08-077.00 Inland Asphalt: Pines-Mansfield Corridor Congestion Reliefr t ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY -PINES-MANSFIELD CORRIDOR CONGESTION RELIEF PROJECT Contract THIS AGREEMEI\7T, made and entered into this _L~ ~ day of , 2008, between the STATE Or WASI-IINGTON, acting through the City of Sp :ane Valley under and by ~~irtue of Title 47 IZCW, as amended and I1~TI,AI~TD ASPHALT COMPANY, A DIVISION Old CPM DEVELOPMENT COItPOItATION He~reinafler called the Contractor. ~~~ITI~'ESSET>-T: That in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein and attached and made apart of this agreement, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: I. The Contractor shall do all work. and Furnish all tools, materials, a,id equipment for: 1"he Pines-Mansfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project (CM-9932 (032)) In accordance with and as described in the attached plans and specification, and the standard specification of the Washington State of Department of Transportation ~~~hich arc by this reference incorporated herein and made part hereof and, shall perform any changes in the work in accord with the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work and labor; of any sort whatsoever that may he required for the transfer of materials and foe constructing and completing the work pro~~ided for in these Contract Documents e~.cept those items mentioned thcrei_n to he furnished by the City of Spokane Valley. II. The City of Spokane Valley hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ, and does employ the Contractor to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the above described work and to complete and finish the same in accord with the attached plans and specification and the terms and conditions herein contained and hereby contracts to pay for the same according to the attached specifications and the schedule of unit or itemized prices at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions provided for in this contract. I:II. The Contractor for himselflherself; and for his/hers heirs, executors, administrators; successors, and assigns; does hereby agree to full performance of all covenants required of the Contractor in the contract. 332963.F0 June 27, 2008 CONTRACT PAGE 1 OF 2 16-Contract.doc C08-77 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY -PINES-MANSFIELD CORRIDOR CONGESTION RELIEF PROJECT 1V. It is f•'urther provided that no liability shall attach to the City of Spokane Valley by reason of entering onto this contract, except as provided herein. Thl ~VT'1~1ESS `VHEREOF, the Contractor has executed this instrument, on the day and year first below ~~ritten and the City of Spokane Valley has caused this instrument to be executed by and in the name of the said City of Spokane Valley the day and year first above written. Executed by Contractor o'~'~03 ~a~? , 2008. nice Ma.r~ Mv.rp~., Pri//nted Nan1e V~ L G ~1 c-c. S c d•,...~ Title Signature 332963.FD June 27, 2008 CONTRACT PAGE 2 OF 2 16-Contract.doc CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY-PINES-MANSFIELD CORRIDOR CONGESTION RELIEF PROJECT DECLARATION OF OPTION FOR MANAGEMENT OF STATUTORY RETAINED PERCENTAGE Note: This form must be submitted at the time the Contractor executes the contract. Contractor shall designate the option desired by checking the appropriate space. Monies reserved under provisions of RCW 60.28 shall, at the option of the Contractor, be: (1) Retained in a fund by the Owner until 30 days following Final Acceptance of the Work; (2) Deposited by the Owner in an interest-bearing account in a bank, mutual savings bank or savings and loan association, not subject to withdrawal until after Final Acceptance of the Work or until agreed to by both parties; or (3) Placed in escrow with a bank or trust company by the Owner until 30 days following Final Acceptance of the Work. When the monies reserved are to be placed in escrow, the Owner will issue a check representing the sum of the monies reserved payable to the bank or trust company and the Contractor jointly. Such check shall be converted into bonds and securities chosen by the Contractor and approved by the Owner and the bonds and securities held in escrow. X (4) Retainage Bond The Contractor in choosing option (2) or (3) agrees to assume full responsibility to pay all costs which may accrue from escrow services, brokerage charges or both, and further agrees to assume all risks in connection with the investment of the retained percentages in securities. Contractor Signatu Mirk Murphy - Vice Presid n 3329&3. FD RETAINAGE DECLARATION 07/07/08 Date June 27, 2008 18-Retainage Declaration.doc Certificate. of Insurance :ER OF It~FORh1ATION. ONLY At.'U CONFERS NO RIGFCT UPON YOU'I'ME CERTIFICATE E. n _ _ AMEN 1D, EXTFNI~, OR ALTF32 THE COVERAGE AFI~ORfJEU BY THE POLICIES LISPED H~LI 'I~his is to Certify that Inland Asphalt Company A Division of CPM Development Corporation PO Box 3366 Spokane, WA 99220-3366 \'ANIE ANI) AnnR~:ss OF I\'SU12ED ~R'I'll1S Cf:RTIFIGATE IS NOT A,~ Liberty Mutual. is, at the issue date of this certificate, insared by the Company under tlrr policy(ics) listed below. The iusuranc+! afiordcd by the listed poliey(ies} is sr+bject to all their terms, exclusions :nut r;tmdi+itu+s a+xl is net ahtrrd by nnv rrnuirnrnenf [rms nr emulisim+ of anv contract nr other tlncumenl wish respect to ultith this certifieo:e may Ir. issued. EXP 1)ATF O corrrrxuaus 'I'Yt')J ON POLICI' I~ Eh"I'ENI)Isl) I'ULICY \'Uh713C;R I,I<\11T C;)1' LIAt31Ll'1'l' POLICY TERM ~~'URK~12S 9/1/2008 WA7-C8D-004095-027 C,bVIi12ACf:AFFORDEDUNDER WC LAW Of'1'l1E FOLI-Q0.'It~G L\7PL01'IRS L1.4131L1'I'ti' ' ' WC7-C85-004095-017 STATES: COnfPF\ Sj1TI0\ A id b ALL STATES EXCLUDING cc nv Bodily Injury y A'10NPOLISTICSSTATESA.I~D $1,000,OOOEaehAccidcrn ~Y Bodily