2011, 06-14 Special Budget RetreatFile Copy AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING BUDGET RETREAT Tuesday, June 14, 2011 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. CenterPlace Classroom #213 2426 N Discovery Place Spokane Valley, Washington Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting WELCOME: Mayor Towey Business Plan Overview — Mike Jackson (15 minutes) Budget Worksheet Overview — Ken Thompson (15 minutes) 1. General Government — Ken Thompson (15 minutes) 2. Executive and Legislative Support — Mike Jackson (30 minutes) 3. City Attorney/Legal Support — Cary Driskell (30 minutes) 4. Operations and Administration Services — Mike Jackson (20 minutes) 5. Human Resources — John Whitehead (20 minutes) 6. Finance and Information Technology — Ken Thompson (20 minutes) 7. Legislative — Mike Jackson /Council (15 minutes) LUNCH BREAK 12:00 —12:30 (Note: Council & Staff will move to a separate room for lunch, and reconvene back in Room 213 at approximately 12:30 p.m) Prioritization of Capital Projects — Ken Thompson (30 minutes) 8. Community Development — Kathy McClung (60 minutes) 9. Parks and Recreation — Mike Stone (30 minutes) 10. Public Works — Neil Kersten (60 minutes) 11. Public Safety • Spokane Valley Police Department— Rick VanLeuven (3 0 minutes) • Morgan Koudelka (15 minutes) Adjourn Note: There will be no public comments at Council Study Sessions or Workshops. During meetings held by the City of Spokane Valley Council, the Council reserves the right to take "action" on any item listed or subsequently added to the agenda. The term "action" means to deliberate, discuss, review, consider, evaluate, or make a collective positive or negative decision. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 921 -1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. Retreat Agenda 06 -14 -11 Page 1 of 1 City of Spokane Valley 2011 OPERATING BUDGET VS 2012 OPERATING BUDGET 6 -6 -11 DRAFT 6/10/11 LA d- 2011 2012 General Fund Revenue BUDGET BUDGET _ Sales Tax $ 16,200,000 $ 16,200,000 Property Tax $ 10,875,000 $ 10,750,000 Gambling Tax $ 425,000 $ 640,000 Franchise Fees /Bus. Reg. $ 1,111,000 $ 1,266,000 State Shared Revenues $ 1,665,625 $ 1,970,000 Service Fees $ 1,600,000 $ 1,300,000 Fines & Forfeitures $ 1,800,000 $ 1,900,000 Recreation Fees $ 555,500 $ 630,000 Inv Interest, Transfers, Misc $ 2,240,000 $ 305,000 Carryover from prior yr $ 24,600,000 $ 27,527,664 Total General Fund $ 61,072,125 $ 62,488,664 General Fund Expenditures: Council $ 324,298 $ 386,249 City Mgr & Legal $ 1,055,906 $ 1,066,465 Public Safety $ 22,179,880 $ 22,000,000 Deputy City Manager $ 559,940 $ 574,270 Finance $ 1,014,342 $ 1,023,685 Human Resources $ 236,646 $ 230,231 Public Works $ 892,617 $ 901,519 Planning $ 1,023,373 $ 994,245 Admin $ 321,049 $ 323,743 Dev Engrg $ 669,570 $ 680,796 Building $ 1,215,303 $ 1,260,454 Parks Admin $ 948,970 $ 1,059,828 Recreation $ 246,628 $ 229,811 Aquatics $ 429,250 $ 442,250 Senior Center $ 89,653 $ 92,961 CenterPlace $ 1,098,911 $ 1,126,357 General Governmer $ 4,618,750 $ 2,349,000 Total General Fund $ 36,925,086 $ 34,741,864 STREET FUND EXPEN. $ 5,383,327 $ 6,039,638 STORM WATER EXPEN. $ 2,249,645 $ 2,271,827 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $ 44,558,058 $ 43,053,329 6/10/11 LA d- City of Spokane Valley 2011 OPERATING BUDGET VS 2012 OPERATING BUDGET 6 -6 -11 2011 2012 General Fund Revenui BUDGET BUDGET _ Sales Tax $ 16,200,000 $ 16,200,000 Property Tax $ 10,875,000 $ 10,750,000 Gambling Tax $ 425,000 $ 640,000 Franchise Fees /Bus. Reg. $ 1,111,000 $ 1,266,000 State Shared Revenues $ 1,665,625 $ 1,970,000 Service Fees $ 1,600,000 $ 1,300,000 Fines & Forfeitures $ 1,800,000 $ 1,900,000 Recreation Fees $ 555,500 $ 630,000 Inv Interest, Transfers, Misc $ 2,240,000 $ 305,000 Carryover from prior yr $ 24,600,000 $ 27,527,664 Total General Fund $ 61,072,125 $ 62,488,664 General Fund Expenditures: Council $ 324,298 $ 386,249 City Mgr & Legal $ 1,055,906 $ 1,066,465 Public Safety $ 22,179,880 $ 22,000,000 Deputy City Manager $ 559,940 $ 574,270 Finance $ 1,014,342 $ 1,023,685 Human Resources $ 236,646 $ 230,231 Public Works $ 892,617 $ 901,519 Planning $ 1,023,373 $ 994,245 Admin $ 321,049 $ 323,743 Dev Engrg $ 669,570 $ 680,796 Building $ 1,215,303 $ 1,260,454 Parks Admin $ 948,970 $ 1,059,828 Recreation $ 246,628 $ 229,811 Aquatics $ 429,250 $ 442,250 Senior Center $ 89,653 $ 92,961 CenterPlace $ 1,098,911 $ 1,126,357 General Governmer $ 4,618,750 $ 2,349,000 Total General Fund $ 36,925,086 $ 34,741,864 STREET FUND EXPEN. $ 5,383,327 $ 5,439,638 STORM WATER EXPEN. $ 2,249,645 $ 2,271,827 TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $ 44,558,058 $ 42,453,329 Other Services & Charges Broadcasting Council Meeting 2010 2011 2012 General Government Actual Budget Proposed Accounting & Auditing 67,061 95,000 Budget PERS /L &I set aside - 100,000 50,000 Contingency - 330,750 134,000 Employee Recognition & Safety Program 2,081 8,000 10,000 Supplies 212 - - Business Registrations 996 2,000 2,000 Employee Recognition- Operating Supplies 111 - - Small Tools & Minor Equipment 1,224 - 1,500 Non Capital Office Furniture & Equipment 749 - - Office Supplies 2,077 - - Gas, Oil, & Tires 553 - - Office & Operating Supplies 13,822 20,000 20,000 Other Services & Charges Broadcasting Council Meeting - 46,000 - Election Costs - 30,000 80,000 Accounting & Auditing 67,061 95,000 90,000 Petty Cash Reimbursement 5 - - Postage 2,611 20,000 5,000 Telephone /DSL Service 29,022 25,000 30,000 Advertising 212 - - City Wide Records Management 27,474 100,000 70,000 City Hall Rent 452,602 465,000 480,000 Facility Repairs & Maintenance 1,375 5,000 30,000 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 33,241 30,000 35,000 IT Support 78,521 160,000 100,000 Software Licenses & Maintenance 11,812 100,000 55,000 Non Capital Computer Software /Hardware 21,082 - 30,000 Printing & Binding 2,142 5,000 5,000 Registrations 788 - - Miscellaneous Services 1,154 15,000 15,000 Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) 18,255 25,000 25,000 EECBG Utilities Partnering Program 1,542 - - Web Site Services 3,000 - - Bank Statement Corrections & Errors (5) - - Vehicle Rental 6,613 12,000 7,000 General Operating Leases: Computer 29,847 60,000 45,000 Economic Development -Site Selector 9,973 15,000 15,000 Professional Services - Economic Devel. 60,000 114,000 105,000 City Economic Development - 3,000 75,000 Community Survey 92 - - Professional Services - Project Access 20,000 - - Professional Services - Social Services 53,985 45,000 60,000 Alcohol Treatment: Liquor Excise Tax 8,867 23,000 25,000 Alcohol Treatment: Liquor Profits 14,309 - - ENERGY CONSERVATION IMPROVEMEN - 50,000 - Intergovernmental Services Other governmental services - 25,000 - Taxes and assessments 4,923 7,000 7,000 Voter Registration 57,736 62,000 62,000 Spokane County Air Pollution Authority 115,084 117,000 117,000 Memberships - SRTC 34,300 - - Capital Outlays Copy Machine 18,502 20,000 20,000 Office Furniture & Equipment - 65,000 35,000 Computer Software /Hardware 6,898 - - Debt Service: Principal Interest and Other Debt Service Costs 24 - - Interfund Payments for Service Interfund Transfer to: Capital Projects 100,000 - Inter FD Trf to Street Cap 2011+ - 500,000 - Interfund Transfer to Parks Capital Proj - 100,000 100,000 Interfund Trnsfr to: Capital Proj 929,048 1,500,000 89,500 Interfund Risk Management Payment 318,000 319,000 319,000 Total Governmental Division 2,561,707 4,618,750 2,349,000 General Government - Detail Labor & Industries set aside Contingenc�r� Employee Recognition & Safety Program Bike helmets, first aid boxes Employee recognition _— Supplies Business Registrations Small Tools & Minor Equipment Office & Ope rating Supplies Paper towels, napkins, misc supp. Other Services & Charges Election Costs City share of elections Accounting & Auditing State audit Accounting help as needed 1,500 20,000 80,000 90,000 Postage 5,000 Misc. mailing, outside agencies, tourism apps. 100,000 Telephone /DSL Service 30,000 City hall telephone 89,500 City Wide Records Management Equip and /or consultant 319,000 City Hall Rent 480,000 3% increase each year 2,349,000 Facility Repairs & Maintenance 30,000 Minor improv. To leased space Equipment Repair & Maintenance 35,000 Mail machine, copier, carpeting IT Support 100,000 Network consultant Software Licenses & Maintenance 55,000 Annuai mtnce fees on software Non Capital Computer Software /Hardware 30,000 Minor equip., power strips, calculators Printing & Binding 5,000 Budget, annual report Miscellaneous Services 15,000 Unanticipated costs _ Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) 25,000 Visa, mastercard fees _ _ Vehicle Rental 7,000 Summer vehicles for inspectors General Operating Leases: Compute 45,000 Lease of computer gear Economic Development 15,000 _ Site Selector Professional Services - Economic Devel. 105 000 Outside agencies _ City Economic Development 75,000 Study _ Professional Services - Social Services 60_,000 Outside agencies Alcohol Treatment: Liquor Excise Tax 25,000 Required by law Intergovernment Serv ices Taxes and assessments 7,000 On leased equip, city owned prop Voter Registration 62,000 County charges to City Spokane County! ir llution Authority 117,000 Air quality Capital Outlays _ Copy Machine 20,000 Purchase of one machine /yr Office Furniture & Equipment 35,000 Chairs, desks, postage machine, copiers Interfund Payme for Service Interfund Transferto Parks Capital Proj 100,000 For ap rks capital Interfund Trnsfrto: Capital Proi 89,500 Transfer to capital Interfund Risk Management Payment 319,000 City insurance Total Governmental Division 2,349,000 2012 Proposed Budget_ 50,000 General Fund Other Services & Charges Professional Services 2010 2011 2012 Executive & Legislative Support Actual Budget Proposed Cell Phones - 540 Budget Salaries & Wages 646,820 370,268 381,617 Overtime 1,174 2,500 2,500 Employee Benefits 155,698 145,784 162,104 Supplies 7,261 4,000 7,000 Office & Operating Supplies 919 3,000 1,500 Publications 174 5,000 1,000 Meeting Supplies 584 800 800 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 297 1,000 500 Other Services & Charges Professional Services 14,389 38,000 38,000 Postage 2 1,000 500 Cell Phones - 540 540 Travel /Mileage 3,912 12,695 11,824 Advertising 8,594 10,000 9,000 Equipment Rental Maintenance - Contracted - 2,000 500 Copier Maintenance 7,261 4,000 7,000 Software Licenses and Maintenance - 6,000 1,000 Subscriptions 1,416 - 1,500 Memberships 390 2,500 2,000 Printing & Binding 4,094 6,000 5,000 Registrations 2,074 5,000 2,000 Filing & Recording Fees - 2,000 2,000 Miscellaneous Services 466 1,100 782 Total Governmental Division 848,263 619,187 631,667 Reference : 013- Executive & Legislative Account Number & Title City Manager /Clerk Salaries & Wages Overtime Employee Benefits Office & Operating Supplies Paper, pens, files, folders, binders, ink cart., clips, sticky notes etc Publications Books, Manuals & Reports re: city function (ICMA, NLC, AWC) Meeting Supplies Small Tools & Minor Equipment Desk equipment, PDA's, Misc. Professional Services Consultants, Temp. Assist., title searches, bond counsel etc. Postage Cell Phones Travel /Mileage Cell $500, Gov. Emergency Cell Card $40 NLC conference two AWC Meetings; meal, lodging, air Advocacy in Olympia WMCA - clerk conference car allowance Advertising Free Press Publishing, Spokesman Review, Journal of Business Equipment Rental Maintenance - Contracted Copier Maintenance Copying, paper, toner, mailing chgs pro -rated by Dept code City produced reports /brochures Software Licenses and Maintenance Subscriptions Newspapers; Magazines pertaining to Gov. function Memberships WSBA, WSAMA, ICMA, WMCA, IIMC, WMCA x2, GFOA, & Civic Org. Printing & Binding Codification w /on - line demand Registrations $1500 AWC, $1000 WMCA, $1000 WCCA $500 Misc. Local registrations Filing & Recording Fees City Clerk Miscellaneous Services Training Total Executive 2012 Proposed Budget 381,617 2,500 162,104 1,500 ' ul� 800 500 38,000 500 540 11,824 2,224 1,500 1,500 3,000 3,600 9,000 500 7,000 1,000 1,500 2,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 782 631,667 OHS DRAFT DISTRIBUTED: 07/18/11 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 11- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION OF A BALLOT PROPOSITION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF INCURRING UNLIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN ONE OR A40 ES, IN AN AG AL AMOUNT NOT EXCEEDING PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS TO CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS FROM UNIVERSITY ROAD TO ARGONNE ROAD NECESSARY TO CHANGE PORTIONS OF SPRAGUE AVENUE AND APPLEWAY BOULEVARD FROM ONE -WAY STREETS TO TWO -WAY STREETS; TO MAKE STREET, STORMWATER AND LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS, ENHANCE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS , AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO : FOR ECONOMIC Da. >IUNITY ENHANCEMENT• WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley, Washington (the "City "), consistent with its Comprehensive Plan and the Growth Management Act, proposes to undertake the construction of improvements necessary to change portions of Sprague Avenue and Appleway Boulevard from one -way streets to two -way streets and to finance all costs related thereto including, but not limited to, repaving, signalization, striping, curbing, signage installation, enhanced bicycle and pedestrian access, stormwater facilities, landscaping; necessary architectural, engineering and other consulting services, inspection and testing, administrative and relocation expenses, on and off -site utilities and other related improvements and costs (collectively, the "Improvements ") for the purpose of promoting economic development and community enhancement; and n fi r _ WHEREAS, to provide all or a part of the funds sufficient to make the Improvements and pay costs of issuance, it is deemed necessary and advisable that the City issue and sell unlimited tax general obligation bonds, in one or more series, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed56,400,000 (the Formatted: Highlight 1 `Bonds "); and WHEREAS, the Constitution and laws of the State of Washington require that an election be called for the submission of a proposition to the qualified voters within the City prior to incurring unlimited tax general obligation bonded indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the City will notify the Auditor of Spokane County, Washington, in compliance with RCW 29A.04.330, as amended, of its intention to hold a special election on Tuesday, November 8, Ordinance No. — Page 1 OHS DRAFT DISTRIBUTED: 07/18/11 2011 to submit the proposition of the issuance of unlimited tax general obligation bonds to the qualified electors of the City for their ratification or rejection; and WHEREAS, the City anticipates incurring expenditures (the "Expenditures ") to finance the costs of the Improvements prior to the issuance of the Bonds and wishes to declare its official intent to reimburse itself for any Expenditures it may make from its general funds on the Improvements from the proceeds of the Bonds or other debt obligations, the interest on which shall be excluded from gross income under Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code "). NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1 . The City Council (the "Council ") hereby determines that the best interests of the residents and property owners of the City require the City to carry out the plans hereinafter provided at the time or times and in the order deemed most necessary and advisable by the Council. Section 2 . The City shall undertake the Improvements necessary to change portions of Sprague Avenue and Appleway Boulevard from one -way streets to two -way streets, more specifically described as follows: (a) Sprague Avenue will be converted from a one -way street to a two -way street between Argonne Road eastward to University Road; and (b) Appleway Boulevard will be converted from a one -way street to a two -way street between Argonne Road/Dishman Mica Road eastward to University Road. The costs related to the Improvements including, but not limited to, paving, signalization, striping, curbing, signage installation, enhanced bicycle and pedestrian access, stormwater facilities, landscaping, necessary architectural, engineering and other consulting services, inspection and testing, administrative and relocation expenses, on and off -site utilities and other related improvements and costs shall be deemed a part of the costs of the Improvements for the purpose of premeting- economic development and community enhancement. If available funds are sufficient from the proceeds of the Bonds authorized for the above purposes, and state or local circumstances require, the City shall use such funds to pay the principal of or interest on the Bonds, as the Council may determine. The City shall determine the application of available moneys so as to accomplish, as nearly as may be possible, all of the Improvements. The City shall determine the exact extent and specifications for the construction of structures or other improvements. Ordinance No. — Page 2 OHS DRAFT DISTRIBUTED: 07/18/11 If the Council shall determine that it has become impractical to accomplish any portion of the Improvements by reason of state or local circumstances, including changed conditions, incompatible development, or costs substantially in excess of those estimated, the City shall not be required to accomplish such portions ofthe Improvements and may apply the Bond proceeds or any portion thereof, to the payment of principal of or interest on the Bonds, as the Council may determine. In the event that the proceeds of sales of the Bonds, plus any other moneys of the City legally available, are insufficient to accomplish all ofthe Improvements, the City shall use the available funds for paying the cost of those portions of the Improvements for which the Bonds were approved that are deemed by the Council as most necessary and in the best interests of the City. Section 3 . For the purpose of providing all or a part of the funds necessary to pay the cost of the Improvements described in Section 2 above and/or to reimburse the City for such costs to the extent that City funds have been used for such purposes, together with incidental costs and costs related to the sale and issuance of the Bonds, the City shall issue and sell its unlimited tax general obligation bonds in the principal amount of not to exceed $6,400,000. The balance of the cost of the Improvements shall be Formatted: Highlight paid out of any money which the City now has or may later have on hand which are legally available for such purposes. None of the Bond proceeds shall be used for any purpose other than a capital purpose relating to the Improvements. The Bonds shall be issued in an amount not exceeding the amount approved by the qualified electors of the City as required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Washington or exceeding the amount permitted by the Constitution and laws of the State of Washington. Section 4 . The Bonds shall be sold in such amounts and at such time or times as deemed necessary and advisable by the Council and as permitted by law, shall bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed the maximum rate permitted by law at the time the Bonds are sold, and shall mature in such amounts and at such times within a maximum term of not to exceed 20 years from dated of issue, but may mature at an earlier date or dates, as authorized by this Council and as provided by law. The Bonds shall be an unlimited tax general obligation of the City and, unless paid from other sources, both principal thereof and interest thereon shall be payable out of annual tax levies to be made upon all ofthe taxable property within the City without limitation as to rate or amount and in excess of any constitutional or statutory tax limitations. The exact date, form, terms and maturities of the Bonds shall be hereafter determined by the Council. After voter approval of the Bonds and in anticipation of the issuance ofthe Bonds, the City may issue short-term obligations as authorized and provided by chapter 39.50 RCW. The proceeds ofthe Bonds may be used to redeem and retire the short-term obligations or to reimburse the City for expenditures previously made for the Improvements. Section 5 . It is hereby found and declared that submission to the qualified electors ofthe City of the proposition of whether the City shall issue the Bonds at a special election to be held Tuesday, November 8, 2011 is in the best interest of the City. The Spokane County Auditor as ex officio supervisor of elections in Spokane County, Washington is hereby requested to call and conduct the Ordinance No. — Page 3 OHS DRAFT DISTRIBUTED: 07/18/11 special election to be held within the City on said date and to submit to the qualified electors of the City the proposition set forth below. The Clerk of the City is hereby authorized and directed to certify the proposition to the Spokane County Auditor in the following form: PROPOSITION NO. 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. _ AUTHORIZES A PROPOSITION TO ISSUE UP TO $6,400,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS TO FINANCE CONVERSION OF SPRAGUE AND APPLEWAY TO TWO -WAY STREETS BETWEEN ARGONNE/DISHMAN AND UNIVERSITY ROAD; TO MAKE STREET, STORMWATER AND LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS, ENHANCE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS AND FOR OTHER RELATED IMPROVEMENTS FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT; AND TO LEVY EXCESS PROPERTY TAXES ANNUALLY TO REPAY THE BONDS WITHIN A MAXIMUM TERM OF 20 YEARS. SHOULD THIS PROPOSITION BE: APPROVED? ❑ REJECTED? ❑ The City Clerk is hereby authorized to deliver a certified copy of this Ordinance to the Spokane County Auditor at least 84 days prior to the special election date. Section 6 . The election will be conducted pursuant to the voting procedures applicable to Spokane County and shall be administered by the Spokane County Auditor, as ex officio Supervisor of " Elections for the City. Section 7 . If one or more provisions of this Ordinance shall be declared by any court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, then such provision shall be null and void, and shall be deemed separable from the remaining provisions of this Ordinance, and shall in no way affect the validity of the other provisions of this Ordinance. Section 8 . The City hereby declares its official intent to reimburse itself with the proceeds of the Bonds for any of the Expenditures incurred by it prior to the issuance of the Bonds. Section 9 . The City's Bond Counsel, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, is appointed as Bond Counsel for the Bonds. Ordinance No. — Page 4 OHS DRAFT DISTRIBUTED: 07/18/11 APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, at a regular meeting thereof held the 15 day of August, 2011, after first reading of this Ordinance on August 9, 2011. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON By: Thomas E. Towey, Mayor ATTEST go Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance No. — Page 5 OHS DRAFT DISTRIBUTED: 07/18/11 CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington (the "City "), and keeper of the records of the City Council (the "Council "), DO HEREBY CERTIFY: That the attached Ordinance is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. of the City (the "Ordinance "), duly approved at a regular meeting of the Council held on the 15 day of August, 2011. 2. That the meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law, and to the extent required by law, due and proper notice of such meeting was given; that a legal quorum was present throughout the meeting and a legally sufficient number of members of the Council voted in the proper manner for the passage of the Ordinance; that all other requirements and proceedings incident to the proper passage of the Ordinance have been duly fulfilled, carried out and otherwise observed; and that I am authorized to execute this Certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 15 day of August, 2011. LN City Clerk OHS DRAFT DISTRIBUTED: 07/18/11 OFFICIAL BALLOT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON NOVEMBER 8, 2011 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: To vote in favor ofthe following proposition, place a cross (X) in the square opposite the word "APPROVED;" to vote against the following proposition, place a cross (X) in the square opposite the word "REJECTED." PROPOSITION NO. 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. _ AUTHORIZES A PROPOSITION TO ISSUE UP TO 1 $6,400,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS TO FINANCE CONVERSION OF SPRAGUE For matted: Highlight AND APPLEWAY TO TWO -WAY STREETS BETWEEN ARGONNE/DISHMAN AND UNIVERSITY ROAD; TO MAKE STREET, STORMWATER AND LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS, ENHANCE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS AND FOR OTHER RELATED IMPROVEMENTS FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND CON AUNITY ENHANCEMENT; AND TO LEVY EXCESS PROPERTY TAXES ANNUALLY TO REPAY THE BONDS WITHIN A MAX MUM TERM OF 20 YEARS. SHOULD THIS PROPOSITION BE: APPROVED? ❑ REJECTED? ❑ OHS DRAFT DISTRIBUTED: 07/18/11 �) aIa1titxo )aMM.1a611Z6)MlZMK6180 IIMABOMIM WHEREAS, the undersigned as the duly elected, qualified and acting Spokane County Auditor, has jurisdiction of and is required by law to conduct all special elections for cities within the County; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley, Washington (the "City ") lies entirely within the boundaries of the County; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City by Ordinance adopted Ordinance No. a certified copy of which has been delivered to the undersigned, has found that the best interests of the City require the holding of a special election on November 8, 2011; and WHEREAS, the City by Ordinance No. has authorized and directed the undersigned to assume jurisdiction of and conduct the special election within Spokane County; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby authorized and ordered as follows: The undersigned hereby assumes jurisdiction within Spokane County of the above - mentioned special election of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, authorized and ordered by Ordinance No. of its City Council adopted August 15, 2011 and will conduct the special election to be held on November 8, 2011. DATED at Spokane, Washington, this day of , 2011. Spokane County Auditor Spokane County, Washington OHS DRAFT DISTRIBUTED: 07/18/11 NOTICE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON NOVEMBER 8, 2011 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on November 8, 2011 a special election will be held in the City of Spokane Valley, Washington (the "City ") for the submission to the qualified electors ofthe City of the following proposition: PROPOSITION NO. 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. _ AUTHORIZES A PROPOSITION TO ISSUE UP TO 56,400,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS TO FINANCE CONVERSION OF SPRAGUE - matted: Hig hlight ^^ AND APPLEWAY TO TWO -WAY STREETS BETWEEN ARGONNE/DISHMAN AND UNIVERSITY ROAD; TO MAKE STREET, STORMWATER AND LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS, ENHANCE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS AND FOR OTHER RELATED IMPROVEMENTS FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT; AND TO LEVY EXCESS PROPERTY TAXES ANNUALLY TO REPAY THE BONDS WITHIN A MAXIMUM TERM OF 20 YEARS. SHOULD THIS PROPOSITION BE: APPROVED? ❑ REJECTED? ❑ This election shall be conducted by mail -in ballot, with ballots mailed to the qualified electors of the City. Ballots will be mailed out to qualified electors on or about , 2011 and must be post - marked on or before , 2011 to be counted. Spokane County Auditor Spokane County, Washington OHS WEST:261230138.2 General Fund Total Legal 418,147.61 436,719.00 434,798 2010 2011 2012 Legal Department Actual Budget Proposed Budget Salaries & Wages 254,313.33 295,472 267,543 Employee Benefits 68,982.91 86,347 93,187 Supplies Office Supplies 437.37 2,000 1,220 Publications 1,925.68 4,000 700 Meeting Supplies - 100 - Gas, Oil, & Tires 13.95 - - Small Tools & Minor Equipment - 1,500 2,000 Other Services & Charges Legal 30,804.98 20,000 45,000 Professional Services 47,630.91 5,000 2,150 Postage 575.39 500 500 Travel /Mileage 975.75 3,500 6,870 Copier Maintenance 1,539.19 4,000 1,128 Software Licenses and Maintenance - 2,800 - Subscriptions 6,129.86 3,000 8,460 Memberships 650.00 4,000 1,240 Registrations - 1,000 1,800 Filing & Recording Fees 1,297.00 3,500 2,500 Training 2,871.29 - 500 Total Legal 418,147.61 436,719.00 434,798 Reference : 013- Executive & Legislative Leaal Department Salaries & Wages Employee Benefits Office Supp lies Paper, pens, files, folders, binders, ink cart., clips, sticky notes etc Publications RCW; WA—C, Street Standards, Court Rules Meeting Supplies Gas, Oil, & Tires Small Tools & Minor Equip Desk equipment, PDA's, Misc. Items Legal I Outside Counsel Professional Services Temporary Assistance Postage Travel /Mileage Reimbursement for meetings and Court (mileage) _ Travel to WSAMA conf.; Travel to CLE classes Equipment Rental Maintenance - Contracted Copier Maintenance Copying, paper, toner and mailing charges pro -rated by Dept code Software Licenses and Maintenance Subscriptions Westlaw Contract Memberships WSBA, WSAMA, Spokane County Bar Assoc., State Bar dues 267,543 93,187 1,220 700 - 2,000 45,000 2,150 500 6,870 1,128 8,460 1,240 Registrations 1,800 Filing & Recording Fees 2,500 Filing cases in Superior Court Training 500 Total Legal : 434,798 Operations & Administrative Services Deputy City Manager Division 2010 2011 2012 Deputy City Manager Division Actual Budget Proposed Budget Salaries & Wages 321,462 397,516 381,187 Overtime 326 1,500 1,500 Employee Benefits 93,481 108,394 132,848 Supplies Office & Operating Supplies 1,665 1,000 1,000 Publications - 450 450 Meeting Supplies - 350 350 Gas, Oil, & Tires 164 100 100 Small Tools & Minor Equipment - 900 900 Other Services & Charges IT Support 2,793 4,000 4,000 Professional Services - 20,000 20,000 Postage 271 100 100 Cell Phones 540 400 400 Web Site Support Services & License Fees 9,392 - 16,000 Travel /Mileage 609 3,000 1,000 Copier Maintenance (1,052) 5,000 5,000 Software Licenses and Maintenance 7,440 10,000 1,000 Subscriptions - 200 200 Memberships 1,602 500 1,500 Printing & Binding 20 500 500 Registrations 466 500 500 Training 85 - 100 Petty Cash Reimbursement 17 - 50 Public Information 5,504 5,530 5,585 Deputy City Manager Division 018- Deputy City Manager Salaries & Wages Overtime Employee Benefits Office & Operating Supplies Hangin files -�- File Folders - Y Expand folders Letterhead Env - Clasp 2 bx; 1 bx coin Labels 4 rolls Avery labels and dividers Pens - various types Batteries Tape reg /commercial Print Cartridges 3 ring binders Calendars - desk /wall Vinyl tabs Rolodex cards _ Misc Publications Books, manuals & reports re: functions of City gov. (ICMA, NLC, AWC) j Meeting Supplies BEP Coordination; Developers Forums, refreshments Gas, Oil, & Tires �. Small Tools & Minor Equipment Desk equipment, camera (PIO), Misc. items Non Capital Office Furniture & Equipment IT Support Spokane Co Info Systems Dept Professional Services Citizen Survey Postage stamps Cell Phones _ Cell $360, Gov. Emergency phone cards $40. Web Site Support Services & License Fees Qsce web software $1200 /mo. E -gov $1400 /yr Travel /Mileage - c hoose from: _ NLC Conf. (DCM) air, mileage, hotel, workshops WCMA Conf. (DCM) hotel, mileage, workshops External Training - computer programs ICMA Conf. (DCM) air, mileage,hotel, 2012 Proposed Budqet 381,187 1,500 132,848 1,000 400 100 900 4,000 20,000 100 400 16,000 1,000 018- Deputy City Manager 2012 Proposed Budget Copier Maintenance 5,000 Copying, paper, toner, mailing chgrs pro -rated by Dept code. Software Licenses and Maintenance 1,000 Subscriptions 200 SR online, Constant Contact _ Memberships 1,500 Washington City /County Management Assn., ICMA, Notary, WCIA, Gov. Finance Officers, 3CMA Printing & Binding 500 City produced reports /brochures Registrations 500 Event fees: Valleyfest booth, NAGC, Conference fees - WCMA, NCL, ICMA Training 100 Public Information 5,585 2 or 3 inserts in Spokesman and Valley News Herald; iper Business Plan- update existing and develop new publications concerning city services Public /Participation Events Computer Software /Hardware Total: 574,270 Operations & Administrative Services Human Resources Division Salaries & Wages Employee Benefits Supplies Office & Operating Supplies Publications Other Services & Charges Legal Professional Services Postage Travel /Mileage Advertising Copier Maintenance Software Licenses and Maintenance Memberships Printing & Binding Registrations Miscellaneous Services Training Petty Cash Reimbursement Employee Health & Wellness Events Total Human Resources Division 2010 2011 2012 Actual Budget Proposed Budget 133,437 135,499 140,918 43,745 47,001 48,541 1,052 800 1,047 - 1,167 800 - 4,000 4,000 4,497 4,780 4,080 103 - 50 1,885 11,799 6,825 4,516 10,000 5,000 756 2,000 2,000 167 - - 360 700 700 18 - - 335 1,000 470 184 - - 2,547 17,000 15,000 2 - - 838 900 800 194,442 236,646 230,231 018.016- HR Details Salaries & Wages Employee Benefits Office & Opera Sup plies File Folders _ Expand folders Labels Avery labels and dividers —� Note Paper i Pens -various types 3 ring binders Misc Fire Extinguishers for Autos (32 x 16) _ Publications 2012 Proposed Budaet 140,917 1,047 15 60 50 120 50 30 65 100 557 Books, manuals & reports re: functions of 800 800 City gov. (ICMA, NLC, AWC) _ _ — Other Services Legal 4,000 Summit Law Professional Services 4,080 ID Cards 500 Pre- employment Physicals 2,500 Drug and Alcohol Testing 80 Criminal History Checks 1,000 Postage —� _ 50 Travel /Mileage 6,825 To attend AWC Fall H Conference 300 To attend Labor Relations Institute 300 To attend WAPELRA Spring Training ! 200 To attend WAPEL Boa rd Meeting 200 To attend A WC H ealth Ac ademy 300 !To attend Risk Management Training 200 - - -- --i _ ITo attend the National Pubic Employers 325 Labor Relations Association Conference Staff Travel to attend training below 5,000 _Advertising 5,000 Employee Recruitment Advertising Copier Maintenance 2,000 Memberships 700 Washington Emp. Public Relations Association 200 Society for Human Resources Management 320 AWC Dr and Alcohol Consortium 180 Training 15,000 On -line training Registrations 1,500 — Harrassment Training 6,000 Americans with Disabilites Act Training 5,000 Use of Fire Extinguishers 2,000 Driving Safety CD 500 Health and Wellness Events 800 -- — - Registrations 470 AWC Labor Relations Institute 210 AWC Wellness Summit J 100 AWC WAPELRA Fall Labor Relations 160 Conference Total t 230,231 Operations & Administrative Services Finance Division 2010 2011 Actual Budget Salaries & Wages Overtime Employee Benefits 626,569 687,539 563 5,000 213,176 252,453 Supplies 2012 Proposed Budaet 693,384 1,000 294,126 Office & Operating Supplies 2,854 6,000 3,000 Forms 1,230 - - Publications 144 100 500 Repair & Maintenance Supplies - 200 - Gas, Oil, & Tires - 100 - Small Tools & Minor Equipment - 300 - Other Services & Charges Professional Services 2,240 20,000 10,000 Postage 915 500 1,100 Cell Phones 540 600 600 Travel /Mileage 5,323 8,000 6,000 Advertising 125 - 125 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - 200 - Copier Maintenance 2,940 9,000 3,500 Software Licenses and Maintenance - 8,500 - Subscriptions 384 600 600 Memberships 1,460 2,000 1,500 Printing & Binding - 2,000 - Registrations 460 3,000 500 Miscellaneous Services 713 750 750 Training 6,435 7,000 7,000 Bank Statement Corrections & Errors (50) 500 - Total Finance Division 866,021 1,023,685 1,014,342 2012 Finance- Detail Proposed Budget Salaries & Wa es 693,384 Overtime 1,000 Employee Benefits 294,126 Office & Operating Supplies 3,000 Hanging files 100 File Folders 10o Expand folders 75 Env - Clasp 2 bx; 1 bx coin 300 Tablets, envelopes 400 Av labels and dividers 50 Pens - various types 200 Batteries 50 Tape reg /commercial_ 50 Print Cartridges 300 3 ring binders 100 Calendars - desk/wall 100 Vinyl tabs 50 All other 1,125 Publications Professional Services 10,000 help desk fill -in, temp help Postage stamps, gambling estab., outside agen. 1,100 lodging tax, title companies Cell Phones 600 Travel /Mileage - choose from: WFOA 4 individuals hotel, meals, air fare 6,000 Subscriptions 600 ,kiplinger, relevant journals Membership _ 1,500 Copier maintenance 3,500 Copying, paper, toner mailing chgrs prorated by dept code Registration Advertising M isc 500 125 7 50 Training 7,000 Total: ! 