2011, 06-14 Regular Meeting Minutes MINUTES
City of Spukane Valley
City Council Regular Meetings
Formal Meeting Format
Ma}or Towey called the mee[ing to order a[ 6:00 p.m.
At(endnnce: CiN SIaT6'
Tom Towey, Mayor Mike ]ackson, City Manager
Gary Schimmels, DepuTy Mayor Cary DriskelL City Attomey
Bill Gothmanq Council�nember Ken Thompso�i, Fina�ce Director
Dean Grafos. Councilmember Rick VariLeuven, Police Chief
Brenda Grassel, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director
Chack ]Iafner, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Direcror
Ame Woodard, Councilmember Micki Harnois, Associate Planner
Carolbelle Branch, Public lnforma[ion Of�icer
Chris Bainbridge, CiTy Clerk
INVOCATION: Pastor John Vanderwalker of Community of Chris[ Church gave the imocation.
PLEllGE OF A1,LEGIANCE: Mayor Towey led thc Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bai�bridge called the roll; all couucilmembers we�e present.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: !t N'as moved by Deputy Mayar Sc/vinnne(s, secaided and unnttimously
ngreed[o npprovethe agenda.
Councilmember Hafner. said he attended a meeting where he heard a status report yesterday conceming
the 1/10 of 1% vote two years agq and that Oie system should be completed by 2012, which is when [he
federal government requires the use of a speciFc communication band.
Councilmembcr Grasscl: reported she attended the Chamber of Commerce Power Women's Conference
where the speaker spoke regardine lending encouraoement to women in leadership positions to think
ou[side the normal pareme[ers and [o nehvork with o[her �y�o�nen in leadership roles.
DeouN Mayor Schimmels: said he attended the SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council)
meeting and attended Coday`s Council/s[aff mtrea[.
Councilmember Grafos: said he attended last week's Chamber birthday celebration; weot to tlie
Homebuilders Ammal Dinner anA Legislative event went to the Veterans' Memorial; and went m the
City's Bike and Pedestrian Open House.
Councilmember Go[hmann: rcported he attended a SNAP meeting where they discussed property [aY
esemptions; went to the Solid Waste conference at CentcrPlace and said a proposed conhact with an
October I[arget date for approval of ell entities should be coming to council this summer; wen[ to [he
Chamber's founder's day celebration; attended a Health Department meeting where children from
clemen[ary schools displayed their photo projects of various safety and/or heal[h issues of the area,
including broken sidewalks, graffiti, and broken glass; also attended a}inancial Access Meeting and said
74 jobs and 54 businesses have been created since they have been in exist�ence; said the Govemment
Affairs meeting included a speaker [alking about [he enormous job of the Hanford cleaning; heard
Commissioner Richard discuss sewers at the Spokane Valley Business Associa[ion (SVBA) mee[ing,
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where it was also mentioned thet ihejail is in crisis mode and they are releasing people due to lack of
space and that the Coun[y anticipates the issue on the next fall ba11oC that he attended a ribbon wtting in
Soap Lake for the Transportation Improvemen[ Board; and went to a Housing Community Developmen[
Advisory committee meeting.
Councilmember Woodard: explained tha[ he went [o Fish[rap and saw the clean green state of the art
recyeling eenter; went to tlie Solid Was[e Task Force meeting at CenterPlace; attended the Chamber of
Commerce Pounders Day; went to the fourth Memorial Dedication on 24 and Bowdish; also attended
tlie SVBA meeting and said that perhaps this Council could get Commissioner Richard [o do a
presentation wnceming [hejail si[ua[ion; and said he attended the Eastern Washington Health Care lunch;
as well as Spokane Valley's Bike and Pedastrian Open House.
MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Towey said he also went to Ihe Bike and Pedestrian open house at
Greenacres and again here at City Hall; las[ week he and Mary Vemer welcomed 65 Rotary clubs at a
[hree-day convention in Spokane, and [hat evening gave a commencement speech to about 50 IT
(information [echnolo@y) greduates; he attended mday's coimcil/staff retreat whe�e finance issues were
discussed and the @roundwork was laid for the 2012 budget. Mayor Towey [hen read [he Inland NW
Blood Drive Proclamation, which was received with thanks from the ]nland Northwest Blood Cencer's
Communications Officer 6lizabeth Giles.
