08-065.00 Consolidated Irrigation District 19: Barker Bridge Replacement - Waterline lV1ER70RAs'VDUM OF UNDEI2S`I"AND[I\`G t3L+"+T1'1'FF•N THE CITY OF SPOK~~Nr VAL1..1h Y As\TD COi\~SOL[llATEll IRRIGATION 1:)I:S'I'Ft1CT NO. 19 FOR THE BIDDING S CO\'S`I`I2UCTION OF THE BARKI~NFt 13RCDGE RC:I'LACEMENT PRO.TFC7` \\~HEREAS as a part of its 2008 Transportation improvement Program, the CITY OF SPOKAVE VALLEY (the CI"1'Y) intends to construct the Barker E~ridge Replacement Project (I~ridge Projectl aver the Spokane River. The ~~rork includes demolition of the existing bridge and widening the new bridge located between Mission and Euclid Avenues. "1'he purpose of the Agt~ement is to allow adequate time to coordinate any relocation or placement of new lines. Any cost that the contractor may incur by providing items mentioned below shall be agreed by and coordinated with the CITY and Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19 Utilit}+ (District No. 19). WHEREAS District No. 19 plans to construct an intertie (lrl~aterline Project) between itvs water system zones north and south of the. Spokane Rig+er. The planned tiVaterline Project will be a 12- inch diameter F'VC or I-I_IaPr water main that extends from the south side to the norrth side of the bridge. "1'he portion of the. water main supported from the new bridge structure will be contained within a 20-inch diameter steel casing pipe supported beneath the bridge deck between the girders. WHEREAS the CI"I°Y and District No. 19 agree that the installation of the Waterline, Project in conjunr.tion with the Bridge Project would benefit the ratepayers, taxpayers and the tra~reling public. 1~~0\\' THEREFORE, the CITY and the District No. 19 do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I-12ES1'ONSIBi.LITIES OF THE CI"CY 1. Plans and specifications for the Bridge Project are being prepared by the C[TY; and the Cl~l'Y intends to begin canstr-uction of the Bridge Project in 2008. °I`he CITY has prepared plans for the V~raterlinc Project, together with technical specifications and an associated schedule of bid items. The CI"[ Y has included those plans, technical specifications, and the associated bid schedule in the bid documents for the Bridge Project. The CITY anticipates opening bids for the Bridge Project in the spring of 2008; 2. Upon a~~+arding a contract for the Bridge Project, the CI`T'Y shall have full control over the resultant construction contract and shall be the administrator for the combined project; 3. Shall be responsible for all aspects of the construction and construction management relative to the L3ridge Project including; but not limited to, furnishing and installing casing pips`. support system (concrete embedded inserts, hanger rods, pipe roll assemblies, horizontal struts, etc.); Arunurtndum of Understanding Rarke.,• liridei:-'2008 Pa/e I of 3 C~8-65 4. Shall provide circular blockouts at the bridge intermediate and abutment diaphragm walls, as detailed on the drawings; 5. Shall be responsible for furnishing and installing 2U-inch diameter steel casing pipe and longitudinal anchors. The casing will extend appro~imatcly 5 feet beyond the concrete bridge approach slabs; (i. Shall be responsible far Furnishing and installing modular seal assembly ([.:ink- Seal~ around casing pipe at abutment wall openings; 7. Shall be responsible to provide excavation, bedding, backfill, and compaction for buried portion of steel casing pipe; 8. Shall be responsible to provide continuous 45-calendar day work window (concurrent with evork windows provided for ether utilities) for laistrictl\ro. 19 to install the 12-inch diameter water main. Ak'C1Cl~~; 2 -RESPONSIBILITIES OF COVSOL•II)A'1'H,1) nlSTI2.ICT NO. 19 1. The plans and specifications for the construction of the Bridge Project have been prepared by the CITY. District No. 19 will coordinate with t-he CITY and cake reasonable measures to ensure that the Waterline Project plans are compatible with the scope of work contemplated for the Bridge Project; 2. Shall designate a "responsible person" who shall represent District No. 19's interest during the construction of the Bridge Project, artd shall coordinate arty modifications or Changes needed by District No. 19 in conjunction with the work; 3. Shall perforrtt design of water system improvements coordinated with the bridge and roadway design; ~. District's No. 19's repnsentative shrill pr>JVide tabulations of pay quantities to the CITY upon 4~-hotu~s notice to facilitate the preparation of pay estimates by fire CITY; 5. Shall furnish and install 12-inch diameter water main and skids (for installation within casing pipe), valves, and connections to existing water system; 6. Shall provide excavation, backfill, and compaction associated with the buried water main