08-039.00 Lanzce Douglass, Ponderosa Neighborhood Assoc.' ~ • • STANDSTILL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEML-T1T is entered into by, between, and among LAAI7CIr G. DOUGLASS, I7~iC., LAN7CF G. DOUGLASS INV$STNE?~~1-S, LLC, and LAiVZCE G. DOUGLASS ("Douglass"}, and PONDEROSA I~,IGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION ("PI~IA'~, and the CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ("City"), who shall collectively be called the "parties," and is effective as to each party as of the date signed by such party as set forth below. ~rJHEREAE, the parties are parties to an action pending in the Superior Court of Washington for Spokane County, cause ~tumbes 07-2-05749-2, styled trance G,_Dou lag_ss, Inc., et al., v. City of Spokane Valley et al. ("the Superior Court action"), in which Douglass has sued the City and PNA under various causes of action; and WHEREAS, the Superior Court action arises out of various decisions made by Hearing Examiner Michael Dempsey regazding development permit processing and application of°the State Environmental t?olicy Act, Ch. 43.21C RCW; and WHEREAS, the Hearing Examiner has issued a deeision dated November 30, ?007, and related to f le ntunbers SUD-07-04/PUD-04-04/APP-04-07 (the "Hearing Examiner's decision"}, which decision sets forth the following as its concluding order: $ased on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law stated above, the :appeal of the Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) is hereby granted, the MDI~TS is reversed, and the City Planning Division is hereby ` directed and ordered to issue a Determination of Significance (DS) for the preliminary plat/PLlD application under the City Environmental Ordinance. This decision is not subject to appeal. ;and WHEREAS, each of the parties hereto acknowledges that the Hearing Examiner's above-quoted order daes not impose an implementation deadline for compliance on the City; and tWI-IEI~.EAS, Douglass believes that the I•Iearing )examiner does not have the legal authority to issue such an order, and that said authority is in pant the subject of the Superior Court Action; and Standstill Agreement - 1 c08-39 • WF~REAS, each of the parties hereto believes that it is in their respective interests to enter into this agreement in order to allow for the timely and cffcient resolution of the Superior Court action without simultaneously being required to respond to a withdrawal of the SEPA MDNS a.ud issuance of a SEPA 3~S by the City pursuant to the terms of the Hearing Exaariiner's decision; and ~,V1iEREAS, each of the parties hereto acknowledges that full, valid, and binding consideration exists for the execution of this standstill agreement and that such consideration consists of the mutual promises contained herein, and the performance by each of the parties of their respective mutual and indepeadent covenants and representations as set forth herein; i+101~', 'fHERE]?OR.E, intending to be legally bound, and for, and in consideration of, th.e terms, conditions and mutual obligations set forth herein, including the perforrnanee by each of the parties of their respective mutual and independent covenants and representations as set forth herein, and understanding the meaning and legal effect of entering into this standstill agreement, the parties hereto stipulate, agree, wan-ant, and represent as follows: 1. Each party hereto does hereby covenant and agree with each of the other parties hereto'that cash such party wilt no~v and forever hereafter refrain from pursuing or instituting any litigation, administrative action or other proceeding, whether far injunctive or other equitable relief or damages of any kind, uicluding direct and consequential Fosses, relating in any way to the City's deferral of withdrawing the SEPA'ivfDAlS and issuing a SEPA DS, as set forth in the Hearing Examiner's decision, prior to the complete and final termination of the Superior Court action and all appeals thereof 2. Wifhout limiting Effie generality of the foregoing, the parti_cs agree