08-047.00 Kilgore Construction: Spokane Valley Pool Upgrades• • ~a l~^..~ o•r•b a rch7voeto CHANGE ORDER copies to: O++•ra:r x ORB Form 300 Archltact x (This form Is oo be executed in trlplieate and each party la to retain an orlglnap Contractor X Prrijcct Namc: Spokane Valloy Swimming Pool Upgrades I:Uate: 6-Vlay-2008 Project Address: Park Rout - N 90fi Park Road Chanee Older Terrace view - 13500 G 24° A~•~ No.: 001 valley ;v7ission - r I 1123 mission C<~ntractor Namc & Kilgore Construction, [nc. ORB Project No: 2701 Address: P.O. Box 367 18021 N. Yale. Contract For: General Colbert, 11'A 99005 Constnuction Contract Datc: 2-Apr-2008 All supporting documentatoon for the lterns listed below have been att~'tched to Ibis document. 1. Proposal Request 003 -Para; Road l\4odify .4ltcmatc Bid L'~eck Arcs SI 1,986.1 Contract time associated with this item ......................... 0 Calendar Day(s) 2. Proposal Request 005 - \'alley,Vlission In-Slab Conduit Repairs $727.05 Contract time associated with this item ......................... 0 Calendar Day(s) 3. Proposal Rtxluest 007 -Revision to Floor Drains at Showers $1.174.98 Contrtet time associated with this item ......................... 0 Calendar Day(s) 4. Proposal Request 008 -Revise Toilet Partition Classif-ication ($1,350.00) Contract time associated with this item ......................... 0 Calendar Dtty(s) S. Proposal Request 010 -Insurance Alodifications Requested by Owner $2,857.81 Contract time associated ++•ith this item ......................... 0 Calendar Day(s) 6. Proposal Reyuest 01 I -Volley A4issitm Sanitary Sewor ,4ligrtment Revision $0.00 Contract time associated with this item ......................... 0 Calendar Da}•(s) 7. Pnapasal Reyuest 013 - At)A Shower Nlanufachtrcr Change $288.24 Contract trite associated with this item ......................... 0 Calendar Day(s) 'CO'[-AL COST IfvfPACT OF T!•II$ CI•IANCT' QRTaFR ................................................ $15,684.19 FYCludes Sales Tax Total t[me adjusmient this change order........ 0 Calendar Day(s) Contract Sum 'i'7te Original Contras Sum was ..... ............................................................................................................. $2,664,013.00 Nei Change by prevlousty authorized Change Ordet(s)was .............................................................................. 50.00 The Gontrsct Sum prior to this Change Order was ........................................................................................... 52,6ti4,018.00 The ConVaet Sum will be{aRSkanQeAl [ncreasea}(9esreasedl by this Change Order in the amount ol ...................... $15.684.19 The new Contract Sum Irecorporating this Change Order w~l be ......................................................................... 52.679.702.19 Excludes Sales'Cax Contrail Time me Otfginaf substantial Counpietion Date vras ................................................................................................ June S, 2009 The Contras Time has t>E:en modified on previously authorised Change Order(s) by....-.....-._._ ............................. 0 Calendar Days me Contras Time +vt'1 be iunchartg ~ „edj by ..................................................................... 0 Calendar Days The Substantial Completion Oate incorporating this Change Order vritl lae ............................................................ June 5, 2009 This Chango Order must bo signed Dy the Owner. Architect and Contractor to be valid. ORB Arthitocts, Inc. Kilgore Construction, Inc. _ Gity of Spokane Valley Architect Cotttraaor Omer 607 SW Grady Way, Suite 210 PO Box 367 11707 E. Sprague Ave, Serito 108 Addro&.> Address Address Renton, WA 98055-2977 Colbert WA 99005 okane Valle WA 99206 Ciry, State, ~ Gode City, S to Zip ade ~ Cit , te, Zip Code Signed BY /~~ ne~d 8 wcx Cl+artwnneau ~ ~ ~[' llG<<cT ° Print Namo Print/~~am Print Name May 6. 2008 ~/ l~ ~Q~ .~~Q ~)7 Date "Dato Date: C08-47 -. • • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS INFORMATIONAL COVER SHEET FOR CHANGE ORDER APPROVAL FROM CITY MANAGER Date; Mav 14, 2008 Budget Account No; C1P # ~~Cp7'=i , ~j'7~ Q07 ,S AGREEMENT TOPIC; 8wlmmMg Pool Upgrades -Contract 08.009, Change Order #001 BACKGROUNDS The~Switntning Pool 17pgrsdes entails the upgrade of three (3) Swimming Pools located iu the City of Spokane Malley. Tho Pool Upgrades are Park Road, Valley Mission, and Teirace Viaw all located in the City of Spokane Valley. Construction, for these projects, started on Marsh 31, 2008. There are several additional work items that have occurred during the construction: (1} Modifying Deck Area entails moving and rotatinb the original deck dasigu. This is to acgommodato the pole base for the Security Lighting, the associated electrical con urt, and slope change caused by the re-configuration. This cost is an additional $11,986.11. (da73~ (2} Fn~lab conduit repau•-During demolition, electrical conduit was encountered not shown on the plans, the electrical conduit is to bo placed back in the new slab. Tho additional cost for this is $727.05. t*~~~ (3) Revision to the floor drains. The floor drains called out in the specifications are for a file floor. Tho floor is a