1 1 1,023,685 General Fund Other Services & Charges Professional Services 2010 2011 2012 Legislative Branch- City Council Actual Budget Proposed Postage 66.97 500 Budget Salaries & Wages 65,700.00 65,700 65,700 Employee Benefits 72,576.80 78,018 109,167 Supplies 726.66 4,400 3,500 Office & Operating Supplies 3,424.02 2,500 3,500 Publications 177.00 500 250 Meeting Supplies 2,745.66 500 1,500 Safety Equipment 27.69 - 0 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 934.10 3,500 1,000 Other Services & Charges Professional Services 47,531.61 44,000 44,000 Professional Services - Broadcasting 18,000.00 - 50,000 Postage 66.97 500 250 Cell Phones 3,240.00 3,700 3,500 Travel /Mileage Position 1 1,429.29 4,400 3,500 Travel /Mileage Position 2 726.66 4,400 3,500 Travel /Mileage Position 3 1,603.25 4,400 3,500 Travel /Mileage Position 4 5,729.48 4,400 3,500 Travel /Mileage Position 5 - 4,400 3,500 Travel /Mileage Position 6 4,620.77 4,400 3,500 Travel /Mileage Position 7 7,693.08 4,400 3,500 Copier Maintenance 4,388.44 3,500 3,500 Software Licenses and Maintenance - 2,800 500 Subscriptions - 182 182 Memberships 67,269.45 67,700 67,700 Printing & Binding - 2,898 500 Registrations Position 1 931.00 2,500 1,500 Registrations Position 2 220.00 2,500 1,500 Registrations Position 3 1,442.00 2,500 1,500 Registrations Position 4 1,970.00 2,500 1,500 Registrations Position 5 - 2,500 1,500 Registrations Position 6 1,947.00 2,500 1,500 Registrations Position 7 2,148.66 2,500 1,500 Total Legislative Branch 316,542.93 386,249 324,298 Legislative Account Number & Title Salaries & Wages Employee Benefits Office & Operating Supplies Binders, Name placards, pens, labels files, envelopes, letterhead Pub Meet S upplies Retreat supplies Small Tools & Minor Equipment –$140 X 7 - PDA's & other small office equip. Professional Services Lobbyist Broadcasting 50k Postage j Cell Phones� — 2012 Proposed Budget 65,700 109,167 3,500 250 1,500 1,000 94,000 w 250 3,500 $42 /mo X 12 X 7 Travel /Mileage Position 1 (description for all positions) 3,500 (breakdown of $3,500) $250 mileage, $3,250 travel to Association of Washington Cities (AWC) x 1; National League of Cities (NLC) x 1 Travel /Mileage Position 2 Travel /Mileage Position 3 Travel /Mileage Position 4 Travel /Mileage Position 5 Travel /Mileage Position 6 Travel /Mileage Position 7 Copier Maintenance Software Licenses and Maintenance Subscriptions Newspapers, Newsletters (Liberty Lake Splash, Spokesman Review) Mem Printing & Binding Registrations Position 1 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 500 182 67,700 AWC; NLC; Chamber, Greater Spokane Valley; 500 (description for all positions) 1,500 $300: AWC mtg X 1 mtgs; $450: NLC meetings X 1 mtgs; $750: Misc. local registrations; Greater Spokane Inc.; Valley Chamber; Home Builders Association; Valleyfest Auction Registrations Position 2 Registrations Position 3 Registrations Position 4 Registrations Position 5 Registrations Position 6 Registrations Position 7 Total : 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 386,249 Planning & Community Development Community Develop Admin Divisic 2010 2011 Actual Budget Salaries & Wages - CD Admin Overtime Employee Benefits 208,461 4,219 65,334 216,989 5,000 57,545 Supplies Office & Operating Supplies Publications Meeting Supplies Small Tools & Minor Equipment Other Services & Charges Postage Travel /Mileage Copier Maintenance Software Licenses & Maintenance Subscriptions Memberships Registrations Training Intergovernmental Services Spokane County Contracts 1,554 956 1,921 524 425 160 582 98 27,366 1,557 208 415 2,076 102 3,529 14,000 1,245 208 580 1,557 1,038 15,000 2012 Proposed Budget 213,671 5,000 73,972 1,500 200 400 2,000 100 3,500 4,000 1,000 200 700 1,500 1,000 15,000 Total Comm. Develop Admin Division 311,601 321,049 323,743 Community Development CD /Administration Division .050. Salaries & Wages 1 Director, 1 Administrative Assistant, 1 Office Assistant Overtime administrative staff covers off hours meetings Employee Benefits Office & Operating Supplies Publications Roberts Rules of Order, Microsoft Office Product Guides, Grammar and Style guides Meeting Supplies Public Meeting supplies - Developer Forums, SMP open houses , flip charts, coffee, markers, name tags Small Tools & Minor Equipment This category includes items that are purchased to last longer periods of time than "traditional office supplies. Examples are camera, calculators, employee chairs, label maker, easels, coov board _ Postage Covers all required and necessary mailed correspondence Travel/Mileage _ National APA meeting - Director travel and lodging (4 nights) _ WA State Planning Directors Conference (3 nights) Administrative's Professional Conference Northwest Regional Floodplain Conference Misc mileage and local training Copier Maintenance Software Licenses & Maintenance software license updates per IT upgrades to windows 7 Subscriptions _ APA Planning Journal, Parliamentary Law Review, Administrative Advantage Memberships American Planning Association Inland Northwest Chapter of the National Association of Parliamentarians (INWNAP) American Institute of Parliamentarians AIP- Alyce Baker Washington Assoctiaon of Floodplain Mana Northwest Regional Floodplain Managers Association (NORFMA) Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFM) 2012 Proposed Budget 213,6 5,000 200 400 100 100 3,500_ 1,500 600 500 600 f 300 4,000 1,000 200 700 385 50 10 30 25 100 Community Development International Association of Administrative Professionals Registrations National Planning Conference for Director Parliamentary Law conference Administrative Professionals conference floodplain management training _ Planning Direc Conference Training Department wide customer service training Spokane County Contracts this contract covers our use of the PLUS, PRISM and PADAL - and the Hearing "Examiner contract. All of these systems are used on a daily basis Total Admin $ 2012 Proposed Budget 1,500 100 700 100; 300 30 0 100 1 15,000 323,743 Planninq & Community Development Development Engineering Division Salaries & Wages - Engineering Overtime Employee Benefits Supplies Office Supplies Publications Meeting Supplies Safety Equipment Gas, Oil, & Tires Small Tools & Minor Equipment Other Services & Charges Professional Services Postage Cell Phones Travel /Mileage Legal Notices Copier Maintenance Software Licenses & Maintenance Memberships Printing & Binding Registrations Filing & Recording Fees Petty Cash Reimbursement Intergovernmental Services Spokane County Contracts Capital Outlays Total Development Engineering Division 2010 2011 2012 Actual Budget Proposed Budget 368,074 399,910 414,964 252 4,000 1,000 117,651 141,080 162,382 3,699 3,114 3,000 - 415 400 787 208 200 - 208 200 2,220 3,321 3,000 1,389 1,038 1,000 18,376 50,000 30,000 3,700 311 400 9,552 2,024 1,000 1,839 5,190 5,000 - 208 200 900 1,038 1,000 1,218 3,736 3,500 711 1,194 1,300 57 519 500 4,536 6,537 6,500 - 519 250 31 - - 66,479 45,000 45,000 601,469 669,570 680,796 Community Development 2012 Proposed Budget CD/Engineering Division .055.559 Salaries & Wages 414,964 1 SR Dev Sery Engineer, 1.5 Engineers, 1.5 engineering technicians, 1 development inspector, 1 office assistant 1,000 Overtime Construction Inspector to attend meetings with contractors and emer gence ca ll -outs Employee Benefits _ 162,382 Office Supplies 3,000 Publications 400 Publications include periodicals, books and other reference material to support the Development Engineering staff, AASHTO Standards books, WSDOT standard books Meeting Supplies 200 Public Meeting supplies, flip charts, coffee, `markers name tags Safety Egu_pm equipment includes safety vests, safety glasses, hard hats, flashlights, safety kits for the vehicles, yellow caution tape, dust masks, _ Water jugs for vehicles, Gas, Oil, & Tires 3,000 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 1,000 This category includes items that are ',purchased to last longer periods of time than traditional office supplies. Examples: tape ;measures, extra long levels, staplers and staples (construction grade for notices), GPS , unit (shared), calculators, measuring wheels Accounting & Auditing - -3 %000 Professional Services David Evans, survey Contract. (code requirement) _ 400 Postage Covers all required and necessary mailed correspondence Cell Phones 1,000 down to one phone and laptop connectionfor construction inspector Travel/Mileage 5,000 Inland Empire APA conference 400 NORFMA Floodplain conference 1,200 Traffic Control 300 GIS Training 1,000 Stormwater 500 Construction Inspection Training 300, Traffic Engineering Training 300 Project Inspection mileage 500 General meeting mileage 500 Legal Notices 200 Community Development 2012 �.1. ( Proposed Budget Legal notices are required for Development Engineering requirements City Hall Rent - - Equipment Rental Maint - Contract _ 1,000 Copier Maintenance Software Licenses & Maintenance 3 software license updates per IT- windows 7 update - Non Capital Computer Software/Hardware - Subscriptions 1,300 Memberships 670 Members of American Society of Civil 'Engineers (ASCE) 300 American Planning Association (APA), American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), Associaition of State Floodplain Managers 100 (ASFPM) Washington Associaiton of Floodplain 30 Managers Northwest Regional Floodplain Managers 200 Association (NORFMA) Printing &Binding 500 Registrations 6,500 Inland Empire APA conference 300 NORFORMA Floodplain conference 1,200 Traffic Control 550' GIS Training 2,500 Stormwater 800' Construction Inspection Training ... 450' Traffic Engineering Training 550 Misc Local Training 1 50 Filing & Recording Fees 250 Filing & recording fees are the fees charged by Spokane County to record easements and requirements for Development Engineering Miscellaneous Services Training Spokane County Contracts s 45,000 this contract covers our use of the PLUS, PRISM and PADAL - and the Hearing Examiner contract. All of these systems are used on a daily basis Office Furniture & Equipment - Computer Software/Hardware Total Engineering 1 1 680,796 Planning & Community Development Other Services & Charges Accounting & Auditing 2010 2011 2012 Planning Division Actual Budget Proposed Postage 5 4,152 Budget Salaries & Wages - Planning Div. 541,375 588,889 591,320 Overtime 71 3,000 1,000 Employee Benefits 179,386 204,796 230,575 Supplies - 3,736 3,700 Office Supplies 1,547 3,270 3,200 Publications 152 415 400 Meeting Supplies 216 1,557 1,500 Safety Equipment - 156 150 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 4,848 5,190 5,000 Other Services & Charges Accounting & Auditing 400 - - Professional Services 59,972 100,000 50,000 Postage 5 4,152 3,000 Travel /Mileage 3,421 7,265 7,000 Legal Notices 8,796 6,227 6,500 Copier Maintenance 900 1,038 1,000 Software Licenses & Maintenance - 3,736 3,700 Subscriptions 125 623 600 Memberships 3,295 3,320 3,300 Printing & Binding - 5,190 2,000 Registrations 4,323 5,397 5,000 Filing & Recording Fees 133 4,152 4,000 Petty Cash Reimbursement 45 - - Intergovernmental Services Spokane County Contracts 54,675 75,000 75,000 Total Planning Division 863,685 1,023,373 994,245 Community Development I 2012 Proposed CD/Planning Division .056.558 Salaries & Wages - Planning Div. 1 planning manager, 2 senior planners, 2 associate planners, 3 assistant planners, 1 planning technician Overtime cover after hours me , etin s Employee Benefits Employee Benefits Office Supplies Publications Publications include periodicals, books and other reference material to support Planning staff, APA planning books, Standard practices books, zoning bulletin Meeting Supplies Public Meeting supplies, flip charts, coffee, markers, name tags - bike and ped plan, SMP, Comp Plan meetings, developer forums, Safety Equipment equipment includes safety vests, safety glasses, ;hard hats, flashlights, hammers for posting, 591,320 This category includes items that are purchased to last longer periods of time than 1 measures, staplers and staples (construction 230 - 3,200 400 Some projects require professional expertise that we do not have on staff Any money 1 of the Shoreline Master Program or any other 150 Postage Small Tools & Minor Equipm This category