11-085.00 Acme Concrete Paving: Indiana Sullivan PCCP Intersection CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS INFORMATIONAL COVER SHEET FOR DOCUMENTS REQUIRING CITY MANAGER SIGNATURE Date: 7'/I' I I Budget Account No: 3oc-3`3.113-5-93--3)-(°3--0/) AGREEMENT TOPIC: Agreement for Construction Services with Acme Concrete Paving, Inc. for the Indiana /Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project, City of Spokane Valley Contract No. 11-013. BACKGROUND: The Indiana / Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project was advertised for bids on Friday, May 27, 2011. The bids were opened on Friday, June 24, 2011 and the Council awarded the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Acme Concrete Paving, Inc. at the Tuesday, June 28th meeting. The $1,071,710.55 bid is below the $1,132,636.50 Engineer's estimate. The City of Spokane Valley received a grant from Spokane Transit Authority (STA). Under the grant agreement, STA will fund 79.5% of the project cost up to a maximum grant of $995,000. WSDOT is contributing $100,000 towards the project since they own the right-of-way. Hanson Industries has contributed $1,368 to this project. The estimated City cost is — $256,483. There are sufficient funds to cover the City costs. Please sign and date both copies of the Agreement for Construction services. If you have any questions contact, Craig Aldworth, P.E. Pro.-ct anager. Public Works a-or t -nag r Date .�,�1_'I /�� Date �1 , Approved: Lt%I Approved: t/I I f I Legal ' Finar`uce l Ere—Contract Contract Language El Selection Process Approval ❑ Letter of Credit ❑ Fund' g Source App •val ElPerformance&Payment Bond Approval Date 7/j/I Approved: - sskk Manager 21 Insurance Certificates Approval DISTRIBUTION: Original to Vendor Original to City Clerk Copy to Submitting Department Copy to Finance Department ATTACHMENTS: SVPW Contract 11-013,2 copies Performance and Payment Bond for Dual Obligees Insurance Certificates,2 copies P:\Public Works\Capital Projects\Street Projects\0113-Indiana Sullivan PCC Intersection\Construction Administration\Revised Blue Sheet for Indiana Sullivan Award to Acme 7-11-11.doc CAI I —0 Contract THIS AGREEMENT,made and entered into this � day o ,2011, between the City of Spokane Valley under and by virtue of Title 35 RCW, as ended and Acme Concrete Paving,Inc. Hereinafter called the Contractor. WITNES SETH: That in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein and attached and made a part of this agreement, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: I. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment for: Indiana/Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project SVPW Contract 11-013 In accordance with and as described in the attached plans and specification, and the standard specification of the Washington State of Department of Transportation which are by this reference incorporated herein and made part hereof and,shall perform any changes in the work in accord with the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment,work and labor,of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in these Contract Documents except those items mentioned therein to be furnished by the City of Spokane Valley. II. The City of Spokane Valley hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ, and does employ the Contractor to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the above described work and to complete and finish the same in accord with the attached plans and specification and the terms and conditions herein contained and hereby contracts to pay for the same according to the attached specifications and the schedule of unit or itemized prices at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions provided for in this contract. III. The Contractor for himself/herself, and for his/hers heirs, executors, administrators, successors,and assigns,does hereby agree to full performance of all covenants required of the Contractor in the contract. IV. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the City of Spokane Valley by reason of entering onto this contract, except as provided herein. 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Contractor has executed this instrument,on the day and year first below written and the City of Spokane Valley has caused this instrument to be executed by and in the name of the said City of Spokane Valley the day and year first above written. Executed by Contractor July 6 ,2011. Date Steve Clark Printed Name Secretary Title 7IiCO Signature City of pokane Valley ,ke f c<Ssdh Printed Name C tea, - . • Ti iiir. ../ 111r, / j -' : L 2 El COPY . BIDDERS PACKET Indiana/Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project SVPW BID NO. 11-013 BID PROPOSAL CHECKLIST This Checklist and the documents listed below constitute a complete Bid Proposal. Failure to execute any of the following documents,or any addition,condition or limitation in writing to the form of the bid,not explicitly invited in the Bid Documents or Specifications may become cause for rejection of the bid as irregular. The BIDDER shall check each respective box indicating inclusion of each signed and dated item: •[v' Proposal Form [I' Contractor's Administrative Information [' Bidder Qualification Statement [v]' Subcontractor List [a' Bid Deposit Form [( Bid Deposit Surety Bond Form(Use only if submitting Bond for Bid Deposit) Nr Representations and Certifications The above forms have been inserted in a sealed envelope,properly identified and delivered at the place and time described in the Notice to Contractors form. Signature: Date: Z/0 !/ Title: Secretary - Company: Acme Concrete Paving,Inc. • City of Spokane Valley 1 Bid Proposal Documents Indiana/Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project •SVPW Bid No 11-013 PROPOSAL FORM • SVPW BID NUMBER:11-013 PROJECT TITLE:Indiana/Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project NAME OF FIRM SUBMITTING BID: Acme Concrete Paving,Inc. • Each bid shall constitute an offer to the City of Spokane Valley as outlined herein and no bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the bid closing except under the conditions explained in the Information to Bidders Section, RECEIPT OF ADDENDA:Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Addendum No. Date Addendum No. Date 1 6/13/11 2 6/14/11 3 6/21/11 4 6/22/11 REJECTION: The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals,portions or parts thereof and to waive all minor irregularities in bidding. Special attention will be directed to the qualifications of the • bidders when considering awarding a contract. TIME TO COMPLETE: The contract shall be completed in Thirty(30)working days from the date of commencement stipulated in a Notice to Proceed. BID IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CONTRACTOR'S BOND ELECTION to withhold 50%retainage in lieu of furnishing a Contractor's Bond(Performance and Payment Bond), FREIGHT:Bid price(s)to include all freight costs to the job site. SCHEDULES: All of the Base Bid schedules will be awarded,if the project is awarded. A Bidder must complete all Base Bid schedules or his bid will be rejected as non-responsive. The undersigned hereby certifies that (he/they) (has/have) personally examined the location and construction details of work as outlined on the plans and specifications for the above project and (has/have) read thoroughly and understands the plans, specifications, and contract governing the work embraced in this improvement and the method by which payment will be made for said work and hereby • proposes to undertake and complete the work embraced in this Improvement in accordance with said plans,specifications,and contract in accordance with the unit prices provided below. The Bidder,to be considered responsible,shall provide in legible figures(not words)hand written in ink or typed,a unit price(except Lump Sum items)and total for each of the items shown on the following schedules: • • • • City of Spokane Valley 2 Bid Proposal Documents Indiana!Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project SVPW Bid No: 11-013 • Base Bid Schedule .ITEM U ITEM DESCRIPTION- UNITS QUANTITY PRICE/UNIT TO AL ,co 1 MOBILIZATION ' L.S. 1 L.S. ,o,,,,,; • I /re-.) - 2 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING L.S. 1 L.S. , "J X50.PO 3 SPCC PLAN - L.S. 1 L.S. 10,5D,00 • 4 EROSION CONTROL L.S. 1 L.S. 1.(,BO0.00 6 PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 L.S. C)9,,000 00 6 PEDESTRIAN CONTROL AND PROTECTION L.S. 1 L.S. g)„,600.00 7 FLAGGERSANDSPOTTERS HR. 100 %Lit.00 41(,(00.O0 8 PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN HR. 6800 ,t.40 $q,520.0C 9 SAWCUT AC OR PCC PAVEMENT LF-IN 2530 3 II}0 43$942.00 10 REMOVE PCC MEDIAN CURB AND ISLAND S.Y. 734 .114.c3 I3,62 •1,0 11 REMOVE FENCING • L.F. 10 1)7.00 4 110.00 12 REMOVE PCC CURB AND GUTTER L.F. 667 ,30 7i,q■aID 13 REMOVE PCC SIDEWALK S.Y. 449 $1-1,25 3-008.J 14 ADANDON EXISTING DRYWELL EACH 1 A y$c, pp 1 5$5.00 16 REMOVE JUNCTION BOX EACH 10 pr; 00 $4,060.00 16 REMOVE EXISTING DRYWELL EACH 2 4.4 15,0p 5850.00 17 REMOVE/ABANDON EXISTING CATCHBASIN EACH 1 $312...0 U 1,1-72,DO 18 BITUMINOUS PLANING,2 IN.DEPTH S.Y. 260 Q 2,, (p t 5 .00 19 DITCH EXCAVATION INCL. HAUL L.F. 73 $a,50 .b2O.5 0 20 ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL.HAUL C.Y. 4637 116,70 $17,431.(10 21 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE TON 324 3 20./6 b,l06.1230 22 CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE TON 3163 $ N.60 $b1,11M0 City of Spokane Valley 3 Bid Proposal Documents Indiana/Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project SVPW Bid No: 11-013 • Base Bid Schedule ITEM II ITEM DESCRIPTION UNITS QUANTITY PRICEIUNIT TOTAL 23 HMACL.V IN. PG 70-28 TON 422 �p� p0 % 5,516.00 HMA U.1/2 IN.PG 70.28,0.17 Fr.DEPTH 24 I IMA OL. IN. PC 70-28, 17 rT. DEPTH -prrAdd-#4 S.Y. 441 St t, O0 %1,056.00 26 JOINT ADHESIVE L.F. • 740 qpr,5 $1,9b1,00 26 ANTI-STRIPPING ADDITIVE EST, 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 27 JOB MIX COMPLIANCE PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 $1.00 $1.00 28 COMPACTION PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 $1.00 $1,00 29 CEMENT CONC. PAVEMENT C.Y. 2483 415L00 14i.,3l',OU 6400 30 CORROSION RESISTANT DOWEL BAR EACH 3200 • 144.3D $(14,c152,00 per Add 62 • 31 TIE BAR WITH DRILL HOLE ' EACH WOG . defeted kid Et 32 PORTLAND CEMENT CONC.COMPLIANCE CALC 1 $1,00 $1.00 ADJUSTMENT 33 BRIDGE APPROACH SLAB S.Y. 104 A -pj.DO aa1,5).2,,O0 34 TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEM L.S. 1 L.S. $;1.65.O0 35 MANHOLE FRAME AND GRATE{INCL.ADJ.) EACH 1 '51,0,00 $5(,o 0U 36 ADJUST EXISTING VALVE BOX EACH 1 $210,017 la-WOO ADJUST EXISTING MANHOLE,CATCH BASIN 37 OR DRYWELL EACH 3 $ -1:1 y,00 .#{,;175,01) 38 SOLID WALL D,I.STORM SEWER PIPE 10 IN. L.F. 92 tr,{p.45 3,72I,1}0 DIAM. 39 CONCRETE INLET TYPE 2 EACH 1 t3,,150,0.) $ 1150,DD • 40 CURB INLET TYPE 1 - EACH 2 $ tp{„Oh %2:t a.DO 41 CURB INLET TYPE 2 EACH 3 $500►00 4,2,11-00,00 42 CURB INLET APRON EACH 3 S310,00 tg120,00 • 43 PRECAST CONCRETE DRYWELL,TYPE A EACH 2 ca,450,0) t4,a DO.00 City of Spokane Valley 4 Bid Proposal Documents Indiana/Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project SVPW Bid No: 11-013 • Base Bid Schedule • •44 CONCRETE TRAFFIC ISLAND S.Y. 593 %1-15 OD 41a6,10.1.DD 45 CEMENT CONC.TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER L.F. 635 .