Injury by Disease tnri OR $1,000,000 Policy Liirdl , Bodily I giury by [7iseasn $1,0oo,ooa Eachl'erson Grnerol Aggregnte - Otlur Ibnn Products / Complelod Operations CEt\'ERAL L1,~I311,IT1' 911/2008 T62-C85-004095-117 52,000,000 OCCURREA'CE Prexluas JCanplctcd Operations Agaregnte 52,000,000 0 CLAIddS h?AOE Bodily injury and Prvlr_ny Dancae Liability $2,000,000 PerUocimence RE"fR0 DATE Persnnal Injury Included+ Per Pc+sonlOrganization Otlrr Other Included in 131lPD Liability FIRE DAA'1AGE $100,O00;PER PROJECT AGGREGATE AU'I'U,~'t013fLL•'• 9!112008 AS2-C85-004095-127 $2,000,000 B~:h~flacPleDnt•S~'iagle' cjnit 1~ I A R I I,,l'1'1' Eacl1 Pcf50n O awNED © NON-OV'1NED lunch Accident orOccaumxe HIRED - Each Accident or Oeeurrrnne Ol'nEll Auto: Gosnp Ded S10,000lColl Ded 510,000 EVIDENCE OF COVERAGE ADDII'rONAI. Cfl;\1M1?VTS Certificate MaldEr and the 1Nsshirr~ton Dept. of 'Transportation are named as additional insured 'with respect to Contract No. 08-096 (CIP-0005) - P111es-t~Aansfield Corridor Corrogesteon Relief Protect. ' 11'IaC oenil[e~te exp'ua[inn 'wtt is eantsesous o+ eclcn~OC Icnn, yeu will be nnufrd if coverage is tcra+inateC Or red+xeC Gtlbre tEr_ ceniticats txrautiun Cana SvI:CIAL NOT1C6-OII10: A>~Y PERSON WHO,'~'I'I'H !1.-IEAT TO DEFRAUD OR KtdOWINC'I'tln7 ]215 FAC[LITATING A FKAUD nC.A1NST nN [A'SUItER, 5Uab1ITS AN APPUCA'I'101; OK PII_f?S A CLVMCONTAITING A FALSEOK DECEPTIVE STATGAtEM 1SGUIL'IY Of rNS1lkAtdCE FRAUD. IPIr•u ItTA\T FOTICF. TO 1TI,ORInA Ia:H,l h'u OLUfRS nND CERTI PIC,ATt; N(ri,Ut:RS: IN THE EVENT t'OU HAVE AN1' QUES'I90R5 OR NEED n."POILKA'I'ION AKO0.1T THIS CERT[h7CA'I'E FOR ANY REA.SOl:, PLEASL• CO.`['rAC'I' YOUR I,OCA!_SALES PRODUCER R'IIOSEN:1\1t; ANU TFLCPHU~E NUA16EIt APPta11t; IN'1'Ht: LOVER RICA"I'NAVDCOI4VEROIrTIilSfr;R7'INIC,q't'FTI~APPROTRIATLLOCALSALF,SOFPICL•~4AILINO.ADDRESSMAt'.ALSOH$013TAINEDDYCALLI?:O'rF{ISNI,+60.HFK, LibCr[)'~1UtU~l Insurance Crnup NU'rICE OF CANCELLATION: (NOTAPPLICAI3Lr: UNl•ESS A NUMBER OF DAYS IS ENTEttED BELOW J BEFORE T[I li STATER E~PTRAT[ON DATE 1711; COMPAr,'Y RILL NOT CANCEL OR R F,DUCE THE IT~'SURANGE AFFORDIiI) UNDER THE ABOVE POLICIES IJNTtL AT LEAST 30 DAYS NO•I'ICE OF SUCH CANCELLATION FIRS FiEETt M1]AILED TO: City of Spokane Valley ~ ~ ~~~~,~,~/ 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 ;;;///~~~ Judith Balazentis ~ Spokane Valley, WA 99206 I>iiisburghlo387 AUTFIOR1zEDREPRF,SE?.TATIVE c~ = 12 Federal Street, Ste. 310 Piiisburoh PA 15212-5706 a12-231-1331 oiJOaraR OFFICE P[IONE DA'Z'E ISSl1ED 'Chis cetlific.ate is executed by LLBERTY i\4U'I'UAL fNSURr~T~eCE GROUP as respects such insurance as is afforded by those Companies Nr~4 772 • ~ .: ~ ..' .:,rid ':. ' ~ . `;~, - ., ly;lXl~iS~~~'~1Z~$E'=~[G`Ny,~--,'~•'`'{~d'~T~.~1~~~?1a;,1r, ~Y1~,I-'~~`}L'fi~ ~ ~1 ~..' . 11Rl.:dilA7l~1.~'.`vf!•.,~'41'1?~T.'T!T'll~rki 'iTTif+i~i,iilr\. "Ixi's•~~ttlot5'enlecli~rmadifigs i~ti~ince:~:~oviiieeE aliilcti.,r.elie:follo~rinJ. . COhri~r9~E•Et~,Te1L ~~~:~:l~~i>3r.~~l-Y c~v.~~~~~-~0~:s. S~G~,,~~ LI I~•}~~S ~1i"~~~X3IEll is~~tnentlni~ari3ia~cltitle~'s ;~it~inruceil':~iay ia~ei~son:or.csi~in~i;ciii:fvr arla~m~yot~li:a•: e .. ~., ~~i~etf+~i'dt•~.~rceeng~prc~vad~~~k~~tf~u~U~stir~enc~. $;irt: Tyre u;stir:~ace p;ro~~ide~ by-this~menclnzept- . L. flpplics o;tlyto "4~ocGlyirtjctr~'-~ntl "pr:o~eny:dacnag~"'r;risi;ig out of (a) "}roue ~rorl~"'ar.(b),ptrtniscs orviher~p~npc,ryowned uy or rcnxc3 w you; - .. 2. ;Q.pl.+li~s only co cev~ra_le a;2c3~•rriinimuiit iiituts of insus-arce:r2quirecl-hy clic a~ricr,~n Pereern~nr, hiii in ~so'e~lcitt'esceetls ei!her the scope of r.•,a~-eiage or tl;e li,nics•of ~insiir:;nce pto~~edtd~byzhis polio; a,td ;S. `l5de.,~.,aot~ap.plyc~~.a~z~~.persost•qr.:or~a,~i~lci~rif~i:r:honayvu~l;av~proc~i;•ed'scpa,:3t~'~l~Eyilfcy.ijt" ~r.,i;ei:,~ti;',hiles~lcli:uzsu'r:r,ice'is r°n effect, rygarclless or~.vl,e~lier tl;e scope of eo~,~,~gcurlinjits•4f insiirtncz bf~rhrs ptilli~e~ ~hcis:e'of'~LrSlZ:other.ii;suraiace, or-~~~et.lizr sael; othPrirrst}r~t]ce ~s~~~tl ani<{.'~ollectiUl~. • t. - 1$e f'dLozvia;g,pnnvisians ~!so appl3: 1. 'adhere the applieable written agt~ee'enant require"s rJre ii~sure'rl to~pro~ i43e li.~l~ility t~eiriitCC on•a,_orurmrv, excess; conrirjgzr?C, yr arryorher'basis, cliis:poliry a.•ill;apply, sok!y.uer'.clie h~sis'r@quircd ~ j'susli mitteh agreenien~ an3:ltem r Oilier Ii;surance oP S~C110iv.7~V-of illis 1.+olicysvill~nQt apply' :2. ~:~fliere fire.applieablC~xTitteu.agxeeriiei~t dyes ,»c s~eci(y ~n wharbasis the liakiility insit'rrcice -~cill.apply, the }irovisions of~Iteiti ~. QchcrItrsuianca gF4ECTIpN IV ol',this policy n•-ill.p~uvem. 3 'This endoisem_ecit s}call;rot.:~pplyt~,any pers~?n_or oi~ani2atroa for any "Lxzdilyniur~' qr "properly datuage" ii any or~trer ailtlitional insuie<l-e_ndorszu;e,tt orr- this, pout}'applies't~~ 'chap pcr5o,n,or orgat;ization.u~rreg~u~d'.to;lie "~~oclil'y.u}juiy" or =',property c~an~,~ga". _ ~F. :Y{'~riyeithcrau~i{itienal irr3•eic~d~.et~dar`si'merit-t~~lies'iris~ny,pzrsori~oi.'org~aizationpritl•~•rou~ae~d>ZI1~~r;~d>trtttl~r•aw•rattcn~ . a~t~eniei4tto:prouirie-li1hilii•yinsu'raati~ oii`a•piimaoy,;~cess;~cocitingQiic;•irr a12~otllerl3sis~fbr:t}i3t ~E3d~.tinudl-i.~isuretl;<rl~is p~lii'y z~~li apply~solelyon d;c ~iasis ~rcgisiretl•;15y'SUEIr Riittcn-agrceiitei;t.:uid~tenY~-: Cir~ier..i~;sci :i~icc of.SEGTI~N:CV• of this polir~mill not apply, re~'rdlcs's af:zyl;e~l ~rehe;p"ersnn pr.:oigtriii.tt~on liaS aviilibl,E•:otiher:~~:iliil~ciricl~colleccil;le.in3uriric~..~II tht applicable a~it#eir agreatxtentdocs: nor speufyon~~~i-ar~li~is`•ift. ~raliifiF;=iFtsiarance•,o~ll.:apli}y;:flie-piravisiQris of rtz,;-~. Other Lnsurarrce:ot' S~CITE~?~I N'pf this pgticy~~~il gay~rr;. '.c}}it•ecidorsemeeu:is esectuecf:oX~he I;I$I?R.'1'YIVtiLITTJ~IL•]=.1RL Li1TS1::1tZt1NGL: CO~'ii'~1L~I~1' :~tpiltis;~rtt 5 c.Ilecti•.