PUBLIC CONU'IEFTS: Mayor'Powey invi[ed public commen[.
Mary Pollard: said a stop sign is needed on Long and Mission before the road opens up; that her daughter
and o[her children canno[ determine distance and speed; Ms. Pollard asked council to pu[ Ihis issue on an
upcoming agenda and said [here has been one death aUeaAy on Flora; that kids will be walking wiHiout
sidewalks; and asked [hat cross-walks and a stop sign be put in prior to the road opening, or not to open
the road.
Members of Ms. Kielbon's Horimn M iddle School class and Ms. Kielbon asked Council [o address the
safeTy issue of Brown's Pazk and other parks, by establishing an ordinance to prohibit smoking in all city
parks. Ms. Kielbon added that she has been working with Parks and Recreation Director Mike Stone
concerning Ihis issue, as well as the idea of having security cameras installed.
Craie Phillips,_ 17009 N Highland Avenue, Col7ert. Wa 99005: explained tha[ the last time he was here he
was [ryin� to open a dmg rehab program; he said that has been operating now for five years and [hey have
developed a good operation with a lot of employees_ [hat he recently learned [hat Yekama CounTy has an
empq jail and they are trying to tum that facility into a treannent housing cenCer and there is a chance tlie
Spekane Valley opera[ion could move to Yal:ima; and he asked if Council would be willing to write a
letter of support ro keep the business here; and said he just found out thai such a decision could be made
within the next five to six days and that he had hoped m get some support as quickly es possible. Brief
council discussion ensued and Council concurred to authnrize the Mayor to finalize a letter of support,
and that Mr. Phillips will get more infonnation ro[he Ciry Clerk to assist in ihat regard.
Carla Kavle , 10516 East Main Avenue: said she is fortnally representing the Spokaoe Valley Business
Association (SV6A) conecrning the one-way versus iwo-way Spraeue Avenue issue; said that Council
previousty trusted [he experts and staff and did not takc issues to the ballot ro do away with an en[ire
subarea plan Ihat affected all parcels in Spokane Valley; yet she esplained ihal comuil is now considering
that the issue of one-way versus two-way on Spregue Avenue be placed on a ballot; and said [hat SVBA
is confuscd [hat they support hvo-way in a hvo-s[ep approach, with perhaps University to Argonne, then
subsequent portions con[im�ing west based on various factors; she said they do not suppon this as a baibt
measure and feels this would be an unnecessary dela}; ����t [he Ciry has the funds to do it and if such
matter is placed on a ballo[, the action wodt start for another year, that detays cost money for business
owners who are wai[ing to develop these areas; balbt measures cost money; and they feel Council is one
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Approved by Council: 07-12-2011
srep away from asking the community to pay for [his again; and said if it were to go on the ballot as a
bond measure, [hat bond measures dodt usually pass in this clima[e; said [hey hope this is no[ a
politically motivated action that would affect a disproportiona[e sec[ion of the community; and hope that
[his is no[ somethine to use as poli[ical fodder during campaiens as Council was elected to represent the
en[ire communiTy; and said tha[ SVBA believes [hat this Council has the proper knowledge and the heart
of Spokane Valley in mind, and she urged Council to move forward and said SVBA applauds cou�cil for
tackling [his issue.
