. ~vifll ~caz~sider e~:pandir~4 ~htr hUU$ contract it! the ~ren• near lu¢~~e be<<ond fhi rr.ntouriC gI'~200,000: ;I'1c.aSe sign below- to ac1,Fnowlc~cl~;r• the r~ceiptaiici c~oncurrexACe to pe~-I'arina t~nclr:r taus ~a~;reE•rr~eni, 'Please rett~in Qrxc c:opv autl ;rtiail tiie ocl'Aex Une to the C%lt~•:. CITY f7~ S:['(:)I;:F~~11r'1~''AL::f EY• ~ptsiy (:;iffy Nlaiiager 1 I'~~e.~splralt'~inb, IY~G, ,. ~' ~a ,''` ~!' ~ ~ , `''~ i~" ~' ' U ~ i -t'". " =~1 F.Sxw~d G~~l'~i1:1~~'~%ice I?z~s~dent ~~ ~ Date sued coy-19 t • !~'1 AT'TACHII~NT C -COST PROPOSAL . Contractor to list aII Contractor's PaproIl Cost ATTACHN~NT C -PART 2 ersonael a ted to work within the Ci Personnel Classification and Description a~~7. Hourly Rate R,e . O.T. Stiperintend_~+_t - Primar manages contractors work y City c~nta~ organises, schedules, and $52.00 ! $65.00 Foreman . ~ $38.00 / $51.00 r . $37.00 / $50.00 T~nster ' $37.00 / $54.00 Laborer $34.00 / $46.00 aao~ ~~ r~~G`~ ~(~ ,z, 3J~ . c£ .3~~~ ~~ J ~~~S • ~ ) ATTACHMENT C =COST PROPOSAL Cor~racto~s Equipmerrt Cost • ATTACHMENT C -PART 3 Contractor to list all equlPrnent expected tD work w~filn tfi2 City aipment Description ~~Y Rste ~~ 8 1993 KW T800 Tractor 555.00 cv 1485 Fwd F600 Dump Trur3c ~ ~-~ ~ ~ 1999 KW T800 ~d Dump • - 5.00 t•,r 1999 ~W T80D Feld Fxuap 355.00 ~ 1999 KW T800 EadDmnp SSSAO CA 1993 Pefie 357 Fwd Dmnp ~ 555.00 ~~t,o DSO 1998 KW TS00 F~.d Dump 555.00 ~~~ 2007 Pete 357 Soper Dump 575.00 ~ ~+~? O 2007 Pete 357 Super Qump 575.00 &i!~ 2007 Pete 357 Super D~rp 575.00 ~ p :J(} 2007 Pdc 357 Super Dump 5.00 ~ 0:~ - JJ 28 2007 Pew 357 Supea Dm~ 575.00 r~ ¢ :X~ 0 1979 FoadL8000 Water Tcflck, 2000 GaIlom .~ j„~• 3~ 9 1988 KW T800 WaLer'I`tnck. 4000 Gallop x55.00 ~ ~~ 84 1974 KW 0500 Wafer Tnrdc 5.00 ~CA OS 2004 Fard F550 Tack Tzuelc .00 r 1,200 ~T 73 1999 FaQd F450 Service Truck 5.00 ~~~ 19 1997 Faad Ranges ~ 510.00 a2s 1 2003 ChevyClO $15.00 ' ~•~ ~"l30 2000 Fwd F250 15.00 ~ ~~ 300.1007 Ford F150 Si5.00 ~ X45 • .303 2000 Chevy CIO 15.00 i ~c{~ ,04 zoa6 ~' Colaaado x10.00 ~ ~,aS 306 2004 GrMC 1500 515.00 ~ ~~ #202 2004 Fwd F450 •~ ~57~ - 8 2006 Ford F450 .525.00 ~;~ ?5 t€247 2003 Ford F550 525.00 ~Cj7~ 5 200'1 Trail~g lovubed - 535.00 ~ ~ ~' • 102 2001 Williaatsen 4 Agee Pup 520.00 ~G !1103 2001 Wilfiamse~ 4 Axle Pap ~ 520.00 ~~ 5~ ~~ ~~~t n ion conga ~~ ~~~ 187 1999 R r'`lII'amsan 4 A~ Pnp 520.00 ~~ 188 "1999 WII>iamsen 4 Axle Pup .00 ' 189 1999 W1hr 'a~ase~ 4 Axte Pup 520.00 --. ~; 197 1997 Rway BGlty Dump Trait 520,00 -~ ~,S~ 144 2003 O}ympic 3 Axle T~7t Trader Su,pO `~~~~ I31 1998 TYeilmaa T12i1'T Trailer 515.00 ~ ~~ L32 1998 Trar7maz T12ITT ~'rarler 515.00 ~ ~ 45 149 2006 Tra"imaz TI2UT'Trar1~ 15.40 ' S ~'S 7 1977 ~'P BuOt Saw Trm1Q 15.40 `r.~~{5 0 2004 Foa Utliiy Tra~7~ 515.00 ~-4~~ ~5 127 Freuhauf Talc Trailer S 15.00 ~ ~ ~5 1 1998 Cat CS563C Grade Roper S50.00 ~u C,. ~? ._ 2004 IR DD34HF Roller 540.00 - J..~ ~ uc 11 2004 Dynapac CC 102 RoIl~ .00 1 ~ '7 c, 18 2006 IR DD70HF Roper $55.00 ~~ 16 200018 DD110HF Roller ' - ;70.00 ~ ?~'~ OS 2005 Bonaag• 575.00 ? ~/u~-, 24 2000 Blaw-gnoa PF5510 S LSU.00 J ~~' 7 2002 Cat 972GII 575.00 n a Cv 1 D 7'22 2005 Johm Deems 2IOLE 545.00 ~.1 a t~' l O 18 1974 Anbez M750 545.00 ~ `~' I ` T 11 1998 Cat 160H 580.40 ~c~' ~ 8 2006.Broce Broom 850.00 ~• ~ct~ • 1998 Tack TraOer 815.00 !~~}~ D~itiquip Sew 825.00 ~~.S7S 21 Pl~e Wark~s 55_QO ~ , S gicJc ~ AAA - L50.40 ~L! ~.~ F 310 - RSntal 50.00 °`= ~,~ • ATTACffiV~NT C -COST PROPOSAL Contractors Materials Costs - ATTACH11~~1T C -PART 4 Item Description Unit Unit Cost 1 HIvIA Ton $43.00 2 CSB~ Ton $6.00 o'Z00~ ~{ ~" ~'", ~.t• ~ • • A 7`TA f`A"MF,NT C -COST PROPOSAL u-Pda~ Subcontractors -Contractor to provide a list of all subcontractors anticipated to be used for performing the described services. Contractor to list the overhead and. profit on subcontractors in Item 2, Part 1' o£ Attachment C. ~ ~ 7 AT'TACF~ViENT C -COST PROPOSAL •, Subcontractors Materials Cosh - ATTA ~ C - PART6 Item Desa-iption IInit Unit C'ast4 1 Quaay Spells Ton $14.00 2 Crank Sealant ~ Pound $4.00 3 _ PCC Cubic Yard $92A0 4 ~ Guardrail LF ~ $12.84 5 ~ ~ 6 `chain link Fencing LF ~ $12.00 6 8 `Chain link Fencing LF $14.25 7 Type A Drywall In Read Prism EA $620.00 8 Type B Drywcll In Road Prism EA $850.00 9 Type A Drywall In Swale EA $620.00 10 ~ Type B DryweU In Swale EA $850.00 11 Catchbasin Type 1 EA $490.00 12 Catchbasin Type 1 w/ Oil Water Separator EA $820.00 13 Pipe Sumps EA ~ $145.00 14 10' SDR-35 PVC Pipe LF $5.70 .15 12" SDR 35 PVC Pipe LF $8.20 16 12" CMP LF . $14A3 17 12" RCP LF ~ $20.00 18 Drain Rock Cubic Yard ~ $10.83 19 Filter Fabric Sq Yard. $0.84 20 , Sending, Mulching & Fertilizing Sq Ft $0.10 -21 Sod Sq Ft $0.40 aoo$ -L-1~y ~ ~~ !;~ (~~ l3i5 I '~ 3~ 1~}~' ~~/L1 '~V ~~ ~~~g~~ w c~7~ - t5 0~7~ ~~~~ ~~1~5- 5~' ~~S L 1 ~`~~ ~~~ 11 ~~ o ~~ c~© o~l ~ Unit costs include overhead and prof t for the subcontractor. ,~, ~ , ~ • ,. AGREEMENT FOB SERVICES ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. Contract No. 07-008 THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of Spokane Valley, a code City of the State of Washington, hereinafter "city" and Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. hereinafter `Contractor," jointly referred to as "parties." 1N CONSIDERATION of the tErms and conditions contained herein the parties agree as foIlows: 1. Work to Be Performed. The Contractor shall do all work and fiunish all labor, tools, materials, supplies and equipment for the Street and Stormwater Maintenanec and Repair Services (hereinafter `~work'~ in accordance with RFP No. 07-008 -Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair (F~chibit 1), Poe Asphalt Paving -Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services Proposal (Exhibit 2) and 2006 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construc~tyon of the Washington State Department of Transportation, which are by this reference incorporated herein and made part hereof ("Contract Documents', and shall perform any changes in the work in accorxi with the Contract Documents. The CONTRACTOR shall, for the amount set forth in the Contractor's bid proposal attached hereto, assume and be responsible for the cost and expense of aU work required for constructing and completing the work and related activities provided for in the Contract- Plans and Contract Docume~s, except those items mentioned therein to be furnished by the City of Spokane Valley. The City Manager, or designee, shall administer and be the primary contact for Contractor. Prior to commencement of work, Contractor shall exercise best efforts to contact the City Manager or designee to review the scope of work, schedule, and time of completion. Upon notice from the Ciry, Contractor shall promptly commence work, complete the same in a timely manner, and cure any failure in performance under this agreement. Unless otherwise directed by the City, all work shall be performed irx conformance with the Contract Plans, Contract Documents, City and State standards. Contractor acknowledges review of the Contract Plans and Contract Documents and accepts the same. Contractor shall exercise best efforts, includmg the selection of the highest quality materials, so that all work performed shall be in compliance with current related industry standards. 2. Term of Contraet_ This agreement shall. be in full force and effect upon execution and shall remain in effect until December 31.2007. The City may terminate this agreement by ten (10) days' written notice to the other party. Zn the event of such termination, the City shall pay the Contractor for all work previously authorized and satisfactorily performed prior to the termination date. 3. Compensation. The City agreus to pay the Contractor for the Cost of the V-iork plus the Contractor's feu for overhead and proft as defined in Schedule A (Exhibit 3). A. The Contractor's Fee for Costs of the Work as defined in Schedule A Section 2.1 Direct Costs will be a percentage of the Cost of the Work and shall be 22% • • B. The Contractor's Fee for Costs of the Work as defined in Schedule A Section 2.2 Subcontractor Costs will be a percentage of the Cost of the Work plus the Overhead Rate and shall be 8%_ C. The sum of the Cost of the Wark plus the Contractor's Fee shall not exceed one million one hundred seventy 5ve thousand one hundred nineteen Dollars ($1,175,119), subject to additions and deductions by Change Order. - 4. Payment The Contractor may elect to be paid in monthly installments, upon presentation of an invoice to the City, or in a lump sum, upon completion of the work Applications for payment shall be sent to the City Clerk at the below-stated address. The City reserves the right to withhold payment under this agreement which is determined, in the reasonable judgment of the City Manager, to be noncompliant with the Contract Plans, Contract Documents, or Ciiy or State standards. 