2011, 07-12 Regular Meeting Minutes MINUTF.S City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meetiug Format Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Mayor Towey called the meeting to order ac 6:U0 p.m. Ane d nce� CN Smf!' Tom Towey, Mayor Mike Jacksoq City Manager Gary Schimmels, Depury Mayor Cary Driskcll, City Attomey Dean Grafos, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Brcnda Grasscl, Councilmember Mark Calhoun, Finance Direceor Chuck Hafncr, Councilmember Morgan Koudelka. Sr. Administra[ive Analyst Arne Woodard, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Stevc Worley, ScniorEngineer Mary Kate McGee, duilding Offieial A6SENT: Karen Kendall, Associate Planner Bill Gothmann, Councilmeinber Micki k-larnois, Associate Planner Carolbelle Dranch, Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, CiTy Clerk TNVOCATION: In the absence of lhc scheduled pastor, Patlier Bell gave the imocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEG[A1VCE: Mayor Towey led the Plcdge of Allegiance ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all councilinembcrs were present exccp[ Councilmember Gothmann. It wus moved by Comrci7rnember Grafos, seconded and mrorrimously a��eed lo excuxe CouttciLnember ColHrn�mn from lonigh!'s u�eeting. APPROVAL OF ACENDA: !r wos moved by Depury Mayor Schinmrels, seconded and mamiimow�lv a�'eed to approve (he ngeirAcr. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMNllTTEE BOARD. 1.IAiSON SUMMARY REPORTS: The only councilmember mports were mention from DepuTy Mayor Schimmels and Councilmember Ha(ner that they attended an STA (Spokane Transit AuthoriTy) budget meeting, and mention Prom Deputy Mayor Schimmels tha[ he attended an SRTC (Spokanc Regional Transporta[ion Council) mecting where ihey looked at their financial siNation. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Towey had no rcport. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey invited public commenh, no comments were offered. 1. PUBLIC HF,ARING: Mayor Towey opened thc public hearing a7 6:10 p.m.; after which Councilmember Woodard explaincd [hat since he was a member of Uie Planning Commission during the timc that Cominission was hearing [his issue, and tha[ as the Planning Commission is the recommending body ro council, hc rcwsed himself from this [opic and left the room. Attorney Connelly explained that as part of ihe annual comprehensive plan amendment process, Council considered lhis proposal by St. John Vianney; hc said council asked slaff [o work with [he applicant and the neighbors [o come up witli a development agreemenl to minimize tlie impael Council Rcg�d'ar Mee�ing 07-12-2011 Page I of 8 Approvd bY Cno�cil:0�.26-201 I of the proposed changc, and to bring [hat agreement back [o council; that slaff inet with the proponen[s, but said that [he neighborhood choose not lo participate. Mc Connelly explained that a proposed development agreement was drafted and lhe purpose of [onight's mecting is to reccive public input o� that agrcemenL. and added that thc public hearing is required by statute. Mr. Connelly further esplained that [onight is nu[ [he time for council [o deliberate or wte, but diat it would be appropria[c for council [o ask questions of a clarifying naWre; and said after tonighl; [his issue will come back to council for a first reading of an ordinance, at which time council could choose not m advance the ordinence and thereby le[ the matter die; aod said if the issue continues through the process, the ordinance would adopt Ihe comprehensive plan ehange with a separa[e ordinance amending [he zoning map, which would be subjeo[ ro the condilions stated in tlie developmcnt agreement. Via her PowerPoint presenlation, Planner Kcndall explaincd [he proposed comprehensive plan amcndment anJ huw tltis proposal would change lhe zoning; she explained the density and wen[ over the conditions contained in the agreement. Mayor Towcy invited public wmments. I. Marc Vuvos explained that he was speaking on behalf of Hie "Homeowners and Citizens of the City of Spokane Valicy in the North Valley Neighborhood Against the Developmcnt Agreemen[;" hc had sevcral pwter boards displaying imnges of the parking lot and thc proposed area: tho Frst showing [hat tl�ere is no addi[ional parking proposed in this agreemenl; [he semnd pos[cr was a photo of thc project site, and he said the problem with the pictum is, it doesn't show whem thc proposal is and [hc housing in and around the proposal, which will be affected if this development agreement is allowed. He said the Jensiry of those homes are one home per acre, or perhaps one home per half acre; he said 40 units is an extreme densiTy like Seattle or Portland; and said there is no similar place in Spokanc County; said their 40 uni[s is a density out of place; he addressed Hie parking allotment and said he feels this is an isxie council should review, adding that Ihis could result in about 42 more cars on Nie strect; he mentioned an enginccr who had previously submittcd a proposal and concems about this dcvclopment, induding concems with storm drainage, and said this re-rone al[ers the intent uf the original rezoning, and said the intent is [o