1. CONSENT AGENDA Consists of items considered routine which nre approved as a group. Any
member of Council may ask that an i[em be removed from the Consent Agenda ro be considered
a. Approval of [he attached listing of claim vouchers, with grand total of $2,404,448.46
b. Approval of Payroll for Period Ending May 31, 2011: 5361,10325
c. Approval of City Council Meeting Minu[es of May l7. 201 l, Study Session Format
d. Approval of CiTy Council Meeting Minutes of May 24, 201 I, Formal Mee[ing Fortnat
e. Approval of City Council Mee[ing Minutes of May 31, 2011, S[udy Session Format
It was nroved by Deputy Maya� Schimmels. seconded and ¢mnnimously agreed to approve lhe ca�sen(
2_Motion Consideiation: Confirmation of Mayoral Committee Appointments—Mavor Towev
It was moved by Deprey Mayor Schimmels ond seronded to cmfrm Ihe Mayoral uppoinm:ent of
Cormcilmember WooAnrd to t7re Spokane Vrdley Chmnher jor a term ro run eoncumenl wilh Mr.
WoodarA's current caiwci! posilion; mrd m confirm the Mayoral appainnnent of CounciLnember Hafner
�o �he Spokane Transi� Au6�oriry, also for a tern� �o rmr cmrcurrent x�ith his current courzcil posi�iam.
Mayor Towey imired public wmment; no commen[s were offered. Vote by Accluwoliott: In Fm•or:
Clnnttimaus. Oppased: None. Motion cmried.
3 Introduction of Mark Calhoun Finance D'vector and Administratio of Oa[h of Office — Mi
Jackson/Chris Bainbridge
Prior to introducing Mr. Calhoun, CiTy Manager Jackson explained Ihat tonigh[ he has the privilege [o
introduce two new deputmcnt heads. Mr. Jackson explained that Cary Uriskell is now the City At[omey,
that he Flled in as the acling city attorney since Mr. Connelly left last August; and next Mc Jackson
introduced finance director Mark Wlhoun; and Mr. Jackson gave a brief background on both Mr. Driskell
flnd Mr. Calhomi. City Clerk Beinbridee administered the oath of office to Mr. Calhoun, followed by
congratula[ions from councilmembers'.
Mayor Towey called for a recess at 6:50 p.m., and resumed the meeting at 6:56 p.m.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey invited general public commen[s; no commen[s were offered.
4. Stree[ Vacat'on Proposal STV 01-11 — Micki Harnoig
Associa[e Planner Harnois went over [he PowerPoint presentation explaining the sireet vaca[ion proposal
request tiom the Fire Deparhnent and also on behalf of pmperty rnvner Washington State Department of
Transpottation; after which Planner Harnois asked if there uere any objections to bringing this on for a
first reading June 28, and council had no objections.
5 Spraeue A n e One-way vs Two-Way—Neil Kersten, Cary llriskell Mike Jackson
Ciry Manager Jackson explained that August 16 is the deadline for placing i[ems on [he November ballot
nt an estimated cost of $1Q000 to $I5,000; he mentioned the cost estima[e for the tra�c modeling and
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that it would take about three months ro complete; and suggested the traffic model is the mechanism to
give any certainN that the configuration would work, and said a level of service study is also
recommended. Council/steff discussion included whether to conduct the study prioc to the ballot;
specifying the ballot language to include a funding measure so [he public would know the inrentions of
such a measure; whether ro only have an advisory ballot: which cost estimates m use and which
enhancements or beautifications Yo include, such as landscaping others, or none; that witliout a traffic
modeling study, we would not know if the design would be feasible and precticaL the need to consult
with bond counsel; inention [ha[ [his item is scheduled for further discussion June 28`�, and [hat it would
not be feir m the public m take this issue to ballo[ unless we have figures and know esectly what problem
we are [rying to soive. Counciimember Gothmann said he agrees with Ms. Kaley that we didn't ask for a
public vote on any other public trnnsportation project a�d should no[ do so on this issue. Councilmember
Grafos agreed wich the starement of unnecassary delays, bu[ said i[ is time to put this on the balbt and le[
tlie public decide. Mayor Towey agreed [his issue has divided [he city and said Council needs to look al
the business community and de[ertni�e what we can do m help them, but to keep in mind Council has an
obligation to all citizens; a�id said he would like [o see this brough[ forward witli more information and
then make a decision. Depury Mayor Schimmels added that he would support a balloi measure if we had
the cos[ informa[ioq and the resul[s of the modcling study and all facts. Councilmember Grassel said she
supports getting additional infomiation ro look at options; [ha[ some of the businesses weredt
oomplaining about the road direction as much as the signs, and seid we have to be carefi�l when framing
[his issue. Councilmember Hafner said council needs m look at the whole scene and the bottom line is, [o
make a decision of whars bes[ and to do [hat, a s[udy is needed, and said he wan[s such a study prior to
maAing a decision; that he feels people wodt vote to go back to hvo-way and if we ask them to spend
money, theyll vote agains[ i[, but at least [hey would have had a say in [he matter. Mayor Towey said it
appesrs there is eonsensus m move ahesd and get informaYion, and eome baok June 28 foc a decision.
