08-093.00 Knife River: Appleway Ave Reconstruction Washington State Department of Transportation 1, Change Order 4 Date Julv 22, 2008 e ~ Contract Number TA-2922 Federal Aid Number STPUL-3842 (002) Contract Title Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project Change Order Number 4 Prime Contractor Knife River [Ordered by Engineer under the terms of Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifcations ^ Proposed by Contractor Surety Consent Attorney of Fact Date Original Contract Amount $ 4,565,859.95 Current Contract Amount S 4,569,492.45 Estimated Net Change This Change ~ S 222,926.12 Estimated Contract Total After Change $ 4,792,418.57 Approval Required Region ^ Olympia Service Center cal Agency If the amount authorized in the Local Agency Agreement is exceeded and federal funds are not available for this change, the Local Agency will assume the total cost of this Change Order. X Ap al Recommended Approved ~rG~ ~ ~ ProjectnEgn/gineer ~yy ~ Approvir~ uthority per C.A. Agreement d~ Date e Approval Recommended (]Approved Approved By Approving Authority per C.A. Agreement Date Date C08-93 CHANGE ORDER Page 2 of 3 Contract No: TA-2922 This Contract is revised as follows: Description of Work Change Order No. 4 Construct a Traffic Signal at the intersection of Conklin and Sprague, remove existing striping and place new plastic striping. Materials The Materials shall meet the requirements of the 2006 Standard Specifications and the attached Special Provisions. Construction Requirements Work shall meet the requirements of the 2006 Standard Specifications and the attached Special Provisions. Measurement `'Conklin Traffic Signal System", lump sum. "Remove Plastic Line", per linear foot. "Remove Plastic Traffic Arrow", per each. "Plastic Line", per linear foot "Plastic Wide Line", per linear foot "Plastic Stop Line", per linear foot "Plastic Traffic Arrow", per each. "Plastic Crosswalk Line", per square foot. "Plastic Traffic Letter", per each. Payment "Conklin Traffic Signal System", lump sum. "Remove Plastic Line", per linear foot. "Remove Plastic Traffic Arrow", per each. "Plastic Line", per linear foot "Plastic Wide Line", per linear foot "Plastic Stop Line", per linear foot "Plastic Traffic Arrow", per each. "Plastic Crosswalk Line", per square foot. "Plastic Traffic Letter", per each. / ~ CHANG:C~ ORDER Page 3 of 3 Contract No: TA-2922 Change Order No. 4 Item No. Item Description Unit Unit Price Est. Qty. Est. Amt. Measure Change Change 4A CONKLIN TRAFFIC SIGNAL LS S209,218.17 1 $209,218.17 46 REMOVE PLASTIC LINE LF $1.25 1390 $1,737.50 4C REMOVE PLASTIC TRAFFIC ARROW EA S49.49 1 $49.49 4D PLASTIC LINE LF $1.19 1726 $2,053.94 4E PLASTIC WIDE LINE LF $2.85 349 $994.65 4F PLASTIC STOP LINE LF $13.82 141 $1,948.62 4G PLASTIC TRAFFIC ARROW EA $123.13 7 S861.91 4H PLASTIC CROSSWALK LINE SF $7.70 704 55,420.80 41 PLASTIC TRAFFIC LETTER EA 553.42 12 $641.04 TOTAL $222,926.12 r _ '. 1; ' ~ E Sprague AvelN Conklin St December 27, 20D7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 DIVISION 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION ILLUMINATION, TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS, AND ELECTRICAL Materials Section 8-20.2 is supplemented with the following: (August 6, 2007) Traffic Signal Standards Traffic signal standards shall be furnished and installed in accordance with the methods and materials noted in the applicable Standard Plans, pre-approved plans, or special design plans. All welds shall comply with the latest AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals. Welding inspection shall comply with Section 6-03.3(25)A Welding Inspection. Hardened washers shall be used with all signal arm connecting bolts instead of lockwashers. All signal arm AASHTO M 164 connecting bolts shall be tightened to 40 percent of proof load. . Traffic signal standard types and applicable characteristics are as follows: Type III Characteristics: Luminaire mounting height 30 ft., 35 ft., 40 ft., or 50 ft. Luminaire arms One Only Luminaire arm type Type 1 Luminaire arm length (max.) 16 ft. Signal arms One Only Type III standards shall conform to one of the following pre- approved plans, provided all other requirements noted herein have been satisfied. Maximum (x) (y) (z) signal arm loadings in cubic feet are noted after fabricator. Signal Arm Length (max) Fabricator-(x) (y) (z) Drawing No. 65 ft. Valmont Ind. Inc.-(2947) D600625-Rev. H, Shts. 1, 2 & 3 and "J" Luminaire arm 65 ft. ~ Union Metal Corp. (2900) 71026-B87 Rev. 4 Shts. 1, 2 8 3 1 . i .~•'J E Sprague AveJN Conklin St December 27, 22(}}07 1 2 65 ft. Ameron Pole-(2900) W37241 Rev. H i~ 3 Prod. Div. W3724-2 Rev. E 4 and "J" luminaire arm 5 6 65 ft. Northwest Signal-(2802) NWS 3500 Rev. 10/14/03 7 ~ Supply Inc. or NWS 35008 8 Rev. 10/14/03 9 10 45 ft. American Pole (1875) WS-T3J-L, Rev. 1, Shts. 1 8~ 2 11 Structures, Inc. 12 13 65 ft. American Pole (2913) WS-T3J-H Rev. 1, Shts. 1 8 2 14 Structures, Inc. 15 16 '~ Type SD Type SD standards require special design. All special design shall 17 be based on the latest AASHTO Standard Specifications for 18 Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic 19 Signals and pre-approved plans and as follows: 20 21 1. A 90 mph wind loading shall be used. 22 23 2. The Design Life and Recurrence Interval shall be 50 years 24 for luminaire support structures exceeding 50 feet in height, 25 and 25 years for all other luminaire support structures. 26 27 3. Fatigue design shall conform to AASHTO Section 11, Table 28 11-1 using fatigue category III. 29 30 Complete calculations for structural design, including anchor bolt 31 details, shall be prepared by a Professional Engineer, licensed 32 under Title 18 RCW, State of Washington, in the branch of Civil or 33 Structural Engineering or by an individual holding valid registration in 34 another state as a civil or structural Engineer. 35 36 All shop drawings and the cover page of all calculation submittals 37 shall carry the Professional Engineer's original signature, date of 38 signature, original seal, registration number, and date of expiration. 39 The cover page shall include the contract number, contract title, and 40 sequential index to calculation page numbers. Two copies of the 41 associated design calculations shall be submitted for approval along 42 with shop drawings. 43 44 Details for handholes and luminaire arm connections are available 45 from the Bridges and Structures Office. 46 47 Foundations for various types of standards shall be as follows: 48 49 Type III As noted in the Plans. 50 2 r ~- ~ ~ Sprague Ave/N Conklin St ' December 27, 2007 1 Equipment List And Drawings 2 Section 8-20.2(1) is supplemented with the following: 3 4 (March 13, 1995) - 5 Pole base to light source distances (H1) fo r lighting standards vrith pre-approved plans 6 shall be as noted in the Plans. 7 8 Pole base to light source distances (H1) for lig hting standards witho ut pre-approved 9 plans will be famished by the Engineer as part of th e final approved shop drawings; 10 prior to fabrication. 11 - 12 Construction Requirements 13 14 Wiring 15 Section 8-20.3(8) is supplemented w ith the following: 16 , 17 (March 13, 1995) 18 Field Wiring Chart 19 501 AC+ Input 516=520 Railroa d Pre- empt 20 ~ 502 AC-Input SA1-5D5 Emerg ency Pre-empt 21 503-510 Control-Display 541-580 Coordination 22 511-515 Sign Lights 581-599 Spare 23 24 ~ Movement Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 25 26 Vehicle Head 27 Red 611 621 631 641 651 661 671 681 691 28 Yellow 612 622 632 642 652 662 672 682 692 29 Green 613 623 633 643 653 663 673 683 693 30 Spare 614 624 634 644 654 664 674 684 694 31 Spare ~ 615 625 635 645 655 665 675 685 695 32 AC- 616 626 636 646 656 666 676 686 696 33 Red Auxiliary 617 627 637 647 657 667 677 687 697 34 Yellow Auxiliary 618 628 638 -648 658 668 678 688 698 35 Green Auxiliary 619 629 639 ~ 649 659 669 679 689 699 36 Pedestrian Heads & Dets. 37 Hand 711 721 731 741 751 761 771. 781 791 38 Man 712 722 732 742 752 762 772 782 792 39 AC- 713 723 733 743 753 763 773 783 793 40 Detection 714 724 734 744 754 764 774 784 794 41 Common-Detection 715 725 735 745 755 765 775 785 795 42 Spare ~ 716 726 736 746 756 766 776 786 796 43 Spare 717 727 737 747 757 767 777 787 797 44 Spare 718 728 '738 748 758 768 778 788 798 45 Spare 719 729 739 749 759 769 779 789 799 46 Detection 47 AC+ 811 821 831 841 851 861 871 881 891 48 AC- 812 822 832 842 852 862 872 882 892 49 Common-Detection 813 823 833 843 853 863 873 883 893 50 Detection A 814 824 834 844 854 864 874 884 894 3 f E 5pregue Ave! Cponk[in St December Z7, 2{)07 1 Detection B 815 825 835 845 855 865 875 885 895 2 _ Loop 1 Out 816 826 836 846 856 866 876 886 896 3 Loop1ln 817 827 837 847 857 867 877 887 897 4 Loop 2 Out 818 828 838 848 858 868 878 888 898 5 Loop 21n 819 829 839 849 859 869 879 889 899 6 Supplemental Detection 7 Loop 3 O ut 911 921 931 941 951 961 971 981 991 8 Loop 31n 912 922 932 942 952 962 972 982 992 9 Loop 4 Out 913 923 933 943 953 963 973 983 993 10 Loop 41n 914 924 934 944 954 964 974 984 994 11 Loop 5 Out 915 925 935 945 955 965 975 985 995 12 Loop 51n 916 926 936 946 956 966 976 986 996 13 Loop 6 O ut 917 927 937 947 957 967 977 987 997 14 Loop 61n 918 928 938 948 958 968 978 988 998 15 . Spare 919 929 939 949 959 969 979 989 999. 16 17 SECTION 8-21, PERMANENT SIGNING 19 8-21.3 Construction Requirements 20 This section is supplemented with the following: 21 22 The Spokane County sign shop shall provide and install the permanent signing for this 23 project. Signs shown on the plans as being removed or relocated during the course of 24 construction of the roadway shall be retained in a safe and secure location by the 25 Contractor, until such time the County installs the permanent signing and inspects the 26 stockpiled signs for salvageable materials. The Contractor shall not be responsible for 27 relocating any signs that may be suitable for reinstallation; Spokane County will 28 perform this work, if needed. Any signs not salvaged by the County will become the 29 property of the Contractor. 30 31 The Contractor shall maintain stop signs in all required locations for the duration of the 32 project. 33 34 8-21.4 Measurement 35 This section is supplemented with the following: 36 37 . The lump sum contract price for "Remove Sign" shall be full pay for the removal and 38 storage of signs, as shown in the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. 39 40 8-21.5 Payment 41 This section is supplemented with the following: 42 43 "Remove Sign", lump sum. 44 45 SECTION 8-22, PAVEMENT MARKING 46 April 2, 2007 47 8-22.1 Description 48 This section is revised to read: 4 ~~ ~~ E Spraguo Ave1N ConklPn Si December 27, 2fl~77 1 2 This work consists of furnishing, installing, and removing pavement markings upon the 3 roadway.surface in accordance with the Plans, Standard Plans, the FHWA publication 4 Standard Alphabet for Highway Signs and Pavement Markings and these Specifications, at 5 locations shown in the Contract or as ordered by the Engineer in accordance with Section 6 1-04.4. ' 7• 8 Pavement Markings may be either Longitudinal (long) Line Markings or Transverse 9 Markings. Longitudinal line markings are generally placed parallel and adjacent to the flow 10 of traffic. Transverse markings are generally placed perpendicular and across the flow of 11 traffic. Word and symbol markings are classified as transverse markings. Traffic lefters 12 used in word messages shall be 8-feet high with the exception of the "R" in the railroad 13 crossing symbol which shall be as shown in the Standard Plans. 14 15 ~ 8-22.2 Materials 16 This section is revised to read: 17 18 Material for pavement marking shall be paint or plastic as noted in the bid item meeting the 19 requirements of Section 9-34. Glass beads for paint shall meet the requirements of Section 20 9-34.4. Glass beads for plastic shall be as recommended by the material manufacturer. 21 22 8-22.3(2) Preparation of Roadway Surfaces 23 The following new sentence is inserted after the first sentence in the second paragraph: 24 25 The temperature requirement may be superseded by the material manufacturers written 26 installation instructions. 