08-067.00 CH2M Hill: Barker Rd Bridge Replacement.tl1110111111116 Washington State Department of Transportation Supplemental Agreement I� p g Organization and Address CH21N4 HILL, Inc. Number 5 9 South Washington, Suite 400 Spokane, OVA 99201 -3709 Original Agreement Number LA -5724 (Local Agency Proj. # 04 -003) Phone: 509.747.2000 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date 1 Federal Aid Number BRM 412' )(004) 7/12/2005 12/31/2009 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Barker Road Bridge Replacement $ ],480,564.00 Description of Work Construction management phase professional engineering services The Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley, Washington desires to supplement the agreement entered into with CH2M HILL,, Inc. and executed on 7/12/2005 and identified as Agreement No. LA -5724 Proj. 04 -003 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: The rompl tion date i,; changed to December 31, ?009 Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: • . ,� . .. ranma . . 1 I 1 1 1 1 . 19=10VAEM KUH118111MINKSH . . . • i . as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. By: Consultant Signature DOT Form 140 -063 EF Revised 912a05 By: r ppr ing Authority Signature Date C08 -67 EXHIBIT 132 Scope of Work for Barker Road Bridge Replacement Project Construction Management, Office Engineering, and Supplemental Inspection Services City of Spokane Valley, Washington FHWA Project No. BRM 4123(004) June 2008 GENERAL The purpose of this Scope of Work is to establish the specific scope of CH2M HILL's professional engineering services and compensation for Construction Management (CM), Office Engineering Services, and Construction Inspection Services for the Barker Road Bridge Replacement project. The City of Spokane Valley (Spokane Valley) may make or approve changes %vithin the general scope of this agreement. If such changes affect CHZIM HTLL's cost of, or time required for, performance of the services, an equitable adjustment will be made through an amendment to this agreement. CH2M HILL will notify Spokane Valley in writing of the occurrence of a change and an estimate of the cost impact. Spokane Valley will provide written approval of change. A 10 percent contingency fund has been established for minor changes to the Scope of Work. Use of the contingency fund requires written authorization from Spokane Valley. CH2M HiLL will provide Construction Management Services, Office Engineering Services, and Supplemental Construction Inspection Services, as defined below. These services are intended to assist Spokane Valley to administer the contract for construction, monitor the performance of the construction Contractor ( "Contractor'), verify that the Contractor's work is in substantial compliance with the construction Contract Documents, and assist Spokane Valley in responding to events that occur during the construction. Assumptions 'I'his scope of work is premised on a Notice to .Proceed date of approximately June 2005 with an 1S rnonth project duration for construction engineering support activities. Deviations from the anticipated construction activities, schedule, or duration of construction will materially affect the scope of these services and CH2M RfLL's compensation for the services, and w ll .require an adjustment to CF12M H_ILL's compensation. CI12 -M HILL will not perform services beyond the agreed to contract scope without written authorization from Spokane Valley. SPKDCiA BARKER ROAD BRIDGE SGT' 05302D08.DOC I OF 9 188201.D1.BR EXHIBIT 62 2. Spokane Valley will provide appropriate staff to perform the day - today construction inspection. 3. The level of effort required to provide the services described herein is highly dependent on the experience and capabilities of both the Spokane Valley field inspector and the low -bid construction contractor awarded the project. Consequently, CH2M HILL has limited control over the number and types of field inquiries received and the corresponding level of effort required to respond to those inquiries. Therefore, the level of effort for all tasks is limited to the amount of labor and expenses as indicated in the attached fee itemization. Additional services beyond these limits will be provided as extra work. 4. CH2M HILL's Personnel at Construction Site The presence or duties of CH2,ti1 HTLL's personnel at a construction site, whether as onsite representatives or otherwise, do not make CI-12M HILL or CH21\1 HILL's personnel in any way responsible for those duties that belong to Spokane Valley and /or the construction contractors or other entities, and do not relieve the construction contractors or any other entity of their obligations, duties, and responsibilities, including, but not limited to, all construction methods, means, techniques, sequences, and procedures necessary for coordinating and completing all portions of the construction work in accordance with the construction Contract Documents and any health or safety precautions required by such construction work. CH2M HILL's personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions and have no duty for inspecting, noting, observing, correcting, or reporting on health or safety deficiencies of the construction contractor(s) or other entity or any other persons at the site except C112M H1LL's own personnel. '11e presence of CH2M HML.'s personnel at a construction site is for the purpose of providing to Spokane Valley a greater degree of confidence that the completed construction work will conform generally to the construction Contract Documents and that the integrity of the design concept as reflected in the construction Contract Documents has been implemented and preserved by the contractor(s). CH2M HILi. neither guarantees the performance of the contractor(s) nor assumes responsibility for contractor's failure to perform work in accordance with the construction Contract Documents. For this agreement only, constriction sites include places of manufacture for materials incorporated into the construction work. S. CH2M Hh.,l.,'s services listed below will be provided in accordance with applicable guidelines from the most current versions of the WSDO'C' Construction Manual and the WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines (LAC) Manual. 6. Spokane Valley will contract separately with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDO "C) to perform testing, quality control, and inspection services required by the specifications for the manufacture of the precast concrete girders. SP'zJC I BARKER ROAD BRIDGE SOW 05302008.DOC 2 of 9 188201.01_BR EMBIT B2 7. Spokane Valley will contract with an independent firm to perforni materials testing, sampling, and duality control services for the project. 8. Spokane Valley will have responsibility to review the Contractor's traffic control plan submittals. Based on the above assumptions, C142M HILL will perform the following services: 1.0 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES 1.1 Establish Document Management System CI I2rv1 H.IL.L will establish a system and set of procedures for managing, tracking and storing all relevant documents between the Contractor, CH2M 1-i1LL, and Spokane Valley produced during the Construction and Closeout phases of the project. CH21v1 HILL will utilize an appropriate computer based document management system selected by CI12M HILL. CH2iVl HILL will, in coordination with Spokane Valley, maintain hard copy records, suitably organized, of all relevant documentation. CH21V1 HILL will also implement procedures for the logging and tracking of all relevant correspondence and documents. CH2Mi HILL will assist Spokane Valley in monitoring all outstanding decisions, approvals, or responses required from Spokane Valley. 1.2 Conduct Pre - Construction Conference CH2M HILL will coordinate and attend one pre - construction conference Awith the Contractor to review the project communication, coordination and other procedures and discuss the Contractor's general workplan and requirements for the project. CH2M I-JILL will take minutes and may otherwise record the results of this conference. It is assumed that the pre - construction conference will be attended by CI-12M HI .L's project manager, senior bridge engineer, and senior geotechnical engineer. 1.3 Project Site Meetings Spokane Valley's onsite inspector will conduct weekly meetings with the Contractor and will prepare the minutes of these meetings. CH2M HILL will periodically attend these meetings. CI-12im HILL's budget is based on an assumption that 0-12M tTfLL's Construction Manager will attend these meetings twice per month. 1.4 General CM Support CI-12M HILL will provide services in coordinating the site activities, administering the contract for construction, monitoring the Contractor's performance, responding to design and technical submittals, and closing out the contract for constriction. The following services are included as part of this task: 1.4.1 Progress Payments CH2M HILL will prepare Contractor pay requests, including appropriate documentation of force account and bid item documentation via payniotes. CH21\/1 I-iILL will use the WSDOT Construction Manual and WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) Manual in the preparation of the contractor's pay request. SPKIC61 BAR: <ER ROAD BRIDGE SOW 063MOCO.DOC 3 OF 9 t B8201.D1.BR EXHINT 82 CH2M HILL will advise Spokane Valley as to the status of the total amounts requested, paid, and remaining to be paid under the terms of the construction Contract Documents. Recommendations by CH2M HiLL. to Spokane Valley for payment will be based upon CH2M HILL's measurements, calculations and /or other information as .required by the measurement and payment sections of the construction Contract Documents and the applicable WSDOT Manuals. Such recommendations do not represent that the Contractor has completed the work in exact accordance with the contract for construction; that 0-12M HILL has made an examination to ascertain how or for what purpose the Contractor has used the moneys paid; that title to any of the work, materials or equipment has passed to Spokane Valley free and clear of liens, claims, security interests, or encumbrances. 1.4.2 Field Instructions and Orders CH2M HILL will issue field instructions, orders or similar documents during construction as provided in the contract for construction. 1.4.3 Correspondence and Communications CH2M HILL will implement and maintain regular communications with the Contractor during the construction. CH2v1 HILL will receive and log all commtuucations from the Contractor and will coordinate the communications between Spokane Valley and Contractor. CH2M 1-IILL will not provide direction directly to the Contractor's subcontractors. CH213M ffrLL will prepare written communications to the Contractor and provide recommendations to Spokane Valley for written communications between Spokane Valley and Contractor. 1.4.4 Minor Variations in the Work CH2M HILL may authorize minor variations in the work which do not involve an adjustment in the Contractor's contract price nor time for construction and are not inconsistent with the intent of the construction Contract Documents. 1.4.5 Environmental /Agency Permits CH2M HILL will review, and assist in enforcing requirements stipulated in Spokane Valley's permits issued by regulatory and environmental agencies. CH21%4 .HILL will coordinate and participate in a meeting and discussions with Spokane Valley, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Contractor to establish mitigation requirements related to the Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA). 1.4.6 Coordinate Issuance of Changes CH2M HILL will receive and review the Contractor's response to the request for change and will obtain such further information as is necessary to evaluate the basis for the Contractor's proposal. CH2M HILL will assist Spokane Valley with negotiations of the proposal and, upon approval by Spokane Valley, prepare final change order documents for execution by Spokane Valley and Contractor. 1.4.7 Review of Contractor's Requested Changes CH2M HILL will review construction contract changes. CH2M HTLL will make recommendations to Spokane Valley regarding the acceptability of the Contractor's request and, upon approval of Spokane Valley, assist Spokane Valley in negotiations SPVCH BARKER ROAD BRIDGE SOW 0590200HOC 4 OF 9 188201.W.BR EXHIBfT Bz of the requested change. Upon agreement and approval, CH2M HILL will prepare final change order documents. 1.4.8 Change Order Reports CH2M HILL will provide periodic reports to Spokane Valley about the status of Change Orders. The report will include issued Change Orders, pending change orders, and change order amounts - 1.4.9 Claims and Disputes CF12M H1L.L will receive, log, and notify Spokane Valley about all letters and notices from the Contractor concerning claims or disputes between the Contractor and Spokane Valley pertaining to the acceptability of the work or the interpretation of the requirements of the contract for construction. CH22N4 HJ.LI- will review all such letters and notices and will discuss them with the Contractor as necessary to understand each such claim or dispute. CH2M HILL will advise Spokane Valley regarding the Contractor's compliance with the contract requirements for such claims and disputes. CH2M HILL will assist Spokane Valley in discussions with the Contractor to resolve claims and disputes. CH2-'M HILL will not issue decisions on Contractor claims or disputes. CI-12M HILL will not, except as part of Additional Services, undertake comprehensive and detailed .investigation or analysis of Contractors claims and disputes, nor participate in judicial or alternative dispute resolution procedures for the claims or disputes. CH2M HILL will use the WSDOT Construction Manual and LAG Manual in the resolution of claims and disputes. 1.4.10 Contractor's Schedule Submittal CH2M I1ILL will review the Contractor's construction schedule and verify that it is consistent with the requirements of the contract for construction. CH2M HILL wil I advise the Contractor of any areas where the schedule is not in compliance with the contract for construction. CH2M HILL will provide comments to Spokane Valley to assist Spokane Valley in approving, accepting or taking other action on the contractor's schedule, in accordance with the contract for construction. CH2AM HILL's review and comments shall not be considered as a guarantee or confirmation that the Contractor will complete the work in accordance with the contract for construction. 