1\Totioe. Notice shall be given in writing as follows: TO Tk1B CITY: TO TITS CONTRACTOR: I~tame: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Name: Brad Griffith Phone Number. (509) 921-1000 Phone Number. (208) 777-0498 Address: 11707 East Sprague Ave., Su1tE l Oti Address: 2732 N Beck Road Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Post Falls, lD 83854 6. Applicable Laws and Standards. The parties, in the performance of this agreement; agree to comply with all applicable Federal, State and local laws, and City ordinances and regulations. 7. Prevailinz Waves on Pnblic Works. L3nless otherwise required by law, if this contract is fora "public work" which is defined as "work, construction, alteration, repair or improvement other than ordinary maintenance executed at the cost of the City,°' the following provision applies: This agreement provides for the construction of a public work and a payment of prevailing wages according to Washington law. All workers, laborers or mechanics shall be paid a prevailing rate of wage that is set forth in an Exhibit to dais agreement Before any payment may b$ made to Contractor a "Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages" must be submitted to the City. Following fmal•acceptance of dae public works pmjec>; dae Contractor and each subcontractor shall submit an "Affidavit of Wages Paid'' before retained fiords will be released to the Contractor. The affidavit must be certified by the indusla-ial statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries. 8. Relationship of the Parties. It is hereby understood, agreed and declared that the Contractor shall be an independent Contractor and not dae agent or employee of the City, that the City is interested in only the results to be achieved, and that the right to control the particular manner, method and means of the work is solely within the discretion of the Contractor. Any and all employees who provide services to the City under this agreement shall be deemed employees of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the conduct and actions of all employees under this agreement and any liability that may attach thereto. i ~ ~ • B. AIinimwn Amorous of Ins~ance. Contractor shall maintain the following uasurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per acxident 2. Commercial General Liability insurance s}aaA be written with limits no less that $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a $2,00. 0,000 products~ompleted operations aggregate limit C. Other Insw~mlce Provisions. The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the folloving provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insw~a.nce: 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage rriaintaincxi by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's inswance and shall not co~~bute with it 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certi.~ied mail, return receipt requested, has bc~n given to the City. D. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.IvL Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Verification of Coverage. Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement; evidencing the instrance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. 14. T.ndemni5cation and Hold Harmless. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. ~. •. . Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.] 1.5, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers., off.7cials, employees, and volunteers, the Contractor's Liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance. Title 51 IZCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of taus section shall survive the expiration or termination of the'a~rccment 15. Waiver. No officer, employee, alent; or other individual acting on behalf of either party, has the power, right, or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions of this agreement No waiver in one instance shall be held to be waiver of any other subsequent breach ar nonperformance. All remedies afforded in this agreement, or by law, shall be taken and construed as cumulative, and in addition to every other remedy provided herein or by law. Failure of either party to enforce, at any time, any of the provisions of this agreement, or to require, at any time, performance by the other party of any provision hereof; shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions, nor shall it affect the validity of this agreement, or any part thereof ., -~~ ~ • Schedule "A" 1. Cost of the Work. Cost of the Work means the sum of costs incurred and paid by Contractor in the proper performance of the Work. Costs shall be in amounts no higher than those prevailing in the locality of the Project, and shall include only the following items: 1.1 Direct Costs 1.1.1 Payroll Costs. Charges for Payroll Costs will be limited to actual costs of Contractor's construction personnel stationed in the field_ Payroll costs shall include, but not be limlited to, salaries and wages plus the cost of fiinge benefits, which shall. include social security contributions, unemployment, excise, and payroll taxes, workers' compensation, health and retirement benefits. The ' expenses of perforrxaing Work outside of regular working hours, on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays, shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by Owner. The labor rates shall be per Attachment C -Part 2 of Exhibit 2. 1.1.2 Equipment Costs. Charges for Equipment Costs used by the contract to complete the work in the field. The equipment rates are included in Attachment C -Part 3 of Exhibit 2. 1.1.3 lvlaterial Costs. Charges for Material Costs furnished by the Contractor and incorporated in the Work. The City and Contractor agree that materials listed under Attachment C -Part 4 of Exhibit 2 represent the maximum authorized types of materials and unit rates which will be considered reimbursable under the terms of the this contract unless subsequently changed for reasons approved by the City by a formal change order to the Contract Material rates shall be in accordance with the material types shown in Attachment C -Part 4 of Exhibit 2. 1.2 Subcontractor Costs 1.2.1 Attachment C -Part 5 has a list of all subcontractors expected to work for you under this contract. If required by the City, the Contractor shall obtain. competitive bids from subcontractors acceptable to the City and Contractor and shall deliver such bids to the City, who will then determine which bids, if any, will be acceptable. 1.2.2 Material Costs. Charges for Material Costs famished by the Subcontractor anal incorporated in the Work_ The City and Contractor agree that rraaterials listed under Attachment C -Part 6 of Exhibit 2 represent the max;mum authorized types of materials and unit rates whack will be considered reimbursable under the terms of the this contract unless subsequently changed for reasons approved ' by the City by a formal change order to the Contract. Material rates shall be in accordance with the material types shown in Attachment C -Part 6 of Exhibit 2. The City and the Contractor agree that the rates listed i.n tlae Attachment include overhead and profit for the subcontractors. 1.23 Payments made by the Contractor to Subcontracts may be based on a lump sum price from the Subcontractor. 2 Overhead and Profit. Contractor's fee mesas a percentage over the direct costs (items 1.1 and 1.2 shave) to account for the contractor's overhead ana profit. ~ • RFP FACSET Cit~r of Spokane Valley Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services Proposal No. OZ-008 We appreciate the .opportunity to give you this proposal and look forwazd to a positive relationship.' Thank You, Brad Griffith ~ ~~ ^ . ' ASPifALT PAVDi6 IBIC. ~ Serving bl'ashington & Idaho since 1953 • • ATTACffiV~NT A -PART ]. GEI~RAL INFORMATION A. Legal. Name of Applicant Company . PC3F TiSF'I~T.4' PA~TI7VC; ~ TRT'.' _ B. Name of Contact Person ~n Title VI(~ PRFSi~~ Telephone Number including area code 208-777-0498 e-mail address hraa~y~s~,h fit. own _ G. Did outside individuals/agencies assist with preparation of this program? _ ITES x NO If "Yes", Please descnbe: D. RP,CEIPT OF ADDENDA.: Fum acknowledges receipt of the fbllovring addenda if any: Addendum No. ~_ Addends No. Addendum No. Addendum No. Dated 3/ i 6 2 0 0 7 17ated Dated Dated I certifj- that to the best of my~ knowledge the information contained in this RFQ for qualifications is accurate and complete and that I have the legal authority to commit this agency to a contractual agreement.- T rea]aze tlac final finding for any sezc*ice is based upon funding - levels ar-d the approval of the Spokana Valley City Council. ' Print I`Tariie Title (- •~ i~nature; ~~iz~i~rator, or~Agplicazat Agency 3 ~ l ~,- Dale • • Poo Asphalt Fav~g. Inc. has bEen in businpae since 18S3.9Ge pride ourselves >Zl delivering vnality Project`s, on time, and under budget Our projects range in size from private driveways to State /Federal ~Fighways in Washington and Idaho. Poe Asphalt has wmpleted contract, with various muaict~3]ities oyez the Yom. QPe have p2rfaered with such agencies as; • Ciiy of Spokane valley • City of T~b~rty bake • City of Coeur d'Alene • City of Rathdrtun ' • City of Pullman • City of I~foscow City of Clarkston • City of I~wiston • Washington State University. See attached sheets for references. All of our Employees have the appropriate licenses and certifi~ons to operate the equipment necessary to esecate the work needed to co~atplete this contract. The management team has substantial expezienc;ra and has attended various leadership semuiars, quality control classes, safety classes, and computer so8waro classes. Below is a list of the key personnel that wgl be fmroh~ed fn executing this contract: • Brad Grifnth ~ vice President ~ ~ 30 years of experience • IVF~e Johnson -- Superintendent --15 9'e~ of experienoe • Ta j Ander&o_*~ -Project Manager -~ ~ experience • Jody Todhunter ~ Contract ~~**+~n~atration - 10 pears experience • john Dines -Paving Foreman ~ 30 years experience Dana Haugen -Prep Foreman - 25~years experience ~ • Prelimfiaary Schedules This schedule is a general outline of availah]e tune to ~be spent on the project. Apra thru Jens: S -10 working days ansite S - T vporkiag days offsitc july thrn October. 3 - S worldag days onsite T - 12 worlang days offsite The tentafive lake for our asphalt plant to open is Apzft 2a°. The plant typically stays open through November. ~1Pork requirements wr7l be aeaompl:slred by fire 5lmeriatendent comrnnnicatimg with Tim %lein on a regular basis to schedule work to be done. The Strpertntend,errt wfIl then set up the work by not~ynig the Project Manager of the sohednle, allowing him to order materials if needed. Tare Superintendent wr~l then set vp the mobilization of the egtripm?nt and gersonnr?) needed to execate the work. The Project Manager will t_*a.ck the work via the De~1y Reports. Fie wrTl also communicate the scope of work to the Contracts A~'*=+~tration per_ son who w~l then fnvoice work done on a monthly basis. Quz equipment meets aIl fedQzal, state, and local regulations. Vide pride ourselves in maintautinq clean, np to date equipment in good working condition. We have an extensive prev,~ta~ ma;n{~nanc~? program which keeps all of our equipment up to stand~*ds. See attached Equipment list: The Superintendent vein be in touch with Tire gleia on a regular basis and He can be reached by cell phone betvPeen the hours of 8:30 am - 6:3'0 pm Monday - FYidap. Messages can be left on his ~ll phone a&er hours. He vcri:R return af3es how messages at the begiiuliag of the neat work day. Messages left duraig stork hours wOl be returned within 2 hours. If the Superintendent cannot be reached due to issues beyond our control, the Project Manager can be rear~red through the orrice and / or his cell phone. Poe Asphalt wilt analyze the work activity to be done and supply labor and equipment to completes the work in a safe manner with the least amount of impact on,the public as possible. Poe Asphalt guarantees our workmanship and materials used to be in accordance with specifications. We wi21 repair or zeplaee any of our vrork that may prove to be defective in its worlrmanship for one (1) pear from date of a~eptance. ' Tho safety of our persdnnel and the public is our biggest concern. We intend to be very detailed in our ~c control procedures. Precautionary measures are pact of our daily operations to assure public safety te.: temporary ramps for access, uneven edges, etc. The Foreman will fill out the Daily Reports, turn them into the Superintendent for review / approval, the Pmject i~ianager will receive daily reports itlom tha Superintendent aver approval and then organize the DaOy Reports into weeldy reports for delivery to the City of Spokane Valley. See attached daily reportk CPe appreciate the opportunity the City of Spokane Valley has given us in providing this proposal Through the collaboration of our staff we veers able•to challenge ourselves in our communications, work flow, safetyr, equipment utilization, and reporting. 't`his proposal • ~ EQUIPMENT LIST UNIT # DESCRIPTION CONDITION GOOD 38 1993 KENWORTH T800 TRACTOR GOOD 224 1885 FORD F600 DUPAP TRUCK GOOD . 2~5 2000 FORD F600 DUMP TRUCK ~ EXCELLENT 22 1999 KENWORT~1 Ta00 END DUPAP EXCELLENT 29 1999 KENWORTH T600 END DUMP EXCELLENT 40 18J9 KENWORTH Ta00 END DUMP EXCELLENT 56 199:1 PETERBILT 357 END DUMP GOOD 60 1888 KENWORTH T8oD END DUMP GOOD 23 2007 PETERBILT 357 SUPER DUMP EXCELLENT 24 2007 PETERBILT 357 SUPER DUMP EXCELLENT 25 2007 PETERBILT 357 SUPER DUMP EXCELLENT 27 2007 I'ETERBILT 357 SUPER DUMP EXCELLENT 2a 2007 PETERBILT 357 SUPER DUMP EXCELLENT 251 LOOQ FORD LB000 WATER TRUCK 2000 GALLON EXC0.LENT 267 1979 FORD L8000 WATER TRUCK 2000 GALLON GOOD 259 1888 KENWORTH TaOO WATER TRUCK 400o GALLON GOOD 284 1974 KENWORTH C500 WATER TRUCK GOOD 205 2004 FORD F550 TACK TRUCK EXCELLENT 273 1899 FORD F450 SERVICE TRUCK EXCELLENT 2i 9 1997 FORD RANGER GOOD 221 2003 CHEVY C10 2000 FORD F2~0 EXCELLENT 230 20x0 FORD F25o EXCELLENT 300 2007 FORD F150 EXCELLENT 303 2000 CI-IEVY C10 ~ EXCELLENT 304 2006 CNEVY COLORADO ~ IXCELLENT 306 2004 GMC 1500 EXCELLENT 202 2004 FORD F450 EXCELLENT 208 2008 FORD F450 EXCELLENT 247 2003 FORD F550 EXCELLENT 75 2007 TRAILKING LOWBED EXCELLENT 102 2001 VdILLIAMSEN 4 AXLE PUP EXCELLENT 103 2001 W I W AMSEN 4 AXLE PUP EXCELLENT 187 1989 WILLIAMSEN 4 AXLE PUP EXCELLENT 18a 1989 WILLlAMSEN 4 AXLE PUP EXCELLENT 189 1996 WIWAMSEN 4 AXLE PUP EXCELLENT 157 1997 RUNWAY BELLY DUMP TRAILER GOOD 144 2003 OLYMPIC 3 AXLE TILT TRAILER IXCELLENT 131 1998 TRAILhgAX T12UT TRAILER GOOD 132 1998 TRAILMAX T12UT TRAILER GOOD 149 2006 TRAILMAX T12UT TRAILER ~ EXCELLENT 67 1977 SAW TRA)LER GOOD 70 2004 FOX UTILITY TRAILER EXCELLENT 127 FREUHAUF TACK TRAILER GOOD 461 1398 CAT CS563C GRADE ROLLER GOOD 408 2004 IR DD34HF ROLLER EXCELLENT 411 2004 DYNAPAC CC102 ROLLER EXCELLENT page 1 • P®E' ASPHAL'T' PAVING, INC. ~ l.l°IAIIR"'td'E~'"""'m Ttrst°~°~: CRE1N CARD K~ETERREADtNO DATE: END Uol &Atoontraatooa: JOB NO. NAME: aTAnr • TODAY Irnpvotoia R~merkr. y~rEAT1.lER FOREMAN'S AR4: P.M_ SHIFT. APPROVAL ~~ PMTEfllAlB NAME EMPIpY£E NUMBER EUAi 10lE LN RYL91 1iX,c 8T Oi PHASE CDDE CLABa OODE EDUIP. MRa. FCC Pr~lsrd laiWxrnw /W MNYGp Ow~iknvnA A~roneha , v° Conct~t+ cry C880 to~Wnteo caic tavm~.ko BorQa hmd 1°mdr 7 ~Y Cf~ ltndhvams EmJshin brlEQnua Btant Wstm Hnvu l.R lJ! LF i ~ - BATCH: PAQE OF 70TALHOURS: TOTAL PRODUCTION: CHECKED BY: • ~ ATTAC~NT