2011, 06-28 Regular Meeting Minutes MINUTES City of Spokane Vallcy City Couocil Regular Mce[ings Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, June 28, 20ll Mayor Towey called the mee[ing to order a[ 6:00 p.m. Altendnnre: Citv Stall• Tom Towey, Mayor Mike Jackson. City Managcr Gary Schimmels, DepuTy Mayor Cary Driskell, CiTy A[torney Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Dean Grefos, Councilmember Rick VanLewen, Police Chief 6renda Gras'sel, Councilinember Mike S[one, Parks & Recreation Director Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Arne Woodard, Councilmeinber Mark Calhoun. Finance Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Mary Kate McGee, Building Official Karen Kendall, Associate Planner Carolbelle Branch, Public lnformation Officer Chris Bainbridge. City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Matthew Larson oTAdvent Lu[heran Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Members from Boy Scout Troop 405 led tlic Pledge of Allcgiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all councilmembers were presen[. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was �»oned by Deputy M�N�r Schinmmis', seconded and ununimnuxly agreed !o approve Me agenda. INTRODUCT[ON OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS• n/a COMMITTEE. BOAItD, LIAISON SUMMARY RF.PORTS: Councilmember Hafnec said he attcnded several workshops during Ihe Association of Washington Cities (AWC) conference held in downtown Spokane, incluAing leaming about amendmen[s to [he eomprehensive plan, liability issues, and budgct and finance, and he mcn[ioned that our city is probably in a better financial siluation than othcr cilies in Washi�eton, and said he iccls goud about [hat and commended [he previous council and tlte s[aff for their work in [hat regnrd; and said hc als'o heard a presentation regarding s[udents fmm Bridgeport High School whcreby all of their seniors are going to collcge, and said that high school is one of [he finalists in the compe[ition [o have President Obama come speek to them. Councihnember Grassel: no mport. Dcputv Mavor Schimmels said he attended [hc Spokane Transi[ Authority (STA) mceting; lhe SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) Inland Group Workshop; a Washington State Transporta[ion Commissien meeting in Cheney last week; participa[ed in a Lour of CenterPlace; and also attended [he AWC Conference. Councilmember Grafos: said he went to a meeting of [hc Trader's Club with about thir[y commercial real estare brokers where he spoke about zoning code changes and how this will affect and spur growth in our city, and said (here were a b[ of posilive comments on the direclion our City is moving; wen[ to the Connections [3reakfast hosted by the Chambcr; went to the Car Show at ihc New Life Chureh; and altcnded tlie AWC Conference. Council Regolar Mcc[ing Ofi-28-201 I Pngc I of i Approvcd by Council: U9-26-?UI I Councilmember Gothmann: said he went [o a Board of Health Executive Committee meeting and that the one rating agency rated Spokane Regional Health Department as bes[ in the sta[e, Ihat they discusscd their budget and thcre will be sis full-time position reductions, and explained tliat the food service the Heal[h Departmen[ was providing is now provided by Meals on Wheels; attended a SNAP meeting and said they received a clean audit as they move into n$1.8 million capital improvemen[ financial campaign; went to the 'fransportation Improvement Board (TfB) hvoday meeting in Spokane where several cities receivcd an increasc in funding, and he explained about an increase in Cunding which crea[ed a"bubble" which in turn allowed for the TB to allocate more funds to cities; ho ezplained [hat he made up a list, and distributed copies [o eouncil of all the TID projects in Spokane Valley, and noted that TID commi[ted $62 million wilh a total cost of all tliose projects of $96 million, and said thaf h5% is a significant inveshnen[ in our community; said he also attended a 9-I-1 Board Meeting; anA reported a convcrsation with Spokane City Adminishator Ted Danek regarding ihe Wheelabrator ncgotiations, and that they are now negotia[ing a plan for an estimated $3 to $6 million, and that regarding animal cantroL they are still looking a[ [he Havana Property for a regional animal con[rol (aciliry. Councilmember Woodard: said he went to the Third Annual State of [he Green Economy at the Spokane Club, Iha[ several electeA oPficials were in attendance ineluding repmsentatives from SIRTI (Spokace Intercollegiale Research and Technology Institu[e), and said [he private markel is proposing a carbon tas as' lhey feel we wodt rid ourselvcs of carbon until we tas it; wcnt lo the Busin�ss Connections I3reakfas[ where [hey had a speaker from the Convention and Visitors 6ureau and he mentioned it seems wc could do something more ro generate visi[or ta�es; attendcd the AWC conference workshops dealing with engaging citizens on projects and man[ioned we arethe highest in Washington Sta[c for residen[ volunteers. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Towey reported [ha[ he also attended several workshops at [hc AWC Convention, and he said Utat Spokane Councilmember Nancy McLaughlin was elected AWC President, and that Rockford Mayor Micki Harnois was elecicd as one of [he Board Membcrs. Mayor Towey then read the Parks nnd Reeren(inn Monlh Proclomatirnq which was accepted with thanks by Parks and Reereation Director S[one, who also expressed thanks to thc citizens for thcir support and usc of the facili[ies. PUULIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey invited public comment. Steven Neill 10820 E I8th Avenue� spoke of [he bcautification and sign placemen[ idea for Spraguc and Thierman previously discusscd by Comicil, and said he feels it is tuo extravagani and [hat govcmment must learn [o live on less; suggesred crea[i�e a list of codes and requirements for [his area and pos[ing Niem on the website; regarding the project of beaulification and signage, he suggestod local nurserias, garden clubs, and even hardware stores might be willing to get involved and assist with such a project. Joseoh Bowman 25611 E Joseph Avenue Newman Lake Wash�neton� said he listened about safety and walking in Spokane Valley, that hc had an incident a few fridays ago crossing a non-conlrolled intersection a[ Olive and Pines; and that cars started coming at him before he had a chance [o ge1 lo the other side of the street, and [hat [he cars didn't even slow down; and said he previously spoke to the CiTy's [raC�c engineer and ta tlie Policc as well. l. CONSENT ACENDA: Consists of items wnsidcred rou[ine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an icem be removed from the Consent Agenda [o bc considered separately. a. Approval of claim vouchers totaling $195,090.05 b. Approval of Payroll for Period 8nding June I5. 201 I: $266,612.48 I[ was moved by Depury Mayor Schinmrels, secarAed aied enrnnin�nusly agreed [o approve the emrsern agendn. Council ReKUlar Mxe�ing 06-28-201 I PoEe 2 of 5 Approved by Counci1:0746-2071 NEW RUSINESS 2. Firs[ Readine Proposed Ordinance 1 I-012 for S[reet VacaCon STV Ol-i I— Micki Harnois ft was moved by Deputy Mayor Schinmrels and secwrded to arlvmrce Ordinance /!-0!2 vocotingn portiw� of Epslern Road, lo p second ren�fi�ig. Planning Manager Kuhta, in [he absence of Associate Planner Harnois, wen[ over [he proposal via the PowerPoint presentation, and explained that [he rcquest is from the Spokane Valley Fire Department; adding ihat the law allows but does not mandate that 50% of the assessed property value be recouped, and tha[ is an option for council [o consider. Mayor Towey imited public commen[. I arry Rid Snokane Vallev Fire Deoartment said he appreciates counciPs review o([his proposal and that the Fire Departmenl will work wi[h city staff to beautify that comer, and lhat he would appreciate i[ if Council would consider giving Hiis as a public benefit instead ofcharging thc fee. After bricFdiscussion, it was rnoverl bv Cotmcilmemher Golhmann !o amend �he nmlion �o exclude ihe charge frmn �he ordinm�ce. Mayor Towey invited publie wminent; no wmments were made. �ole by Acclanmtion on the n�aion tn amm�d: In jovor: (lnaniinaus. Opposed: None. Mation curried. Vote by .lcdnmalian on !he mnerrded motion m advance !he nrdinm�ce excluding fhe charge: In Fwor Unm�inrous. Opposed: None. Matinn corried. 3 Pruoosed Resolui on 11-005 Ad oting 2012-2017 Transoortation Im o ement Proeram (TIP) Stevc Worlev It was moved by Depary Mayor Schimmels mrd secarderl [o odopi Resolution Il-005 adapling the 2017- 20/7 Sis Yeor TIP ns presen(ed. Senior Engincer Wodey explained tha[ [his matter has been before council on iwo differenl study sessions, and that a public hearing was held May 24 with no comments Gom Hie public: and he briefly wcnf over the documentation cxplaining the difference between unfunded and funded projects. Mayor Towey invited public commen[s, no comments were offercd. Vnte by Acclanmrion� !n Fwor: CJnmiimous. Opposed: None. Motian carried. 4. Motion Consideration� Bid Award for Broadwav A e Safety P oiect — Stev Worley Il was n�oved by Deputy Mayrn� Schimnre[s and seconded to aivord the Bron�lwoy Avemre S'ojery Projec( bid to Poe Asphalr in the umomrt oJ 51,012,J69J3. Mr. Wodey explained that therc has been a bl o( wuncil discussion over thc last one and a half years on [his project; tliat [he successful bid and prices came in lower tlian an[icipated s-o they arc also proposing [o re-surface a portion from Yark to Vista, which is pan of a preservation project, and will upgrade the s[ormwater system/drywells within that same projecT, thal Ihey will change this from four to tliree lanes and will adjus[ the signals [o accommodatc that new configuration. Mayor Towey inviteA public comment; m comments were offered. �nte 6y Acdamaliar.