preserve the character of Ihe existing development, and rezoning conhadicts thaL In no[ing his allotted speaking time of three mi�mtcs had expired, Mr. Vovos 1sAed For and received Council approval lo continue speaking for ano[her five minu[es. Mr. Vovos said [hat it is evident roads are showing wear and [ear now; that there is no requirement under any law for council lo grant diis proposal as zoning is a legislativc prerogative of local govcrnmen[; he suid this proposal creates parking problems for the neighborhood, the density is too high, there would be issues with stormwater, the surrounding area is single family residential and high-donsiTy apartments are inconsis[ent, that the stmc[ure would be incompatible with the ncighborhood as Hie size, mass and bulk are overwhelmin�; and an insti[ution-type strucnvc does not fit in a historical district; he further said ihc dcvclopment agreement is vaguc and ambiguous and calls for subjective interpretation; and said last May council reccived over one hundred ubjec[ions from citizens; he said property owncrs have a right to diswss issues concerning lhcir community; and that this development is the wmng place and wrone time. 2. Ann Martin, 100 N Stevens: said she wants to put a stop lo [he discussion about parking and said council has a copy of the parking analysis; she said 231 parking stalls are requircd for the entire campus; that 233 parking stalls have been inventoried that currently esist; and this is wi0i the cew use of tlie housin�, the school, the church and with thejoint use agreement; she snid Nie whole thing has been analyzed and [here is adeyuale parking and said although [he civil en2ineer brought up some valid points, this will all be analyzed durine [hc permi[ process; and said they canmt build this without a haffic study and without determining the capacily o(thc scwcq and again said all that will be addressed during the permitting process and not during the land usc process; and reiterated [hat [he parking has been solidified per current code. 3. Dan Hipple. 313 N WalnuC said ho lives closest to the proposal; that he spent a lot of time considering tliis and he applauds the Calholic Church for reaching out to elderly people; said we all need [o consider the eldedy: and suggesred his solution of everyonc [aking an elderly person inm their own homes; he said we have room in our own homes for the eldedy; and said he feels this proposal is not the right place or Ihe righl timc for somcthing likc this. Cuuncil Regular Mee�ing 07-I?-?01 I Page 2 oC 8 Appmved by Counci1:07-2640I1 4. Chris Pierce, 404 N Farr Road: said it is his bt [hat keeps Valleyway very narrow; tha[ he has a historic barn: 1nd said as he s[ated during [he Planning Commission meeting, his goal is to keep Valleyway a dcad- end and that this projects keeps Valleyway a dead-end for 75 years, which he said he wanted included in the agreement; he said he is for the plan, but would like to see a bike lane; tliat he's no[ concerned abou[ property values, as there is the blood center, and [he pom store and some unkempt residences near him; and long [erm he said he worried abou[ a plan along Sprague Avenue due to [his CounciPs inaction in some cases: said his road doesn't have the haffm issues Walnut has on Sundays, and that [his impact will be inconsequential compared with WinCo four blocks from him; said he'd like to see Valleyway and Fart have a fourvway stop; and perheps if this gets builL ro include sidewalks on Farr; and also mentioned he'd be willing lo be on a council but hasn�t been asked; said this project uses HUD muney which means jobs and money to Spokane Valley: he said this council was largely elected on property rights; that [hey own both lors and if you want to bc for property rights, here's an owner who owns both lo[s and wants a fairly simple adjustmcnt. 5. Shelly Stevens, 312 N Walnut Road said parking is an issue, especially on Sundays and during weddings and said [here is-n'� enough parking now for wcAdings and funerals; she said die issue is not the elderly but density, zoning, and land usc; and said pcople need ro educate themselves on whaCs going on; that a HUU building doesdt allow Cor long-term vacancies and they don't discriminate; shc coininended the Church for using HUD, but said less Uian 30% of [hose living lhcre will be Catholic, a�d Uie building wodt be controllcd by Catholics: shc said the developmen[ agreement is vague; and the neighbors dodt want Ihis. 6. Tom Sokol, 2110 S Sunrise Road: said he is a certified residential appraiser in Washington state; hc said he heard comments and read that peoplc feel the project will lower property values, bu[ said in his opinion the project wili enhance the neighborhood; and said in all cases he's aware of where senior housing exists, no adverse affec[s have been measured or detected which impact value; but lo the wn[rery [hey enhance values; and he presen[ed Council with somc pic[ures for council to take in[o consideration of the surrounding area, and said [his project will resul[ in a posi[ive influence and hc urged approval. 