27 28 The last sentence in the third paragraph is revised to read: 29 30 These cure periods may be reduced if the manufacturer performs a successful bond test 31 and approves the reduction of the pavement cure period. 32 33 8-22.3(3) Marking Application 34 This section is revised to read: ' 35 36 Marking colors 37 Lane line and right edge line shall be white in color. Center line and left edge line shall be 38 yellow in color. Transverse markings shall be white, except as otherwise noted in the 39 Standard Plans. 40 41 Line Patterns 42 Solid line - a continuous line without gaps. 43 44 Broken line -aline consisting of solid line segments separated by gaps. 45 46 Dotted line - a broken line with noticeably shorter line segments separated by noticeably 47 shorter gaps. 48 49 Line Surfaces 50 Flat Lines -Pavement marking lines with a flat surface. 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 E Sprague Ave/rJ Cankfin St December 27, 2007 Profiled Marking - A profiled pavement marking is a marking that consists of a base line thickness and a profiled thickness which is a portion of the pavement marking line that is applied at a greater thickness than the base line thickness. Profiles shall be applied using the extruded method in the same application as the base line. The profiles may be slightly rounded provided the minimum profile thickness is provided for the length of the profile. See the Standard Plans for the construction details. Embossed Plastic Line -Embossed plastic lines consist of a flat line with transverse grooves. An embossed plastic line may also have profiles. See the Standard Plans for the construction details. Line Applications Surface line -aline applied directly to the pavement surface: Grooved Line -Aline constructed by grinding or saw cutting a groove into the pavement surface and spraying, extruding or gluing pavement marking material into the groove. The groove depth is dependent upon the material used, the pavement surface ~ and location. See the project Plans and Special Provisions. Two applications of paint will be required to complete all paint markings. The second application of paint shall be squarely on top of the first pass. The time period between paint applications will vary depending on the type of pavement and paint (low VOC waterborne, high VOC solvent, or low VOC solvent) as follows: Pavement Type Paint Type Time Period Bituminous Surface Low VOC Waterborne 4 hours min., Treatment 48 hours max. Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Low VOC Waterborne 4 hours min., 30 days max. Cement Concrete Low VOC Waterborne 4 hours min., Pavement 30 days max. Bituminous Surface High and Low VOC Solvent 40 min. min., Treatment 48 hrs. max_ Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement High and Low VOC Solvent 40 min. min., ' 30 days max Cement Concrete High and Low VOC Solvent 40 min. min., Pavement 30 days max 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Centerlines on two lane highways with broken line pattems, paint or plastic, shall be applied in the increasing mile post direction so they are in cycle with existing broken line patterns at the beginning of the project. Broken line patterns applied to multi-lane or divided roadways shall be applied in cycle in the direction of travel. Where paint is applied on centerline on two-way roads with bituminous surface treatment or centerline rumble strips, the second paint application shall be applied in the opposite (decreasing mile post) direction as the first application (increasing mile post) direction. This will require minor broken line pattern corrections for curves on the second application. 6 .~ E Sprague AveJN Conklin St December 27, 2047 1 Application Thickness 2 .Pavement markings shall be applied at the following base line thickness measured above 3 ~ the pavement surface or above the groove bottom for grooved markings in thousandths of 4 an inch (mils): 5 Marking Material Application HMA PCC BST Paint-first coat spray 10 10 10 Paint- second coat spray 15 15 15 Type A - flat/transverse ~ symbols extruded 125 125 125 Type A - flatllong line & symbols spray 90 90 120 Type A -with profiles extruded 90 90 .120 Type A -embossed extruded 160 160 160 Type A -embossed with profiles extruded 160 160 160 Type A - groovedlflat/long line extruded 230 230 230 Type B - flat/transverse & symbols heat fused 125 125 125 Type C-2 - flat/transverse ~ symbols adhesive 90 90 NA Type C-1 8~ 2 - flatllong line adhesiv 60 60 NA Type G1 - groovedlflat/long line adhesive 60 60 NA Type D - flatltransverse i3< symbols spray 120 120 120 Type D - flatltransverse & symbols extruded 120 120 120 Type D - flat/long line spray 90 90 120 Type D - flat/long line extruded 90 90 120 Type D -profiled/long line extruded 90 90 120 Type D - graoved/flat/long line extruded 230 230 230 6 7 Liquid pavement marking material yield per gallon depending on thickness shall not exceed 8 the following: 9 Mils thickness Feet of 4" line/gallon Square feetlgallon 10 483 161 15 322 108 30 161 54 40 125 42 45 107 36 60 81 ~ 27 90 54 18 90 with profiles 30 10 120 40 13 120 with profiles 26 9 230 21 7 10 7 ~~ 1 2 3 E Sprague Ave/Pl Canktin St December 27, 2007 Solid pavement marking material (Type A) yield per 50 pound bag shall not exceed the following: Mils thickness Feet of 4" Iine150# bag Square feetl50# bag 30 -flat 35$ 120 45-flat 240 80 60 -flat 179 60 90 -Flat 120 40 90 -flat with profiles 67 23 120 -flat 90 30 120 -flat with profiles 58 20 125 -embossed 86 29 125 -embossed with profiles 58 20 230-Flatgraoved 47 15 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 All grooved plastic lines shall be applied into a groove cut or ground into the pavement. For Type A or D material the groove shall be cut or ground with equipment to produce a smooth square groove 4-inches wide. For Type C-1 material the groove shall be' cut with equipment to produce a smooth bottom square groove with a width in accordance with the material manufacturer's recommendation. The groove depth for Type G1 material shall be 100 mils, plus or minus 10 mils. The groove depth for Type A or D material shall be as shown in the Plans. After grinding, clean the groove by a method approved by Engineer. Immediately before placing the marking material clean the groove with high pressure air. Section 8-22.3 is supplemented with the following new sub-section. 8-22.3(3)A Glass beads Top dress glass beads shall be applied to all spray and extruded pavement marking material. Glass beads'shall be applied by a bead dispenser immediately following the pavement marking material application. Glass bead dispensers shall apply the glass beads in a manner such that.the beads appear uniform on the entire pavement marking surface with 50 to 60% embedment. Hand casting of beads will not be allowed. Glass beads shall be applied to 10 or 1.5 mil thick paint at a minimum application rate of 7 pounds per gallon of paint. For plastic pavement markings, glass beads shall be applied at the rate recommended by the marking material manufacturer. When two or more spray applications are required to meet thickness requirements for Type A and Type D materials, top dressing with glass beads is only allowed on the last application. The cure period between successive applications shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Any loose beads, dirt or other debris shall be swept or blown off the line prior to application of each successive application. Successive applications shall be applied squarely on top of the preceding application. 8-22.3(5) Installation Instructions This section including title is revised to read: 8 i ~~ 1r E Sprague Avs/N CUnkFin St December 27, 207 1 8-22.3(5) Plastic Installation Instructions 2 Installation instructions for plastic markings shall be provided for the Engineer. All materials 3 including glass beads shall be installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations. 4 A manufacturer's technical representative shall be present at the initial installation of plastic 5 material to approve the installation procedure or the material manufacturer shall certify that 6 the Contractor will install the plastic material in accordance with their recommended 7 procedure. 8 9 8-22.4 Measurement 10 This section is revised to read: 11 12 Center line, center line with no pass line, double center line, double lane line, edge line, 13 solid lane line, dotted extension line, lane line, reversible lane line, and two-way left tum 14 center line will be measured by the completed linear foot as "Paint Line", "Plastic Line", 15 "Embossed Plastic Line", °Profiled Plastic Line", "Profiled Embossed Plastic Line", "Inlaid 16 Plastic Line" or "Grooved Plastic Line". 17 18 The measurement for "Paint Line° will be based on a marking system capable of 19 simultaneous application of three flinch lines with two 4-inch spaces. No deduction ~+~ill be 20 made for the unmarked area when the marking includes a broken line such as center line, 21 dotted extension line, center line with no-pass line, lane line, reversible lane line, or two- 22 way left tum center line. No additional measurement will be made when more than one line 23 can be installed on a single pass such as center line with no-pass line, double center line, 24 double lane line, reversible lane line, or two-way left tum center line. 25 26 The measurement for `Plastic Line", °Embossed Plastic Line", "Profiled Plastic Line", 27 "Profiled Embossed Plastic Line", "Inlaid Plastic Line" or "Grooved Plastic Line" will be 28 based on the total length of each 4-inch wide plastic line installed. No deduction will be 29 made for the unmarked area when the marking includes a broken line such as, center line, 30 dotted extension line, center line with no-pass line, lane line, reversible lane line, or iwo- 31 way left tum center line. 32 33 The measurement for "Painted ode Lane Line", "Plastic Wide Lane Line", "Profiled Plastic 34 Wide Lane Line°, "Painted Wide Line", "Plastic Wide Line", "Painted Barrier Center Line", 35 "Plastic Barrier Center LineL, "Painted Stop LineL, or "Plastic Stop Line°, will be based on 36 the total length of each painted, plastic or profiled plastic line installed. No deduction will 37 be made for the unmarked area vrhen the marking includes a broken line such as, wide 38 broken lane line, drop lane line, or wide dotted lane line. The measurement for double wide 39 lane line will be based on the total length of each wide lane line installed. 40 41 No additional measurement for payment will be made for the required second application of 42 paint. No additional measurement for payment will be made for additional applications 43 required to meet thickness requirements for plastic markings. 44 45 Diagonal and chevron-shaped lines used to delineate medians, gore areas, and parking 46 stalls are constructed of painted or plastic 4 inch or 8 inch lines in the color and pattern 47 shown in the StandarrJ Plans. These lines will be measured as "Painted Line", "Plastic 48 Line", "Painted ode LineL or "Plastic ode Line" by the linear foot of line installed. 49 Crosswalk line will be measured by the square foot of marking installed. 50 9 E Sprague Avt1N Cor-klin St December Z7, 2007 1 Traffic arrows, traffic letters, access parking space symbols, HOV symbols, railroad . 2 crossing symbols, drainage markings, bicycle lane symbols, aerial surveillance full, and 1/2 3 markers, yield line symbols, yield ahead symbols, and speed bump symbols will be 4 measured per each. Type 1 through 6 traffic arrows will be measured as one unit each, 5 regardless of the number of arrow heads. 6 7 Removal of lines, 4-inches, 8-inches, 18 inches and 20-inches in width will be measured by 8 the linear foot, with no deduction being made for the unmarked area when the marking 9 includes a gap. 10 11 Removal of traffic arrows, traffic letters, access parking space symbol, HOV lane symbol, 12 railroad crossing symbol, bicycle lane symbols, drainage markings, aerial surveillance full 13 and 1/2 markers, yield line symbol, yield ahead symbol, and speed bump symbol will be 14 measured per each. Removal of crosswalk lines will be measured by the square foot of 15 lines removed. 