2011, 07-05 Study Session Minutes MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokaue Valley CiTy Hall Council Chambers Spoksne Valley, Wsahiegton July 5, 2011 6:00 p.m. Anendance: Councilmembers StaH Tom Towey, Mayor Mike Jacksoq City Manager Gary Schimmels, Deputy Mayor Neil Kersten, Public Works DirecYOr Bill Gothmanq Councilmember Mark Calhoun, Finance Director Dean Grafos, Councilmember Ka[hy McClung, CommuniTy Dev. Direc[or Brenda Grassel, Councilmember Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Morgan Koudelka, Sc Administrative Analyst Ame Woodard, Councilmember Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Towey called the mee[ing to order at 6:00 p.m. 1. Justice Aesietance Grant — Morean Koudelka Senior Administra[ive Analys[ Koudelka explained that our City was allocated $34,812 es part of [he Edward Byrne Memorial ]ustice Assis[ance Gran[ (]AG); Iha[ for our £rs[ five years, we participated in [his grant join[ly witti Spokane County and Spokane CiTy, but [his and las[ year we have applied for t6e funding on our own. Mc Koudelka seid that these funds are designed to support all components of the criminal justice system, and with the assistance of Police Chief VanLeuven and the SherifPs Office, [hey have iden[iFed some law enforcement expenditures tha[ would achieve the goals [his grant has identified which would meet some of our ongoing needs. Mr. Koudelka said the application deadline is 7uly 21, and no match is required. Iden[ified expendiNres, he explained include NIBRS (crime reporting) for $16,250, Aircards (data encryption) at $10,318, and Target Ammunition for $8,244; and he gave a summary of those expendi[ures. Councilmember GoUunann asked about assurances [ha[ the targe[ ammunition is no[ supplan[ing wha[ we already have, and Chief VanLeuven said the targe[ ammunition is continuing and ongoing, and they qualify on a qnarterly basis, and said the ammunition in reference [o the JAG would not be supplanting wha[ we have. City Manager Jackson said supplan[ing might no[ necessarily mean each line i[em bu[ it means you cannot accept the grant and [hen go back and reduce your budget. There was diswssion abou[ [he gran[ permitting us to take 10% of the funds to use for administrative cos[, and Mr. Koudelka and Mr. Jackson both s[ated the idea is to use all these funds toward law enforcemen[ equipment and o[her iden[ified expenditures, and for us to absorb the small $2,400 administra[ive cos[, and there were no objec[ions from cwncil. 2. Ec000mic Develooment— Kst6v McClune and Mike Jackson Per his PowerPOin[ presen[ation, CiTy Manager Sackson gave a quick summary of what tonighPs discussion will include based on discussions over [he las[ few yeazs and most recently at the June 14 reVeat he said [ha[ economic development is a vast field and he hopes [o ge[ input &om council for items [o add [o [he list, [ha[ [onighYs discussion will include several [hings Spokane Valley is doing now [o encourage economic developmenT, that there are many par[ners, there has been recen[ activi[ies; tha[ he seeks counciPs inpu[ and said he feels we have a good basis for moving forward for a SWOT (streng[hs, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis in the fu[ure. Mc Jackson said it is important to develop an Council SNdy Session Minutes July 5, 2071 Pege 1 of 6 Approved by Cowcil: luly 26, 2011 economic development mission, which is something to work on in the near future if that is counciPs des've, and said a mission is imperative if we want to move to an acNal plan; but for now, [he emphasis he explained, is what can we do right away, and suggested perhaps taking this in rivo phases, and delay the actual plan for [he time being; he said we need a cleaz understanding what we want to achieve for [he plan so a specific scope of work can be drafted. Slide 4 shows a list of some agencies which focus on economic development, and Mr. Jackson said the city has no[ taken a very ac[ive role in the past, although there have been numerous mee[ings with staff and GSI (Greater Spokane, Inc.), and said they (GSI) are lis[ening to [ry [o provide [he kind of ineasurements we seek, and Mr. Jackson said we can work [oward determining what [hey have done for us in [he past and about their economic developmen[ resul[s and work [oward measuring that and getting feedback firom GSI as well as [he other organizations lis[ed. Mr. ]ackson said he attended a GSI meeting a few months ago when Healthcare Resource Group gave a presenta[ion which included [heir reasons for reloca[ing from Post Falls to Spokane Valley, as shown on slide 5, adding [ha[ tha[ group is getting ready [o expand. Mr. Jackson said [here have been several economic studies done over [he years, but perhaps we should start to look a[ different ways of ineasuring our success, as empty store fron[s dodt tell the whole picture; and suggested we work to ge[ a sense of how we're doing for our community and not focus so much on empty space. Councilmember Go[hmann said other cities have received grants for improving business distric[s and sugges[ed that would be a point [o pursue, adding tha[ we need to ask these businesses what would work for [hem and develop plans to meet Nose needs. In discussing slide 8 showing lis[s of those agencies which have received grants from Spokane Valley, Mc Jackson said we support those agencies which [hen help increue tourism and give us a greater sense of communiTy, and [ha[ we need ro de[ertnine what they are doing and find a way to measuro [ha[ work. Councilmember Grassel men[ioned the idea of researching what other en[ities have done or can do with those lodging taY allocazions, and said Olympia used the funds for a childreds museum; or perhaps funds could be used [o create a fartner's marke[ for Spokane Valley, and said more information needs [o be gathered in that regard. Mr. Jackson mentioned the importance of having a good infras[ructure; [hat we have an excellent track record even in [his economy and have aggressively pursued gants; Discovery Playground recently opened and Greenacres is under development, and all three pools were recenNy renoveted; and said people often comment on our good roads. Mr. Jackson said our ciTy is an outstanding economic development attraction as we have a balanced and sustainable budget, money in the bank, low proper[y ta�ces, no ciTy business and occupation tac, no impact fees and only one utility tax which supports [he street fund. Councilmember Grefos said we need advertising to tell our story and promote those importan[ items, which brought up the question of [he I-90 signage. Mr. Jackson said staff is working with WSDOT (Washington State Department of Transportation) to determine the cost, and said it looks like if we wait until WSDOT 2places the signs, [here would be no wst to us, but we do not know their schedule ye[, and said [his topic will be on an upcoming council agenda. Councilmember Woodard said he spoke to a business owner who did no[ realize our city had a balanceA budget, and said we need to ge[ tha[ word ou[ to make people aware of our staNS. Councilmember Grassel asked if other jurisdictions have ciTy business and occupation [ax, and Mr. lackson said he can come back wi[h those comparisons, and he mentioned that there is also a s[ate business and occupation tas. Mr. Jackson said our permit process is cri[ically importan[ and CommuniTy Developmen[ Director McClung will lead tha[ discussion as there have been many things pu[ in place to move us in [he righ[ direction. Community Development Director McClung said there is never a"perfec[ pertnit process" as there are always revisions to do and ways to make things better, she explained [hat some of the changes made include tha[ we no longer require signatures from Health and Wa[er Districts on boundary line adjustments; we have modified the si[e plan requirements to [he minimum necessary; we wnduc[ electronic notification of ou[side agencies, and we con[inue to refine [he handouts; and explained [hat there are handouts for every type of applica[ion process; tha[ ci[iuns can get an application orvline or a[ Council SNdy Session Minules Juty 5, 2011 Page 2 of 6 Appmved by Council: July 26, 201 I the permit center; and that staff cons[antly works to make sure we are explaining [hings as clearly as possible, and that people have the latest infortnation as the Municipal Code changes. Director McClung went over the list on slides 12 and 13 of improvements made to the permit process, and said that all staff have constant public interactioq they all went tivough customer service training; that they have policies on customer service standazds and certain items are written down about greetings or what to do in case of certain problems; that there are three managers who supervise staf'f and we do follow ups when a problem surfaces; and Ms. McClung agreed that [he physical re-aligning of the depar[ment sM1ould make a large difference in [he streamlining processes. Direc[or McClung said [he deparhnent has reduced the turn-around time by a[ least one week for all applications; that commemial applications take about fourteen days to approve or to get back to the applican[ on wha[ is needed, and many times the process is complete prior to fourteen days; she said stafT works wi[h applican[s and meets wi[h them informally before a permi[ is submitted in order So further sVeamline the process and assist [he public. Fur[heq Director McClung explained, we previously relied on ou[side consultants conceming national floodplain certi£ca[ions, bu[ tha[ is now done intemally and moves much fas[er. Councilmember Grassel asked about keeping a tracking sys[em of repea[ed citiun concems so staff could bring [hose back to wuncil for possible code changes; and Direc[or McClung said staff keeps a database of things that should be clarifieA or of problems in our Code, tha[ Mr. Kuhta keeps tha[ information for processing code amendments. Direc[or McClwg explained [he ofher improvements ro the permit process as noted on slide 13, and said they did a Vaining session with s[aff to talk about [enan[ impmvements to make it as easy as possible for someone to get in a building; that they specifically look at the planning requirements; she said building codes are consisten[, but planning is different; and said when tfie new permits sys[em is opera[ional, we will have [he opportunity [o ezpand our on-line services so [hat among other [hings, people can look on-line and see where [heir permits are in the system. Regarding the proposed physical move of the pertnit center, Mr. Jackson said s[aff is exatnining associated cos[s, and that our lease will also come into play and will have to be discussed with our landlord. After review of slide 15, Councilmember Hefner asked if those figures are [he same for June and ]uly or if the figures are only for the mon[h of May, and Director McClung said she believes those figures are [otal pertnits for the previous year, but will verify that information. City Manager ]ackson said that a few weeks ago he met with members of the Spokane Valley Business Association (SVBA) abou[ the "blue signs" on Appleway; and said that Mr. Hohman sen[ Ietters [o abou[ 180 businesses and sent a work order to Spokane County [o remove the old signs of where names have changed, and [hat he is working with businesses to provide opportuni[ies [o add names ro signs. Mr. Jackson also noted that since 2003, our City has awardeA over $3 miliion to agencies to support tourism, and since 2004 has awarcled almost $900,000 to agencies that support economic development and social services, which he stated is a tremendous investmen[ over [he years. Mr. Jackson then went over the informa[ion on slides 19 through 23 showing business ac[iviry within Spokane Valley. The idea of designating various districts wi[hin [he CiTy, such as e medical distric[ or neighborhood districts, was diswssed, and Councilmember Grafos said he doesdt want to go down [he same path as SARP, which failed as it penaliud one part of the community for [he benefi[ of ano[her, and Mc Jackson said when we discuss districts, we wan[ [o make sure wha[ever is done will be a good fit for the communiTy, and Councilmember Hafner sugges[ed having residents in areas previously known as Opportunity, or Dishman, [o perhaps participate by contributing historical informatioa Mr. ]ukson [hen discussed [he pros and cons of the deba[e over incentives for economic development, and said he'll propose la[er to review with Council the economic chap[er in our Comprehensive Plan, as he £eels the best way [o de[ermine which direction [o move, is to have a specific projec[ or common [ool such es a tzc incremen[ finance dis[ric[. The topic of empowerment zones wes also discussed. Mr. Jackson said tha[ [he acNal business mus[ be located in [he empowerment zone, and [hat he has asked our lobbyist and ciTy attomey ro see what caused [ha[ change in ihe law and whether we could pmvide our own zones; and said Porther overall researcM1 is needed on this topic. Council SNdy Session Minutes luty 5, 201 I Page 3 of 6 Appmved by Council: 7uty 26, 2011 Councilmember Hafner said citizens ask him what services our city provides and said most citizens probably dodt understand or know; and he suggested creating and publicizing an imentory of city resources. Mr. Jackson said GSI infortned us they are on over 2,500 databases throughout the country, but that we need to understand how these things are being used; he said resources exist in the region and as an example explained that Spokane contrac[s with Eas[em Washington UniversiTy for some services, and said perhaps someone &om EWU could prepare a business plan, to start from [he ground up and work [oge[her wi[h city staff; or we could do as we do in Parks and Recreatioq which is when someone asks abou[ a