08-034.00 ICMA: Law Enforcement Operations Assessment• • Chris Bainbridge Page 1 of 2 From: Dave Mercier Sent: ~ Monday, March 31, 2008 11:39 AM To: Ken Thompson; Chris Bainbridge Cc: Mike Jackson Subject: FW: On site visit Ken and Chris: Please be advised th~it the email be14w canstil Manager's Association. The amount of t e ag enforcement operations and data sources. A Statement of Qualifications for ICMA Consulting Services is on the ~vay, Dave From: Dave Mercier Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 11:24 AM To: 'Leonard Matarese' Cc: Mike Jackson; Rick Van Leuven; Morgan Koudelka; Sue Passmore Subject: RE: On site visit Leonard eonsulf~i7t-services- rom the International City/County expe ses fo an on ~ite assessment of law Thank you for the response and information. Please consider this email as acceptance of a Letter of Engagement to conduct the site visit. As previously discussed, I will be in transit on April 28 and will arrive in Spokane Valley about 10:OOAM on the 29~h. Meanwhile, I will leave you in good hands with Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager, Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief and Morgan Koudelka, Senior Management Analyst. I anticipate that you will start your day at City Hall and be introduced to Mike, Morgan and Rick. Then accompany Chief VanLeuven, who is fully briefed on your impending visit., to the precinct house to discuss operational issues and to meet directly with Doug Silver, statistician for the Spokane Sheriff Department.. I will catch up with you later in the morning and would be happy to meet for lunch with you and our staff members. Safe travels. Dave PS Sue: Please arrange use of the back room at Percy's for lunch at 11:30AM, April 29f~'. I anticipate five or six folks for lunch. From: Leonard Matarese [mailto:lmatarese@ICMA.org] Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 10:18 AM To: Dave Mercier Subject: On site visit Importance: High 3/31/2008 C08-34 Paget of 2 • • This is to confirm that I will be visiting with you on April 29th for the purpose of conducting an on-site visit in preparation for developing a scope of services to conduct an assessment of police services for the City of Spokane Valley. The primary goal during this visit will be to determine the state of data collection in the Sheriff's Office with the understanding that the current data collection capabilities will affect the accuracy (and cost) of the assessment process. We will be particularly concerned with identify the procedures currently utilized to collect call for service workload (including especially multiple unit responses) and well as the techniques used to record officer initiated activities as well as directed patrol and selective enforcement activities. Additionally we will spend time with the current senior law enforcement manager to identify any other conditions which may impact the study. We will also discuss the various options that ICMA has to conduct citizen surveys, focus groups and other approaches including the use of Options Finder and audience participation technology. Together we will collaborate on developing a specific scope of services for the project. I will arrive in your area on the evening of the 28th and spend whatever time is necessary on the 29th. I will leave early AM on the 30th. The fee for this visit will be $1,000 plus travel expenses. ICMA conforms with Federal Government Travel Guidelines. Please let me know if this meets your needs and if there is any other information I can provide you. The ICMA team believes that this is a very important project and we are prepared to commit the organization's sizeable resources to helping you, including the work of other units within ICMA such as CPM. Leonard A. Matarese ICMA-CM, IPMA-CP, SPHR Director, PubUc Safety Services ICMA Consulting Services (716)969-1360 m (866) 350-1050 f Ir~atares.~Q_iCma.org ~~ Lea~'ers at the Core of Better Com~unitr'es icma.or4 x/31 /2008