~e~Dac' ~-1-07 E.e~iuxriaa'~llatc g_1_08 •Far~uar2unent co~Pdicyl~Ya. ~.'F32-C85-004095-117 ' Ruda Fiuis 19s,red To 0ldaastic, Ire. i ~. S$~~ETAIi't• (•~ PRE53B sT~i 7f Cawlre,s'ytecl5y _._ ~._. A ,orae .Rt' :scnntivc .Issued Sales QiFice andiNo. I;nd.5erialNe, jr kglt - 03$7 'C.1V 2G 010645 rS r~yp.~?LPA'T '~ ~(r~ J 7r 1- §] ~ ~2I-~'~T'~' u~,+'~~:it 1s~+~l.w,~iN%iL~•fyE~M~~r-A~S~ ~ ,.TT9'~ ^_~_ r. ~q ~i J.~7;. ~ ~ I r ~ ~i ~ GEr7TIFICATE NUfA~R ;~~~ { , M[A~~~i~=SH}~~E ;: ,~~~. CER~TIF~ICAT~E OF'iNSU;RA~NCE~~~.~ 4~u'.u~.J4±~ITti~L °" ~"~ ~ t, e ~~~i~_~'~i;1~*rr.ir.~~ ~~, ~~.~r~r,-a _:rl,.a`,'w•!v}IS!`r.J.l ~, ATLd101483120-O;i ~,); . PRODUCER THt3 CERTTPICATE IS ISSUED AS A SIATTER OG INFORh5ATi0N ONLY AND COtiFERS tv1ARSH USA ItdC. NO RN3HT5 L'PON THE CERTIFICATE HOLOBR OTHER THAN TK03fi PROVIDED IN TH6 3475 PIEDtv1ONT ROAl1 NE POLIICW, THIS CERT4""KATE ODES AOT AJAEI7O, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COV[RAGE SUITE 1200 APFORO80 8Y TMfi POUCIEB DESCR[5.D HEREIN. ATLANTA, GA 30305 COPAPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE CGwJ'a~TY Js4420-new-EX-07-08 A Amer[can Gu3rantc~o 8 UabiUty Ins Co INSURED COw?AaYY INLAND ASPHALT COMPANY A DIV. B OF CPM DEVELOPJdENT CORPORATION PO BOX 3388 CoM!'AJdY SPOKANE, WA 99220-33$8 C COMPANY D 'COVE GES ~'.:.5 ~ ~+ r+Y~,ta=". -~• t:tt a.. .-i ,rz_.~.,,, i. +•:1:[ct~*lie,'~s~tt+~(~vi'!itv»D: m~s~:tii3ayt,tA~e'rv7,Fa.~.r,.Fli~~.n,~". ;.,,,,,s ,.RA,~,,,,rn„p_~~~~~ ~ cerU~ic~,~~j~44~'pvr~gdee;.,nd,raplacas:arlyiprgv_lo _I~ly~Es~uod_ce~tlHcate.fol tht3poticy;{f~[~oi3.~otgSi, belpv~~ ~3' ~-, THIS IS TO CE32TIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE DESCRtSED HEHELV HAVE SEEN ISSUED TO THE WSU7ED NAMED HI~-SN FOR THE POLICY PERIOD NDICATEO. JOOTVATtiST'ANDINGRNY RE0411REM?JT, TCJUA OR CONDT110N OF ANY CONTRACT OR OiHEfi DOCU»SEkT 4\fiH RESPECT TO L•JlfGl TIC CERTFICATE -LAY BE ISSTlEO OR i.4tY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE APFOROEO BY THE POL/CIES DESCRI6'cD I~EREN IS SUBJECT TO ALL TFC TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCI,UISxNJS 0~ SUCK POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIhiTS S3D0'.\LV fdAY Hi4VE 6EEN REDUCED 6Y PALO GLAIfAS. CO LTR pypE O! INSURAfiCfi POLICY J7U:ABER POLN:Y BFFECTIV6 DATE [:Sh51DDfYYI POLICY E%PIRATION OATS (MhiJDOIYY) Uh51YS G EJt ERAL UAEfUTY GEf<¢_R.1L AGGREGATE COI/_\;FJiC1AlCENERALLIA87UTY pR09l1CTS.00.\tPIOPAGG s CLAP\,3 MADE ~ OCOUR CKHSONAL d AOV IkJt.RY S OIVNEAb' 8 CONTFSACTORS PR07 EACH OCCURREtJCE $ FIRE DAhIAGE one fire $ NED EXP An a'w ers~n s AtJT O.`LOE@? UA81tlTY COflBJltEDS[NGLC•LUIIT $ ANY AUTO ALL OIYJJED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ [~ Fm..an) SCiiEDULEO AUTOS !~]REDAUTOS BODIIYINJURY $ [Per neci~enQ kON-0'ASVED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE $ GARAGE LIAEJUSY AUTO OPiLY - EA ACCIDENT $ AITY AUTA OTHER TIUW AUTO ONLY: Y -'- .H A CIOFJSi' $ AAOREOATE $ A ExcessuAEiurY AUC847290409 09f01f07 09/01/08 vucriocctJRRENCE S 10,000,000 X IltrgRELLAFO,~fa AGGREGATE s la,ooo,000 OTHER T W1H UNBRQLA FORfL $ •0 IP E KP PEABATIOH AND LOYERS'L/ABIUTY VIC: STA TO YLLNRB ER ~y~ I~ k~' iriaCi%~±~ __ G S EI. EACH ACCIDF+VT THE PROFRIET'QW WCL EL DISEASE-FOIJCY LIMIT •$ PARTNEIMEXC-CUTTVE O}•fiICERsARi~ ExC1 ELDOSrASE•EACHEIAPIOYEE $ E DEECRI?TION OF 0?ERATIDNSILO CATJONSNENICLHSISPECIAL ITfi1.IS RE: CONTRACT NO. &0-018 {CIE-D005) -PINES-S,SANSFIELD CORRIDOR COAtGESTION RELIEF PROJECT - GTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AND THE V4'ASHING'fON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ARE INCLUDED AS ADDITIONAL INSUREDS) PER WRITTEN CONTF[AC"P. C.ERTIFICA~E~IO~DE ~°~~~~: .~j~i~s't,~t.•-. t4.:i1'!is'!'4~1?P?I? J~Ltr±`a~- ~ :! iihtf .4S$?7I+C~i4TRR~4•°~'~i#7H4-'rl ;~ANGEL.I:J~TI.'~' ~~~I -"g~~ it" •`3f4iN?Efr'!~'i.?il .~ •tti=• - - SIg51LD A:JY OP TIiP Pd.IGES OESCRglL•D 11`iiFJN BE CAN'_'ElLE0 9EFORF. TriE E%RRATION COTE YFGREOF, 1N7E INSIRER AFFORCDtO C01'ERAOE YQ.L E1Ys~lJAI ~5 DAYB VliITTEN N07UCE TO 7Nfi CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY cERTFSCATE NoL#J3 NANED NERFJN.ADDDF.~i'c>rtD~lS7t~c~.'Dro6~9cutL~tY.taCmcttYOi~h 11701 E. SPRAGUE AVE., STE. 106 SPOKANE VALEY,INA 99206 t(iEXZCh7l~2tlt(XTIX%1~fY.+Y.}~.'~ y ,Nk.~ii!• XKN~XifL~1 AVTN ORCfD RPPRCDCMAIP:P ~~~ ~~µ cQ hlarh USA Ine. ...a.~..- BY: t.16N RatlaSx0\~ski t ,:... ~~~~ ~~~~t:T~'~~'"r T ` "~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~' VALID AS OF:07111/08 ;f1{1 M3 0 2~)~''}~ ~' ry `p' k ~': ~ ~ .} . s, ~ li '. N., f. R 'is il "' ...i, .r"'i . . ^ ..c « ~._..... ~[ ~ CITY OF P~FCANE VAL~EY~- PINE-M-4~1FIELD DFtR1D~Ft ~~lESTIOAI L4E~IEF C~Ft0,1t<~T jam. BOND AIO: 893401$ ~Q1V'~.`,4~.A~1'Q~' ~.Ir1~T'+DRI4f.4~FCE AIYD PAYi4~NT FOND TO DUAL OBLIGEE 5 ~]O~~AI.LIvf1~BYT'HE.~BPRESE~VTS,that YNL,AIw;D ~15PI3~5LT C0~ ATJ~ A D~~ISIOA~ ~F Cprf (antractor), as principal, and FIIIELTTY AND_DEPOSIT CQI~ANY Ok' i'~ARYLA~fD a corporation o£ SCI3ALiriBl.i~G, ITf Bonding Company), as Surety, whose principal office is Iocamed at ].x+00 A,RrGAI~ LAT~1=, TOI,rER ONl~, I9TH FIB. , SHALF~i~URG. TL 60196 ,are firmly houaad unto the S#a#e of Washington and th a City of pakan a Palley, a political subdirrision the Stye of LVas}~in~ou, as Obligees, to fii7frl! tho obligations afthc Principe] and tho Surety under the Con~ct to whichreference is hereafter made, in the amount of $ 3 , X61, 916.95 (inclining ~~ashingtan Mate sales #ax} f4rgaymer+# v,~herepifl~cipal and Surety bind themselves, their )heirs, execators, adfniuistra#ors, suacessars and assigns j ointly and severally, firnaly by thcso present3_ AREAS, principal Isar ley v.7•itteen Propose! dated ,7iILY 8, 204 offered to enter iota a Con~ractvrith the City of Spokane Valley for Contract 1Vo, ppuursua~ to the ternas and conditivrls set Earth iu the Contract Oocnments dated JULY 8, 2008 