16 17 8-22.5 Payment , 18 This section is revised to read: 19 20 Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for each of the following bid items 21 that are included in the proposal: 22 23 "Paint Line", per linear foot. 24 °Plastic Line°, per linear foot. 25 "Embossed Plastic Line", per linear foot 26 "Profiled Plastic Line", per linear foot. 27 "Profiled Embossed Plastic Line", per linear foot. 28 ~ "Inlaid Plastic Line", per linear foot_ . 29 "Grooved Plastic Line°, per lineal foot. 30 "Painted Wide Lane Line", per linear foot. 31 "Plastic Wide Lane Line", per linear foot. 32 "Profiled Plastic ode Lane Line°, per linear foot. 33 "Painted Wide Line", per linear foot . 34 "Plastic Wde Line°, per linear foot. 35 "Painted Barrier Center Line", per linear foot. 36 "Plastic Barrier Center Line°, per linear foot. 37 "Painted Stop Line", per linear foot. 38 "Plastic Stop Line°, per linear foot. ' 39 "Painted Crosswalk Line°, per square foot, 40 "Plastic Crosswalk Line", per square foot. 41 "Painted Traffic Arrow", per each. 42 "Plastic Traffic Arrow", per each. 43 ~ "Painted Traffic Letter', per each. 44 "Plastic Traffic Letter', per each. 45 "Painted Access Parking Space Symbol", per each. 46 °Plastic Access Parking Space Symbol", per each. 47 "Painted Railroad Crossing Symbol°, per each. 48 °Plastic Railroad Crossing Symbol°, per each. 49 "Painted Bicycle Lane Symbol", per each. 50 "Plastic Bicycle Lane Symbol", per each. _ 51 "Painted Drainage Marking", per each. 10 E Sprague RvelN Conklin St December 27, 2007 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 `Plastic Drainage Marking`, per each. "Painted Aerial Surveillance Full Marker`, per each. "Plastic Aerial Surveillance Full Marker", per each. "Painted Aerial Surveillance'/Z Marker", per each. "Plastic Aerial Surveillance'/Z Marker", per each. "Painted Access Parking Space Symbol with Background", per each. "Plastic Access Parking Space Symbol with Background", per each. "Painted HOV Lane Symbol", per each. "Plastic HOV Lane Symbol", per each. "Painted Yield Line Symbol°, per each. "Plastic Yield Line Symbol", per each. "Painted Yield Ahead Symbol", per each. `Plastic Yield Ahead Symbol", per each. "Painted Speed Bump Symbol", per each. "Plastic Speed Bump Symbol", per each. "Removing Paint Line", per linear foot. `Removing Plastic Line", per linear foot. `Removing Painted Crosswalk Line", per square foot. "Removing Plastic Crosswalk Line°, per square foot. "Removing Painted Traffic Marking", per each . "Removing Plastic Traffic Marking°, per each . Pavement Marking Materials Section 8-22.2 is supplemented with the following: Material for pavement marking shall be paint or plastic as noted in the bid item and selected from the approved materials listed in the Qualified Products Lists. Paint and extruded plastic material shall be applied with a top dressing of glass beads. A methylmethacrylate pavement marking shall be used for "plastic" pavement markings and shall have a minimum thickness of 90 mils. Preparation of Roadway Surfaces Delete the last sentence of the second paragraph of Section 8-22.3(2) and replace with the following: The pavement shall be cured in accordance with the pavement marking material manufacturer's recommendations. Temporary pavement markings shall be in place during the curing period. 11 E Sprague Ar_... Conklin St December 27, 200 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 DIVISION 9 MATERIALS SECTION 9-29, ILLUMINATION, SIGNAL, ELECTRICAL December 4, 2006 9-29.2 Junction Boxes Section 9-29.2 including title is revised to read: 9-29.2 Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes 9-29.2(1) Standard Junction Box This section including title is revised to read: 9-29.2(1) Standard Duty and Heavy Duty Junction Boxes For the purposes of this specification concrete is defined as Portland Cement Concrete and non-concrete is all others. Standard Duty Junction Boxes are defined as Type 1, 2, 7 and 8, and Heavy Duty Junction Boxes are defined as Type 4, 5, and 6. The contractor shall provide shop drawings if their manufacturing process or standard production model includes any deviation from the Standard Plan. For each type of junction box, or whenever there is a design change to the junction box, a proof test, as defined~in this specification, shall be performed once in the presence of the Engineer. This section is supplemented with the following new subsections: 9-29.2(1)A Standard Duty Junction Boxes All Standard Duty Junction Boxes shall have a minimum load rating of 22,500 pounds and be tested in accordance with 9-29.2(1)C. A complete Type 7 or Type 8 Junction Box includes the spread footing shown in the Standard Plans. Concrete Junction Boxes The Standard Duty Goncrete Junction Box steel frame, lid support, and lid shall be painted with a black paint containing rust inhibiters or painted with a shop applied, inorganic zinc primer in accordance with Section 6-07.3, or hot dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 111. Concrete used in Standard Duty Junction Boxes shall have a minimum compressive strength of 6000 psi when reinfon~d with a welded wire hoop, or 4000 psi when reinforced with welded wire fabric or fiber reinforcement. The frame shall be anchored to the box by weldirig the wire fabric to the frame or by welding headed studs 3/8 irich x 3 inches long, as specified in section 9-06.15, to the frame. The wire fabric shall be attached to the studs and frame with standard tie practices. The box shall contain ten studs located near the centerline of the frame and box wall. The studs shall be placed one anchor in each corner, one at the middle of each width and two equally spaced on each length of the box. Material for Type 1, 2, 7 and 8 Concrete Junction Boxes shall conform to the following: E Sprague AveJN Conklin St Dumber 27, 2007 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Concrete Reinforcing Steel Fiber Reinforcing Lid Frame Lid Support 8~ Handle Anchors (studs) Non-concrete Junction Boxes Material for the non-concrete junction boxes shall be of a quality that will provide for a similar life expectancy as Portland Cement Concrete in a direct burial application. Type 1, 2, 7, and 8non-concrete junction boxes shall have a Design Load of 22,500 lbs. and shall be tested in accordance with 9-29.2(1)C. Non-concrete junction boxes shall be gray in color and have an open bottom design with approximately the same inside dimensions, and present a load to the bearing surface that is less than or equal to the loading presented by the concrete junction boxes shown in the Standard Plans. Non-concrete junction box lids shall include a pull slot and shall be secured with two'/z inch stainless steel hex-head bolts factory coated with anti-seize compound and recessed into the cover. The tapped holes for the securing bolts shall extend completely through the box to prevent accumulation of debris. Bolts shall conform to ASTM F 593, stainless steel. 9-29.2(1)C Testing Requirements Junction boxes shall be tested by an independent materials testing facility, and a test report issued documenting the results of the tests performed. For concrete junction boxes the independent testing lab shall meet the requirements of AASHTO R 18 for Qualified Tester and Verified Test Equipment. The test shall be conducted in the presence of and signed off by the Engineer or a designated representative. The Contractor shall give the Engineer 30 days notice prior to testing. One copy of the test report shall be fumished to the Contracting Agency certifying that the box and cover meet or exceed the loading requirements for a concrete junction box, and shall include the following information: 1. Product identification. 2. Date of testing. 3. Description of testing apparatus and procedure. 4. All load deflection and failure data. 5. Weight of box and cover tested. 6. Upon completion of the required test(s) the box shall be loaded to failure. 7. A brief description of type and location of failure. For non-concrete junction boxes the testing facility shall be a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (witnessing is not required). One copy of the test report shall be furnished to the Contracting Agency certifying that the box and cover meet or exceed the loading requirements for anon-concrete junction box, and shall include the following information: Section 6-02 Section 9-07 ASTM C 1116, Type III ASTM A786 diamond plate steel ASTM A786 diamond plate steel or ASTM A36 flat steel ASTM A36 steel Section 9-06.15 . 2 E Sprague Ave/N Conklin St December 27, 2007 1 1. Product identification. 2 2. Date of testing. 3 3. Description of testing apparatus and procedure. 4 4. All load deflection data. 5 5. Weight of box and cover tested. 6 ~7 Testing for Standard Duty Concrete Junction Boxes 8 Standard Duty Concrete Junction Boxes shall be load tested to 22,500 pounds. The 9 test load shall be applied uniformly through a 10-inch x 10inch x f inch steel plate 10 centered on the lid. The test load shall be applied and released ten times, and the 11 deflection at the test load and released state shall be recorded for each interval. At 12 each interval the junction box shall be inspected for lid deformation, failure of the 13 lidlframe welds, vertical and horizontal displacement of the lid/frame, cracks, and 14 concrete spalling. - 15 16 Concrete junction boxes will be considered to have withstood the test if none of the 17 following conditions are exhibited: 18 19 1. Permanent deformation of the lid or any impairment to the function of the lid. 20 2. Vertical or horizontal displacement of the lid frame. 21 3. Cracks wider than 0.012 inches that extend 12 inches or more. 22 4. Fracture or cracks passing through the entire thickness of the concrete. 23 5. spalling of the concrete. 24 25 Testing for the Standard Duty non-concrete Junction Boxes 26 Non-concrete Junction Boxes shall be tested to a minimum of 22,500 Ibs as defined in 27 the ANSI/SCTE 77-2002 Tier 15 test method. In addition the contractor shall provide a 28 Manufacture Certificate of Compliance for each non-concrete junction box installed. 29 30 9-29.2(4) Cover Markings 31 The first sentence of the first paragraph is revised to read: 32 33 Junction boxes, cable vaults, and pull boxes with metallic lids shall be marked 34 with the appropriate legend in accordance with the bead weld details in the 35 Standard Plans. Non-metallic lids shall be embossed with the appropriate 36 legend and anon-skid surface. Legends for metallic lids and non-metallic lids 37 shall be 1-inch nominal height. 38 39 The first sentence of the second paragraph is revised to read: 40 41 Junction boxes, cable vaults and pull boxes shall be marked or embossed for 42 use in accordance with the plans and following schedule: 43 44 9-29.6(5) Foundation Hardware 45 The second and third paragraphs are revised to read: 46 47 Anchor bolts, and associated nuts and washers, for Type CCTV, II, III, IV, and V signal 48 standards and luminaire poles shall conform to Section 9-06.5(4). Anchor rods conforming 49 to ASTM A 449 may be substituted, provided that the galvanized ASTM A 449 anchor rods 3 E Sprague AveiN Conklin St QBaember 27, 2407 1 having an ultimate tensile strength above 145 ksi shall be tested .for embrittlement in 2 accordance with either ASTM A 143 (if the rod length is equal to or greater than five times 3 the bolt diameter) or ASTM F 606 Section 7 (if the rod length is less than five times the 4 nominal bolt diameter). 5 6 All foundation hardware shall be 100% hot-dipped galvanized in accordance with AASHTO 7 M 111 and AASHTO M 232. 8 _ 9 Traffic Signal Controllers 10 11 Emergency Preemption 12 Section 9-29.13(3) is supplemented with the following: 13 14 Preemption: 15 The system shall be capable of preempting the controller to the phases shown in 16 the Plans when a signal is received from the field detector. 17 18 Pre-emption equipment shall be Opticom. 19 20 Opticom 21 The Contractor shall furnish and install the following: 22 23 1. Pre-emption detectors shall be 3M Opticom Model 711. 24 25 2. The phase selector shall be afour-channel 3M Opticom Model 754 26 ~ unit. . 