includes items that are purchased to last longer periods of time than traditional office supplies. Examples are tape measures, staplers and staples (construction grade for notices), calculators, stake drivers, employee chairs (700 each) Professional Services Some projects require professional expertise that we do not have on staff Any money funded here would be to support the finishing of the Shoreline Master Program or any other major program as directed by council. Postage Covers all required and necessary mailed correspondence - public meeting mailings Travel/Mileage 350 IES - APA 2 State APA Confere _ 3,200 Shoreline Conference 680 WA State Planning Managers Conference 675 Spokane River Forum 95 Misc travel for SECO, PTAC and other local meetings Legal Notices Notices B Community Development 2012 Proposed Budget _ Filing & recording fees are the fees charged by , Spokane County to record such things as final short plats, long plats and binding site plans. This is a revenue /expenditure neutral item given the applicant is responsible for the recording fees, which are paid to the City to cover all of the costs associated with filing or recording Copier Maintenance 1,000 Software Licenses & Maintenance 3,700 software license updates per IT upgrade to wi ndows 7 Subscriptions 600 Professional periodicals such as Planning Commissioners guide, Planners Journal, Planning Bulletin, Memberships 3,300 American Planning Association/AICP 1,450 American Planning Association 1,200; Congress for New Urbanism 200` Planning Association of Washington 160` APA = planning commission 290 Printing & Binding 2,000 Registrations 5,000 Inland Empire Section - APA 1,200' State American Planning Association 900 Conference Shoreline Conference 400 WA State Planning Managers Conference 600 Spokane River Forum 700` APA Certification credits - seminars 800 Misc. Workshops such as: Complete Street, 400 Bike and Ped , Airport Compatibility, Sustainability, Filing & Recording Fees 4,000 Filing & recording fees are the fees charged by Spokane County to record such things as final short plats, long plats and binding site plans. This is a revenue /expenditure neutral item given the applicant is responsible for the recording fees, which are paid to the City to cover all of the costs associated with filing or recording Spokane County Contracts 75,000 this contract covers our use of the PLUS, PRISM and PADAL - and the Hearing Examiner contract. All of these systems are used on a daily basis _ Total Planning 994,245 Planninq & Community Development 2010 2011 2012 Bldg /Code Compliance Division Actual Budget Proposed Budget Developer Mitigation Costs 51,238 - 17,000 Salaries & Wages - Building 715,939 724,586 768,318 Overtime 970 4,000 1,000 Employee Benefits 251,831 271,397 297,087 Employee Benefits 15 - 4,500 Supplies - 104 100 Office & Operating Supplies 3,825 4,152 4,000 Forms - 3,529 3,000 Publications 7,812 14,219 7,000 Safety Equipment 137 311 300 Gas, Oil, & Tires 12,595 13,078 16,000 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 1,738 5,190 5,000 Other Services & Charges Credit Card & Bankcard Fees - 15,569 17,000 Professional Services 4,322 15,568 5,000 Postage 2,064 519 1,000 Cell Phones - 9,341 8,000 Travel /Mileage 2,097 4,671 4,500 Legal Notices - 104 100 Copier Maintenance 5,848 15,569 10,000 Software Licenses & Maintenance - 6,227 6,000 Subscriptions - 259 250 Memberships 505 830 800 Registrations 2,195 7,784 7,700 Filing & Recording Fees 2 - - Code Enforcement Abatement 8,146 25,000 25,000 Intergovernmental Services Spokane County Contracts 47,890 65,000 65,000 Capital Outlays - - - Interfund Payments for Service Vehicle Replacement Costs - 8,400 8,400 Total Bldg /Code Compliance Division 1,119,170 1,260,454 1,215,303 140 Bike & Ped MP - EECBG Salaries & Wages (City Match) 37,651 - - Overtime 138 - Employee Benefits (City Match) 12,977 - - Total Bike & Ped MP - EECBG 50,766 - - Total Planning & Bike and Ped MP -EE 1,169,936 1,260,454 1,215,303 Community Development CD/Building Division .057.559 Employee Benefits Vehicle Replacement Costs funding 8400.00 for the replacement of 2 vehicles per the finance department Overtime I building official, 1 sr plans examiner, 1 pt plans examiner, 4 building inspectors, 1 sr permit specialist, 2 permit specialists, 2 ROW inspectors, 2 compliance officers, 1 office inspectors to meet contractors at job site beyond hours_ if necessary Employee Benefits — Employee Benefits Office & Operating Supplies Forms Inspection tags, Permit paper, CO inspection sheets, Target date sheets Publications Code books and update publications for 10 em to ees Safety Equipm equipment includes safety vests, safety glasses, hard hats, flashlights, safety kits for the vehicles, yellow caution tape, dust masks, waterjuQS for_v_ehicles, Gas, Oil, & Tires Small Tools & Minor Equipment ;This category includes items that are purchased to last longer periods of time than traditional office supplies. Examples are Cameras for the Compliance officers (aapprox. $600.00+ each) will need to be replaced, tape measures, hand levels, staplers and staples (construction grade for notices), scientific calculators, employee chairs, ROW street _- Credit Card & Bankcard Fees Credit card fees charged by banks - cannot calculate the amount, varies by bank, by card, by charge, by bank holder state. Accounting & Auditing Professional Services 'Some projects require professional expertise that we do not have on staff. Among these services we could need outside review by professionals such as engineers, architects, industrial hygienists or other specialty professionals for projects proposing complex structural systems; or large important buildings; like assemblies and hospitals; or alternate 2012 Proposed Budge 768,317 300 17 construction materials. Community Development Airway Heigh Covers all required and necessary mailed correspondence, certified mail for code compliance Postage _ Cell Phones ,11 phones one for GPS connection and 6 laoptop connections Travel/Mileage Building Official. WABO- four in -state technical /professional meetings; one person each meeting, two -day meeting Permit Center Staff Four one -day customer sevice trainings; one - person each training WSAPT Meetings- two in -state technical /professional meetings; one person Teach meeting; one - day - meeting !Certifications- one per year f Certification Renewals -one per year Technical Staff (Plans examiners/building inspectors): Inland Empire Chapter in -state code _ �training;one person, three -day training _ f WABO or IDABO education institute- one five -day code training Local (same day travel) code training; five -six trainings as available- Energy code, building code topics, plumbing code, ATC 20, 1/2-1 - day training; one -two persons each training; On -line code training for certifications- six .. ,,classes Certifications_- three per year 'Certification Renewal -two per year Code Compliance Staff. _ Customer Interface training: two one -day _ trainings; one person each training WACE sponsored training -two one -day trainings; one person ROW Inspector Annual RoadBuilders Clinic- Four -day conference for best practices updates /technology changes; one person Legal Notices Copier Maintenance Software Licenses &Maintenance a license updates per IT 'Building Law Bulletin, Code Enforcement Law Bulletin Memberships International Code Conference (ICC) governmental membership j 2012 Proposed Budget 1,000 8,000 4,500 350 510 150 180 60 300 600 500 300 1 566 150 300 200 40 0 i 100 10,000 6,000 250 800 I 150 Community Development Registrations - Building Official. WABO- four in -state technical/professional meetings; one person each meeting, two -day Inland Empire Chapter, ICC- five individual memberships Washington Association of Buildng Officials governmental membership Washington Association of Permit Technician s° three individual memberships Washington Association of Code Enforcers two individual memberships State Building Code Council meetings- four - eight per year state code development; one -day meeting; no travel or meal charges to City Permit Center Staff. Four one -day customer sevice trainings; one person each training ' WSAPT Meetings - two in -state technical /professional meetings; one person each meeting; one - day meeting _ (Technical Staff (Plans examiners/building Inland Empire Chapter in -state code training;one person, three -day training WABO or IDABO education institute- one five -day code training _ Local (same day travel) code training; five -six trainings as available- Energy code, building code topics, plumbing code, ATC 20, 1/2-1 - day training; one -two persons each training; meals /travel only Code Compliance Staff- Customer Interface training: two one -day ~ trainings; one person each training �WACE sponsored training - two one - day Itrammgs; one person ROW Inspector: Annual RoadBuilders Clinic- Four -day conference for best practices updates /technology changes; one person 'Misc other local travel Filing & Recording Fees Code Enforcement Abatement this amount will cover 1 -4 abatements per year, Spokane County Contracts _ this contract covers our use of the PLUS, PRISM and PADAL . All of these systems are used on a daily basis_ Computer Software/ Workstation Costs 2012 Proposed Budget s 175 200 195 80 7,700 800 1,200 500 500 300 150 250 T 25,000 65,000 4 Total Building ( 1,260,454 Spokane Valley Economic Development Plan This paper outlines a plan to complete an Economic Development Plan. A. The first step is to develop the goals and objectives of what the Economic Development Plan should accomplish. B. Develop a mission statement for Economic Development Plan in Spokane Valley. The goals, objectives and mission statement should be reviewed periodically through the process to make sure that the Council, Planning Commission, staff, consultants and any identified groups working on the Plan are working towards the same goal. There may be information that comes out through the process that would cause the goals to be modified but this should happen during the process, not at the end. C. Who will work on the Plan? The work can be completed with a combination of consultant and staff. A consultant that has experience with economic development plans would be in the best position to put together the plan for Spokane Valley. This work should be supplemented with data that the staff can generate and public meetings can also be coordinated by staff. D. Who will review the work? Several models will work to put together a draft plan. Ultimately, the Plan will go through a Planning Commission public hearing and City Council adoption into the Comprehensive Plan. The Plan can move forward without a steering committee, but it seems important to involve stakeholders early in the process so that the Plan represents the values of the community early in the process. Some form of steering committee can help this happen. Checking in with a steering committee during the entire process of creating the plan can provide community feedback. A steering committee can advise the staff and /or consultant what should be included in the plan, provide a forum for outside public comment, provide input about the content of open houses or surveys if incorporated into the process. a. A sub - committee of the city council can form the steering committee. b. A group made up of citizens i.e. a planning commission member, Chamber of Commerce, Greater Spokane Inc, Spokane Industrial Park, Auto Row, Commercial Real Estate Broker, Utility Company, small business owner, citizens at large. E. Create an Economic Development Plan that will do the following things: 1. Identify the existing resources for Economic Development in the region and where there are gaps. 2. Update information about the community and business. Examples: a. Examine current demographics and forecast future to identify where the city falls short of demand. b. What are the needs of existing business community? Are there things the City can do to enhance business? Do current regulations work? c. Inventory existing business types. What is current employment base? What kind of jobs /business should the city try to attract? d. Inventory workforce. Does the workforce meet the needs of business? e. What are Spokane Valley's assets? f. How does Spokane Valley compete with neighbors? g. What land is available for new development or redevelopment? 