09-231.00 WSDOE: Phase 2 Implementation Grantvwr � 101� DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY State of Washington AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO GRANT AGREEMENT NO. G0600363 BETWEEN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AND THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PURPOSE: To amend the above - referenced grant agreement between the Department of Ecology [DEPARTMENT] and the City of Spokane Valley [RECIPIENT] for the City of Spokane Valley Phase II Implementation Project. This amendment is needed to extend the grant expiration date, modify the scope of work, and redistribute the budget funds to reflect the changes to the scope of work. Due to staffing issues that have delayed project progress, the RECIPIENT is requesting time to accomplish two additional tasks that will enhance the project's outcome. Funding for Task 2, 3, and 4 will be reduced as work is substantially complete. The funds remaining from Task 2, 3, and 4 will be used to complete two additional task deliverables as described below. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED that the grant agreement is amended as follows: 1. The project Scope of Work will be modified as follows: The following will be added: Task 6 — Develop and Implement IDDE Procedures A. Develop draft procedures for dealing with reports of illicit discharges, tracing the source, and ending illicit discharges per S5.B3.c.iii -v. B. Purchase a pole camera for investigation of pipe connections to storm drain system. C. Required Performance: 1. Provide draft procedures to the DEPARTMENT's Project Manager. 2. Purchase a pole camera not to exceed $13,000. 6))l - Z� 1