08-030.00 Poe Asphalt Paving: Street & Stormwater Maint & Repairctrl Spo`~~ane Va11ey DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CHANGE ORDER TO CONTRACT NO: 1 PROJECT: Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair CONTRACT DATE: 2!6!2008 CONTRACTOR: Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. CHANGE ORDER NO: 1 PROJECT NO: 08-001 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES The orginal contract only provide.for emergency road repair as a result of the severe winter. This Change Order will add the balance of the contract for the remaining street and stormwater maintenance for 2008. Total Amount of this Change Order: $1,47.5,119.00 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Original Date: 12/31/2008 Prior to this Change Order. Including this Change Order. unchanged THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT ~ $ $200,000.00 ............................................................................................ . TOTAL PRIOR CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $ $0.00 CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER (through CCU $ $200 000.00 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ $1,475,119.00 CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ $1,675,119.00 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: The contractor hereby accepts this RECOMMENDED BY: ,„ DATE: ~ ' ~j "' ~~ original oontract for all work perfomerf. terms of DATE: ~j `~ • O ~C7 V APPROVED BY: ~ ,. DATE: 3 - 7 ^ ~4 ' Dave Mercier, Gity Manager ATTACHMENTS: CODV of the original Contract Dist-ibutinn- ORIGINALS TO: Contractor, City of Spokane Valley Cleric's Office, PW Project File COPIES TO: P:PW1Fom~FremplateslCO (Nov 06) Cob-30 r FEB. x.2048 2;p~Ph4 CITY SPOKA~aE VALEEY .... .~ - OPY 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ~ Spokane Valley wA 94246 509.921.1004 ~ Fay 509.421.1008 ~ dtyhallC~s~so{~nevailey.org D L~C~~p d~ . February 8,2008 ~ FEB I 2 2008 Brad G~tb Poe .Asphalt Paving, Ina 2732 N Heck Road post Falls, ID 83854 Re: ; Impleme~tatiot~ ofa contract for f»tmediate winter maintenance. Dear Mir. Crxiffith: Tkie City is reviewing the 2007 Street and Stormwater lvlaintenance and Repair Services Contract for renewal in 2008. plowever, extreme weather conditions have diverted our attention to the need for immediate repairs before a'e address the entirz contract fox 2008. At thas time, because of the immediate nature of cuaent winder oonditions which have resulted in street repair needs, we xecluest a contract not to exceed 5200,000 fox winter street gaintenance. Please attach youz 2008 unit price costs, and sib anal retimm this letter, with attachments, to the City of Spol~ane 'Valley, Public Works pepprboaent so thR~t we can obtain the appropriate city rignattiues. . All of the other contract provisions contained in the origina12007 agreement are in place and will remain unchained in this ne'tw 5200,000 agreement. Please note that the City Council will consider expanding the 2008 contract in the very near future beyond this amount of $200,000: Please sigh below to acknowledge the receipt and concurrence to perfonoa under this agreement. Please retain one copy and ~i1 the other one to the City. ' ~ - CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Poe Asphalt Paving, Ina. / ~ '~ e Aeputy City Ivianager B 'Vice 'dent ,.,_~_ _, sa Date signed - ~ , • •- AT°TACffi1~NT C -COST PROPOSAL • • Contractor to list all Contractor's Payroll Cost ATTACHII~NT C -PART 2 ersonQel e ~ to work wfthin the Ci Peisonael ClassScatian and Description Homy Rye Re O.T. . Super -Primar maaages contractors work y City oantact, organizes, schedules, and $52.00 / $65.00 Foreman $38.00 / $51.00 . r ~ $37.00 / $50.04 Teamster • $37.00 / $50.00 ~~ $34.00 / $46.00 ~ob~ ~~ a~`~' (o a ~~ 3~~~ ~1~ 3.~~~ 51 ~' 3~~/~ ~~ .. _ • ~~ ATTACHIII~ENT C =COST PROPOSAL • Contrectar"~ Equipmerrt Cast ATTACHMENT C -PART 3 • . Contractor to i'cst a1J a ufpmertt expecbeii tD work wifhfn the City eat D 'Lion a5p~ ~~ ~,~~ ~Y 8 1993 SW T8D0 Tractor ES5.00 1985 Ford F600 Dump Track ~ S40A0 1999 KW T800 F,ad Dump ~ • SSSAO 1999 SW ~p0 ~ ~ 155.00 1999 ~V T800 Ead D~up ~ ~ SSSAO 1993 Pete 357 >~d Dump _ S55.OD 1998 RW T800 Fed Dimap SS5.00 . 2.007 Pete 357 Std Dip 575.00 2007 Pete 3 ~ Super D~ - S•~ 2007 Pets 357 S~ Dmap 5.00 • 200? Pelt 357 SupEt Dip 575.00 ~ 2007 Pei 357 Sups Dump 575.00 1979 FoadI80(10 Water Trucl~ 2000 GaIIcn 540- 1988 KW T800 Water ~.vrdt. 4000 Gallon 5.00 19'74 RW C500 Water Tzns~ 5.00 . OS 2004 Ford FS50 Tack T'~uck ~ •~ 73 1999 Ford F450 Serviae'hur3c ~ 535.00 19 1997 Fard ~ ~ ~ 510.00 12003 Chevy cio Sis.oo a 2000 Ford F250 - 15.00 00.2007 Fa¢d F150 ~ 15.00 03 2000 ~' CIO 15.00 304 2006 (bevy Cow 510.00 305 2004 GMC 1500 ~ 515.00 2004 Ford F450 •~ 8 2006 Ford F4S0 ~ ~•~ X247 2003 Fo3d FSSO ~• ~'~ s zoo? Tcat"I~ T.owbed 53s.o0 102 2001 W 4 Axle Pup ~ 520.00 103 2001'W~Itiamsen 4 Axle Pup 520.00 ~~ ' cb . 5g~ !ao J~~ 58~° ~~`. GG~~ ~p~ 70J ~~ ~-3~° ~~ 58~ ~223~ J~~ ~~ ~~~ 15~ ~ rJ~s ~__ ~~ 1 a5~s a5 ~= ' o'LS~~ ~~~ ~~ ~r ~[Ep#n~tt iaoa pn#'~ 87 X999 ~6~`-~Sea 4 A Pad pS8 -i99pp~~9yy ~ 4Ax~~` v7 ~~77 ~~y~Y~~LF~p+ ~W$~j' a+3'~"~F" J4I$~ffi 44 # D~yntpf~ 3 Aaie'i~ Trams ~~ X998 ~ TIC TY~7er 3~ 1998 Tr~~m~e Tl~FTT'Fr~a - F~Tf 4~orp ! ~aw'Trax~ > 2D04 boa ~ Trier i~7 ~~ Tads T1~7r~ 1. 1998 G'2G GS563C Gxade R•aller 2DL~4 DDS Rv~ler 1.1 ~~004 ~ CC 1~2 Roger ~~OD IR.I}D134H~ 1~ 2~U5 Barna~• 2D00 Blame-Snaps ~FS~ iU ~~iQ2 Ca~{~II 8 ~4 ~uTr750 X ~9~5 G'~t 16pH I+3~B '~ac~c "~'ra~7~r ~Va~1~s i .. P~ ~ AAA ~e 3I~ 'CJ . ~~ - ' ~ 4. O D yy~~ . ~ y~ yy Y ~ ~A.D(} /^ .DO `~~ '~~~# 1~.~4 ~ 4~ ~ • 15.~D I +~5 15,0 ~ ~# ~ 1S.UQ ~ ~' 5~.E1~ '#~b.00 '~.' [~ 40.Q~0 1~1° ~I~.00 7~ TS_OQ *~ ~1 LS~AO ~ ~+ TS_I ~5,0~ ~~.4~ , Lt~ ~~ GG}~DO iO.OQ to ~.OQ ~ ~~ '5.40 ~ -~ ~ i ~ ~.~4 ~o AT°TAf`N11RT',NT r - C`(~ST PROPOSAL Co~ttracbors Materials Cosh - AT'TAC~~NT C -PART 4 ' ~ ne~t;o~ unit ~~ cwt 1 ~ HMA Ton $43.00 2 CSB~ Ton 56.00 _~ v aoog ~~~ ~~5 e ~ err s [,un!r~NT~ ('' -COST PROPOSAL kP~- daa aa~avi++.w....~~ ~ - - - - - SUBCONTRACTOR LIST ~- AT°TAC~NT C _ PARS' S Contractor to bst all subcontractors e' acted to work wfthin the City WOODY'S ASPHALT SEALCOATIl3Q, INC. . ~ . FRANK GURNEY, FNC. MDM CONSTRUCTION, INC: NORTHWEST FENCE NORTHWEST LANDSCAPE •. _ _ . CAMERON CONTRACTI23(~, INC. ~,-~'S ~ ~~ ~ Xcc~.ua,-h'~v~ Subcontractors -Contractor to provide a list of all subcontractors anticipated to be used for performing the described services. Contractor to list the overhead and. profit on subcontractors in Item 2, Part 1 of Attachment C. '~` • ~ AT'TACHM~NT C -COST PROPOSAL - Sabronlsactors Materials Costs - ATTA C - PART6 Item Descaription IInit IInfE Cacti . 1 Quarry SPails - T'on $14.00 . 2 Crack Sealant - Pouted $4.00 3 • PCC Cubic Yazd $'92.00 4 ~ Guardrail LF ~ $12.80 5 6 `Chain link Fencing LF ~ 512.00 6 8 `chain link Fencing ~ I.F ~ $14.25 7 Type A Drpwell In Road Prism EA ~ $620.00 8 Type B DryweIl In Road Prism EA $850.00 9 ~ Tyge A Drywell In Swale EA $520.00 l0 Type B Drywell In Swale F~A . $850.00 11 Catchbasin Type 1 ~ EA $490.00 12 Caxchhasia Type 1 w/ Oil Z'+~atEr Separa~nr l<q $820.00 13 Pipe Sumps ~ E.A ~ $145.00 14 'i0°~SDR-35 PVC Pipe LF $5.70 .15 12" SDR-35 PVC Pipe LF $8.20 16 12" CMP LF . $14.03 17 12" RCP LF ~ $20.00 18 ~ Drain Rock Cubic Yard ~ 510.83 i 19 Filter Fabric ~ Sq Yard $0.84 20 .Seeding, Mulching & Fertilizing Sq Ft $0.10 •21 god Sq Ft $0.40 aoog -L:-L~ ~. ~z 9~~ 3~ ~8 ~~~ cv L01J~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ r~ ~~~ ~'JS~ 50`~7~ ~~`~~ I~q3~~ ~~ J ~4S ~~~ ~~ . Ii5 ~' ~. SID ,~-I ~ Unit cosh include overhead and profit for the subcon~actor. - ~ - 5 2Y~~~~ l~ V~ L=FL' 1i ~ lR.rlrLl ape .e~sptmlt 'nv ~C. Contract O. 07-Dp$ T~~ {4~LrRTT i& ode l gad be#sYeea the City of Spokane Talley, a ea~~ arty of the State Qf aagton, ber~einaffer `SCir[y~' acrd Fne Asphalt ~aviug, inc. h~,re;,t~+~~ "Contractor," a~ r;rrad to as "parties." lbI ~TSIDEk~LTI~ ot'the t~rmrs amd c~~sditians c~tained he,~in ~~ parties agree as follows: ~. Work to ~e Performed. The Contrdcbor cliatl do aIl wart[ and famish ail lal~r, teals, ma~ria.Ls, supplies and egoifatetst fvr tlZe street ~~ Seater 1~fiaiintenaacc cud ~r ~e~sjce~ {hereinat `~vorl~') in accar~ce with RFP I~To. p7-0~8 ~Stre~et and Stormwat~r ai„t~.nanrrY aid l~epaff (Fxh~+bit 1], doe Asper Paving T 5`treet and S~marat~r I~amtenanc~ and Repair Seavices Proposal ~Ex~`bit ) and ~~06 lord peci~c~ans for Road, Bridge aid I+~uaicipaI CbnS'truction of the Washington S`I~e I~eparlmeFit of ispprln~on, which art by this reference incarped herein and made pa~# hdreof ("CtranE ba~ents"), and shall perl'~rm any Ghaages ins the work in accord with the C~ntraet DocErments. 't'he CDTACTOI~ shall, for #l azaonnt set Forth in the o~ctor°s bid proposal at~cbed hereto, s~ssLe~ and be respn~`ble for the cost acrd else of all work required $nr constructi and` t~ampleting the work and related ales provided far m the Cantrart- Claus aid Coaiiaet I}pcu~e~, except those it~o,s memtiane+d therein to be fixtnished by the Ciiy of poke galley. 