08-069.00 Spokane County: Barker Bridge Replacement - Sewer Project_ ~ _ MI:MORANDUVI OF UNDERS`IANDII\'(.: BET~~'F~EN' THE CITY OF SFOtiANL+" VALLrI' AND SPOICA.N1~. COUNTY hOlt THE llll)UINC fi CONS'1'RUCTIO\' OF' THE BARKER BRIDGI±~ ItEPLACI:.~7~NT PRO.II±~C'l' ~VHEIt.EAS as a part of its 2008 'Transportation Improvement Program, the C1TY OF SI~'Ohr-1NE VAL.I..EY (the CITY) intends to construct the Barker Bridge Replacement Project (Bridge project) over the Spokane River. "The work includes demolition of the existing bridge and widening the new bridge located between Mission and Euclid Avenues. The purpose of the Agreement is to allow adequate time to coordinate any t~elocation or placement of new lines. Any cost that the contractor may incur by providing items mentioned below shall be agreed by ~tnd coordinated with t1~e CITY and Spokane County Public ~Uorks, Division of Utilities. ~\rl-Lf~'RF'AS Spokane County (the COi_ll~~'TY) plans to provide sewer service to the area north of~ the Barker Road Bridge in the future. To accommodate this, the C(:)ll~l°1'Y has requested a 6- inch diameter PVC sanitary sewer force main supported from the bridge and installed within Barker Road from the bridge south to Itiverway Road and east along Rivcrway Road to an existing County sewer manhole. This work ("the SF~VER PROJEC"1'") is to be undertaken in r.onjunction with the BRIDGE PROJECT. The portion of the force main on the bridge will be within a 12-inr.h diameter steel casing supported beneath the bridge deck between the girders. l~rl-Ch REAS the C1TY and the COUNTY agree that the installation of the. Sewer Project in conjunction with the Bridge Project would benefit the ratepayers; taxpayers and the traveling public. v01~' "1"HEREFORE, the CITY and the COUNTY do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1-.ItC'S1'ONSIBILITIES OIi `['lei ;CITY ]. E'lans and specifications for the Bridge Project have been prepared by the Cl"1'Y, and the CITY intends to construct the L3ridge Project in 2005 and 2009. The COUNTY has prepared plans, technical specifications, and an associated schedule of bid items for the Sb'~VER PROJECT. The CITY will incorporate the plans for the SEI~UER PROJECT, together with technical specifications and the associated schedule of bid items, into the bid documents and construction contract documents for the BRIL~GF PRU.IC'C°1'; 2. The C1TY, upon a~~=arding a contract 1'or the Bridge Project, shall have full control over the resultt~nt construction contract and shall be the administrator for the combined project; It is understood that the CITY shall use the lowest responsive bid for the BRIDGE PROJL'C"1:' portion of the work as the basis of award; 3. The Cl"l"Y shall provide construction management services for road replacement far all paved areas above subgrade; Adcinoraudinn of Undcrseaadink Barker Bri~tgr - 3pn5 rase t ~Ea C08-69 4. 7"he C1TY shall provide construction inspection of the SE1~lrER )'CZOJECT components installed on the bridge structure, including but nat limited to: inspection of the installation of the casing pipe support system (concrete embedded inserts, hanger rods, pipe roll assemblies, horizontal struts, etc.), casing pipe and carrier pipe. The CITY shall ensure that all components of the SE1~~ER PCtO.fECT installed on the bridge structure are installed in accordance with the specifications; S. Tyre CI'C'Y shall coordinate with the COUNTY'S representative in determining the appropriate pay quantities relative to the SEV1rER PROJECT on progress payments. "1"he CITY shall be responsible I'or making progress pa}~ments for the Sl:~rv'F.R PROJECT to the contractor in accordance with the construction contract daeurnents. ARTICLE 2 - khSPONSIBILITIE:S (Jr TI-ll": COUNTY 1. The COIJi\1TY shall provide separate plan/profile and detail sheets and specifications for the construction of the buried sewer pipe to the CITY; 2. Plans and specifications far the force main, casing, and support system on the bridge structure have been incorporated into the. cantrrct documents for the BRIDGE PROJECT by the CI"1'Y. 