27 3. Pre-empt indicator to be 103-7 Hubbel (or equivalent) 75-300 watt. 28 29 In addition, where auxiliary Opticom pre-emption is used, the Contractor shall 30 furnish and install the following: 31 32 3. A 757 auxiliary optical detector wiring harness where more than one 33 detector is called for per channel. 34 35 4. A twelve position terminal block of the barrier type rated for 20A at 36 600 volts RMS minimum and meeting the requirements of Chapter 37 11 of the Type 170 Hardware Specification, FHWA IP-78-16 as 38 currently amended. 39 40 Auxiliary Equipment for NEMA Controllers and NEMA Controller Cabinets 41 Section 9-29.13(7)8 and Section 9-29.13(7)D, respectively, are replaced with the following: 42 . 43 Provide a controller cabinet that meets the following criteria: 44 45 (a) The cabinet shall be fabricated from sheet aluminum at least 0.125 in thickness and be 48 constructed in such a manner that no sharp edges or comers are exposed. A minimum 47 3/16 inch radius shall be provided on all outside comers, drip shields, and door edges. 48 (b) The cabinet shall initially be approved by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory 49 (NRTL) to conform to the UL 50 standard and have the NRTL sticker affixed to the 50 cabinet upon delivery. 4 r E Sprague Ave/N Conklin St December 27, 2007 1 (c) The cabinet shall have a heavy duty neoprene gasket around all doors to assure a 2 weather tight seal. 3 (d) All parts such as hinge pins and locking devices shall be made of noncorrosive 4 materials. 5 (e) The main access door shall be provided with a dead bolt locking system with a handle 6 shaft thickness of/z inch, and shall be keyed for a Corbin or Best lock specfied at time 7 of order. 8 (f) The auxiliary or police door will be equipped with a standard police lock and key. 9 (g) Cabinet shall be provided with louvered filtered vents. 10 (h) Filters shall be "furnace filter" type and shall have tight fit, not allowing air to enter except 11 through the filter. 12 (i) Cabinet shall be equipped with a door stop assembly to hold the door open at 45 13 degrees and 135 degrees and shall lock in these positions automatically. 14 ~ Q) Cabinet shall have bolt on style lifting ears installed in the down position for shipment. 15 Only one bolt, centered, shall attach ear to cabinet. 16 (k) Interior of the cabinet shall not be painted. 17 (I) Exterior of the cabinet shall not be painted but be of a brushed natural finish. 18 19 The cabinet shall be wired for and equipped with the following: 20 21 (a) A fluorescent lamp mounted to the front top of the cabinet. interior, rated at 151N, and a 22• door switch wired so as to allow the light to operate only when the door is open. 23 (b) Two (2) electrical fan assemblies with a minimum capacity of 200 cubic feet peer minute.. 24 The fans shall be mounted in the top of the cabinet in a manner to prevent rain from 25 entering the cabinet. The fan shall be thermostatically controlled and shall be manually 26 adjustable to turn on between 60 degrees F and 150 degrees F. 27 (c) A G.F.I. outlet mounted to the technician panel on the inside of the main door. 28 The cabinet fan, light, and G.F.I. outlet shall be powered from the auxiliary equipment circuit 29 breaker on the main power distribution panel. 30 • 31 The police panel located behind the police door shall have the following switch(s) and 32 connector. These switches and connectors shall have permanent engraved labels. 33 34 (a) Flash auto switch. In the FLASH position this switch shall cause the intersection to be 35 placed in flashing operation and the controller stop timed in its position at the instant the 36 switch was placed in FLASH position. 1Ntten this switch is returned to the AUTO 37 position, restart shall be applied to the controller. With this switch in the AUTO position, 38 the intersection shall operate in the normal traffic actuated mode subject to the position 39 of other switches. 40 (b) A RS232 port for retrieval of vehicle count data and controller timing data. 41 42 There shall be a maintenance panel on the inside of the main cabinet door containing the 43 following switches: 44 5 E Sprague Ave1N Conklin St December 27, 2007 1 (a) Flash auto switch. This switch shall be a six-pole, two-position switch labeled AUTO- 2 FLASH. When placed in FLASH position, the cabinet outputs flash while all control 3 equipment remains operational (subject to the transfer of the control power switch). 4 When transferred to the AUTO position, the controller will be reinitialized 5 (b) Controller On-Off switch. One (1) three pole, two-position switch indicating ON in the up 6 position and OFF in the down positron. 7 (c) Stop time switch. One (1) iwo pole, three-position switch permanently labeled °STOP 8 TIME, ON-OFF-AUTO°. In the ON position, stop timing shall be applied to the controller. 9 With the switch in the OFF position, stop timing shall be removed from the 10 controller if it has been applied by the malfunction management unit or other source. 11 The AUTO position shall be the normal operating position and allow the malfunction 12 management unit and other auxiliary devices to apply stop timing to the controller. 13 (d) Manual advance push button switch. The manual advance shall be used for advancing 14 controller intervals but must be wired for operation only when the stop time switch is in 15 the stop time position. 16 (e) Detector rack power supply svritch. One single-pole, two-position svritch which shall be 17 wired to allow disconnecting rack power at any time unless main cabinet power is 18 disconnected. 19 (f) Time base -interconnect switch. One single-pole, hvo-position switch which, when in 20 the time base position, shall inhibit the interconnect lines. 21 (g) Free -coordination switch. One single-pole, two-position s~vrtch which, when in the free 22 mode, shall apply logic ground to the call-to-free mode on pin MM of the AUX 10 module. 23 ~ (h) Vehicle call switch. Eight each single-pole, two-position switches. These switches shall 24 ~ be labeled AUTO TEST and wired to place calls on phases 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, in the 25 TEST position, and will give constant calls to the standard NEMA controller inputs. One 26 each assigned to each vehicle phase. 27 (i) Pedestrian call switches. Four each single-pole, two-position switches labeled AUTO 28 TEST which shall be wired to place calls on phases 2, 4, 6, 8, while in the TEST position. 29 30 • Above switches (a) through (g) to be protected by a bar in order to minimize accidental 31 bumping of switches by maintenance personnel. All switches listed above, shall be labeled 32 using plastic laminate. The legend shall be engraved into the strip, using •a contrasting color 33 from the background. The label strips shall be mounted to the metal and held in place by the 34 switches. 35 36 The cabinet shall have a power distribution panel containing the following elements: 37 (a) 50-amp radio interference suppresser 38 (b) 40-amp main circuit breaker 39 (c) 15-amp auxiliary equipment circuit breaker 40 (d) 90-amp Teledyne block power relay 41 (e) Neutral bus bar isolated from cabinet~ground 42 (f) Ground bus bar 43 (g) Power line surge protector 6 E Sprague Ave~N Conklin St December 27, 2007 1 (h) Transient voltage suppresser 2 Elements (a), (g), and (h) shall be in accordance with Section 9-29.13(6) of the Washington 3 State Department of Transportation Standard Specfications. 4 5 The 40-amp main circuit breaker shall supply power to all devices in the cabinet except the 6 cabinet light, fan and the G.F.I. convenience outlet. 7 8 The 15-amp auxiliary equipment circuit breaker shall supply power for the cabinet light., fan, and 9 convenience outlet 10 11 The Teledyne block contactor shall be normally open and capable of switching 125 amperes at 12 120 volts AC. All power used for signal displays shall be routed through the Teledyne block 13 contactor, and in its energized position it will supply AC power to the load switches. 14 15 The transient voltage protector shall supply power to all devices within the cabinet that are 16 micro-processor based. 17 18 Detector racks shall also accept one 3M 754 discriminator for preemption. 19 . 20 Provide a TS2 16-channel MMU-16LE Smartmonitor or approved equal conflict monitor. 21 22 Provide a 16 channel shelf mounted microprocessor based printed circuit board type 23 malfunction management unit meeting NEMA TS-2-1998 standards. The malfunction 24 management unit shall have event logging, voltage logs, and last N playback.. The malfunction 25 management unit shall have an LCD or LED that displays all indications of all phases. The 26 malfunction management unit shall have selectable options including as a minimum; Watch 27 Dog, Minimum Clearance, green or walk versus yellow on one channel, green or walk or yellow 28 versus red on one channel, and internal Watch Dog. The malfunction management unit shall 29 provide a LCD for signals and status modes and shall be capable of logging failures and other 30 significant events with time and date, then providing a means of printing the data log on hard 31 copy. All features shall be wired to connectors for immediate use. The malfunction 32 management unit must be capable of monitoring up to four approaches using the four-section 33 Flashing Yellow Arrow display. 34 35 Provide sixteen (16) cubed design 40 ampere load switches (one for each movement) meeting 36 NEMA TS-2-1998 standards. The load switches shall utilize an extruded aluminum heat sink 37 case. Provide LED indicators on the inputs and outputs of each relay. 38 . 39 Provide one Type 3 flasher rated at a minimum of 40 amps per NEMA TS-2-1998 with LED 40 indicators that display the status of each of the output circuits. 41 42 Provide mechanical relays for the transfer of signal circuits from normal operation to flash 43 operation. Relays shall meet NEMA TS-2-1998 standards. 44 45 Provide rack mounted detector units that conform to the environmental requirements of NEMA 46 TS-2-1998 standards. 47 48 Provide a 24 Volt (DC) 5 amp auxiliary power supply to power the rack for vehicle detectors and 49 pre-empt modules with soldered wire wrap connections to harness wires. . 50 7 E Sprague AvelN Conklin St t?ecember 27, 2007 1 The detector and pre-empt rack shall be a shelf mount using double sided card edge 2 connectors. 3 4 CABINET WIRING 8~ TERMINALS 5 (a) All cabinet wiring hamess assemblies shall be closely bundled by appropriate means 6 and laid into the cabinet in a square wired fashion. These hamess assemblies shall be 7 held in position inside the cabinet by a substantial number of retaining devices attached 8 to the cabinet assembly. The retaining devices shall not be held in place by means of 9 glue or other adhesive, but shall be fastened to the cabinet by mechanical means. 10 (b) All cabinet wiring harnesses shall be neat, firm, tied, and routed to minimize cross-talk 11 and electrical interference. If field wires and cabinet conductors share a terminal screw, 12 the cabinet wire shall have a ring terminal installed. 13 (c) All cabling shall be suitably protected at all potential wear points. 14 (d) All hamess wires used or unused shall be brought out to a separate dry tie point, except 15 malfunction monitor wires. Unused monitor wires shall be bundled together with the 16 ends at the far left of the field wire terminals. 17 (e) A matrix controller interface panel assembly shall be placed befirreen the control 18 equipment and its external loads to facilitate cabinet reconfiguration and troubleshooting. 19 The matrix function shall be implemented by means of removable links across small 20 terminal blocks, jumper wires between adjacent tie points on the terminal block. 21 (f) This matrix shall be hinged at the bottom with a continuous stainless steel piano style 22 hinge to provide access for technicians. 23 (g) This assembly shall be so located within the cabinet as to provide easy access to the 24 back of the panel for routine maintenance, without the need for removal of other 25 assemblies in the control cabinet, and shall be supplied with an approved travel stop. 26 (h) The power panel shall be covered with a suitable insulating transparent cover. 