'The City lViam.ager, or design, ~ha12 ar3m;n;~r and be the primary contact fo7C Contractor. ~,ior ' to ~ommP„~p,*,~•,t of world ontractar shall exercise besk e~'or~ to cou~ct the City Manager or designee to review the scrape of work, tche~uie, and mope of rornpletion. Upon notECe ~nm. the Ci#, Gontsactor shall promptly commence warp complete the same in a txrp.ely ~dazwer, and ctue any faslure in per,Forma~c~ un3er this a~ee~ ent Unless n~her~,+ise directed by tape ~ityP all work shall be performed im comformance with the CnntraGt Plain, Contract-Doom, City acrd ate standards. Contractor-ackn.ow~edges review of the Contrar~t Flans and Contract Docnmen#s and acc~p~ the same. Conttractar shah exercise best efforts, irrcludiog the selection of the highest rlY materials, so that ail ~+ork performed sha~3~be xtx comp~iauce with ~nremk related indnstry standards. 'Z'erxn .~# Coetraek. 'This moment shall b: in full force and e~'ect open ecuti`on and shall remain in effect until D~=cenxber 31„ X007. The fi}r nay ~eimiBafe this a~reeruent by #eo ~IO) days' written ngticn to the other party. In the event of ,such termination, the City shall pay the Co~ctor far all work previously authari~ed and satisfactorily performed prior to t$a t~errxximation date. - ' ' 3. Compensation. 'l'he City agree"s to pa}~ the CnnTractot for the Cost of the Work plus the Cantrtor's fee l~r overhead and profit as de~rn.ed in Scfrednle A (Exhibit 3). A. The Coaptractor'a I*ee 5ar Costs of t12.e Work a•S deSned in Schedule A ~ oc#on , I J}ireot Costs will be a gemtage ot`tT~e Cost of th a Work amd sbrali be Z~ o • • B: The Co~ract~s I~ee far Cosh afthe Wort as defined is SchedvleA Section .~ ub~ontraet+~* Cosf~ will b a peree oftbe Cast ofthe o~ plus #iae Overhead Rate and shall be Sao ~. The smn of the Cost oftbe Work pI~ the Co~tracs Fee Shall.not exceed one milsioa one hind ~' eve t3aon~end aae hnntlrad nmeteea Dcilars {$I,175,11~), subject to additions ~d deductions dry Clime Ord~t. 4.' Payment.. 'fie cbor may elect to be paid in mo~b}y ;,td~~lrr,errt~ upon preseat~cm of ~ invoice to the pity, or is ~ p upon re~pleiion of the work gpliratious for payme~ shall be sew to doe City Cl at tl~e helo~~ststed addu~ss. The Ciiy reserves tfise right to ~-~hTonld payment tmd~r $ais anent which is determined, in the reasonable judgment of the pity anrager, to be moncomplsa~ with the ~ooatzact Plaas, contract I]ac~e~, pr iii ax State stend~ds. . 5. ~olSeet Notice shall be liven in g as fuIlo~-s: 'F~ ~ CTCY: "f'D T.t~ CDNfiRACT_+DR: I~anae: C'hi'LStie $sinbridge, ~' C ATa~me: $rad Gz># I?hone I~fvm6er. (SQ9) 92X-I040 - Pliane umlxcr- (08~ 777-0,'98 Address: i 1707 East prat Ave., #e 1~6 Address: 2732 Beck ~C~3d Spoke alley,'QVA 99246 Post Falls, Il~ $3854 6. .~xDpiirahle Lsws and l~tands. T~xe parf3esF izY the performance of this aement, awe ~ comply with all apP~icable Federal, State and local lags, and City ordinances an d regulatror~s. 7. ~reyailinv a~~s bn P~b1Sc ozks. ~Tnless.ather~~ise required h iaw, if this tbntraGt is fora °~ublic worJ~' which is defined as `~rork, ronstr~xction, alteration, repair or iuipx~avenaen# other than ordinary Apaintenanae executeid.at the cast of#iae ity,'• the fallowing pxavision applies: This agreement provides for the ccgsauction ol<~ a public wor].C and a payment of prevailing wages according #~ ashiagton law. AlI workers, Iatxorers or mec~a~.ics sha21 be paid a preva't~ efwa that is set forth in as Exhfbit #n this a~E~ment. $efnre ' payment ruay.1.~~ wade to C.o~au#or a "S~tement~af Intent to Fay Prevailing Rages" rne~st be snbmit6ed to the G~ty. Following dal •acptanc€s of the public works project; the Contractor an d each subeorrtraGtor shaII serbmit an uAffidavit oi;' Wages Paid'° before rued funds will tie Teased to tl7c ~oatractor. 'The ai~davit mast be certrfiad by the industrial stati.ciam o~'tlxe Departmegt of Labor and Industries. S. l~ lee tiorrsbup of the Parties. I# is lyereby understood, agmed and declared that the Contractor shall~be an indepan independent ntractor and oat tb,e agent or e~p~oyee of the pity, that the pity is interes6ed ig on]y the results to be acl~teved, and that floe right #n cpntml the pari7cular raamn~, method and means of tb a vrcrk is solely wi#hin the disco~e o~ the Contractor, Any and all employees who provide sefvices to the City under this agreement shall be deemed eropioyees of the Contrsctoc_ 'The Contractor shaIl b~e solel~+ iesprndsible for the conduct and ac'fions of all eoiFloyees under this agreement and any liability that may attach thereto. • B. l~iizinnan ~mnwr>:s of fns~ance. Contraci~ar shall maintain the following insurance 1imi~: . 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 pea acxident 2. Commercial General Liability ;,,~„~~ce shaIl be written with limits no 1°ss that $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a $2,0.00,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit C. Other InsrParrce P,`rovisions. The ;r~,ranc,; policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: 1. The Co~acbor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any In_SUrance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's inswance and shall not corrtn'bute with it. 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either parry, except after thirty (30) days prior written nonce by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. D: ~cceptabiliiy of Irrs~ers. Insurance is bo be placed with insureds with a cusent A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Yer fzcation of Coverage. Contractor shau famish the City with original certi5cates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work 14. Indemnification and ~LoId ~3rialess. 'Z7ae Contractor shall defend, indemnify and Izold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this agreement; except for injun-ies and damages caused by the sole negligence of tbo City. ~- ~ . ' . Should a court of competcrzt jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115. then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and vohmtcers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extant of the Contractor's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance. Title 51 RCW. solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or tErmiaation of the"agreeri~ent 15. Waiyer_ No officer, employee, agent, or other individual acting on behalf of either party, has the power, right, or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions of this agreement. No waiver in one instance shall be held to be waiver of any other subsequent breach or nonperformance. All remedies afforded in this agreement, or by law, shall be taken and construed as cumulative, and in addition to every other remedy provided herein or by law_ Failure of either party to enforce, at any time, any of the provisions of this agreement, or to require, at any time, performance by the other party of any provision hereof, shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions, nor shall it affect the validity of this agreement, or any part thereof. • • Schedule uAn 1. Cost of the Work. Cost of the Wow means the sum of costs incurred and paid by Contcactnr in the proper performance of the Work Costs shall be in amounts no higher than those prevailing in the locality of tlme Project, and shall include only the following items: 1.1 Direct Costs 1.1.1 Payroll Costs. Charges for Payroll Costs will be limited to actual costs of Contractoor's consh~uction personnel stationed in ~e field. Payroll costs shall include, but not be limited to, salaries and wages plus the cost of fiinge benefits, which shall include social s~urity contabutions, unemployment, excise, and payroll taxes, workers' compensation, health and retirement benefits. The ~ ' expenses of performing Work outside of regular working houus, an Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays, shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by Owner. The labor rates shall be per Attachment C -Part 2 of Exhibit 2. 1.1.2 -Equuipment Costs. Charges for Equipment Costs used by the contract to complete the work in the field. The equipment rates are included in Attachment C -Part 3 of Exhibit 2. 1.1.3 Material Costs. Charges for Material Costs famished by the Contractor and incorporated in the Work The City and Contractor agree that ua~aterials listed under Attachment C -Part 4 of Exhibit.2 represent the maximum authorized types of materials and unit rates which will be considered reimbursable under the terms of the this contract unless subsequently changed for reasons approved by th.e City by a formal change order to the Contract Material rates shall be in accordance with the material types shown in Attachment C -Part 4 of Exhibit 2. 