CF$=01"~CIP-OOp~) I~O1~V, TIEFDRE, the condition of this obligation is such that if tl~e principal shall faithfiiiily perf'o-rna all the provisiops of the Contract on its part, and pap all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material s+~ppliers, and al] persons wlso supply sack person ar persons or subcontractors with provisions and supplies i<or t)7e carrying err of such wbrI~ and indemnify and hold harmless the Obligees fi-om all IoSS, aost or damage which rt ntay su#'er by reason of the failutc to do any afthc foregnigg, thca this obligation shall be rauli and void; athersvise it shall renya.in in full force and affect. Al! persons who have furnished Iabor, materials or supplies for use in $nd about the work provided for is the Cantcact s~ral] have a direct right ofaction under this bond} to the extent nod in#he warmer set forFls inltCW 39.08. T8c said Ss>tety far due received hereby stipala[es and agrees that no change, extensio3s of tiros, alteration ar adclinon to the terms of the Contract ar to the O1~K to be perfamxed thereunder ar t}se SPECIFICAT)(OI~S aor~mpalrYirkg the same shall is a:n}~ v-^ay afl~'ecE i~ obligation or! this $OD, and i# does )hereby waive Aotice oi' airy such change, exteasian of time, alteration or addition #o the terms o~t)?e Contract or to the WORK or to t>he SPEC~'ICATTOId~. ?do iRmal settlemerbk between the OW?~TER and the COTli~lClt shall ~Ybridge #hn rust of apy be~neljciasy hereunder, whose ola.immay be unsatisfied, SIC}NED A~~'D 3EALED'i`I-IIS ~'~ T]A~ OF JULY FIDELITY AND DEppSII' COMPANY OF MARYI~A3~;D SiJRE'I']' TI DAVTS ~'yped 3danae A~'); QR~IyY- IbI-FACT Title YJ=.420 08 IN);AND ASPAAI,~ COMPANY A)DIV~SIC',I~] OF FPM p Sign~t~u~e l~4ark rio>:phy Typed A1amc 'Ititle Vise I'r~sident (S>E,4Z,} SUR.CYI'1' ACI~:i\'O~VLEDGM:ENT STATE OF UTAH } COUNTY OF SALT LAKE } SS On this 8TH day of JULY, 2008, before me personally came Tli\`A DA~'IS to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that she is an Attorney-In- Fact of FIllEIrITY Amin D1~•POS1T COA~PANl' OF lvIAI7YT,AND the corporation described in and ~~~hich executed the within instrument; that slle knows the corporate seal of said corporation, tllat the seal affixed to the within instrument is such corporate seal, and that she signed the slid instrument and affixed the said seal as Attorney-In-Fact of the Board of Directors of said corporation and by authority of this office under the Standing 12esolutions thereof. /y~~~ ~~~ l~r Notary Public ~~,,,y^ NOTARY PU$LIC ~~ ~: .~ _ A u ~'•e MARCINDA ORYSDAI.E ?77 East i i50 Nurlh h 4Qd1 ~~4 9 % $ t_eytpn. U18 h i i ~ ~, '• iyoe dy Gomrniss on exp res t>ugust 30, zoos STATE OF UTAH Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY.OF MARYLAND i:.,~i0~~' ALL IvI)/N RY "I`I•LESE PRFS6NTS: 'Chat the FIllLL1TY AND DEPOSIT COi\~fPANY OF NIAIZI'LAi~TD, a corporation of the State nf,~laryland, by FRA\rK fi. 1vIAR"f1N JTL, Vice President, and GERALD li. 1•IALEI', Assistant Secretary, in pursuance of authority granted by .Article Vl, Section 2, of the By-Laws of said t~p~ny, tivhich are set forth on the reverse side hereof and are hereby certified to be in full force and effect an the da fy ~~rereby nonunate, constitute and appoint'fina UAVIS, f\4arcinda DRYSllALL and Kir-i ~ ,,~t ..vl ' f (:ity, Utah, EACH its tole and lawful agent and Attorney-in-Fact, to make, execute. ~e~atu ~i ~ c.~a ~ n - ~ ~ ~ •urcty, and ss its act and deed: any and all hoods and undertakings ~~ ~ t • ittD~rc~f suc~ $ gs in pursuance of these presents, shall be as bindurg upon said Ca ~y~'firl1.}~~ l , iel" ~lA and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowled ed b -~• ,I~vlected £fc . {- ~~- parry at its office in $altimore, lvid., in their own g ro er ersotts. Th- r a~t~r~ ~~~d ehFllf of Tina DAMS, ,~Iarcinda DRYSDALE, Dcrik P P p ~'' `~~j ~rnr}' ~° ~s~ STL°VEi\iSOi~1, date~~g~~22, _ ~~ t~ The said Assistant ~~ ~ ~~ es~y certify that the extract set forth on die reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article VI, Section 2, of the i3y-T..ay~sto saidCorrtpany, and is now in force.. fN biTITNESS ~;~HERE01:, the said Vice-President and Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their narnes altd affixed the Corporate Seal of the said F1DF,LITY AND D1rPOSIT COMPANY 01' iv1ARYLAND, this 21st day of Febntary, A.n. zoos. A°rr>/sT: ~o ofpos~ ~.w... ,a p a - ..... ~ It~90 .s~ 4 H.. r.;vO State of Maryland ~ ss: Ciq~ of Baltimore FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND C,e,-a1d h'. !laley Assistant Secre~tc„y r ~~~~~~ By: F~•mrk F.. ,t9ai7in Jr. Yice President On this 21st day of I"ebnlary, A.D. 2©OS: before the subscriber, a Natary Public of the State of ~9aryland, duly corrunissioued and qualified, came FRANK E. ;\~fART[N JR., Vice President, and GERALD F. HALEY, assistant Secretary of the FIDELITI' AND DEPOSIT COA~IPAr\IY OF t\4ARYLAND, to me personally known to be the individuals and olTicers drscribed in and who executed the preceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself deposeth and saith, That they are the said officers of the Company aforesaid; and that the sea! affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company, and /hat the said Corporate•Seal and their signatw•es as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporation.. 1N TESTL~RONY ~VHEEtEOF; I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. ,~,punrrq~ f 1lUti~'`~Y- ,~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ h• f !f ~ .