27 (i) Sufficient terminal blocks with pressure connectors vrill be provided to have an individual 28 terminal for all field wires. 29 (j) The terminal block numbering strip shall be made of black on white plastic laminate. 30 The legend shall be engraved into the strip so as to provide white legend on a black 31 background. The strips shall be fastened to the terminal block or betvreen the terminal 32 block and its mounting. 33 (k) The malfunction management unit input wires shall be terminated on the top row of a 34 double row terminal strip on the front side of the Matrix panel by the use of ring terminals 35 in such a manner as not to interfere with the entrance, routing, or the connection of 36 incoming field wires. Soldering shall not be allowed. 37 (I) All DC returns (logic ground) from vehicle detector amplifiers, pedestrian pushbuttons, 38 controller and auxiliary cabinet equipment shall be separate from the AC neutral and 39 earth-ground. These DC returns shall all be terminated atone location on the controller 40 matrix panel. 41 (m)All switches used in the AC line voltage systems within the controller cabinet wiring shall 42 .be rated for use in Class 2, Division 2 locations as specified by the appropriate section of 43 Article 502 of the latest version of the National Electric Code. 8 E Sprague Ave/N Conklin St December 27, 2007 1 (n) Wire loop across door hinge from police and technician panels to main cabinet wiring 2 assemblies shall have a total of 36 inches of protected slack between metal cable 3 clamps. 4 (o) Sufficient wire shall be provided between the main cabinet wiring hamess and sub- s assemblies to allow the sub-assemblies to be made accessible for maintenance without 6 having to loosen the cabinet wiring hamess from its retaining devices. 7 (p) The cabinet wiring shall include noise suppression of AC and DC circuits. 8 ~ (q) All relay coils, thermostat, convenience outlet and switches controlling inductive loads 9 shall include spike suppression circuits. 10 (r) The cabinet shall be wired to disable pre-empt functions when in flashing operation. 11 (s) 111.1 screw type ecmnections in cabinet skull be accessible from the front, 12 ~ Provide three copies of the cabinet wiring diagram printed on Tyzek materials and one copy of 13 each manual for all equipment supplied. 14 15 CABINET LAYOUT 16 The contractor shall submit to the Traffic Engineer detailed drawings. that clearly convey the 17 interior layout of the cabinet showing the main cabinet subcomponents contained within. The 18 components to be shown include equipment placement, rack and panel locations, and other 19 significant features and appurtenances called out as provided in this section. The drawings 20 shall convey equipment dimensions, panel dimensions, clearance to walls and cabinet comers 21 with naming of equipment, appurtenances and panel contents. These drawings shall provide 22 adequate information so the remaining shelf and wall space can be 'easily determined for 23 accommodation of additional City provided equipment. The drawing shall be to scale and 24 scaled to effectively utilize an 11°x179 size hardcopy. 25 26 COMPONENT PARTS LIST 27 The contractor shall submit to the Traffic Engineer a component parts list that identifies the 28 manufacturer and model number of each of the signal cabinet components. 29 30 PULL-OUT COMPUTER DRAWER 31 The system shall include one (1) pull-out computer drawer. Drawer shall be approximately 1.5° 32 high x 15.75° wide x 12° deep and shall be fabricated from minimum 0.060" aluminum. Drawer 33 shall be mounted to two (2) full extension drawer slides. Drawer shall include afull-size one- 34 piece lid, which is secured to the drawer by a continuous hinge. 35 36 "Dp CONNECTOR 37 Provide a "D" connector configured in accordance with the following table: - 38 39 CONNECTOR "D" 40 PIN WERE # FUNCTION I OR C LEVEL PIN WIRE # FUNCTION I OR O LEVEL A D-1 SPLIT 2 I 115 VAC t D-41 - PE 3 IN I 0 VDC B D-2 CYCLE 2 I 115 VAC u D-42 DET INPUT 13 I 0 VDC C D-3 OFFSET 1 I 115 VAC v D-43 OFFSET 2 I 115 VAC D D-4 TC SYNC I 0 VDC w D~4 OFFSET 3 I 115 VAC E D-5 DUAL ENTRY I 0 VDC x D~5 DIMMER I 0 VDC F D-6 SPEC IN 10 I 0 VDC y D-46 PE 5 IN I 0 VDC 9. E Sprague AvelN Conklin St December 27, 2007 G D-7 DET INPUT 16 I 0 VDC z D-47 CKT 1 CYCLE 2 O 0 VDC H D-8 PE 5 OUT O 0 VDC AA D-48 CKT 10 AUX 2 O 0 VDC J D-9 DET INPUT 12 I 0 VDC BB D-49 CKT 6 SPLIT 2 O 0 VDC K D-10 CKT 9 AUX 1 O 0 VDC CC D-50 PE 6 IN I 0 VDC L D-11 PE 2 IN I 0 VDC DD D-51 CKT 13 SYS O 0 VDC M D-12 PE 4 IN I 0 VDC EE D-52 PE 3 OUT O 0 VDC N D-13 PE 1 IN I 0 VDC FF D-53 SPEC IN 6 I 0 VDC P D-14 CKT 8 FLASH O 0 VDC GG D-54 SPEC IN 5 I 0 VDC R D-15 DET INPUT 11 I 0 VDC HH D-55 UD7 I 0 VDC S D-16 PE1 OUT O 0 VDC JJ D-56 WP10 IN I 0 VDC T D-17 SYNC INHIBIT I 0 VDC KK D-57 SGO/COND SV I 0 VDC U D-18 SPEC IN 9 I 0 VDC LL D-58 DET INPUT 15 I 0 VDC V D-19 DET INPUT 10 I 0 VDC MM D-59 CALL TO FREE I 0 VDC W D-20 DET INPUT 9 I 0 VDC NN D-60 UD6 I 0 VDC X D-21 SPEC IN 8 I 0 VDC PP D-61 SPEC IN 7 I 0 VDC Y D-22 UD8 I 0 VDC - D-62 SHELL GND - - Z D-23 INTER_ COM I AC- a D-24 CYCLE 3 I 115 VAC b D-25 SYSTEM I 115 VAC INPUT c D 26 SPLIT 3 I 115 VAC d D-27 FLASH I 115 VAC e D-28 DET INPUT 14 I 0 VDC f D-29 CKT 11 AUX 3 O 0 VDC g D-30 CKT 5 OS 3 O 0 VDC h D-31 PE 4 OUT O 0 VDC I D-32 CKT 4 OS 2 O 0 VDC j D-33 CKT 7 SPLIT 3 O 0 VDC . k D-34 CKT 3 OS 1 O 0 VDC m D-35 FLASH OUT O 0 VDC _ n D-36 CKT 2 CYCLE : 0 0 VDC p D-37 SYSTEM OUT O 0 VDC q D-38 PE 6 OUT O 0 VDC r D-39 INTERCON INF I 0 VDC s D-40 PE 2 OUT O 0 VDC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Optical Units Section 9-29.16(2)A is supplemented v~ith the following: All traffic signal displays shall be the Light Emitting Diode (LED) type and shall be from one of the following manufacturers: Dialight Corporation 1913 Atlantic Avenue Manasquan, NJ 08736 Telephone: (732) 223-9400 Fax: (732) 223-8788 GELcore, LLC 6810 Halle Dnve 10 E Sprague Ave1N Conklin St December 27, 2007 1 Valley View, OH 44125 2 Telephone: (216) 606-6555 3 Fax: (216) 606-6556 4 5 Precision Solar Controls, Inc. 6 2960 Market Street • 7 Garland, TX 75041 8 Telephone: (972) 278-0553 9 Fax: (972) 271-9583 10 11 Each LED signal module shall be designed to be installed in the door frame of a 12 standard traffic signal housing. The lamp socket, reflector holder and lens used 13 with an incandescent lamp shall not be used in a signal section in which a LED 14 signal module is installed. The installation of an LED signal module shall not 15 require any modification~to the housing. The LED signal module shall be a single, 16 self-contained device, not requiring onsite assembly for installation into an existing 17 traffic signal housing. 18 19 All red and yellow LED signal modules shall be manufactured with a matrix of 20 AIInGaP LED light sources and green LED signal modules shall be manufactures 21 with a matrix of InGaN LED light sources. The LED traffic signal module shall be 22 operationally compatible with controllers and conflict monitors on this project. The 23 LED lamp unit shall contain a disconnect that will show an open switch to the 24 conflict monitor when less than 60% of the LEDs in the unit are operational. 25 26 Each LED module shall conform to • the current standards in Institute of 27 Transportation Engineers (ITE) VTCSH Part 2 and a Certificate of Compliance 28 with these standards shall be submitted by the manufacturer for each type of 29 signal head. The certficate shall state that the lot of signal heads meets the 30 current ITE specification. A label shall' be placed on each LED signal module 31 certifying conformance to this specification. The manufacturer's name, trademark, 32 serial number and other necessary identification shall be permanently marked on 33 the backside of the LED signal module. LED signal modules used on this project 34 shall be from the same manufacturer. A label shall be provided on the LED 35 housing and the Contractor shall mark file label with a permanent marker to note 36 the installation date. 37 38 The manufacturer shall provide a written wan•anty against defects in materials and 39 workmanship for the LED signal modules for a period of 60 months after the 40 installation of the modules. All warranty documentation shall be given to the 41 Engineer prior to installation. 42 43 Pedestrian Push Buttons 44 ~ Section 9-29.19 is supplemented with the following: 45 46 Pedestrian push buttons shall be Polara Brand Model RBDLM2-B-4H, or approved equal, 47 and shall be mounted in accordance with Standard Plan J-5. Metal Pole Installation. 48 . 49 Pedestrian Signals 50 Section 9-29.20 is supplemented with the following: 51 11 E Sprague Ave/N Conklin St December 27, 2007 1 LED Pedestrian Signal 2 All pedestrian signal dsplays shall be the Light Emitting Diode (LED) type. 3 4 LED Pedestrian Displays 5 Section 9-29.20(1) is supplemented with the following: 6 7 Countdown LED Pedestrian Signal Display Modules 8 9 The pedestrian signal modules shall be the LED countdown type conforming to 10 the latest ITE specifications and MUTCD requirements and equipped with the 11 following features: ' 12 Compatible with standard 16-inch pedestrian signal housing 13 User selectable modes for walk and Pedestrian clearance cycles 14 Operates at 120. volt AC 15 Operating Temperature -40 deg. C to +74 deg. C. 16 Power factor Correction >90 17 Total harmonic distortion < 20 percent 18 Brightness, hand: >3750 cd/m2, man: >5300 cdlm2 19 Color, Handldigits: Portland Orange, Man: Lunar White 20 21 Each LED pedestrian signal module shall be designed as retrofit replacements for 22 optical units in a standard pedestrian signal housing and shall not require special 23 tools for installation. The installation of an LED pedestrian module shall not 24 require any modification to the housing. Each LED pedestrian module shall be a 25 single, self-contained device, not requiring any on-site assembly for installation 26 into any pedestrian signal housing. The power supply for the LED pedestrian 27 module may be packaged as a separate module. 28 29 Each LED pedestrian module shall be protected against dust and moisture 30 intrusion in accordance with the NEMA Moisture Resistant STD 250-1991 for 31 Type 4 enclosures to protect all intemal components. The assembly, 32 manufacturing, and mounting of the LED pedestrian module shall be designed to 33 assure all internal LED and elect~onic~ components are adequately supported to' 34 withstand mechanical shock and vibration from high winds and other sources. The 35 manufacturer's name, trademark, serial number and other necessary identification 36 shall be permanently marked on the backside of the LED pedestrian module. A 37 label shall be provided on the LED housing and the Contractor shall mark the 38 label with a permanent marker to note the installation date. 39 40 Each LED pedestrian module shall operate at 60+3 Hz. Nominal operating 41 voltage for all measurements shall be 120±3 volts rms. The LED circuitry shall 42 prevent flicker at less than 100 Hz over the voltage range specified above. 43 Fluctuations in the line voltage specified above shall not affect luminous intensity 44 by more than +10%. The signal module on-board circuitry shall include voltage 45 surge protection to withstand high-repetition noise transients and low-repetition 46 high-energy transients as stated in Section 2.1.6, NEMA Standard TS-2, 1992. 47 The individual LED light sources shall be wired so that catastrophic failure of any 48 one LED light source will result in the loss of not more than 20% of the signal 49 module light sources. LED pedestrian signal modules shall provide a power factor 50 of 0.90 or greater when operated at nominal operating voltage, and 77°C. Total 12 E Spragus Avenv Cankfin St Decemt~er 27, 2007 1 harmonic distortion induced into an AC power line by an LED pedestrian module 2 shall not exceed 20%. Each LED pedestrian module and associated onboard 3 circuitry shall meet Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Title 47, 4 SubPartB, Section 15 regulations confeming the emission of electrical noise. Two 5 secured, color coded, 600V, 20AWG minimum, jacketed wires, conforming to the 6 National Electrical Code, rated for service at 221 °C, shall be provided for electrical 7 connection. 