$1c1,op sa,065•CO 46 CEMENT CONC. SIDEWALK S.Y. 458 1,14.50 $41,DA.00 47 CEMENT CONC.CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL EACH 6 1155.00 $44,'15.0D 48 CEMENT CONC.CURB RAMP 'TYPE EACH 2 I MOD q LW*.OD PERPENDICULAR 49 CEMENT CONC.PEDESTRIAN CURB L.F. 157 i,14 A0 11,739.30 60 CURB RAMP DETECTABLE WARNING S.F. 30 4a15.15 $i!,(d)..',O SURFACE RETROFIT 61 TOP SOIL,TYPE B S.Y. 1090 $4.0 $5,).32,o0 52 SOD INSTALLATION S.Y. 440 IA,s0 3,i�t0.OD 53 SEEDING,FERTILIZING AND MULCHING S.Y. 498 S„)„i5 3 t,066-`la 64 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR EACH 1 t 050,0o 04.00 55 SWALE IRRIGATION SYSTEM REVISION EACH 9 3,TA DO $311.f✓OD,00 58 CONDUIT PIPE 3 IN.DIAM. L.F. 2426 I IS _ 67 JUNCTION BOX•TYPE 2 EACH 19 &AM D0 16,9.111.0D 58 JUNCTION sox-TYPE 8 EACH 4 &9$5,00 43,`1X0,00 „� y� �� 69 INDUCTION LOOP DETECTOR EACH 37 p zvsa 60 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS L.S. 1 L.S. este, 61 REMOVING PAINT LINE L.F. 2,200 $D.15 5,4,00,pp 62 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKING L.F. 10,000 $lac $a,1jD0,Dll 63 PAINT LINE L.F. 295 4 0.50 .4 1 L.0 ,5o 64 PAINTED WIDE LINE L.F. 88 $0M5 64.6D PAINTED GROOVED DOTTED EXTENSION 65 LINE L.F. 380 el 4,1,55$.vn City of Spokane Valley 5 Bid Proposal Documents Indiana/Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project SVPW Bid No: 11-013 Base Bid Schedule . _. �. . ... 68 PLASTIC CROSSWALK LINE S.F. 992 45,g0 S5,153.60 87 PLASTIC LINE L.F. 1640 j t.X15 4 ,2,33.0 C1 68 PLASTIC WIDE LINE L.F. 1466 $ac�5 4,iwtt0 • 69 PLASTIC TRAFFIC ARROW EACH 21 4 01..00 $a,l'1 ,40 • 70 PLASTIC STOP LINE L.F. 217 &10,30 s),035,10 • 71 DELINEATOR AND CORE HOLE EACH 7 513 3.00 31.00 72 PERMANI=NT,SIt3NING L.S. 1 A la,D0D,W tt214oD,00 • 73 SURVEY MONUMENT EACH 2 1215,06 550.00 Base Bld Total Schedule Person/Entity Name:, Steve Clark Signature Of Bidder: Company: Acme Concrete Paving,Inc. Date: 4/2--(/ 11 • • • t City of Spokane Valley 6 Bid Proposal Documents Indiana/Sullivan PCCPIntersection Project SVPW Bid No: 11.013 CONTRACTOR'S ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION ,o co o > 1.PERSON/ENTITY o C l0 .0 a, Name as registered with the State of Washington: Acme Concrete Paving,inc. E ;3 a 3 N — b. Physical Address: 4124 E.Broadway Ave. Spokane,WA 99202 c m Q- o .0 „, tuti Os Mailing Address including zip code: 4124 E.Broadway Ave. Spokane,WA 99202 x en • 0 C d. Remit To Address including zip code: 4124 E.Broadway Ave. Spokane,WA 99202 CO L C u 7 !? e. Telephone number including area code: 509-242-1234 -cu o o, a= C o f, Fax number including area code: 509-242-1232 0 3 E U sa • Ci g. E-mail address for business correspondence: sdark @acmeconcretepav€ng.com c a , o n s_ -a U • h. Washington State Contractors License Number: ACMECPI986C1 ' `^ 013 t N i. Federal Tax Identification Number: t C • j. Washington State UBI Number: 602-170-211 E L ,• L U u C cL o _ ,, k, State Industrial Account Identification Number: 399,615-01 -°a cu .0- c 1. City of Spokane Valley Business License Number: 602-170-211 s • (Butkus Licenss Dig required for BM,but still be requited priorto Cowed execmian.) >- 22 2 s1 2,INSURANCE COMPANY: a. Name of company: Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA,Inc. b. Mailing Address including zip code: 601 W.Main Avenue,Suite 1400 Spokane,WA 99201 c, Insurance Agent Name: Bill Dineen d. Insurance Agent Telephone number including area code: 509-358-3800 e. Insurance Agent Fax number including area code: 509-358-3937 • 3,BONDING COMPANY: a. Surety Name: Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America b. Surety Mailing Address including zip code: 707 W.Main Avenue,Suite 300 Spokane,WA 99201 c. Bonding Agent Name: Shawn Wilson d. Bonding Agent Mailing Address including zip code: 7903 E.Broadway Avenue Spokane Valley,WA 99212 e. Bonding Agent Telephone number including area code: 509-535-9178 f. Bonding Agent Fax number including area code: 509-534-8134 L//� Person/Entity Name:�j-1't��� ; ��Z Signature Of Bidder: Company: Acme Concrete Paving,Inc. Date: t / City of Spokane Valley 7 Bid Proposal Documents Indi ana/Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project SVPW Bid NO 11-013 • BIDDER QUALIFICATION STATEMENT • The following statements of experience,personnel, equipment, and general qualifications of the Bidder are submitted with the assurance that the owner can rely on its accuracy and truthfulness.If more space is required for your answers please attach a continuation sheet(s) to the corresponding bid response page referencing the item number. • 1.The company has'been in business continuously from(month and year) 12/24/2001 2.The company has had experience comparable to that required under the proposed contract: a.As a prime contractor for 10 years. • • b.As a subcontractor for, 10 years. 3.The following is a partial list of work completed that was on an order of magnitude equal to or greater in scope and complexity to that required under the proposed contract. Owner&Person to contact Phone No. Location ontraot Value 2010 City of Spokane Valley,Craig Aldworth 509-720-5001 Broadway/Sullivan $627,198.75 2009 City of Spokane Valley,Craig Aldwbrth 509-720-5001 Sprague/Pines Intersection $634,428.25 2009 City of Spokane,Ken Brown 509-625-7722 Francis Ave&Nevada St $799,845.10 4.A list of supervisory personnel currently employed by the Bidder and available for work on the project (Construction Manager,principal foreman,superintendents and engineers)is as follows: Years of Name Title Experience Steve Clark Project Manager 20 Darin Cornwell Project Superintendent 20 5.Please attach a resume of the qualifications,previous employers,and experience of the project manager who is proposed to be assigned to the project.If a resume,is not included in the bid documents the bidder agrees to furnish a resume within 24 hours of notice by the City. 6.Following is a listing of all projects the company has undertaken in the last five years, which have resulted in: a.Arbitration or litigation. None b.Claims or violations being filed by the Federal Government or the Washington State Departments of L&I,Employment Security or Revenue. None c.Liens being filed by suppliers or subcontractors. None .Person/Entity Name: Steve Clark Signature Of Bidder: _ Company: Acme Concrete Paving,Inc. Date: / , 4 2`-1// ( f - City of Spokane Valley 8 Bid Proposal Documents Indiana/Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project SVPW Bid No: 11-013 • • Steve Clai is Secs etai j' &-Project illoiag e/ Resume Steve Clark has 19 years experience in concrete pavement construction. He has participated in the construction of numerous intersections,highways and airport projects. Steve has been active in construction since 1985 and holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration from Washington State University. MAJOR CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE Steve is currently the Secretary and Project Manager of Acme Concrete Paving, Inc. a concrete paving and rehabilitation construction company. Typical projects range from concrete intersections to complex urban highway construction projects. Annual construction volumes are more than$30,000,000.00 per year. Steve has been involved with joint design and traffic staging constructability reviews for projects throughout Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. CURRENT PROJECTS INCLUDE THE FOLLWING Bums Municipal Airport—Burns, OR • Spokane International Airport—Extend Runway 3/21 Gradient Correction • Spokane International Airport—Terminal Ramp Reconstruction • Broadway/Sullivan—PCCP Intersection NOTABLE PAST PROJECTS • McCarran International Runway and Taxiway Extension,Las Vegas Nevada, 210,000 cubic yard PI Spokane International Airport,TW G,TW C,TW F,East Cargo Apron, 125,000+cubic yards 11 Lewiston Airport,Lewiston, WA PA Missoula International Airport,Rehabilitate Air Carrier Apron,Missoula,MT Ei Spokane International Pilot Drive Ramp and Building Demo,20,000 cubic yards Pl US 395 North South Corridor Freya to Farwell—55,000 cubic yards. Completion 2008 • I-90 Viaduct Overlay,Joint Venture NAD/Acme, Overlay removal and reconstruction I§ Taxiway B,East and West,Portland International Airport,Portland, OR RI Highway 24 Realignment,Limon Colorado, 10,000 cubic yards PI Las Vegas Beltway Section 6-C,Las Vegas Nevada, 51,110 cubic yards ® 1-70 Stratton to Flagler,Vona Colorado,240,000 cubic yards CERTIFICATIONS AND EDUCATION • ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician—Grade I • US Army Corps of Engineers—Construction Quality Management for Contractors AFFILIATION • Washington-Idaho Cement Mason Employer Retirement Trust —Board Member • • • Acme Concrete Pairr e Inc. ivmn:aCneconcretenavinrcoru �Nastafngfon StaEe • Or Depailmenb of`ranspertat fotl' preparadta compilance th ROW3940.06P es mend . To Si Sufimlfted with the Ski Pi•op$sai • , is a '5"iY1 Uv CAP r1 Fersr• ' °�•t Sv gt LNo. tt—r1t3 Prodac�puma ��4�' - >atlure to list$ubednfradtors'wttc are pt'oposed to perform the work of f7VAC(teatirng,yebtlia€lot and air cQtcdition1ng),plumbin g',as described in Chapter 711.106 RCWW1 and efeotrica1 as described in Gt1apfer 14.28 RCW,or naming MOS than one subcontractor to perform the smile workWiit reedit trtydttr bid ben ngn• • responsive and therefore void. Subcontraotorita j that are proposed to perform the work of heating,ventilation Slid alr.cohditibnlfl ,plurnbtng,ea desoribed In chapter 9.8.109 t Ct+ ,and eteott(aal as described In chapter 19.24 IOW must be listed beTow. 'The irfork . to be performed is tq be listed below thesuboontraotor(s1 nafne, The reguireme tt id nnari3e the prih*cpntraot bidder's . propos`ed HUAt ,plumbing and electrical subcontractors applies only to proposed HVAO,plumbing,and eliotioal subgonttOotorp who will oontraot directly with.the prima oonfrQetbkider strbmitt(ngthe bId to the pu to entity. . If no subcontractor is listed berm,the bidder aokinotvietes that It does not tntend to Use anY subcontractor • to perform those Items of work. . subs ntraotbr Name , A . Work to be-Partorned All eleotr.tQal: wprk assoaiat:ed•with the project ' r' Subcon 'aaforNgme • , ' •• , Work to be performed . ' , . • Subcontractor Nate ,, ' , •• Woric•to'be performed . ' • ,, r .4 ' . 4uboontra'otorHatxte •• .• • • • r1(t&'E1d11641med • suboontreotot Math's , • . , `ter•. Work to be Iirfogd • •. ., . ` , ; . .. .. ... . . Wises ere tlbti,fled that in the opinion of the enforoenient agenoir i?VO or Metal eondultr jrtrfotdon bops, et arc oonsldered eisctrtoaaequipment and intfst be Metalled bit-licensed eleotdoaf contractor,even if the fnitalialon Is i<o Musa use efid no Wiring br aliatri0 owfertis cotrnePtc4 during the proosot, A licensed electrical o9ntrsbtor rhust be listed to pef fm the Work. • • • BID DEPOSIT j • FORM-OF BID DEPOSIT-CHECK ONE:Please submit this sheet with the bid deposit. . CASH.Attach the deposit behind this sheet. SURETY BOND-Attach bid bond behind this sheet,IT IS STRONGLYRECOMMENL)ED THAT YOU USE THE ATTACHED FORM. BID DEPOSIT REQUIRED.No bid may be considered for public work unless it is accompanied by a bid deposit in the form of a surety bond,postal money order, cash,cashier's check,or certified check in an amount equal to five percent(5%)of the amount of the bid proposed. If the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fails to enter into the contract and furnish the contractor's bond as required within ten days after notice of the award,exclusive of the day of notice,the amount of the bid deposit shall be forfeited to the City and the contract awarded to the next lowest and best bidder. If the deposit is"cash"and is in the form of a postal money order,cashier's check,or certified check,the checks are to be made payable to the City of Spokane Valley. Cash bid deposits are to be accompanied by this form. Cash bid deposits of all unsuccessful bidders shall be returned after the contract is awarded and the required contractor's bond and proof of insurance given by the successful bidder is accepted by the City of Spokane Valley. If the bid deposit is in the form of a surety bond it must