05-069.00 ICMA RC~ ~,~~~
~:~frfir~g Retire-r~e~r ,5'ecaariry
Human csource i14a,~a,~er
~it~~ Of pok~nc Valle'
iI~071;ast}~ra ueuite~[}6
~palcane al~e~~, V.~ 992{}6-6124
august 15; 2~(ITY ~F SPOKANE MLLE
fte~erer~ce ~lan(s~:
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Re. Amendment to tJ~e ~dmi3~istrati~~c ~cn~ices rl~rcement ~~ztli ILIA-I~-
poar Human Resource fVlanager:
ongratulat.ions! lC~~IA-R is pleased to announce that because ~~ou use E1~Jvink, ~~~e ~~~ill eliminate the
~7ccu~~nt maintenance fee Four employees pay, effec~tive~ J~3uary+ ] , ?U(}b-
Elimi~~atin the ac:co4mt maintcnanc.e Fcc is our Xk'a*' of thanking )Fou For using E~~Li~3k for contributions
and loam repa~'mc~~t processing fior the pla.~~s refe~'enced above.*- 1~itl~ its enhanced features, 1rLink
n•lakes *~~ur e+~en~da}~ retire~~~ent plan administ~~tion easier. saves you mid }-aur staff ~+aluable time for
othor j~riorixies; and helps Four en~plo~~ees build retirement securit~~ e~~en faster tha~~ before.
For you r co~3ve1~ience, ~~~e are enclosing ~ cop}~ of a letter announcing the elimination o€~ the account
m~-intenanoe fry k~~e ire mailing to }our emplo~'ees.
Sho4~ld w~ou have questions ~l~out the olimin~tion of the Fee, or to learn n3oro abouf. the full-future E~Link
s~~stem; call our EZ~Li»lc ream rtt I-800-326-77 (op[ion w?)-
This letter serves to update and amend the current terms and conditions related to ~cc~unt. maintenance.
faes that arE, currentl}' in effect under the A[Lministrative services ~rcerrlent {Ate) entered b~~ and
l7et~~'een the plan sgonsars and 1~IvlA-R~*- Ples~se keep this letter with your tiles ors it rel~rtes to your
contractual documents.
eliminating ~~our emplo}~ecs' account n~xintenanc~ fees and providing helpful tools like our E~irrk ~,re
just n~~o ~~~~~s 1C:l-I~ is makui~ plan administration e:~~sic:r fc~r plt-n sponsors. ~~~ ~.l~prcciatc the
opportunity to sen+c ~~ou-
Keith 1~- Sendall
senior Vice: President. Field dales
*'I'hc cllnllnaplon ol'Ihc ~ccnuni ma1111cnspcc I~rs da,cs ~e«L a~~l}' ltd Par-lime- Tem}a,r~r}'t~r Seuxu,al pi~,ss- 4743-129 ~~
Vaa,iaue~ani,ri securioes arc dissribustd by 1C~'!A-RC; Scrviacs, LIvC:, a broker-ctraler :rA'itiale of ]('~+$A-RC, ntentibcr ~'l15L]~5[PC;. ~ ~~
I CNI/~~~
t4rrilrlm8 Retirement Serurity
AU~USt ~ ~, 200
icaddress 1>>
«address 2»
Reference Plan(s)'
«city_1» «~!1 1»
«city 2» «M~»
city ~» «M ~»
Dear «name»;
Congratulations! IC.Mi~-RC and your employer are pleased to announce that we will eliminate
your retirement plan account maintenance fee in the plan(s) referenced above beginning
January_ 1, 2006.
b1'e have taken this action as part of our ongoing commitment to pra~ride you with some of the
most competitive fees in the mutual fund industry and to help you invest even more toward your
Should you have any questions, please contact your lZetirement Plans Specialist or call our
Investor Services associates at 7 -800-669-7400.
As a not-for-profit corporation, (C1t7T.A-RC's mission is to help you build retirement security. We
appreciate the opportunity to serve you.
~ -
:Keith R, Sendall
Senior ~~ice president, Field Sales
Vanragepoinr securities arc distributccl by ICMA-RC Services., LLC., a broker-dealer affiliate of IC',~b1A-F:C, member NASDf5IFC.