C -COST PROPOSAL Contractor to't aU Contractor's Payroll Cost ATTACHMENT C -PART 2 arsonQel a ted to work within the Ci Personnel Classification and Description Hourly Rate ' 12.e . O.T. Superintendent -Primar manages contractors work y Cixy contact, organizes, schedules, and $52.00 / $65.04 Foreman $38.00 / $51.00 r $37.00 / $50.00 Teamster $37.00 / $50.00 Laborer ' $34.00 / $46.00 • • ATTACHMENT C -COST PROPOSAL ~; SUBCONT`RAC'TOR LIST - ATTACH C -PART 5 Contractor to list all sabcontractors a ted to work within the City WOODY'S ASPHALT SEALCOATING, INC. FRANK GURNEY, INC. IvIDM CONSTRUCTION, NORTHWEST FENCE I NORTHWEST LANDSCAPE CAMERON CONTRACTING, INC. ECI.]PSE TRAFFIC CONTROL & FLAGGIN, INC. Subcontractors -Contractor to provide a list of all subcontractors anticipated to be used for pez-£orming the described services. Contractor to list the overhead and profit on subcontractors in Ttezn 2, Part 1 of Attachment C. • ATTACHMENT C =COST PROPOSAL Contractor's Equipment Cost _ ATTACHMENT C -PART 3 - Contractor to list alt equipment expected 6o work within the City . gaipment D~scri~tion onrty Rate 38 1993 KW T800 Tractor $55.00 , 4 1985 Faad F600 Damp Trnc~ ~ ~•~ 1999 KDV T800 End Damp 355.00 9 1999 gR' T800 Fwd D~unp 555.00 .r4~0 19991~V T80D Fad Dammp . 355.00 56 1993 Pete 357 Fwd Damp ~ 355.00 #60 1.998 KW T800 Fwd Dump 555.00 #23 20(17 Pete 357 Stipea Dmnp $75.00 #24 2007 Pete 3S7 Supra Damp 375.00 2007 Pete 3S7 Soper Damp ~ 575.00 27 2007 Pete 3$7 Super Ilaarp x15.00 #28 2007 P~ 357 Super Damp ~S•~ 7 1979 FordL8000 Wax Track, 2000 GaIlon ~•~ 9 1988 KW T800 Water Tiraclt, 4000 Galla~a 555.00 #284 1974 KW 0500 R'atet Thick _ $55.00 #205 2004 Ford F550 Tack Thick ~•~ #273 1999 Ford F450 Service Truck ~S•~ 19 1997 Ford R~~' 510.00 #221 2003 Chevy C10 $15.00 #230 2000 Ford F250 $ 1,5.00 #300.2007 Ford F150 ~ $15•~ • #303 2000 Chevy Cl0 $15.00 304 2006 Chevy Colorado 510.00 #306 2004 GMC 1500 S1S.00 #202 2004 Ford F450 S2S.00 #208 2006 Fold F450 325.00 #247 2003 Fold FS50 525.00 #75 2007 Trailldag Lovrbed ~ ~ _ 535.00 # 102 2001 Williaaasen 4 Axle Pup 520.00 #1103 2001 Williamsen 4 Axle Pap ~ $20.00 • S~fec~ POiNER OF ATTORNEY saw t~a:~ can~anl6 P'o ~~ sew, t+trA est2at~ . rm. t~toRnf Au ter ~ P~tl~arrs: T~ saFECO Alice MANY OF A~i1GA and GETIFRAt- Dtsu~utcE COttPAJ1Y of AldEF8C1~ each H V~ta~ingtars aortporasnri dog each hsrrby a~>< - . DELLAI. A31D~ QiEitYLa ASliBY;JAMFS M.!-IFWfTT; DON AM1CQUARY; P'KtLSTONEB3tA1~ C]arks'Lon,Wa~shingtort lts t~ a~ ~ slttsteey=s}art~eL ridh hdl m erred on ~ belraEf UQelsy ~ surer Earls or ~sdcrtatdngs and oEier doammrds of a ean~ir dmradsr issuod h the carase of Bs 6cai+e~. tvd >a >~ tho rexpeedire therels/. IN VY[iTSFSS Wf~REOF. SAFECO lltSURANCE GOIIPANY OF AYtc~2tGA aad GENEitAL ULSIJRANC£ GOIdPANY OF Afd621CA have o~ esnarted and d fhe~ prey [lss v~, oaober 2005 day of EY ~A SGCRETAKY MIKE PETERS PRESIdB~IT SUREI]C CERTIRG4TE Erdrad [reun the By-iarrs of SAFECO iISIJRANC£ COIdPA?lY OF A81r~1CA and d GBJERAA!_ D25URAIiCE COIrsP6Ntl OF AI~10.: • 'ArGde W, Secfian t3_ - FIDBRY AAiD SiJF~TY 809~OS ._ Bte PreL arty Y~cc Pr~id~d, the Soae?ary, and arty A9SStant V'ix Preside-~d aapoin~d foe ttsaf pmpovc by tfie ofE~r in el~:a~ od sun:.y a~af~. ~ ead~ have ardhafgl !n appo~t k~divid~ls a~ at>ntnvy&krfad or under otlYS appat~eate @hss wi8t attBwefty m ~s on lxhalf d the fideitr ertid surety bonds and o'tlr_r doaurrgrtls d ean8ar chsrac~rs i,sr9d by the mre~arry b ilte ooRasa of Iks berse~ss_ On tiny e~trtmrerd mating of eviderutng m,dr ~ ~ may De a7face0 by knee. On arty wr>ftrrr6rg suds mMorfly or ort any bond or d the cortt€rsfry. the sesai, a a tatsar~s Cteren~. mey (x irt~rsssad or ~Ccced or h arty otters maroier raproQucgdr prord~ however. that Qus sCel :.has oat be nexssary b the va6dlty d arty suds h~tnanerd or wd~bidng.• 6d~ad burn a Reon d the 703rd d d'at:ctort: at 6AF{~O R~t5tlRAfit:E COfd,~ANY OAF AtdERICA mrd of C,~RA[. WSURADIC£ COMPANY OF AJd1~A adoPtCO Aay ~. tSm. ~On any ~aaL exsarted 3Y the Seveta~ry ar arrr aunt seae'acy of @es Company se3fEmg out, • m i'hC prerv'ss"zrs of Amide V, Sedran t3 of tt~e Sy-Lati+rs, and -• (~ A copy of the powar-0Gattare~y aPpoinlmer-L escearted pursuant therz'lo. and ~ CerSfy'm9 ihsQ eat Pte-' aPPdn~n is h hrL farm and sEfed. the mature of ihn cerGfy~g ol6ar may be by fa4san4e, and the soil d the Company may be a fatsart~c theseofi' ~, $fe Daley-Watson , Secr~ry of SAFEOO tTdSURANC£ COMPAI~IY OF AQdERICA and off Gt3~RAl tItSURANCE C,OmIPANY OF Asdt3ilCA, ba hereby aa6Y frta~ B>t f°tego4ng cx~ds u-' "'a BY-~"G= ~ of a RLon o1 Cee Bosrd of ~K of these aorpatatior+s, and of a Ftreret d Attomcy is.~ved punamrt Ito. arc true arpd axrec~ and that ba'h the ~~, 4re Re~rlion and [hs Power od Atiarreey are om fn full force and gifted. - pf WTiTiFSS YYHEREDF,1 have hereunto set m9f hand and affaed the ta~imite seal of said mrpora'son Qus el ~ day of ~2~~..-o .~y~-_ ' ~"~~ . . ~ ~ E~'~A~y ~ - ~. ~~ ~~ SEAL ~ ~ SEAL ~ r~~~ x 1953 1iZ~ STfpHATt1E DALEY 'VtA75atL SECRETARY 'a ~~raa'~ ~ • :,stc~ s,e a,e satmo iogo ~ redtslOeA o1;a~L-co Cmpo~ati~. -vE~ f't)F s.o9TaDS a,os • • Bidders Pacld Sint ®d Stn¢~w~r Repair RFP ATTACHI~~N'T E -SIGNATURE PAGE Date: P/iARCH 1 6. 2 0 0 7 The undesigned bidder hereby proposes aad agrees to deliver the equiptaent and/or services pursuant to the 2007 Street and St~watea Maintenance and Repair Services and all other terms and conditions of this Regvest for Bids within thirty days of full execu~on of such Agreement No bidder uaay withdraw his bid for a period of nmt~ty (90) days after the day of bid opcmng. 'The rewired bid ser~aity oansisting of a certified check, bid bond, or cashier's check in an amotmt of not less man five peresat (S%) of the total amount will be delivered to the City. The uadeasigaed iz~dividnal represe~ anal warrants that he or she is duly aa~thorized to execate the bid on behalf of eery pip, joint venitue or carporalion. ' BOE ASRHALT P~,VII3G, IiQC. Company CorporationA~~ (Delete Twos GRIFFITH) v ~i / ~ - (Title) 2732 N. BECK ROAD PosT FALLS, IDAHO 83854 (Address) (208) 777-0498 {Telephone I~~'umber) ! ` • ~-~- • • ACORDTM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ii9i'zooa ' PRODUCER (509) 758-5529 FAX: (509) 758-5311 Stonebraker-McQua A en rY g cy 616 5th St. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. FO Box 9 Clarkston WA 99d03 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC ~ INSURED INSIIRERA-CNA-Transcontinental Zns 20486C Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. INSIJZERB:CNA-American Casualt Co. 20427C PO $ox 449 INSURERC:CNA-Trans ortation Ins Co 2049dC ' ws~uRER D; State Insurance Fund Lewiston ID 83501 INSURER E: rnvcvn r_cc THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD IKDICA7E0. NOTV~77HS'i'ANDING ANY REOUIREh4ENT, 7ERDd OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUJ'.SENT MATH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE PMY 8E ISSUED OR A9AY PL'R7AIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. 16 S Y AV BEEN RED G 0 AIM . INSR ADD'L ~ TYPE OF INSURANCE POLECY KUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE OATS MMlDD/Y`/ POLICY E%PIRATION DATE MMJDDME UlAITS GENERAL LIABILITY § 1 , OOO , OOO X COMMEKCwI. GENERAL LWR1LfCY DAMAGE TO REoNc.TuE~r~oa E 100 , OOO A CLAIMS MADE a OCCUR 1078605171 11/1/2007 11/1/2008 h1EDEXP An one rsont S 5, 000 X Stop Gap Liability V ,J S 1,000,000 GENERAL AGCR C 5 2 , 000 , 000 G[N'LAGGREGATE LOAIT APPLIES PER: $ 2 , 000 , OOO POLICY X PR LOC AUTOKOBILE LIABILITY X ANY AUTO COlAB[NED SINGLE LGUi (Ea attident) S 1 , 000 , 000 B ALLON'NEDAUTOS 2025665648 11/1/2007 11/1/2008 BODILYLltJURY 5CHEOUlEO AUTUS (~Pe~) S X HIRED AUTOS $ODILY INJURY X KON-0Y`rt.'ED AUTOS (Pei ~ccklcnil 5 PROPERTY DAMAGE IPar accklcaU 3 GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY • £A A CIDFNT 3 ANY AUTO OTHER THAN S AUTO ONLY: AGG S EXCH551UNBRELLA IIABtL1TY R , • 5 4 , 000 , 000 X OCCUR ~ CLAG~15 MADE AGGREGATE 3 4 , 000 , 000 ' 3 C DEDUCTIBLE 2075567923 11/1/2007 11/1/2008 S X RETENTION 8 10 , 000 g D WORIIER3 COMPENSATION AND VVC STAN. OTN- EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PR09RIF_TORJPARTNER,F>CECUTfVE F_I_ EACH ACCEU •Ni' 3 SOO , OOO OFFICERnAElABEREXGLUDEIY! 