7. Jason Helm, 4I4 N Walnut StreeC said he lives almost directly across from where this proposal will take place; that he feels Ihis is a perfect place [o raise a family as most of [he time there is little treffic, escept every day after school he can't get in or out of his driveway; and said it would be a concern with more peuple: that there is too much [herc already and the way [hc street is now is the way iYs mean[ to be; and said he doesdt want sidewalks or otlier improvements. 8. Marie Raschko-Sokol, 2110 5 Sunrise Road: stated she is thc Pastoral Chair at Sc John Vianney, and as representative of the parish, asks Council to support this amendmen[; she said providing services to the elderly is paA of [heir mission since the parish was established in 1949; she said 60% of the neighbors have moved there since 2000; shc said Ihe Parish tried ro work with thc ncighborhood: that the Parish has contributed over $50,000 to [hose in need; they have over 650 registcred families in their parish and the school serves over 200 kids; and said shc has letters and a petition signed by over 350 parish mcmbers in support of this project she said [heir parish is an aging parish and part of their belief is to serve the nceds of the eldedy: that this location was based on s[udies Ihet a residential neighborhood is a perfect place fot senior housing; she caid despite Hie signs, they feel they are a good neighbor as they continue [o let ncighbors use lheir facili[ies, playgmund, and have proposed a walking hail; she said tlie property was a forcclosed piecc of property in poor condition and was on Nie market for over a year, that the only way to provide senior housing was [o work wiNi CaNiolic Charities, as funding wasdt available except through HUD partnership; she said there is no question about [he need as there are over 14,000 seniors in Ihe community and they estimale about I 100 would be cligible for low income housing and there are only [wo o[her facilities in Spokane Valley tliat meet ihat need, and shc urgcd CounciPs support. 9. MaH Daley, 422 W. Riverside, a[torney wi[h Witherspoon-Kelley: said the primary issue wi[h [his amendment is the connection with [he compreheitsive plzn and developing goals; that the planning staff Council Regular Meeling 0]-12-201 I Page 3 uf 8 Appmvcd by Council: 0746-201I gave full support lo all segments of populations where services are available; and said Ihis property is four blocks off Sprague, along bus mu[es and close to grocery stores and other services; and that most residents dod[ drive su being close to a bus route is critical; he said the planning staff specifically found it is ihe righ[ place and in [he midst of one of [he worst economic downtums, he cad[ thinA of a bctter time tbr this projeck he said no one wan[s development in [heir "slice of heaved' but said [he City�s cadt allow for minoriTy rule; anJ care for low income seniors is one o(ihe core principles of the Roman ca[holic Doctrine; hc said the law and Cons[i[u[ion gives religious institutions an immuniTy from land use regula[ions where they unduly burden their free ezercise of religion, and said without this projec[, they cadt fulfill their doctrinal manda[e, which hc said is an issue Ihat mus[ be considered and discussed; and said the issues of parkiog, sewagc and Iraffic .aill be addressed during the pemiitting phasc and if they are burdened, thcrc will be conditions in the permi[s and dedica[ions; and said tltey would Ihen have to "pony up" and remcdiate or won't be able m proceed; and said thc issue is whcther m approvc tlie zoning and comp plan amcndment. 10. Monique Kolonkq 902 �1�. Rolland, business address 12 East fifth Avenue, Spokanc: said she is the Associate Dircctor for Seniors and Housing at Calholic Charities and is responsible [o sce tl�at the housing is meintained and well-staffed, as well as [o make sure [he appropriate people are allowed to move in and [he area remzins safe; she said Ca[holic Charities has a long history of one hundrod years, with Corty-six years in housi�g; and said thal half of their fifteen housing complexes are built in quiet, residential neighborhoods whcre neighbors tcll Ihem they'rc happy they're [here; she said it is safe, clean, and [his proposal will provide affordable housing for about forty individuals, and Iha[ [he project is ccntral to [he parish mission; she said she feels' they will have less [han twenty peuple who will have their own cars and parking will not be an issue: she said lhe development agrcement is clear and not vague; and it will provide low income housing for seventy-five years, and tliat all the concerns of the neighbors will be dealt wi[h in Ihe permitting process; and she asked council to approve [he proposal. 