1.2 Subcontractor Costs I.2.1 Attachment C -Part 5 has a list of all subcontractors expected m work for you under this contract Lf required by the City, the Contractor shall obtain competitive bids from subcontractors acceptable to the City and Contractor and ' shall deliver such bids to the City, who will then determine which bids, if any, will be acceptable. 1.2.2 1Vlaterial Costs. Charges for Material Costs famished by the Subcontractor and incorporated in the Work. ~'he City and Contractor agree that materials listed under Attachment C -Part 6 of Fxh,'bit 2 represent the maximum authorized types of materials and unit rates winch will be considered reimbursable under the teens of the this contract unless subsequently changed for reasons approved ' by the City by a formal change order to the Contract Material rates shall be in accordance with the material types shown in Attachment C -Part 6 of Exhibit 2. The City and the Contractor agree that the rates listed in the Attachment include overhead and profit for the subcontractors. 1.2.3 Payments made by tine Contractor to Subcontracts may be based on a lump sum ' price fi°om the Subcontractor. 2 Overhead and Profit. Contractor's fee means a percentage over the direct costs (Items 1.1 and 1.2 above) to account for the contractor's overhead and profit. • _ • - RFP P~CgE°I' - - Gi#~ cif - . S~o~a~e ~alle~ • - Street and StorFnv~ater Maintenance and Repair Services . Proposal No. OZ-0OS We appreciate the opporhuutp to give you this proposal and look forwazd to a positive relationship." Thank You, " Brad Griffith - " ~ /~ • Lasvx~uT pA~e uac. Sen-ing Washingfvn & Idaho sfnce 1953 • • CrF~+Ar ~RA'Y'F~ A. ~ awe of pp~ic~t B. I~ie ~f ata~t P..~n Tale vIC~ ~r 3`elrsne?,fnml~ear 1T1C~u~g a onde ~~7'77-098 e''i~dudFess l~ras~~~h~t.caa~ ' C. Did ou4s3c~e z~zvidz~~.slagies a~s.t aai~h ~~n ofthis prvg ~ I~1b Tf "Yep', g~e~se c~esca.: D.1~F' ~F ADb,TD~4: ~~ aavPJ.edges r~~ of the ~aIlo~iag addenda ~#' any: Ad.~ a. _ ~- _ ~.ddt~ ~T~. 1sid~.°ad~ I~To.. A~~n~m Tn. I?ated ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 7 Dated I?~ed Sea ~ ceFtsfy that to #~.e best of my~ 1~e~~.edg~ the infn~atian ~o~ined is ibis ~ r qualif cans zs arcuate a~.d cam~l~ and ~a~ i I~av~e fie iega! x~rity ~a # ~s ag~n ~a a cones a~eement.- ~ realizes the £upal. ~imdiug ~`or, any s~,rvzce i.s ix~ed .up~g ~ua~ng ' l~vals ~ the a~ro~ral of t ~pn7~ue ~Ta~ep xt C.~ ~.~.r ~ 1 e l~rint3~la~e Ti#~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ _ • Poe Asphalt Paging, htc. has bees is b TACQ 6iace 2958. We pride o12ISE~IVLS fa de]fVering projec9s, on lima, and uad,.r bndgat oar Pa ojeo~ rax~ye h- die dam prt~ata ci:igeways to 6tate / redesal Ffighways is 4Pashingtan and Idaho. . Poe F+sphalt has completed cantxac~s with various msaiici~salities aver the pears. We have p~esed with such agendes as • eYtp of Spa~ne vanes • city afI~ibertyLak~e • Ciiy of Coeur d'Alene • City of Rathdr[ua • City of Pullman • City of F~Fosvow • City of Clarkston • City of Lewiston . • Washington State IIniversitp . See attached sheets far references. , AII of oui Emplop~s have th@ eppsopriate licenses and certifications to ogerats the equipment necessazy bo exenute 91e vrork needed to caa~nlete this contract The manas~ement teem has sab."tanti.al esperisace and has attended 4arious leadership ep*r+**+~ quality control classes, safety classes, end voraputez s6ftware classes. Below is a list of the ]Asp personnel that vrill be involved in eaecnting this conL*-act: • Ssad Grifath - Vice President - 30 yea=s of experiQnce • l~ jahnson - Supezimtendent -18 pears of experience Taj Anderran -Project Manager -~ pears experience . • Jody Ybdhnnter -Contract Adnvnistaalian -- 10 peals exoe=ienca john FImes -- Paving Farman ~ - 30 pears experience • Dana tiaugen - Frep Foreman -- 85' veers experiens~ • • ~t~~~ ~. ~ ~Ta~r~ ~t~ prn~;~,~„ar, schedule: This schedule is a general outline of apailaffie tins to •be spent on the project. Rpril thra ~: 8 -10 warkfng days oa~ite 8 - T working days oSsite July thrn Oomber 3 - 5 working daps onsite 7 -12 Svozking daps of~kite ~'he tentaffve dale for our z'sphalt pleat M open is $prd a'~. The plant typically et:3ys open through No~vembet. 4Pork requires wiII be accompliah,ed by the ~~'d c~nnmuaicating with Tint 1~fa cn a regular basis M schedule work to be done. The S~ntoQ*n+tP~~p-7*t w~d~l~t~henset up the w~by~n~otifying the projeLct IT~danager of th~ey,~~dnle, w••DWaZg ~to {Ji W:1 Tt1~tPTA~R ~no~(~ 11C~S~~nl WYi ~ S~~ LLlU mobilisation of the ega~pmeat and personnel needed m eaecate the wow The Project Maaage:r w01 track the work pia the IIailp Reports. He wz71 also communicats Sias Qcope of work M the Contract R dm~*++Gtratioa person who wall Ikea fiapvice vQark done on a monthly basis. Qoz equipment meats all federal, stets, and local ragulatfons. ~e pride oarrae2vas fn m~~**+a~*+~*+g clean, nP M date equipment in good working condition. 4De baps ~aa eaten-~ pa~veafattve maia~ce pmgzam which keeps all of our ~nipmeat up to standards. See attaehe8 Equigntent list: . The Supexintendeni.vzZl be fn Much with Ton BS~a on a regrslar basis and l?e can ba reached by call phone betwP..aia the boom of 8:30 am - 6:30 pm Monday -Friday. l~_ea~ages can be left on hfs Dell phone aver boons. He wig refiixn after bona; menages at the beginning of doe meat work dap. l4lessagES le8 during wank hours vv~71 be returned within 2 houLS. If the Superintendent cannot be reached doe to issues beyond our control, the Project R6anagex cam be reached through the atace and / or his ceII phone. Poe Asphalt will analyze the work activity to be done and supple labor end equipment to complete the work fn a ~ manner frith the least amount of im~sact or-•the public as possible. Poe Asphalt guarantees our vroxkmanship and materials used to be in eooordanca with speciticationa: We wall repair or replace any of our work that may glove to be defective in it~ woriananshfp fnz one (1) year from date of aoceptanee. The safety of our pexsdnnsl and the public is our biggest concessa. VPe intend to be very clatailed in our traSic control procedures. Precautionaay mP..~ ~,n:.~ era part of our da0y operations M assure public safety ie_: temporary ramps for ecc~ss, uneven edges. etc. The Foreman vv11812 out the Daily l3epa~, turn them into the Supermteaadent for revs-mow / approval, the Project Manager we`ll receivo daily reports froaa the Superintendent after easpropal and then organize the Dailj-Eeports into weeldy reports for delivexy M the City of Spokane Valley. • . See attached daily zepart: 4Pe apgreciatQ the opportunity the City of 6pokans Valley has given us in providing this proposal. Through the coIIaboration of our staff we were able•to challenge ouxselpes in oau- comrnnnications, work tlov~, safety, equipment utilization, and reporting. This proposal V ~~~ ~s7~ I~fdfT ~` DE;~CFllPrRDP! ~ CD~IDETI01~ _ QDD~ ~~ 1 BJ3 E~11~R7N `~SD0 7€~,4GT~F# G~QD ~ 185 FI~I~D FBDO pUMP TF#l7t~IC GD~D 3 a FORB F60~ DUMP TR€J~lC ~ E}CCElLENT is99 ICE~iY11OFiTR Too EFJp F1UAlEP E~COELLEhI~ ~9 1999 ICF~d1~~R~i-3 ~`80~ ~7~FD ~UA+II~ F~CQ~dT 40 1989 ~CE~+fU~DF~TIi T800 END pUAdP ~CEtxfT 5B 1993 PE~Fi$1L7 °..57 EfdD DiJMP C~DOD ~D 1 KENWDR~7-I `800 ~E] DIJMp - ODOp 23 ~vo7 ~E?'ERBrLT 357 EJPER DUMP ~ .E}CCELLEhI•F 24 0DT PETERBI>_T 5~7 SUPER Dl~Mp . E}~~ELLEN7 X007 PETE=liLT °,.57 SUp~R DUk,~P _ ~ - E{~lJ~~' ~~ 2DOT ~~fEFILT 3.57 S41P~FC DUAAP EDELL,ENT ~8 ~~ PETERBI~T',~7 BL~Pi~R DUl~AP E{OELEtENT ~~1 r~000 EOR~ LB090 WATEf~ Tk~UD 2000 {'a,4~L0~1 ~COlaLLENT ~a7 1978 FORD !_B0~ ~NAT~#i 7t~U ~0~70 ~ALLO~1 QOQD ~ i 998 ICEPJWE~F~TH T$00 ~lAT~R ~I~O 4Q01~ ALL~C~ G~D~D X84 i1~7~4 I~h1DF~TH C~I~O R`i`EF~ TE~UCK ~xDOp ~Q5 0~ FORD F5~0 7AC TFIIk~IC E}{OFT 273 199,9 EOI~p F4,~0 SERVfOE TFkUC ~ ED1EAtT i 9 1 °97 FOR[] RRN GER ~ GI~DD ~ 2i Q003 CE-rEVY G`i ~ ~~D4 FORD FAQ EELL~NT 230 ~0 FORE FAO ~ELLEhJT ' 3DD ~U07 FC~F~D F15U EI~ELLEt+E~T SG3 ?_U~ CHFVY Oi ~ E~.LENT 3U4 40G CFEEVY ~DLOFkADO - E}{I~EL~F~~T 3D0 24G4 GMD 1500 DFILE D~ ~0~04 FDR~ F~450 E~CCEI.-L1~` DDB 0~6 FOF~~3 FASO EELLF1d-T ,2t€7 2003 FORD E=5~0 OELLEN7 7S X007 TSRJLICf~}G~ LD~1=0 ~ E7{E-iLEC~!`f • 102 201 V~I~f~SL~~I ~ A}~1- PiJP ~COEI..LEPJ'f' - fi03 PA~1 WEllJAFti+45Eld 4.~JCLE pUF ~ - EOE~ LEAf~ 187 f9s9 ll11A[t~3EN ~ ASE PlJP - ~ ac~ELLEf~lT iss ~99~ lLLIAM91 ~ A PI1P E:{~ELI~hfT 18a #989 ]LLIA~EN ~l ASE PUP pCEL~E~fT 197 1 X97 RUNI+~FAY BELLY I~UlVfP TRAP LER ~ DAD 7~LT 7FiAIL~R 144 2o0a oLYr~PEC-3 A}Q.l; E{OELLa~ 1S# 19~gTPAELMA7CT12LIr.TFIAILER GOOD 1~2 1998 TRAtLMA T'i~IJT TF{A]LEFI Deaf] #49 Q~}05 7F~AJL.I~ATi2l~T TR,AJ~.EFI ~ aCCi=LLF~!]' 67 1 X77 SAW TRAILER GOOQ ' ~0 2QI}4 FD UT1L~Y TFiA~LER DCELLEIklT 1~7 ~ELlNA~F r~~ r~LE~t Haan ~6~ 1958 A7 G5~65C CR,~IDE ROLLER C:O~D 405 D0~ ~R DD84HP F~bLLER ~ E}C~ELLENT 4f 1 2004 pYI~ApAG CC702 ROLLER E~COELf_E~!"f` pale 1 ~~ ~~ ~~ i ~~~~ ~~ ~~ g o ~ ® ~ ~ m a ~! u Y n ~J a a Y_ Q G ~, tl~~ ~, zd ¢~ c as Ong LL ^ S ~Rw V ~_ ao Q W ~ 'Z T ~ o a ~4~.. ~ W ® ~~ o z m ~ .. Aa U D ~ ~ ~d c c c ec h GF F ~. .a 0 J ^YH r a O w O d I ~ I • • _ o~i~ac~or ~u t all ontrae~or~s Farol~ Est 'I`I'~i~1~'f" - P'T ~rson~el to work wi#~tia - - - - - ~ - - ~ - the G`Y Fers~i Clas~.5ra~ and I~e~n Holy " .e ~.fi. ,,zt~s,den~ - Pr,~ar m~ages ao~tra~tors work ~ pity c~v~c~ a*~a *!