� hr Fm�or: Unmvinmas. Opposed: Nmre. Molion carried. 5. Motion Considera[ion� Qid Award for lndiana�Sullivan Concrete Interseciion Proiect— Stev W lev Depury Mayor Schimmels recused himself Gom Hiis issue due to possiblc conFlic[ of interest, and Icfl the council chambers. 1[ was mored by Cowmihnemher Grqfos ond seconded io mvard Ihe hadimra/Su1/ivan PCCP Lrtersec(ian Projec! corr/rac( m flae lowesl responsible bidder, Acme Corrcrete Paving brc., in lhe amoun[ of 3l,07l,7/0.55. After Mr. Worlcy explained [he proposal as per the Request for Council Action (orm, Mayor Towey invited public commenC no comments were offered. Vn(e bv Acclanmlion: b� F�rvor: Urranin�ou,e. Opposed: Naae. Mo(ion corried. Deputy Mayor Schimmels retumed to Council chambers and to the dais. 6. Motion Consideration� Airwa �Lghts Plan Review Rene I— Mary Kare M Gee It was nmved by Depary Mqyor Sckimmelv ond seronded !ha[ Council nu(Ivorize I{�e City Mnnager [n finp(ize and e.xenRe �he anached upduled interincal jor 6uildir�g p(an revieN• servires far �he Cily ojAirway Heigh[e'. Building Officiel MeGae explained Ihat Airway Heights would like to extend the curtent interlocal as an ongoing agreement, and said Ihey were very coinplimentary wi[h our staffs responsiveness; and said staff will inwrpora[e this into their curten[ workload so there is no additional budge[ naeded. Mayor Towey Council Regular Meeting 06-2N-2011 Page 3 of 5 Approvcd by Council: 07-26-201I invited public coinments; no comments were offered. Vo(e by Acclmnation.� Lr Fwor: Unanimaus. OPposed.' No�re. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey invited public comments; no comments wem offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 7. Develooment Aereement CPA 0°-I I Co o Plan Amendment (SL John V'anney)—Karen K d II As before on lhis issue, Councilmember Woodard recused himself from Niis issue and lek ihe council chambers. Via her PowerPoint presenlation, Assistant Planner Kendall explaincd that tliis development agreement is in associa[ion with comp plan antendment 02-I I which proposes changing the comprehensive plan for the parcel 45174 � I03 (403 N Walnut Road) from Low DensiTy Residential tu Medium Density Residential, and to change tha zoning from Residen[ial-3 ro Mul[i-Family-I; and noted that the public hearing for [his issue is set For July 12; and since this is a comp plan amendment, sueh change would be enacted via ordina�ice; and Me Connelly addcd that a[ thc time of the second reading of the ordinance, the development would also be befure council for approval consideratioq all of which needs to be done prior to a pennit being issued; tha[ the developmem agreement would limit or condi[ion the zonc change; and iC Council choose to say "nd` m ihe comp plan amendmeny N�en the issue is over, or Council could approve the amendmen[ and tlie devclopment, which would bc filed witli [he County Auditor and which regulations would run with the lanc and be part of the proper[y in the fu[ure. Councilmember Woodard retumcd to [he Council chambers and the dias. S. Sora�ue Avenue Ballot Issuc—Neil Kers[en Cary D iskell M'k Jack�o Pablic Works Direc[or Kersten said at the mee[ing two weeks agq Council indicated tliey wanteA ro see a schedulc and rost and asked ro come bacA wi[h additional information including in(ormation on a traffic analysis. Mr. Kersten said he met with representatives from HDC Engineering who worked closely wi[h SRTC on the modeling, and he presented e very tight schedule to meet [he August 16 deadline for placing a matter on [he balbt. Director Kersten said to help with the explana[ion of the impac[ of this issuq he suggested putting [his in nvo steps, with the first part a s[udy to see if any parts are Cailing and [o conduct general discussion of lhe haffc impacts, and if council wan[s to pmceed, step 2 would be a full analysis of all intersectiuns, which could resul[ in minor modifications, and then get thc Final cost cstimates, and said council migh[ have to hold a special meeting for the final decision conceming placing this on the balbt. Mr. Jackson said tha[ tliis matter tonight docs not include a motioq and if council wants to go fonvard, we could come back for a motion [o do the he�c study, adding that we are up against the doadli�e to ge[ this done in time f'or the November ballot. Mr. Kerstcn said the modcl has been updated as thc study is several ycnrs old. Mayor Towey asked iTthe study would be benef cial, and Mr. Kcrsten replied i[ would onty be useful for [his ballo[, two-way measure; [hat we cannot use [he prior model as it included lhe entire cortidor es well as excending Appleway in diffcrent configura[ions, and said thc study is four years old al ihis