578551 10/1/2007 10/1/2008 E.L DISEASE • C•A E1IPLOYEE S 5OO , OOO tl yea, descr~e un0er SPFf.IW. PROVInlONS br_~ov. E_L Ok EAS£ • POLICY LU.11T S 500 . OOO OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATLONSNE}IICLESfE%CLUSIONSRDDED BY ENDORSEMENTISPECtAL PROVISIONS T}:e City oP Spokane Valley is additional insured (excepC on work comp) as zeapecta the Street 6 Stormxater t:aintenance 6 Repair project. Insurance is Primary and Noncontributory. CEKi1FICATE MC)LOEK CANCELLATION City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Ste 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CAKCELLED BEFORE TNB EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER 1A7L1 ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS -vRITTEN NOTICt3 TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDBR NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IlAPOSE NO OBLIGATIOK OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Della P.].].et1/4l!~Ll,t~ ~^ ~~, ACORD 25 (2001!06) INS025 (0100).098 ;~ ACORD CORPORATION 1988 Page t o1 2 + _ _~ ~ , PAYMENT BAND TRA11ELlER AUA4.T AND k~RETI~ COMPANY 0~ ~4MERII~A ~~~~~~work} Hartford, Connecticut Q18~ Bond o.. 10~99~1$4 KNOWN ALL B TH ESE PFEEkVT, That e, eve Asphal# Paving, Inc. , as Princi{~al, and Travelers casualty artd surety company of America, ~ vnnecticut corporation, as surety, are held and firml}~ bound unto khe city of Spokane valley , a Obligee, Irr the sum Of ~~~ million one hundred se~+enty five thousand aria ~rundred nine#een dollars ~ ~~f1 aJ~ lJ.~. DoNars (~,~~~,1~~.00 _}for the paymen# whereof said Principal and surety bind themselves, jointly and severall~r; as provided herein. WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a conkr~ct with Obligee, dated January ~~F ~~~~ ,for street & Stormwat~r Maint~nence and Re air sen+ices contract fro. 08-001 ("onkract"~. NOW, TH>~REFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if Principal shall pa`arrrptfy make payment ko ali lairnants as hereinafter defined for all labor and rrraterial actually used, consumed ur incorporated in the pertormance of the conskr~,ction work ko be performed under the contract, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect, subjeot, however, to the following conditions; i , A claimant is defined ass one other than obligee havir}g a contract with Principal or w~kh a direct suboontr2~ctor of Principal to supply labor and~or materials and said labor ~nd~or materials are actually used, consumed or incorporated in the performance of the cons#ructiora work un~fer the Contract. 2. Principal arld Surety hereby~ointly and severally agree with Obligee that every claimant as herein defined who has rank been paid in full before the expiry#ion of a pariah of ninety {9~) days after the date on which the last of such lairnant's work or labor was done or pertorrrled or materials were furnished by such claimant, may bring wait on this bond, prosecute the suit to final judgment for the amount d ue under claimant's contract for the labor andJor materials supplied fey the claimant which were used, consumed or incorporated in the performance of the work, and have eec~r#ion thereon; provided, however, that a claimant having a direct contractual relationship with a subcontractor of Principal shall have a right of action on this bond only if said ~eimant notifies surety in writing of its claim within ninety ~~0~ days from the date on which said lairraant did or performed the last labor andlor materials for which tfle claim is made, Obligee shall not he liable foa-the faayrrient of any costs or expenses of any such suit. 3. Na suit or action chalk ba commenced hereunder by an~r Olaimant; a. Afta:r the expiration of the earlier of: ~1 }one year after the da~r on which Olaimant last supplied the labor andlor materials for which the claim is made; or {~} the lirrlita#ion period set forth in tyre public works bond statutes, if any, in the location where the construction work is being performed, Any limitation contained irx this bond which is prohibited by any law controlling in the state where the suit is filed shall be deemed to be amended sa as to be equal to the minimum period of limitation permitted by the law of that state, and said period of limitation shall be deemed to have accrued and shall comrraence to run on the day claimant last supplied the labor andJor materials for which the claim is made; and b, Other than in a state court of competent jurisdiction in the county or other political subdivision of the state in which the project, or any pert thereof, is situated, or in the l~nited Mates District curt for the district in which the project, or any park thereof, is si#aaated, arad not elsewhere, Payment Bond -Page 1 of ,~ • • 4. The amount of this bond shall be reduced by and to the extent of any payment or payments made in good faith hereunder. Surety's liability hereunder is limited, singly, or in the aggregate, to the penal sum of the bond set forth herein. 5. This bond is provided to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement for performing construction contracts for public owners in the location where the construction work is being performed. Except as provided in paragraph 3 above, all provisions in the bond which are in addition to or differ from those statutory or legal requirements shall be read out of this bond, and all pertinent statutes and other legal requirements shall be read into the bond. This bond is a statutory bond, not a common law bond. Signed this ~o day of January , 2008 Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. Principal) n,;r t• / ~ By: // c/ I Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America By: ~.~ ~. Della J. Allen ,Attorney-in-Fact CS-1011-0905 Payment Bond -Page 2 of 2 ~' TRAVELER INVALID THE RED 80Rt7ER If'01•V~R OE' AI 10lZnLY Fannin;Unl Casualty Company Fitlellty and Guaranty Insurance Cocupurly Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, inc. Seaboard Surcl}• Company St. Paul Flre and A7°rine Insurance Company Attorney-In fact i\o. 2 ] 4684 Sl. Paul Guardian Insurance Company SL. Paul Dlercury Lllsuruncc Company Tra~•elers Casualty uud Surety Company '1'rar•elers Casualty and tiureh• Company of America Unilctit States Fidelity and Guaranty Company Certificate.'°. 0 014 9 514 9 I:~'i.)4V AI,h N1F;\' IIY'I'HESF; PKFSka~''I'S;'tltat Seaboard Surety Company' is a cotporanon duly organized under the laws of the State of dew York, that St. i'aul F'irc and ,Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Lnsurancc Company and St. Paul 1`tcrcury Lnsurance Company are corporations duty organized under the Iaws of the Stare of A4innesgta, that Farmington Casualty Company, l'rnvelers Casualty and Sorely Company, and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America arc mrpnrati°ns duly organized under the Iaws of the State or Connecticut, that United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company is n corporntion duly organized under the Iaws of the State elf Rlnrylnnd, that Fidelity and Gunrant}' Insurance Complm}' is n carporntinn duly organized under the Incas of the State of Incas, and chat Fidelity and Gannon}' lnsurnncr. Underwriters. Inc. is a carp°rdtion duly organized under rite lows of dte Smte. of N iscunsin (herein collectively rolled rho "Companies"). and that dte Cumptulies do hereby mtd:e, cunstitutr• told appoint Cheryl Ashby, Della J. Allen, James M. Hewitt., Karol J. McBride, Lisa Smith, Phil Stonebraker, Vonda Hall, and Robert E. Keller of the City of C11rkS[On .State of WaShingt~n , dteir true :old lawful Attoryle)'(s)-i77-Fact, each in their separate capacity it' more than ane is named abo~•r, to sign, eeecute, seal anti ackncnvledgr. Imy and all bualds, recogni'ttuttes, COCld1-1On711 UClderl11'JI-g$ Illltl other uaitinUc ublieatery in ttte nature thereat an Gehalf of Ule Companies in their:lwsi.ness of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing the pcrfornlanre of ~_ syintracts and executing ur guaranteeing bonds and undertaE;ings required or pernlSt~ed~in anvachons or.prococdings allowed by Ina'. ~~ d~V~~ ~ ~~ ~ gg ~ . ~~~ ~ ~~~' sth I\ 1VIT\ A4dre}1HGIi);OP, the Cautp~~tta htn•e caused this instrV~\~e~tlyto be gigs cl't~ I t~~~a, yip rote seals to be hereto affiscit, this day of ~ ~ ~~° `~ I'arminkGln C:csually' C,'ompany ~~ ~$~ St. Foul Cuanlian ICLSUCIt[IlY Campuuy Q\\ ~~ Fidelity an[I guar:mly~lnsurance l.onlpany~t~~ St. Paul Mercury Llsurmlce Company Fi[lelily and (:uarnnly IR5111 nice Underui•ilers, Inc. Tra~•elers Casualh' and Surety Cornpu7y SeaM,ard Surely Company' Travelers Casualty and Sureq• Company of America St. Paul F'irc and ,Marine Insunlncc Company Uui[ed Slates fidelity and Guaranty Company pnSU~ 9ptc/Y N a a ~Y..LaS 1 in•ev~ r n •~a J~pVr ~y~ p . garara~•~ ?