• `y r ~ l~~/~'r. . f. ~ ~ c. •., ~ 4 '/'~ ~`,` Wit, ~ ~lllll ~ ,Maria l~. Adamski A'otan+!'uG1ic ~qy Cnrnmission Expu•es: July s, Z01 I POA-F t}2t~8622 D 0 RELEASE OF RETAINAGE BOND ~~ Bond Number: 8934023 KNOW ALL AMEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we INLAND ASPHALT COMPANY A DIVISION OF CPM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION as Principal, (the ''Principal"), and Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Maryland as Surety, (the "Surety', are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY as Obligee, {the "Obligee"), in the penal sum of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE THOUSAND NINETY-FIVE AND 851100 Dollars {S153,095.85), vrhich is 5°'0 of the Principal's bid for the payment of vrhich sum yell and truly to be made, the Principal and the Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severalty, fimtly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Prinapal has by written agreement dated JULY 8, 2008, entered into a Contract (the `Contracts vrith the Obligee for CONTRACT N0. 08-016 {CIP-0005) PINES-MANSFIELD CORRIDOR CONGESTION RELIEF PROJECT tivhich Contract is by reference made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORt=, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Surety is held and bound unto the Obligee in the penal sum of 5°.0 of the final oonlract cost, vrhich shall include any increases due to change orders, increases in quantities of work or the addition of any new item of arork. If the Principal shall indemnify and save harmless the Obligee against loss to which the Obligee may be subject by reason of the Obligee's release of retainage relating to the above described Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; olhenvise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED AND SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS PRECEDENT: 1. No right of action shall accrue on this bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the Obligee named herein ar the heirs, executors, administrators or sucr~; sors of the Obligee. 2. The Surety hereby waives notice of any alternation or extension of time made by the Obligee. 3. The liability of the Surety hereunder shall not exceed 5`X, of the total amount earned by the Principal if no monies are retained by the Obligee on estimates during the progress of construction. 4. Any daim must be presented in writing to Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, Claim Department, P.O. Box 17097, Baltimore, MD 21297. DATED as of this 8TH day of JULY, 2008. WITNE ATTEST. 1~-~,~ INLAND ASPHALT COMPANY A DIVISION OF CPM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION By: !i~~C~ Name: Mark Murphy Title; Vice Presxden (Seal) Fidelity and Deposit Company o1 Maryland (Seal} TIN rney- n- SURETY ACKNO«'LEDGME\iT STATE QF iJTAII } cou~TT~.' oF~ SAL'l~ GAI`L+ } SS On this 8TH day of ,T(1~T..1', 2008, before me personally came TTl\Tr11)AVIS to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and sa}~ that she is an Attorney-In- l+act of E~'IDFLITY AND DEPOSIT COMPAI\°Y OF MARYLAi1iD the corporation described in and which executed the within instrument; that she knows the corporate seal of said corporation, that the seal affixed to the within instrument is such corporate seal, and that she signed the said instrument and affixed the said seal as Attorney-In-Fact of the Board of Directors of said corporation and by authority of this office under the Standing Resolutions thereof. ~/~ ~,~~ 6 Notary Public ,-~QTAI~Y PUBLIC f~~a MASCINDA DRYSOALE S _. ~;, 277 East 1150 NOeih ,~ ~3 t,ayton, Utah ggQ4tes ~ ~' $ >6 GOmm'rssion ExR ~ t Y August 30, 2008 °°-° J sTAT~ Ur UTAH Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND K.\tp4V r\LL iylE\~ BY THFSF PRESLI~'TS: Tltat the FIDELI"I'Y ANIa T)FPOS11' COi\~Pr\NY OF IvLARYLAl~'D, a corporation of the State of \laryland, by F12ANK E. )`~[ART[i\r JR., Vice President, and G>rRAi,la F. RALLY, Assistant Secretary, in pursuance of authority granted by Article VI, Section 2, of the By-Lativs of said ~t~p~n}', which are set forth on the reverse side hereof and are hereby c..rrified to Ue in full force and effect on the dat ~'~ f~?~ yy~s-hereby nottvuate, constihtte and appaint'1'ina DAVTS, ~'Iarcinda Dl2YSI)r1l..E .-nd Kiri 1'i. ~,~~i~f-Sa I::~ t,~City, Utah, >'rACFT its true and lawful agent and Attorney-in-Fact, to make, execute ea~ ~ a F~tt'~ ~ •~l';ts surety, and as its act and deed: any and all bonds and undertakings a o t~ ' ~ ~ot s 1 `bSS t . ~ex' ~aCcings in pin•suance of these resents shall be as bindinU u on said Co •, ~S f ~ r c ~ r 1 ; t A t$t nd purposes, as if they had bean duly p ~ P ~~ >~'g~y ~.r3 f2 executed and acknowledged by ~~t ;~ ~'~'~r?le.e cd ff,~rl'b~(1~ parry at its office. in Baltimore, Iv[d., in their own proper pet'sons. Th~ c~r~a e}/re ~ k.~ ~ {' ehalfof l'ina DAViS, Ivlarcinda DRYSAALE, Dcrik S'l'LVENSON, date ~ g 22,~~~ 3~~ "1"he said r\ssistant ° esy~9e~b}~ certify that the extract set forth on the re<<erse side hereof is a taste copy of Article VI, Section 2, of the By- ~5` said Cotttpany, and is nocv ut force. IN ~VfTNESS \VHEItEOF, the said Vice-President and f\ssistant Secretary have heretutto subscribed their names and af[i~ted the Corltoraie Seal of the said FIDELI°1'Y r1t\'rD pFPOS1T COi\'LPAN1' pF 1\~IAItYLAND, this 21st day of February, A.U. 200S. ATTFsS7': '~~ tic°as, ` +c6"~''v, n a c , W .~""• v °, !!90 ,~ 4 ~~,:vc° State of Maryland 1 s~. City of Baltirnot'e f FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND Gerald I'. 1~(aley ~lssistmtt Secretary L/ _`~j,~lrr~~ /~~~-/~~~ Fay: ~~ F'rcrnk C. Martin Jr. Dice President pas this 21st day of February, t~.U. 2005, before the subscriber, a Notaty Public of the State of ~4aryland, duly conttttissioned and qualified, came FRANK E. ~9ART.1N .I R., Vice President, and GERALD F. HAI.