6. Advance A�enda — Mayor Towev
DepuTy Mayor Schimmels commented about a phone call conceming receiving information from ITA
(In[ernational Trade Alliance); and Mayor Towey mentioned he also received a request from them to set
up a meeting with council; [hat a concem wes whether [o have a representative of ITA give a presentatioii
before Council during a council meeting, or [o iuelude �pdetes in [he council paeket as an informational
item; and it was detennined it would be bes[ ro have the materials included in the council packet for all
councilmembers to review. Mayor Towey said he will advise them of this decision.
Informatiou Oulv: The Comoast Intemet Por Low Income Families, Broadway Avenue Safery Project
IS0063, and Indiana Sullivan Concrete Intersection Project #0113 agenda items were for information only
and were not discussed or reported.
It was nrm�ed hy Deputy Mayor Scliinmiels, secon�led and unanimous[y approved m adjourn. The
meeting adjoumed at 7:41 p.m.
ATTE Thomas E. Towey, ayor
Chris[ine Bainbridge, CiTy Clerk
Council Reg�lar Moeting 06-14-2011 Pagz 4 of4
Appmved by Council: 07-12-2011
DATE: June 14, 2011
Please si n in if ou wish to make ublic comments.
��tEiU-�85 3{�S �hus,aT�s �C�� R-w, w��w �t4aos � 5o��-asr yi
Plense itote lhnl once infornmlrott is en(ered wi 1Gis forre, it 6ecomes n pu6fic recarrl subject to pu6lic disc/osure.
� p� �Mayor Towey, Deputy Mayor Schimmels and City Council Members thank
you for [he opportunity for Ms. Kielbon's class from Horizon Middle School
to discuss a problem that is happening daily in our city parks — Smoking':
� We chose to address the problems that are occurring daily at Brown's Park
�` as our topic for Project Citizen. We worked very hard on our project and
successfully competed at the state level in Olympia. Representing our
school and the Central Valley School District was very exciting but we do
not just want to address the problem and walk awa�= we want the problems" '
fixed, which is why we are here tonight. We want Brown's Park and the
other parks in our City to be safe for kids and families to use�'"' �, ,
� & ,w�ome High School kids and young adults smoke cigarettes or pot and hang
out in groups in the parks and at Yimes cause mischief. When we went to
Brown's Parks as a class we found cigarette butts, drug paraphemalia, beer
cans, broken glass and other garbage that can potentially be harmful to kids.
�; We want it to be illegal to smoke in our city parks. We want an ordinance
�: prohibiting smoking in our parks to eliminate the occunence of secondhand
� I smoke around park patrons, especially children. Secondhand smoke is both
a nuisance and a health hazard. By prohibiting smoking in the parks there
will no longer be cigarette butts on the ground which are dirty and
potentially can cause a fire if not properly snuffed out.
We know making it illegal to smoke in our parks will not fix all of the
problems but it is a good start. We will ask the police to patrol the parks and
,,_ � to enforce the law. We are also working with Mike Stone to have security
�� cameras installed in the Brown's Parks and are looking for ways to £und the
`� project. lt is illegal to smoke in Spokane City Parks so why not in Spokane
Valley City Parks? We are asking you to have your legal team draft the
ordinance and make NO SMOKING IN CITY PARKS the law.