11-091.00 DKS Associates: Argonne Corridor Upgradesw// Of 7lnwfBfN'110i Supplemental Agreement pp g Organization and Address DKS Associates Number 3 719 2nd Avenue, Suite 1250 Seattle, WA 98104 Original Agreement Number LA -6999 (Local Agency Project #0060) Phone: 206 - 382 -9800 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date CM-4041(014) 7/7/2010 1 12/31/2011 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Argonne Corridor Upgrades $ 277,078.29 Description of Work Provide right of way acquisition support services to the City of Spokane Valley for properties impacted by this project. This includes documenting property corner changes and re- striping the parking lots impacted by this work. The Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley desires to supplement the agreement entered into with DKS Associates and executed on 7/7/2010 and identified as Agreement No. LA -6999 Project #0060 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: See F.xhihit R for Scone of Work 11 Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: C ompletinn date. is revised m December 31, ?01 1 III Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: This supplement is for an additinnal %92,619.14, which includes an .$.471 74 managem .nt reserve fimrl_ as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. By: By: CohAitant Signature DOT Form 140 -063 EF Revised 9/2005 Date Ca11 -091 DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The page entitled " Exhibit A / Fee Estimate for Engineering Services contains confidential cost and rate data and is withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(F). Prenotification; confidentiality of data A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550. DKS Associates TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS EXHIBIT B Argonne Road Project - Supplement 3 Scope of Work 6/29/11 The purpose of this supplement is to support the City of Spokane Valley through the procurement of new right -of -way for the new curb returns at Knox and the new right turn pocket at Montgomery. Task 8: Right -of -Way Services Task 8.1: ROW Acquisition Services The following is a list of the tasks that will be performed to support the COSV through the ROW acquisition: • Determine Ownership — Review of parcel numbers with County records for overview of ownership. • Order Title Reports, Review and Clear Title — Order title reports with insurance on each site. Review reports for any items including mortgages and contracts that may need to be cleared. Execute necessary documents to clear title. • Send Introduction Letters — When ownership is determined, an Introduction letter will be sent to affected property owners providing a basic outline of the project, informing them that they may be affected, and providing them with a contact person. • Meet with Owners to Discuss Issues — This will be an ongoing process throughout the project to keep the owners informed as much as possible about the project. • Obtain Right of Entry Forms — Obtain Right of Entry forms from all necessary land owners for surveying, construction, testing and all other related tasks. • Order Appraisals — When Right of Way drawings are completed, appraisals will be performed by a State Certified and WSDOT Approved appraiser in compliance with State and Federal Guidelines. The appraiser will issue an opinion of value. • Order Appraisal Reviews - Upon receipt of Appraisals, they will be forwarded to a third party for appraisal review. This process is a review of the appraisal to determine that all issues have been addressed. • Present and obtain approvals from City on settlement offers. — The review appraiser will fill out the WSDOT appraisal review form, which will be submitted to the City for approval of the determination of value. This is the value that will be offered to the land owner. • Send Offer Letters — Upon signature by the City of the Determination of Value, Offer Letters will be sent to the land owners detailing the land to be purchased, City's offer to purchase this property, and the rights available to that owner. !DIGS Associates TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS I0:4C11:1118 • Negotiate Final Terms — Meet with each owner to reach final settlement. • Sign Agreements with Owners - When the final settlement is reached, the Purchase and Sale Agreement will be signed and forwarded to the City for approval and signature. • Close Transaction — Arrangements will be made for closing at a title company after the City has approved the purchase. The closing company will record all documents and the original will be sent to the City for their files. • Prepare files for certification by the State — All files will be prepared for review by the State for certification of Right of Way. • Send set of files to the City for their records. Task 8.2: ROW Acquisition Survey Support The Consultant Team surveyor will paint/flag /stake the future ROW alignment during the negotiation process with the property owners so that all parties involved can see the exact impacts of the ROW takes. Task 8.3: Property Corner Documentation The Consultant Team surveyor will prepare property corner removal documentation for submittal to the Department of Natural Resources for all property corners impacted by ROW acquisition. In addition the surveyor will install new property corners along the new ROW alignment and will file them with the Record of Survey. Task 9: Parking Lot Re- Striping The consultant team will prepare channelization plans to show new striping for the parking lots impacted by the new right turn pocket at Montgomery. The parking lot work for 2304 N Argonne (parcel #45083.0262) will likely just involve removal of existing striping for the stalls along the back of sidewalk. It is anticipated that part of the negotiations with the property owner of 2314 N Argonne (parcel #45083.2314) and current renter will include refreshing the existing channelization. It is assumed that the new channelization will effectively match what is existing. Multiple reconfiguration options will not be presented to the property owner. Draft and final channelization plans (two plan sheets) will be prepared during the ROW negotiation process. Once approved, they will be incorporated into the final bid plans for the Argonne Corridor Upgrade project. The cost estimate and special provisions will also be updated to account for this work. Additional survey work will be required to complete a base map for 2314 N Argonne (parcel #45083.2314) property parking lot channelization plans. The survey will identify the remaining corners of the building and existing corners of the parking lot.