08-095.00 WSDOT: Appleway Trunkline ITS Ph 2Washington State Department of Transportation Paula J. Hammond, P.E. Secretary of Transportation July 17, ?008 Mr. Steve ~'Vorley, P.E. :Senior Capital Projects Engineer Cit}7 of Spokane Valley l 1707 E. Sprague, suite 1.06 Spokane Valley, ~~'A 9206 Re: Construction Permit Appleway "I'runkline ITS Phase 2 Spokane (os~ol o> Mr. Worley: Eastern Region 2714 N. Mayfair Street Spokane, WA 59207.2050 509-324-6000 Fax 509-324-6005 ITY: r-800-833-6388 www.wsdot.wa.gov ~ JUL 21 2008 The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is currently preparing plans for theAPPLFN'AY `I'RU117KLING 17'S Pf-IASF 2 SPOKAtVT TRAI%FICOPERATIOA'S FOR ARTCRIALS project that is scheduled for advertisement and construction in 2008. This project proposes to install conduits, fiber optics, cameras and other equipment for the purpose of improving the signals and transportation communications between the City of Spokane Valley and the Spokane Regional Traffic management Center (SRTMC). The work is proposed at the following locations: - lst Avenue -Dollar Road to Appleway Blvd. - Sprague Avenue - Fancher Road to Thierman Road. - Thierman Road -Appleway to Sprague Avenue. - Park Road -Appleway to Sprague Avenue. Vista Road -Appleway to Sprague Avenue. ra. Argonne Road -Sprague Avenue to Appleway Blvd. ~ Mullan Raad -Appleway 131vd. to Sprague Avenue. ~ Iaishman-Mica TZoad -Vicinity of Appleway Blvd. 9 Dishman-Mica Road -Vicinity of 8 'Avenue. 9 L7ishman-Mica Road -Vicinity of 16'h Avenue. ~ Farr Road -Appleway to Sprague Avenue. ~ University Road - 4`~' Avenue to Sprague Avenue. ~ Appleway Blvd. -Thierman Road to University Road. Cab-95 ., Page 2 Re: Construction Pertvt Appleway Trunkline ITS Phase 2 Spokane (08%OlU) The following plans have been attached for your information: Vic:inily Map (sheet .L of 2G) Signal :Detection Plan (sheet 3 of 26) 11'51-1"1'S1U (sheets 4 thru 13 of 26) Darrel IVicCallum is the Engineer for this project. Please contact Darrel at (509) 323-8412 if you have any questions concerning the project. The ~VSDOT is requesting that this letter represent authority t:o enter upon those areas under the jurisdiction of the City of Spokane Valley to perform the work stated above. The signature of the City of Spokane Valley's Capital Projects }/ngineer or appointed authority will serve to acknowledge and grant permission to the VVSDOT t.o enter upon and construct the above mention improvements on city right of way. Permission to constrict shall be effective on the date of approval, as indicated on page 3 and shall terminate upon completion of this project. Enclosed are two original Construction Permits. Upon concurrence with this permit, please sign and return one copy to the address shown above, attention Brett Johnson. Please retain one original for your records. Page EZe: Construction Permit Apple~a~ay Trunkline TTS Phase 2 Spokane (USGUIU) Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, _~~ ,~ CharlEne .[ hay, P. . Design/Plans Engineer C:f_K: ldk Attached Exhibits cc: Region Pl~u~s ' K. A. i~fetcalf,l'.ir. 17. ,titcCallum Documentation APP i~nature 17ate ATTEST: