08-049.00 Avista Corporation: Barker Bridge Replacement Overhead Power Cables i • • MLA101tANI)i7vi OF U\`TaFRST.4NDINC'7 RE7'WEEN '1'HE Cl'rY OF SFOK.A\'F_. VA1..1,,FY AvD AV15'1'A CO1tPORATTON FOR THE CONSTRUCTI(;)N (7Ny 7'1-IL Bt1RKER BRIDCE RF_,PI..A(:FMEn'`l` YKO;«CT WHEREAS as z part of its 2008 Transportation liiiprovcment 1'rocram, the CITY QF SPOKANE VALLEY (the CI"1"Y) intends to construcl the Barker Briclge Replacement 1'roject (Bridgz F'roject) over 1.he Spokane River. Thc work includes demoliLion of t.he existing bridge and widening the ne«1 bridge located hetween Mission and Euclid Avenues. The purpose of the Agreement is to clefine responsibilities and allocate costs for work related to the bridge project for both Avista Corporation (Avista) and the CI-I'Y. WI-iCRLAS Avist:a cLu-rently has overheacl high voltage feedea- prnwer cable5 tiuppOrLed from poles alon- the east eclge of the F.3arker Road right-ot`-wa_y, Avista currently has no plan tca relocale these facilities onto the new bridge st.ructure. These avenccad facilities need to be temporarily reloeated in urdcr for the City's contract:or t.p replace the bridge. NUW Tl-1L1ZEFORE, the CTTY and Avista clo hcreby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1- RESPnNSIBILITIES Ol+" '1'I-1L" C1TY l. F'lans and Specitications for the 13ridce Project have heen prepared by the CITY, and the CITY anlicipaces opening bids for the 13ridge Project in yTay 2008 and intends to begin construct.ian of the Britlge. Praject in June 2008. 2. Upon awarding a cUnlrac[ for the Briclgc Projcet, the Cl'1'Y shall have full control ovcr the resultant construction cont.ract and shall be the administrator for the nrojece. ARTICLL 2- KESFONSTRTT..iTiFS nF AVISTA I. Shall rclocate its overhead syslem beyoncl the anticiUated bridge const.ruccic.m influi;rtee zone as depicte.d on the altac:hed Exhibi[ `A'. This work $Il'-1II be completed within five we.e.ks aftcr nvistl starts the relocal.ion work, which is expecled to hegin May 27. Avista shall notify the CITY of the actual datc t11e work starts. Upon completion of the F3arker Roacl Bridge Project, or at an earlier time if agreed to by both parties, ,4vista shall relocate their ovcrhead system from the proposcd temporary location immediately north of the bridge to the permane.nc ]oeation. 2. SI71II 11151E1Il a new pole to replacu the existing pole on the nort.h bank of the river east oI' Barker Road. `I'his new pole Shall he approximately S fect east of the existing pole. lhe civerhead system shall be relocated to this new pole in acc.oraance with item I aliove. Mcmor.indum of Under,t•tnding B:tcl:er Biiclge -:\visra lJrilitic; 2410$ P.qgc I of 2 C:11L•'"I'emp\'1'empoci ty Incectror,t FiIG;\C.7L.F:1G0\,\[OU kiarker Rrid~e -Avisi3 Flct 052208.clcx: C08-49 • • 3. Shall provide lhe CITY evidence of cOsLs tO I) install said new pole norlh of the rivcr, currently estimated at $4,100, and 2) relocate nverhe.icl sysLem Lo Said new pale, currently cstimated at $3,850. 