installation; 7. Shall perform hydrostatic testing and disinfection of the new water main system; furnish and install rasing pipe end seals; ~. Any modifications or changes to the Waterline Project by District No. 19 shall be coordinated with and approved by the C[TY prior to implementation. ,,\rcmaranctiio~ of Uudec~rw~ting Bazker Bzicfjre-'2906 Pie 2 of 3 ARTICLE 3 - ALLOCATIf)N OF COSTS 1. This Memorandum of Understanding, once fully executed; shall establish a commitment by District No. 19 to reimburse the CITY for those construction costs associated with the 1~~atcrline Project, bid at $137,9?2. All additional costs associated with change orders arrdlor valid claims for ilie 1~raterline Project shall be the responsibi l ity of District No. 19; 2. The CITY shall prepare monthly pay estimates for the 1~Vaterline Project based upon the tabulations of pay quantities provided by the Contractor. f~istrict No. 19 shall promptly review each pa_y estimate prior to presentation by the Cl7"Y to the contractor: 3. Upon the signing of each pay estimate by the CITY and the contractor, the CIT1' shall send an im~oice to District No. 19 for those. amounts to be paid to the City for wort: on the Vaterline Project. "I'he C1'fY shall include copies of t]~e signed pay estimates as attachments to the monthly invoices to District No. I ~. District No. 19 shall pay the City, within 20 days of the receipt of the invoice, for all construction costs due to the contractor in association with the, Waterline Project; 4. The Contractor shall obtain a permit from the CI'T'Y to perform work within the C[TY'S right-of--way for the 1~lraterline Project. The CITY is authorized to charge its rea_snnable administrative costs incurred for preparing pay estimates, change orders, etc., for the Waterline Project to the permit. ARTICLE 4 - UE~LAYS If the City's contractor is delayed at any time outside of the 4~-day Utility work window by an unreirsonablc act or neglect of District No. 19 or those acting for nr on behalf of District No. 19, then 1istrict rvo. 19 shall indemnity, defend and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorneys' fees to the extent arising out of or in connection with such delays, except for delays and damages caused by the City. This provision may not be waived by the parties except in writing. CITY OF~~,01~1NE VALLEY: ay: C Irate: ~~ 200R. vid~[~1op~tl City Manager By: ~ Date: ~~ 2008. rce 'the Cit~r Att©I'lley l:)1STKIC'l' O.ly: By: Consolidated lrrigatio istrict ivo. 1 .Date: G/z~ 2008. ~rcmrnn~zcium of U~tde~ta~idut~; Li.~utcer tiridy2 - 2L198 Pegc 3 of 3 CITIES INS'::°ANCE ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON - SPE~::;t DISTRICTS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ISSUE DATE 9!1!2008 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUE0.4S A b1ATTER OF INFORAAATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPO+V THE CERTIFICATE HOLDEr~. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT Ah{END, EXTEND 0.'t ALTER 7HE COVERAGE P.FFORDED BY THE POLICIES EEL04V. PANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Public Risk Undorwf"iters 18106 140th AVENUE N.E. WOODINVILLE, WASHINGTON 98072-6874 PHONE (425) 482-6767 FAX (425) 482-2777 'INSURED CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DISTRICT l.IEGErR 01' CiiIES INSURANCE tiSOLlRT10N OF 1YASHINGTON. ~ECLtt 015lRICTS 12a N. GREENACRES ROAD ISI~OKANE VP,LLEY, 4VA 98016 GENERAL LIABILITY ST PAUL FIRE & PAARINE INSURp.NCh COPAPANY AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ST PAUL FIRE 3 P6ARINE INSU,R.ANCE COA4PANY PROPERTY ST PAUL FIRE 8~ ~4ARINE INSURANCE COh4PANY CRIrAE /PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISHONESTY ST PAU!_ FIRE 8~ A4ARINE INSURANCE COMPANY COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BEL01'J NAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE bVSURED NA.hSED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTINITKSTANDINGANY REOUIREhtENT, TERrd OR CANDITION OF CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT N11TH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE rdAY 6E ISSUED OR hIAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO A! E THE TERh1S, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. IIhLITS SH04VN hFAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUPABER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION GATE DATE LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY C04dr+1ERCL4L GENERAL LI,431LITY GPas3A2asa 91112008 911!2009 GENERAL AGGREGATE $20,000,000 OCCURRENCE FOith4 PERSONA!