[:Y, Assistant Secretary of the F1DF,L[TY A\ED DEPOSIT C0~9PA\rY OF Nfl\.RYT,r\ull, to me personally l:rtown to be the individu5ls and officers described in and "'ho executed the preceding insulrment, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, severally and each for Itintself deposcth and saith, that they are the said officers of the Company aforesaid; and that the sear! ~fiixed to the preceding insu~tment is the Corporate Seal of said Company, and that the srid Corporate Seal and their signatures ~s such officers were duly afi;ixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporation. 1N '1lrST1l~ipvY 4VH>=,ltJ~.OF, 1 have hereunto set rr-y hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. ~~ ° rtOtyr~;~~' n'•, . ~. Maria U. Ada,nski Notary Public My Cotntttission Expires: July S, 2011 t'OA-F 020-8022 Tnsuz'anc~ ~incl~t• Dates ~~ia~~ons Binder No.0Q0L909-001 nsurc.d= City of ~poknne Valley ! 1707 E;~LS# Sprague Ak+e Suite 106 Spokane galley, VJA 9906 [:inC r'olicy l~lun3bc.r Iffective flats ~u~ncrs c~ Conlr7ctor.~ P~~otectik+e ~CI'l-681-034150-71~ 7!&2008 Pending the issuance of the policy ofthe type or types described belo3v, L] I~ERTI~ h4UTl~A l~ GROUP a¢rees #o instu'e rl3c Insured, but only for the coverages intlic7ked, under polic}~ E~orntis in use by sl~a C~ompt~ny as o~ihe £FteClive dale of rhis bioder_ The limit oft]~e Cornp~ny's Li~fiilisy or r~mutintnf ]nsurnnce ag#Lin;t cash Such c:~v~ragc sitnll be st~Ltad herein, subject to tLll the #e€n35 ofthe policy ht~ving L~fei'ence thereto, and no insur2alrce is provided Forcovert~ges for which no s+LCh limit or 8~iuounl is stated. lssuance of tl3c executc~l polio}' ar polic~cs v~id5 #his binder as of the ef?f`ectivu date of such policy. "Phis binder may be cancelled (I) by the eo~l3pany by n~riticLl notice ~o the insured at the a~ldres5 sha}~~n abo}'e staling }~'hcL7 lhere~ftersuch caneellatian shall be effective, or (?} by Che iustlred b}' ~n~ailin; kvrwtten notice to llte Comp~n}'stating ~vhen [lyercafter such caiycellation shall be effective. 'L"I~is binder shall be effective on 718#008 at 12.01 r~,M,, and tu71e~3 previously' cnnccllcd, shall [;xpire an 918~2~OS tit l'#:0] ~,~ ~C8134i.aL~C~ `F`Lmc, #1C ti3C adi~l'ess UFti~~ LRSLIL'$d. This binder ~vl3en duly Coun[ersigned is issued on hch~lfof a n3e~t31~er company ol`the Liber[y fk'ltini~l Group, herein reE'eiTCCI to as ~iye Compa~ty as respects U'ie indic~Lted coverages tmcler l~olicy fiorms in use by the Con3pa~1}' as o[' 41tie eFfec~Give date of the binder, LIBERTY ~~~ILJTIJAL CTROUP ~~ ~~ C;d~37und ~. el Jud~~]t F3alazentis Dexter R. Le F~CRl: IiARY PRJ S1T~E~1' r~ll'iJ-3 OR17_ED RJI'T~l~~SEN~ I'AT~. ~cetYUnt ~xeCUti~'e: f)nder'tiv3~~rr; $~LI~ti {) l7lCC: ~ ktt~bur~,~l L~.~;~a fi•,<<~b ~. YlYOne:412-231-1331 '¢.i:~.b-~ ~v,.~r~,iP ':,,°„~, Page I of 2 Tr7sLn•ance Binder ~..~~]~'.~ C~1te~ 7l10l20~8 ~~w S i n d~ r ~l o, 4001909-001 [nSUrCd; City of 5pokanc Valley 1177 ~:ast Sprague eve Suite I Ob ~Spnkane l~allcy, VJ,4 9906 Liiti~ crPL~usiness: 0}k'ners and Contractors Prolec:live I.iabili[y ~ectian [ - Lina of [3.us~nessJl?ol~~,y ~,rnrl~cr ----- - . ,------._,.~-~, _ - -Y'~~ Owners Contactors f rvtecti~~e T~'I-b5]-034]80-718 71~J200S Liber[y ~~'lutual Insurance Company {.Sc.~r.ln~~ I I. C'o~~crage{f~nriits - ------ __ _ - ~ ,.-~.-_ -- -r.-.-.- ~...__.._ "- p~~~itiers and Con#raclur5 Prokec[kve Li.7biliky w Bodily Injury &. Properly L~alnage Limit ^$3,0~O,~a~ L•"aCh OccuiTence t~ggreaa#e Limit .53,004,04 grega~e Designated Contractor Inland Aspht~l~ Cu A Division of ~Ps1~i T~evelapnicn[ [;orporation PO fox 33b6 ~)pkane, ~~A 99224-33b l~Cr1Ur1 I I1. - tAtc~ {L,nC~tioRS~Govel'eti _. - __. - - - -- - - - Project~Pines-ansiield CUrridot' Oongestian Relief Project; Pines itoad &. ~l2aiysifie]d St,, Sl~ofcane ~~all~.y 1~rA ~cctir~rs I~V-l~eci~l'Pr.ovisiuns .-- t--- Ftccluusl~:d b}~;'7'om I•[aw~ey 1'Jris border does not list eodarsementa' rbn! wi11 be irrcloded on fire frafkres- Page 2 0~2 ~nl~nd spha-X~ ~l71~1#lll~ F.O. klo~ 3366 ~'Fpj[$flC~ F3StL1.6~t011 ~{}~~~ CoutraCtar Ftt~. ~o. IPI~,.A~'AC9#340K ra: Ciky ofpokanc V~Iley l 177 E. Sprague AVC-, $uitc 1~6 ~palc~ne Valley, Vr'A 9920b ERF, SET~DIhtC VO4] E] 51sop araxinxs d C41}y oPlctter A11$chcd ~ r~~~,~ ^ ~Irange older r n•r~ri~ T riiT TD A iWTCh+fTT`TAF ~,,,,x ._.T Q711 Ll08 ray nro, 31$216 rr~roa~ cluie#Ix ~.. Knutson, ~'_$_ ~; Cantraat No. ~$-~16 {Cfi'-0005 Pints-!~'[ansficEd ~orti[~or Cangcslion Relief Projcc[ d U ndcr separala C4~'Cr vie _ the ~al3owi.~ i[t,ns' ^ PL~us ^ Samples ^ SpeLifiCaEi4ns 1'lI~SE .4RE TF~4NSi441TTED ns chetlc be]a3v; ^ Fo~~ oppnoval ~ Foryauruse ~.5 ~xquesked ^ } or rcvi:.w 84d Crnprnrhk ^ ror~ sros ptxe M ~~ R~~~s~ ^ ~xuars i~~n.rItNED AFTER zv~~ ~O u C~P'Y Tp: SIGNED ^ Appri]ve~L ag 5ubrni17ed ^ Ap~oved ~". paled RcmrnedlbYCOneokion ^ C{;.h~tan44 _ capit.& Ibr ^ ~}pirnfs] ^ Sutiunil Copies fardislribolion ^ Roturr~~ corrCCicd prints ~~land s~hai~ Company P.D. Box ~3~6 $pakane, V4~:~s~ine ffn 9$20 Ivan#rue#or Reg. PEo- fN7.,.~[~AC9$d~l~ qty t~fSpok~nc Valley 11707 E. Sprague A.ve,, Suite 106 Spokane Vailcy, ~Vrl $92Q6 WI?itF SE\~171C YOi] ^ Shop drawings d Cod}' aFletter ~ Atl:~clred ^ Prin4s ^ Ch~og°- ai~cr THF:SL A k E TR 1N8R7I1'1'E1] Aa Cneek bclo~Y: ^ Faa~ approx~l ^ For;+ourusc r^ ,4s rcgorsocd LJ For review SuLd C4nl~nt I~ FORF3fDSO1J>~ 19_ RTsA1~1{S; COPS' T0: T.F.TT~i'13 f117 TR d iVS1471'y"'l`.4T~ ,~ 07!11103 raar~u. 31$21 rrFrrrron_ Kenneth L.1Cnutson, P.E. e; Contract A;o, QS-Ol $ III'-005} Pines-Mansfield Corridor Congestion R.eI~c~Pro~ect Q Under s~parale crrnr via ~ 9he €nllowimg i1e~~s: ^ PIenB ^ Ssinples ^ SpxaficatianS ^ Appo'OVe~ xs $u#mottcd a Fkesubnrii copies fqr u~vnt ^ A pprovad ss noted ~ Sua~s~it dories L~r d i€rtibutioa ^ Rch,rnesEforcon~tion ^ Retum cqureoted }viuLS ^ PRfNTS REf~JRA'E13 Ak`i'EE~ LOAN'TO l!S SIfjl~,ll: r T ORldS ~ . iii ELI Date: 7il lnoo8 I3inder No.0001914-001 insurance BindEr Insured: Union Pacific CorporationlUnion Pacific Railroad 5424 S.E. McLaughlin Bvd Portland, OR 97202 J.inc Railroad Protective Liability ~• ~,ibe Niutu~.