be of a corporate surety licensed to do business in the State of Washington.The City strongly recommends the use of the attached City.Bid Deposit Surety Bond Form. If the City's Bid Deposit Surety Bond Form is not used, the bidder is warned to take special care in assuring that the form used does not materially alter, qualify or conflict with the terms and conditions set forth in the City's Bid Deposit Surety Bond Form.The failure to furnish a bid bond in compliance with the City's Bid Deposit Surety Bond Form shall make the bid non-responsive and shall cause the bid to be rejected by the City. • Person/Entity Name: Steve Clark Signature Of Bidder:� Company; Acme Concrete Paving,Inc. Date:, 6(?,-//1 l City of Spokane Valley 10 Bid Proposal Documents Indiana/Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project SVPW Bid No: 11-013 REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS ANTI-KICKBACK No officer or employee of the City of Spokane Valley, having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this submittal, shall have or acquire any interest in this submittal, or have solicited, accepted or granted a present or future gift, favor, service, or other thing of value from or to any person involved in this submittal. REPRESENTATION: In submitting this bid we represent that the bid documents have been read and understood,that the site has been visited and or that we have familiarized ourselves with the • local conditions under which the work is to be performed, that by signature of this proposal we acknowledge all requirements and that we have signed all certificates contained herein, REPRESENTATION: In submitting this bid we acknowledge the requirements and conditions applicable to bid deposits in the form of a cash bid deposit or surety bond bid deposit. NON-COLLUSION: That the undersigned person(s), firm, association or corporation has (have) not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding in connection with the project for which this bid is submitted, I CERTIFY that no final determination of violation of RCW 50,12,070(1)(b), 50.16.070(1)(b),or 82,32.070(1)(b) has been made by the Washington State Departments of Employment Security, Labor And Industries or Revenue respectively dated within two years of the date of the closing of this bid. I understand further that no bid may be submitted,considered or contract awarded for a public work to any person or entity that has a determination of violation of the above referenced statutes within two years from the date that a violation is finally determined and the date of this bid closing, I CERTIFY that to the best of my knowledge the information contained in this proposal is accurate and complete and that I have the legal authority to commit this Finn to a contractual agreement. I realize the final funding for any service is based upon budget levels and the approval of the City of Spokane Valley. • E I CERTIFY that by signing the signature page of this bid, I am deemed to have signed and have agreed to the provisions of this declaration, Name: Acme Concrete Paving,Inc. Person/entity s bmitting bid(print) Signature: &ge/ Title: Secretary • Date: 4/2-0-(7e City of Spokane Valley 12 Bid Proposal Documents Indiana/Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project SVPW Bid No: 11-013 • • BOND NO: ***bid bond*** BID DEPOSIT SURETY BOND FORM ;EC'CIV Indiana • NAME OF PROJECT:-Broadway/Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project SVPW BID NUMBER: 10-010 JUN 0 7 2011 ACME NAME OF FIRM:. CONCRETE PAVING; INC ACME Concrete Pairing, Inc. We ACME Concrete Paving, Inc. Travelers Casualty and g� as Principal,and • Surety Company of America as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, a Washington State Municipality, in the penal sum of FIVE PERCENT (5%) OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT BID, for the payment of which we jointly and severally bind ourselves,and our legal representatives and successors. THE CONDITIONS OF THE OBLIGATION are that if the City of Spokane Valley shall make timely award to-the Principal according to the terms of the bid documents;and the Principal shall,within ten(10) days after notice of the award, exclusive of the day of notice, enter into the contract with the City of Spokane Valley and furnishes the contractor's bond (performance and payment bond) with Surety satisfactory to the City of Spokane Valley in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the bid proposed including Washington State Sales Tax then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise if the Principal fails to enter into the contraet.and furnish the contractor's bond within ten (10)days after notice of the award, exclusive of the day of notice,the amount of the bid deposit shall be forfeited to the City; but in no event will the Surety's liability exceed this bond's face amount, SIGNED AND SEALED THIS 17 DAY OF June YEAR 20 11 Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America ACME Concrete Paving, Inc. SURE PRINCIPAL O's-3\Q.%-c•No1/4— Signature Signature Shawn Wilson �l" 7 'V e- C /C, Typed Name Typed Name Attorney-in-Fact Qe-26-. Title Title (SEAL) • City of Spokane Valley 11 Bid Proposal Documents Indiana/Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project SVPW Bid No: 11-013 WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER POWER OF ATTORNEY TRAVELERSJ Farmington Casualty Company St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company AttorneyIn Fact No. 223498 Certificate No. 0 0 41 6 0 8 9 7 KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company and St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota,that Farmington Casualty Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,and Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut,that United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Maryland,that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa,and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.,is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin (herein collectively called the"Companies"),and that the Companies do hereby make,constitute and appoint Judith A.Rapp,James E.Majeskey II,Judith C.Kaiser-Smilh,and Shawn Wilson of the City of Spokane Valley ,State of Washington ,their true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above,to sign,execute,seal and acknowledge any and all bonds,recognizances,conditional undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons,guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any<actions or proceedings allowed by law. 12th IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Compakj pave caused this instrument to be signed and theircoiporate seals to be hereto affixed,thus day of Farmington Casualty Company' _ St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty InsuranceCompany . ,. 'r Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insuiliifcetriderwiliters,Inc. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company •A6t! , •i @:�.� «R 4' 0 IA .I INSII�q Jp�tY AMOK �73�I4t,y _��({Y,(,t�0 02 1982�'�' _ la ; xP lQCORVOR�'TA il'-- OMlfyC 9p V3 o a, '` ttD ,,-, ,�.WAeTa � Lm E(a+ t,- a° * X8$8 1982 0 � � P. magma t s .. S t '1 951 ..,11,- �.SEAG o° o�SERLIs° d 8 E ctF j o y. A� axct 4.AK{ 1s.:to `bt . I,B+ ., . 4+ „., *1 State of Connecticut By: , City of Hartford ss. Georg Thompson,4tice President 12th April 2011 On this the day of , ,before me personally appeared George W.Thompson,who acknowledged himself to be the Senior Vice President of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc.,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company,and that he,as such,being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. to-Tirotc In Witness Whereof,I hereunto set my hand and official seal. _-_ 1' � C . ��V���J -M My Commission expires the 30th day of June,2011. *0:".181.0,* `Marie C.Tetreault,Notary Public 58440-4-09 Printed in U.S.A. WARNING:1111S POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER This Power of Attorney is granted under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of Farmington Casualty Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America,and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company,which resolutions are now in full force and effect,reading as follows: RESOLVED,that the Chairman,the President,any Vice Chairman,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President,any Vice President,any Second Vice President,the Treasurer,any Assistant Treasurer,the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the Company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds,recognizances,contracts of indemnity,and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond,recognizance,or conditional undertaking,and any of said officers or the Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her;and it is FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Chairman,the President,any Vice Chairman,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees of this Company,provided that each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary;and it is FURTHER RESOLVED,that any bond,recognizance,contract of indemnity,or writing obligatory in the nature of a bond,recognizance,or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when(a)signed by the President,any Vice Chairman,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President or any Vice President,any Second Vice President,the Treasurer,any Assistant Treasurer,the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary;or(b)duly executed(under seal,if required)by one or more Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his or her certificate or their certificates of authority or by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority;and it is FURTHER RESOLVED,that the signature of each of the following officers:President,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President,any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President,any Secretary,any Assistant Secretary,and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents,Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding on the Company in the future with respect to any bond or understanding to which it is attached. I,Kori M.Johanson,the undersigned,Assistant Secretary,of Farmington Casualty Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company,Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters,Inc.,St.Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company,St.Paul Guardian Insurance Company,St.Paul Mercury Insurance Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company,Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America,and UnitedStates Fidelity and Guaranty Company do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies;Which,is in fi il force`aitdeff'ect and has not been revoked. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand andaffixed the seals of said:Companies this 17th day of June 20 11 Kori M.khans.Assistant Secretary GASU��r L o � °,olkE 6 4a p Nag341140 / Y410 0 'r4 u t9sz o 7977 INtecnanED 4 jig r 4Fi HARTFORD. ° � s * ' 951 ti ,til 'o .-‘SE ti �a SBRL. 8 � _ 1p`-t ry• Aa ,u r4A�h`E` S.:MNr° w4-744'b 661 *N40. a `�h�iTt1bt� To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney,call 1-800-421-3880 or contact us at www.travelersbond.com.Please refer to the Attorney-In-Fact number,the above-named individuals and the details of the bond to which the power is attached. WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER BID TABULATION Indiana!Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project CIP No. 0113 BID OPENING DATE - June 24,2011 10:00 A.M. S�O°Fkane Valley Engineer's Estimate Acme Concrete Paving,Inc Cameron•Rellly, LLC Wm Winkler Co. ITEM NUMBER ITEM Unit TOTAL QUANTITY Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price _ Total Cost ..l P ti 00,. ..x �- _ z - --: - : < � � ff s: z L.S. L.S. $58 559.00 .