- 8 ADV INJURY $10,000,000 INGLUDESSTOPGAP EACH OCCURRENCE S'10,000,0fl0 ANNUAL POOL AGGREGATE $50,000,000 ('LIABILITY IS SUBJECT TO A b1fl0,00fl. S.I.R. PAYABLE FROPA POOL rUNOS) AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY,4UT0 GP06342090 9/112008 9!112009 COMBINED SINGLE LIhAIT $10,000,000 (LIABILITY IS SUBJECT TO A S 100,400. S.LR. PJS.YABLE FROhS POOL FUNDS} PROPERTY GP06302a90 911/2008 9/112009 s~ oo,oDD,oOO uMIT S500,000,004 ANNUAL POOL AGGREGATE CRIrAE J PUBLIC Ei`,1PLOYEE DISHONESTY GP063a2090 9/1/2008 9/1/2009 $1,000,000 EACH OCCURRENCE DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS ! LOCATIONS J VEHICLES !SPECIAL ITEAIS STREET OBSTRUCTION BOND. CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED SUBJECT TO POLICY TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS AND PER ATTACHED ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSErAENT. CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE T'!1E EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUI,VG COMPANY VdILi ERDE.4VOR TO hdAIL i0 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICt TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAh4ED BELOt4', BUT FAILURE TO N1A.IL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IhAPOSE NO LIABILITY OR OBLIGATIOM OF .4NY KIND UPON THE COk4PANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTITIVES. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 11707 EAST SPRAGUE AVE., SUITE 106 SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99206 ATTN: DAWN DOf41PIER RIZED REPRESENTATIVE 1'c~ 4~ ! ._L ~,~ j (}~,~~ ; , Patti A. Ferguson ~-(~S` rneStPaul PUBLIC ENTITY LIABILITY PROTECTION POOLING GROUPS ADDITIONAL PROTECTED PERSONS ENDORSEMENT -PERSONS OR ORGANIZATIONS REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT FOR INSURANCE. This endorsement changes your Public Entity LiabClity Protection Pooling Groups -Excess of Self-Insured Retention. How Coverage is Changed The following is added to the Who Is Protected Under This Agreement section. This change adds certain protected persons and limits their protection. Additional protected person when required by a written contract for insurance. Any person or organization that you agree in a written contract for insurance to add as an additional protected person under this agreement is a protected person. But only for covered injury or damage arising out of: • premises you own, lease or borrow; or • your work for that person or organization. Any person or organization that you agree in a written contract of insurance to add as an additional protected person under this agreement is also a protected person for covered injury or damage arising out of your completed work for that person or organization. But only if the written contract for insurance specifically requires such completed work coverage for that person or organization and only for the period of time such completed work is required in the written contract for insurance However, no person or organization that you agree in a written contract for insurance to add as an additional protected person under this agreement is a protected person for injury or damage arising out of its sole negligence. In addition, any person or organization that you agree in a written contract for insurance to add as an additional protected person under this agreement is a protected person only for the lessor of: • the limits of coverage required by the written contract for insurance; or • the limits of coverage available for this agreement. Written contract for insurance means that part of any written contract or agreement in which you agree to add a person or organization as an additional protected person under this agreement that: • was made before; and • is in effect when; Name of Insured Policy Number Processing Date Effective Date Cities Insurance Association of Washington GP0634209t) 911!08 9/1/08 Special Districts 40b02 Ed. 1-80 Printed in U.S.A. Customized Form ©St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. 1980 Page 1 of 2 m°StPaul PUBLIC ENTITY LIABILITY PROTECTION POOLING GROUPS ADDITIONAL PROTECTED PERSONS ENDORSEMENT -PERSONS OR ORGANIZATIONS REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT FOR INSURANCE. Phis endorsement changes your Public Entity Liability Protection Pooling Groups - E~:cess of Self-Insured Retention. the bodily injury or property damage happens, or tie personal injury or advertising injury offense in committed. Addifronal protected person may also be called an additional insured in the written contract for insurance. We explain the term your work and your completed work in the Products and completed work total limit section. Other Terms All other terms of your policy remain the same. Name of Insured Policy Number Processing Bate Expiration Date Cities Insurance Association of Washington GP063{}2rJ90 J11ft)8 U9101l09 Special Districts 40502 Ed. 1-80 Printed in U.S.A. Customized Farm ©St. Paul Fire and Marine insurance Co. 1930 Page 2 of 2