08-036.00 CH2M Hill: Barker Rd Bridge Replacement,~ Washing State Department of Transportation SU lemental A reement pp g Organization and Address c1-i2lvl HII..1.., inc. Number 4 9 South ~Vashinatc)n, Suite 400 ' Spokane, OVA 99201-3709 Original Agreement Number LA-5724 (Local Agency Proj. # 04-003) Phone: 509.747.2000 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date Fed Aid Numaer BRNI 4123(004) 7/12/2005 6/30P200$ Project Title ~ New Maximum Amount Payable Barker Road Bridge Replacement. $ ~ 920,564.00 Description of Work Professional ari.istic design services for Bttrker Road Bridge Replacement project • The local Agency of City of Spokane Valley, Washington desires to supplement the agreement entered into with CH2M HILL, inc. and executed on 7/1?/2005 and identified as Agreement No. LA-5724 Proj. 04-003 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: The scone of ~=pork ie emended to include the e rviecs deccrihed in the Scone ~f Services for Aesthetics nesi t~ ~~ Rvviiinnc ntrarhed h reto I I ' Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: The comnl rir,n Mate is rhanP~rl m Hine. ~0. 2008_ III Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: Thy tnt~l anthnriia~rt :~mruint fir ~ tQnl moment Agreement Nn 4 is 9;~4 4F'~.f10 as descrihed in the 1=stimated Fee_ att~hr=ci h'rr'tn as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. By: Sze Sun-nlemental Sibn•rti_~ rz P:~~e t3y: See St-~n~l .me~ nt_ -~bnature Page Consultant Signature l)OT Farm 140-063 EF Revised 9l2~005 Approving Authority Signature Date C~~~- 3~ • ~' Supplemental Signature Con su ItanUAddress/Telephone CH2VI I-ITLL, Inc. Page for 9 South Washington Suite 400 Standard Consultant , Spokane, WA 99201-3709 Agreement (509) 747-2000 Agreement Number Project Title And Worts Description LA-5724 (Local Agency Proj. #04-003) Barker Road Bridge, Replacement Project Federal Aid Number Supplemental Agreement No. 4 BI2IN 4123(004) Local Agency City of Spokane Valley THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of °~ ~ `~,, 2008 , between the Local Agency of City of Spokatle Valley ,Washington, hereinafter called the "AGENCY" ,and the above organization hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT". In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year first above written. CONSULTANT By .~ Consultant CH2N1 I-ID.L, Inc ay Consultant LOCAL AGENCY / 1 Agency City of Spokane Valley By Agency WS1aOT Local Programs ey Agency ay Agency DOT Form 140089 EF Appendix 31.910 Revised 6r05 City of Spokane Valley Barker Road Bridge Replacement Project Professional Engineering Final Design Phase Services City of Spokane Valley Barker Road Bridge -Professional Artistic Design Services 8 ~ Labor Hour Summary CH2M HILL t 5 t0 11 t2 t3 14 J Total Task Task Description Project Senior Strtrct. Staff Structural Design/CAD Staft Engineer Project Admin. Assist. Manager - Engr -Paul Engineer Tech. Katherine Accountant - Karen Early Jim Dingfiefd Guenther Rowden Linda Stewart CH_2M HILL , TC27ITC35 EPOt PA03 AA02 PM03 PM03 EPOt Total Raw Rates __ _ $52.07 $63.75 (--$27.90 $31.06 $26.75 S24.96 $16.64 Total Total Total Total Total Total Total hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs Total hrs i 9.0 Task 9A Professional Artistic Des! n Services _ _ _ __ 9.1 ~Svbcontracting 2 8 10 9.2 Supplemental Agreement with City 6 2 t 0' 9.3 ~Desi n Coordination 4 4 16 24~^. 9.4 ~S eclat Provisions 4 2 8 4 18 9.5 Cast Estimatin 4 2 6 9.6 Client/Sut~contractor Meelings and Coordlna0on 12 12 -~ Task 9.0 Total ~ 26 6 4 20 10 10 4 80 TQTALS 26 s, , ~.~ ?a' ,; _ to,• ~o,~ Ys: . _~:. 4~_ .~o • City of Spokane Valley 'I~,~ ,. ~ ~ ~ ...:•'r= ~ , ~;(< ~~ I , I I,~t i f •+. , ~f,~tl~ jlri "~a ~~1~3a~° ,~ .. CH2M HILL Employee or Category Hrs. x Rate ~ Cost 1 Project Manager -Jim Dingfield 26 $ 52.07 $1,353.82 5 Senior Struct. Engr -Paul Guenther 6 $ 63.75 5382.50 10 Staff Structural Engineer 4 $ 27.90 $111.60 11 Design/CAD Tech.