� € .L .-� '.•-_ -+ , ., ::.. - " .n d � - = - $87 000.00 � ---y-- - . - � ��`• s _ K .. L $55 000.00 000.00 L.S. L.S. 108,000.00 1 MOBILIZATION SUR YING L.S. 1 L.S. 5,000.00 L.S. $7,450.00 L.S. $1400000 L.S. L.S. $11,500.00 $800.00 2 3 CONSTRUCTION SPCC PLAN L.S. 1 L.S. 200.00 L.S. $250.00 L.S. L.S. $500.00 $750.00 L.S. $2,500.00 4 EROSION CONTROL L.S, 1 LS. 500.00 L.S. $1,800.00 $80,587.00 L.S. $95,000.00 $3 000.00 CONTROL L.S. 1 L.S. 40,000.00 L.S. $62,000.00 L.S. 5 6 PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC PEDESTRIAN CONTROL AND PROTECTION L.S. 1 L.S. 1 000.00 L.S. $2 600.00 L.B. $2 000.00 $4,300.00 L.S. $51.00 $5,100.00 $10 880.00 SPOTTERS HR 100 55.00 5,500.00 $41.00 $4,100.00 $43.00 7 a FLAGGERS AND PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN HR 6800 150 10,200.00 $1.40 $9 520.00 $3.00 $20 400.00 $2530.00 $1.60 $1.10 $3.30 $2 783.00 $2 422.20 OR PCC PAVEMENT LF-1N 2530 0.50 1 285.00 $1.40 $3,542.00 $1.00 9 10 SAWCUTAC S.Y. 734 3.00 2,202.00 $4.80 $3 523.20 $9.00 $8 606.00 REMOVE PCC MEDIAN CURB AND ISLAND L.F. 10 10.00 100.00 $17.00 $170.00 $25.00 $250.00 $8.00 $80.00 $1 314.00 11 12 REMOVE FENCING REMOVE PCC CURB AND GUTTER L,F, 657 2.25 1,478.25 $5.30 $3,482.10 $5.00 $3 285.00 $2.00 S.Y. 449 2.50 1 122.50 $4.25 $1,908.25 $10.00 $4490.00 $4.80 $2,085.40 $345.00 PCC SIDEWALK 13 REMOVE DRYWELL EACH 1 550.00 550.00 5585.00 $585.00 $750.00 $750.00 $345.00 $1200.00 14 15 ABANDON EXISTING EACH 10 50.00 500.00 $106.00 $1 060.00 120.00 $1 200.00 $120.00 REMOVE JUNCTION BOX 2 550.00 1 100.00 $425.00 $850.00 $1 000.00 $2,000.00 5190.00 $380.00 18 REMOVE EXISTING DRYWELL EXISTING CATCHBASIN EACH EACH 1 250.00 250.00 $372.00 $372.00 $500.00 $500.00 $190.00 $190.00 $4,250.00 17 1B REMOVE/ABANDON BITUMINOUS PLANING 2 IN.DEPTH S.Y. 250 1.05 .. 262.50 2.10 $525.00 $7.60 $1,875.00 $17.00 L.F. 73 5.00 365.00 $8.50 $620.50 $20.00 $1,460.00 $19.00 $1,387.00 $102,014.00 INCL.HAUL 19 20 DITCH EXCAVATION C.Y. 4637 10.00 46 370.00 $18.70 $77,437.90 $16.58 $76,881.46 $22.00 ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL.HAUL 324 17.00 5,508.00 $20.70 $6,706.80 $18.00 $5,832.00 $55.50 $17 982.00 21 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE TON TON 3153 17.00 53,601.00 $19.60 $81,798.80 $18.00 $56 754.00 $46 420.00 $22.80 $118.00 $71 888.40 $49,796.00 22 CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE PG 70-28 TON 422 100.00 42 200.00 $108.00 •5,576.00 $110.00 $10 684.00 23 HMA CL.1/2 IN. "HMA CL.1/2 IN.PG 70-28 FT.DEPTH S.Y. 441 50.00 22,050.00 $16.00 $7,056.00 $16.00 $7 056.00 $24.00 $2 035.00 24 25 .17 JOINT ADHESIVE L.F. 740 5.00 3,700.00 $2.65 $1,981.00 $3.00 $2,220.00 1,000.00 $2.75 EST. 1,000.00 26 ANTI-STRIPPING ADDITIVE EST. 1 EST. 1,000.00 EST. 1,000.00 EST. 1.00 CALC 1.00 27 JOB MIX COMPLIANCE PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 CALL 1.00 CALC 1.00 CALC 1.00 CALC 1.00 28 COMPACTION PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 CALC 1.00 CALC 1.00 CALC $419,627.00 $220.00 $548,260.00 29 CEMENT CONC.PAVEMENT C.Y. 2483 175.00 434,525.00 $158.00 $392,314.00 $169.00 $23.50 $158,040.00 28.00 $172,640.00 30 "CORROSION RESISTANT DOWEL BAR "6640 EACH 6840 20.00 132 800.00 $14.30 $94,952.00 $0.00 $0.00 31 'TIE BAR 11TH DRILL HOLE EACH 0 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $1.00 CALC $1.00 32 PORTLAND CEMENT CONC.COMPLIANCE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 CALC 1.00 CALC $1.00 CALL $280.00 $27,040.00 $63.00 $6,552.00 33 BRIDGE APPROACH SLAB S.Y. 104 200.00 20,800.00 $207.00 $21,528.00 L.S. $500.00 L.S. $225.00 34 TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEM ADJ.) L.S. EACH 1 1 L.S. 350.00 1,500.00 350.00 L.S. $560.00 $265.00 $580.00 5400.00 $400.00 $700.00 $700.00 270.00 35 38 MANHOLE FRAME AND GRATE(INCL. ADJUST EXISTING VALVE BOX EACH 1 150.00 150.00 $270.00 $270.00 $150.00 $150.00 $1,200.00 $3,312.00 $270.00 $270.00 $810.00 37 ADJUST EXISTING MANHOLE,CATCHBASIN OR DRYWELL EACH 3 200.00 600.00 $425.00 $1,275.00 $400.00 $56.00 $5,152.00 $1 500.00 STORM SEWER PIPE 10 IN.DIAM. L.F. 92 70.00 6,440.00 $40.45 $3,721.40 $36.00 38 39 SOLID WALL D.I. CONCRETE INLET'TYPE 2 EACH 1 1,250.00 1,250.00 $2,150.00 $2 150.00 $750.00 $750.00 $200.00 $1,500.00 $100.00 $200.00 $2 400.00 EACH 2 500.00 1,000.00 $108.00 $212.00 $100.00 40 CURB INLET TYPE 1 EACH 3 1,000.00 3,000.00 $800.00 $2,400.00 $750.00 $2 250.00 $800.00 $240.00 41 42 CURB INLET-TYPE 2 CONCRETE INLET APRON EACH 3 200,00 600.00 $320.00 $960.00 $100.00 $3,000.00 $300.00 $6,000.00 $80.00 $2,700.00 $5,400.00 43 PRECAST CONCRETE DRYWELL TYPE A EACH 2 3000.00 6000.00 $2 450.00 $4,900.00 685.00 $34.00 $20 162.00 $40.00 $23 720.00 44 CONCRETE TRAFFIC ISLAND S.Y. 693 25.00 14,825.00 $45.00 $26 $20.00 $12,700.00 $18.00 $11,430.00 CONC.TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER L.F. 635 17.00 10 795.00 $19.00 $12,065.00 $10 534.00 45 46 CEMENT CEMENT CONG.SIDEWALK S.Y. 458 28.00 12,824.00 $24.50 $11 221.00 $25.00 ST 1 450.00 $3,000.00 $23.00 $760.00 $3,750.00 47 TYPE PARALLEL EACH 5 700.00 3 500.00 $955.00 54,775.00 $600.00 $1,420.00 CEMENT CONC.CURB RAMP CURB RAMP TYPE PERPENDICULAR EACH 2 700.00 1,400.00 $800.00 $1,600.00 $600.00 $1,200.00 $710.00 $1 884.00 48 49 CEMENT CONC. CEMENT CONC.PEDESTRIAN CURB L.F. 157 13.00 2 041.00 $14.90 $2 339.30 $12.00 $1 884.00 $12.00 S.F. 30 25.00 750.00 $28.75 $862.50 $50.00 $1,500.00 $20.00 $600.00 $5 995.00 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE RETROFIT 60 51 CURB RAMP S.Y. 1090 2.50 2,725,00 $4.80 $5 232.00 $4.50 $4 905.00 $5.50 TOPSOIL TYPE B 440 30.00 13 200.00 $8.50 $3,740.00 $10.00 $4,400.00 $10.00 $4,400.00 52 SOD INSTALLATION S.Y. 496 1.00 496.00 $2.15 $1,086.40 $5.00 $2,480.00 $2.40 $1 190.40 53 54 SEEDING,FERTILIZING AND MULCHING S.Y. EACH 1 700.00 700.00 $1,050.00 $1,050.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1 200.00 $1 200.00 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR SYSTEM REVISION EACH 1 700.00 700.00 53,400.00 $3,400.00 $2,500.00 $2`500.00 $3,900.00 $3,900.00 $29100.00 55 58 SWALE IRRIGATION L.F. 2425 9.50 23,037.50 $7.50 18 187.50 $11.00 $26 675.00 $12.00 $5.885.00 CONDUIT PIPE 3 IN.DAM. TYPE 2 EACH 11 475.00 5,225.00 $479.00 $5,269.00 $500.00 $5,500.00 $535.00 $4 400.00 57 JUNCTION BOX- BOX TYPE 8 EACH 4 1,375.00 5,500.00 $985.00 $3 940.00 $1 000.00 $4 000.00 $1,100.00 $20,350.00 58 JUNCTION - LOOP DETECTOR EACH 37 415.00 15355.00 $390.00 $14,430.00 $500.00 $18,500.00 $550.00 $46 000.00 59 INDUCTION SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS L.S. 1 L.S. 40,000.00 L.S. $22,000.00 L.S. $40 000.00 L.S. $1,540.00 60 61 TRAFFIC SIGNAL REMOVING•PAINTLINE L.F. 2200 1.00 2200.00 $0.75 $1 650.00 $0.75 $1,650.00 $0.70 L.F. 10000 0.25 2,500.00 $0.20 $2,000.00 $0.50 $5,000.00 $147.60 $0.60 $1.80 $6,000.00 $531.00 62 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKING 83 L.F. 295 0.25 73.75 $0.50 $147.50 $0.50 PAINT LINE LINE L.F. 88 1.00 68.00 50.95 $64.80 $1.50 S102.00 $3.60 $244.80 1 824.00 64 85 PAINTED WIDE EXTENSION LINE L.F. 380 3.00 1,140.00 $4.10 $1 558.00 $2.50 $950.00 $4.80 PAINTED GROOVED DOTTED S.F. 992 3.60 3 472.00 $5.80 $5,753.60 $7.50 $7,440.00 $8.50 ,432.00 66 PLASTIC CROSSWALK LINE L.F. 1,540 0.25 385.00 $1.45 $2,233.00 $1.00 $1,540.00 $2.80 $4312.00 67 PLASTIC LINE L.F. 1466 1.00 1,486.00 $2.85 $4 178.10 $3.10 $4 544.60 $4.80 $7036.80 53,150.00 88 PLASTIC WIDE LINE 58.00 1 218.00 $102.00 52 142.00 $100.00 $2,100.00 $150.00 69 PLASTIC TRAFFIC ARROW EACH L.F. 21 217 4.00 868.00 $10.30 $2 235.10 $11.00 $2,387.00 $12.00 $2 804.00 70 PLASTIC STOP LINE CORE HOLE EACH 7 90.00 830.00 $133.00 $931.00 $100.00 $700.00 $80.00 $560.00 $7,500.00 71 DELINEATOR AND SIGNING L.S. 1 L.S. 600.00 L.S. $12,000.00 L.S. $7,200.00 L.S. $300.00 5600.00 72 73 otaFBas9� PERMANENT 2 1,000.00 2 000 00 $275.00 55 00 $600.00 _51,200.00 SURVEY MONUMENT ..-� '-FR �.. `mot �..�: °=�t.-,: ,.��� � �� .�; & :.� � �`�, � ,' �- � '� _. x'� ' �-x w ".:J2,6;��bG; � 073 tY6 A� -;� _ *ADDENDUM 1 "ADDENDUM 2 *0*ADDENDUM 4 ACM40709 ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DDJYYYY) 6/30/2011 PRODUCER Commercial Lines-(509)358-3800 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA,Inc.-CA Lic#:OD08408 HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. 601 West Main Street,Suite 1400 Spokane,WA 99201-0635 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED Acme Concrete Paving,Inc. INSURER P National Fire Ins.of Hartford-A CNA Co. 20478 4124 E.Broadway INSURER B: American Casualty Company roDff�pRRaeading,EXACT/'� 20427 INSURER o It l VCa/"gll It 0i^Ltl V�� EXACT 691 Spokane,WA 99202 INSURER D: `�e { p INSURERE:�OPY ) °�� qtCF!AL. , COVERAGES —` ` THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMEDV ' G ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY: ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADD'L POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR NSRC TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE fMMIDDIYYI DATE(MM/DD!YYI A X GENERAL LIABILITY 2091645862 12/31/10 12/31/11 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PR A E MI ES(RENTED 300,000 a AGET R NTEDnce) $ ICLAIMS MADE © OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $ 10,000 / PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000.� GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,0001/ GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGO $ 2,000,000 1.-''' —I POLICY Iii jE 0. LOC B X AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 2091645912 12/31/10 12/31/11 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea axldent) $ 1,000,000 X ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ _SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ X NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) GARAGE LIABIUTY AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGG $ C X EXCESS/UMBRELLA UABILITY TUE595592808 12/31/10 12/31/11 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 15,000,000' L]OCCUR Ti CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $ 15,000,000 $ • DEDUCTIBLE $ X RETENTION $ 10,000 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND I TORY L MITS I I ER A EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY 2091645862 12/31/10 12/31/11 1,000.000 r/� ANY PROPRIETORlPARTNER/EXECUTIVE WA STOP GAP ONLY E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? EL.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 If yes,describe under E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 SPECIAL PROVISIONS below OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT!SPECIAL PROVISIONS PROJECT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY INDIANA SULLIVAN PCCP INTERSECTION.`7 PRIMARY AND NON-CONTRIBUTORY ADDITIONAL INSURED STATUS IS GIVEN TO THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS,ELECTED OFFICIALS,AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES AS GRANTED BY THE ENDORSEMENT ATTACHED. A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION AND PER PROJECT AGGREGATE DO APPLY PER THE ENDORSEMENT ATTACHED. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Ten Day Notice for Non-Payment SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT,BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL 11707 E.SPRAGUE AVENUE IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER,ITS AGENTS OR SUITE 106 REPRESENTATIVES. SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 99206 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25(2001/08)1 of 2 2968080 © ACORD CORPORATION 1988 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer,and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25-S(2001/08) 2 of 2 #S915260/M915043 ACM40709 A ® CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) 12/20/2011 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies) must be .