08-063.00 Kilgore Construction: Spokane Valley Pool UpgradesC~a~/ L~~ o~r•b orchrtocto CHANGE ORDER copies to: owner x ORB Form 300 Arcltuect x (This torn Fs to be cxocuttxf in Mplicuto and each party to to retain an orlglnaq Contractor K Project NatnC: Spokane Valley Swirnrning POOI Upgrades 17ate: 12-Jun-2008 Project Address: Park Ruad - N 9{16 Park Road Change Order 'i'ctracc View - 13500 6 24°i n~•r NO. f 002 VFl11Cy MlsslOn - I; 11 123 Mission Contractor 1`'ame S Kilgore Construction, Inc. ORB Project i`'O: 2701 Address: P.O. Faux 367 18G21 N. Yale Contract For: cenentl COlbt:rc, WA 99005 Construction Contract Date: 2-Apr-2008 All supponfrtg documentation for the items listed below have been attached to this document. 1. Proposal Request 006 -Park Road Provide Light Pole Bases at Existing Locations $5,870.08 Contrail time associated with this item ......................... 0 Calendar Day(s) 2. Proposal Request 012R -All Sites Existing Fence ii Construdion Fertoo Modilications $5,603.08 Contrail onto associated with this item ......................... 0 Calendar Day(s) 3. Proposal Request Oi4- VatlCy Mission Provide Sod In Lieu of Seed at Utility TrenChe9 $4,676.73 Contract time associated with Ehis item ......................... 0 Calendar Day(s) 4. Proposal Request 018 -Park Road Remove Foundation EncounlOrod at Light Pote Base $1,486.50 Contrail) time associated wti0r this item ....................... •. 0 Calendar Day(s) 5. Proposal Request 017 -All Sites Change Type of Key Cylinders & Keying $0.00 Contract limo associated vrilh this item ......................... 0 Calendar Day(s) 8. Proposal Request 018 -Park Road Rentovo AAdilional Deck Near Mech Room for Sbpe $1,589.12 Contract time associated v~ith this Item ......................... 0 Calendar Day(s) 7. Proposal Request 019 -Park Rand 8 Terrace View Paint flotaf Roof to Match Existing 53,383.53 Conbact time assode?ed vrith this item ......................... 0 Calendar Dey(s) 8. Proposal Reyuas1021 -All Silos Add Power For AOA Shower Controls $3, f 97.27 ConUad Qme associated with this item ......................... 0 Calendar Oay(s) TOTAL COST IAtPACT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER ................................................................... 525,788.29 ExGudes Sales Tax Total Ilmo adjuslrnant this change order....,... 0 Calendar Day(s) Contrail Sum The Original Contract Strm was.• .......................................................•..............................................•.......... S2,884.018.00 Nol Change by prevoously authorized Change Order(s) was ...................................................................... •....... $15.684.19 The ConUad Sum prior to this Change Order was .......................................................................................... 52,879,702.19 The Contrail Sum vhll bo{un5har~ed] [mcreas~ed}~Etfecre by Ihis Change Order in the amount of ...................... $25,788.29 The new Contend Sum Incorporating this Change Order will be ......................................................................... $2,705,490.48 ExGudes Sales Tax Contract Time The Original Sufistantisf Completion Ihntc was ............................................•.....•..........................._................. June 5. 2009 Tht: Contract Time nos been modifced on pr®viously authorized Change OrdeKs) by .......................•..•................... 0 Calendar Days The Gontr^ailt Timo will be (uncttar-ged by ..................................................................... 0 Calendar Days The Substantial Completion Date irtoorporating this Change Order will be ............................................................ June 5, 2009 This Change Order must be signod by the Owner, Architect and Contractor to be valid. ORB Architects, Inc. Architect 807 SW Gredy Ways Sutte 210 Address Renton, WA 98055-2977 City. State. Zip Cade Signed By Stick l;harbonncau Prtrtt Name June 12, 2C08 Kilgore Construction, Inc. Contractor PO Box 367 Address Colbert, WA 99005 City, State, ip ' Print N me ~~3r,~" g Oato City of Spokano Valley Owner 11707 E. Sprague Ave, Suite 108 Addre53 S okane Vstlto WA 99208 'ry, State, p Code Signed By ~~_(~CrL /~SO~c•I /~ ~ Errol Name OY Oato late C08-63