1 I. Kelly Clinger, 312 N Herald Road: said last April a statement was made about how [he proposed fifty ro fifty-two-unit would ruin [he neighborhood, and someone from Catholic Charities assured everyone [hat "at this [ime" diey were only planning thirty-eigh[ [o for[y units, and said [ha[ phase "'at [his time" caught his altention: he said he loves the elderly people and doesd[ [hink that elderly is tlie focal point, but ralher [raffic, he said tha[ he lives close enough and ihere isn't enough traffic: and maybe they'll pu[ more traffm spots Uiere; but if yodre going m expand [hat aree, yodd have to; and what happens aftcr [hey get this through; and asked if we'd be goi�g [hrough this again in another ten years when they decide they need anotl�er ten ur [wclve units and maybe see if they could "push that envelope" a liule further and said if Ihere's a point whcre the road would havo ro be enlarged, they'll havc to take out some of those walnu[ trees; and if the road espands maybe sidewalks would be needed; hc said taxpayers would pay for Hiis road: he said he believes the Catholic Charities is a special interest groug and if [hey had other options, why diddt they pursue those; and he questioned if there is a hidden agcnda unknown m[he public. 12. Levi Strauss, 302 N Walnut Road: said that Walnut is no[ a pcdestrian$iendly street as i[ is narmw and [here are no sidcwalks; he said it's four or five blocks [o the nearest bus station; [hat his daughter attends that school which is A00' from him, but he won't allow her to ride her bike ro school as [here's way [oo much traffic; hc said you [ake your life into your own hands walking down Walnut during a certain timc of day; he said he's against this developmenl and is it wrong; iYs si�nply mo big and said lhe developer is inscnsitive to neighborhood desires; and lhat a 40-unit complex doesdt ft; he said he's disturbed with the agrccmcnl and tliat it is difficult to believe density wasn'[ reduced; that he understood the purpose for thc 60-day cz[cnsion was lo negotia[e an agreement m reduce the density; but said the devcloper rcfuscd to negotiate a lower density; and said staff is rcmiss in not negotiating a lower density; and said if he was a councilmember, he would 6e upset lhat staft relurned with an agreement with the same density as 60-days ago. 13. Sandy Holder, 9814 F. Valleyway: stated [ha[ parking is an issue and it is unacceptable; said she's had people pnrk in her driveway because of insufficien[ parking: she said traffic will inwease; [ha[ she is ron(used about how they know how many peoplc in [hat comples will drive; ihat shc recently had a°deaf Council Rcgular Mteling 07-12-201I Pagc A oB Apprm�ed Fy CnunciL 0]-2G-2011 child° sign taken down and is now even more concemed and she urged council to think abou[ this as thcre seems [o be a lot of hidden agendas; that this is not big enough for this, and trees will be knocked do�an; [hat a few o(ihe neighbors met with Catholic Charities and it makes it sound like the neighbors were discegarded; and said she fcl[ Council had instmcted staff [o come up with a smaller business plan. 14. Patricia Wardian. 12022 E. 4'� Avenue: said she's been a membcr of the parish since it was founded in 1949: her children all attended [hat elemen[ary school; [hat she has limited income and coulddt put asidc inoney in a retiremen[ account; [hat she's very supportive of Ihis project and said she'd 6e eligible to live [here; that she doesn't drive so it would be ideal to be so close to the church she's still involved with. I5. Tim Diebeq 312 N Fart: said he hopes people don't forget diat the Planning Commission, the experts, vo[cd against this four to two; and hopes their input is taken into consideration when going Ihrough this process; said hc wants council [o think about other little towns where businesses go bccause they have the small-town a[mosphere; [hat he hopes Council doesdt strip our ciry of iPs small town atmosphere; and to always ok growth is not a way to manage a ciTy; that sometimes a rejcction is mom for growth; thai we have to prescrve some of [he heritage; and that you nccd a permit to knock down sie trees on an acre of land and they did more than six witliout a permit; and he said he is wncerned about the rush on this. Ib. Greg Takisaki, 11805 E. 37'�: said hc has been a member of [he church for [hc last thirty years, and he encouraged a positive vote on [he rezonine; he encouraged council to review the facts and no[ Ihe "what-i(s;' but to look at exactly what this project will do; he said this is an outreach ministry to all low income residents in the area, and has never only been for a certain group; he said from the outse[, diey encouraged everyone to visit [he other Catholic Charities facilities', but no one took up tha[ offer, end if they had, they would have seen [hese facilities blcnd well inm the neighborhood; he said this is an ideal place and seniors dodt want to live on somc sterile place; that we'd all like to be with our loved ones, but that docsdt always work out so easily. 17. Chris Piercc, 404 N Farr Road: spoAe again asking abou[ ownership of tl�e right-of-way where Valleyway would be; and said acrording lo a map in the comprehensive plan, it appears there is no ciTy owcership of [hat area; and Mayor Towey responded ihat it is his understanding thal the city owns tha[ right- of-way. IS. Susan Strauss, 1215 N Hereld: said this is a mixed neighborhood; she likes to live [here and is interested in the trees: said [hose trees they cut down wcre a hundred years old; that she heard they were discased but would like to see that documentcd; she said they did no[ replace any of those historical walnu[ trees; and reiteraicd about saying the hees were diseased. 