~.s Ptilicy Nurnner Effective Date 'CE1-681-034180-728 7/1412008 Pending the issuance of tltc policy of the type or types described below, LIBERTY MUTUAL GROUP agrees to insure the Insured, but only for the coverages indicated, under policy forms in use by the Company as of the effective date of this binder. The limit of the Company's Liability or Amount of Insurance against each such coverage shall be stated herein, subject to all the terms of the policy having reference thereto, and no insurance is provided foe coverages for which no such limit or amount is stated Issuance of the executed policy or policies voids this binder as of the effective date of such policy. This binder may be cancelled (1) by the comparry by written notice to the insured at the address shown above stating when thereafter such cancellation shall be effective, or (2) by the insured by mailing written notice to the company stating when thereafter such cancellation shall be effective. This binder shall be effective on (/14/2008 ai 12:01 A,VL, and unless previously cancelled, shall expire on 9/9%1008 at 12:0 AM., Standard Time, at the address of the insured. This binder when duly countersigned is issued on behalf of a member company of the Liberty Mutual Group, herein referred to as the Company as respects the indicated coverages under policy farms in use by the Company as of the effective date of the binder. LIB>rRTY MUTUAL GROUP Dexter R Leg Edmund P. Kel ~ hdith Balazenris SECRETARY PRESIDENT AUTHORIZED REPRESh~fiAT1VE Account L`rtccutive: Underwriter: Sales Office: Pittsburgh Le~fOtA C ~ •stYe~ Phone:412-231-1331 t:r.,,k, .:,,,•::.~„~,;.y.^~r~; Page 1 of 2 ~- Dale: 7/1 II'2008 Binder No. 0001914-001 YnsurancE finder Liberty Mutual, Insured: Union Pacific Corporation/Union Pacific Railroad 5424 S.B. ivtcl.,aughlin Bvd Portland, OR 97202 Line of Business: Railroad Protective Liability Sec#ron.i .~L;in of+Kusiiicss uli,R}a mbe ' - ~ '? _;~, ~~' ~~~' ~ = '~ «:,~:~Mt-4- ~ '~: ~R,ailroad Protective Liability TE1-681-034180-728 7/14!2008 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company ~5`"eCtian rl' ~_ LOV.eI'a~2~lIIlI#S'!'d3F::~y.. °' 1 ~~'. ~. '!+• ~ ~i.~~~y}~t.... '~- .~,: Railroad Protective Liability Bodily Injury & Property Damage Limit 52,000,000 Bach Occurrence Aggregate Limit 56,000,000 Aggregate Designated Contractor Inland Asphalt Co A Division of CPA4 Development Corporation PO Box 3366 Spokane, WA 99220-3366 St;~tirm`IIt,;~~Sl:r~tec et~~stion•~G~.~eredy~;,e ~'•- .a .z ,;~=,~ ,:'=~ ~ ,~ ".r ~~~~~`~s Re: Pines Road cG: Mansfield St., Spokane Valley, WA Rcqurstcd b}': Tom Havey Thfs bindsr does rot liar errdorsenrev~ls tha! ;viii be Included on Lie policies. Page 2 of 2 INVITATION TO 81D CiTY OF SpONAlIE vau�r PiIBUC WORKS DEPART- MENT B1D N�8-016 PINES-MANSFIElO CORRIOOR CON6fSTI0N REUEF PROIECT Nati�e is hec��y given that the C�ty of Spnkane Vall�y, Spgkane Couniy, Washington, will accepi s�ated bids iur th� Pine�-Mansfteld Corr!- dor Congestfon Reltaf ProJect. The pro�e�t can- s3s1s ai improvinR west- baund E-90 inter�hange ramp cannecti�ns to 'Federal Tax ID No. 68 Pi�es Raad, widenin� Mansf��ld Avenue to th� lan�s, r.nns�ru�tten AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION �f bfcyccle ��n� �rUr�� as phaft and concr pa�= STATE OF WASHINGTON �ng, traff�c s��nal im- County ot Spokane, ss. proiremertts and other r�- lat�d wark Copies of the b�d pack Name: City of Spokane Valley Acct: 42365 e#, inciudin� spe�iftca- t►.ans and plans r,an be p,0.: Invitation to Bid No Lines: 131 obtaine� at the City af Spokane Yalle� Public WGrks D�p�rtment Total Cost: 83fi.92 Log No: SR16345 11707 E. Sprague Ave- nue, Suite 3Q4. Spakane Y�Iley, WA 9�206, �ton- The City ot Spakane Val- I, Katie Shaw day thr�ugh Friday irom ��y;n ��ordan� wtin T�- do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of the SPOOCESMAN- �:UO �.m. to 5:00 p.m. A tle VI ai ihe �ivil Rights non- refun�a�bl� �mount Act of 19�A, 78 Stat 252, REVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly published, once dt �50.0o is required. 47 U_S.C. Zoaod to each day in the English language, in and of general circulation in the C�pies af tlm Drd packet I I xp�p�-� an� Title 49. C of S okane, S okane Coun Washington; and in the City of includf�g sp��[�atians �tie nf federal Reguia. P P tY� ar�d pEans may �e A�- tions, Department of Coeur d'Alene, Kootenaf County, Idaho; that said newspaper has tained in PDf format on a lrensport�tion, subt�tie been so established and regularly published and has had said general eompacl ct�sG at ng q, OffiCe of the Seoretary circulation cohtinuousl for more �an six 6 months rior to the 23rd charge. Cup�es are aiso I Part 21, nandiscnmma- y p available for vievring ai Han in iedarally assisted day of July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office are� pl�n c�nters pro�rams of the Depart maint8itled at its place of publication in the City of Spokane, Bids must be 3ubmit ment afTranspartat�an is W�hin on; that said news a er was roved and desi nated as a ted in sealed envelo es sued pu�suant to such p p �p 9 addrass� tt�e ��ty A� hereby natifiss al1 legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Clark af the Ci�r of Sao- qidders t�at it will a�r Wash(ngton for Spokane County on the 23rd day of Ju�y. 1941, and kane VallayT 117'01 E, ma#ively insure thad in Sprag�ue Av�nue, Su�le arry canaact ent�r�d mt� that said order has not been revoked and is in full foroe and effect; tos Spakart� Va���r ursuant to this �dvet that the notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of �Ilashm�ton, �92os and �isement, disadventaged publication, was published in said newspaper, two time(s), the ��e�ved not tater �han pusin�ss ente�prises wilt ��:oo a.m. tocgi �me, aeaffordetlfullopRa�tuni publication having been made once each time on the following dates: FNday �une 