8 9 The display of numbers of remaining seconds shall begin only at the beginning of 10 the pedestrian change interval. After the countdown displays zero, the display 11 shall remain dark until the beginning of the next countdown. The countdown signal 12 shall display the number of seconds remaining until the termination of the 13 pedestrian change interval. Countdown displays shall not be used during the walk 14 interval or during the yellow change interval of a concurrent vehicle phase. if the 15 pedestrian change interval is interrupted or shortened as a part of a transition into 16 a preemption sequence, the countdown pedestrian signal display should be 17 discontinued and go dark immediately upon activation of the preemption 18 transition. The LED pedestrian modules shall be operationally compatible with 19 controllers and conflict monitors on this project. 20 21 Video Detection System ' 22 23 The Video Detection System shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following equipment., or 24 approved equal by the Engineer: 25 26 - TRAFICON VIP3D.1 Vehicle Presence and Data Detector 27 - TRAFICON VIP Set-up Keypad • 28 - Rainbow BL58DF Camera 29 - Rainbow L10X65DC4P lens 30 - Aigis HS9384 Series housing 31 - Rainbow RMB92 black and white video monitor 32 - Kar-Gor universal camera mount, part # N1A/SOP-16 33 - HESCOlRLS HE75CX surge suppressor 34 - Kar-Gor Composite Cable 75 Ohm RG59lU with 18awg 5 Conductors 35 • 36 The Video Detection System shall meet the following requirements: 37 - Video detection unit shall be a modular design 38 -• Video detection unit shall provide detection inputs to a NEMA traffic control 39 system 40 - video detection unit shall provide a minimum of 32 detection zones within the 41 ~ video image 42 - Each detection zone shall be user-definable through interactive graphics 43 - Video detection unit shall calculate traffic parameters in real time 44 - Different detector types shall be selectable via software 45 - Image sensor shall be synchronous high resolution CCD camera 46 - Camera lens shall be a recommended by the video detection unit manufacturer 47 - Cameras shall be housed in a liquid tight assembly with a sunshield 48 - Cameras shall have mounting hardware to attach to a luminaire mast arm 49 - Video Detection System shall include video detection unit, image sensor(s), VGA 50 monitor, transient voltage suppressor, and other peripheral components as 51 recommended by the manufacturer to provide a complete detection system 13 E Sprague Ave/N Conldin St December 27, 2007 1 - Successful bidder shall provide a qualified technician for on-site set-up, training 2 ~ and initial activation of the system 3 - The successful bidder's technician shall also make all necessary modifications 4 within the City's existing traffic control system, including any necessary wiring 5 within the signal control cabinet, to incorporate the proposed detection system 6 - Bidders shall submit complete specifications of system proposed with bid 7 proposal 8 9 Amplifier, Transformer, and Terminal Cabinets 10 Section 9-29.25 is supplemented with the following: 11 12 Provide UL approved terminal cabinets for steel pole mounting (without mounting 13 hardware) that conform to WSDOT Standard Specifications, with the exception that they 14 shall be constructed of aluminum and shall accept a Corbin lock. Their nominal dimensions 15 shall be 12°W x 16"H x 8"D and shall include a manufacturer installed back panel with 2 16 each 15-position terminal strips mounted on the back panel. The U.L. sticker shall be 17 attached to the cabinet. 18 19 SECTION 9-34, PAVEMENT MARKING MATERIAL 20 April 3, 2006 21 9-34.2 Paint 22 This section is revised to read: 23 24 White and yellow paint shall comply with the specifications for high volatile organic 25 compound (VOC) solvent based paint, lour VOC solvent based paint or lour VOC 26 waterborne paint. Blue paint for "Access Parking Space Symbol with Background" shall be 27 chosen from a WSDOT QPL listed Manufacturer. The blue color shall match Fed Standard 28 595, color 15090 and the tolerance of variation shall match that shown in the FHWA 29 "Highway Blue Color Tolerance Chart." 30 31 9-34.3 Plastic 32 This section is revised to read: 33 34 White and yellow plastic pavement marking materials shall comply with the specifications 35 for: ' 36 37 TypeA-Liquid hot applied thermoplastic 38 Type B -Pre-formed fused thermoplastic 39 Type C -Cold applied pre-formed tape 40 Type D -Liquid cold applied methyl methacryiate 41 42 Blue plastic pavement marking material for "Access Parking Space Symbol with 43 Background"'shall be chosen from a WSDOT QPL listed Manufacturer. The blue color shall 44 match Fed Standard 595, color 15090 and the tolerance of variation shall match that shown 45 in the FHWA "Highway Blue Color Tolerance Chart.° 46 47 9-34.4 Glass Beads 48 In the first sentence the reference to AASHTO M 247-81, Type 1 is revised.to AASHTO M 247, 49 Type 1. 14 E Sprague Ave1N Gonkfin St December 27, 2007 1 2 STANDARD PLANS 3 April 2, 2007 4 The State of Washington Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction M21-01 5 transmitted under Publications Transmittal No. PT 07-008, effective April 2, 2007 is made a part 6 of this contract. 7 8 The Standard Plans are revised as follows: 9. - 10 All Standard Plans 11 All references in the Standard Plans to "Asphalt Concrete Pavement" shall be revised to 12 read "Hot M.ix Asphalt". , • 13 14 All references in the Standard Plans to the abbreviation "ACP" shall be revised to read 15 "HMA". 16 17 C-11 b Sheets 1 and 2 18 In the PRECAST FOOTING, ELEVATION view (Sheet 1) and in the CAST IN-PLACE 19 FOOTING ELEVATION view (Sheet 2), COMMERCIAL CONCRETE is revised to 20 CONCRETE CLASS 4000. 21 22 In the BREAKAWAY ANCHOR ANGLE, ELEVATION view (Sheet 2), the welding symbols 23 are revised to indicate that the 1/4" Inside Gussets have 114" fillet weld joints, and the 1/2" 24 End Gussets have 1/2" fillet weld joints. ' 25 26 D-1 a Sheet 2 8 D-1 b Sheet 2 27 Reinforcing Steel Bar marked °R1" (see lower left corner): the dimension 1' - 2 112" is 28 revised to 1' - 0 1/2". 29 30 G-8g Sheet 1 31 In the ELEVATION views, in the labels LOWER SIGN POST SUPPORT the parenthetical 32 specification °12 GAGE" is revised to "7 GAGE". 33 34 I-10 35 In NOTE 1: the reference to Standard Specification 8-01.3(5)A is revised to Standard 36 Specification 8-01.3(6)A. - 37 38 The following are the Standard Plan numbers applicable at the time this project was advertised. 39 The date shown with each plan number is the publication approval date shown in the lower 40 right-hand comer of that plan. Standard Plans showing different dates shall not be used in this 41 contract. - 42 43 A-1 ....................10/24/06 A-3 ...............---..5130/02 A-6.-----.........---2/24/03 44 A-2 ....................12120/06 A-5....................2124/03 A-7................10104105 45 46 B-5.20-00 ............6/01 /06 B-30.50-00 ........ 6/01 /06 B-75.20-00 .....6101106 47 B-5.40-00............6/01/06 8-30.70-00........6/01f06 B-75.50-00.....6!08106 48 B-5.60-00............6/01/06 B-30.80-00........6/08/06 B-75.60-00.....6108106 49 8-10.2Q-00..........6/01/06 8-30.90-00........6108106 8-80.20-00.....6!08106 50 B-10.40-00..........6/01/06 - B-35.20-00........6/08106 B-80.40-00.....6101/06 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 E Sprague AveJN Conklin St December 27, 2007 8-10.60-00 ..........6108106 6-15.20-00 ..........6101 /06 B-15.40-00 ..........6101 /06 B-15.60-00 ..........6/01 /06 6-20.20-01 ........1112110 6 B-20.40-01 ........11121 /06 B-20.60-01 ........11 /21106 B-25.20-00 ..........6108106 6-25.60-00 ..........6/01 !06 B-30.10-00 .......... 6108!06 8-30.20-01 ........11 /21 /06 B-30.30-00 ..........610110 6 8-30.40-00 ..........6/01 /06 C-1 ......................2/0 6/07 C-1 a ............. .......7/31198 C-1 b ............. .....10131 /03 C-1 c ............. .......5/30/97 C-1 d ............. .....10/31103 C-2 ............... .......1106/0 0 C-2a ............. .......6/21 /06 C-2b ............. .......6/21/06 C-2c ............. .......6/21 /06 C-2d ............. .......6121106 C-2e ............. .......6121106 C-2f .............. ....... 3/ 14/97 C-2g ............. .......7/27101 C-2h ............. .......3/28/97 C-2i .............. .......3128197 C-2j .............. .......6/12/98 C-2k ....................7/27101 C-2n ............. .......7/27/01 C-2 0 .............. ...... 7/ 13/01 C-2p ..................10131 /03 C-2q ....................3103105 C-2r ............... ...... 3/03105 C-2s ....................3103/05 C-2t ..... ................3103105 G3 ................ ....10104105 C-3a .............. ....10/04/05 D-1 a ....................1/23102 D-1 b .................. 10/06199 D-1 c .................. 10106199 . D-1d .................. 10/06/99 D-1 a .................. ..1 /23/02 D-1 f ................... 10/06199 D-2.02-00.......... 11 / 10/05 D-2.04-0 0.......... 11 / 10105 D-2.06-00 .......... 11 / 10/05 B-35.40-00 ........ 6108/06 B-40.20-00 ........ 6/01 /06 B-40.40-00 ........ 6/01106 B-45.20-00 ........ 6/01 /06 8-45.40-00 ........ 6/01106 B-50.20-00 ........ 6/01106 8-5520-00 ........ 6/01 /06 B-60.20-00 ........ 6108/06 B-60.40-00 ........ 6101 /06 B-65.20-00 ........ 6/01106 8-65.40-00 ........ 6/01 /06 8-70.20-00 ........ 6/01 !06 B-70.60-00 ........ 6/01 /06 Gab ................ 10/04/05 C-3c ................ .. 6121/06 C-3d ................ .. 3103105 C-4 .................. .. 2/21 /07 C-4a .............:.. .. 2121107 C-4b ................ .. 6108106 C-4e ................ ..2/20/03 C-4f ................... 6130/04 C-5 .................. 10/31/03 C-6 ................... . 5/30197 C-6a ................. . 3114197 C-6c .................. 1106100 C-6d ..................5/30/97 C-6f .................. . 7125197 C-7 .................. 10/31 /03 G7a ................ 10/31/03 C-8 ................... . 4/27/04 C-8a ................. . 7/25/97 C-8b ................. ..1111106 C-8e ................. . 2121/07 C-8f .................. . 6130/04 C-10 ................. . 7/31/98 C-11 ................. . 5 /2 O! 04 C-11 a ............... . 5120104 C-11 b ............... . 5/20/04 C-12 ................. . 7127101 D-2.30-00 .........11 /10/05 D-2.32-00 .........11 /10105 D-2.34-00 .........11 / 10105 D-2.36-00 .........11 /10105 D-2.38-00 .........11 /10/05 D-2.40-00 .........11110!05 D-2.42-00 .........11110105 D-2.44-00 .........11110/05 D-2.4000 .........11110105 B-82.20-00 .....6101 /06 B-85.10-00 .....6/01106 B-85.20-00 ..... 6/01!06 8-85.30-00 .....6101 /06 6-85.40-00 .....6/08/06 B-85.50-00 .....6108106 B-90.10-00 .....6/08106 B-90.20-00 ..... 6!08!06 8-90.30-00 .....6/08106 6-90.40-00 ..... 6/08/06 B-90.50-00 .....6108/06 B-95.20-00 .....6108106 B-95.40-0 0 .....6/08/06 C-13 ............... 4116199 C-13a ........ .....4/16/99 C-13b ........ .....4/16/99 C-14a .............7126102 C-14b .............7/26/02 C-14c ......... ..... 7126102 C-14d ........ .....7126102 C-14e ........ .....7/26102 C-14f ......... ..... 9!02105 C-14g ........ ... 11 /21 /06 C-14h ........ ..... 1111106 C-14i .......... ... 12/02/03 C-14j .......... ...12/02103 C-14k ......... ..... 1111106 C-16a ........ ... 11/08/05 C-16b ........ ... 11/08/05 C-20.14-00 ..... 2106!07 G20.40-00 .....2106/07 C-22.40-00 ..... 2/06107 C-23.60-00 .....2/06107 C-25.18-00 .....2/06107 C-25.20-00 .....2/06107 C-25.22-00 ..... 2121 /07 C-28.40-00 .....2106107 D-2.80-00 ..... 11/10/05 D-2.82-00 ..... 11 / 10/05 D- 2.84-0 0 ..... 11110 /0 5 D-2.86-00 ..... 11/10/05 D-2.88-00 ..... 11 /10/05 D-2.92-0 0 ..... 11/10/05 D-3 .......... ....... 7113105 D-3a ........ ....... 6130/04 D-3b ........ .......6/30/04 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 E Sprague Ave/N Conklin St Qecember 27, 2007 D-2.08-00.......... 11110/05 ~ D-2.48-00 .........11/10/05 D-2.10-00.......... 11/10/05 D-2.60-00 .........11/10/05 D-2.12-00.......... 11/10/05 D-2.62-00 .........11/10105 D-2.14-00.......... 11/10105 D-2.64-00 .........11/10/05 D-2.16-00.......... 11/10/05 Q2.66-00 .........11/10105 D-2.18-00.......... 11110105 D-2.68-00 .........11/10!05 D-2.20-00.......... 11/10105 D-2.78-00 .........11/10/05 E-1 ......................2/21/07 E-4....................8/27/03 E-2 ......................5129198 E-4a .................. 8/27/03 F-10.120 0 ........1212 010 6 F-10.16-00 ........12/20/06 F-10.40-00 ..........1 !23107 F-10.42-00 ..........1 /23107 F-10.62-00 ..........1123!07 F-10.6400 ........ 1123107 F-30.10-00 ........ 1 !23/07 F-40.10-00 ........ 2/07/07 F~0.12-00 ........ 2107107 F~0.14-00 ........ 2107107 G-1 ......................2121107 G-2 .. ....................6/04/02 G-2a ....................6/04/02 G-3 .. ..................11 /09105 G-3a ..................11 /09/05 G-3 b ................:.11 /09105 G-4a ..................11 /09/05 G-4 b .................... 6/30/04 H-1 ......................1110102 H-1 a ....................4/14100 H-1 b ....................6/21/06 H-1 c .................... 3104/05 H-1 d . ...................6/21 /06 H-1 a ....................6/21/06 H-4 .. ....................8/18104 I-1 .......................7118197 -2 .......................4/23/99 I -3 ............. . . . • - - ....8/20/99 I-4 ....................... 7/ 17/03 I-5 .......................7117103 J-1 b ...................10/08/99 J-1 c .....................4/24/98 J-1 d .....................1/11 /06 J-1 e .....................1111 /06 J-1 f . .....................6/23/00 J-3 .. .....................8/01/97 J-3 b .....................3104/05 J-3c .....................6124/02 J-3d ...................11105103 J-5 .......................8101197 J-6c . ....................4124198 G-6 .................... 8127103 G-6a .................. 8127103 G-6b .................. 8127103 G-7 .. .................. 6/08106 G-8a ................ 12/15/04 G-8b .................11109/05 G-8c .................. 8!18104 G-8d ................ 12/15/04 H-4a .................. 2125/05 H-4b ................ 10/24/06 H-6 .. ................1012 9/0 3 H-7 .. .................. 8110198 H-8 .. .................. 9118198 H-9 .. .................. 4118!97 H-10 .................. 5/29198 -6 ...................... 7117/03 -7 ...................... 7/ 17/03 -8 ...................... 7117/03 -9 ...................... 7/17/03 -10 .................... 7/17/03 J-6g ................. 12/12/02 J-6h .......... .........4124/98 J-7a ................... 9112/01 J-7c ...................6/19/98 J-7d ...................4/24/98 J-8a ................... 5120/04 J-8b ................... 5120/04 J-8c ................... 5/20/04 J-8d ................... 5/20!04 J-9a ...................4/24/98 J-10 ................... 7118197 17 D-3c ................ 6130104 D-4 ............... 12/11/98 D-6 ............... .. 6119198 D-7 ............... 1010 6/99 D-7a ............. 10/06/99 D-9 ............... 12/11/98 F-40.15-00...... 2107/07 F-40.16-00...... 2107/07 F-40.18-00...... 2/07107 F-80.10 00...... 1/23/07 G-8e ............... 8118/04 G-8f . ............. 11/09/05 G-8g ............. 11!09105 G-9a ...............6/25/02 G-9b ............... 6108106 G-9d ............... 6/08106 H-12 ............... 2125105 H-12a ............. 2125/05 H-12b ............. 2/25105 H -13 ............... 212 5/O S H-13a ............. 2125/05 H-14 ............... 2/09/05 -11 ................. 9/11 /03 -12 ................. 7/17/03 -13 ................. 7117/03 -14 ................. 7117103 I-15 ................. 1123/07 J-11 b .............. 9/02/05 J-11 c . .............. 6121/06 J-12 .. ............ 11 /08105 J-15a ............10/04105 J-15b ............ 10/04/05 J-16a .............. 3/04105 J-16b .............. 9/02105 J-18 .. .............. 9/02/05 J-19 .. ..............9102/05 J-20 .. .............. 9102105 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 E Sprague AvefN Conklin St l7ecember 27, 2007 J-6f ......................4124198 K-10.20-00 ..........2/ 15/07 K-10.40-00 ..........2/15/07 K-20.20-00 ..........2/15/07 K-2 0.40-0 0 .......... 2/ 15107 K-2 0.60- 0 0 .......... 2/ 15/07 K-22.20-00 .......:.. 2/ 15107 K-24.20-00 ..........2/15/07 K-24.40-00 .......... 2/ 15/07 K-24.60-00 ..........2/15/07 K-24.80-0 0 .......... 2/ 15/07 K-26.20-00 ..........2/ 15/07 L-10.10-0 0 ..........2121/0 7 L-20.10-00 .::....... 2107!07 L-30.10-00 ..........2107/07 M-1.20-01 . ..........1130107 M-1'.40-01 . ..........1 /30/07 M-1.60-01 . ..........1130107 M-1.80-01 . ..........1130/07 M-2.20-01 . ..........1 /30107 M-2.40-01 . ..........1 /30/07 M-2.60-01 . ..........1130/07 M-3.10-01 ...........1 /30/07 M-3.20-01 . ..........1 /30/07 J-11 a ................. 9102!05 K-26.40-00 ........ 2/15/07 K-30.20-00........ 2115107 K-30.40-00 ........ 2!15/07 K-32.20-00 ........ 2/15/07 K-32.40-00 ........ 2/15/07 K-32.60-0 0 ........ 2/ 15!07 K-32.80-00........ 2/ 15/07 K-34.20-00 ........ 2/15/07 K-36.20-00 ........ 2115/07 K-40.20-00 ........ 2/ 15/07 K-,40.40-00 ........ 2/15f07 L-40.10-00......... 2121 /07 L-40.15-00......... 2121107 L-40.20-00......... 2121107 M-3.30-01.......... 1 /30/07 M-3.40-01.......... 1 /30/07 M-3.50-01.......... 1130/07 M-5.10-01.......... 1 /30/07 M-7.50-01.......... 1130/07 M-9.50-01.......... 1130107 M-11.10-01........ 1 /30/07 M-15.10-01........ 2106/07 M-17.10-01........ 1130/07 K-40.60-00 .....2/15/07 K~0.80-00 .....2/15107 K-55.20-00 .....2/15/07 K-60.20-00 ..... 2/ 15/07 K-60.40-00 .....2115/07 K-70.20-00 .....2/15/07 K-80.10-0 0 .....2/21 /07 K-80.20-00 ... 12/20!06 K-80.30-00 .....2/21 !07 K-80.35-00 .....2/21107 K-80.37-00 .....2/21 /07 L-70.10-00. .....1 /30107 L-70.20-0 0 . .....1130107 M-20.10-01..... 1130/07 M-20.20-01..... 1130/07 M-20.30-01..... 1130/07 M-20.40-01..... 1130107 M-2 0.50-01..... 1 !30!07 M-24.20-01..... 5131 /06 M-24.40-01..... 5/31106 M-24.60-02 ..... 2106107 18 } ~ ~ ` S ~~N~~~L ,~~ 5EC.13 T.~Sf~, ~.4~E. ~N.M. I. PLL r~1C ~ eE OCHE N ?i>a'q~WCE wm, tfi 42 I . C;unrvELflaR9H hC~E SFOHA~ Vx1E'f Sr+li4~OS rHp SPEGFlCATfPNS. 2. f ~PP>rV3.w,t CLn55ff19anoN a PFavcr.'p4 aAifRtRL ~ ~ ~'~ :''~~ N CGN%LIM ~ tu451FlCA~ +~ COUEC~p- 1 E FP.wGUE A'rE P097fn `UEFA - ]5 NPH. N cwtKL]N Ap k r'C6Ycd 5PEO a 2S MP!L 4. DEV4'+E p~l'1P1G CHNaHELAATEN 14 {{aFl,1Ci NST}i P99+'tlifp ~ tkWIHEL¢anori, W7ihLN PRnY~'T U;dnS, +~ dlRfiiiE} 6Y ~ c ~. Y ~ - , I1fAo- S r ~kWCUE . SUN Rp PESGN '~EHN7,c = w9iG, _ i-~C~ffA ~ rv 933 ^ ~ B o p J~ a L FAL~ GY L - rv {~ ERp 3PC Ua~, QCFE L1 G ,r.a~r Eno EwE une . ,2cFr ~r s P m N ~ n :wl ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 1~y9FT 12.4r~ E SPRAGUE AVE ~ ~ a P ~ i 0 9 7 - 12~Gri + ~ o 142+ ' IU3+9P ~~ ~ _ m ~ ± ~ ~ ,. a~ rr .~ - - ~ ,r,0. x x .~ - ;, _ rA k71+7B.G r Fr Li IX 1 p []YC uH_ x ,o,+5B.4 k .aFr iT 4ll~ I.{f~TCH ppGAHG 1riLR URE ,~ -w ~ R MPE uR ~s11HC ~~ ~, ~ T4 LLY_ A zs+ess pGHr-ot- ~ AE91H oYC UNE :~ 9, IHL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ &CA moE LIrvE E-='~ LT = q ~ ~~ - fNp ~-P uHE, dEPSa ort UNE, rAF; Rl ,'rte-. .` - - :;, 4 k7.oFr i 5PR,4Gl!'c ,EVE ~K -~ - E SPRAGUE FY a 140-0a k~.llF? 6 ~C4K~6 A ia"~ 7+Ul.w ..~~~~ 97+70 12,GFT,~ J -~ +DO ~-~~ 3- a 7e.5F~ - ~ ~ -6WOl 17.GFr _ ~ _ ~~ _ ~ - '~ - iR 34+sir~ Fu571H6 ~E9frv sroP Un?, E~ orc Fes RF 4 EN9 SRP urvE, 7,4Fi LY STA X3.3 T. ST '"+=A~.~ RE E UrvE ~Hb-'^'IG€ uv, AEpN : a ENp STOP URE, 21,4Ff ~ IXI411NG ~~~ - - '}Y ~. . ~ 3 FA~-0 ~~ ~~ ~ «~ x x ~ ~ i~ T ~ k2.9Ff as+"4.5 p ~I u , 6EGIH 4 _ E< , ~ Fr fNp L~ Urvf inPERS. 6E41rv PYC uHE 4AFI Li ENp ©9E uHf T,~ER. 9E61rv EPCE UNE ,~kFf Rf EHO fpCE UnE 9r;;IN 63Ff EG4E Urv@ TPPER (, 6.5[, ). 13,9Fr Ll EHO ?YC L4yE, ~~~ R3Fr ETC UHE TaPQ, [,d.5:,~, 9.4Fi Rr Euo fpCE UHE, E'F-GIH 63Fi EG4E Urv@ T,WER (,0.5:,). Id,9Fr RI I ~ :~ ~ ~ I i• l~ ~ S ~ ~ i 1 +. _ r i ~ ~ f ~ ,R;.pFr I~59Fr , ~ ,.1~ .~~ ~ ~- ~~rr - n y r ~ _ ~ ~II~`~ III t CYANN L12+~ TIDN NOIF~ PgRL4 161Y wHR~ iHFRMpPikS'RC 91CP tl~, PF7i w5p4T ST6Hp~J PUJI ~75.ip-0, allp u~2a.B0-p2 t~sT~LL wH114 PAU',FD 9R~sw~LH, RER mppr 5ro„r~E,o PLL'! M-15,14-0+. I~RLL TSPE 7R nYfiE RNNiEp iaAfflC IV3~4w, PER wGO4r srr~+o~P FLw V~~+,ad~,. LYiTWJ, EIH timITE Pram uNOE uHE. ~ rr5oar 5rs1;C>+F,p PIhN M-24.ko-d~. {~6~ ~TUa~Apl P11~+ M-P7A,i~~q-oiot@ UHE. PER nSOtlT `" P~3 MSpO SYPM~aF. RL,Y~EI.LMOw~tkQfiFR (pTC) U~, IHSTfLL 7,Hfif PFW,~]1 'Grr!Y M~';- a 3r70.5. , rFr Rr ygTtH UNE 5~ 2++25 - ri115 5H:~r +;F'i E4G; urv :,~ c I ~ .~ T-4F-YAY ~ g ~ 'tio Z + ISAMG =~ Q N 5' i,C G 2 ~ ~.f'/ N ~ ,, He NL •~~ ~~ - - , is F 0. {a7 I 'n ~c ~ ~xrsns ~'M'~- ~ RVlfl- F-N'!IY V ~ I: J ~ k5dFT i2 Fr k6AFE - ~ - .. r A; `~ i g k :,; ~- 4 SE 55'a5'E 141 ~ ee ` ~. _ y T ~~ o I RR( AFi Li ~ '`~ ~: ~ ' ~~ A ia+ ~~. z I ~ 9E+:IH uE. a. ~ E1+D Sri UNE 23~o+i fii NaT ll~O "iax 8d+25 - TH6 4H~r RICw4I CH ~~ f tt3d 1181+ m~Y7au@ HE ' - r~ Tr Sulk BOG I~tkau;p, ~+fBSmCSdN 99u56 ~ p~ gyp.} 425 °R5-3895 Giaup {~~ ~~ B~~-aa3. io0+55.p ^.N [i3EGLY N 1i fNp glop UNE T~4r~ 47 A aatl+74.p pH 5i .d L EHp SroR UNE. 6E91N mdE UNE. ,7.oFf LT ~ a p zG R[ SPOKANE VALLEY LOWE'S ~P~ E SPRAGUE AVE~N CONKLIN Rd CIlY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHiNGTQN OHANNELI2AilON PLAN ' i1P ' l~ ~ I r't r 7 ~ ~ - ~-• EC.13 1.2~C~. R.44E. ~-M. Eif~E ~ P~lOPpScQ U~~Ptl~ a ~ ~, ~ L1AUIHN{E ffi ~ ~ TAR~1 !A -r SICNnL HE+P! Q J LE~7 NRn StnaL HEa? ~ ~ ~ i Y " Nt n ~ PETE-1AiW h~P J. ~ R -of-n'a COnkIEn RD ~~» ~ EMERGERLY PRE-EMPROH C€TECi4.' 4 f ~ f 1 ~ ~ ~ ORGp,~ //~~ I t ~} wOkb tE12CTldt! C1vERA f~ ~ B ,} ~ >t 1 >t ~ ~ >< CanklNn Ro ,ua FRa(•rt1c s~Cn Px15TRaG +"g t } RICH •-0}'-ri'AY 1 ~~'~ f ~ APE 1 duHCan wx z a • ~ ~ 2 s } ~ R~2 T1PE z .ILUxTIOH eox ~ ~ ~~~ ' - ,r l '- .... ~ _ ~ v TYPe ~ a,~cnoH @mr ; ~- ~ - ~.- _ ~~I'~~GE AYE i ou r r J t~T(thSR LddP F ~ -~' ..~+~^~ sue` Iqc' - 1 ~ - [osm~o4>.~R c,uixEr zz ~ a f ~ +} r^Y f^1 ~ r..~ N4TE: E SPR,~GUE AWE . . ~i a ~~ I ® 5ERY~CE CAH@EEf - A 6 I ~I ~8 {T'R_~ ~ ,TyP') ~ MEET i5+ F~ ,~LaT'1pH~1 SIGV pEfhILS, ~~' --~- CUNCi1R 2i~1 fl } flY (~1 t-} h *44 iv s7Fd+S PdLE NCTL '+AG` ~ ill~l ' ~ ~J 4f [oNF~1llvMlow ndTE f+~ ! +'} 35~U4 11f[!,B I ~i tii SIGNAL PHASING PRE-'c~iPi~UV ti~ ti~ I5 441RE INiE 97+p0 ' _ 9B+oa v ` qp ~ I 1 rQ'3+d ` a SGNEGUV.E ~ a ~ s ~ c~rxr 1LL1 1~~ ~ .y~~_~a A z g S CON5TRUCTIbfa/POLE NpTES a -1 `'~ °` z ',~ ~ 9Pf~z ,ems 1 ~~ o ~,--~ ~ e ar- a- ~ o' ~ a= Rr- ~ f°C° ~ @ 1 & e ~, Ins~a1,T, ireE III ~5c~u PdLt mr>i so-r L4V`TFRH. 1V3fN.L IYA[E 4o-raE 9C1w4 xEBns wrr,~ ~. 1 --: c a ga[Halars, 4xE TYRE u=711 tlR11W11 PRE-EMPIIGN tEIECI'pR MIM rOIC.~TCfi iFkP, 0.w? 1 0 4 ~ 9~c~tir'r~. ~ •~. ,~ C - 7 •~ '..~:~~:'.:.~' 'e.-a'a~ ~' .'a~' @LV~I[ 9u~nK 6 8 ~M34 OEIECF[oH crasRa, auo cnE SfHc~-, nwnE ilCn 6H 7Hf ,wSfN~i FOB nESTGpUHO X r x _•~ ~ @ ~~ TH>'rr1G, WrTALL fn0 PEPEaiad~l 4euW. `C++~ rao ~t~TPoUa far~~lRaa aSSErre'~ILS, ~ 1 __. _ - ~ ~ - PHE ,~74wIWL ~@97Ef. fw•9 P!C 25FT wGH ~~ 1;ug [oeRA H~ u~luu-tuidFF=1YRE Itl 5 xb e4 a I 6C1Rld1~OH LUUI,'1.fR`_ u1r,~ xNS {1~gVj H2s ~P arlo ly-f PaaTT ~1 0.4 TH@ POLE -~ I, s ~ .. I f -~ TI I~~ LL11 L~2]I 1 d IN5TN.L 1tPE EI SN;FL'1 Pa1E N9ll SIFT MbSF~xu. INSrK1 rnA T'EFCCLE ~ndl. }P~ps mTH - - + f f~1 3 a - 9A{i~L4TES, CNE TYPE M-T14 QPRLCM PRE-ETaPTx7u 1k~EGICF lnT,i P;IL'.U(1[i WIP, oNE 'jf ~ S 1 i NOfo UTECTIdn tw1~t4 -Np 0.+E SfREEf MWE 516H pH TFE :4L'-~Ad FCP uORnlgPllvp rrrr ~ +~OmE wmE~yr 1xs}'Fle. InsCml_ 7116 PEI~'SiRarr 31CHs1 HEMS, ih17 PECEiffLW 2H9iBUR9H ~55EU@llES, Ex1511nC ~ ~ a 2 9 F~ ~' uao>EerFp nra onr 1R~cwu, caelnRZ, u+a anE 25h~ 19GH FTnT IFnS CCBfw HE+U kf0.UM~t1TpFF-TYPE l;l ifi} ~~} .a' R 0¢1P.1@If11QH I,L'uavaRE ri11H ~OLVl' {,12alJ HP5 Lw1R Jl~Q 42IT @,VhT I~RSi -0H RIE AC{.E, RIGiT-LF=NAY l ~ ~J yam, a -- I I+7hmw 14AW (}~ [v~iidl.L TFYc IY 9C}1aL P7lF rrta~ ya~r nusF.~aa. Insaal,L rHR:E 4EHx>.E 4 HPIG5 61RH 1 Z ~~, I v ~ P-J~u H~vr Li~CI~Lr~TES. Cff 7>fPE ~i-71i CfT~IX+i FREtitiPltOrv PEFT+r~ rim: IHPCxTOR I,NAR, onE GENERAL NDTES ~ ~ Y D~C'-~ 1 'ACED QEIECIICN 04a~n. frhD pwE SliEEF h1WE ~1 411 T}l IntisrRRU F:]R ;ASr9ouno Y Y t I 1 TRdJ-FlC. INSIIdI IP'U PEQCSfRV~V SIGTCLL HE~R6, T4v~ PEDESfRWY PUSN@lfiiOH k55EU@LEa 1. Ali wpR,~ prJ.Li gE pG,I w ,~CpRpar~ vrtM FHE CYn' S ~~~ CH@ TFS+urok CnBU<E'f, aH0 pHE 25FT JU6N R4i LQIS L'pERS HeM wEO~~u~pFF-ti1'~E u OF ~LW+hE yriLifl' lJIO fh3dpT SfNTGdRpS FN6 P p15LfEEMWM ! IR1lIWUF~ WIIII 2ARA (T2pi} ~3 ~~4P h1H7 12Fi OA'''If ARH pN ihE Pdl:. SoEChIGaTLa+d. U I I IHSfly1. TYPE III 51tn.