19. Joe I3ell, N 502 Fart Road: said he's' [hc pastor at St. John Vianney Church; thc property is located between fart and Walnu[, and there's about five acres, [het there are several buildings on the property including a school, gym, and a house for the pastor, said [hc parish purchased [he I.1 acres in June 2009 which was when he came on as pastor, said he knew the reason for the purchase was [o provide affordable housing for many seniors in the community, and had discussions about Catholic Charities because of their strong hisfory of success in providing affordable housing; he said part of tlie parish mission statement is m seek to serve one another in love, especially thc poor and weak among us; said they seek the zoning change to make it possible to scrve pcople in Spokane Valley; and he said he is submitting about 370 signatures on a petition as well as some letters, in favor of [he zoning change. 20. Kennelh Curry 625 N Herald RoaA; said he's against this proposel; seid naffic is bad; he cadt walk there without worrying about being hit; that [he issue is not about the elderly but about the density of what it would do to Iha[ iieighborhood; that O'Mnlley is on an arterial end not on a residential; and the other home is not residential bu[ in commercial and said we are not like Walnu[ Road; said it's hnving too much in one place, and said that would be out of place and he's against it. Council Regular McGing 07-12-201 I Pagc 5 of 8 Approvcd by Council: 07-26-2011 21. Marilyn Frei, 8429 E. Bull Pine Lane: esplained [hat she is a widow and a senior citizen; so according to statistics is mos[ likely to live her last years in poverty; said she is fortunate [o live in her own home; said she lives in a beautiful neighborhood; a gorgeous place to be; and said just because people are old and poor, does [hat mean [hey are supposed m live in boarded up houses and old lols; shc said CaUiolic Chari[ies hu a reputation of having beautiful homes for [he eldedy and disadvantaged; said thcy screen [he applican[slresidents, and she urged council to approve ihis project and said it is [he right Ihing for seniors. 22. Magdalena Platt, 623 N Dartmouth Road: said she feels like [he new kid o� the block aRer moving back [o Spokane Valley after living in Califomia; said the term that comes tio mind is, if you build it thcy will comc; she said she docsdt want [hat m happcn [o their neighborhood; that she moved back to Spokane Valley because of the small town feel; she said [his is a growth issue and she urged council to consider that the small town feel could go away, and that historical perspective might go away; and she urged council to voce no. 2i Tammy Olsen, 415 N Farr Road: said she has been hearing that traffic is no[ an issue; bu[ said that between Farr and Walnut, [raffic is an issue and will be even more of an issuc since Winco's has come in; said the road traffic inereased dras[ically and thcy have to wai[ to get ou[ oftheir parking lots; that she is against this and said it doesn't belong in this particular neighborhood. 24. Jerry Richardson, 320 N Herald: said hc never intendcd ro speak that hc has been waiting for Marie from the church [o come down and discuss it wi[h him; explained [ha[ if you pul this project in it'll ruin the neighborhood; he urged voting againsf this and said there are plenTy of places elsewhcre and there arc a bt of options staff hasn'[ come up wi[h; said if they are such good ncighbors, [hey'll sec the signs; and he urged council [o vote against the proposal. Thcre were no further public comments and Mayor'I'owey closed the public hearing at 7:42 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA Consists o( irems considered routine which are approvcd as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from [he Consent Agenda ro be considered seperately. a. Approval of claim vouchers [otaling $2,144,129.86 b. Approval of Payroll (or Period Ending June 3Q 2011: $39Q343.68 c. Approval of Minutes oF7une 14, 201 I Special Meeting, Council Re[rea[ d. Appmval of Minu[es of 7une 14, 2011 Formal Council Mee[ing. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimme(s, secarded and w�animous7y agreed m approve (he cona�ent agenda. NEW BUSINFSS 3 Second R d�nt; Pr000sed Ordinance 11-012 for Street Vaca[ion STV 01-I I— Micki Harnois It was moved bt� Depxry Mrrvm� Schirnmels nnd semnded tn odopt ordinance 11-012. After Planner Hamois went over [he proposal, including mention ofthe option council previously choose �ot [o charge for the stree[ vawtioq Mayor Towey invited public comment, and no comments were offeeed. Vote bv Acdnma(ion: Gr Favor: Unaninm«c Opposed: Nwie. Molion carried. 