point; he said we could use a portion, but the former study did the corridor in [erms of timing, i.e. how long it takes to ge[ from one section to another, and we would need [o do this for Ihis project specifically to make sure it works. Councilmember Grassel said the quesiion for the public is, keep it one or nvo ways froin University m Argonne; and she questioned why a dollar amoun[ need s to be included as she stated Hia[ confuses the matter, and Councilmember Woodard agreed we dodt need a dollar figure to move fonvard. CounciLnember Grafos agrecd an advisory vote could be taken but said he is not in fawr of Wming it around, and agrecd a decision should be made by lhc cilizens. Mayor Towey said part of che dccision Tor ci[izens would bc how much tax dollars should go toward this and feels a dollar amount would lend to better decisions. Councilmember Hafner said the question citizens would ask would be the cost and feels thet must be know as well as how this would affec[ Applcway. Direc[or Kersren said we could describe that in detail in Hte bond regarding what roads would be changed, [hal we cannot providc a map in the bond bu[ a map could bc made available; and perhaps if an advisory vote, an appropriate amount wuld be includcA m give [he public an idea of [he cosf, whether the $6 million for the entire cost, or another f gure; Ite said this was in Council Regular Mee�ing 05-2R-201 I Page 4 of 5 Appraved by Council: 0]-26d011 [he SARP and i[ showed the cross-sec[ions of all the sveets with landscaping and said that would be di�cult [o pu[ into a ballot. Mr. Jackson explained [hal he was [alking about a bond measure so the public would know the cos[ and could de[ermine if they would be willing to pay for iT, [hat we could do an advisory vote, or a ballot measure with a funding option, or could even do it on a ballo[ other than the upcoming November balloL Councilmember Gothmann suggesred cowmil needs [o know the havel time before taking the leap to the ballot; that we nced to know the affec[ on intersections; and if it goes to a ballot, there will be a big difference from what people will vote for if a ta�c increase is included; and said the cos[ is not $6 million but would be closerto $4 million to re-furbish Hiat road. �urther discussion induded commcnt [hat a decision needs to be made or we will run out of time; that the scope of the issue needs lo be defined; a statemen[ regarding impact on Appleway should be addressed; that we should no[ waste timc or money for an advisory vo[e but rather detemtine iF the pcople want it and are willing to pay Por it Ihat most people laugh at an advisory vote as it is not binding; and if this issue goes to a ballot withou[ tlie ci[izens knowing [he facts, it will likely not pass; and comment Gom Councilmember Grafos that we spcnd the $70,000 for the smdy, and take i[ to the ballot to settle thc issue; and comment from Councilmember Hafner and Towey that n decision needs to be made this year, and if we are going [o nsk the public to vole, we need all the information. Therc were no objections m moving forward with the sNdy and have staff come back wi[h a mo[ion to place the issue on the balbt. 9_Advance Aeenda — Mayor Towev Councilmember Woodard asked when Council would discuss economic dwelopmen[, and Mr. Jackson indicated i[ is scheduled for next week. INFOf2MATION ONLY Graffiti Laws and Policies, Support Letter [o Departmcnt of Corrcc[ions, 201 I Justice Assistance Grant, and Department Reports were all information only itcros and were not reported or discussed. EXECUTN6 SF.SSION: Po[ential Litiga[ion [RCW 4230.110(i)] II was moved by DepuN Muyor Schimnrels and .reconded, to odjourn into esectdive .ression ,for appro.xi�nnlely 15 rnimNes (a discuss paentinl /itigalian, and !ha[ no action is anficipaled upmi ret:vn (a open .ression. Council adjourncd into executive session a[ Z55 p.m. Mayor Towey declared Council out of execu[ive session at 8:12 p.m., and it was Ihen moved by Deputy Mayor Schirmriels, seconded a�ed tm�oeimous[y agreed, ro adjour2 The meeting adjourned at 8:12. � � ATTEST;, omas E. Towey, Mayor � / � �,�( Christine Bainbridg�„ ity Clerk Cowcil ReRular Mee�ing 0648-201 I Pngc 5 of 5 Approved by Councii: UZ26-201 I GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CTTY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 28, 2011 GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAHING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTE Please si n in if ou wish to make ublic comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOUR COMPLETE TELEPHONE PLEASE PRINT YOU WILL SPEAK ADDRESS ABOUT l LO i ' . n r�( I,✓c 1 �-.. r W�, f � 544 � - S�o/ 1 (—, r�( I�"[Yi ��ia,J C�✓-sts��.rs g�i ,vv,>�T�w✓ tr'r�C� k,xr Shc- e�-� Please note thal once rnjormn(ion is enlered on this jorm, it becomes a public record subjec( lo public disclosure.