~ PoI,E rIITH 3PFT unSFaRx. INSfnLL and Y]U0.E 51G'+k HEI~-S NSV}[ 2. uRUrc Lh[a11>~v5 oRE nrPPR01R WiWE a& SHN.L 6f 4ERIFlE- f~ i 4, N I ~ ~ YIf~MG SCH~dULE ki~LRPLAT;9, 9}L n'PE M-711 oPTIGOU RR@-EMrRRtN dEREtiT6R titi'RH NOC'aSOR U,4P, CNE In rHE PIF,4p ~ THE [oMRac~oR Paoli U anv SItH~ Imo' o ~'+F'i~ pEfECT1pr c.[v~ aw ouE 51REET nuaE SIGN N1 1HE Luu'.7,w+11 F9R SdUTHAOUnG nnRlc. -' OPilCL1W V SIGNuI. SERVICE mdttiC', ln5FAL1 ~1'D PEpESFRI^H 51Gxs1, HE+~s. two ~r1#sielar RugPNmn a'YEwBLIFS, ~~ ~ ~ RACEYIAY vIPE4 F,~' Ppg EH Ych! PE17 [LlIJ~I +V''p OHE 2SFT HCH Z,qr LA6 Cq;~A. s¢ap uEqun+-CUTC>rr-TYRE In Ge,FaRUwr; 4unsxiaGE 3, 1+E}iIC1,E 9Cns1 HEdD5 91141 k+4+E 12' REQ. rLLdri', rwP ~ •~l `~ ~ N!? CONDll7T 4RE' ~EfELT D~ECF BEAC4ff 2C(Shi] HFJtl) HEAD flE,4G ~~ PO'NER POV7ER wmJ ~pp'N {12R•'} HPS I,u4 PI{p 17r7 ¢~yTr uLU orr THg rgLE. GRETTI LEO L1NSE3. ru+o TuHHi+9soRS. Lwurns suu I ~ ~ ~ CFBLE**~ 3C(5H) X14 SC 7C 5C ~2 ~.f0 9E ITPE M PER HSC4T SR~~+RO PLW J-6p, IHSFhLL IY7E 1 JL~Hti.C~i 9G1C P~ NSppT 5T~5`iNA41 PUW J-19:, FJR FURIRc dER:~pI+ .1_ I s I/~' q 1 1 2 i 1 2 5 LGOPS ITd BE Is'SfraiFD Br 011@PS), 4. P~d'SfFUN SICHdL HODS Sku.L ~ t~511Y'fQpn'N 41YL L~ °~ :~ ~ ~ - 1YPE mM P-GRAY: 1'dt1,'G aHp TrP[ @ (LL+aaSHEL} ~ ~ ,'S' r 2 $' FIrNRi U6E {EMRY 4V7I}i PULL RCP~f InSFµL [{4: NF,L14 TYY R ccarYHaLLEk CA9INER ,vM CroC Ff'PE P HCCIfIEd 5CRACE Cl~@IVEE ,uoUni ~ risddE #17,HnoRU PLw J-6f, UNLESS ~ 3 IX 2 ff2' CRC 1 1 I 2 1 1 ~ Y en [rnRer~ FouHtiauoH ~~[ rr3tldl iius]~RG Pum r'-]lti L11Y .0 PR.~n19E CGHIROLL6i, 9111-~4fiT9E ngrER- f I 3- FNLk3E USE (~FIY Yt<fH PULL ko7~ CL€F~li,rRl~Tm ~puES. PicR [rrr cF saccureE ^+44Er 9Fa~~ns-~ dk7w4 a-5 (~[E[~ TSa1. 5~ xLL 40npurr utR 04n0UR S~LCS (R1s~5'aY5} ~u14 3: m ~ s' rY~uRE u~ (Eu~rl- wrrvJ PUI RCPEI PI1~GE- FEA TAE 9PEn~t1T WE10.k19 u ,E-Hy, ~ P IR4H}^HPN LOPPS T4 @E I},rjFA4ym W T}l Fyn,'R~ @~' pnk~tS ~ I ~ IX 3 if2' 6RG 2 2 2 2 ~ THE CGHTFACNR 51{+1L CLC+N IX191NG COHQUfiS RRIOR i(} •~ 5 RE44YE E76.6`.THHG WCC9 PGLE RVU LUMNNRE I+ETF'i~rlG fYU~QUGTpRS. ~ ~," I IX 2 if2' GRC 4 2 x a Fp-~~,, CCIX{91T{aTE F1.EG1[hCat 3fR~'1tE IICCISUP Wolf @RV~N ALTS (Sp9~J2S-3iW} Ai SERA Writ=R t. LLUN1Haik1N SPLI[E dHLY 1N TF. Fdif~YR CN1S. P re 6 S 1/2" 1 I 1 Q 1 f 7 2 ~'.7 aHd P08cR d. COfffd?LR]R SHAE Ili E~~cYE .N11ttlV WH~1+ WdxgRC I~•~~ ! ~ F EX Z 1~~ ;RC 1 1 1 2 i 2 2 nE~L: W>:RHEW 'IrtI1RE5 3' < a a wsw,C concRElE REEF ?r~Lx1tio scra+r, PtlLE, PFR U7r tlP iPdu~ 4N.11Y SfulpnR9 OETa! 8. MICR T4 CGNf1HLI iL"gp' !, ip1><ilA[T~i x}{411 YJLr~f iHAF 51GNAC HERT} A;~IGr~RaENT aE110~E IX5T1n5 W1d~atRE FR4u ~po;T ~l,E. bIN1V1UN O'rcR11r_M C1F?k+waE REyLIIREL'~:ri' wit @E 9 5 l/2' 6 ~insrwn. 1o I I~• •• a 1~ INIEFCEPi IXISIHo- JUiGiION ~ Wlli i NEw p;rapl~, - 12' R 12' R 10. CtllfiRbtiCA TdGti AE R~PON9fILE FOR 1NY OFk,+CEB TU 41 2 T/8' ~ 3 REMOVE fbiSR~i6 JUHCTF~v Rp% WC hlSlkl. +. ttPE 7 JU4:lpN E6% rF,t w500i 5TAHOriRP 11111111ES UuPoHG LGHSTRUtTIdN. ~ J-1TC 1;- unusb [onoutrs rt r~wPLri F~? FuNRE uSE 12' T 12' ~ ~ti+[4~L 'ALU tCNOUR SfEEGi AE ?Vt YHi~UL Ap ANb SN141 LflHUIk A N0. 8 GR6uuL n'f~ UNLSS diHE~,~ husm. 1~- ~:1Q~ FQT[E 01a Nam1ri'ESr GS%YER CAF Ihli~i'~[i1G9 2• G 12' F FTISHNC " CBFr~nT ~~ ntli tLMOIN n Nd. d 6RpuHQ W1RE is FE ~iJ~1TW @1' 9Ty;,RS. CC~TR4C117R gTl;4,l 1~urn'E ~" "+ 54dc~ G9LE R F W1~i~QR 1(Cr9'J1`~ +Ar7 RENCEr~CS'I iWN~~Ct~ m1HW R~-Cf~Nf4r. ~c~E;Ta[ui HF~S IIFJNS 1x + 26, 2S 0 IU f 3, CpNTR/~GNR ~i ACCp11NF FGR F'E}dOaFL FNp 21, 72 fz:FNCEMEM Cf IXISfING SOEWNJ4 N~'d CURB PA4~r, .4S a1, a; ~. ;~ NECES4~R'1', LV GRpER 711 CO:IifALC.T AFQ IHSR+li 517b'L HFDDS 49. i9 0 20 i0 ECUIPUFNI a5 SHCri'd 9N iFES PLU#. ~1• ~ 11/013. 12/0L@ gg, 83 31. 31 51/Lto, 52/dLa i ~s~craEO by h~ ,~ ~ ~RAR'N BY b~1E kP REV1~1vE~ EY ;iRC T1T3o 11arH avpuE+~ 9~ ~~ 1sa3.4m.1~F+croy seu~a (i1} an 921~5r{S ~I RI (F~VII +25 C~.~434 SP~ICANE VALLEY LOWE'S E SPRAGUE AVE~~I CC~II{LIN R~ CiTY QF SPOICANf VALLEY, w~sr~I~Gra~ TRAFFIC SIGNAL PLAN TS1 1 4r 4 ~~ I ~` FIELQ WIRE TERN~INA~ION~ ~ 9CNS i~D alf{tq ;.Qul_ HFAS Y1 4n1i4_ HFin ?? TFRNaGiL ~~~ 1 ?,P.3 i9 asi R ; H F: P21 R a3 91 p o fU ~ A C 623 G C .LP] C q $7fiH'~L I~G I I $1Gftt1 EC}p El 9dbLL HfM G2 n a n A C fiP} ~ IEPIICNL ~~97RT 6 PP.9. 6tl ' G a2fi H R ~~ R fiat R t R f~A W 4Y E fi 61i90f~LL _ ~ 2 G Y aCa 6 R A R rl.A5HH6 a`' d C fie 9 a64 9 ~ ¢ P,P,& S9 R R G eea W 6 e ,-~4+ ]-6 I~ o ~' w a n e flab 54.7. R ~,I L ES3 G fi 1p PcZ~~!!Hr]dl 2a N. G_ r 13I 4 612 6 33 t 1 F~ 1 R Y~ 9 tt c C9~+1FO011Ek & E G N 9 9 7 6 FEO. HFAA as R fi~ w 535 ~ ~ 791 R C6YfR611fR i 0 7~ 6 ,fir ~ ~ 6 E Pct, HE54 {~ 6 14 R io3 W R R f'^~ ~i F~r~ ~ ~ G 2 4 ~~JI s3 L R 91 R i9a e N ri ,. w Fc a~ G 0 ~ Q we a w a s gyn. aEan e9 e e Fe 6 [3 s~ 0 a fis ~~791 R R R ~ ~ 6 c 793 0 H W g 6 a 0 A e B I F4LE N6. 1 1 POlE N0. 3 scvaL Ivan e, SGetL HFYU as r~rnuy ~-aa~El a R,N~ z9 R 6a1 9 R 5&I{{ FFpn <i a161uL QI'll +3 m~1Ei~1 ~~ q P.P9. 4a 0 ': d rg n i? ., k as B C aa} b P 0 97} 3 R 64 795 4 I aea w w ~ e B i E~6 a'F~l, dB sr w e .N ~ „ a e y,a L H R t R ~,~. t w aa1 u R c, R , o C C 0 7 Q ~ 4l 753 w r PEU. HFAn 89 Pal I[R6 29 6 ~ d1 R ~ ~ R R~ S~;.g L° PEA. iE46 i3 9 'r s tl ~'~ 6 H tl1 R {~, R R ~ 9 3•a' N C C in ~ ~ f2 G ~ ~' ' G~ R R 4~ 6 ~ ' ea s a p ~~ n col9rnaLLGL o ~ 0 B 7i~ G T~ -- .---- .- m v ace e e e w ~ c~611Ek 0 i9 0 9CN,µ H[4p 12/q,f, R , e ~ e d e ~ Wa ~ 9f:I1RR HEan aR19lA rR ~-~CASL fi, @L ~ ~ fi31 r ~ 5N. 3 ~~ I,lE'JNC a e c c o W-.R~.YL a15 C ~ ~ 14A3HIMC ~' 9 [C 693 G I ' ri a o53 C I w a T! I~ aEb N' E I POLE N0. ? POl,~ f-00. 4 J i L14TE $EUI$II}f,~ gy pp~ r .~~ oESicraEa sv tivtiE ~2 21 u] x]72 n73a iinn~ rsarru~ rae SPOKANE VALLEY LOWS 5 :,~ .. Gre~rN ar MBE ~2 7 0~ :~~ 3o~9Ha~cro 9aL+~9 E SPRAGUE AVE~N CDI~KLIN RO i5Z ~4 a~v~wm ~' sac ~~ ~~ a~ ~~~ ~ ,25 e2,.3aES CITY DF SP~KAN~ VALLEY, WASHING7QN ~ ~: ~~ =_ ~~ sue`} °~ ~'-~° TRAFFIC SIGh~AL Ih'IRING ~ ~ 4 Lwmmnca~.vsr~>•e ~ ~L~ ru-~ieaw _- ~ I~ -. -- _ - [ ~~ ~, I 5!~!A!, STANDARD INEN11FrCA~T14N TAG NFTAII. ;~'~..' 6~' ANCHOR Po(IDS AhD IiAR'Oww~E SFG. H0. ~ 61Grle SLarip<Jip rn2 SDI. no. G2 r{5' PLlAI6HEU MJNUFALNRER S19f%%, NR giwlpl SxeE dCUiE ~F'D Sa57, SiP pid.o9 ALL aNCr:OR Roa ;SSE518uE5 5HPlt IAWFJFTllRDi I;Ui PDSr rra. uaxFOCn,R~ EE ,eCCURarELY LOG4TEO ,fro "~~ ~'~~'~ WPR6YD7 DR7~NING Np. FYP-R4F~0 OqG, Ay I~SC~ SECURED IH PI,AC$ PRIgR TO `~ ><f~l~~ F+4RI[nacn Patg RbB- eJ1alzpryz ?atl,`36YG CONCREFE d PL4S~1C' pRprN RIME P4fc~ 4VFRPgAH RE56'fPMT METFL FAC ~CtlRa 4A1F1 (2} D.125" 4Tatl~LES Si};Q RAf15 GROUi P,W7 THIC{NraS= ~lS FCiLCNSr POLE 51{MT - !9CAlETi wmllr' d' r~~e 4+.aIG ?~E, 9crr.~ ~7 HVf HT. +5" Jdrw~ LUI~IW~GrE Mru°1 ~~ - LOUAEO wRE=_n s' ov r.-~ Pa6E 5{^F'I mvW;PRQV PdHT. TF1fT SHItl,E ~ A rdINIw4M a 3/15 ' RIPR, M,x4PE¢ 9R EM8~5'6@0. 4' 61S1L~~W^'W'J'{' u d r 11 II II li y s ~~ t~ Cam] C ~] ~'~ _ r q CL455 3044 I ~ 0 F CONLREIE n ~ 8 NO. 8 BrV25 1 ~, x ~ O OUPU.Y 6PA000 ~ 2 I/2 ' GL #4 HI}PPS, Rk. 4R SO, Ai 1'-U' PQRRD%. CTRS. 7' SQ. OR Rd., flR 4' ke7. f'gIhVLWTI~N DE7AlL DESk;NEa 5Y •,~ ~ DRAIVN BY t RENEWED BY ecr~ara nu,u ~w~aamn+riwu~r~ +ci•ucm m~vww q,~1ENTAT R 4~f p ;+~ ~ P a ~ S ~ ,~, g l ~ ~TraGHMtNr 0 1~P POIHT U aLL wu+pHaFs w •~r FT 1BD' FRIX'al E1 v ~ 9G' ~~ ~7u' _ ~cl o a • IF E1 4R E2 SIprN1 PfiM IS Rq5 r+m4'="r'r pECRE)_a ro IHE ,tliCHOR 90LT vEAre ~~r FTI^L OESICw POLE ~ ~ ~ y r~GRGA BpLF PIa:E y`~s 4G[anou 5rnnpu f ~ ~ 4. ,~~ ~ P'~ SSW 3R PoI,E oRpnAllav xMC~ {r~,Oh} PpL" AalfMfaTl6n ~R3 R,?'Jfi'+~aE Pp~,I CFFSEY L)nE N fGIE PRIENCSnCH LiH: ~ (5LT8 u+CF07R AGLi pRIFNTa]IGw~ ' ~I ~ oRi ~Nrarlol~ ar~o ATT~cH~+e~ pq~r ol•r'n 1L FOUNpAT10N DEPTH TALE Wlowohre dgkergl Fqun~aGon ~ (C1;6ie Feot,~ 6eu[ing Pressurc T ~ T I, III oaH 36 mo'..arm standards. ~r rP 6ao aao I zao I,soo 1so-7 z,3oo 3' Ro- 7D' 10' 1 i' t 1' 13' 15' 1,Oaa 3' S<2. 6' 8' 9' R' 10' 11' 4' Ra. 9' 8' 9' 9' 1D' 11' 3' sa. 9' 8' ~' 11' 13' 15' 1,5x0 3' Sq. )' 7' 7' 8• 8• g' 4' Ro. 7' 7' 7' 8' 8' ~' 3' R0. 6' 6' 7' 11' 13' 15' 2,500 3' S~. 6' 6' fi' 6' 7' 7' 4' 4a. fi' B' 6' fi' 7' 7' 'Dii5 iA6LE I5 8A5L~ JN A PHI upLUE CF 78', FOF PDUBLE 64LSf ARM SuNpeaG6 Wlr}1 94' 9ETh'e~Jl 4RNS, U5E IHE LARCyR Xy2 VALUE FOR FPUI+AxTI4N ptpl} 5ELx'I16N, A SP7~y FOVl~CWTIOI+ DESIGN I5 REOllIEk~ FDi2 DOL9LE ARM1i SGV!•7~eRD5 G 7RE OGLE I5 HOi 9d. t ~ as ~ z ar ula e~ 61 ~ 89 h ~ ~ h ~ o L ~ _. o 1 ~~ 39 Ala + F elo- a'1 c L l.fiGf:NE} o. }khi:le O~rq h. S,In ~ $~vl Noino 9iyn tl~ Pre-frPl L4kn# i~ Wh;M (tu/11~pu) L 4 "n5n S, P~ao:l~kn C~lo1 h. GohL~A L P7&-N i, X:ndh~e k I'k'ea Cdaicn P=m=r7 ~~ E ~ ~ 2 ~ 9Ln4d OISPL{Y ~ERfC14 4p4i'.V[f (F,tl) Fft~ :~7pP TINE f n F i9~ +S' N -190' or krl 1lWL .tmJ, IIdX ~Ift +~ .4Vf, ile%, J SRllCxl 12 10.5 Ir.S' IG.S 14.Y 16.9 2U.A' 1A,5 aZq' t H H 1 SEG1Ww 12' 1G.G t7,p' 195 !a0 tCyi IA7' i6a $O.A h S SEGIIX'J 1 Ia5 17.0 - 15.5 175' I 1$.5 165 IG.$ 1¢.9' ~ 4 9 c n , a Y I ~~kl h I r ~ b h R by ~ Q I ~ Dufr3 UP 1f.Rr~+ G.CNEVIGE REGURFJIFN r 2 I a a i ~~ l ~ RQ^~P kIN. ~ ME n ~E R ~E rv ttFE v wRe OR ~E or 3RGULt~ N45f AAA1 galRranm EI9Rnec Si~l9i Ir! P9LE cauEL~luu LM"Nr~G scut srer~ axn rust aRrr. FrarIG~7 u-0 SlFwrr rfrE 9 9F+t! .°Irr~C+d10 PCII~ 5up[va0 SPELILL LpLN STAY[Sfa) 1dOl1NFING COUPLING iMSTkLLEti q7 oFFSEf a15TPNCE INDICATED IN CHART. F1E~~ INSTAiLEO. SI 1Jk STA P. I 5TU, Na. FlEL~1 lOCRrl'JN ~q,ym~ SIGN.tiL k1457 ARM DATk LUU, POLE ATTACHME,+4T POINT WJGLE S (ao~) R;URLanpr{ REM}RICS HEICRr I~} EFr~T asav~ iRF} {~ file m srururyrr Pala ;r1WQLANI ~aREPS T k (x1Ma1 +AMpl7) oEPM~~ 5FAngH D4aET LT R P.aA FYPE Ai ?2 Bi B2 E3 84 35 B6 BA B11 91z B1 9Y EIS o5 96 d4 911 ~(FT7= ~ o c1 F G1 C2 3 Il Iz S' RD D' SR ' Rp 49+62.5 B1,$ a O' 9a 17 25 a7.o - 37.0 - 29-5 27.6 - 10,0 42.0 12,4 - 9.3 O.5 9.3 - i5.5 1515 12 270 0 - 90 18a 135 O 27O 11 g y 9A5E9 4N RN ALL41'fAAlE LATERAL " EARJNG PRESSURE 4J• ~aaap~r a 1Oa=35.5 $i.5 z $Q' $p i7 23 30.0 ,i4. 22,0 - 32.D - - I0.0 26.0 9.3 S.a 9.3 0.5 - - 13.O Sao 12 a7D 0 - 90 18U i75 0 270 10 8 g $~SED DN AN ,+1.~OwABLE LATERBL 9EArPING PRE55lPP.E of Ia0@psf 104-h36.o 37.5 x p' Sp i7 25 48.5 - 37.5 - 2$.5 22.5 - 10,0 44,0 12,4 ~ 4.3 0.5 9.3 - 15,5 1330 12 270 4 - 50 180 135 0 2T0 t1 g 9 6A5EO ON AN AllC1Y+~9LE LaTERAL $E,4RINC; PRE;iSURE OF 10oOasr $9+64.5 36.5 x 90' SE} 17 2S 30.5 34. 22.5 - 3p.5 - - i0.0 afi.Q g.3 $.0 9.3 0.5 - - 17,0 81a i2 27p 0 - 30 i90 135 0 $7a 10 8 8 &9 + E 1+RiNG PRESSURE OF 1 00 No1~S: SIGNPE POLE FOIJ71ahTI0N E%CnVAT16VS SHaLL 9E KEPY pRY AND SEE OF L0o6E ~ATII{IAL5 pN6 9EERI5. IF f4ATER, LOOSE SAIL, DR occR15 ,1(xlJftiiUI~ITES IM THE EKCA141TEGM, IT SHALC BE RE+/^7wfd 6EFOa£ PLRCE~IENF OF REINFOdCING ~SiEEL ANO GONCRETt. IITY} , IAaR arm uE wrfE wo- ~~~~ xlzu.u~0. 4VA$FLL11'iPR PFA34 (rT~a .rs ~,-xiGi ~~p (E7~ +PS $zs-a+~+ SP4iCANE VALLEY LOWE'S E SPRAGUE AVEf N CONK~IN RD CITY OF SPQKANE UAI,~,~Y, WASHINGTON li~AFFI~ SIG~lAL STANQARD ' TSB S ~ 4 i s~ - - a-eox w nlls ~ z T4P 4F &15E ELEV. + -0.dU NLL IN CUB Ai4M TO~JPAL"f OF a~1R@ #d1P RUN ~ 0.Y ITe~i} i ~~ ,~ e~ >~ ~~~ a ~~ P ~~ ~ r2rf -~ u'ARN G PATT~7! ~ E= t;4iE 3f B' E~PASf44H iMeui J4M (TYP) ~O~sutt ?xr RE>ti ~~.~~~ JE1YdLK RAY IiLU CIaRA Fi7A1 4U1~ ~ gar ~ ~r raa +CEM~ 617~C'~+5 ar A ~cx ~ eu~& A.:tR CEIiERF1 IJOTE; N+U Cif71Jl$ SEE SPpxwE WUN11' 5TQ F4PN M5. 51Lc~'lV.if WIUIi _ 5?, SCOPE SL4NE W?iES ~ ~ ., FLUSH P.5' ~ { ~~a. 4 , V ~G SECTIOMV ,4~,4 CURB RA~r9P WIT~~ I~~l.A~ B,~E QETAIL 1 3~1i 9AANO A77AC~1 T17 Pa! E 4~ITH ASTRD CIAEfP OPTICAL DETECTOR 711 IA4NNTING AS5Ef<1BLY DA AP?ftOVED Ef1UAL 3f4' TO tf2' AEOLr~ER ARP ifc""' LQCiC f1'ASHEA NOTE: cGwTacc~7R SH?LL 5UPPLY 3fA' PIPE ~VIPPLF FIbROw`~RE (ADJi15iABLE SaDQLE) FpR ~ ATi~CHIdENi TG hSaST ,aRM. FLODD LRMP ftLUSING ~~~ ~ ~ 3fd• iYPE TUNILET .~1A$1'~R~M~S4Ut9T V{'?iN INDICATaA PRE-~~~PT ~~ ECT~R DETAIL (C0~31NATTON FRc-EMFT •]ETECTia:~jlNaICATOR} ,d ~ 4 OESIGidE6 9Y ,~ oaA~sN er ~°rWa4 kEV E~'E~} 3'( '~ ~W wa~iam.vr~yr e~~o`or~na5atl~zaw ~ 001 r 106in i8in IOin ~V~R~I~ ~~ giyi$Ir 19in i0ir1 1~ ~~ f7~L C'~ ~ ~ ~9 98in iff4in 24in LEFT TARN 100in ~+~~~ jj pp DN GREED 3oin i$in 1Gin ~0~~~1~ fLQ ~,, Siyifii~ ~$in Rla- 7 I~(~ Q~TAILS 41735 1 i9iH u~Fhn,E NE Sulu sr;a i^9pPCr17ry slaa~w0. wu7aec~crr e6aw cTEu +zs r~,~~s ~ ~ {rv~ ~:, ~}aa~ SPOIL4NE VALLEY LOWE'S E SPRAGUE AVE/N CON}(LIN Rb Ofilf OF SPQiC~1NE VALLEY, WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SIGNAL b~f'AILS ~ 16in T54 -0 OF 4 ^ry N