4 Motion Consideration: 2011 Justice Assistancc Gran[—Morean Koudelka 1[ was moved by Depury Mayor Schimmels and secon�le�l m aalhorize (he City Manager lo .cubmit the upplimliar for !he 2071 Edrvord l3v+'ne Memorial Justice Assisfance (irm�t. Mr. Koudelka brieFly wen[ over the highlights of Ihc grant, as explained previously, after which Mayor Towey imited public commenls; no eomments were offered. Va[e by Acclanmtion: In Favwc Unm�imous. Opposed.' None. Motion cm��ied. Cnuncil Regular Mee[ing 07-12=!01 I Fage fi of 8 Approved by Council'.07-26-?011 5 MoC n Cons'deration� Intedocal Aereement with Island Counry—MarvKate McGee It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimnvels nnA seconded to authorize l/�e Ciry Monoger lo eeecute and fiirnlize �he inter/ocal ivith [sfmrd Caunry for �he purpose of "piggybncking" on the G�laid Counry rompetilive bid process for !he pimchase of the Pn(ndin SnmrtGon permil tracking systenz Building Official McGee explained Ihat Island County also wcn[ Ihrough this process and received unanimous approval from their board; and she esplained the piggybacking op[ion and how it saves time and money and allows us [o quickly move through this purchasing pmress, adding that [hcir stafT indicated the system esceeded expecta[ions and all went smoothly. Mayor Towey invited public commenis; no comments wem offered. �ote by Acclamation: ln Favm�: Unanimo�u'. Opposed: None Motian camied. 6 M fon Co �d ratio � S oolemcnt I Aereement w'th DKS Assoc'ates — S[eve Worlev 1� was rnovetl by DepuN Mayor Schimmels and seconded, !o au�horize [he City Manager nr designee to execule Supplementn] Agreen�enl #3 wilh DKS Associales in !he amoun! af $92,639.74 far' righf-of-woy ucquisitimi on the �rgonne Rood Cnrridor (Ipgrode Projec� tl0060. Senior Engineer Wodey explained Niat the purpose of thc agreement is to keep the pcoject moving forward and acquire right-of-way, that the estimated cost for those services is 592,539; and tliat this inerease added m thc original contract would exceed the City Manager's $200,000 contract authority, and thereforc council approval is required. After brief council discussion, Mayor Towey invired public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acdmrmfion: G� Fmw�: Onnnimous. Oppoe'ed: None. Mo[ion carried. Deputy Mayor Schimmels suggested that review o( con[ract pmcedures might be a good topic for an upcoming study session, and City Manager Jackson agreed and said staff will sehedule that for an upcoming mee[ing. 7 MoC C sideratio � B II t Measu e So ae e Avcnce—N �I Ke sfen Carv Dr'skell Mike Jackson It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schivamels m�d seconded to ou(horize !he Citv Manoger m prepare an ordittance and resolu[ian J�or Coznrci! crn�sidernlion ro p7ace dre one-wtry vzr�sus nva-rvoy Sprague/Apple.vcg� issire on fhe November 8, 2011 balfoe Public Works Direcror Kersten explained that step one of tlie trafl5c modeling has been completed to give a broad picture of what will happen; and said that Mr. Ross Kelley of HllR Gngineers will bavc a PowerPoint pmsentation explainine Phase 1 Initial Tralfic Analysis. Mr. Kelly explained iha[ the purpose of ihc s[udy was to identify am fatal flaws in [he [raffic operations using esisting and rough 2030 traffic volumes, and if no fatal flaws were discovered, they would recommend moving forward as per tlie June 28 council decision to takc a more in-depth reviewed analysis on this change and haffic con[rol, and to define impac[s and potential mitigations; and he said they wncludzd that they see no reason not to movc forward, and they recommend refining thc 2030 forecast using the SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) travel demand model; and in order to eomplece [he necessary steps in time for the November ballot, that perhaps Council would schedule a special wuncil mee[ing for August I5, as the deadline is close of business August 16 to officially notify thc Counry Elec[ion Office for November ballot issues. There was discussion on using a?% or 1.5% growth number, and Mr. Kelley indica[ed he has never scen 2% growth in the valley, particularly in an already established area Councilmember Hnfner brought up the preliminary cost estimate and the idea oF adding landscaping cos[ of over $5 miilion m the project, and i[ was mentioned that further details should be available in Phase II of the sWdy. Mayor "Powcy inviled public comment. Dick 6ehm, 3626 S. Rideeview Drive: commented on [he Iraffic coun[s and said in 1997, he remembered it was pretty close to iQ000; anA also spokc concerning tlic lane configuration as shown on the slide presentation page 14 showing [hrec lanes, and said he had thought it was going m be two lanes each way and a cen�er lurn lano, but [hat he dnesdt see that in the information. David Hazzard. 132 � 8 L 10��: said [ha[ business is war and tlie problem on Sprague is as a result o(the esplosion of busincss on north Sullivaq and said changing tliat back won'[ help much, and said he is mt in favor now of entering into a multi-million dollar gucssing game. There were no further comments. Further counciVstaff discussion con[inued with Councilmember GraTos sta[ing thc need to put this issue to a public vote; Director Kersten said the $1.6 million figure would be further refined, and if [um lanes will be Council Regular Mee�ing 07-12-2011 Pagc 7 of R Approvcd by Council: 0]-26QU I 1 needed, that cost will inaease; and asked for guidance on the landscape issue, explaining [hat $1 million would include loose sod, irrigation and trees, while $3 million would include basically what was included in the SARP (SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan), including moving the curb on [he north side of Appleway and making room tbr a multi-use pa[h along