08-072.00 Halme Construction: 24th Ave ReconstructionS~~kane ~~~' CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 08-006 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT: 24th Avenue Reconetruetlon Project CONTRACT DATE: 6lb/2D08 CONTRACTOR: Hairtto Conetructlon, Ina CHANflE ORDER N0. 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0: '0053 BID NO: b8-008 DESCRIPTION OF CHAN<tE3 This Chang a Ordor oonsisis of three Items, ell on Schedule A • road worts funded by the CHy Item t: DW 2 Modifiptiars - F S 12' Pre::ast EcrAnUic Cans, Cut and plug exlsting 16" Dlam 5tee1 WL 8300.00 (Required to roplece exisllng falling, substandard cone) Item 2; DW 3 Flat Ild - F & 1 traffic fated precast flat and 8245,00 (Raqulrod to replace existing falling, substandard cane) Hem 3: CB 16 - F& I traffic retell fiat Jid 2 5 0 (Requtred to replace oxistfng falling, substandard cone Tn/-nl Amn,nM of ~Me r!henne A~r1en A7ritl An SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Oteglnal Date: 7130P2008 PAor to Ihls Change Order. 713012008 Including this Chartga Order. 7131/2008 Inal V4lorki Da 30 Works Da s Added b thle CO: 1 Workln D s indudin this CO•. 3t THESE CHANQES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMEfJTB OF SCH A CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL CONTRACT SCH A AMOUNT ,,,, $ 641,939.80 TOTAL PRIOR SCH A CHANGE ORDER AhSOUNT•,„, ,_,,,,,.,,.,_ ,~ 0.00 CONTRACT SCH A PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER (ihrouAh COiI~__,,,,,,, S 641,838.80 NET SCH A THIS CHANGE ORDER_,,,,„„„,,,„ S 780.00 CONTRACT SCN A A640UNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORO£R 842,729.60 THE&E CHAN6E3 RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING AD.IUSTASENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE: ORIfl[NAL TOTAL CONTRACT AI'AOUNT ,,,_ 8 937,102.02 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT ,,.,..,...,_ 9 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER (ltv0ugh CUB ,,,,„,,, S 937,102.02 NETTHI3 CHANGE ORDER ,"_,_,_„,,,_,,,,,.. $ 780.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CtiAWGE ORDER __,,,,,,,,_„„~_ „4~, 937,692A2 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: DATE: ~~ 3 ~ ~ Tire cantractar hereby eocopte fhb ed'~ustment er L§e terms of Ure or~lnal oantrea for oll work pertomed. RECOMMENDED APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: ` •~~ ~~ ~~~e~ surd Herder. Cty Monaco DATE: 7 ~ 3 -~ :.1 DATE: 3 DATE: / ~3~Q ATTACHMENTS: Cc of the art irtal Contmet 0.laterials Llat nrd~,u,,,!rne• ORiG1NAi8 TO: ConUactor, City of l3Pakene Valley Cte,Kfe Otlloe, PNV Prayed FIIO COPIER T0: PW Project FUe __ _ • p•P++a%e ~'~`~~^Udro'~ te~~~ C08-72