~.r n e w ~_ 1 9 B 26 a ~ 1977 ~ "~attu ; uuuYYY 192 7 - r3.• ~ (` _ ~~~ = r `~+ooy;~ E ~ ~ r+anrraw ~Ctt~mCCR 5 ~ ' 1'~ za S~; 1951 0~{ ,F `•,SE nL~n ~3i SBALjt° o ta'+u ~ oav[. jp ~ ~Aa~ i ~~ ~ 17Rt ~nArrSN `' 'fi`t' .wc.<~ dh....`~S~• T~fs•...... •ra~ ~e :~° ~ !Da- '~Ml A1N~" State of Counecticut City of Hlutford ss. l3}': 1~ Geo 'Thompson, enior ice Presi[tent 8th March 2007 bn this the day of ,before me personally appeared Geo>ce W. Thompson, who arltnou'ledged himself to he the Senior \rice Pltsident of Fanmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Ciuaranly Insurance Company. Fidelity Iuld Guarattty Llsur:ulce Underu•ritcrs, Inc_. Seulxlard Surety Cumpar»•. St. Paul Fire and \9arinc Insurance Company, St. Paul Ciuarclian lnsutanrr Comptmy. St. Foul Mercury Llsurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Cumpan}'. Traveler, Casualq• and Surety Company of Amcricn, and (tailed States Fidelity and Guaranty CvmpanY. and that he, as such, being authorired so to du, executed the' foreeoing iusuumem far the purposes therein cantainetl by signing nn hchlrll' of the corporations by hiltt_celf as a duly authorized oflicer. ~p,tlT~ In R`itn~ss R7lereof, I herewuo set my hand and a~cial seal. 1•AA \4y Commission expires the 30tH day of torte. 2011. ~ ~/BL~O ~~ 56440-8-06 Printed in U.S_A. l~(~/LIJ~+ C . ~ttuic C_ Tctreoult. Notary' Public OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER This Prnver of Arontlev is tt:uuedl~Cr an+a by the outhorin' of the. followinx ir..ohuiuns uibr~otcrl bt' the Hnarcis of I~irectins of Pl!~fiatnn Cucu;tlrv Cotnoatrv. F;.:Letity and Gumm~ry Insurance Company, Fidelity and tiuar:uuy lnsurancc Underwriter, Inc., Scaboani Surety Company,•5b. Paul Pirc and,Mtarinc Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian lnsur:utcr. Cornpan}t St. F^aul D9e~rury Ltsurant•e Company, Tt~ivelers Casualty alai Surety Cotnpany, Travelers Casualty and Surrey Company of America, and United SI:ACS Fideliry :uttl Guaranty Company, which resohttions are now in full fotre :acre effect, nailing ;ts follows; RESOLV'hl), that the Chairman, the I'residcm, any Vicc Chainn:tn, any I,xccutivc Vicc President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, ::ny Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any .Assistant Treasurer, the Cotjxtrate Sccrcutry nr any Assistant Secretary may appoint Aunmcys-in-Fact and Agents to act fur and ~>n beh:dt of the Cotnpany and may give such appointee such nuthnriry as his nr her ccrtiticate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Compan}''s nnnte ante se;d with the Company's seal bonds, recngni-rstnces, contracts of indcmnit}', and other writings obligntnn' in the nnnrre of a bond, recognizance, or cnteditional undertaking, ;tad any of said olFccr or the l3txtril of Directors at any time may rcteenvc tmy such appointee and revoke the prayer given hits or her; and it is FUR'1'HN K RNSQ[,VF.[), that the Chairman, the President, any Vicc (:hnirntan, any 13xccutivc Vicc President, stay Senior Via 1'residenl or an}' Vice President may delegate. all or an}• part of the foregoing auttwrity,to one or more ot>ficers or employees of this Company, ptbvidcd that curb such delegation is in writing and a copy dtrrrul' is GJed in dtr office of the Secretary: and it is FUR'1'HF;R RFtipt,VF..D, that any bond, recognizance, contract of ituicmnit}', or writing obligatory in the nature of a twnd. tet:ugni2atece•, or condititinul undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when (a) signed by the President, any Vice Cltairnt,m, any E.eecutive Vicc; fesident, any Senior Vier President or an}' Vier President, an}• Second \+ice President, the'1'rcasurcr, any Assistant Trcasrtrer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Sect+etauY and duly attested seed seahxl wilt the Company's seal by n Secretary or Assistant Secretory; or (b) duly executed (under seal, if required) by one or more Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his tx her certificate or their certificates of authority or by oar or more C:ompan}' nlheers pursuant to a written deleg:uion of ;tuthoriry; anti it is FURTHER RGSOL~'GD. that the- signature of eu,ch of dte following oflicers: Pnsident, any Executive Vice Presitlent, an}• Senior Vice President, any Vicc President, rat}' Assisuun Vice President, any Src•retary. any Assistant Secretary. and the seal of the Company may be af}'ixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Resiilent \ice Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attomcys-in-Fact for purposes onl}• of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings mtd other writings obligator}' in the natw>r ttte•r>:of, and any such puu'er of auonery ur certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile sc:rl shall be valid and binding upon the Compare}' anal any such power so executed anti certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding on the Company in the furore with respect to any hood or understanding to which it is attached. 1. Kuri 69. Johanson, the undersigned, Assistant Secrctar}•, of harmingron Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company. Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underu'ritrrs, lnr.., Sealward Buttery Compan}', St. Paul hire. unJ Marine lnsurunc~ Company St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul \tereury lusurance Coatp:u»', Travelers Casuals}' artd Surety Compan}'. Traveler Casualq' and Surety Company=nf~4rneric~; and United States Fidelity and Guar:rnry Company do heteb}' ~~~h°' ~ +t ~ s. ~ ~> certify that the abctvc and foregoing is a trttc need confer copy of the Power-c?Pe~urxney executed by satd~Companies, which is in full faire and effect and has not been revoked. ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ . ~~ ~ ~ ~~> 1`''1'F,S'I'l~t(.)Nl' \1'HF':RF:OF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and rifftx the-Seals c~fsaid'Cb pauses dos ~ ~ Jay of r-~.~ttit.. , 2f~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ F:orti h1. Johansc Assistant Secretary ~wsu,4 ~JYI`!y t~~ a `~M ;fir` i~soo~ µn •~a~ ~ Or ~` p * ' ~ •.' ~ ~+ Qo% ray t it `~a ,,...,~` ~ .moo ; ~ rare. ~ ~ G i ~0&IIID _ s ~ ~ .. ~~~;},', v{cP°scayttr : ~ ~ ~~°J 1sn: $ 1977 1927 c ~~ ~ :. -.