~~ e~t~le~, and ~.~0 ! 6~.OU F~~,~,~„ So3~.00 ! 51.~~ ~37.~~ f ~~}.~0 Tyr ~7.~4! ~~~.00 der $34.U~ 1 5.0~ • • A7"TAC~NT C -COST PROPOSAL SUBCONTRACTOR LIST - ATTAC`ffiI~NT C -PART 5 Contractor to Iist all subcontractors a acted to Work Within the C WOODY'S ASPHALT SEAI.COATING, INC. FRAI~IK GURNEY, INC. IvIDM CONSTRUCTION, ]NC. NORTHWEST FENCE NORTHWEST LANDSCAPE CA~~RON CONTRACTING, INC. EG`LIPSE TRAFFIC CONTROL & FLAGGIN, INC. . Subcontractors -Contractor to provide a list of all subcontractors anticipated to be used for performing the described services. Contractor to fist the overhead and pzofit on subcontractors in Item 2, Part 1 of A,.ttachment C. LOt1C'~p~S ~LiLfS~t'~'l~17t CCS'~ - ~1~i~1~:~{~ {xr - ~~ .~ Coni~acr #~ ~i~t ail ui~ntety~ ex~e~ted i wor' hFn the ~ppaeu~t D~serip~ion °~rYg #e ~ ~ Tracl~rr ~SSA4 4 1~ Fazd>~6~~ Dip "k - $44A0 19991~W ' Eud D~ ~.SSA~ ~ 3~D0 Ted €p ~5~.1}0 - Z994~80D~dp ~ ~55A0 b L~93 ~eie 357 Ead Aesop - ~ - ~ • $S~~D~ LSD 1998 R~4''~'8D0 ~nd.tp 2007 Fate X57 bpe~ ~g - X55. ~'7S.OQ 207 Pew 3 S7 5~~ I3~p ~ 2D87 Pais 357 Super ~~ $75,OQ S'73.OQ .27 rD'r P~hc 3~7 pea rip ~7~.Oo ~ 1979 Fwd Lso Weser ~ 200U ~ ~ X40.00 ~ 1958 W 2 ao~ ~at~r a~o~ ~ ~ss.o~ ~ i~ > c~0~ w~ ~, - ~ - ~.a~ ~aa~ zoos ~~„a~ss0 ~ s40.oo 73 1949 Fw'd~~s~ SeFVire'k . ~ X35.00 14 1997 ~amd Ranges $10.00 ~~2I ~oU3 Chevy C10 ~1~-OQ X234 2p0p~`nrd54 - ~ $15.~ 34~. 2{30'T Fa.~d X150 ~5.0~ 303 200 Cbevy ~1~ ~ 5.40 200b bevy (~l~ra~~ $L~.fiU 0'6 ~00-~ GMT 1500 $15,00 202 ?.t1E~€ fiord F45~ - X5.00 #~{i8 2005~ordF450 - X25.00 X17 ~4Q3 F FSS~ ~ ~ ~'15.Q0 5 ZQ07,Z~i~ngLoWbed $35.00 ~1~2 ~A01 3l~.~en 4.4aIe pup ~ - $20.00 403 2401 ~~ d Aide Fng 4_~0 SQL' Cu t au. ~ ~sFxrs: gnat saF>:co oc~ car~anr of ~c~- K ~otpa+rffioa'L does cads hc>Eby aPP~ x must a~ma ~s~; ~Ah~s n+t wEwrrf; ooN n~uaRr; ~sro~~atca~ as >nlz snd tasedt! eCamey(s}~ ~+ ~ ~ rzr~n on @s t>ehatt seamy and air bonds ar and oft dooats~ d e :~ dha~r r~,ce >n the mm~.e aP as ~ and to bbrd the aa¢rsparty Y• ~ tiltll'f~SS 1AIt~OF, SJsFF00 @6tJRAt+1CE txiifPANY OF Al~tiCA and Ga_?IERAL dlSia2A1~E CO1dPANY OF AJ~A leave eat d and a tlse.~e przvcrer 2hh OdO~ 20Q5 tics day at ,~~~ ~~/ e..~.~....~ e+w! cvsu~tsrtst crrstRnrsv Id1KE PE7T:R5. PtRe'~IDEN7. StJREi~C . CERiiFlG4TE ~ 6atn the By-I.srr° of SAFEC7D Di~JRAI~{~ GOIiPANY OF AldSiICA erd d G O~I.1RANt~ COZ>~ANY OF Al~lEWCA: A:G~ie V, !oedian t3. - F1a8JiY ANO SURtT' 130J~5 . the P~r4 arsy Vice Pre~de~ @~ 5eaetary, and any Award lire Prasdesd aPpofrsLnd fior Brat pwpass dy tho uffcrrl 6- t~ge d sae$' ~~e :~ cacti have s~t79soeily b ss ~ v under ottsrr eppropstala t711er vdIIs etctttaetty tD es¢~tlr an beba}t d tbn ~+Y fidcZly end surety band. grid oche; doaars~3s oP t~ d>~ ie+:at3d by the m~arsy &~ the earase d its h+"~_ QA arty instrtanerd esakitg ar cviden.^3rx3 ~ @s9 rrmy be &>iaced try taa~n9e. Oss aay htstrtnaed oortifrsrtrsg ~ auQsxlly or on any bcia ar unde>ZaYa>,q of the carrsparry, the saw ar a tasa~alD theteoL ~Y ~ rx ~!o~d or in arty other rrsarsner reprodz+~ prvvidsd, howe+res L'~d d+e ~ sYaa rrel bo r~ary L~ the ~Y of arty su`h b~tnaread or ratd~akh>S.' E~ 6vQn a RrvohlPsat d the Baard of oISAFEi~ Q+1SUR{Wt~ CO?d~ANY OF ACA and d GB+IEi2At. RiStlRAHCE CODIPAttY OF AMEIiiCA a4opt.~ ~ROr ~,197fl. -pn arrq e~M by ttse SE:oeYary a an aid ses>alary of @se Caornp3ny setFsr>;q au1. n The pavvis~acss d Art}c!: V, Sedan 13 os the By-Lciti+rs, and ~ A ~Y of Use powar~mn=q appa3Nmt~si, exerted putsuard >1sc7eto, ars;1 (at) C~aLq QsaZ ~d -' QPP~~ t+ 6i ftta forrs and eNcd,. . the sigre4ae aF Iha o~ may be try farvbn~e. and tip ~ of the Compmry may be a fa~CrslEc thaeaf.' I, Stepttanis Duey-Y-'atsa~n . Seaet~y a` 6AF8D0 tPtSt)RANt~ t~D}APMtY OF A6d~R1CA and of GB~ir"3tA1 INSURAt2CE t~lAPAN1f OF AMfERiC0. do haroby oa'@'ry fr¢rt Bsc iflre~ ®d a~ d ftsr Syd..~s mti! aff a R.^s+h~flan of L~ 6aa}d of Oir oaf ths~+ mrpoca5oir,, arsd of a Ps~urtx of Attosncy clued purxsas>t tht;rctq arc tine ~ uYrezZ, aid IIsat boas t'sr 8~t.axs. else Re~tuUan and the Power ed Attemey sre s5t11n 4uC lgnx ar+d effect IPI WYTMt-TES YYt{~2EOF,1 have hetcuntn ::et my hand anQ aiRced tlse t'aesiau'!e ssat aF said oo:pors&on Bns ~ ~ day of Few rady,~ ~~.. °~°~ ~.~ SEAL ~ SEAL ~ r~'r~han.v x ~ •e~~~~ 1953 !>~ • ~ ~~ .Ds.. STBHAfUE U~itEY~Yf1T5t]t~ SECRETMY 'fit sdrros and cvc sateso taro ale regv~ea t;aeercots or;~cm tlxrporsfR~ 503741f?S 4105 1R'Ei3 PDF • o~ Arrow wo. s~ t~s~ ~~~ s~ w~ tassuu~ 3~ end IHStIRAFiGE Cdtd?AI~fY of at~ttt:~ earls a ._ ~i~d~s Ps~.~ ~ ~ ~ R~'P -~ I~~' vrj n t~ CH 7 ~ . ~ b 0 7 'die °2si bit hereby ~ a~ees to d~e~ve~ the ~ andior s~vic~s puani~ to the G~'7 ~ St~war ie ~ iee~ amu~ all o and ~io~s af~is Request ~r ~i~s ~ri~ qty s of full ~xec~n~ ~~s~oh ~rn~ 7q~ #~ir may dr~~v ~xi,s bid fog a prod o~ (9~~ days a dac day of bid o~peai~g. ~ bid seit~ a~a~is~g ~,f a eer~ie~ ck, did Uoad, o~ cas~is cheek in ~n ~am~ v~ nit s tea fzve p~eracat ~~°o~ of $~e tom a~.onat b~ deli,red to Ci#y. - Tie ~e~sig~ed in~ri~al repeII~s a~.d w tha# be~ ar she ~ s ~iy as~~,rs,-~r~~ tc . exee bid ~n bed a~ ~~ pl~i, ~ o~iat v~ta~e ~ ~oFrai~oa BCE T~SRHALT ~ ~Ix7G ZN~. fi~xpv ~°~P~Y ~Dele~e T ~ ~ ~ - ~~~ . ~ ~~ ~~~g~T$ k ~, ~~~~ ~~~~~~n~go s~~~~ ~zo8~ 777-~~98 {"Telephone ~ber~ ACORDn CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ii9i2ooa PRODUCHR (509) 758-5529 FAX• (509) 758-5311 Stonebraker-Mc a A an 4u ry g cl' 616 5th St. THIS CERTIFICATE LS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. PO Box 9 Clarkston WA 99403 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED INSIIRERAtCNA-Transcontin®ntal Ins 20486C Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. wsuRERB:CNA-American Casualt Co. 20427C PO Box 449 INSURERaCNA-Trans ortation Ins Co 20494C INSURER D. State Insurance Fund Lewiston ID 83501 WsuRERe THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURc'D NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDdCATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO VYHICH THIS CERTIFICATE dMY BE ISSUED OR dl~AY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUB.IECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. I C I [NSR DO' ~ TYPf3 OP INBURANCfi POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE MID POU6Y EXPIRATION DATE fQL1/D OMITS GENERAL LU1811TTV s 1 , 000 , 000 X COAIMERCuLLG'r.NERAlLIA87LT' PDAfA4f~T0 ~,~,~ S 100,000 A~ cLAlMSavwE ~ oCCUR 1078605171 11/1/2007 11/1/2008 MEDEXP clre ~,, s s,ooo X Stop Gap Liability I~u 5 1 000,000 G 5 2,000,000 • QEN'LAGGREQATELIMYI'APPLIESP~R: O S• s 2,000,000 X PRO- AUTOdS061LE UAB7LITY X ArJ1'AUTO COMBINED SWGLE LIMIT (Ecnccidar~) S 1,000,000 B ALLO~MJEDAUT05 2025665448 11/1/2007 11/1/2008 eDDILYINJURY 6CHEOUl.EO AUTOS (~ Dam) S X HIRED AUTOS 60DLLY INJURY X NON-0+'MEDAUTOS (Pcrcccidcnt) S PROPFJtTY DAMAGE (Pa acdc'cr~j E GARAGE LIABILRY AUTO ONLY • EA ACCIDENT ~ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN 5 AtlTO ONLY; AGG E f~[cESSR1AIflRELLA LIABILITY c s 4 000 , 000 X OCCUR ~ CLAIMS M4DE AGGREGATE 5 ~, 000, 000 ' S C DEDUCTIBLE 2075567923 11/1/2007 11/1/2008 5 X l0 000 E D YJORK6R9 COMPfiNSATION AKD VtiC~T;~TI 0 ~ EMPLOYERS LU1611ITY ANY PROPa1ETORJPARTNE.RIEXECUTM EL EACH C s ~ 500 OLIO oFFICERIA1EtN3EREXCLUDED? 578551 10/1/2007 10/1/2008 ELOISEASE-EAEf/tPLOYEE S 500,000 Ir res. deralDO under SP-CIA R VISiONSbelar ELDISEASE• OLICYLIMR S 500 000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONFu~OCATIONSNEFDCLESlCJCCWSIONS ADDED BY EHDORSENENTI3FECUIL PROVISNJNS The City oP Spokane Valley is additional insured (except on cork comp) as respects hhe Stroot i Stormwatos Maintonanae b Regair project. Zaaursnce is Primary and NenContsibutory. City of Spokane Valley 11707E Sprague Ave Ste 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 TION SNOULD ANY OP THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CAKCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE TNEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO ffJUl 3D DAYS YJRITTEN NonCB TO THE CfRTIFtCATE HOLDER NAt.1ED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO BIIALL IMPOSE NO 061fGATK)N OR LIAEtLI'TY OF ANY KIND UPON THE AUTNORf2E0 REPRESENTATNE Della A11en/Dc,?:LA ~° Q° ACORD 25 (2001!08) INS025 (oloe>.oea ®ACORD CORPORATION 1988 Parc i ct2 TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPAN~OF AMERICA PAYMENT BOND ~~bn~wo~c~ Hartford, Connecticut 06183 Bond No.: 104993184 KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. , as Principal, and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, a Connecticut corporation, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the city of spokane yaileY , as Obligee, In the SUm Of one mipion one hundred seventy flue thousand one hundred nineteen dollars 8 001100 U.S. Dollars { 1,175,119.00 )for the payment whereof said Principal and Surety bind themselves, jointly and severally, as provided herein. WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a contract with Obligee, dated January 10, Zoos ,for Street & Stormwater Maintanenoe and Repair Services Contract Mo. 08-001 ("Contract"). NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if Principal shall promptly make payment to all Claimants as hereinafter defined for all labor and material actually used, consumed or incorporated in the performance of the construction work to be performed under the Contract, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect, subject, however, to the following conditions: t . A Claimant is defined as one other than Obligee having a contract with Principal or with a direct subcontractor of Principal to supply labor andlor materials and said labor andlor materials are actually used, consumed or incorporated in the performance of the construction work under the, Contract. 