-'•• -�� WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A stat ITih ' ' S - Ilfi .tile t°• In•t confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). ilk ,� •`y L ` I,I PRODUCER CONTACT +� ' NAME: I� ,.(I ti 0,1 I i ' Commercial Lines-(509)358-3800 PHONE III (� ANC N. x • _ Al• No: Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA,Inc.-CA Lic#:OD08408 E-MAIL " ADDRESS: 601 West Main Street,Suite 1400 INS/ALB'S •F_F_OBGILIG COVERAGE NAIC# Spokane,WA 99201-0635 INSURER A: Natio . re ns• o `a'ore- `"I' -o. 20478 INSURED INSURER B: American Casualty Company of Reading,PA 20427 Acme Concrete Paving,Inc. INSURER C: Great American Insurance Company 16691 4124 E.Broadway INSURER D: Spokane,WA 99202 INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 3663368 REVISION NUMBER: See below THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS LTR INSR WVD POLICY NUMBER (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) A GENERAL LIABILITY 1,000,000 X 2091645862 12/31/11 12/31/12 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PREMISES(Ea occurrence) $ 300,000 CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $ 10,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 —1 POLICY X PECOT- LOC $ B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X X 2091645912 12/31/11 12/31/12 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT 1,000,000 {Ea accident! $ X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS AUTOS NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE X HIRED AUTOS X AUTOS (Per accident) $ $ C UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR X X TUE595592809 12/31/11 12/31/12 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 15,000,000 X EXCESS UAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ 15,000,000 DED X RETENTION$ 10,000 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION WC STATU- OTH- A AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N 2091645862 12/31/11 12/31/12 TORY LIMITS ER— ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N/A WA STOP GAP ONLY (Mandatory In NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 If yes,describe under 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,If more space Is required) PROJECT: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY INDIANA SULLIVAN PCCP INTERSECTION. PRIMARY AND NON-CONTRIBUTORY ADDITIONAL INSURED STATUS IS GIVEN TO THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS,ELECTED OFFICIALS,AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES AS GRANTED BY THE ENDORSEMENT ATTACHED. A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION AND PER PROJECT AGGREGATE DO APPLY PER THE ENDORSEMENT ATTACHED. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION I CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 11707 E.SPRAGUE AVENUE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. SUITE 106 SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 99206 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 90 , h. 000427 The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2010/05) MIMI cvaosszla°\ taioOro/�J 111111111111111111 V •• G-18652-H CNA (Ed. 01/06) THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. CONTRACTORS' GENERAL LIABILITY EXTENSION ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART Coverage afforded under this extension of coverage endorsement does not apply to any person or organization covered as an additional insured on any other endorsement now or hereafter attached to this Coverage Part. 1. MISCELLANEOUS ADDITIONAL INSUREDS This insurance does not apply to 'bodily WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to injury," °property damage° or 'personal and advertising injury include as an insured any person or organization arising out of operations performed for the state or (called additional insured) described in paragraphs 2.a.through 2.g. below whom you are required to add municipality. as an additional insured on this policy under a written b. Controlling Interest contract or agreement but the written contract or agreement must be: Any persons or organizations with a controlling interest in you but only with 1. Currently in effect or becoming effective respect to their liability arising out of: during the term of this policy; and (1) Their financial control of you; or 2. Executed prior to the "bodily injury,' 'property (2) Premises they own, maintain or damage' or "personal injury and advertising control while you lease or occupy injury,'but these premises. Only the following persons or organizations are This insurance does not apply to additional insureds under this endorsement and structural alterations, new construction coverage provided to such additional insureds is and demolition operations performed by limited as provided heroin: or for such additional insured. a. State or Political Subdivisions c. Managers or Lessors of Premises A state or political subdivision subject to A manager or lessor of premises but only the following provisions: with respect to liability arising out of the (1) This insurance applies only with ownership, maintenance or use of that I respect to the following hazards for specific part of the premises leased to Iwhich the state or political subdivision • you and subject to the following additional has issued a permit in connection exclusions: with premises you own, rent, or This insurance does not apply to: control and to which this insurance applies: (1) Any 'occurrence" which takes place (a) The existence, maintenance, after you cease to be a tenant in that • repair, construction, erection, or premises; or removal of advertising signs, (2) Structural alterations, new — awnings, canopies, cellar construction or demolition operations entrances, coal holes, driveways, performed by or on behalf of such manholes, marquees, hoistaway additional insured. openings, sidewalk vaults, street banners, or decorations and d. Mortgagee,Assignee or Receiver similar exposures; or A mortgagee, assignee or receiver but (b) The construction, erection, or only with respect to their liability as removal of elevators; or mortgagee, assignee, or receiver and arising out of the ownership, (2) This insurance applies only with maintenance, or use of a premises by respect to operations performed by you. you or on your behalf for which the state or political subdivision has This insurance does not apply to issued a permit. structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by or for such additional insured. G-18 662-H Page 1 of 7 (Ed.01/06) III HI III 1101111111111111111111110111111111101 IIH II II 00 111 •CYB06821/000034/03/14/0/0/0/0' • G-18652-H (Ed. 01/06) e. Owners/Other Interests — Land is CONDITIONS is deleted and replaced with the Leased following: An owner or other interest from whom 4. Other Insurance land has been leased by you but only with respect to liability arising out of the b. Excess Insurance ownership, maintenance or use of that This insurance is excess over: specific part of the land leased to you and subject to the following additional Any other insurance naming the exclusions: additional insured as an insured whether primary, excess, contingent or on any This insurance does not apply to: other basis unless a written contract or (1) Any 'occurrence' which takes place agreement specifically requires that this • after you cease to lease that land;or insurance be either primary or primary and noncontributing. Where required by (2) Structural alterations, new written contract or agreement, we will construction or demolition operations consider any other insurance maintained performed by or on behalf of such by the additional insured for injury or additional insured. damage covered by this endorsement to f. Co-owner of Insured Premises be excess and noncontributing with this insurance. A co-owner of a premises co-owned by 2. EMPLOYEES AS INSUREDS — HEALTH CARE you and covered under this insurance but SERVICES only with respect to the co-owners liability as co-owner of such premises. Paragraph 2.a.(1)(d) of Section II — Who Is An g. Lessor of Equipment Insured is deleted. Any person or organization. from whom 3. JOINT VENTURES / PARTNERSHIP / LIMITED you lease equipment. Such person or LIABILITY COMPANY COVERAGE organization are insureds only with A. The following is added to Section II—Who Is An respect to their liability arising out of the Insured: maintenance, operation or use by you of 4. You are an insured when you had an interest equipment leased to you by such person or organization. A person's or in a joint venture, partnership or limited organization's status as an insured under liability company which terminated or ended this endorsement ends when their written prior to or during this policy period but only to contract or agreement with you for such the extent of your interest in such joint leased equipment ends. venture, partnership or limited liability company.This coverage does not apply: With respect to the insurance afforded a. Prior to the termination date of any joint these additional insureds, the following venture, partnership or limited liability additional exclusions apply: company;or This insurance does not apply: b. If there is other valid and collectible (1) To any "occurrence" which takes insurance purchased specifically to insure place after the equipment lease the partnership, joint venture or limited expires;or liability company. (2) To 'bodily injury', 'property damage`, c. To a joint venture, partnership or limited or 'personal and advertising injury' liability company which is or was insured arising out of the sole negligence of under a 'consolidated (wrap-up) such additional insured. insurance program'. Any insurance provided to an additional insured 'Consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program' designated under paragraphs a. through g. above means a construction, erection or demolition does not apply to 'bodily injury" or 'property project for which the prime contractor/project damage' included within the 'products-completed manager or owner of the construction project operations hazard'. has secured general liability insurance As respects the coverage provided under this covering some or all of the contractors or subcontractors involved in the project, endorsement, Paragraph 4.b. SECTION IV — COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY otherwise referred to as an Owner Controlled G-18651-1 Page 2 of 7 (Ed. 01/06) 11111111011111111111 IIII I III IIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII III IIII 'CYBO6B21/000034/04/14/0/0/0/0' G-18652-H (Ed. 01/06) Insurance Program (O.C.I.P.) or Contractor COVERAGE does not apply to policies issued in Controlled Insurance Program(C.C.I.P.). the states of New York or Ohio. B. The last paragraph of Section II — Who Is An D. This provision 4. (EXPANDED PERSONAL AND Insured is deleted and replaced by the following: ADVERTISING INJURY COVERAGE) does not Except as provided in 4. above, no person or apply if Section I—Coverage B — Personal And Advertising Injury Liability is excluded either by organization is an insured with respect to the provisions of the Coverage Part or by conduct of any current or past partnership, joint the venture or limited liability company that is not endorsement. shown as a Named Insured in the Declarations. 