- ~~ wwtroro, ~wm-'acmt g "~° .r o 0 A • -p t ~ 951 s ~~ S E A I, fon ~; , o ~ epx o Cdlt6 i! ;p t8g6 ~ ;b~~a ~ 4~ + •~ y~ :d\.....'b+ o1i~S81iLrJ4 a< 4'TGP_N , wc~~ rb . AK r~ ~~ 1r ,i` ~ r9 ~ A1N~ To verify the. authenticity of this Power of Anomcy, call I-boil-421-3tiK(1 or contact us of u'wu'stpaultravelersbund.cont. Please refer to the Attorney-In-Fact nnntht:r, the above-mated mdivrduals and the details of the bond to which the power is uttsnc~il. WARNING: THtS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE REO BOAD~R F I ' ' «. . :~ PERF~FN11E BAND TRA~lELERS Ai~ALT AND SURETY Of~PANY OF Af~ERIA Hartford, onnectic+~t ~~183 Bond Na_: 1 049 93 4 84 f~IQ Al_~ B THEE FRE~ENT, Thak we, Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. as Principal, and Travelers Casualty and buret Company of America, a Uonnecticut corporation, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto hhe i C y of Spokane Va11ev , as Obligee, in the gum of one million one hundred seventy five #hausand one hundred nineteen dollars & 001.00 Dollars ~ 4,175,11~,Q0 } for the p~ym~n# +~h~rcofsaid Prir<Cip~l :~r~d uret~+ bind khe~r~selves, jointly and severally, as provided herein- +Nl-l~l~~~S, Principal has entered into a contract with Obfi ee dated January '10, 2008 for Street ,~ ~tormwater Maintanenoe and Repair Services ~^~a~ontrac# fUo, ~8-001 IV01~V, THEREFORE, the condition cf this obligation is such that if Principal shall perforrn the GnrrStruCtion Work to be done under the Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise #a remain in full farce and effect- surety's obligations hereunder shall not arise unless Principal is in default under the Oonkract for failing ko perform the Construction Work, and has i~een declared by Obligee to be in default under the contract for failing to perform the ~en~truCtipn Ulforlc; and Obligee has performed its obligations under the Contract. In such event, surety sf~all nave a reasonable period of ti~t~e to; 1. Upon enkering into an acceptable written takeover agreement with Obligee, undertake to perform and complete the Construction Work to be done under the Contract: or 2. Obtain lids or negotiated proposals from qualified can#raotors far a contract for completion of the Construe#ion Work to be done under the Contract, arrange for a contract to be prepared for execution by Obligee anti contractor, la ~e secured with performance and payment bonds executed ~y a qualified surety; or 3. Waive its right to perform or complete the Donslruckior~ Work pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 above, and with reasonable promptness under the circumstances: {~} After investi~atian, ttetermine the amount for which it may be liable to the Obligee and, as sawn as practicable after the amount is determined, tender payment therefor to the Obligee; ar {b) Deny liability in whole or in part and ratify the Obligee ci4ng reasons therefor. 4. The ontre~t balance, as defined below, shall be credited against the reasonable construction Cost of completing the Constructlon Work to be performed under the Contract. If completed by Obligee pursuant to paragraphs ~ or 3 abo~re, and the reasonable ConstruC#ion Cost exceeds the ContreCt balance, surety Shall day to Obligee such excess, but in no event shill Fhe aggregate liability of surety exceed the amount o~ this bond, If surety completes the Construction Work pursuant to paragraph I above, that portion of the Contract balance as may be required to oornplete the Construction ~11+ork to be done under the Conkract and to reimburse uret~+#ar its outlays shall be paid to uret~ at tine times grid iri the manner as said sums ~vould ha+re been payable tc Rrincipal had there been no tlefeult under the ~ontraut; provided, however, that to the extent that surety's outlays exceed the Contract balance paid to surety by Obligee, Surety small be entikletl to a dollar for dollar reduction of its liability under this bond, and ureky's aggregake liability shall not exceed the penal Sum of this bond. The term "Carrtract balance,.' as used in the ~aregreph, shall mean the total amount payable by Qbligee under the C,OntraCt and any amendments thereto, less the amounts properly laid by Obligee to Principal under the Contract, The terra "Oonstructian UVorlc" as used herein shall mean the providing all labor andJor m~tCrial necessary to complete Principal's scope of work under the Contract- f~lotithstanding any language in the contract ko the contrary. the Corrtrect belenoe shell rat he reduced ar set off on a~caunt of any obligation, Conkractual or athen~ise, except the reasonable construction Cast incurred in completing the Construction lark. 5. Any suit by Obligee under this band must be instituted before the earlier of: {a} the expiration of one year #rorn tY~e date of suastantial completion of the Construction Work, or {b} orlE year after Principal ceased performing the Construction Work under the Contr~c#, ex~ludir~g werrenty work. If this band is provided to Perfonnence fond -Page 1 of ~ • • '" comply with band statutes in the location where the Construction Work is being performed, and the bond statutes contain a statute of limitations for suits on the performance bond, then the limitation period set forth herein shall be read out of this band and the statute of limitation set forth in the bond statutes shall be read into thus band. If the limitation set forth in this bond is void or prohibited by lavr, the minimum period of limitation available to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of the suit shall be applicable, and said period of limitation shall be deemed to have accrued and shall commence to run no later than the earlier of (y) the date of substantial completion of the Construction Work, or (z) the date Prinapal ceased performing Construction Work, exGuding +rrarranty work. 6. No suit or action shall be commenced hereunder other than in a court of competent jurisdiction in the county or other political subdivision of the state in which the project, or any part thereof, is situated, or in the United States District Court for the district in which the project, or any part thereof, is situated, and not elsevrhere. 7. This bond shall not afford coverage for any liability of Principal for tortious acts, whether or not said liability is direct or is imposed by the Contract, and shall not serve as or be a substitute for or supplemental to any liability or other insurance required by the Contract. No right of action shall accrue on this bond to or for the use of any person or entity other than the named Obligee. 8. This bond is provided to comply with applicable statutory or other legal requirement for performing construction contracts for public owners in the location where the Construction Work is being performed. Except as provided in paragraph 5 above, all provisions in the bond which are in addition to or differ from applicable statutory or legal requirements shall be read out of this bond, and all pertinent statutes and other legal requirements shall be read into the bond. Signed this 14 day of Jan 2408 Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. (Prinapal) .` 13y: _ Travelers Casually . nd Surety Company of America lay: ~.1,4.R~.~. ~ Q~e.z~~. Della J. Allen cam- I O I S~1905 Attorney-in-fact Performance Bond -Page 2 of 2 ' j >'C11~VF..R (}F A7"C(}R~l)i~Y Olt}' [;umpan}' St. Wrul C:uordian IRtiUraRCe {:aFmpuny ~odcli anl~' 111SUfL1111Y: C~sutpayua' S1. f".[ul ;klorcury IuSUraucE Co~llpauy, Fidelity ;fin ,nryrnnl}' 1n~fLrvnge I-Jn{i~rM~ritxr~, Infi. lr~~~ler~ C:~5u:~lfy~ ;Ln~l ~~~r~tl~ (_pni~pn}- tia~ha~ard Surety ('nmp;~ny~ 'I`rN~~elers tw•~su~lis and 5uret3~ Iwnmpan}' of Amerieu tit. Yaul I~L~ and ~~larine IRtiUraRCL` L.umpan}~ United 5totcs Nidelity and C:uoraniy C,IFmpany ltinrne3~-In Fael L1'[r, ~ ] ~(~~$ Ceriificuic hlaa. ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~J ~ `t I{~ ]01~~ rl LL ;k1 G~ ] Bl' TI iF5 C FRCs5EfV7'S= TkLat Sr:Lboarcl Su I+ely Cu[[Llasuy is a ourNOratio~L dul3~ org:lui fed ul7der ilse la++'s of tltie S[:~[e of New Folk, tl7a[ 5t, P1ul Fi1+Er and i~lari,te ]nsurance CollspaLlsy, 3[. PaLSI Guardian Insulnn~e Company and 51. r;1ui ~iel~cur±' fnsuran~e Con}parry AIC cal~pora[ions duly glglnixcd Under the laws of She Sla1c pl' MiI1n:S01, , Ihnl Farlstiingrpn C~cu:11t}' Cpmp,~nu, Travelers ~~LSLlnll}' and $[LI~e9}' Cnmp:lay, And 7'rnuclcrs Casually and 4um[y ~ompany~ of America arc cnrilpr:llinry5 duly ,u~lnj~cd uacLer the Inw~ pt' nc~ 4tatc of C;nnnccticul, thus Uni[cci 4tatcs N[ct€IiL}' and Guaranty Company is a coLT,nration duix~ mpalnixod under Lhe lows of the Suue of ~k9ar}'land, that Niddity and Ciuarxrny Insuranrr Company is o crxlaurati{~n duly ur,:,alnixrd under Lhr laws of [he Stave. of loud, :1nd [ILa[ Fidelity 3[Ld Cuarun[y Insuranca Underu•ri[ers, tnc- is u rorpora[iuu~ dal}' orQanixed uudcr [hr lau~s of 113e Si1re. of }~sco[1Siu [hel~in c~iiex;[i+~rix' a~:111ed [ILn "COn1pa11ie€"), and dsat IUe Compani~w da here]ax• mokc. constitute anti appoint ~hefyl Ashby, Della J. Allyn, Jarnes M. H~wj##, Karol ,~, ~i~~ride, Lisa Smith, Phil #onebraker, 1lantl~ E-1a11, and Robert E- Keller of ihr Ci[y of ~lsrktilnn ,Sidle. Uf 85hin~lOn , 117cir rnL~ and iawfiLl Airnr[1ep~(.c}in-Fncl, each iu ilarir Sepau~[e capalcil}' Lf 1lrore CILal11 Odle iS Jsa[LL°.d above, [o sigiL exec{ne, seal and aCkls6w]CdgC any and all bands, rCfl4gn+xancCS, epndiripnal undcriakin~s and odLvr u~ri[iugs ulaliga[ur1' ii1 ills 1r~11u~E {hcaeof ou behalF of She Cam~nics in Sheid_-bnsjn~ss pF ~narnl7[ccjng the fidelity of pcru~ns, guararnccin~ the perForanunce of couu:l[;[s autrJ exeCUliatg or gual.vsteailrg bonds , iE[I unde[1;[kings d~q{dirC[I+]r per 1~ctiin anc{inns or. ecclings allowed b}' ]au'- 3~~ IIY 1~'IThl15~~IiFk~li{}C, 1}~r Con,p;~LUir.