1.4.11 Contractor's Schedule Updates CH2NI HILL will review the Contractor's periodic schedule updates or other schedule submissions. CH2M HILL will advise the Contractor if the updates or other submissions are not in accordance with the contract for construction. C1-1.2M HILL will provide comments to Spokane Valley regarding the updates or other submissions. CH2M HILL will monitor the Contractor's progress on a weekly basis and report any significant changes to the project's available float and /or the project's critical path. SPIQUI WKER ROAD BRIDGE SOW 0530200 &00C 5 OF 9 168201.Dt.BR EXHIBrf 1.5 Conduct Shaft Pre - Construction Conference CH2M HILL will coordinate and attend a separate shaft pre - construction conference at the project site to discuss the proposed shaft construction procedures, personnel, equipment to be used, and other elements of the approved shaft installation plan in accordance with the specifications. CH2M HILL, will take minutes and may otherwise record the results of this conference. It is assumed that the shaft pre- construction conference will be attended by CH21M HTLL's project manager, senior bridge engineer, junior structural engineer, and geotechnical engineer. 1.6 Final Inspection I Closeout I Warranty CH2M HILL. will assist Spokane Valley in issuing documents for substantial completion and acceptance of the work. CH2M HILL will advise Spokane Valley on payment, and partial release of retention. CH2M HILL will assist Spokane Valley in issuing documents for final completion and acceptance of the work. CH21A HILL will advise Spokane Valley on final payment, release of retention, and release of insurance and bonds. CH2M HILL will provide to Spokane Valley an organized set of project documents and records. CH2M MILL is not responsible for any unauthorized reuse or alteration of project documents. 2.0 OFFICE ENGINEERING SERVICES 2.1 Submittals CH2M HILL will review shop drawings, samples, and submittals for conformance with the design concept and compliance with the requirements of the plans and specifications for construction. A list of anticipated submittals to be reviewed by CH2M HILL and an estimate of associated review hours is attached. CH2M HILL will also require the Contractor to submit these items as required by the construction contract, the LAG Manual and the Construction Manual. In addition, C1421M KILL will log and track shop drawings, samples, and submittals. CH2M HILL.'s review of shop drawings, samples, and submittals will be for conformance with the design concept and compliance with the requirements of the contract for construction. Such review shall not relieve the Contractor from its responsibility for performance in accordance with the contract for construction, nor is such review a guarantee that the work covered by-the shop drawings, samples, and submittals is free of errors, inconsistencies, or omissions. 2.3 Requests for Information CH2M HILL will review the Contractor's requests for information (RFD or clarification of the plans and specifications for construction. CH2M HILL, will coordinate such review with the design team and with Spokane Valley as appropriate. CH2Nl HILL will coordinate and issue responses to the RE1s. CH2M HILL will log and track the Contractor's RFls. SPKICM BARKER ROAD BRIDGE SOW 0530M.DDC 6 OF 9 168201.D1.BR EXI-CBIT B2 CH2'M HILL will assist Spokane Valley in reviewing and responding to the Contractor's requests for substitution of materials and equipment. CH2M HILL will review such requests and will advise Spokane Valley as to the acceptability of such substitutions. 2.4 Record Drawings CH2M HILL will revise the original design drawings to reflect available record information provided by the Contractor, inspector's reports, or survey data. One reproducible set and three hard copies will be submitted to Spokane Valley. Copies of electronic AutoCAD files will also be submitted. CF12M HILL is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of as -built drawing or survey information provided by the Contractor or other entities. 3.0 CH2M HILL SUPPLEMENTAL INSPECTION 3.1 Periodic Site Visits CH2M HILL will perform up to six (6) one -day site visits to the project site to observe the work and confirm that the work is being accomplished in general conformance to the plans and specifications. 