04-053.00 Mooney & Pugh: CenterPlace-; ~~, :t~r~"' v~ Madsen Mitchell Fvenson &Gonrad pllc C~:ANGF QR:D)±~R 02.20-01. t7istribution to: 01\rT~IP.R City of Spokane Valley ARCI•II'I'LCT Madsen Mitchell Fvenson & Conrad C01tTItACTOR Mooney ~ Pugh Contractors Architecture Interiors PROJECT: Centerplace st,~lirabeau Point Park PROJL"CT NO. 02.20 Construction I\~ITIATION DATf;: I 1-18-2004 Change Urder No.: 9 Management 1'O (Contractor): Jerry Potter CONTRACT 17A"I'P.: 04-U I -03 Mooney & Pugh Contractors General Contractors 5307 E. Cataldo Spokane, WA 99212 You are directed lU incorporate the following changes into this Caruract: See uttachn,enl jot complete listing pjchan,Qes !o the work included in !Iris Chnnge Qrder. of valid until signet! by bath the Owner ttnd Architect $igttature of the Contrnctor indicates his u~. •etment herewith, including any udjustrnents in the Contrttet Sum or Contract time- Nate: nll costs below include sales tax. The Original Contract Sum wxs: 57;590,062.OU Net change by previously authorized Change Orders: $423,462.00 'fhe Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was: $8,013,524.00 The Contract Sum will be increased by this change order in the amount of: 526,439.00 The ne~ti` Contract Sum including this Change Order will be: $8,039,963.00 The Contract Tirne ~ti~ill be unchanged. "Che 17ate of Substantial Completion as of the. date of this Change Order therefore is unchanged. 2i6 t~`otth Noscard ~L•yn•alk Level Authorized: Spokane, litashingtmt 99101 Cit}` One Valle}` - S09.624.6500 gy, ~.,.,~,~ fax 509~fi?a•6262 ~ ~- //~~~~ Date--~_ =! ~• rnadmitch.com ~~iooney & Pugh Contractors I R}' ,~ Date ~ 2 vv ~ Madsen Mitchell Fvenson A Conrttti, PLI~C 216 N. I•ioward; Skywalk Level ~t933? So6cl• Hnad L•asc Spokane, WA 99201 P.O. Gox IA? Datc 2 • ~f'~ gy Faima9l, Washington 99003 109.236•?.ill L.x 509.236.241 madmitch.com Cdr- ~3 ~- _°a~ i ~_~r ~,,.'._ Madsen Mitchell Evenson cHANG.E &Conrad ORDER plk: Architecture O2.2U-O1 Attachment Interiors PROJECT: Centerplace at Mirabeau Paint Park Construction A~fanagement [~11TIA'I"lOV DAl'E: I I-18-2004 You are directed to incorporate the following changes into this Contract: Chance Pronnsal Request Items: 1. COR-35 Additional cost for greenhouse revisions per RF1052 Add $681.00 2. COR-37 Additional cost for EfVACJframin~ changes per RFP-13 Add $5,572.00 3. COR-48 Additional cost for adding stepped roof detail to hied roof si:ction. Add $1,414.00 4. COR-49 Additional cost for added toilet accessories and installation. Add S6889.00 ~. CUR-28 Additional cost for TV blacking (revised estimate per city) Add 51324.OU 6. ~'t~ashingto n State Sales Tax increase to 8.4% on retuaining portion of contract Add $10,557.00 Total fur Change Order No. 9(inchrdes Wa. State sales tax) ($26,439.00) 216 t`~orth Hcrv.•ard $kyu~al'~ Level Spolane.lY~shin6Ktm 992a1 509.624-6306 iax 509-524-6262 madmirch,cnm ^ 49332 Sobel• Read East P.U. $nx 132 Edw~ll, Nashington 99005 509.236.23]1 fax 509-?36.2451 maJmitch.com