Apple�5�ay. Mc Kelley again mentioned [hat the 1.5% figure on growth is the best engineering number available. At 9:00 p.m., it was moved by Depury Maynr Schirnmels, secm�ded and unm�inmuslv a�reed !o extend !he rneeling f fieen minutes. Councilmember Woodard agreed m move to phase 2 oP the analysis and schedule Ihe special August I S meeting; Mayor Towey said if is counciPs responsibility ro makc sure cititens have all the information possible and he also agreed to move forward; Councilmcmbers Grassel and Grafos agreed to build the landscaping cost in the mi�. �ote by acc(amu[ion mr rhe mo(ion lo av(horize the Cig� Manager fo prepare an ordirr�nice and resolu[ion for Counci7 cansiderotirni to place the o»e-wav versus rtva-wav Spragne/App7eway issue an dre November 8, ?011 bal[ot ba Favor: Urranimoas. Oppased.� Norre Motiat corried. MrJackson said staff will prepare the ordinance based on total mst and council can consider [hat at an upcoming meeling, and to indude the landscaping, transi[ion and surfacc stonnwaler cos[s. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Towey imited public comments. Chris Wetherell 7T2 C Utah Avenue, spoke regarding the quiel zones and said he thought it would be on [onighYs agenda. Ciry Manager Jeckson explained [hat issue is scheduled for luly 26. Mr. Wetherell thanked council for [heir attention ro this topic. AllMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 8 Advance Aeenda — Mayor Towev City Manager Jackson said a special meeting will be se1 Cor 6 p.in. August 15 in order to address [he ballot issue. Mayor 'lowey mmmen[cd Ihat we have a joint meeting scheduled with the County Board of Commissioners for August 31, and said if Councilmembers have any topics they wish included on [hat agenda, [o let him or staff know. Councilmember Crnssel extended compliments to stafF regarding the web channel and said the picWre and sound qualiry aee excellenL Mr. Jackson indicated e reception is plenned for .luly 22 to reeognize the efforts of the legislators in passing House Bill 1922 eoncerning cattle [rueks going through the port of entry, and said that celebra[ion will be held a[ 430 at CenterPlacc, a�d our lobbyist Ms. Taylor will be sending ou[ invi[ations soon. INFORMATION ONLY. The hidiana Speed Limit and CommuniTy Developmen[ Monthly Report werc for information only and were not reported or discussed. There being no further business, it was moved by Depury Mtryor Schirnmels, secortded, aed unanimous/y ngreed !o adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. i f_ ATTEST i'homas E.'Cowey, Mayor i Christine Bainbridge, City Cleck Council Regular Mee�ing 07-I2-201 I Pa6z R nf 8 Approved by Councih U7-26401I �,,, ��� jValley SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Please sign below if you would like to speak at the Public Hearing on the Development Agreement Associated with Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 02-11 (St. John Vianney) PRINT NAME AND ADDRESS POR THE RECORD There may be a time limit for your commen[s. An}' documents for Council consideration should be provided to the City Clerk for distribu[ion. NAME PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS TELEPHONE t� C;c k -k G 5. >��ci.,� -� 9.��/ ,�: o�os � ��� cU. �-.� � �� � � �- �lh�,� �S- lI � i •� �- Ko I o���•.� � oa w� 1\ a y 5`i -(� � k'7 /.( SO�Ca� �llo S Suur��� tC i3 b" 6 St' ti I.� .� I u��' �- l/ � r r� �/� �%y�� , � �J R�� �`�ayC.�c� Pi,J� �.J 9a4•�sn - ..1�� � c r V� 3 \Z, �-�.,v�,,. C( Z�- `� � � � i � �et �3 i��, . J�7 c a�-o �r�s�z' �rcc�'-� �4 � fa �i� ��7 r ��i� � S �-�.�c....,o J �� Please note that once injnnnatior� is entered on �his jorm, it 6erome a public record subject to public disclostme. GENE RAL PLTBLIC COMMENT SIGN-IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CTTY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Ju►y 12, 2011 GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GF.NERALLY BE LIMITED TO TgRF,F. MINGTF. Please si n in if ou wish to make ublic comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOUR COMPLETE TELEPHONE PLEASE PRINT YOU WILL SPEAK ADDRESS UT , _ �� �`^" � sa a � -5�.� /osa�c � fS��'kJe 9a�-3�, w '' � �l`,� .e � � l'Llll, �� 4�3h� ee ?» � � .�a � , �_ ��� G,- �- -,, ��,�- � s�fe� � �; �u �i� R,�,R� Plense nole t/mf once informafian is en(ered on 1Lis form, it becomes a pub(ic recard subject fo public drsc/osure. � � • s !• � • e • � ^ � a �• Purpose of the Study • PhaseI: Identify fatal flaws in the traffic operations using existing and rough ao3o traffic volumes. • PhaseII: Take a refined analysis on the impacts and potential mitigations (SRTC travel demand modeling). i - --- _-� _ � _ -- ---- =---- Study Area • Sprague-Appleway Couplet ( Argonne to University) � r' ry ' �`a - � � �1 � i' .. � lv.t. .- .. . � jJ � 1 � �{ , _' 1 �L �.- 1 ��iJ �1��� . ;I j} ,. y . 4 -., _ i �.c 3�� t l :.,���� � —V �' + � `� tl�� r �.' � i U�, i ; i p � �' � ��5� . 1 x�'' �_i -� .� .a � r i�4� '� �.. 