concrete slab, the area around the drain had to be chipped out to fit the drain xequired. The cost for the materiel end labor is $1,174.98. ~a~t 9, oo~~/ ~ 7:a' (4) Class A typo partitions worn specified, the Lead limo was IO weeks, Class B type partitions are a substitute and aze readily available.. This is a cxedit to the city in the amount of ($1,350)1~73,oo74,d~751 (S~ Insurance Modifications- During the re-bidding process the insurance regttiremont for the project was for the duration of the project. The city requested the insurance he extended to cover the project for ono year after completion at a cost of $2,857.81. tea ~ 3 ~ o0 74 i o0 7 5 (~ This is a no cost change for sower alignment. The elevation for the sewer was not known at the time of. bid, so the elevations shown were estimated. Tho actual elevations were not as deep as strewn on the plans, but the sewer needed to ba re=aligned to avoid any digging impact into the existing tree roots. Tlie change is considered no cost. '('n ADA shower change-The specified Sho~~ver assembly required a lead time to order of about 12 week, the new shower assembly is readily available and will be installed. The cost for the new assemblies is around $288.24. The contractor will incur additional work beyond the current contract scope for the above cases; this change order will iaolttde all the costs. The contractor has submitted an estimate for these additional items in the attached Change Order Form 300; wo-estimt-te. the additional cost for this change ordor_ to~-b~ i5 $15,684.19, your signature is also required on the attached Porni 300. Coe--=~s~ gtea~ ~"- v~~ Public Works ctor Pr Hager ' ~ ~~ Parks & Rec. ire or Dar~Id Merci , Clty Mlanager Da P:1Public WorkslPUrehasingiltcvisodBiue Shit 4.2U08 • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY C, PUBLIC WORKS INFORMATIONAL COVER SHEET FOR CHANGE ORDER APPROVAL FROM CITY MANAGER Date: May 14, 2008 Budget Account No: CIP # dp ~ ~j , ~7~. OO7 S AGREEMENT TOPIC: Swimming Pool Upgrades -Contract 08-009, Change Order #001 BACKGROUND: The Swimming Pool Upgrades entails the upgrade of three (3) Swinuning Pools located v~ the City of Spokane Valley. The Pool Upgrades are Park >:Zoad, Valley Mission, and Terrace View all located in the City of Spokane Valley. Construction, for these projects, started on March 31, 2008. There aro several additional work items that have occurred during the construction: (1) Modifying Deck Area entails moving and rotating the original deck design. This is to accommodate the pole base for the Security Lighting, the associated electrical conduit, and slope change caused by the re-con.hguration. This cost is an addi>7ona1511,986.11. (bo73) (2) In-slab conduit repair- During demolition, electrical conduit was encountered not shown on the plans, the electrical conduit is to be placed back in the new slab. The additional cost for this is 5727.05. ~0073~ (3) Revision to the floor drains. The floor drains cal.le•d out in the sgecificatons are for a the floor. The floor is a concrete slab, the area around th0 drain had to be chipped out to £f the drain required. The cost for the material and labor is 51,174.98. ~oo-t 3, 004 c~ 7s~ ' (4) Class A type partitons were specified, the lead time was )'0 weeks, Class B type partitions are a substitute and are readily available..1'his is a credit to the city in the amount of (51,350) (~7~,0°74, nd75~ (5) lnsurance ii~fodifications- During the re-bidding process the insurance requirement for the project was for the duration of the project. The city requested the insurance be extended to cover the project for one year after completion at a cost of $2,857.81. t'~73, ~74i 0015) • (6) This is a no cost change for sewer alignment. The elevation for the sewer was not kno~in at the time of bid, so the elevations shown were estimated. The actual elevations were not as deep as shovv~t on the plans, but the sewer needed to be re-aligned to avoid any digging impact into the existing tree roots. The change is considered no cost. '(7) ADA shower change-The specified Shower assembly required a lead time to order of about 12 week, the new shower assembly is readily available and will be installed. The cost for the new assemblies is around 5288.24. The contractor will incur additonal work beyond the current contract scope for the above cases; this change order will include all the costs. The contractor has submitted an estimate for these additional items in the attached Change Order )~orm 300; we-esE~ate. the additional cost for this change' order te-ba tS $15,684.19, your signature is also required on the attached p'orm 300. CP~~~ hl~N ~+-'+~'~~ ~/~ Public Works D,~ ector Proj Manager ~~~~~~ Parks & Rec. Director David Mercier, City Manager Date P:1Public NorkslPurchasinBtRevised t31us Sheet 4-2008 • • DISTRIBUTION: Original to Vendor Original to City Clerk Copy to Submitting Department Copy to Finance Department ATTACHAAENTS: Change Order form 300 {three copies) signed by Contractor and Design Consultant outiining the changes to the Construction Contract and costs or credits associated to the Construction Program (three signed copies). P:1Public ~~'arkslPuachtasinglFteti~isad Dls~e Sheet 4-200$