program, if we dodt offer it we have a lis[ of entities tha[ migh[. Councilmember Go[hmann mentioned the Chamber of Commerce's incubator which assists small businesses to get star[ed; and Councilmember Grafos suggested that we have a direct link on our website to such things as [he Si[e Selector, Spokane County maps and parcels, bus schedules, school districts, and a list of parks. As an aside, DepuTy Mayor Schimmels asked if we get any sales tac from tha[ Aviste Plan[, and Mr. Jackson indicated he would check. City Manager ]ackson ifien went over slides 30 through 33 and mentioned some of [he [hings we do well, and some ereas where we could improve; which prompted discussion of the new CryWolf alarm sys[em and [hat i[ works well and saves ciTy resources; the idea of having an economic roundtable, partnering with businesses ro detem�ine if there are gaps in services; brains[orming with others such as the Conven[ion and V isitor's Bureaq and the idea of forming a group of local leaders [o brainstorm ideas and gain addi[ional perspec[ives. Councilmember Grafos said he feels the issue of economic developmen[ needs to be defined by addressing three problems or categories: (1) physical infras[ruclure such as roads, parks, schools, and (2) economic or political infrasWCNre including the attitude of city officials and s[aff toward the community so tha[ ac[ions benefit the ent've community; and (3) to bring in others, such as busicesses and private groups like bikers, realtors, e[c. through information, promo[ion and/or advertising, and address possible incentives, realizing we are limi[ed based on STS[e regulations. Mc Jackson replied [hat we are contac[ing business owners [o find out what they need or wha[ is limiting them or causing them to dose and what we can do. Mr. 7ackson also explained slide 40 which shows preferences indicated during [he council retrea[ [o prioritize poten[ial capi[al projects, wi[h [he majority of choices being the Sprague Swale Landscaping. Mr. Jackson concluded the presentation by diswssing the two- phase plan (short [erm and long term) as shown on slides 42 and 43; and s[ated [hat we dod[ have economic developmen[ in [he business plan; that we support it but no language has been added indica[ing inves[ing city resources; and said we can work with the exis[ing s[aff, but a[ some point the extra work and ou[reach to businesses and community will take additional manpower, adding tha[ he will come back with a six-year plan for s[ormwa[er projects, and tha[ perhaps in abou[ six months we will have a better idea and definition of economic development. Mayor Towey called for a recess a[ 7:55 p.m., and recomened the meeting a[ 8:06 p.m. 3. Sookane Vallev Municiosl Code Title 22: Sienaee and Iandacaoin¢ Reeulations Senior Planner Kuhfa explained the history and regulations of our sign code, which he said began wi[h us using [he Sign Code of Spokane County; tha[ he believes they have likely done some editing [o their cade, but tha[ Ihey have no[ had a major upda[e of [heir code since 2001; he explained how our prwess included Ihe use of a si� committee, which was an ad-hoc council-appointed committee which included si� company represenffitives and business owners and [he committee discussed wha[ is and is not working; adding that even a sign salesman will tell you that too much sign clutter lessens the effect and is not good for busicess, but tha[ [here is no "magic number" on how many si�s should be permitted in one area; he said some jurisdictions have had all free-standing signs removed, and a lot depends on what the community's and counciPs priority is; he also mentioneA we are no[ getting a significant amount of complain[s, bu[ when we do, code enforcement addresses those complaints; and he said mos[ly we hear issues concerning sheamers, banners and [emporary signs. Councilmember Woodard suggested we mt Council SNdy Session Minums luly 5, 20❑ Pege 4 of 6 ApprovW by Councih luly 26, 2011 use sign regulations used on the west side of our sta[e; and Mayor Towey said the business climate needs [o be taken into consideratioq as 2005 was a different climate tMan what we have [oday, and said we need to consider what are signs doing to business today; followed by comment frnm Counciimember Gothmann that he has never seen a comparison with our sign code to any[hing on the wes[ coast, and agreed [here is a point at which you have so many si�s they bewme ineffec[ive. Mr. Kuhta went over the definitions of freestanding or pole signs, monumen[ signs, walls signs, electronic signs, decorative emblems, and temporary signs; then discussed prohibited