4. Shall designale a"responsible. person" who shall represcnt Avista's interest during the construction of t.he Firiclge Project, and shall c:oordinale any rnodif7eations or changes necded by the C1I'Y in conjunction with t.he work. AK'1'1CLE 3- ALLOCATiON OF COSTS 1. This Memorandum of Understanding, once Fully executed, shaJl estahlish a commicment. by ,4vista to pay any and all c:osts that may be incui7•e.d b_y thr, rr,location of Avista power• poles 1'or the projecl., wit:h t.he exc;ept.ion cat' icerr►s 2, 3 ancl 4 below; 2. Tht CITY shall, «+itllin 30 days of invoice, reimburse Avista for the follc.nving cosas: •$2,40Q, the cost. for a temporary easeinent to relocatc Avista's pole onto pri<<ate properly imnieciiacely north of the Spokane River east of Barker Koad; • The costs for inscalling a ncw pole as descriUe_d above, currently eskimated to he $4, l OQ; • The costs for relocating Avista's ovcncead system back ro szid new pole, curre•nely cstirnated to bc $3,$50; , 3. Avista Shall ohlain an ohstruclion per►nit from the C1TY to pcrform «rork within the Cl'1'Y'S rilght.-of-way i'or the relcx.ation. 4. Costs for any additional work not list.ed in Ihiti agrt:ernenl shall be agm~.d upun betwu;n tlte parties prior to tlie work. ~ CITY /A,i 'F_, ~'AI., . By_ I~ate: 2008. c'ity anager By: Da[e.: S~ ZZ 2IX18. Offic,e of t~ C.ity Attohffy~ AVISTt1 CORPORATIC)N: By: "57 Date: 8 2008. Avis-ta Corporation ~ i\[erm.,randimn of Unclec.wa&tg 13mi-cr 136dge -:\ci:ta Utilitics 2011£3 P.ge 2 ot' 2 C_\Ifi'I'cmp\Tempor.iry Intemet P*iles\0UK160\M0U Liatl;er Bridb2 - r\vista Elct II522118_doc -~,..f'm - _ , ' • g~' - .3': N 5B6203'25kVA(BPhase) ]620120I240+- W~~E ~ 13C01/10 3R 40P67 SA 1R 3RSR-15 JTUSE GND 0 1 1RH 3/SSWGtoS/8X 3RH ' 13C0'1/10 2qqAGSRwINP~:::_ 5A z 9WA tRH m . _ SOP]9 PP PDE JT USE 318DG to 5/BX 'i 'I%escsde 55P08 9FDEA~EDE PDE JTUSE 0 , ' , . SA 'IRH 7/16SG " 13C01110 Fuse 65T \~.aA qr yF ~ - Y` ' p 41 - V7" 13C01/10 Y1ont9omeiY _ . . ' ' I SA 7/16DG to ' z 55P86 9WADEDE 1RH 2RSR JTUSE GND 7/16DGto1X~ . 0 3RH 2RSR 0 GND 7/16DGta1X.. : ~ O Y : - ' I 0 7/16DG to " - Fg~_ ' - . (5a') #2 Tnplex IY i ~ SE 810 6 25 kVA (A Phasel 7620120Y240 SE8106 25k3COPOSe) 76201201240 70P09 9WDA~1RH JTUSE GND 7/1 60G1o1X 7/16DGto1X' Fuse 10T (Dauble Pins) 7116DG to 1X 7/16DG to 1X , SA - , . ' ' ~sd"~.~.+'. `.=1• I \ i --y i v a ~ (970') 1 - 2/0 ACSR - N I - _ - - _ - - " . . - . (970') 3 - 556 AAC - 13kV - . _ . , _ (990 ) 3 - 556 AAC - 13kV _ (990') 1 - 2/0 ACSR - N - _ ~ ~ o ~ % ; ~-1'-- _ - 9 - ~ 7 I II ` ~ . - ~ , ~ t / 50P79 11HDAOEDE iRH JTUSE 65P08 9WUA iRH JTUSE ~/i6OGto 1X - 6 . - - , _ ~ - (DOUble Rns) 7/160G to 1X~ - ' - „ I . . ;I _ _ Overview . 0 50 100 200 Feet - : _ . , - , 5heet , af, 1 Job Name CPR No. WMS No. Project Na. Task No. , ~i •~'5:,. ~ • ' ~ . . . _ 107110 SA1334 25 kVA (B Phase) 7620-120240 107199 Barker6rdge 834214315 95601350 107200 ' ~ ~ • - iosooo 6 ~ anmaa ~~!'30P PDE 3R 2RSR-'15 GND 3/BDG 10 5/8X (to W) Lowtion Section Township Range '~~3590N YUt 3KH LHSH-15 (iNU ]II6D(i~01X~~OW) I I I = ]/16DG to iX ~~o W) Spokane Valley. WA 8-W 25N 45E i51;5Fl1/1U I I Fnnelnrlxl I Rarkarl-t I ~ 9WA 1RH ~ . . ~ I 55PO50P53 PP PDE JT USE 0 , ~escn tion Relocate nver c~oss ng to the east to accommodate I 7F60U w/NP tl PP PDE JTUSE (2)r/t P Ifh2wdE~npOf[hCbftldE 9FOEAOEOE iRH PreparedBy Dale Office# Cell# ~R+ A~ ShanePacn 04152008~ 4952029 I 990773.5 I I F 40T Completed By I Date I I 30P PDEDE (2) 1 2H JT USE 318OG to 5/8X (t E) - 0 _ ~ . (2) 7116SG _ n~ecn~ooc~ue ~em~,.~o~ ro3e: sre~: am