08-081.00 Avista Gas: Barker Bridge Replacement Natural Gas System,.. • i\~IEI\9ORAsVi7UR~>I or uiYDriz~'r.~,Ylym'G BET1~rEE\' THE CTTV OF tiPOhANE VF~LLL++ 1' AI\TI) AvISTA GAS hOR 'rM h CONS'1'ItUCrI'l(~iV OT' '1'HT BARKER BRIDGE REPLACENLfVNT PIZUJE?:C`I` 4VFl h Itl~AS as a part of its 2005 Transportation Improvement Program, the CTTY OF SPOK.AwL VALT_EY (the C11"Y) intends to construct the Barker Bridge Replacement Project (Bridge. Project) over the Spokane River. The work includes demolition of the existing bridge and widening the new bridge located between Mission and Luclid Avenues. The purpose of this Agreement is to delinc the responsibilities of the work and allocate the costs related to the bridge project [in- both Avista Corporatiort (Avista) and the City. ~VF[E:REAS Avista plans to c~tend its natural gas system to the north side of thr. Spokane River in conjunction with the bridge replacement project. The new bridge will support a 6-inch diameter medium density It~tDPE gas main withiu a 10-inch diameter steel pipe casing. The rasing pipe will be supported beneath the bridge deck between the girders. \tO1~~ Tl-[EREFORE, the CITY and Avista do hereby agree as follows: Alt'l'1CLE l-RESPONSIBILITIES (~h"r1=1.1~. CI'I`l' 1. Plans and spccitrcations for the Bridge Project tu•e being prepared by t:he CI°l'Y, and the CI`1"1' intends to begin construction of the Bridge Project in 2008. The CITY anticipates opening bids for the Bridge. Project in the spring of2008; 2. Upon ativarding a contract for the Bridge Project, the CITY shall have full control over the resultant construction contract and shall be. the administrator for the project; 3. Shall provide circular blockuuts at the bridge intermediate and abutment diaphragm walls, as detailed on the drawin~~s; 4- Shall furnish and install 10-inch diameter bare steel casing pipe, longitudinal anchors, The casing will c~tend approximately ~ feet beyond the concrete bridge approach slab; ~. Shall furnish and install modular seal assembly (l..ink-Seal around casing pipe at abutment wall openings; 6. Shall provide excavation, hcdding; back fill, and comp~iction f.'or buried portion of steel casing pipe. 7. Shall provide continuous 45-calendar day work. window (rancur-rent with work windows provided for other utilities) for Avista to install the ~-inch diameter ivLC~PE. natural gas pipeline. ~~, Shall provide. at least two weeks notice prior to completing casing pipe installation. \lem~:,raiulum of Uncersrandin{~ Eiari:rr Biisgr - ~I:1(1$ Ati~istn Utilities (Gas) Page I of 3 C~8`~.j ART[CLC' 2 - RLSI'ONS[f3lL~IT LES OF AVISTA 1. Shall perform design of natural gas system coordinated with the bridge and roadway design; . 2. Shall designate a "responsible person" who shall rc:prescnt Avi ta's interest during the. conscnaction of the Bridge Project, and shall coordinate any modificatirans or changes needed by Avista in conjunction with the. work; 3. Shall furnish and install G-inch diarncter It~IDPL natural gas pipe, 2-inch diameter black pipe steel casing vent system, insulators for installation within casing pipe, valves, and connections to the existing natural gas system; 4. Shall provide excavation; bedding, backfill, and compaction for the buried natural gas pipe and casing vent system installation, furnish and install carrier pipe end seals; ~. Shall be responsible for the inspection and testing of all «rork anal materials which are. solely related to the constnretion of the. gas utility. A~,rista shall provide a rtpnsca~tative to pt.rl~rrrr inspection duties relative to tl~e. constnrction of the gas utility, as discussed above. AlZ'l'ICLE 3 - ALLOCATIO\' Oh CC)S`['S 1. This Mcn~orandum of Underst~ulding, once lirlly executed, shall establish a commitment by Avista to pay the actual. costs that will bc. incurred for the installation of. Avista utilities attached to the. t~ridge Project. These costs were bid at $62,988. Avista shall pay the CITY the amount specified prior to any eonscruction work on the Bridge Project. Any additional construction or rnoditication beyond that shown on the contract drawings will be coordinated with the CITY and Avista and agreed upon prior Co any additional work beginning; 2. Avista shall obtain a penrrit from the CITY to perform work within the CITY'S right- o(=way for the relocation. .ARTICLE ~1- DELAY'S if t:he City's contractor is delayed at any time outside of the ~S-day Utility work window by an act or omission of AvlSta'S, and such condition is in ,Avista's direct control or those acting for or on behalf of'.Avista, then Avista shall indemnify, dcend a~ld hold the City; its officers, ol~Ticials, employees and volunteers hanmless from any and all claims, injuries, dan~agcs, losses or suits including attorneys' fees to the extent arising out of or in connection with such delays, except for delays and damages caused by the City. This provision may not be waived by the parties except in writing. ~Icmr~r:uxtum of tJndcistsn~ling Fin~icr Biici}~e - 2003 Aeist;~ Utilities (C.as) Pine 2 of 3 _, _, ~~k'r[C[:.~, s --- YEr~o>~~LAl~~cr 'Chc City and its contractors of any tier shall furnish and install Avista's =as Lacilities according to the project drawings and specifications.. 2. ~hhe City- ~r its contraet~r shall at: their expense promptly and satisfactorily cor-rest •any services or work found to tie defective or rrot in cort~pliance with the project drawings or specifications. 3. Unless othcnvise specifed in \~~riting; all materials permanently incorporated in the \vork shall be new and materials shall be iii accordance. with the approved drawings and specifications. CITY OF SPOh..4NF.. ~'A[.:LLI': ~• ~/`~~ 13~ . i~avid iVlercier, City Manager ay: 4ffce f the At rney natc.: 7 ~ 2005. date: ~-Z3 20os. ~1~~ISTA CORPC)[tA'1'TQN: 13v: Date: ~~_ZDOS. ,x\'15 LC)1~ I'~ 1011 ~\1ent~f~hniluin of U~Mlcrst~ncling 6arl:er $rictF,rc - ZfIOS Avista Utilities (Gas) k'aer.3 nl 3