~ ]aa+~e ~:aubed dais iusLrU.1L~Ltf[o~be.~gned'and tll~ilYlpora[c :e~11S robe hcm[o aF'~xccl, [n is _ _ da\' of y ~ ,~ U, t M'arlninFtpn (_;asualt3• (=ompan} ~~ ~ Sl, f`uul CuuLtiliuu lnsuranCC CO[LLI}fluy ,, H-idelit3- and (;uarant3~itnsuranar ~,a~mpun~ Sl, f`sLUI ~~IcrcurY Ltsurauce COasst].7ttY M~delit3~ and (:usran[}~lnsu~anix'Undcrrr ~i[ers, Inr, TtavtlcYS C:-SU.LiI~' £1u[I Surety' Gonrp~sly' Sd>alaa~arJ .'iurcty Cumpan}~ 71•~ti'elel's Chsu:[II}' ;lMd SI[d~ty C_pnip~n}' of Americo ~S[. Isaul f5rc unrJ: ~luriuc 1[lfiuraLU4c G]an~wuy [,°[uted States k~idclit}•:~nd {:uad:[nt}' {:ompan}' ~,w3G„; ~~•'~ 541 x~d lisp ~ ~1Y A.Y¢ h}~41F+} ~dc~Y 4 #' 6 n Rt>~gai1G7 ~ µ ~, ~ ~ ~ .{A1 ron~r}~, ~~adpl°°err•. J *° ~, [oat b ~ 1977 195 ~ 727 ~ ~~ ~ as _ ~ .$ warrcax°wa' n ~ la ~, ~ i~aa r,,rrF+l ' ; iS . xa+ }r -~;,~~ ~yd; ,1 ,l{a13~° Sw[e of Canuec[icu[ Ci[y of I~I~rtfard ss. 33y: GoarF 77LOa7pson. for Les Residsnl nth h~larch X047 011 tllis tkte d1}' of _ before me pr.l5uualix' apps-;~rerJ George W, Thols]p3on, u~hri acknowtodged hjm5cll' 90 k1e the .°rcnirrr Vicc President Uf I~armingLan Casually ~{]ILLp:Jny, FL{Iallly <ut[I Gu~rulrly 11}sUr;fnCC Company, Fideli9}' and {iuarant}' [nsuranre lfndrrwrilers- [Rfi„ Se., board 5uncly ~rrmiran}', 9. Paul Pirr and Mauinr InsuraLnrr Comp:fu}', SI. P:1ul GlglrrJiaYU Ilrsurancc C'~ornp9lny, Si. Phut ~~lcrcury Insuruace Company, Tr3+'eleLs CasfL;[I1y and Sul~c1}' Cplnpany,'fYavclers ('asuallty and Surr[y Company of r~[[Leaic~, ausrJ Uari[ed 59.11es Fide]il}' Ind Gualwnry C=+]mFany> and shat hc, ~w such, brin¢ .LUtharixerJ so 1o tlq, cxecw ed [he 1`oregoi 1rg instal mc[11 far I he irurpnscs [herein run[oined by Si guiug {JLL I~ellalf of the Co1]]oi;~[lons b}' h1111a~C1 f as a du I}' xu[hnrifcd officer. ~,T1~ S[s ~5'itucss 11~Itercaf. E hel~eunlo sew m±' hand and ofifici~ll seal, A7}' Canmmissic~n expires Lhr 30[h da}' oflwse_ 201 i. # ~U84~~ * h~laricC. Tcurauls, ~loWry Rublic 58440-f3~Df~ Prin9ed in U.S.A. bVAFINING: THIS POWER OF ATFOA~JEY I5 IC+FVALIC} w17MOUT THE AED BQROER ' .`'I WlkRNIN[s; T}ily4' Y[]WEI{ (JF AI~~iRh7~Y IS INVALIp wlsFipUTTNE FED BOADER F - r. - F -`;~ ' ~ t _ °"i This I'mvcr ryF A99ornCy is $rai7lc r a nd by She :~»9hnri9y of the Followi ng resal9il tan c :Ldap9od by She Bo6u ds,o~'i ~+~ of Fa ue9on C~ ', r ~°[Lny, f"rd~eh•.* , and CiuuranLy dnsurance Company', Pidclil}' and CiunranLy~ Insurnncc lindcru~ri[crs, Jnc-, cahnard ~yurc9}` Com '~] Ue Co~ttpGUty~t, 5[. Paul Guardian Insuranca Campan3~, St. Paul ~Wtrrcur}' knsurancc Companv, "J`ravclrrs Casuak[y and tiurcty prl Surely Compan}' of America- and llni[nd Stars Pidrli[y and C,u:uanty Compzm}'. xhi~:h rexulu[iw~s oar now in foil faun and rffrc[. r~ rtllox4~S: , RES{}LVED, 117x9 She Ch.iliyllan, she Pre:idon[, ;uty Fite Clairman- ui7y E]LeC17S1~ Vice f're$idenl, ~5uy Senior Vit~r Frccidea~[, any Virn Yrrsidrni, any 4c+rnnd Vicc Pl+esideu9. She T1+easurer, an}' A$sis9anr Treasurer, she Ca~po~n9e SeCrer;9ry or 7uy A$siS93u[ $9Ci~92u}~ ~rsa3' appoiu[ rluunYryS-in-Pau and r4~~rnts to ac[ for and on hchn I f of 1170 Company and n7ay giwo sucl7 appoin9ee such aulholyl}' ~ lsis or her oe~'tifiCa9e of au[hori[}~ ~ttax~ p,+e$~ibe w sigh widY tl~r ~on,~a;Ln}''s Hume and seal wish the Company's dal bonds, rCCagniaanCCS, cal7lr,,c9s of indemnify, nod o9her~wriiings abliga9o~y iu [I7e ~tanu~e of a bo~~d. L~COa~irif~lYUr. ur cumdilional undertaking, and anv fif said gfiiecrs nr Sht Rgarcl OF I]ircc[pr; :ii any lime n77y i~mv+~e any 3UC15 apt}ajnlCC , tt~l YewOke She pou~Y gi4+ei7 IturY or lL~r; :old iL is CIJRT[iER RL:Sr]L~'HD, [hal [hc Chairman. thn }`resident, uny Vice Chairman. any I~xecutiue Vicc Yresiden9, any Senior Vicc PirsirlCnl ol•:LI7y VICC Pr'esi[leu9 i770Y delegate all oY:uty part of 97te foi~.goi~tg ~u91t[rYil}'.to o1L° or morn offiorax w nmpiuynrs of 9his Compan}•, prr34~idrd [hut each such dclc~Liion is in writing nnrl a Copy 117ereof is fled in 917e afftCe of She SeCreuuy: and i9 is F'~ll#'I'H~;FI Rk:.tif11,YF;U, Iha9 any ban[I, I~eCagllix3nve, tonii.~Cl of irncleassnily, or writing obiiga9ory iu 97te uawre of a 6und, rrro~nixuncr, nr conditions! undcrtakin~ Shull he 4~Akicl a[Lri hinclin$ upry~9 IhC Company whCn (~} sig~C[I b}' tl7C Presldel7l, ai7Y Vice CI77irm:ut..uty Exe~:utiYe Vitt Prruidru[. auy Senior Vice Fr~widcmt nr arty Y'iee Prrsiclent, an}' tie€nnd Vicc k'residcnl, the lYe~i~iircr, any A~;islanl Trc~4R91rCr, 1170 C+xpor9re SeCreiui}' ar ui7Y e~$siS9chuL Se~r~Lar}' auYd Juiv ai99e5LnLl and scaled ~~ith Lhc Comiaany`s seal !~y a Secretor}' or Assislsint Sccrr[ary'; or (h) duty cxoculccl {under ccAl, iF rorilryrOd) by one Or 1770t'e r111orney$-iu-P~c9 3YLd r~eeuLS purSUanL Lu Lhr power prescribed in his w her rrrtiFica[c nr [heir ctrtiecatcs of aulhoril}' nr h}' nee nr mprc C'ompfln}' ol~CCrs ~urs9u~1ti9 9a ~ wri[9eo delEgativn of au[lLOri[}" and i9 is CCIRTHER RGSOLYC~- [lLa[ [ha siauawrc of each of [hc fc~lhlxeing ni~iccrs= F'rcsidcnl, any F;xoculive Vicc I'rC51CICi71, ~n}' SCJtlar Vice l'I~$i{IF~tL Ji7y ~L'E'~ PYeSidrYLL. CIS)' i53$]$r~y179 ~+LCe Fre.Rlclal79, iilYy J~L~r~[ary, i5[I}' /4$s'LS9:IIYL ~'r4:CCtJrys and [lLC seal of 9hr Company may be ukl'ixod by facsimile to any Ppwct of ~Ilal•~7Cy or 9a :City cer[if-icatc relating ihcrctn ai7pnin[ing Rrcidcnl Vicc PrCSidCL71c, RC:i~lCni A$siS986i SeCre9:4riPS oY ~1uW~ncys-in-Pact fw purposes only of excxuling and attcsling he~nds and undcrtakin~s and other wri I i nos ohli~unry in 1 he n~lurc Ihcirof, and tiny such powCr of . 9tor~7ey ar cerlificai9e. bezuiue sorb facSim i In si~na9urc or facsimi I c stal shall tar valid ar~d hindin¢ upon the Company and uny such pnu~cr so executed Heel cenilicd by S9LCh I'aCRImNC .Ignalure and fat<fiimiie send drill br ~~]id and hindin~ on [he Cw~spany in the fularn wi[h rexprrt [o unx• bond ur undcrstandiny 9o whi€h it is attached. f, Kol7 67. Jal7an$a17,11se under$igned, A$siS9311[ Secre9ary, of F<irYUiilg[un Casual[}' Conipuny, l~idrli[y alai {iuaranly~ Insurance Company, Fideli9y and Guarau9y Jnsurauce. Underwrircr~, [nfi„ SeAhoarri 5urC9y Company, S9. Paul Fire and Mariue ]i7sururice. C~rnpauy, 5t. Foul Cuanliun Insuruncc {~nmpany, fit- I'i~lYl hlCrcury Insurance Comry~~ny, lfia~srlCrs G'~suell}' and Surely Company, 7lnvele,s Ca$9tai[y :uhd Su~~[~~~iii~aariY=;~fy mronca~and Uni[cd SuLl~s >'i~lckity and fnlaran9y Can7pany cla hereby ccrtif}' IhaC 9hC ahavC r~atid Fal~cgoing i$ a 9rue :utd oorreci Dopy of tlse f'a5ve.,_of~rluorrLny rxc~uind b~suttJ~Comflamics, which i~ in Adl i'gIiCC find effeC[ and h:~ nos been rc~+rkkCd, `~~'`~ Y 1YY ~ r It ] TN 5`f'1s~11jNY' ~-'HM:RF:~A', I have hr.rCUnlp ,;CI my 17t~nd ~n[~i,}:ed Ihe~~51~: of ~i~~~iu}iarues Lhis ~ day of ~K-+~.~~~i~ '--4 , ~p ~, ~~ >k Kori M. ]nhun. . A~sislanl SeCrel.iiy ~cy- ~•t}i ~~ fly ,i~~a ~r ~~,}x i!4d.~* ,~° xs~~ ~~µ,r.~~ ~r~V. Y~ ~ sq, 9 E 2~tl p r }~~• ~~~~' ~ yx~ n ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~~Jr't~; + ~#~ e4 SEAI, $ '-' S>B1CY.1x° ° CLI/K~ ?~8 ,r i856 Y Q`:FH 'd .,c C4.I,N 2Q ~{ wxs` a dlp3~` Tp verify She a9~11senlici9y of 91us Fuweruf Auurncy, cull I-SO[1-421-SkiBU orcontuci us at u~u~w.slpbulrrnvclershgnd,~om, Please refer w [hr,4nornrx•-Jn-Darr number. the nho4~c-named indlvidualR and the cle9ails of the bond 90 v.'hiCls [ILe po5ver iS attached. ARf+~IPJG;11~15 POWEA OF ATi7DRkEY IS INVAk_Id WITHOUT THE pQa ~0>~IaER wy • :~ ~ W. is , ~ i Y , ~~ ~~ A Contact Information for Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. Brad Griffith -Vice President (20B) 660-3092 cell- phone Mike Johnson -Superintendent (208)-660-1887 cell phone Jody Todhunter -Contract Administrator human Resources (208) 777-0498 office