13, 2008. ty to sUbmit b��s i� re- May 23 30, 2008 Bid opantn�s wll! b� held �g�� t� thls inui}atian That said notice was published fn the regular and entire issue of every immsdiately lhereaftet and will nat be discrimi and r�ad atoud in the nat�d again�t on t�e number of the paper during the period of tlme of publication� and that Crty Council Chambe�s, gr�unds ut race� �tAr or the notice was published in the newspaper proper and not in a Suit� I01. nallonal or►g�n in Gansid su lement All bids rnust be ac�om- er�tion lar an award. pp pam�d by a b�d propQSa) The �ity �f Spukane Yal- deposit in the form o# a �ey ��s ihe rigfit to aurs�► Gand aash, c�st�- wa�v� any �rre�u�a�ti� gubscribed and sworn to before me at the C' of S okane, this 30`" ier's cherk nr certif�ed oj �ntarmalities and ta p che�k in an amount e�t any ar all bids. No day of ay� 2008 equal to fiv� p�rtertt ��dder may w�thdrew his y (5�) s�f the amount of b�d aft� th� time an- p�� f �$gETT$_� the bid propasa�. Shauld nounced for ihe bid op�n- 1 C,� E�� �Fi t n� sua c e�s t u 1 p�� t�r ta� t ing, ot b e tor� the award N o t a ry P u b l f c i n a n f o r t h e S t a t e o f W a s h i n g t o 5 0 q� O� to enter i�rto su�h �an- and e�ec�t�nn of the con residing in Spokane County� Washington g �ti� s L tro�t and turmsh saUs- f�ctory pedormance bond ��ct, unles� thE awerd �s 0 2 delaye� far a p�nad ex- o o s o O within th� lime statet� �r� csedinp siact�r 160� days� v �v 1— t�e spe� Hic� t ions, t he o V�� C bcd propo�al deposil Chnstine Bain6rid�e y s' �`p Shall be forferted ta �he 9Rokane Valley Cdy Cierk tS�j, �M6 C�ty oi Sp�kane Walley. SRIS34� �I j� oF �P i SUFERIOR C�L]I�T OF WASHII�TGT�I�' F�R S�'UKAP�TE C�UI�TTY In the �Vlatter of: IIr3V'IT,ATION Ta BII3 1�T�. Public W�rks Department Bid #�8-016 City of 5pokane �Talley AFFIDAVTT C�F PU�LISI�IN� I�ines-lV�ansfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project �T�4T� �F WA�HII�TGT{JN }�s. CQUnty of Spakane �I�HAEL HLT�PM}�,,�, bei� first duly swazn un oath degose$ and says that he is tt�� �iTOI�, af 1'he Spo.kane V�clleyN�v�Heratd,awe�kl.ynewspaper.Thatsaidnewspaperisalegainews�aperanditi�npv+tandhas�eenfoxmoret�.ansi�c mantt� pr�or ta the date a# the publicati�n hereinafler refen�d ta, publisned in rhe English ]anguage r,an�nuallp as a w�ekJy ner+uspaper ir Spakane County►, Wastun�ton, and it is naw ared during all of said time was printed in an office .n�ainta�ned at the afor�aid g�lace of publiratian of said ne�wspap�, which said news�aper had been �pproved as a t�gal newspaper by �rder nf the Superlor Cour# af the State of Washington in and far S�okane County. 7'ttat ttte follawing is a true ropy aE a vubiie notice as it was pu6lished 'ut regular issues co�nencl�rtgan the �3rd nf Niaa�. �fy08. and end�g the �i dav c�f Mav. 2o[�all dat�,inclus�ve, a�d th ch newspa�er was re�a=ty distri�ut�e�d t� i� sub�i�� dcxz�ing all o� said p�riod: fh�lti'fA't1�N'1� Btil c�n a� s���rrau��r �u�c wowCS D�Pt�'M�17' �s��'�� �a��� BS RI�EL an �R.N to before me tdv�l� rsh�� �tti U� ah��� t,�l�S ��t}.1(�.7V O ��i�', 2�(}$. van�y� s�o,��i►nty wesg�r�r�n, v�aa�p� �eu[e+i b�do car trsa PtKCS-Mans�nld Cor�i�or State af Wa�hu� Cohgast(� RaQaf Pra��. 71ue pra�e�1 cr�813�a b` �r �o�d m��_r�mp Cvunty o� Sp4kane canneauans to �r�s Raad wad�ntn� �lansrm�d ,AV�rtr,t� f0 ttjt� lac�os, canain�d{tin ai ��le c�m�. �,ut�rs�n� �ew;,�, �isna I ce.rtiiy �hat I knaw ar have satisfactory evidence that �r n� �m�a�e���,a Nlichael Hu.ffman �s the person who appe�red beFore �r t�� a�a s��r, ����4�a ��E �Vtc me and �id person ��lcnawledged tfiat h�e signed ��4rss and ptette cgn �s �ts�t�� at «[a �iry or s��� �,rt�� au�,�o w�c�� ����o��, ��n i�his ir�tr�ent and ackr►owledged it to be his free iti�� s�d�,fl. ��a, �0� and voluntary act far the uses and purpose� men� v��r. wa �c�, �an�� tih�;�$►ti ��r o s �Qa �.m. a��t���,� a�,R� �pT A R Y tioned in the trument. a� �a.a� ��u��a. c�� �t e� .y a �n�audine ��c.$uana �d r�� m�ir tnt� in FA� tarmR! nn a�o��p��� ei p �{j�t.� l� tlf18�� Co�ies a�e st5o a�i►�b�+� [or v}ewirlg at r a� B �a� s Sn �sl�d enve�P� ��'�Y t6.���� Jvlene Rae en ��re�d i�a Caty C�►IC s�f �he t7aty �f Spa {C ''"H�•�••�` v�� �tr� s��� awenuQ. s��t� Q� p�S`� Title; Notar P�c iGS� 9�ha�a 1+�ttey, +�#th�ton, s�b, �nd Niy ��pQli� nt xpii'e5: �-1C-11 rateived not Iswr lh.2u'► i1:o0 �.m_ ihc�l ttrti�, Fti�y. ,I�no i�. �3. 9i� �nin�v�ill ha �ald Cou�l Chnmb�, SLai� 7 p� at�ud pn She C1ty �ff y �j F/ r Afl 6ids Muat'bs t�nmp�miad �►y a is�i f Pa�a� d��t tn 4he faqt� pt eur�ty�o�d. �c�li. c�113�s dt�els, ar c.�rtlfil�sf che�[t In �u'I �rntl�lnR 8qU41 IB �five pBrBafl1 {5,45) 6f it►�-amaunR ci ttts 6ld WmA��-S1wul�dtha9ua�i b�ddra,Fe91 Ra �rrt�r am�r.aai aml fu�ni� sat�fe�ory D�dm�#�aff bnrtd�+ntlihir� lt� tlme �1a4ed in t� i�it� Eo ��ity S Vm� 8�'�14 l�o �{iy a�' Sy�akc�n� Vaaay i� �or�9�rn�a uai� TNIe� VJ offi� ��'t1 F�lghtsl�ct �fi19�#, 7� �tSR x5�. 4� U.S.�� ?Atlp� W�B�Rd-4 �nd `�Ga 49, 1�ode vf ��$tai R�gW�alt�ri5, Q�a�rlheat tlf Trgr�un, ut�tilf�a, c�iir� afl�u �r�; Pa�i �1, nond iRa�n f�d�aUy a5��si pr�grn�n� �rtmnn[ u� Tran�c►rf�l�n t�ued pur5smrst m cucfi Act, Pr�rabY rqoiif�is a11 bbd�er� thut ii wf6� csf�'rrrqatiy$ty k►s�r� �1 in �r cwtir�ci ent�i {�#o R►rraua4�t la ih�s a�11�- met� dFesdv�nln�tf busll�,s c�sl� wilt ba t�s�te0 f�11] opg�rtun�r i� s�+lrtn!! t�t#s In �espana� ta th I� tnvll� �nd u��! t� he��l�fm�- nate� ��SSi On tho gt�►Itnde af ra#.c+; cotar Qr ti�{i� fif��q► �i� �tlei�d�{�iW� �W �r �y�/IIri�. The Cdty ot Spal�mrrf� Vaol�ey tc-�rvt� Ihe r�ht t4 yy�tKa msy btragl�la�fu� or I���iNe� `�itl IlD r��tt ar� er alf hfds, f� t��d� v�t��r�his bf� �Ret t�.s dn� an�uns� far the b9+i �ing, orb�'are th� awerd eatd eaatutlda�af �io eanhacf. unfs�ssihaqrrard �s �staya�far�a ��ra1 ��c�- '�t8 �Y t#� d. rltrislit�e b� spo� va��y c�tp c�x ��i 5f