that this agreement is not intended to substantively or adversely affect the rights of any of the parties hereto as they exist on or before the execution of this agreement. Rather, this agrccrrlent is intended to maintain the status quo of the parties, and to maintain whatever rights the parties may have as to the matters addressed herein as of and before the cxccutian of this agreement so as to allow the Superior Court action to be fully and completely litigated to a concEusion without liability for damages, loss, or Standstill Agreement - 2 • • any other legal jeopardy thereby accruing to the City for taking no action pursuant to the Hearing Examiner's decision prior to the complete and final terminaton of the Superior Court action and ail appeals thereof. 3. The parties further acknowledge and agree that notwithstanding any language herein which might otherwise be construed to the contrary, if it comes to their attention that this agreement, as implemented, does not, as fo any particular matter, provide maintenance of the status quo of the parties andlor their rights as to the matters addressed herein as of and before the execution hereof, they will use their best efforts to correct that situation by taking such action or refraining tv take such action as will reasonably provide for such maintenance of the status quo or protection of rights and thereby continue to presence and maintain the absence of liability for damages, loss, or any other Iegal jeopardy thereby accruing to the City for taking no action pursuant to the Hearing Examiner's decision prioe to the complete and final termination of the Superior Court action and all appeals thereof. 4. Each party further acknowledges, agrees, and represents to each of the other parties thaf such party has the power and authority to enter into this agreement and to tie actions, or refrain or forebear from taking actions, as described herein so as to implement the provisions and intent of this agreement, 5. This agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of v~~hich shall be deemed original for al! purposes. Facsimile copies of signatiues shall be effective upon tvansmission, and the receipt of a facsimile copy containing a signature shall he effective and treated as an executed original. IN~ WITNESS WH.PREOF, the undersigned have executed this agreement on the respective dates set forth below and effective as to each of the respective dates written below. Standstill Agreement - 3 • LAI~iZGE G. DOUGLASS, INC. By: Its;~~v r Dated.: 3 , ~'U ' D LANZC>; G. DOUGLASS INVESTMENTS, LLC ItS: f~-~'-t-a.r~--'~ Dated: 3. - Lu -- a ~' • k~ ~ _ LAI~tZCE G. DOUGLASS , h~ h~'` L'"' L ~ J ~"; ~ / A~6~~ Dated: .~ ~l U ~G~' CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Its:-r~ i ~V~l~.t~if.~.~_ ~'S ~i ~ -~ Dated: - / ~ - a PONDEROSA ?~rETGFIBORH00D ASSOCIATIOT! By: Its: Dated: Standstill Agreement - 4 R1ttiR-(~-108 ~5:11~b1 ~rt~M- [v~-eci-unit t-ow r.uus,uuJ r-t~~ . .- • • ~.AI`~ZCE G. DOUGLASS, INC. BY~_.. Its: Dated: LANZCE Cr. DOUGL,aSS INVESTMEAITS, LLC By: Iu. Dated: _ LANZCE G. DOUGLASS Dated: CITY OI:' SPOKANE VALLE'Y' By: Its: Dated: ~ONUEROSa I~7EIGH33ORHOOD ASSOCIATION By: M~~ ~ Its: A r~tn ,~.~., Dated: Stardst;ll Agreement - ~ MRR 1 P, ?_G.1~B i 6 ~ ~i5 206 621 0512 PAGE. 0~ • s QFFICE OF TIDE ~ AT'I'O1Y MICHAEL CONNELLY, CTTY ATTORNEY CARP 1'. DRISKELL, TaEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall@spokancvallcy.org May 20, 200$ David S. dvlann Gendler & Mann. LLP 1 X24 Fourth Avenue, Suite 1015 Seattle, WA 98101 RE: Larrc~e G. Douglass, Inc. v. City Of Spokmze Palley; Case ~Vo. 07-2-O.i799-2 17car Mr. Mann: Attached is a copy of t?ie Standstill A~ Bement pertaining to the case referenced above for yow records. If you need additional i.n:fonnation, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, /,, Patricia McConville Admiuustrative Assistant atch: Standstill A.a Bement cc: Lancze Douglass, c/o Crof_f Murphy; PLLC, 300 East Pine, Seattle, WA 98122 wlatch (;h of 5 x ~cli m, ar;~0e_ ~iit ~~ {~lcrJc Gilty ~ ~ ,.'• ~ ~ 1 Marie '~l~illey - -