08-092.00 Knife River: Appleway Ave Reconstruction,c ~_ ~~ ~= Washington Sta#e depertmen# Of Tr~nsportaklon ~hr~ rr D2ke JuIV ~~, 208 Contrack Number TA-~92~ Federal Aid Number STPUL-364 (002] Oantraot Title Appleay Avenue Reconskruotion Project Change order Number ~ grime Oantraotor Knife River [Ordered by Engineer under the terms of Eectian 1-04.4 of khe #anclard specifications ^ Proposed by Cgntrector indorsed By surety Consent Cpnlr~Gkpr Attam$y of Foci DAte ~ D~ae Onginal Cerrtract Amount $ 4,~85,85J_95 Durrent antract Amount ~ 4,87.73#.95 estimated Net Change This Change 1,757.4 Es#imated ion#rac# Tokal After Change ~ 4,9,492.45 Approval Reg~ired Region ^ Olympia service Oenker [Local Agency If the amounk aokhorize~ in the Local Agency Agreement is exceeded arld federal Funds are not available for this change, khe Local Agenc'! will assume khe kotal cast of this change Order, Apr el Recommended ^Approved ~~ A ~~ Projeck Engineer Apprevin utFrority pee C.A. Agreement ~~~~ Dat Date ^ Ap#rcval Recommended ^Approved A~praved By Approving Aukhoriky per O_A. Agreement Date Date CQ$^9~ CIiA\~GE ORD.~+ ~2 Page 2 of 4 Contract No: TA-2922 This Contract is revised as follows: Description of Work Change Order No. 2 The Drywells located in the linear swales along the north side of Appleway Avenue Project are in close proximity to a to an 8" Asbestos Concrete (AC) water main. This water main is located just north of the drywell locations. Due to the fragile nature and elevation of the water main the required amount of drain rock surrounding the drywells will need to be placed further to the south. This will cause the drywall rock surrounding the structures to extend into the roadway. When drywall rock is located under areas of a paved surface a 4" concrete slab is required to be poured to cap the drain rock. The concrete cap will only need to be placed over the portion of the drain rock that extends into the roadway. 18.5 cubic yards of concrete was placed for the 10 drywalls along Appleway. Materials Commercial Concrete shall meet the requirements of section 6-02 of the Standard Specifications. Construction Requirements Work shall meet the requirements of sections of 6-02 of the Standard Specifications. Measurement "Commercial Concrete", per cubic yard per section 6-02.4. Payment "Commercial Concrete", per cubic yard per section 6-02.5. ~. CHAi~iGE ORDER Page 3 of 4 Contract No: TA-2922 Change Order No. 2 Item No. Item Description Unit Unit Price Est. Qty. Est... Amt. Measure Change Change NIA Commercial Concrete for Drywells CY $95.00 18.5 S1,757.50 TOTAL $1,757.50 ,, , -- Page 4 of 4 ..~.. Washington Stato Dopa-tment of TranSpo-tatlon Field Note Record (Sketch Grid) Hook No. ( Pego Mo. _ j Contract ko. Z 22 Stallan// V''e Lb-a P ~v/~• CJS Staked By Qats Work Started Work Compfets ~ s t~Ei~51cQ£AA9.._J ~ ~ ! . Galculoted ~ I Ooto Checked By Uete I apectafs signature to rC 6 23 08 8.. L. 6 z3 og 8 ~ !~ i ~- - l 4 no ~ b e ° .~~ 1 O A -f q r .r bL ~ r ~ ~ ~ r 6 .. pp C4l1 1. a ~ .7 Q db C;t W4 i~j 4 t Z° A5 1 'fJ~P • ~U - t~ As tiD ~~ Grov Eos:s of hlatorMl C.AP3 Er.'uy tii~ l E t N hero N!o. llsin g No. Date Unit Qeantity IZPXS No. Atcep'ence No. pct OK c , o. a ~ ~ A??i•'O~.Q For ru~w.w . DOT FOm~17E36 EF RaNaaC LIDO