3. Does the current infrastructure meet the needs of business? 4. Are there opportunities to create a synergy with existing business? 5. What kind of investment can the city make to get the biggest return? Develop a cost - benefit model. 6. Establish community goals for economic development. 7. Prioritize a work program for the next 5 -10 years. 8. Establish measurable outcomes of plan implementation. F. How will the plan be paid for? No funding is established in the 2011 budget. Much of the information gathering can be incorporated into the current Community Development work program.. Any outside surveys, public mailings, open houses, etc should also be included in a budget allocation. The estimated cost is $75- 80,000. This is based on looking at the budget for Woodinville which was $50,000 in 2005. Woodinville already had some of the work completed before the consultant took over and was only budgeted for four meetings with a task force, two meetings with the Planning Commission and one meeting with the City Council. G. What will the timing be? The work program for this project should be included in the 2012 Spokane Valley Business Plan and in the 2012 budget discussion. Some of the research can be completed by staff in the last quarter of 2011 so that the public portion of the plan can start in 2012. All of the Plan should be completed in time to include it in the 2012 Comprehensive Plan Update. City of Spokane Valley Economic Development Plan Scope of Work The City's preference is that any data regarding regional influences rely on existing information to the greatest extent possible. The following is a list of questions, issues and work tasks. 1a. Strategic Economic and Market Situation Assessment Using existing data and Spokane Valley staff resources, analyze the City's current economic, market and fiscal situation. This information will be used as baseline information to inform the content of the Economic Development Plan. Describe the City's position in the regional economy, focusing on relevant regional employment and economic trends and identify growing and emerging markets well suited for Spokane Valley. Evaluate the mix of industries and economic activity for the City, including trends in employment, wages and revenues. Identify the City's advantages for business attraction and retention, based on location, economic activity, demographics, and other relevant attributes. How does Spokane Valley compete with it's neighbors? Evaluate the City's current and future retail position: delineate the retail trade capture area for different types of retail and commercial markets. Identify sales tax "leakage" or missed opportunities for local retailers, as well as retail market strongholds within the trade area. What are the benefits and disadvantages to the City of various types of business? (i.e. office, retail, industrial) 1b. Provide an Economic Development Assessment of Infrastructure Needs and Opportunities Assess the importance of infrastructure investments to the City's future economic development. Evaluate the needs of local business for infrastructure improvements. Describe in a general benefit -cost framework the relative merits of key infrastructure improvements. ic. Work with city's designated group to identify key economic development strengths, challenges and opportunities for the City. 1d. What re existing agencies doing to promote economic development and how can the City fill in the gaps? 1e. What are the needs of the existing business community? Does the workforce meet the needs of business? 2. Economic Development Plan: Strategy and Implementation Based on the information gathered above and direction of the designated group, prepare a draft and final version of an Economic Development Plan including goals, action strategies and identification of implementation issues. Key issues that have been preliminary identified by the City include the list below. • Identify the City's short and long -term economic development opportunities. • Identify strategic goals the City can adopt to: o Retain and help grow the City's existing businesses. • Encourage and attract new business and employment opportunities in the City. • Grow the City's tourism industry and its direct economic impact to the City • Prepare a recommended work program in priority order for the next 5 -10 years. • Prepare outcomes that can be used to measure success. 3. Prepare For and Attend City's Designated Group Meetings The contractor will be expected to attend and participate in 4 -6 meetings with the City's designated group during the performance of this agreement. The purpose of the meetings will be to identify issues that should be included in the economic analysis; discuss the results of the economic analysis and the implications of key findings; and present and discuss preliminary Economic Development Plan goals and action strategies. 4. Prepare for Planning Commission and Council Meetings Attend and participate in two meetings with the Planning Commission. Present the Draft Economic Development Plan initially in a study session and finally at a public hearing for incorporation to the City's Comprehensive Plan. Attend and participate in three meetings with the City Council to present and discuss key findings from the economic analysis and to present the Planning Commission recommended draft of the Economic Development Plan. Parks & Recreation Supplies Office & Operating Supplies 2010 2011 2012 P & R Admin Division Actual Budget Proposed Publications - 200 Budget Salaries & Wages 145,201 147,849 153,367 Employee Benefits 45,063 51,571 49,611 Temporary/Seasonal Wages 1,910 - - Temporary/Seasonal Benefits 142 - - Supplies Office & Operating Supplies 1,149 2,700 2,700 Forms 43 - 12,500 Publications - 200 200 Clothing & Uniforms 33 200 200 Repair & Maintenance Supplies 7 2,500 8,000 Gas, Oil, Tires 2,450 3,000 3,000 Small Tools & Minor Equipment - 5,000 2,000 Other Services & Charges IT Support 4,308 3,500 4,300 Professional Services - 5,000 12,500 Postage 393 1,000 700 Telephone Services 499 500 500 Travel /Mileage 1,928 2,500 3,250 Advertising 375 1,000 500 Copier Maintenance 1,828 2,500 2,000 Software Licenses and Maint - 3,000 Subscriptions 221 250 300 Memberships 882 500 1,000 Printing & Binding 350 500 500 Miscellaneous Services 25 1,000 500 Intergovernmental Services Stormwater Fees 10,379 10,000 11,000 Total P & R Admin Division $217,187 $256,128 $244,270 P & R 2012 Budget Preperation Detail Worksheet ADMINISTRATION DIVISION _ Salaries & Wages Temporary/Seasonal Wages Employee Benefits Temporary/Seasonal Benefits Office & Operating Supplies P /ese (PIP) Printing - Items printed & mounted Office Depot and /or Staples: Printer Cartridges: 2 @$86, 2 @$58 Fax Cartridges: 3 @$45 Misc. Supplies: Post -It Notes, calendars, labels, paper clips, binder clips, staples paper, letterhead, pens, pencils /leads, sheet protectors, binders, folders, etc. Publications Clothing & Uniforms Department Hats and shirts Repair & Maintenance Supplies Items not covered in Maintenance Contract Gas, Oil, Tires Small Tools & Minor Equipment IT Support Maintenance cost of registration /reservation software Professional Services Consultant work for dog park conceptual master plan Consultant work to update park master plan Postage Telephone Services Cell Phones Travel /Mileage Staff Training WR Conference May 1 -4 Bellevue NRPA Conference Oct. 16 -18 Anaheim Advertising Programs and personnel recruitment Copier Maintenance Software Licenses and Main Subscriptions Memberships Director - WRPA Director - NRPA Administrative Staff 2012 Proposed Budciet 12,500 5,000 7,500 700 500 3,250 250 1,000 2,000 500 500 2,000 300 1,000 250 250 500 153,367 49,611 2,700 150 288 135 2127 200 200 8,000 200 3,000 2,000 4,300 12,500 5,000 7,500 700 500 3,250 250 1,000 2,000 500 500 2,000 300 1,000 250 250 500 Printing & Binding Miscellaneous Services Workstation Costs Software Licenses & Main Computer Software /Hardware IF Transfer to Parks Cap Fund Parks & Recreation 2010 2011 2012 Maintenance Actual Budget Proposed Budget Supplies Repair & Maintenance Supplies 42,769 40,000 40,000 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 170 5,500 5,500 Other Services & Charges Parks Maintenance Contract 597,419 607,000 710,000 Electricity 8,804 15,000 12,000 Water 15,702 18,000 17,000 Sewer 13,278 14,000 14,000 Miscellaneous Services 1,929 2,000 2,000 Intergovernmental Services Taxes and Assessments - 3,200 3,200 Total Maintenance $680,071 $803,700 $704,700 MAINTENANCE DIVISION Repair & Maintenance Supplies Items not covered under maintenance contract Misc. Repairs /Replacements Wafer /Irrigation for Mirabeau Park south end Park signage /kiosks Small Tools & Minor Equipment Items not covered under maintenance contract f Park Maintenance Services Senske Contract - added Greenacres Park Centennial Trail Mainenance Senske Contract included in amount above Electricity Water Sewer _ Miscellaneous Services SRHD - water testing DOH - sanitary survey a Honey Buckets - Mirabeau Trailhead Misc. Services Taxes and Assements 2012 Proposed Budqet 40,000 10,000 15,0001 25,000 t– 5,500 710,000 12,000 17,000 14,000 2,000 460` —....__._.__... — 320; 720 500; 3,200 Total 1 1 803,700 Parks & Recreation 2010 2011 2012 Recreation Actual Budget Proposed Budget State Remittance - Leasehold Excise Tax 6,654 6,000 6,000 Salaries & Wages 56,025 59,723 58,843 Employee Benefits 23,677 25,585 30,779 Temporary/Seasonal Wages 46,426 55,664 55,880 Temporary/Seasonal Benefits 4,196 4,393 4,409 Supplies Office & Operating Supplies 3,047 8,273 7,300 Safety Equipment 150 370 450 Clothing & Uniforms 854 2,000 1,500 Small Tools & Equipment - 300 Other Services & Charges Scholarship expense 160 - Professional Services 22,123 24,500 23,200 Postage 1,578 3,000 2,000 Cell Phones 656 1,500 1,500 Travel /Mileage 564 1,650 1,650 Advertising 8,430 12,600 11,650 Equipment Rental Maintenance - Contracted - 11,900 5,000 Copier Maintenance 1,830 3,400 2,500 Software Licenses and Maintenance - 3,600 Memberships 226 500 500 Printing & Binding - 3,000 Miscellaneous Services 11,403 16,420 16,000 Training 627 650 650 Capital Outlays Computer Software /Hardware - 1,600 Total Recreation $188,624 $229,811 $246,628 RECREATION DIVISION 2012 Proposed Budqet Salaries & Wages 58,843 Employee Benefits 30,779 Temporary /Seasonal Wages 55,880 Recreation Interns Rec. Temp Seasonal Staff Overtime Rec. Temp Seasonal Staff Temporary/Seasonal Benefits Employee Benefits Office & Operating Supplies Recreation Program Supplies Summer Camp T- shirts Rec. Coord. Office Supplies Business Cards Publications Meeting Supplies Safety Equipment First Aid Supplies Clothing & Uniforms Rec. Temp Seasona Staff T- shirts Small Tools & Equipment 1 23,200 7,000' 6,800 8,200 500 2,000 1,500 1,650 4,409 650 11,650 — 7,300 4,000; 2,800, 400, 1001 11 650 Electricity 450 450 - Water Equip Rental Maint- Contracted Copier Maintenance Software Licenses and Maint Memberships WRPA Annual Membership NRPA Annual Membership 1,500 1,500 5,000 2,500 Professional Services First Student Field Trip Transportation for Camps Instructor /Presenter Fees Summer Outdoor Movies Screen & License Program Banners (parks & special events) Postage Cell Phones Travel /Mileage WPRA Annual Conference WRPA Mid Year Conference _ Advertising Recreation Brochure (2 times a year) Newspaper Advertisements 1 23,200 7,000' 6,800 8,200 500 2,000 1,500 1,650 1,000 650 11,650 — 11 650 Electricity - Water Equip Rental Maint- Contracted Copier Maintenance Software Licenses and Maint Memberships WRPA Annual Membership NRPA Annual Membership 5,000 2,500 500 250 250 Printing & Binding Registrations Miscellaneous Services Summer Day Camp Field Trips Skillbuilder Training for Summer Staff First Aid /CPR Traiing for Summer Staff Spring into Action special Event supplies Haunted House special event supplies Training WRPA Annual Conference WRPA Mid Year Conference Misc State Remit - LH Excise Tax Computer Software /Hardware Total 9,000' 1,200, 1,300' _ 1,000 3,500 16,000 650 315 200 135 6,000 229,811 Parks & Recreation Aquatics 2010 2011 Actual Budget 2012 Proposed Budget Supplies Office & Operating Supplies Forms Small Tools & Minor Equipment