2. Principal and Surety herebyjointly and severally agree with Obligee that every Claimant as herein defined who has not been paid in full before the expiration of a period of ninety (90) days after the date on which the last of such Claimant's worts or labor was done or performed or materials were furnished by such Claimant, may bring suit on this bond, prosecute the suit to final judgment for the amount due under Claimant's contract for the labor andlor materials supplied by the Claimant which were used, consumed or incorporated in the performance of the work, and have execution thereon; provided, however, that a Claimant having a direct contractual relationship with a subcontractor of Principal shall have a right of action on this bond only if said Claimant notifies Surety in writing of its claim within ninety (90) days from the date on which said Claimant did or performed the last labor andlor materials for which the claim is made. Obligee shall not be liable for the payment of any gists or expenses of any such suit. 3. No suit or action shall be commenced hereunder by any Claimant: a. After the expiration of the eadier of: {1) one year after the day on which Claimant last supplied the labor andlor materials for which the claim is made; or {2) the limitation period set forth in the public works bond statutes, if any, in the location where the construction worts is being performed. Any limitation contained in this bond which is prohibited by any law controlling in the state where the suit is filed shall be deemed to be amended so as to be equal to the minimum period of limitation permitted by the law of that state, and said period of limitation shall be deemed to have accrued and shall commence to run on the day Claimant last supplied the labor andlor materials for which the daim is made; and b. Other than in a state court of competent jurisdiction in the countyor other political subdivision of the state in which the project, or any part thereof, is situated, or in the United States District Court for the district in which the project, or any part thereof, is situated, and not elsewhere. Payment Bond -Page 1 of 2 this bond shalE be re~uce~1 b and to the ex#ent of an a menk or ayrnents 4. The amount of Y Y ~ Y p made iri good faith hereunder. Surety's iiabillky hereunder is limited, singly, ar ire the aggregate, to the penal sum of.the hand set fortf~ herein. 5. This band is provided to comply with a statutory or okher legal re~ui~ernet~t I'or pertorming censtr~ctiott contracts far public avers in the locatiar~ where the cvnstre~ctfon warl€ 'rs befrtg performed. Except as prvvlded In paragraph 3 above, ail previsions Rn the band which are in ~ddltion to or differ fram those s#atutvey or legal requirements shall be read out of this bond, and aff pertinent statutes and ether legat requirements shall be read into the bond. Thfs bond is a statutory bond, vat a common law bond. Signed toys 10 day ~f Januar~r ~ , 2008 Poe,gsph~l# Pavin~l, Inc, .~ ,'L-. By; Travelers txasualty artd Surety company of America GS•10i 1-0905 B~: Della J. Allen , l~ttomey-in-Pack 4 Payrner~t Mond - Pale of ~ G 7RAVELER~ PO`VER OF ATTORt~X Faranington Casualty Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inn. Seaboard Surety Company St. I'nnl Fire and A4arinc Insurance Company T THE RED BORDER ~ , St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company St. Pau] Mercury Insurance Company TYavclcrs Casualty and Surely Company 'T~•avelers Casualty and Surety Company of America United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company Attorney_In Fact iva. 214684 CerliSeate ro. 0 014 9 514 9 KNOW AL.L MEN BY TIi:P.SM PItESE:VTS: That Seabannl Surety Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of 1~'ew Yortt, that St. Pau! l:trc and D9arine Insurance Company, St. Patil Guardian Insurance Company and St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Minnrsoia, that Farmington Casualty Company, Travelers Casualty and surety Company, and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America•are corporations duly orrganized under the laws of the State of Caaneeticut, that United Stages Fidelity and Guaranty Company is a corporation duty organized onder the Iaws of the State of Maryland, that Fidelity and Guaraa[y Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. is a corporation duty organized under the laws of the State. of N'tsconsin (herein collectively called the "Co¢tpanics"), and that the Companies do hereby make, oonstitutc and appoint Cheryl Ashby, Della J. Allen, James M. Hewitt, Karol J. McBride, Lisa Smith, Phil Stonebraker, Vonda Hall, and Robert E. Kellar of the Ciry of Clarkston ,State of RrashinrCOn ,their tn~e and lawftil Attomcyts)-in-Pert, each in their separate capacity if more then one is named above, to sign, execu[e, seal and acknaw•ledge any and s]] bonds, recognizanets, oondidonal undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their pusj~tess o~,gitaraatsxing the fidelity of persons, guarantrxing the perfortttance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or pec~fli~~iin agy~^.y~,ions ~Qt'~icecdings allowed by Isw. ~~,' ,~•~ x..77 .~ ``~l• ~'be 8th IN oWITr~~SS 1~H"EUr Ol', the Comp~~~ have caused this insnvr¢~r9 to ~na~-o ~F~o ornte seals to be hereto a€fixed, this a~ y -@,~~ ~~ a V~a Farrington Casualty Cgmp~n~j'Y ~~~ '~~~ ~ SL Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty~rsun~t` i;~C°spmpap~~~~ St. F'aul lVfercury Insurance Company Fidelity attd Gunrnnty Insar~ynce Undcrwvnters, Inc. Travelers Casualty and Sorely Company Seaboard Saret}• Company 7Yavelers Casualh• and Surety Company of America St. Patti Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company 0,/ 51}°FT isl. ~Y IAL weU~ vt'/ ~' ~4`vcg4~ ~ ~ 1 0. Q~l...~ y ,si ' ,~-4 ~a ~ 4'~ w4y '~~ ~#~ ~G n ~ HML~ri E+1 * ~~ a 't . a/~pl-ORA)~.A ~~RrcrtA ~ °r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 n IN0.1IafM, tR~liCiq ~1 ~b`t~~~g ~ 1977 ~ 1951 G 1927 ' ~ - `~eAL~o" ~ SsAL~r° y m~+ Es ~e ~ t~ ~p~ .. ~ ~ If ~C>=nEK~ ,ice tS. aw~r~~. O, ~~ ~ ~ ~ RA't8~ State of Connecticut Ciry of Hrrtfortl ss. On this the day of ,before me personally appeared George W. Thompson, who ecknowtttioed himself to be~ihe Senior Vice President of Farmington Cssualry Company, ~Fideliry and Guaranty Insurance Company, Ftdeliry and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., Seaboard Surety Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Sc. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Iasurancc Company, Travclcrs Casualty and Surcry Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of Ameriea, and United States Fidelit}• and Guaranty Company, and that he, as such, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the putposcs therein contained by signing on behalf of the torpor :lions try himself as a duly authorized officer. In ~Vlfrress R'Itereof, I hereunto sat my hand and official seal. ~G•~~ ~~~ ~ ' A4y Conunission expires the 3Qth day of June, 201 I. ~ j°U8Lt0 ~k Msric C. 