3 Phase I- Scenarios • One-Way Couplet Operation (Couplet): • Existing Demand AM Peak and PM Peak • Future Traffic Demand (zo3o) with i.5% annual traffic growth • Two-way Street Operation (Two-Way): • Existing Demand AM and PM Peak • Future Traffic Demand (ao3o) with i.5% annual traffic growth z - , ��--- < , . . _----_� Traffic Growth • HistoricalGrowthalongmaidors Sp2gueeast ofUnlversit (SpragueeastofUniversityasan rea, oan co��e example). �ao 2zaoo 1983 230W -Traffic varies year hy year i9ee ea eao y996 38000 -Trafficdecreasesafterzoo4. igy� zvaoo • SRTC Mode] Traffic Growth in the ��^3 ss soo StudyAi�ea zp�pa Z7ppp • TrafficgrowthvariesbysVeets zoio z zao • AM peak average gi�owth 37% �°3"�o�n591 ze,ss3 from zoo8 model to zo3o model zo�a ��/z� �o.nn ni sai • PM peak average gmwth 3o%u &om aao8 model to za3o model • Mannualgrowthofi.s%otcanslatesto 3q%growth from xoo8 to zo3o. s Couplet vs. Two-Way (Existing Traffic Demand) Intersection Level of Service Comparison � Fxisevg AM Peak , Exls W8 PM Penk Fv'sti�g AM Peak Exisiin& PM Peak Oemand �erta�d Demand Demand Sprague S Argonna B B e B Spngue S Mullan B N 9 B Sp�ague & Fart A l� I\ B Sprague S � C B L u�mersi<y APPIewaY 6 B C C G o�snman-m�ca Appleway & ferr H 1� 8 A Applaway 6 B B B B Univerclty City of Spokane Valley LOS Standazd ="LOS D" 6 3 - _. . -;_ �- ;, Couplet vs. Two-Way (2030 Traffic Demand) Intersection Level of Service Comparison � m3aAMPeak zo3oVMPeak ao3oAMVeak ao3oPMPeak �emand Oxm.and Oema�d Oemand Spragua 6 Nr9e��e B B L G Spragua 8 Mullan B N C G Spra9ue 8 Farr P 11 /� A Spraa�e 8 C o B o u�we.:ur APPIewaY 8 C C D 0 UisM1man-Mica Ppp�eway S Farr H A N N Appleway 8 B B B 8 Univerelty City of Spokane Valley LOS Standard ="LOS D" v Couplet vs. Two-Way (Existing Traffic Demand) Arterial Travel Time Comparison (minutes) � �,;,���8� �� Pe kllemand Penk�emand Pe kDema d Pe k�emand (m�n eej (mmuha) (minuRS) (mnulesJ ApplewaY ut (Ees<bountll0.95mi) ��� ��� �•� ��� (ObM1mae-Mlca» pnlvenl�y) A lewa �Westh untl10.93mi) qpp��abla NpPN�aple �' �' (Unbanity» DieFmeroMleo� Sprague (Eastbountl 11.Omi) qpppcaEla Applicahla 24 2.9 (Ar9anne »Un�venitY) SOrague (WealheuntllLOmi) �.> 2.9 Y.5 2.4 rymn.eiry» a.gonnel 0 4 Couplet vs. Two-Way (2030 Traffic Demand) Arterial Travel Time Comparison (minutes) � xo3o AM Pea� zo;a AA1 Pea� �emand Oema�d memand �mand (mnutes) (mivvtec) ( inutes) ( Inuces) Appleway (EaslbounE 10.95mi) S.0 3.0 24 23 (Uls�man-Mlca» Onlvnslly� APPIewaY Net Not (Westbountl10.95M) ppppcehle Applicable �'� �� �Onlvanity» OISM1m�o-Mica) Sprague Not Not (Eastbountll'I.Omi) ppplicable Rpplicable �'6 3.3 (Itrgonne »UnlwnllYl Sp�a9ue �we:eeo��ai �.omp ae z.e ze zs �Vnlverslly» Fryanne) 9 . . .. _ . . _ .- � _. Potential Fatal Flaws • Appleway/Dishman-Mica ', Q, � '�, ��i. � , '} One extea signal phase has ���d���,', � I �.. ^ I to be added to ' accommodate westbound � • ` , `. I i�,." . IeR traffic This will make -- �,,-� the intersection Level of Apv�e�+'av �- ---° Service worse than LOS D� �-----� '-- -�----- if the traffic demand grows �. '��/ E �—_ more than i.5%annually. ' " !-�— ,...,....... . . _ � ." �'t.. 5 �_'��..__- _ '----. ==---- . Potential Fatal Flaws � Sprague/Argo�ne/Mullan � ' .'��i I Closely spaced R � - a � � intersections will Iikely ��, experienceworseLevel � �;'�;" e „� f•I — � . � _ i _�'� .� of Service if Mullan � northbound left traffic " growssignificantLy. �� � 1-� a ; I �� �i ' I� ��_ - _ --------- ` - Improvement Ideas • Prohibit �B left turn at Sprat;ue/Nitdlan i ' � I �� a � � �_ g _ � � ; � - � i e �-�( ' _ 1 - , , � � , , i� 6 �_ Improvement Ideas • Prohibit W6 left turn at Appleway/Dishman-Mica � � ��� �� o. � , � <s `. �� � , � � � � �A ____ __ ____ �� ' APPleway _—_" _ _ �;� _ a -w.:.r. '\ L� .u�..na...n . .,�� '� » Improvement Ideas � Add a Wl3 righC turn pocl<et at Spraguc/Yfullan .!h o � � � � S � � �' ��. 5 . ¢ n . � �,..p.:..... �_: ¢ . . : ' � �. I ��. _ _ _ �_ � ' � _ � - .. __...____ — ' — � . , .. � _ � � �.± . memy so+w� ... a . . i im, w+wy.r.aw.�.. . . _ - , , _ . m,a+.,au�..x 4 7 _ _ , ---- --- . _ - -- ---=-. Improvement Ideas � Add a N6 right t�rn pocicet at Sprague/Mullan z ' �g o � � e � ��` � t i a , �� , ___—' '_�__. " '-__.-._'__-___ ,. .. . .. � � _" __'_' _"_[—�___, � � _ ' � � � �� ' ��� � � �—� , �. _ ��. , - � I Findings • The two-way networlc will work for e�sting traffic volumes. • The hvo-way networl< muld be improved through signal retiming and minor chan�elization improvements to work at i.5%annual traffic growth. • Signal retiming will be needed to achieve the optimal performance of the street network. • No fatal flaws were found with i.5% traffic growth annually. ^ The two-way networlc may reach capacity at z°/o annual traffic growth in zo3o. Further analysis will determine if improvement ideas are able to mitigate the impacts. SRTC model outputs are needed in the next phase. �6 8 Preliminary Cost Estimate • Conversion to z-way. Includes striping, signals, ADA Upgrades. $1.6 million � Repaving and Stormwater Upgrades. $1.8 il7illiOri • Landscaping, curbs, sidewalks and multi-use pachway. $i million to $3 million depending on level of work. ., _, ._ ..__... _ .%� __. — --- , i '---- ---_ -- — Next Step � Decision: Move to Phase z Traffic Analysis? • Refine zo3o Traffic Forecast using SRTC Travel Demand Model. • Determine Mitigations and Costs • Draft Reports and Final Presentation • Special Council Meeting-August i5�h, zou (Monday) �B 9