05-071.00 Shamrock Paving Co: Montgomery Ave Rehabilitationy -~~\ Washington State Department of Transportation 1~ F Change Order -Minor Change Contract Title Contract Number Federal Aid Number ( _ OS-004 yiontgomery Avenue Rehabilitatio Project NA _ Change Order Number Change Description _ _ Date _ _ l_ ~ Install new drywell and catch basin _ Aug 19, 2005 Region Project Engineer Phone Number Prime Contractor Shamrock Pavin Co. ~1. 110 Ha ford Road, P.O. Box l 9263 S okane Washin~,ton 99219-9263 Brief Description of Problem 1 Reason for Entitlement; Montgomery Avenue, in the vicinity of Indiana Avenue, is constructed as a horozontal curve with superelevation on the curare. There is currently no method of handeling runoff at the low point on the curve. The installation of a catch basin and dry well will eliminate t:he pondittg of runoff as it exists. Justification of Cost: Negotiated prices with the contractor. See attached letter All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of tho Standard Specifications and Special Provisions for the type of construction Involved unless stated otherwise in this document. Approvals Required by CO Checklist (if any): Cris( MAKhbf=12 Signature or / Method of Concurrence: ~k/M6 corvTAiKi~ ~~~ Signature far Execution: Avoidable Change? ^ Yes ®No ~ . \ SJ 0 +r-N~l.i u'cr-, Date ~ ~ 2Z)1 US ~ r.. Date ~ B Date ~ p Value Added by the Ch ge Or $ $4;260.00 Calculated By ' Oate I Checked By !Date Inspector I Date Work Started Work Completed Item No. Item -- - - Group I Date ~. i Unit _- Quantity RAMSIOPL CAPS no. - _ Post Ckd I Est, No. I i Distribution: Orbginal w/Attachments - Project Engineer • Supersedes Previous Editions • Copy wla Attachments - Shamrock Paving Co. N. i 10 Hayford Road, P.0. Box / 19263 Spokane Washington 99219-9263 l.// DOT Form a2i-oa5 Ef Copy wfo Attachments -Region Construction Office Revised 4J2a02 - cd s-= ~~ ~~=.acRll~. i7.2005eti0;7bph~Laaz9C(TY SPOtiA~~t YP,II`cY s,~~MROac N4.b74 ~. 'i= eves SE-?AMROC~C• PAVING CO. Thornton C. Mucphy . • ' . • ' q. 01VIS1pN OP hSUAPi•S`r 6F05., INC. \fiJjjj{acct 0. ~ Nurphy N. 110 NAYFORD ROAD • ' ~ - • P O. BOX 1923 ,' ~ Concracto~s Reg # . SPO'tCf~NE. WA 99219-9263 ' SNAMRPG099LNi . (509) 244-2500 •• - PAX • (509) 244-2949 - August 16; 2005 ~ • ' ' ' . . City of Spokan9lralley ~ ~ ~ - 11707 E. 5pr~ue Ave., Surte #106 • -• • ,~ Spokane Valley, WA. 99206 ' ~ ~ , _ . ' ~ Cep .. L2>~• ii'Yontgomexy ,A,venuo rehabilitation Project' - ~ , ' CUsnge Order #1. w , ~ Aear Louis: .. ~ , , ~ _ . ~ - .., ' n' ~ ~rovidin rices for the ~ollowir~g•items:• ' As ; eques~i, ~ ~n p g P - ell Type `:ti' . =SZ,2.00.00 ' o $polcane Ca~uYy ~rp~ i5 L~': of ~ 0" pFTC storm seer Pipe @ 2°/s min, slope =S 375.00 ' ~ , • Spalcar~e County '~'yrye i Catch Basic -$1,300.00 . • : ' o • Spokane County Type •41!•;teta! k}•arae 8 Garate =$ _ 385.00. . ' .' TOTAT~ Cf.TA3vGE OJ~F-J.R #~ :Sa,260.00 . • ~ I~XCL3JSIOIe1S: Sawcuttistg. - ' ' ~ ~ Misceilancbus aSphaltpatching orcurblsidev~ralk replac:~ement. .. Any utility relocations. . = ~T.ra~ic contxnl(paid for under original contract bid item). ~, Ie10TFS: ~) Vie require one{)) ~dditiona] working day fc above change order is accepted. ' ,2) Above prices•are cotitirtgent upon no urtdc~grouttd utilitses inlru'£eru1S with . ' • proposed.change order work. • . , • ;:f you require any further irifori»ation, please call. .. Si~ncereiy, • ~. ~ . • Shamrbck~Paving Co.. ~ ~. '- • Chuck Crreen. ~ • Estimator