'Ibtrcauli. Notary Pubtic ,~~s 8th March B}': Creo Thontpaoa, aior lee !'rrsideat 2007 58440.8-O~o Printed in U.S.A. tNARidING: THIS POYJEA OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITkOIJT THE RED BORDER • • ~ ~ PERFORMANCE TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA BOND Hartford, Connecticut 06183 (Public work) Bond No.: 104993184 KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. , as Principal, and Travelers Casualty and Sure Company of America, a Connecticut corporation, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City o Spokane Valley , as Obligee, in the sum of one million one hundred seventy five thousand one hundred nineteen dollars & 001.00 Dollars (1,175,119.00 ) for the payment whereof said Principal and Surety bind themselves, jointly and severally, as provided herein. WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a contract with Obli ee dated January 10, 2008 for Street & Stormwater Maintanence and Repair Services (~ng~~~ontract No. 0&001 NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if Principal shall perform the Construction Work to be done under the Contract; then thls~obligation shall be null and void; otherwise to remain in full farce and effect. Surety's obligations hereunder shall not arise unless Principal is in default under the Contract for failing to perform the Construction Work, and has been declared by Obligee to be in default under-the Contrail for failing to perform the Construction Work; and Obligee has performed Its obligations under the Contract.. In such event, Surety shall have a reasonable period of time to: 1. Upon entering Into an acceptable written takeover agreement with Obligee, undertake to perform and complete the Construction Work to be done under the Contract; or 2. Obtain bids or negotiated proposals from qualified contractors for a contract for completion of the Construction Work to be done under the Contract, arrange for a contract to be prepared for execution by Obligee and contractor, to be secured with performance and payment bonds executed by a qualified surety; or 3. Waive its right to perform or complete the Construction Work pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 above, and with reasonable promptness under the circumstances: (a) After investigation, determine the amount for which it may b® liable to the Obligee and, as soon as practicable after the amount is determined, tender payment therefor to the Obligee; or (b) Deny liability in whole or in part and notify the Obligee citing reasons therefor. - 4. The Contract balance, as defined below, shall be credited against the reasonable construction cest of completing the Construction Work to be performed under the Contract. If completed by Obligee pursuant to paragraphs 2 or.3 above, and the reasonable construction cost exceeds the Contract balance, Surety shall pay to Obligee such excess, but in no event shall the aggregate liability of Surety exceed the amount of this bond. If Surety completes the Construction Work pursuant to paragraph I above, that portion of the Contract balance as may be required to complete the Construction Work to be done under the Contract and to reimburse Surety for its outlays shall be paid to Surety at the times and in the manner as said sums would have been payable to Principal had there been no default under the Contract; provided, hotivever, that to the extent that Surety's outlays exceed the Contract balance paid to Surety by Obligee, Surety shall be entitled to a dollar for dollar reduction of its liability under this bond, and Surety's aggregate liability shall not exceed the penal sum of this bond. The term "Contract balance," as used in the paragraph, shall mean the total amoun# payable by Obligee under the Contrail and any amendments thereto, less the amounts properly paid by Obligee to Principal under the Contract. The term "Construction Work" as used herein shall mean the providing all labor and/or material necessary to complete Principal's scope of work under the Contract. Notwithstanding any language in the Contract to the contrary, the Contrail balance shall not be reduced or set off on account of any obligation, contractual or otherwise, except the reasonable construction cost incurred (n completing the Construction Work. 5. Any suit by Obligee under this band must be instituted before the earlier of: (a) the expiration of one year from the date of substantial completion of the Construction Work, or (b) one year after Principal ceased performing the Construction Work under the Contract, excluding vran'anty work. If this bond is provided to Performance Bond -Page 1 of 2 •' • . '! comply with bond st2kt~tes irw the Iooakion where the t;onstn.+ctior~ Work is being performed, and khe bond statutes conkain a statute of limitations far suits on the performance bond, then the aimi#akion period sek forth herein shall be read ouk of #}~i5 band and the statute of finlitation sat forth In the bond statuL~s shall be read intro khis band. If the I€mi#atian set forth €n this bond is void or prohibited bar law, tltie minirrrum period of limitation available to sureties as a defenso ire the jurisdiction of the suit shall be applicable, and said period of limitation sha11 be deemed ko have accrued and shall commence to run no taker than the earlier of (~+} ta-re date cf substantial completlon of the troo~stn~ctlon 1Nork, or (z) the date Principal ceased performing Construction Work, excluding +r~rranty or9c_ B. No suit or action shali tae commenced hereunder other than in a cour# of competent jurisdiction in khe county or other polldcal-subdivision of the state in which khe project, or and park thereof, is situated, or in the United states District tlourt for the dlstric# in which the project, ar any part khereaf, is situated, and not elsewhere, 7, TI"k15 bond shall riot afford aaverage for any I€ability Of Principal for tortious acts, whekher or not said liability is direct or is imposed by tl~e tlontract, and shcN not serve as or be a subskitute for or supplemental to any liabi€ity or other insurance require# by the Dontract. No right of action shall accrue on this bond to or far the use cf any person pr entity other than the narne~ obligee: ' B. This bond is provided tv cvrrlpl}r with applicable statutory or other legal requirement for performing construction contracts for public owners in khe location where tfte Construction ork.is being performed. Except ~s Qrovided in PamgmPh' 5 above, ali provisions in the bend which are in addition to or difTer from a#plicable statutory or legal requirements sha11 be reed out of this bond, and all pertinent statutes and other legal requirements shall he read into the l~and_ signed this ~~ dad of Jan ~0~8 Poe Asphalt laving, Ir~c. {Prinapal} By: ,~ Travekers Cesualt}~ nd Surety Company of America aella ,!. Allen , A#€omey~n-Fact C5-10i5-U905 Performance fond - page ~ of 2 WARNING: THIS POWER OF ATTORkEY IS INVAUD WITHOUT THE IiED BORDER ,' ~ •., ~ , • POWER Ole ATTOIL~IEY ally Company St. Pnnl Guardian Insuranoc Company FYdeli runty Insurance Company St. Panl avlercury Insurance Company Fidelity sad Guaranty Insurance Undertvritets, Lrc. ~ Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Seaboard Surety Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America St. Paul Firc and ]14arine Insurance Company United States Midelity and Guaranty Company Attorney_In Fact lvn. 214684 eertiBcate ~~. 0 014 9 514 7 KID O~V ALL 11~° I3Y THESE PRESENTS: That Seaboard Surety Company is a corporation duly organized under ttte laws of dte State of New Yost, that St. Paul Fire and D7arine Insurance Company, St Paut Guardian Insurance Company and Se. Paul b4eecary Insurance Company art t:orporntions duty orgztttized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, that Farmington Casualty Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, and Trtveters Casualty and Surety Company of Ameficn ere corporations duty organized under the laws of the State of Connectcut, that LJaited States Fidelity and Guaranty Campaay is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Maryland, that Ftdclity and Gvarattry Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of tha State of Iowa, and that E'adelity and Guaranty Insurance Uaiderwritets, Inc:. is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of ~Yrsconsin (herein collectively culled the "'Companies', and that the Companies do hereby make, constitute end appoint Chsryl Ashby, Della J. Allen, James M. Hewitt, Karol J. McBride, Lisa Smith, Phil Stonebraker, Vonda Hall, and Robert E. Keller of the City of C1St'kSton ,State of Wgsbington ,their true and lawful Aaorney(s)-in-Pact, each in their separate capacity if mote titan one is named above, to sign, execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, recogt»zances, conditional undertalaags and othrs writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their,l7trsjitess o~uaraateeing the 5delity of persons, guaranteeing the performarwc of contracts end executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertaltings nxlttired or t~rn any~.~ons o~~oocdings allowed by law. ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ gt>1 IN ~VITI~~S_ `Y~REOF, the Comn.,tslir,~ have caused this instd~~ts S~ecJ~tutdi~rorate seals to be hereto affixed, this day of n'1~ ,~lUU ,¢ D ~:`r t~ . 1~ ~~ t~ _ 1 Farmington Casualty Cpn1'~~it~~ ~~ -p~~~ SL Paul Guardian Insurance Company Fldellty and Guarantyhr~~~mpsn~,~~~`~' SL Pnui Mercury Ltsarance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Ltstt4~ nderw~il'crs, Inc. 