5. MEDICAL PAYMENTS 4. EXPANDED PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING A. Paragraph 7. Medical Expense Limit, of Section INJURY III— Limits of Insurance is deleted and replaced A. The following is added to Section V—Definitions, by the following: the definition of"Personal and advertising injury': 7. Subject to 5. above (the Each Occurrence h. Discrimination or humiliation that results Limit), the Medical Expense Limit is the most in injury to the feelings or reputation of a we will pay under Section— 1— Coverage C natural person, but only if such for all medical expenses because of 'bodily discrimination at l person, on humiliation ly: injury° sustained by any one person. The Medical Expense Limit is the greater of: (1) Not done intentionally by or at the (1) $15,000;or direction of: • (a) The insured;or (2) The amount shown in the ( Declarations for Medical Expense (b) Any 'executive officer°, director, Limit. stockholder, partner, member or B. This provision 5. (Medical Payments) does not manager (if you are a limited apply if Section I — Coverage C Medical liability company) of the insured; Payments is excluded either by the provisions of and the Coverage Part or by endorsement. (2) Not directly or indirectly related to the C. Paragraph 1.a.(3)(2)of Section I—Coverage C— employment, prospective Medical Payments,is replaced by the following: employment, past employment or termination of employment of any The expenses are incurred and reported to us I person or persons by any insured. within three years of the date of the accident;and B. Exclusions oil Section I—Coverage B—Personal 6. LEGAL LIABILITY AND BORROWED EQUIPMENT and Advertising Injury Liability is amended to A. Under Section I — Coverage A — Bodily Injury include the following: A. Property Damage 2. Exclusions, Exclusion p. Discrimination Relating To Room, j.is replaced by the following. Dwelling or Premises 'Property damage'to: Caused by discrimination directly or indirectly related to the sale, rental, lease (1) Property you own, rent, or occupy; or sub-lease or prospective sale, rental, (2) Premises you sell, give away or lease or sub-lease of any room, dwelling abandon, if the 'property damage' or premises by or at the direction of any arises out of any part of those insured. premises; q. Fines Or Penalties (3) Property loaned to you; Fines or penalties levied or imposed by a (4) Personal property in the care, governmental entity because of custody or control of the insured; discrimination. (5) That particular part of real property C. This provision 4. (EXPANDED PERSONAL AND on which you or any contractors or ADVERTISING INJURY COVERAGE) does not subcontractors working directly or apply to discrimination or humiliation committed in indirectly on your behalf are the states of New York or Ohio. Also, EXPANDED performing operations,if the'property NINIMMINN PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY damage' arises out of those operations; or G-186H Page 3 of 7 (Ed. 01/06) 111111111111111111 01111111111111111111 1111 IIII III 111111111111 11111111111 .CYBO6a211000034,05/14,0,0,0,0. G-18652-H (Ed. 01/06) (6) That particular part of any property You Limit is the most we will pay under that must be restored, repaired or Section — I — Coverage A for damages replaced because "your work" was because of "property damage" to any one incorrectly performed on it. premises while rented to you or temporarily Paragraph (2) of this exclusion does not occupied by you with the permission of the apply owner, including contents of such premises pply if the premises are "your work" and were never occupied, rented or held for rented to you for a period of 7 or fewer rental by you. consecutive days. The Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit is the greater of: Paragraphs (1), (3) and (4) of this a. $200,000;or exclusion do not apply to: (i) "property damage"to tools or b. The Damage To Premises Rented To equipment loaned to you if You Limit shown in the Declarations. the tools or equipment are D. Paragraph 4.b.(1)(b) of Section IV—Commercial not being used to perform General Liability Conditions is deleted and operations at the time of replaced by the following: loss;or (b) That is property insurance for (ii) 'property damage" (other premises rented to you or temporarily than damage by fire) to occupied by you with the permission premises rented to you or of the owner; or temporarily occupied by you E. This provision 6. (LEGAL LIABILITY AND with the permission of the BORROWED EQUIPMENT) does not apply if owner, or to the contents of Damage To Premises Rented To You Liability premises rented to you for a under Section I—Coverage A is excluded either period of 7 or fewer by the provisions of the Coverage Part or by consecutive days. A separate limit of insurance endorsement. applies to Damage To 7. NON-OWNED WATERCRAFT Premises Rented To You as described in Section III — Under Section I — Coverage A, Exclusion 2.g., Limits Of Insurance. subparagraph (2) is deleted and replaced by the following. Paragraphs (3), (4), (5) and (6) of this exclusion do not apply to liability (2) A watercraft you do not own that is: assumed under a sidetrack agreement. (a) Less than 55 feet long;and Paragraph (6) of this exclusion does not (b) Not being used to carry persons apply to 'property damage' included in or property for a charge. the 'products-completed operations hazard'. 8. NON-OWNED AIRCRAFT B. Under Section I — Coverage A — Bodily Injury Exclusion 2.g. of Section I — Coverage A — Bodily and Property Damage the last paragraph of 2. Injury and Property Damage, does not apply to an Exclusions is deleted and replaced by the aircraft you do not own, provided that: following. 1. The pilot in command holds a currently Exclusions c. through n. do not apply to damage effective certificate issued by the duly by fire to premises while rented to you or constituted authority of the United States of temporarily occupied by you with permission of America or Canada, designating that person the owner or to the contents of premises rented to as a commercial or airline transport pilot; you for a period of 7 or fewer consecutive days. 2. It is rented with a trained, paid crew; and A separate limit of insurance applies to this 3. It does not transport persons or cargo for a coverage as described in Section III — Limits Of charge. Insurance. • 9. CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL AND C. Paragraph 6. Damage To Premises Rented To ADVERTISING INJURY You Limit of Section III—Limits Of Insurance is replaced by the following: Exclusion e. Contractual Liability of Section I — 6. Subject to 5. above, (the Each Occurrence Coverage B is deleted. Limit), the Damage To Premises Rented To G-18652H Page 4 of 7 (Ed. 01/06) I III 1011111 II Ii IIIIII IIII VIII III I VIII II II VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII III Ill *CYB06B21/000034/06/14/010/0/0' G-18652-H . (Ed. 01/06) 10. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS when the 'occurrence°, offense, claim or "suit" is A. Under Section I – Supplementary Payments – known to: Coverages A and B, Paragraph 1.b., the limit of (1) You, if you are an individual; $250 shown for the cost of bail bonds is replaced by$2,500: (2) A partner, if you are a partnership; B. In Paragraph 1.d.,the limit of$250 shown for daily (3) An executive officer or the employee loss of earnings is replaced by$1,000. designated by you to give such notice, if you are a corporation; or 11. LIQUOR LIABILITY (4) A manager, if you are a limited Exclusion c.of Section I–Coverage A is deleted. liability company. 12. NEWLY FORMED OR ACQUIRED 17. AGGREGATE LIMITS PER PROJECT ORGANIZATIONS A. For all sums which the insured becomes legally Paragraph 3.a. of Section II –Who Is An Insured is obligated to pay as damages caused by deleted and replaced by the following: °occurrences° under COVERAGE A (SECTION I), Coverage under this provision is afforded only until the and for all medical expenses caused by accidents end of the policy period or the next anniversary of this under COVERAGE C (SECTION I), which can be policy's effective date after you acquire or form the attributed only to ongoing operations at a single organization,whichever is earlier. construction project away from premises owned by or rented to the insured: 13. LIBERALIZATION CLAUSE 1. A separate Single Construction Project If we adopt a change in our forms or rules which would General Aggregate Limit applies to each broaden coverage for contractors without an additional construction project away from premises premium charge, your policy will automatically provide owned by or rented to the insured, and that the additional coverages as of the date the revision is limit is equal to the amount of the General effective in your state. Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations. 14. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE 2. The Single Construction Project General HAZARDS Aggregate Limit is the most we will pay for the Based on our reliance on your representations as to sum of all damages under COVERAGE A, y p except damages because of 'bodily injury" or existing hazards, if unintentionally you should fail to "property damage' included in the 'products- disclose all such hazards at the inception date of your completed operations hazard', and for policy, we will not deny coverage under this Coverage medical expenses under COVERAGE C Part because of such failure. regardless of the number of: 1 15. NOTICE OF OCCURRENCE a. Insureds; The following is added to paragraph 2.of Section IV– b. Claims made or'suits' brought; or Commercial General Liability Conditions – Duties In The Event of Occurrence,Offense,Claim or Suit: c. Persons or organizations making claims Your rights under this Coverage Part will not be or bringing"suits'. prejudiced if you fail to give us notice of an 3. Any payments made under COVERAGE A for _ `occurrence°, offense, claim or'suit' and that failure is damages or under COVERAGE C for medical solely due to your reasonable belief that the 'bodily expenses shall reduce the Single injury° or 'property damage' is not covered under this Construction Project General Aggregate Limit Coverage Part. However, you shall give written notice for that construction project away from of this 'occurrence', offense, claim or `suit° to us as premises owned by or rented to the insured. soon as you are aware that this insurance may apply Such payments shall not reduce the General MIMI to such'occurrence', offense claim or'suit'. Aggregate Limit shown in this Declarations 16. BROAD KNOWLEDGE OF OCCURRENCE nor shall they reduce any other Single Construction Project General Aggregate Limit — The following is added,to paragraph 2.of Section IV– for any other separate construction project Commercial General Liability Conditions – Duties away from premises owned by or rented to in The Event of Occurrence,Offense,Claim or Suit: the insured. You must give us or our authorized representative 4. The limits shown in the Declarations for Each notice of an 'occurrence', offense, claim, or 'suit' only Occurrence, Fire Damage and Medical Expense continue to apply. However, instead G-1862 --H Page 5 of 7 (Ed. 01/06) II II UI IUI 1111l 1 II I III UI I .CYaO6a21/000034,07„4,0,0,0,0. • G-18652-H • (Ed. 01/06) of being subject to the General Aggregate of the insured. This exclusion does not Limit shown in the Declarations, such limits apply to °bodily injury" or "property will be subject to the applicable Single damage" resulting from the use of Construction Project General Aggregate Limit. reasonable force to protect persons or B. For all sums which the insured becomes legally property. obligated to pay as damages caused by 20. OWNER CONTROLLED INSURANCE PROGRAM, "occurrences" under COVERAGE A (SECTION I), CONTRACTOR CONTROLLED INSURANCE and for all medical expenses caused by accidents PROGRAM OR CONSOLIDATED (WRAP-UP) under COVERAGE C (SECTION I), which cannot INSURANCE PROGRAMS be attributed only to ongoing operations at a single The endorsement EXCLUSION — CONSTRUCTION construction project away from premises owned WRAP-UP PROGRAM which is attached to this policy by or rented to the insured: is amended as follows: 1. Any payments made under COVERAGE A for A. This exclusion does not apply to: damages or under COVERAGE C for medical expenses shall reduce the amount available 1. Coverage available to you under this policy under the General Aggregate Limit or the which is broader in scope than coverage Products-Completed Operations Aggregate provided to you under a 'consolidated (wrap- Limit,whichever is applicable;and up) insurance program' for a construction 2. Such payments shall not reduce any Single project in which you are involved; Construction Project General Aggregate Limit. 