Other Services & Charges Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) Professional Services Postage Telephone Service Advertising Electricity Water Sewer Equipment Repair & Maintenance Printing & Binding Miscellaneous Services Intergovernmental Services Taxes and Assessments Total Aquatics 914 500 500 31 - - 2,500 2,500 1,988 2,000 2,000 358,053 370,000 375,000 1,020 - 3,840 3,750 3,750 - 1,500 1,500 26,935 30,000 30,000 16,259 12,000 16,000 6,747 3,000 7,000 - 1,500 1,500 620 1,500 1,500 1,710 1,000 1,000 2,616 - - $420,734 $429,250 $442,250 AQUATICS DIVISION Office & Operating Supplies Small Tools & Minor Equipment Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) Professional Service Telephone Service Travel /Mileage Advertising Electricity Water Sewer Equipment Repair - & — M — ai n t — na — nc — Maintenance Printing & Binding Miscellaneous Services 2012 Proposed Budqet 500 2,500 2,000 375,000 $3,750 1,500 30,000 16,000 7,000 1,500 1,500 1,000 Total 1 1 442,250 Parks & Recreation Senior Center Salaries & Wages Employee Benefits Temporary/Seasonal Wages Overtime Supplies 2010 2011 Actual Budget VV,V I V 13,975 58,935 15,118 400 500 2012 Proposed Budget 58,843 17,477 1,000 Office & Operating Supplies 818 1,000 1,000 Publications - 100 100 Repair & Maintenance Supplies 140 - 140 Small Tools & Minor Equipment - 4,000 4,000 Other Services & Charges Postage - 250 250 Travel /Mileage - 500 500 Advertising 452 1,000 1,000 Equipment Repair & Maintenance - 1,000 1,000 Copier Maintenance 1,830 500 2,000 Software Licenses and Maintenance 400 1,700 1,000 Memberships 55 100 100 Registrations - 450 450 Miscellaneous Services - 3,000 3,000 Training - 400 400 Capital Outlays Computer Software /Hardware - 700 700 Total Senior Center $73,543 $89,653 $92,961 SENIOR CENTER DIVISION Salaries & Wages _ Temporary/Seasonal Wages Overtime Employee Benefits Office & Operating Supplies Paper, ink cartridges, folders, etc. Publications Valley Herald - Meeting Supplies Repair & Maintenance Supplies Small Tools & Minor Equipment replace card tables and class room tables Postage Travel /Mileage WSASC Conference Advertis Spokesman Review, Senior Directory, Dex Directory Electricity Water Sewer Equipment Repair & Maintenance Service Kilns & clean greenhouse windows Copier Maintenance Software Licenses and Maintenance per IT Department _ Subscriptions Memberships WSASC Membership Printing & Binding Registrations WSASC Conference Miscellaneous Services Professional speakers /seminars 2012 Proposed Budqet 58,843 1,000 17,477 1,000 100 - 140 4,000 250 500 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 100 450 3,000 Training 400 Computer classes, other pertinent training, CTA Equipment Rental Maint- Contract 4 � Computer Software /Hardware 700 IT Department upgrades Total 92,961 Parks & Recreation Supplies Office & Operating Supplies 2010 2011 2012 CenterPlace Actual Budget Proposed Operating Supplies - Linens 7,864 17,115 Budget Salaries & Wages 212,161 223,365 224,758 Employee Benefits 83,516 93,717 101,645 Temporary/Seasonal Wages 46,370 50,000 50,000 Temporary/Seasonal Benefits - 3,873 4,000 Overtime 1,551 - 1,000 Supplies Office & Operating Supplies 10,838 7,911 8,175 Forms 43 - 10,570 Operating Supplies - Linens 7,864 17,115 17,115 Meeting Supplies 1,889 2,710 2,735 Safety Equipment - 2,700 2,700 Clothing & Uniforms 996 2,066 2,066 Repair & Maintenance Supplies 11,522 9,200 11,635 Janitorial supplies 22,179 16,000 22,400 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 15,080 13,250 12,050 Other Services & Charges Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) 5,935 6,000 6,055 Professional Services 10,362 11,060 10,570 Janitorial services 91,777 91,590 91,590 Postage 4,444 4,000 4,500 Telephone Service 9,896 23,665 10,095 Cell Phones 1,460 1,905 1,475 Travel /Mileage 1,093 2,450 2,450 Advertising 102,668 30,000 60,000 Electricity 86,339 96,375 90,655 Water 3,903 25,499 15,000 Sewer 526 12,335 10,500 Waste Disposal 8,916 9,735 9,105 Equipment Rental Maintenance - Contracted - 500 500 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 11,783 11,055 14,190 Copier Maintenance 1,829 2,303 2,303 Software Licenses and Maintenance 1,200 325 3,975 Subscriptions 790 - 50 Memberships 1,451 1,705 1,830 Printing & Binding 500 1,155 1,155 Miscellaneous Services 6,012 3,810 4,670 Training 478 1,410 1,410 Capital Outlays Computer Software /Hardware 17,332 30,000 Interfund Payments for Service Building Costs 317,000 317,000 317,000 Vehicle Replacement Costs - 7,000 7,000 Total CenterPlace $1,099,701 $1,132,784 1,126,357 CENTERPLACE DIVISION 2012 Proposed Budget Temporary/Seasonal Wages 50,000 Temproray /Seasonal B enefit s 4,000 Salaries & Wages 224,758 Overtime 1,000 Employee Benefits 101,645 Office & Operating Supplies 8,175 File Folders (20 boxes @ $15/box) 300 Hanging File Folders (2 boxes @ $2Zbox) 44 Letterhead (100 sheets) 125 Envelope ( 6 boxes @ $50/box) 300' Pens (2 boxes @ $6.501 - 1 56 Misc. office Supplies (white out, binders, post -it notes _ 950 Kitchenware (pumperpots, waterpitchers, dish replac 3000 Coff & Co ffee Supplies (creamer, stir stic ks, cups, : _ 2050 w Kleenex (5 pack @ $91pk) 140 Flags (4) 225 Labels (address labels, folder labels, etc) 125 Batteries (for cordless microphones) 250 Tape 110 Business cards Cables to replace lost/sto/en for sound system 400 Forms Ope rating Supplies - Linens 17,115 Meeting Supplies 2,735 FEase /s, white board replacement, 1735 rP rojectorbu lbs 1000 dry erase markers, projector bulbs Safety Equipment 2,700 Servicing fire extinquishers Clothing & Uniforms _ 2,066 40 staffshirts (2 perperson) @ $36 1shirt 1,440 15 staff zip jacket or pullover (1 1pp) @ 41.71 /ea 626 Repai & Main tenance Suppl 11,635 Filters - - 3,700 Light bulbs 1,500 Misc. (nuts, bolts, glue, wood) 3,335 Paint & supplies 2,000 Electrical supp 1,100 Janitorial supplies 22,400 Cleaning supplies - 6900 Paper products & garbage bags 11000 Misc. 2000 Diswasher /cleaning supplies 2500, Gas, Oil, & Tires Small Tools & Minor Equipment _ 12 ,050 Hand tools, extension cords 800 Chair replacements (500 @ $163 /ea) - 11,250 -� Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) 6,055 IT Support Professional Services 10,570 Window washing 3,000 Alarm (monitoring agreement), repair & keys 1,050 Elevator 1,800 Carpet Cleaning 1,310 Floor waxing 2,000 Misc. services (answering service) 1,410 Janitori services 91,590 Contract with ISS Facility Services Postage t 4 ,500 Telephone Service -- ", - 10,095 Cell Phones 1,475 4 Cell phones (2 maint and host) Travel /Mileage 2,450 Attend WRPA meetings 1,000 Attend WRPA Conference in Bellevue 1,150 Mileage for various meetings 300 Advertising 60,000 DexAdvertising 3,800 Brochures & other printed material 3,000 ' Marketing folders 1,600 Develop/Print ads 11,000 Website update & hosting renewal 600 Updated Marketing Plan 10,000 Electricity 90,655 Water 15,000 Sewer 10,500 Waste Disposal 9,105 Recycling 340 Equip Rental Maint- Contracted 500 500' Equipment Repair & Maintenance 14,190 Included HVAC contract 6,640 Equipment Repair 3,550 Kilnlpool tables 500 Elevator RepaiNmaintenance 2,000 Roof repair 500 Refrigerator repair 1,000 Copier Maintenance 2,303 Software Licenses and Maintenance 3,975 Subscriptions 50 Memberships 1,830 Greater Spokane Incorporated 650 Post Falls Chamber of Commerce 225 Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce 320 National Park & Recreation Association 150 Washington Recreation & Park Association 110 Inpro 125 Spokane Hotel Motel Association 250 Printing & Binding 1,155 Brochures & other printed material Miscellaneous Services 4,670 Spokane Co. Health Dist Permit 800 Motion Picture License 530 Bridal Festival Booth (Jan & Sept) 975 Eventective leads for prospective business 200 Chamber Business Fair Booth 300 Spokane Valley Chamber meetings 150 Hotel Motel meetings 205 Piano Tuning 150 Elevator Permits 110 Boiling and operating permit - L &I 500 Service call on A/V equipment 750 draining 1,410 Office Furniture & Equipment Computer Software /Hardware Outdoor storage building Outdoor wedding gazebo Outdoor courtyard on Great Room patio Workstation Costs 317,000 Vehicle Replacement 7,000 IF TransfecCivic Facil. Replac FD Total 1,126,357 Public Works Department Public Works general fund Salaries & Wages Salaries & Wages Overtime Employee Benefits Supplies Office Supplies Publications Safety Equipment Gas, Oil, & Tires Small Tools & Minor Equipment Non Capital Computer Software /Hardwa Other Services & Charges Engineering & Architectural IT Support Postage Cell Phones Travel /Mileage Advertising Copier Maintenance Software Licenses & Maintenance Subscriptions Memberships Printing & Binding Registrations Filing & Recording Fees Miscellaneous Services Training Computer Software Total Public Works 2010 2011 2012 Actual Budget Proposed Budget 460,515 521,490 543,438 5,317 13,072 14,000 144,562 170,992 197,331 4,451 10,752 6,000 715 2,120 2,000 168 11,236 7,000 2,631 8,000 8,000 538 20,000 7,000 5,231 - 6,000 28,871 50,000 50,000 13,539 26,500 14,000 574 3,063 550 1 ,773 2,700 2,000 5,965 6,800 6,800 - 3,580 - 3,812 11,500 4,000 12,667 18,000 18,000 235 - - 1,543 3,180 2,500 - 1,060 - 457 1,272 600 10 - - 19 2,000 - 4,019 5,300 5,300 6,346 - 7,000 703,956 892,617 901,519 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - DETAILS GENERAL FUND 001.032. Salaries & Wages Overtime Employee Benefits Office Supplies Publications Safety Equipment T Gas, Oil, & Tires 3 vehicles plus 4 summer vehicles Misc. tires /repairs Small Tools & Minor Equipment Misc. tools for the department Non Capital Computer Software /Hardware Engineering & Architect IT Support Citrix - 9 Licen sup port agreement ArcView Map reque etc. Postage Cell Phones 5 cell phones Travel /Mileage 4 staff ($250 x 4)- APWA, WSDOT, Rd & St Conference _ and Misc, training 1 each out of town _ Car Rental ($150 x 4) Lodging & Meals ($300 x 4 x 2) (average of 2 nights away) Misc training classes (12 " $125) Other Misc. .......... ....... Copier Maintenance Software Licenses & Maintenance Culvert, Flow Master, Pond Pack Support Renewal TranSoft AutoCad _ Adobe Prof SRTC Visum Support Renewals & other misc. Memberships APWA (4 x $133) IMSA ($40 x 1) Arch. ($140 x 1) NCARB (1 x $225) Unanticipated Charges Registrations PE (5 X $120) Computer Software Training 2012 543,438 14,000 197,331 6,000 2,000 7,000 8,000 7,000 1,000 7,000 5 0,000 14,000 9,000 2,500 2.500 2,000 2,500 532 40 140 225 1,5631 600 7,000 5,300 Class Registration & Webinar fees (10 staff x 2 classes x $250) 5,000 Other Misc. 300 Total PW: 901,519 6,800 1,000 600 2,400 1,500 i 1,300 4,000 - 18,000 1,825 ; 3,000 6,000 500 1,100 5,575 2,500 532 40 140 225 1,5631 600 7,000 5,300 Class Registration & Webinar fees (10 staff x 2 classes x $250) 5,000 Other Misc. 300 Total PW: 901,519 Public Works Department 2010 2011 2012 Street Fund Actual Budget Proposed Budaet Unassigned Ending Fund Balance - 1,658,723 - Salaries & Wages 234,008 332,590 377,471 Employee Benefits 77,236 101,341 140,671 Overtime 7,826 - 4,000 Supplies Operating Supplies 1,186 1,200 1,200 Gas, Oil, & Tires 8,433 8,000 8,000 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 22,981 20,000 20,000 Repair & Maintenance Supplies 33,112 43,000 43,000 Other Services & Charges Engineering & Architectural 263,148 325,000 325,000 Professional Services 10,663 - - Telephone Service 6,154 1,272 6,000 Cell Phones 3,967 1,500 2,000 Waste Disposal 3,348 1,500 3,500 Copier Maintenance - 500 500 Travel /Mileage 3,010 7,000 3,500 Contract street maintenance 1,303,501 1,783,988 1,783,988 Contract Street Maintenance -Ellen Rd 86 - - Winter Snow Services 483,111 820,000 719,000 Pavement Preservation - - 500,000 Utility Services 1,617 - - Bridge /Street Maintenance - 450,000 450,000 Street Lighting 413,982 380,000 420,000 Water & Sprinkler 16,962 20,000 19,000 Traffic Control Devices- Repair & Maint. 14,848 - - Vehicle Replacement Costs - 9,100 10,777 Workstation Costs 1,504 1,504 IT Support - 2,180 Memberships 190 3,180 37,480 Registrations 292 572 572 Facilities Operating Expenses 25,187 - - Plow Replacement - 100,000 Building Replacement cost 12,500 Electricity 4,000 Sewer 300 Repair and Maintenance - 6,700 Taxes and Assessments 6,588 4,000 Intergovernmental Services Street Maintenance - County 563,599 682,000 682,000 WSDOT Maintenance Contract 168,985 265,000 265,000 Capital Outlays Building and Structures - 45,000 40,000 Traffic control improvements 15,539 - - Transportation 19,553 Capital Equipment - Plow Truck - - - Interfund Payments for Service Interfund Transfer - SRTC Membership 34,300 44,600 Transfer to General Fund - OH 39,675 25,000 39,675 Transfer to: Trails & Paths - 8,300 8,300 Blake Road Repair Salaries & Wages 199 - - Employee Benefits 26 Sprague Ave ITS Salaries & Wages 4,887 Employee Benefits 1,902 Other Services & Charges - Professional Services 76,212 Capital Outlays Traffic Control Devices (Construction) 562 Traffic Signal Phasing (Flashing Yellow) Salaries & Wages 303 Employee Benefits 174 Other Services & Charges Professional Services 7,923 Traffic Control Devices- Repair & Maint. 500 Capital Outlays Traffic Control Devices 21,561 Traffic Signal LED Replacement Traffic Control Devices - Repair & Maint. 15,957 - Street Fund 3,913,293 5,383,327 6,039,638 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - DETAILS STREET FUND 101.042. Salaries & Wages Employee Benefits overtime Operating Supplies Gas, Oil, & Tires ._.___._.-..... - -- Mainte (4 vehicles x $150 /mo) Misc. ti & Re pairs Small Tools & Minor Equipment Tools to outfit a mechanic for winter snow operations, saws and weed eaters for city staff /geiger crews, welding equipment, etc. Repair & Maintenance Supplies Supplies including coldmix for potholes, rental equipment, street markers, welding ga sses, cone safety equipment, truck parts, crack sealing Engineering & Architectural County Engineering Contract Unanticipated Bridge Engineering Repair Street Master Plan TIP Street Master Plan Pavement Mgmt 2012 377,471 140 4, 1, 200 8,000 20,000 325,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 j 100,000 100,000 I Telephone Service 6,000 Columbia Fiber for Traffic Engineer Connection 1,272 Aircards for Miantenance Staff 1,580 '{ Fiber connections between City hall and the Maint. Shop 2,736 `. .Internet at maint. Shop 412 i Cell Phones _. 2,000 3 Cell Phones( 3 phones) + wireless access point W D _ Copier Maintenance Travel /Mileage & Training Airfare ($250 x 4) _ Car Rental ($100 x 4) _ Lodgi & Meals ($200 x 4 x 2 nights) Misc. training in area (4 x $125) Rd &St Conference, WSDOT, Flagging, Chemical, Street Safety, etc., APWA Snow Conference Private street maintenance AAA Sweeping Poe Asphalt Street Repair & Maintenance - This contract includes all road maintenance. Emergency Callout from County Contract ProCare Landscaping Misc. Contractual Services 3,500 500 3,500 1,000 400 1,600 500 1 19,608 1,545,119 1,783,988 10,000 28,630 180,631 Pavement Preservation _ 00,000 Bridae /Street Maintenance 450.000 _ The City has outstanding bridge maintenance repair that must be performed to keep bridges in safe condition. They are: Misc repairs based on Westway's estimate of 2007 & 2008 bridge maintenance items (including estimated traffic control) = $150,000 Sullivan Rd Bridge over Trent expansion joint and corbel repair = $50,000 Sullivan Rd Bridge over UPRR (NB) — hydro mill and overlay concrete deck = $150,000 Other miscellaneous repairs = $50,000 i Street Lighting _ _ 420,000 increase due to higher costs of electricity and added street lights due to capital projects PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - DETAILS 2012 Winter Snow Services 719,000 This is an estimate based on a study by HDR for Omaha, Nebr. 500 presented this spring at the APWA North American Snow Conference. 300 Th study did a comparison of 11 upper Midwest Cities. It provided 4 380 j diff methods to calculate the estimate cost of a snow operation. 34,300 The Cities studied are generally larger than Spokan Vly and will probably have economies of scale that will make their costs lower than ours. Cost/Lane mile 1,718 Lane Miles 1,059 Total 1,819,362 Additionally, we will have start-up and capital costs that are not included in the average costs for a normal snow operation. I do not 'have an estimate at this time and have not include anything in the budget. Cost/1" Snow 1,219 Ave. Snow 44 Squ. Miles 39 Total 2,064,986 Estimates are base on an HDR study for Omaha, NE. HDR E surveyed 11 major cities in the upper midwest to develop the typical — costs for Winter Snow and Ice Services. Cost/1VLane Mile 43 Lane Miles 1,060 Ave. Snow 44 Total 2,005,520 Cost/Capita 15 Population 90,000 Total 1,350, 000 Average Total 1,809,967 Water & Sprinkler 9 Vehicle Replacement Costs 10,777 Works tation Costs 1,504 Memberships 37,480 Various Ecology, Chemical Handlers, Water Works Operator, Flaggir 1,000 Inland Empire Utility Dues 1,000 , 2 ITE memberships ($250 x 2) 500 ASCE membership 300 Unanticipated Costs 380 j SRTC Membership 34,300 Registrations 2 PE Licenses ($136 x 2) 1 PTOE License Plow Replacement Building Replacement Fund Electricity _ Sewer Repair & Maintenance Taxes & Assessments Street Maintenance - County WSDOT Maintenance Contract Signal Illumination Roadway Maintenance Misc. Unanticipated Work Building & Structures Transfer to GF -OH Transfer to Trails & Paths 572 272 300 – 100,000 12,500 4,000 300 6,700 4,000 682,000 265,000 55,531 207,000 2,469 40,000 39,675 8,300 Total ST: 6,039,638 Public Works Department 2010 Stormwater Management Actual Unassigned Ending Fund Balance Stormwater Management Salaries & Wages Employee Benefits Overtime Supplies Publications Operating Supplies Safety Equipment Repair & Maintenance Supplies Gas, Oil, & Tires Small Tools & Minor Equipment Other Services & Charges IT Support Professional Services Private stormwater maintenance Cell Phones Travel /Mileage Waste Disposal Copier Maintenance Memberships Registrations Training Petty Cash Reimbursment Facilities Operating Rent & Leases Bldg Building Replacement Fund Electricity Sewer Repair and Maintenance Taxes and Assessments Intergovernmental Services Spokane County - Contract Services Ecology Permit IF transfer - Street Cap Proj. Interfund Transfer - Capital Grants Fund Capital Outlays Stormwater Improve - Capital Outlay Interfund Payments for Service Interfund Transfer - Street Cap Proj Interfund Transfer - General Fund OH Vehicle Replacement Fund 055 NPDES - Phase II Program Development Salaries & Wages Employee Benefits Supplies Small Tools & Minor Equipment 2011 2012 Budget Proposed Budget 1,382,355 - 249,005 305,890 317,124 82,904 112,110 121,490 5,146 - - 129 1,100 1,100 - 4,240 4,240 402 2,200 2,200 1,025 - - 3,872 15,560 7,000 6,859 20,000 18,000 6,355 9,380 6,355 4,702 148,500 138,500 821,551 1,150, 000 1,150, 000 1,129 600 1,440 694 7,200 7,200 24,451 25,000 30,000 - 500 - 256 425 425 116 300 300 650 - 1,000 227 - - 25,153 - - - - 12,500 - - 4,000 - - 300 - - 6,700 - - 4,000 213 25,440 - 21,922 21,200 23,000 - 100,000 - 28,154 - - 275,120 300,000 400,000 48,630 - 13,386 - 13,386 - 1,567 5,641 1,958 - 14,071 - Total Stormwater Management 1,643,721 2,249,645 2,271,827 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - DETA STORM WATER FUND 402.402. Salaries & Wages Employee Benefits Publications Operating Supplies Safety Equipment Gas, Oil, & Tires Vehicle Maint. ($150/mo*2.5 vehicles) Misc. repairs & tires Small Tools & Minor Equipment Includes testing equipment, spill cleanup supplies, signs, and misc tools IT Support 2 - Citrix & Prizm, Co unty S Ro lls Trimble _ Unanticipated Supports s 2012 317,124 12 1,100 4,240 2,200 7,000 4,500 2,500 18,000 _. 6,355 _ 5,500 500 ® 355 Professional Services 138,500 City -wide Drainage Improve 85,000 Decant Facility 30,000 Unanticipated 23,500 � Private stormwater maintenance I 1,150,000 Stre Sweeping(2010 contract x anticipated cpi max of 3% x 5% MR 530 ,151 Poe Asph alt Street Repai & Maintenance 60,000 Procare Landscaping(n c ontract in 2011) 100,000 Emergency Callout 10,000 Vactoring(Drainage structure cleaning) 300,000 Unanticipated I 149,849 Cell Phones 3.5 Phone ($40 /mo) Travel /Mileage APWA, WSDOT, Rd &St Conf., GIS Conf., ArcGIS & misc. Class Registration (3 staff x 2 classes x $300) Car Rental ($150 x 3) lLodging and meals ($250 x 3 x 2 nights) Airfare ($250 x 3) Misc. Training in area (6 classes x $125) Other misc. expenses Waste Disposal Memberships _ APWA (2 x $133) Wastewater Operator Certificate a nticipated Regis trations Training Building Replacement Fun Electricity Sewer _ Repair and Maintenance Taxes and Assessments Ecology Permit 7,200 1,800 450 1,500 750 750 1,950 - -. 30,00 425 266 50 109 300 1,000 12,50 4 300 6,700 4,000 23,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT- DETAILS Stormwater Improve - Capital Outlay Interfund Transfer - General Fund OH Vehicle Replacement Fund _ 2012 400,000 13,386 1,567 Total SW: I i 2,271,827 General Fund Supplies Operating Supplies 2010 2011 2012 Public Safety Actual Budget Proposed Non - Capital Equipment for JAG Grant 1,706.50 - - Non- Capital Equip for ARRA JAG Grant Budget State Remittance - Emerg. Med. &Trauma Care 47,357.38 45,000 51,635 Crime Victims Fund - Spokane County 13,041.21 13,000 14,903 State Remittance - Accessible Communities 620.59 - - State Remittance - Multimodal Transport. 620.63 - - State Remittance - PSEA 2 221,317.23 208,000 253,727 State Remittance - PSEA 1 406,999.04 385,000 410,643 State Remittance - PSEA 3 2,919.86 2,600 3,718 State Remittance -Crime Lab Analysis Fee 6,219.75 5,600 7,906 State Remittance - Judicial IS Systems 160,430.18 151,000 194,375 State Remittance -Auto Theft Prev 89,414.75 45,000 97,945 State Remittance - Trauma Brain Inj 7,433.20 7,000 7,433 State Remittance - School Zone Safety 17,724.79 10,800 15,078 Salaries & Wages 1,979.94 - 3,421 Employee Benefits 637.99 - 1,466 Supplies Operating Supplies 1,696.23 2,425 2,449 Repair & Maintenance Supplies 1,713.14 2,425 2,449 Gas, Oil, & Tires 945.00 - - Small Tools & Minor Equipment 493.17 970 980 Non - Capital Equipment for JAG Grant 1,706.50 - - Non- Capital Equip for ARRA JAG Grant 1,945.71 - - Other Services & Charges Travel /Mileage 212.05 - - Electricity /Gas 23,866.21 33,213 33,545 Water 2,080.48 2,491 2,516 Sewer 754.35 830 839 Waste Disposal 3,423.24 2,906 2,935 Copier Maintenance - 519 - Miscellaneous Srvs /Contingency - 970,000 - Cry Wolf Charges & Fees 36,616.46 - 45,000 Sterling Bank Fees 4,316.42 - - CryWolf Refunds 1,360.00 - - Law Enforcement Building Repair & Maint 52,730.44 77,012 134,814 Intergovernmental Services District Court Contract 814,284.24 819,345 1,071,588 Intergovernmental Payments 30,854.79 - - Public Defender 485,456.01 510,476 582,643 Prosecutor 396,150.82 400,342 430,074 Pretrail Services 83,136.54 96,111 128,393 Prosecutor - Funded by JAG Grant 12,402.97 - - Law Enforcement (Sheriff) 16,389,221.00 16,797,534 16,422,754 Work Release (Geiger) 309,904.55 400,000 - Jail: Geiger County Contracted Services 669,337.30 437,661 1,333,131 Jail - Geiger Corrections Center 127,520.00 - - Emergency Management 81,116.28 90,233 84,970 Communications 150,800.44 273,004 271,154 Animal Control 314,255.38 311,783 307,516 Nighttime Seatbelt Patrol Overtime 3,196.45 - - Hwy 27 Traffic Safety Overtime 4,799.28 - - X -52 DUI Overtime 7,890.95 - - Traffic Safety Emergency 5,565.45 - - Child Car Seat Overtime 3,587.02 - - Slow Down or Pay Up 6,676.74 - - for Service Building Replacement Costs 80,000.00 77,600 80,000 Public Safety 21,086,732.15 22,179,880 22,000,000 PRIORITIZATION OF CAPITAL PROJECTS: I. Draft of 6 year Transportation Improvement Plan A. Secured Projects— Outside funding secured at near 80% B. Planned Projects - Outside funding likely C. Projects Without Funding — Likely to eventually receive outside funding II New projects — State and Federal funding unlikely +West Gateway @ Thierman $120,000 +Mission Ave. Trailhead $150,000 +University /Appleway Landscaping $100,000 +Park Rd. /Vista Rd. RR Quiet Zone $907,000 +Appleway Landscaping —Storm Water? $640,000 +Sprague Swale Upgrade — Thierman to Park —Storm Water? $630,000 II. Street Preservation IV. Available $ - Not already dedicated to capital projects: $200,000 Real Estate Excise Tax $1,100,000 40% Transfer from General Fund $500,000 Street Fund $1,800,000 Total it options for New Projects: :an't afford them. Use available dollars for street preservation B. Fund them with Real Estate Excise Tax over the next few years by postponing projects in the 6 year plan (items A, B and C above) C. Wait 6 months and review their status