'l"he COWTY has provided to the CITY the pipe a.nd casing size to be installed on the bridge, and the CITY assumes no responsibility far the adequacy of the sizing of the pipe and casing; 3. The COUI~rTY will coordinate with the CITY and take reasonable measures to ensure that the SEWER PROJIdC`I' plans are compatible with t:he scope of «~ork contemplated for the BRIDGE I'RO.II~C'1"; 4. Shall designate a "reslonsible person" 4vho shall represent the COUNTY'S interest during the canstruction of the Bridge I'rpject, and shall coordinate tiny modifications ar changes needed by the COUT~rTY in conjunction with the work; 5. 'fhe COUNTY shall be responsible for inspection and testing of the buried 6-inch diameter force main, including but not limited to pipe materials and installation, thrust blc~eks, and connection to the existing gravity sewer system at Riverway Lane, as shown an the plans prepared by the COUNTY; 6. The COUNTY shall be responsible for inspection and testing of excavation, beddins, backfill, and compaction of soil within the sewer trench up to the top of the roadway subgrade; 7. °1"he COU~rTY shall provide a representative to perform the COUNTY's inspection duties relative to the construction of the SEWER PROJECT, as discussed above; 8. The COUNTY shall provide tabulations of pay quantities for the SE~VEIZ I'ROJFC'l" to the CITY within 2 business days of the CITY's request to facilitate the preparation of month)}~ progress payments by the CITY; hrcmorandum of UndcYSmnclinl; tiarkcY Hrid~;e - 2008 I'agC 2 0( -0 9. The COUNTY shall coordinate any modifications or changes tq the SE~~1~CR. PROJECT with the CITY and fain the CI'I"Y's approval prior to implementation. ARTICLh. 3 -ALLOCATION OF CUSTS l . "this Men?orandum of Understanding, once fully executed, shall establish a commitment by the COUNTY to reirmbu-se the CITY for actual const?Z~etion costs associated will? the sewer improvements, bid at $154,433.50. 2. All additional costs associated with change orders for the SEVER PRO.ILC'1' shall be the responsibility of the COUT~~TY. The CUUNTY`s authorization shall be necessary to validate said change orders; 3. TI?e CITY shall prepare monthly na_y estir??aces for the Sewer !'roject based upon the tabulations of pay quantities provided by the Contractor. The COUNTY shall prompt!}= review each pay estimate prior to presentation by the CITY to the contractor; 4. Upon the sidling of each pay estimate b}~ tl?e CITY ~u?d the contractor; tl?e CITY shall send an im~oice to the C;OIJN'fY For those amounts to be paid to the CITY for \vork on the Sewer Froject. `I"he CITY shall include copies of the signed pay estimates as att~tehrnents to the monthly invoices to the COIJN`I'Y. The County shall pay the CITY, within 20 days of the receipt of the invoice, for all construction costs due to the contractor in association with the Sewer Project; 5. The Contractor shall obtain a permit from die CITY to perform work within the CITY'S right-of--way tilt the Sewer Project. TI?e CITY is authorized to charge its reasonable admnistiative costs intoned for preparing pay estimates, change orders, etc., for the Sewer Project to the pern?it. ' ARTICL.1~ 4 -DELAYS if the CITY's contractor is delayed at any time outside of the 45-day Utility work windciw by an unreasonable act or neglect of the COUT~~TY or those acting for or on behalf of the COUNTY, then the COUNTY shall indemnify, defend and bolt! the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harrmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorneys' fees to the. extent arising oul of or in connection with such delays; except. for delays and dan?ages caused b_y the City. This provision may not be waived by the parties except in writing. \•lern~yrandum u~ Uniice~[a~tding Rarkec Bridge -2008 Fagc 3 of 4 CITY OF SPOKAN~.~ VALLEY: By: David Mercier, ity Manager pate: 7 ~ 2008. ay. ~ • Dace: 6 ~ 3 ~ ~ Zoos. Uffice o the City ttorney SFOK.ANl~~ COUNTY: Q ~ OI,~.J "'~ Date: ~ - 2 ~ - 2Q08. ~y: N. 13ruce Rawls, I~irectar Srokane County Division of Utilities ~\gLhn~mr~«!wn iif UnJc~srancling Kn~:a• Kricl~e- 20(1R Page 4 of A