3.2 Material Testing and Special Inspection CH2?vI HILL will review the reports and other information prepared by the material testing firm contracted independently with Spokane Valley. Spokane Valley's onsite inspector will coordinate the testing firms' schedules, transmittal of reports, findings or other information to the Contractor and CH2M HILL. 3.3 Technical Field Inspection — Foundation and Structures CH2M HILL will provide technical specialists to provide inspection of the contractor's work specifically related to the bridge foundation, bridge structure, and retaining walls for this project. The scope and budget assumes the following: • Up to twelve (12) days of structural engineering field support. • Up to 1.2 days of geotechnical field support to observe the four (4)10 -foot diameter drilled shafts (3 days per shaft). • Up to 12 days of geotecluucal field support to observe the eight (8) 5 -foot diameter drilled shafts (1 -1/2 days per shaft)_ 3.4 Surveying C112M HiLL will provide field surveying to establish and verify survey control points shown to be provided by Spokane Valley in the construction Contract Documents. CH2M HILL will also provide additional surveying to delineate the right -of -way boundaries or other elements of the project, as may be requested by Spokane Valley. Surveying under this task does not include work to layout the bridge and retaining wall structures or roadway and utility work. Nor does this task included licensed surveying to document the location of or reset existing monuments. The Contractor will be responsible for all surveying necessary to layout the bridge and retaining wall structures, roadway and utility elements, and for establishing and resetting monuments in accordance with the SP&CH BARKER ROAD BRIDGE SOW 05302030.00C 7 OF 9 169201.DLER EXHSIT B2 construction Contract Documents. The budget assumes up to 3 days of survey crew and office time needed to perform surveying under this task. 3.5 Cultural Resources Monitoring CH2tiI HILL will provide an onsite archaeologist to monitor ground - disturbing activities for discovery of potential or known archaeological resources: Activities to be monitored include the following: • Upper 15 feet of soil excavation for the drilled shafts. Demolition and removal of the below -grade portions of the existing bridge abutments and piers. • Excavations for the new bridge abutments and retaining walls. Excavations for utilities adjacent to the new bridge structure will be in previously disturbed areas and will not be monitored. 17he scope and budget assume 100 hours for the cultural resources monitoring effort. The actual level of effort required may increase or decrease depending on the archaeologist's judgment of conditions observed. CH2M HILL will provide weekly updates to the Spokane Valley of the hours actually spent onsite during periods of ground- disturbing activities. The budgeted level of effort will not be exceeded unless authorized by the City of Spokane Valley. 4.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT & COORDINATION CH2M HILL will provide overall project management and coordination with Spokane Valley. A total time of 20 months is assumed to be the duration for this work. Project management services include: • Project instructions and work plan Staff and subconsultant management • Quality management plan • Control budget and schedule • Monthly progress reports and invoices (The progress report /invoice will identify the work performed for that period, major decisions, schedule, and budget status. • Routine communication and coordination with Spokane Valley. 5.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES The following services will be provided by CH2M I 1 Ci. L upon written authorization of Spokane Valley and agreement on compensation to CH2M HILL. An amendment to the contract will serve as w =ritten authorization. • Services necessary clue to the default of the Contractor. SK04 BARKER ROAD BRIDGE S011i 0SW2006.000 8 OF 9 iBUDt_DI.BR E%NIOU B3 • Services related to damages caused by fire, flood, earthquake or other acts of Cod. • Services related to warranty claims, enforcement and inspect ion - i Preparation for and serving as a witness .i.ri con.nection wi th any public a private hearing or other forum related to the project. i Services to support, p.repaxe, document, bring, d efend, or assist in Iitl gahon undertaken or defended by Spokane lea 11e, i Perform rruscellaneous and suppleunentaI services related to the project as requested by Spokane Vai.le . wwhr* $K%CM BARKER ROAD BR10GE SCM053U'di100.COC 9 OF 9 18U01,D1$R DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The page entitled "Exhibit E -1" contains confidential cost and rate data and is withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(F). Prenotification; confidentiality of data. A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550.