2. Coverage for your interest only for ongoing C. When coverage for liability arising out of the operations in excess of all coverage available "products-completed operations hazard' is to you under a" consolidated (wrap-up) provided, any payments for damages because of insurance program for a construction project 'bodily injury' or "property damage' included in in which you are involved;and the 'products-completed operations hazard° will 3. Coverage for your interest only for operations reduce the Products-Completed Operations included within the 'products -completed Aggregate Limit, and not reduce the General operations hazard" in excess of all coverage Aggregate Limit nor the Single Construction available to you under a 'consolidated (wrap- Project General Aggregate Limit. up) insurance program' for a construction D. If a single construction project away from project in which you are or have been premises owned by or rented to the insured has involved. been abandoned and then restarted, or if the Paragraphs A.1., A.2. and A.3. above do not authorized contracting parties deviate from plans, apply to any portion of a 'consolidated (wrap-up) blueprints, designs, specifications or timetables, insurance program" involving a 'residential the project will still be deemed to be the same structure.° construction project. B. The following is added immediately after the first E. The provisions of Limits of Insurance (SECTION paragraph of provision b. Excess Insurance of III) not otherwise modified by this endorsement Section IV — Commercial General Liability shall continue to apply as stipulated. Conditions—Other Insurance: 18. EXPANDED BODILY INJURY This insurance is excess, over any of the other Section V — Definitions, the definition of 'bodily insurance whether primary, excess, contingent or is changed to read: any other basis that is insurance available to you injury' as a result of your being a participant in a "Bodily injury'means bodily injury,sickness or disease 'consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program", but sustained by a person, including death, humiliation, only as respects your involvement in that shock, mental anguish or mental injury by that person 'consolidated(wrap-up) Insurance program'. at any time which results as a consequence of the C. The following is added to Section V — bodily injury,sickness or disease. Definitions: 19. EXPECTED OR INTENDED INJURY 'Consolidated (wrap-up) insurance program' Exclusion a. of Section I — Coverage A — Bodily means a construction, erection or demolition Injury and Property Damage Liability is replaced by project for which the prime contractor/project the following: manager or owner of the construction project has a. 'Bodily injury' or 'properly damage' secured general liability insurance covering some expected or intended from the standpoint or all of the contractors or subcontractors involved in the project, otherwise referred to as an Owner G-18662 -I Page 6 of 7 (Ed. 01/06) I IIIIIII HI IIIIIII IIV II I l II IIII VIII 11111111111111111111011111 'CVBO6B21/000034/0&14/0/0/0/0' • G-18652-H (Ed. 01/06) Controlled Insurance Program (O.C.I.P.) or d. An obligation, as required by ordinance, Contractor Controlled Insurance Program to indemnify a municipality, except in (C.C.I.P.). connection with work for a municipality; "Residential structure" means any structure e. An elevator maintenance agreement; where 30% or more of the square foot area is f. That part of any other contract or used or is intended to be used for human agreement pertaining to your business residency including but not limited to single or (including an indemnification of a multifamily housing, apartments, condominiums, municipality in connection with work townhouses, co-operatives or planned unit developments and also includes their common performed for a municipality) under which areas and/or appurtenant structures (including you assume the tort liability of another pools, hot tubs, detached garages, guest houses party to pay for bodily injury" or "property or any similar structures). When there is no damage'to a third person or organization. individual ownership of units, residential structure Tort liability means a liability that would does not include military housing, be imposed by law in the absence of any college/university housing or dormitories, long contract or agreement. term care facilities, hotels, or motels. Residential Paragraph f. does not include that part of structure also does not include hospitals or any contract or agreement: prisons. 21. CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY—RAILROADS (1) engineer indemnifies an injury engineer or surveyor for injury or With respect to operations performed within 50 feet of damage arising out of: railroad property and for which a Railroad Protective (a) Preparing, approving or failing to Liability policy in the name of the railroad has been prepare or approve maps, shop provided, the definition of 'insured contract' in the drawings, opinions, reports, SECTION V — DEFINITIONS is replaced by the surveys, field orders, change following: orders or drawings and 'Insured Contract' means: specifications;or a. A contract for a lease of premises. (b) Giving directions or instructions, However,that portion of the contract for a or failing to give them, if that is lease of premises that indemnifies any the primary cause of the injury or person or organization for damage by fire damage; to premises while rented to you or (2) Under which the insured, if an temporarily occupied by you with architect, engineer or surveyor, permission of the owner is not an 'insured assumes liability for an injury or contract'; damage arising out of the insured's b. A sidetrack agreement; rendering or failure to render professional services, including those c. Any easement or license agreement; listed in paragraph (1) above and supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. iii • G-186&&•H Page 7 of 7 (Ed.01/06) 1 0111111111101 I II II IIII I ft UlII III 11111 IIIII IIIII I I 111111111 •CYBO6B21/000034,09„4,0,0,0,0• CNA G-140331-B (Ed. 1/09) THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE(OPTIONAL) Name of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organizations (As required by written contract/agreement per Paragraph A. below.) Location(s)of Covered Operations (As per the written contract/agreement, provided the location is within the"coverage territory" of this Coverage Part.) (Coverage under this endorsement is not affected by an entry or lack of entry in the Schedule above.) A. Section II-Who Is An Insured is amended to c. "Your work"that is included in the include as an additional insured any person(s)or "products-completed operations hazard" organization(s), including any person or organization and performed for the additional insured, shown in the Schedule above, whom you are but only if this Coverage Part provides such required to add as an additional insured on this coverage, and only if the written contract or Coverage Part under a written contract or written written agreement requires you to provide agreement, provided: the additional insured such coverage. a. The written contract or written agreement was 2. However, we will not provide the additional executed prior to: insured any broader coverage or any higher limit 1.The"bodily injury"or"property damage"; or of insurance than the least of those: 2.The offense that caused the"personal and a. Required by the written contract or written advertising injury" agreement; for which the additional insured seeks coverage b. Described in B.1.above; or under this Coverage Part; and b. The written contract or written agreement c. Afforded to you under this policy. pertains to your ongoing operations or"your 3. This insurance is excess of all other insurance work"for the additional insured(s). available to the additional insured, whether B. The insurance provided to the additional insured is primary, excess, contingent or on any other limited as follows: basis, unless the written contract or agreement requires this insurance to be primary. In that 1. The person or organization is an additional event, this insurance will be primary relative to insured only with respect to liability for"bodily insurance which covers the additional insured injury", "property damage", or"personal and as a named insured. We will not require advertising injury"caused in whole or in part by: contribution from such insurance if the written a. Your acts or omissions; or contract or written agreement also requires that b. The acts or omissions of those acting on this insurance be non-contributory. But with your behalf respect to all other insurance under which the additional insured qualifies the performance of your ongoing operations fies as an insured or for the additional insured(s)or additional insured, this insurance will be excess. 4. The insurance provided to the additional insured terminates when your operations for the G-140331-B Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission Page 1 of 2 (Ed. 01 ?9) 111111111111111111 111111 II IIIII 11111 II 1111 II I II II IIIII I III IIII IIII IIII -cveo6e21/000034„0„4,000,0. CNA G-140331-B (Ed. 1/09) additional insured are complete. But if the (1) Give us written notice of an "occurrence"or written contract or written agreement specifies a an offense which may result in a claim or date until which this insurance must apply, then "suit" under this insurance, and of any claim this insurance terminates: or"suit"that does result; a. On the date specified in the written contract (2) Tender the defense and indemnity of any or written agreement; or claim or"suit"to any other insurer or self b. When this policy expires or is cancelled, insurer whose policy or program applies to a whichever occurs first. loss we cover under this Coverage Part; C. With respect to the insurance afforded to the (3) Except as provided in Paragraph B.3 of this additional insured, the following additional endorsement, agree to make available any exclusions apply. other insurance the additional insured has for a loss we cover under this Coverage This insurance does not apply to: Part; and 1. "Bodily injury,""property damage," or"personal (4) Send us copies of all legal papers received, and advertising injury" arising out of the and otherwise cooperate with us in the rendering of, or the failure to render, any investigation, defense, or settlement of the professional architectural, engineering, or claim or"suit". surveying services, including: We have no duty to defend or indemnify an a. The preparing, approving, or failing to additional insured under this endorsement until prepare or approve maps, shop drawings, we receive from the additional insured written opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, notice of a claim or"suit". change orders or drawings and specifications; and 2. With respect only to the insurance provided by this endorsement, the first sentence of b. Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. Paragraph 4.a. of the Other Insurance Condition is deleted and replaced with the following: 2. "Bodily injury,""property damage,"or"personal 4. Other Insurance and advertising injury"arising out of any premises or work for which the additional a. Primary Insurance insured is specifically listed as an additional This insurance is primary and non- insured on another endorsement attached to contributory except when rendered this Coverage Part. excess by this endorsement, or when D. SECTION IV—COMMERCIAL GENERAL Paragraph b. below applies. LIABILITY CONDITIONS is amended as follows: E. The provisions of the written contract or written 1. The Duties In The Event of Occurrence, agreement do not in any way broaden or amend this Offense, Claim or Suit condition is amended to Coverage Part. add the following additional conditions applicable to the additional insured: An additional insured under this endorsement will as soon as practicable: • G-140331-B Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc., with its permission Page 2 of 2 (Ed. 0191)9) I IIIIIII III IIIIIII I I VIII I IIII IIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII II IIIIIII III III IIII 'CYBO6B21/000034/11/14/0/0/0/0' POLICY NUMBER: 2091645862 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 24 04 05 09 WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Person Or Organization: Refer to SCHEDULE CG2404 Information required to complete this Schedule,if not shown above,will be shown in the Declarations. The following Is added to Paragraph 8. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us of Section IV—Conditions: We waive any right of recovery we may have against the person or organization shown in the Schedule above because of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of your ongoing operations or your work" done under a contract with that person or organization and included in the "products-completed operations hazard." This waiver applies only to the person or organization shown in the Schedule above. �t 0 x CG 24 04 05 09 Copyright,Insurance Services Office, Inc.,2008 Page 1 of 1 000437 IIII III�I� II 111 III IMI III III 111 II 1110 111 1111 11 IIIII 111 I 10 •CYBO6B21/000034/12/14/0/0/0/0• '!S•,r� ,fYrY �F53 > Pi n w.a • ,fi�?.�f :l 4 iff,i,h"��'4:�Y ��"��, ' � t if,Y�L .. F }Z YPN` r r� R I .v ` ie POLICY NUMBER INSURED NAME AND ADDRESS MIASOLE CORPORATION 2590 Walsh Ave SUITE A SANTA CLARA, CA 95051-1315 "`b�>I T' tl Ae t!P i hz' r &d ,rn -d L r d t.r✓ 7� .y't.e r r;7� J ;.U'�ik IT it k c l '}r.7,'r 3 b..d 2 Y�#L. ,t.`f �9kF�.. .,r.'441w,+.f�E�'•..F:c a.. ��_...._..'1 .._. ....,.� r�. .�/.w.t�}�.,. �. 'at4l�,��.:,V,-j�}> ..�T.....,t..t.........S,:f.�,: POLICY CHANGES SCHEDULE CO2404 This Change Endorsement changes the Policy. Please read it carefully. This Change Endorsement is a part of your Policy and takes effect on the effective date of your Policy, unless another effective date is shown. CG 24 04 SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: Any person or organization with whom you have agreed in writing in a contract or agreement to waive any right of recovery against such person or organization, but only if the contract or agreement: 1. Is in effect or becomes effective during the term of this policy; and 2. Was executed prior to loss. oCI MIME f zme t4 4( iki9174,4•44A4). Secretary Chairman of the Board G-56015-B (ED. 11/91) mum IIIIIII III III III IIII IIII IIII IIII I III VIII VIII VIII VIII liii VIII IH VIII 1111 IIII 'CYB06B21/000034/13/14/0/0/0/0' COMMERCIAL AUTO THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. PRIMARY & NON-CONTRIBUTORY ADDITIONAL INSURED DESIGNATED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE PART GARAGE COVERAGE PART TRUCKERS COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED COVERAGE AS REQUIRED BY THE MAIN CONTRACT. a. The person or organization shown in the Schedule is included as an insured but only if liable for the conduct of an"Insured"and only to the extent of that liability. b. CANCELLATION 1. If we cancel the policy,we will mail notice to such person or organization in accordance with the Common Policy Condition. 2. If you cancel the policy,we will mail notice to such person or organization. 3. Cancellation ends this agreement. Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office,Inc.with its permission. Copyright,Insurance Services Office,Inc., 1988 CL/CA 99 09 10 90 000439 I IIIIIII III IIIIIII IIII VIII IIIIII II I VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII I II VIII VIII IIII IIII 'CYB06B21/000034/14/14/0/0/0/0' SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS No. City of Spokane Valley Public Works Dept. Bid # SVPW 11 -013 Indiana /Sullivan PCCP Intersection AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHING Project NOTICE STATE OF WASHINGTON ). )ss. County of Spokane ) MICHAEL HUEEMAN , being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he is the EDUOR , of The Spokane ValleyNews Herald, a weeklynewspaper. Thatsaidnewspaper is a legalnewspaper anditis now andhasbeen for more thansix months prior to the date of the publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County, Washington, and it is now and daring all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper, which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County. That the following is a true copy of a public notice * as it was published in regular issues commencingon the 27th day of May, 2011 and ending the 3rd day of June 201 LA dater inclusive, and- that - gush newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period:�� ✓' ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS aTYOF SPOKANE VALLEY - .° - P11BL1CWDFIKS DEPARTMENT SCRIB and SWORN to before me BID # SVPW 11 -015 INDIANA [SULLIVAN PCCP this 3rd day of June, 2011. I PmFR Mow P136JECT... . State of Washington ®®1111 l ® County of Spokane RAE I certify thatI know orha evidence that a s` ® h f rx "' - - -. A � ® me,and son cknow edged that he b efore ` r ® this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free =and voluntary act for the uses and purposes men- tioned in the iiristrument. - -, �; �;;:.''®® ® ®° Jolene Rae Wen" 0 a ®`� Title: XotaryPub'lc BB /g ®1 ®` My ppointmentexpires: 5 -16 -15 ___ Ef)2_+ -�� *Federal Tax ID No. 68- 0617327 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Spokane) ss Name: City of Spokane Valley Client ID PO No. SR22823 No. Lines: Total Cost: $303.41 Order No. 42365 71 35 598 I, Lori Nix do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of The Spokesman- Review, a newspaper established and regularly published, once each day in the English language, in and of general circulation in the City of Spokane County, Washington; and in the City of Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper has been so established and. regularly published and has had said general circulation continuously for more than six (6) months prior to the 23rd day of July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office maintained at its place of publication in the City of Spokane, Washington; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Spokane County on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; that the notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of publication, was published in said newspaper one time(s), the publication having been made once each time on the following dates: May 27, 2011 That said notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of the paper during the period of time of publication, and that the notice was published in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement. Subscribed and sworn to before me at the City of Spokane, this 27th day of May 2011. ary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane County, Washington ,, sof 0 NOTARY up; � V C N�_OF wAS Notary Stamp Paper Affidavits *Federal Tax ID No. 68- 0617327 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BID # SVPW 11 -013 INDIANA/ SULLIVAN PCCP INTERSECTION PROJECT Notice is hereby given that the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington will accept sealed bids for the Indiana / Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project. The project consists of road reconstruction and storm drain construction work including placement of crushed surfacing, installation of Portland Cement Concrete pavement (PCCP) and hot mix asphalt paving. Copies of the bid packet including specifications and plans can be obtained at the office of the City of Spokane Valley Public Works Department, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 304, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 -6124, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. A non- refundable amount of $50.00 is required. Copies of the bid packet including specifications and plans may be obtained in PDF format on a compact disc at no charge. All bids must be accompanied by a bid deposit in the form of a surety bond, postal money order, cash, cashier's check, or certified check in an amount equal to five percent (5 %) of the amount of the bid proposed. Failure to furnish a bid bond in compliance with the City's bid deposit surety bond form shall make the bid non- responsive and cause the bid to be rejected. Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes addressed to the City Clerk of the City of Spokane Valley, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, Washington, 99206, and received not later than 10:00 a.m. PSDT Friday, June 17. 2011 Bid openings will be held immediately thereafter and read aloud in the City Council Chambers, Suite 101. The City of Spokane Valley reserves the right to waive any irregularities or informalities and to reject any or all bids. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the time announced for the bid opening, or before the award and execution of the contract, unless the award is delayed for a period exceeding sixty (60) days. PUBLISH: Spokane May 27 and June 3, 2011 Christine Bainbridge, MMC Spokane Valley City Clerk SR22823 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON County of Spokane} ss Name: City of Spokane Valley Client ID: PO No. SR22823 42365 No. Lines: 71 Total Cost: $303.41 % Order No. 35598 I, Lori Nix do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of The Spokesman- Review, a newspaper established and regularly published, once each day in the English language, in and of general circulation in the City of Spokane County, Washington; and in the City of Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper has been so established and regularly published and has had said general circulation continuously for more than six (6) months prior to the 23rd day of July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office maintained at its place of publication in the City of Spokane, Washington; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Spokane County on the 23rd day of July, 1941, and that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; that the notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of publication, was published in said newspaper one time(s), the publication having been made once each time on the following dates: June 3, 2011 That said notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of the paper during the period of time of publication, and that the notice was published in the news paper,prgper and not in a supplement. Subscribed and sworn to before me at the City of Spokane, this 3rd day of June , 2011. tary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane County, Washington Pk`x� �' \ON p� NpTARY �N U W 00 ",_" n BE �FOF wAS`T�� Notary Stamp Paper Affidavits