'T`ravelers Cosunlty and Surr3y Company Seaboard Surety Company Tlravelers Casualty and $urv3y Company of Amcrlca St. Paul Fire rend lYlarine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company Gnau,°t Y,."' °p53iElY ~ -a 6 o~'~dGJ J¢/~ 1k9G•1 or`°r,w°e ppWA ~Y't-b Cr '` ~~ ~ r~ * ~ .. r•. ~ hR99T ~ c4/ 9094f~ni~ q ~jO ~ ® ~ (ley t~•e "6 0 9 1977 ettuta°cu~ 1927 ~~ ?~p - _~"°-- ~; wKnan, rata 5 rasa ~~~•F ~~?' 1951 ~v. ~ ~. 4° ~`SEALa+o" '~~SBALa~•p 7,C OOSU. Fo e ri ~.7 State of Connecticut City of Hartford ss. liy: (3eoes Thompwa, enior rce President ' On this the ~ day of March 2007 before me personalty appearod George W. Thompson, who acknowledged himself to be the Senior vcc President of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and G~rtranry Insurance Underwriters, Inc., Seaboard 5urery Company, Sc. Pout h'irc and Marine Insurance Company, St. Pau] Guardian Insurance Company, St Paul Mert:ury Instuance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty end Surety Company of America, tend United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, and that he, as such, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by sigttigg on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. G,TET In ~Yttness ~'Vhereof, I hereunto sat my hand and official seal.. ~ ~ fl~ My Commission expires the 30th day of June, 2011. ~ AlIBL~oS* ti't''' Marie G Tdtsavlt, Nouuy Public 5$440-t3-06 Printed in U.S.A. WARNIkG: THIS P04YEA OF ATTORkEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED t30RDER .~ - '• " ~ - Contact Information for Poe Asphalt Paving, inc. - grad Griffith -Vice President (20$) ~1-3Q92. cell- phone mike Johnson -Superintendent . {208}~60t~8$7 cell- phone Jody Todhunter ---Contract Administrator ~iuman Resources (208) 777-0498 office • • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: February 26, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ^ consent ^ old business ^X new business ^ public hearing - ^ information . ^ admin. report ^ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Street and Stormwater Maintenance Contract Renewal GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Street and Stormwater Maintenance Contract Approval on April 24, 2007 BACKGROUND: The City conducted a RFP process in March 2007. In April 2007 the Council awarded the contract to Poe Asphalt Paving by the following motion: 4. A~otiou Consideration: Coutiact Aonroval for Street and Stonnwater maiuten~wce and Reaau~ -1~ei1 Kersten. It x~as moti~ed Utz CoJmc.7lnrerrJGer Agurrson aJrd secoJJded to mrrn•d the contract to Poe .9splralt Pm~irJg 717 aTl aJ7JOrrr1! n01 t0G'YCeGd 51,175,119, and arrtlror7ze the C'7h~ Manager or des7gnee to s7grr the contract and f Nrue semen .year reJre~rable Opt7a71S f!S pl'ot%lded Ill IIJL' RFP C~OC.tlIYJ2P?tS. 1~11b11C ~Vorls Director Kersten explained that there have been no changes siuee this was last discussed before Council. Deputy Mayor Ta}~lor invited public contuteuts; no comments were offered. f~ote vt, AcclanJar7on: In ftr-~or: UlJal11n1otrS. Opposed: Noce. At~stelttions.• Not1e. 11Iot7orr carr7ed. The contract was for one year with seven one-year renewal options which may be exercised by the City. Poe Asphalt Paving provided an excellent level of service during 2007. Poe Asphalt has requested increases to their unit bid prices as outlined in the Unit price comparison spreadsheet. Base on the quantities used in 2007 the increase in contract unit price cost is 2.75%. The 2008 contract would remain at $1,175,119 in an effort to preserve the remaining Street Fund balance. The unit price increase will be absorbed with the current limit of the contract. In 2007 we added a change order to Poe's contract in the amount of $175,000 to provide for small street preservation overlay projects. Poe's average cost per square yard was $ 8.90/SY. The lowest cost we have received on previous bid projects was $10.22/sy (see attached spreadsheet}. Based on this experience, I am recommending that we add $500,000 for street preservation work to Poe°s contract in 2008. These funds would come from the Street Capital Projects Fund - 303, Preservation Projects. As a result of the emergency nature of the winter weather, the City implemented a $200,000 contract with Poe Asphalt for winter street maintenance. I recommend that we approve the unit price increases and approve the balance of the contract to Poe Asphalt paving for a total of $1,475,119. OPTIONS: Renew the contract or not renew the contract. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve the contract to Poe Asphalt Paving in the amount of $1,475,119 and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The contract will be funded by the current 2008 approved budget. • • STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS: 2008 contact renewal letter, 2007!2008 Unit Price Comparison Spreadsheet, Overlay Cost Comparison Spreadsheet and 2007 Contract. ~... ' . nRAFT • MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council .Regular Meeting "1'uesda}', February 26, 2008 Mayor Munson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the 133rd meeting. Atteirdance: City Staff Rich Munson, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy iVlayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Rose Dempsey; Councilmember Mike Connelly, City Attorney Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Ken 'I°hompson, Finance lairector Gary Schirnrnels, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Community Development Dir. Diana Wilhite, Councilrncmber Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Greg i3ingaman, I'f Specialist Absent: Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Steve Taylor, Councilmember TNVOCATiON: In the absence of a pastor, Councilmernbcr Gothmann gave the invocation. 1'LEDGF OF ALLEGTA~TCE: The audience recited the Pledge of Allegiance. BULL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present eYCept Councilmember 'Taylor. It was moved by I~ept~ty 1LI~ryor Denenny, seconded and urranirnotc~ly agreed to excuse Councilmember Taylor. from tonight's meetir'rg. A~PI'F:ZOVAi.. OF AGENDA: Il was moved by Courrcilnrenrber G~ilhmamt, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the emended Agenda as .suhmttted. - INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND 1'RESEiYTAT1U1~'S: Mayor Munson read the Support of Armed Forces & Aerospace A~useunr proclamation. COi1TM1TTEE, BUAKll, L1A1SOi\T SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Wilhite: reported that she heard a report on the Detention Services Master Program given by County representatives concerning alternatives to detention; she attended our City's finance committee meeting; was present as Mountain Gear was awarded a gold level centitication for remodeling their building, that $enat~~r Cantwell was in attendance and Ms. Wilhite and Deputy Mayor Denenny welcomed the senator to Spokane Valley. Councilmember Gothmann: mentioned that t:he Pratt School is now open for business and they have silmecl a contract to do many things similar as what the. Weed and Sced committee previously did; t-hat he attended a conference in Tacoma sponsored by the Association of 1Wa.Shington Cities (A1'VC) on engaging citizens in government performance and he spoke about perforn~ance goals and of the need to do that in all city departments, and he shared a "Final Ranking of the Indicators" from the City c)f Bellevue. Councilmember Dempsey: mentioned she attended a Boy Scouts luncheon and the R.cgional Council of Governance. Deputy Mayor .Denenny: stated he also attended [he iViount~3in Gear presentation as well as the Boy Scouts luncheon. Councilmember Schimmels: reported that he has a discussion with Nancy Hill concerning animal control; and that he is pleased to hear that the City of Spokane is moving forward concerning animal control. Council Regular Meeting: 02-26-08 Page 1 of4 Approved by Council: ' '~ •' 'DRr1.1+'T • • M.AYQR'S REPORT: Mayor Munson reported that he attended the Boy Scout breakfast; in his capacity as AWC President he met with the Governor to discuss moving forward with a task force to identify overlapping areas of responsibilities of counties, cities and the state; that he met with the leadership of the Association of Washington Counties; rnct with our City's finance committee, attended the Council of Governance meeting where they discussed Liberty Lake's considering using SCRAPS for their animal control coverage, discussed transportation benefit districts where he passed along our Council's concern about moving forward in parallel with acounty-wide effort and about the upcoming possible 1% increase to address interoperability for emergency communications, and said that the Board of County Commissioners will likely prioritise items covered by this ballot issue with emergency communications radio as the top priority YUI3Ll.C COMa1TENTS: Mayor Munson im~ited public cornrnents. Phyllis Betts. 