signs such as reader boards and signs in the right-of-way (except bus benches and official signs); followed by brief explana[ion of nonconfortning signs and aesthetic cortidors. Council discussion ensued regarding bannere and why a permit is necessary; questions about allowing sandwich boards on premises, and a request [o ezamine the regulations for off-premise signs; and Mr. Kuhta said most of the complain[s we receive deal with temporary signs; and in reply to council commen[, Mr. Kuh[a said staff could write some regula[ions to address perpendicular projec[ing signs. Landscaping regulations were discussed cext and Mc Kuh[a men[ioneA some of Ihe reasons why and when landscaping is required; then explained [ha[ we use a point system, which allows for more flexibility and creativity; he discussed landscape buffers and what is required by rype, as well as the [wo types of landscape buffer. Type 1 which is full screening requiring a six-foot obscuring fence, and Type 11 which uses more of an aesthetic buffer. Councilmember Grassel said she has heard some businesses have a problem with the height of vees blocking their signs, and Mc Kuhta said he was not aware of those conflic[ing issues. A[ 9:00 p.m., i[ was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels and seconded !o extend !he meefing for another [hirty minures. Yote by Acc[amation: !n Fuvor.� Mayor Towey, Deputy Mayor Schimmels, and Counci(members Hafner, Grassel, Grajos, and Gothmann. Opposed: Councilmember Woodard Motion carried. Conceming [he point system, Mr. Kuhta seid if a small projec[ is just putting in a few bushes and perhaps a Vce, tM1e point system would not be requireA, adding [hat he would like more definition in our Code [o address that, and to specify when a landscape architect is needed and when one is no[. Mc Kuhta also stated that when a sig� issue azises, they usually have a voluntary compliance agreement, but that staff will not hold up an occupancy pertnit, adding [ha[ a provision is included in the Code that [he direc[or may approve modifica[ions. O[her po[en[ial code amendments as noted by Mc Kuhta, included lowering [he threshold for landscaping for building additions and si[e altemations, or landscaping in [he back of building. Councilmember Grafos suggesteA the cext code [ex[ amendmen[s to come back to council should be more specific on identifying and looking a[ what Spokane County and Spokane City do, that we prohibit sandwich board signs; and that we need [o de[ertnine wha[ our ci[iuns can live wi[h and go from [here. Councilmember Grassel asked abou[ the request by Au[oRow concerning requiremen[s [hey have &om [heir paren[ company and Mc Kuh[a said [hat issue came up in association wi[h SARP, bu[ he has no[ heard any issues outside of the SARP regulations, and said corpomte regulations are no[ unique [o car dealers, that every franchise has what they'd like us to pass, and said we can see if we can build in any flexibility, but said caution is needed so as not to penalize the independen[ entrepreneur, and said he will contact them to see what they might have in mind. 4. Advance Aeenda Councilmember Woodard asked abou[ the [opic of [he si�age on I-9Q and Mr. Jackson replied [ha[ we are waiting for infortnation from W SDOT (Washington Sta[e DeparUnent of Transportation). Council Sludy Session Minutes luly 5, 2011 Pagc 5 of b Approved by Council: luly 26, 201I 5. IntormaSon Items Proposed 2013 TIP Grant Project List, Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency Update, and Argonne Road Corridor Upgrade Projec[ were for information only and were not discussed or repor[ed. 6. Council Check-in Mayor Towey referenced the recently passed legislation conceming the port of entry, and said [he idea of a celebra[ion was broached, that we could hold a celebration at CenterPlace, and that perhaps ow lobbyist Ms. Taybr could let us know of other people to invite. Mr. 7ackson said the legislation becomes effective July 22, and that he'll work with Ms. Taylor for possible dates of either ]uly 20 or July 22. Councilmember Gothmann said he drove pas[ [he area and i[ appeared to be closed, and said perhaps [he celebration could be held there. Mr. Jackson said he would research that idea. 7. Ciri Msnaeer Check-in Mr. ]ackson had no further comments. There being no further business, i[ was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded, and unanimously agreed to adjown. The meeting adjoumed at 9:16 p.m. r u.—o � ATTE : omas E. T ey, ayor Christine Bainbridge, City Cler Council SNdy Session Minutes luly 5, 2011 Page fi of 6 Approvd by Council: luly 26, 20❑