• 20 $ 31.06 $621.20 12 Staff Engineer Katherine Rowden 10 $ 26.75 $267.50 13 Project Accountant -Linda Stewart 10 $ 24.96 $249.60 14 Admin. Assist. -Karen Early 4 $ 16.64 $66.56 Total Hrs. 80 $3,052.78 Direct Salary Cost $3,052.78 Direct Salary Escalation Cost (estimated) 2006 to 2007 0% $0.00 Total Direct Salary Cost $3,052.78 Overhead Cost @ 159.2i9~a of Direct Labor S4,860.33 Fixed Fee @ 12.0° of Direct Labor + Cwerhead $949.57 Total Overhead & Fixed Fee Cost S5,809.90 Total Direct Salary Cost $8,862.68 Direct Expenses Reproduction Cast No. Eacfi Cost Reports 0 $0.04 $0.00 Misc. copies 0 $0.04 $0.00 Reprographics 0 $10 $0.00 Mail/Oeliveries/etc. 0 515 $0.00 Mileage 0 Mi. @ $0.445 /Mile $0.00 Auto RentalJGasoline 0 days @ S85 lday $0.00 Lodging 0 days @ 575 /day $0.00 Aerial Photographs 0 S20 $0.00 _ Travel Total (airfare, train, etc) 0 $350 $0.00 Equipment Rentals, EDM, GPS 0 $425 $0.00 PerDiem 0 days @ $150 /day $0.00 Communication 80 $0.00 $0.00 Computers 80 $0.00 $OAO Health & Safety 0 $0.00 50.00 Misc Expenses 0 $1.00 50.00 $0.00 Subcontracts Benthin and Associates 0 $0 50.00 Grilling Subcontractor Cascade 0 $0 50.00 Strata J Budinger (Lab) 0 $0 $0.00 Narthstar (traffic control) 0 $0 $0.00 Prol_and: LLC 0 $0 $0.00 Perron Collaborative 0 $0 $0.00 Sami Perry Arts Studio 1 $15,000 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Markup on Subcontracts 4.0% $600.00 Total Subcontracts $15,640 Subtotal Direct Expenses $15,600.00 Total $24,462.68 • • EXHIBIT B2 Barker Road Bridge Replacement Project Supplemental Agreement No.4 Professional Artistic Design Services City of Spokane~Valley, Washington FHWA Project No. BRM4123(004) . The City of Spokane Valley ("City") desires to supplement the agreement entered into with CH2MHILL and executed on July 12, 2005, (Barker Road 1.3ridge Replacement Project, Project # LA5724) to incorporate the additional work as described herein. Assumptions This Supplcrnental Agreement No. 4 is based on the following assumptions: Professional artistic design services to be performed under this supplemental agreement will be provided in part by Sarni Perry Arts Studio, through a subcontract agreement with Cl-l2M_l-[[LL. 2. The City will be responsible for producing AutoCAD drawing f les from the artistic designs created by Sand Perry. The artistic designs prepared under this agreement will be incorporated into the construction drawings for the >~arker Road Bridge Replacement project. The City's bridge construction contractor will be responsible for fabricating custom formwork from the artistic design drawings to produce imprinted artistic images on structural elements of the project. The maximum imprint depth will be 1 %z inches. 4. The City has a defined budget for design and construction of the Barker Road Bridge Replacement project artistic elements. The bridge construction contract will beset up to allow the City to award the artistic work based on a predetermined order of priority to fit the work to the City's budget constraints. Scope of Work Cl-12NI1•LILL will perform the following services: 1. Develop a subcontract agreement bettiveen CI•I2MHILL and Sami Perry Arts Studio for professional artistic design services. Supplemental Agreement 4 - Fxhibir B2 February 7, 20D3 • 2. Develop, through the designated subcontractor, artistic design details for: 1) up to sixteen (16) 2 foot by 4 foot panels for systematic placement on the inside face of the bridge and retaining wall concrete trat~c barriers, 2) the vertical faces of the pier caps at Piers 2 and 3, and 3) the Pier 1 fascia wall and retaining walls A, B, and C. The artistic design detail s will be submitted to the City for adaptation into AutoCAD by the City. 3. Develop the Special Provisions for the artistic design elements. 4. Develop the Proposal to allow for the artistic elements to be awarded in a prioritised manner. 5. Update the pre-bid constntction cost estimate to reflect the artistic design elements. 6. Participate in up to tour (4) artistic design coordination meetings with the City and Sami Perry. .~~*~* Supplemental Agreement 4 -Exhibit 1~2 February 7, 2UO$