1 li22 I/ 23`x: spoke of her concern with the continuing graffiti problem, that she is not sure if this is gang related or vandalism, the areas particularly hit hard are those between 16's and 32"d, and Pines and L7ishman-Mica; and that she did not see any Spokane Valley ordinance covering this issue, but would like to see this issue addressed. Grant Rice, 16620 r Valle}~waY: mentioned our code 19.40.150 concerning animal raising and keeping, and said he found this to be very confusing; that he lives on a 30,000 square foot lot with a large barn and he wanted to review animal regulations to find out what he can have and hocv many; that he contacted Community Tevelopment 17ireclor McClung who asked Chris Berg to respond to Mr. Rice's questions, and Mr. Berg sungested he bring this to Council and perhaps get an advisory committee to e.~amine this, and that he would be willing to be part of such committee as he feels the regulations should be easy to understand. Jim Hutienmaier, and Jeff Severs of Greater Spokane, Inc: said in response to the Mayor's letter regarding what companies they have helped to expand or retain, Mr. Huttenmaier distributed a list of those companies they worked with over the last few years. Mayor Munson said he also would Like Greater Spokane's letter to ask what prompts people to move here and Mr. Huttenmaier said they would get their contacts to ask these questions. 1. CONSCNT A(~ENl)A: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilrnernber may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Approval of Claim Vouchers: list dated 02-06-2008; total amount $120,006.43 b. Approval of Payroll for. Pay Period finding February l 5, 2008: $210,781.21 c. Approval of Minutes of February 12, 2008 Regular Council Meeting d. Approval of Minutes of Resolueion 08-001 for Special Anniversary Logo Use /t -vczs proved C'ouncilnrenrber Wi!{rite, .seconded acrd r~rlarrimoresly ag~°eed tv approve the t:'onsent Agenda as presented \'EW BUSINESS: 2. First R.eadina Proposed Ordinance 08-002 Amendin>; lJfaC for Dop Kennels - Kathv McClung Aber City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor .I~enerrny and .seconded to advrnrce nrdinarece llb'-(I(12 to a second reading. Community Development 17irector McClung explained that this proposal is to amend the UDC to alloy+~ doggie daycares and indoor kennels in the neighborhood commercial, regional corT~rnercial and corridor mired use zones; and that the applicants are in the audience tonight if council ahs questions. In response to a question about potential Council Regular Meeting: 02-26-08 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: ' ~ • • 'DRr11N 1 • • noise, Director McClung explained that a condition of approval is to require soundproofing. Mayor Munson asked if there are other establishments or businesses which have 24-hour coverabe when animals arc kept overnight; and Director McGung said she would have to research that; and Deputy Mayor Dencnny added that if there are complaints, that would be treated as a code enforcement issue. rVlayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by acclamation: In FavCir: Ununirnous. Opposed• None. Abstentions: Nwre. Motivn carried. 3. Proposed Resolution U8-002 Human Resources Manager- Mikc Jackson !t tivas moved b_y Cvtnrcilntemhc~r Gothrraann to approve resolulior7 08-002 designating the Ntrman Resv:rrces Manager classification at pay grade 18. Deputy City Manager Jackson explained that staff had previously suggested this position be a grade 16, but after two failed recruitment processes, it was evident that the position was classified ton low, ~md the new classification of 18 would be more in line with salary ranges staff researched. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vvte by acclamation: br Favor: lhrrntimorrs. t?ppased~ Nurse. Abslerttions: None. Motion carried AUNIINIST1tAT1VE REPORTS: 5. Governor Acknowledeernent of Spokane Vallev Anniversttrv - Carolbcllc i3ranch Deputy city Manager Jackson, speaking for Carolbelle Branch explained the options of the type of Governor acknowlcdgernent of our fifth-year anniversary. Afl:cr brief discussion, there was Couneil consensus for staff to move forward to secure the letter of greeting from the Governor that is to be read by one of the Governor's representatives at the celebration event. fi. Ad I-Ioc Committee Charters -Mayor Munson/Deputy Mavor Denenny Mayer Munson explained that regarding panhandling, a goal is to identify other programs throughout the county that are- addressing this issue, and to find out what other cities are doing, then begin the process of cooperation in applying programs; and ultimately have the committee recommend what kind of community information pro~'arn to institute to help people understand the choie~es in helping panhandlers; and to recommend to council any other actions needed to address this. Mayor Munson suggested opening the committee Formulation process to application, then write a task for the committee members based on those points just mentioned; and he mentioned that Spokane City Mayor Verner and f~iberty I,.ake Mayor are amicable to this process; and that we should have at least two eouncilrnembers to give guidance on what we can and cannot do. Councilmembcrs Gothrnann and Dempsey volunteered for this ad hoc committee. Councilmember ~i/ilhite mentioned she would like to see a report from Spokane and Liberty Lake on how they are handling this issue and what they are doing, for us to see what has been accomplished then decide what the charter would be for our committee as committee members must be aware of First Amendment rights. Mayor Munson staid he would also like the faith community invoh~ed in program development, and that perhaps another source of information would be the Gospel Mission; adding that we do not want to duplicate efforts, but the first step would be to gad~er information on what is already available in the community. Mayor Munson asked staff to advertise for these committee Couneil Regular Meeting: 02-26-08 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Couneil: 1'UBL1C COM1'f~,~'TS Mayor Munson invited general public comments; no comments were offerccl. .,. 'll12t~1+"I' members, and of the seven total cormittee members, we have hero councilmembers and Planning Commission Chair Ian Kobertson has volunteered, leaving a need for four more committee members. Parks Committee: Deputy Mayor T)enenny explained that the idea is to begin with an ad hoc cornrnittee and if needed later, the committee could be transformed into a standing committee; that some of the tasks of this committee could be what to do with the park property after the old senior center has been demolished; general park usage and schedules, park amenities, fees, and what is needed for future programs and facilities; and to ask Mr. Jackson to begin to form an outline or action plan so the committee can get started when have a new parks director; leaving time for that new individual to acclimate to the new position. Deputy Mayor Denenny proposed instructing staff to begin to develop an outline to be brought back later for council approval, regarding the vision and perceived actions of the ad hoc park committee; adding that seven members should be adequate and there is no apparent need for any councilmembers to participate. ivlr. Jackson said staff will formulate the outline for the committees and bring back to council to formalize via council motion. 7. Legislative Issues -17ave tVlercier City Manger Mereier spoke of the latest report from our lobbyist in Olympia includes mention of the success of the earlier effort in getting the house's delegation of 5300,000 for the development of the Greenacres Park, and that work continues on the senate side so that we might be able to enhance that amounC Co the original $500,000 request; but if this is not successful, it can be pursued again at the beginning of the next legislative session. Deputy Mayor Iacnenny mentioned that this is another example of the importance of having a lobbyist as there were approximately 4,000 bills submitted for consideration this session. lli\TJF ORMATIO\7 Q~TT..Y: `I`he Universal Park Consultant Selection, and the various department reports were for information only and were not reported or discussed. EXECUI"l:~'} SFSSTO~T: Pending Litigation Il -vas mooed by Deputy Mayor Uezze.~nry arul seconded to move into executive session for approximately t/zirty nrirrutes to discarss pending lili€rution, that no actinrr wil! he token upon retur~i to the meeting. Council adjourned into csecutive session at 7:08 p.m. Mayor Munson declared Council out of executive session at 7:35 p.tn. It tivas thezz moved by 17epu1)~ ~t~luyor Denenny, seconded, and unrnrimozesly agreed to czdjor~rr~. The meeting adjourned at 7:3fi p.m. ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk. Itichirrd Munson, Mayor Council Regular Meeting: 02-26-08 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: