07-117.00 Northwest Christian Schools City Hall Ste 304 , • ■ Properties, ln�. .Canuary 21, 2008 Ivfr. Ken Thouipson � City of Spokaue Valley 11707 �. Sprague Spokaue Valley, tiV�.99206 Ueaa-:I<en, E•nclosed please I'�d the fully execufed co�y of lhe lease for Suite 30�in Redwooc� Plaza. "�]ie improveinents are just al�out fiiaished and�ve�vill be ready to turn it over to you shortly. Itent . will bc proratcd for the monih once this accurs. � Tlus lease�vill end on�!tarch 31, 2010. 1 want to re-iterate thal all leases far tlle City of Spolc.ane Va11Ey end on tlus date. There are no renE�val options and��re have hied to provicie you�vith options to exteild these leases beyonci the��Iarch 2010 date, but}�ou have decided tl�at your new � facility should be completed by�hen. Ynu clici request some short tenu extension options that wotild not have been ui the best interest o�the Qwnership and�vould have mFUle it difficult, if not impossible to market thc space. . 1�e liope that your plaiks .f.or�new faciliry meet tlie dates tliat}�ou h3ve pu�infia plaee. I do not lciiow what tlle ma��kel•��ill be likc in 201U or even�vll.o tl�e O�v�lership will be at that time. (As you]cnow the p�-operty is for sale.) �Ve�vill need to re-assess at that tunc given the circwnstances for all involvec�.. T�ie City of Spokaue Valley's continued occiipancy is a.�l�reciated. Should�rou have questions or if I can be of fitrther�ssistance,please fecl Eree to coiitact me. � Siucerely, . VVF'B Properties, rnc. - Willi� ;�.Butler, RPA, CCL'VI President . P.O. Box 21469 • Spokane,�VA 99201 • (509) 533-0995 • Fa.r(509) 533-0997 � C''� 7ii� ._ . . • • . � � �� �a��:�z:�:��x.�� ���sE ��-Y�;:����:�T FoR OQ . �nwoon P��z� - c�oc�cTow�R Bu1�Dnv �G THIS L,�AS�, rr.�ade and en�ered this 12th day o£ �Tovember, 2007, by and between Northwest Ctaristian�c.hools, a non-profit corporation, 5104 E. �ei�.i]1 IZd., Colbert, WA 99005 hereinaf�er refe'rred to as Lessor; and City of�pokane Valley, whose n�ailing address is 11707 . East Sprague, Spokane Va11Ey, Washingto� 99206,herei�af�er referreci to as Lessee. � . �V�`I'1'I�SSETH: As used he�-ein: (1.)t}}e tenn�essee sha11 reler and apply eqnally to the plural term Lessees, (2)he or his �hall apply to she and hers. � For and in cansideration �f thc mutual proutises coutaine�i herein, the parfies agree as follorvs: � � 1. t..EAS�U P.�2b,•�'Ta:S�S. The:�essor cioes hereby Leasc to thc Lessee and the.L•essee does hereby hire a��d lease from ihe L.essor those certa.in preuuses located and describeci as The Clocktower Building Stute 304 117d7 E. Sprague r�ve., Spokane Valley, �VA 99206. Covsisii.ng of approxi.mately 4,451 Sq.�t. • � 2. (a) '�'T.]'tN1. The#erm nf this �..ease sliall be T��vo (2)year� a�d Three (3)months, • commencing on Tanuary 1, 2008 and endia�g��arch 31, 2010. Jn th��vent occupancy occurs ui tlie miciclle of any inonth;rent for the firs�nzonth sbal�be pror.ated to the first clay of the ncxt succeedui�m�nth and khereafter, all rental payments shall bE due and payable on the.firsti (lst} day of each month. . (b) RF�1T: ��ssEC covcnants and agrees �o pay the I,essor at ti�B Properties, . :Cnc. P.O. Box 21469, Spokane, �1�99201; or to such okher place as thc Lessor may hereafter � desi�nate, monthly rental in the amounis of and due and l�ayable on the fii-st(lg� day of each �month as no#ed. . � • ' '1'his is a gross lease ar�d iucluc�es all costs for the subject I,eased Premises and common area. . A. `fhe rental for the period of 7anuary 2008 through and . includin�:Niarch 2009 shall be SIX TF.�OZ3Sr�.1�TD O\TE HU�tDR:��I� SI+aVE�ITY FIVE Al\zA 00/100 AO:(..:r•f�TLS � ($6,17�.00),per month in adv�nce on tl�e first(ls`) day of each monkh. • The rental for the period o�t�pri12009 throu�and includin�rrtarch 2410 shall be SzY THOU�AsYb � � � � T:�I:I�:H�•:F kIUi�TDFtED SIX2 Y ON:1+. AYIa 00l1 QQ DOLL�iS ($6,361.00), per�nonth in advance on the fi.rst - (15`) clay of eacli naonth. . - � •A late-pa}�ient as�essment of�vc percent(59/0) of the � • monthly rcntal due will be cl�arged for any rent paid af�er the tenth(10`h)busi.ness day o£the month in which rei�t is due. • 3. �1SE O�:�R:F�I�iIS�S. The Leased 1'reinises shall be used �'or comrnercial ' business purposes as per�niitEd within a commercial business zonc i��Spokane Countiy, � ��Vaslungton.and al.l activities uicicient theretn anci.Cor no other purpose withauY the prior��vritten consent oP the T.essor first obtained. Lcssee shall not use or allow the use of t�ie Leased Prernises ul any ina�uier that causes damage to the real property or improvements,nor,shall �.•essee use or al�lo�v use of'the T,e�secl Y.remises in any manner ti;�liich would i.ncrease insurance preuuums or _ . .for any i]]egal purpose. Lessee shall comply with all goverutuental rule�s, orders, re�ulations, or requiremenW relating to the use and occupaucy o£�he T�eased Fremises. 4. RTILES�.t�"1�REGULATIO\7S. Lessor reserves the right to promuigate such reasonable rules and regula�ions relaxing to the use of paxldng areas as it may deem appropriate • ancl for tlie best inferesi of the tenants, and.L•essee a�rees to abide by such rules and to cooperate in the observance t�iereof. Such rules and regulations shall be binding upon Lessee upon ' . delivery of a eopy�ereof tn Lessee. Said rules and regulations may be amended by Lessor from time to time witli or wikhout acivance notice and such anlendments shall bc effective upon the � delivery of a copy thereof to Lessee. Any material violation of such nales and regulations by st,oa 3oa2�3.a � • ; ' • � - Lessee, its officers, agents, employees or subtenaiits will constitute a breach of tlus tease and, upon expuation�o.f the cure period, entifle the I�essor to clairn a default thereimder in the same man��er and to the same e:ctent as any other default under the lease: provided,however,�that the noticc�nd ct�re provisions of Section 23 �f Tlus Le�se �hall be appl�cal�le. 5. ��f,FSTATE TAXL•S. The.L�essor shall pay all real property taxes due or fallino due on said prem�ses. liowever, in ehe event tl��Lessee shal.l make an impro�reinent on the � property which causes an inereasc in real property taxes, the Lessee herek�y agrees fa pay auy . reasonable increase caused. 6. 1�1�VT�i�1r1\TCE. L•essor shall maintain in good condition, the improvements on ' . the.real property, including parkiug lot, leased pi�rsuant to tlus.T_.ease. This shall include any �nd a]1 maintenancc required to keep thE impr�vements on the real property, u�cluding�arking lot, whieh is th� subject matter of this :Lease, iv tlie same condition, less norm.al tivear and tcar, � casualty, condemnation and repairs requi.red to be niade by:�essor, as of t�ie date of � commencement of this Leasc. � � �7. P�12K1\C T:.OT��Ir�Ii`Y'���1�TAi�t�F. '�'he Lessor shall keep and maintain the . parking lot and landscaping in a neat and cleau conciition and repair at all t�ues. In addition, • Lessor shall reino��e snow duri.ng the winter seasori, as needecl, and the L.essee a�rees that there shall be r,c� vehicles left ovemight in the parking lot area by Lessc�or any enipJoyee of the �essee iti order to��revent uiterference with thc clEanuig, maintaini.��g anci sno�v removal of the - parkin� lot area: ' 8. UTIIdTi�;S. Thc Lcssor a�ees to pay all charges for light, heat, �vater, se«�er, � garbage and all other utilides a.nd scrvices furn�shed to the premises�except teleplione. Lessor - a�-ees to provide janitoi�ial services su�cient to keep said Leased Premises and common area neat, clean and free of garbage ancl debris at all tii�ies. ' 9. ACCIDENTS �.�D LIABLY,ITY. Neither Lessor nor its agents shall be liable for any inju�y or damage to pErsons or proPer�y sustained by Lessee or any others, in and about the T,eas�d Premises. Lessee a�ees to defend and hold Lessor and its agents harml�ss from any SiA2 304213.2 • 3 . � � ., :� = . . i - • . claim, action ancl/or judgement for dan�ages to pro�erty or. injury to persons suffered or atle�ed to be su�fered on the Leased PrEUiises�by any person, finn or corporation, uiiless caused by Lessor's negligence. - T.essor and Lessee agree to uiaintaui public liability insurauce on tl�e Leased Preuuses iu the • � . m.initnum single 1'utiit o�One�illinn and\�0/100 ctollars ($1,OQ0,000.00) and shall name L�essor as an additional insured. �.�esse�e s2�a11 funush Lessor with a certificate indicatin�that�2ie insurance policy is ui ful.l force and ef.fect and listing the L.�essor as an �dciitional insure.�i on the policy. Lessor shall name L.ESSec as an add.itional insured and shall.funush T.essee��vith a ceiti�icate indicating tt�e i.nsurance policy is in fiill foree and e£fect and listing Ifessee as an � additional irisurect. ' � 10. LTENS�'n :1i1?SQ71�PNCX. Except as othet�vise pzov.ided L�essee shall keep the . Leased:l'remises free frnm any liens arising out of any labor performed or materials funiis}led to," or any obligations incurred by Lessee, and shall hold Lcssor harmless a�ainst same. In the event Lessee becomes insolvent, bankru�t, or is a receiver, assignee or other liquidatYng officer is . appoia�ted for the business ot'Lessee, Lessor may ca�icel this Lease at its option. 11. ��'CJBL�PC:I"Tl�TC Q�t ASS�GNI'�l�FT. �:�ccpt as othercvisc providEd L�.ssce may not . . assi�i or sublet a11 or�ny part o:�this leasc of thE Leased Premises; ��ritfiout Lessor's prior w1-itten consenl. 12.�CC�SS. :�essor shall have the right to cnter t�e Lcascd Preuuses at all reasonable � times arid provide LesseE reasonable notice escept for einergencies for the purpose of inspeckion � or of rnaking repairs, additions or alter�tions, and to show the Leased Preuuses to prospective , � tenant•s sixty(60)days prior to tbe expiration of the term of'this Lease. Lessor shall have the righf to place a For Rent sign in conriection with the.Leased Premises.f.or the sixty(60) days. prior�to the end of the terna o�this L.ease. • � 13. POSSESS10rI�1�"D QIJIET��iJOYME1�`'T. The LessEE shall be cntitled to � possession o�ihe Leased Premises as soon as the sa�ne are ready for occupancy as hereinabove described anci shall be entitled to continued quiet enjoyment o£fhe�eased Fzern,ises ciuring all SL02 304213.2 � , . � • ' • . periods uncier the term of this Leasc, provided that the Lessee shall be in good starFding a�id s��all have paid all rent reserved under the L�ease and performed all covenants 3greed to ve performed . by the L.essee under thc term of the Lease. _ _ � :1.4. A�INI�GE OR DESTRUCTIO\7. In the event the L•eased Premises are renclered untenantalile in whole or in part by fire, the elements, or other casualty, .L�essor may elect at its option,within ten (10) days of�ie event not fo restore or rebuild the Leased Premises and s�all so notify Lessec, in ti�rhich event T�e.ssee shall v�cate the T.eased Premises and this Lease s�iall be terminated; or in the alter��ative, Lessor shall notify r essee wittun teu(10) days afrer receiving notice o.f such casualfiy thE L.�ssor�:rill under�ake to rcbuild or restorc the Le�sed Fremises, aud that such work can be coiiiplefed�uitlun niuety(90) days froin the date of such no�ice of inEenf. If'Lessor cai�aot res'tore or rebuild the Leased PremisES within thc saicl ninety(90)days,except for delays which arc not the fault of the T.essor,then tfie lease may be terininated �.t the Lessee's option by writ�en ten (10) days�otice to 7 essor. :I�uring the period that�e L.eased Premises are not tenantable, rent shall abatc in thc s�rnc ratio as prcmises renclerecl untenantable bears to the whole of the:[.eased Prernises. � ' �5. SIGNS. T�he Lessce shall be permit�ed to have si�age in conuection with the occupancy of the Leased Preinises. All signs or symbols placed by Lessee shall be subject to ' Lessor's prior written approv�l, wbich��+ill not be unxeasonably wi�hheld or delayed. t�ll signs shall be non-iIluminat�d and shall be cousistetit with ottier si�nage placed upo�the buildin�or on any sign l�ost e.stablishe�i t'or the �eneral l�sc of all tenants wiihin thE buildin�or using other building on tlie property common to the arca. Signs sh�11 generally conform io thc sizE anci tyl�e of sign c�u-rently in use ou tlie Clockto�ver�3uildi�ig. At the tennin3tion o.f�he:�ease, the�.•essee shall remove all signs, at Lessee's expense placed ia�, on or about t��e f eased:l'reiuises aud will repair any damage ca.used by tlie reinoval to the Xleased�'remises. If t�ie:Gessee�as a sign i.n a common use si�n post or board, Lessee s1�a11 replace plastic ui tl.ie si� at the termination of the Z,ease. . � 16. .ALTF•�2.ATTONS AvD�IMPROVElV1ENTS. Tenant shall not make alterations, addihons or to the improvemcnts Premises �vit�iout the priar wvritten consent of Owner. Uiiless othen�vise provided for, all such alterations, additions and improvement�shall be S1A2 30d2i3.2 5 . . � � . � �� - ! � • . . at the sole cost and expense of Tenant, and shall become the property of Owuer and'sl�all remain , as part of the Preinises at the tern�ination or eYpiration of�lus Lease. Tenant agrees to savc Owner l�armlcss �rom any damage arising out of�ny such work. O�vncr r�s�ives tlie rigl�t to mak�, froni time-to-time, at its expense, such alterations and impro��etnents to Prenuses aud � Property as it deems appropriafe � • 17. COs�1DEVINA1ZOl�T. Jn the event that any governnient, or any agency or . instrumentality having the power of eminent ciomaiia shall, by con.dem.nal7on or cieed in lieu thereof, talce title, Possession or the ri�ht to possession of the S.eased Fr.e�jaises or any part thereof, Lessor�may, at its optioii, terminatc this Lease as of the date of suclz taking, and if LESSee is nat in defai�t under auy of t11e provisions of this Lease on said datc, any rcntal prepaid by . � • �,essee sl�al:l, to the e:xtent allocablc to any period subsequent to the effecEive ciate ofthe • ternunafiion, bE promptly refunded to Z.essee, provided Lcsscc shall be entitled to seek compensation for any Lessee vup.rovements which are so takeri by eminent doIIiaiu. 13. COI�Il'I.Ir��tCE �V:l'1��[:f1t1�VS. Lessee shall at all times keep and use said�.�eased Premises in accordance 1�ith applicable laws �.nd ordin�uces and in accorda�ice with applic�le directions,rules and re�ulations of public of6cials and departments as applicaf�le to Lessee's specific use of the Leased Premises as opposed to use in general by the tznant at the sole eYpense - of Lessee unless otherwise agreed by the part7es. 19. CONI�.f_R,ti7ATI0�1 BY LESS:�:�. .Lessee a�ees, from time to timE durin�ttie L�ease period, upon not Icss than fifteen(15) days prior written request by the Lessor, to sign and � make a�ailable to the L�essor, a confu�ation stating that the L•ease is in full force and effzct and • • � unmodi�i�d as of the date o.f the si�ning of t�ie confu-uiation. T'he purpose of such conCrmation � shall be to entitle the Lessor to provide said confirmation to a mortgagee or pros�ecti��e mortgagee providing financin�for said prol�eify,'of�vhich the Leased Premises is a part. 20. JOP1'�' A,i�1D SEV�RAL OB:GXGAT�O�I. There being morc than one Lessee,the � obligations hereunder imposed upor� Lessee arc joint and several upon all persons includeci as L�essee. swzaooz�s_� � 6 . . , � � • . . 21. RID:�:E2.S. The riders or addenda, if any, at�ached to this�,ease are madc a parE hereof by reference. � � � 22. DEFA:UC�'l' AND R�-�\T:k7Y. I�the Lessee sliall fail to keen and perform�ny of �ie co��enants and agre�nients herein conta.uied, other than the payment of.rent, and such failure continues for tliirty(30) clays a.fter�vz-itten notice from Lessor,uuless appropriate�ction has been taken by Lessee in good£aith to ct�re such failure, L•essor may termivate this:�ease and re-enter . . said L�ased premises arid without termi.na�ing this L.ease, r�-enter said Leased Premises, subl�t � th�whole or any part thereo£fc�r thc accouut of tl�e �.lessee for th�balauce o£the term ot�us . L�ease, a.nd Lessee covenants �nd a�-e�s to pa�y to Lcssor the faix rental valuE of any deticiency � arisii�g f,rom re-let�ing �£the I�eased Pr�uuses at a lesser amount t�ian herei.n agreed to. �essee • shall pay suclz deficiency Eacli inonth as the amount there�f is ascertained by L'essor ox at thc t•essor's option, s�all pa�y the prescrit v31ue [ciiscounted at the rate of se��en (7)�ercent per annum] of ttie bal ance of the rent foz fhe remaindcr of�lie term of the Lease less the present _ value(d�scountecl a#the sarne rate) of the f.air rriarket value of tl�e Leased Premises for said period. . 23.:F3I2EACH O�`T��ASE•. If the I.essee breaches this Lease a$er�vritten notice ancl grace periods; then tlus Lease may be terminatecl by tl�e Lessor in the follo�ving � manncr at its opiion: The:�essor shall serve upoiz the Lessee, by registered or certYfied�ail, at the Lessee's last kno«ru address, a notiee in��riti��g of the fact of said breach or breaches and a • , detailed description of said breaches. �rom and �fter tl�e mailing of said notice, t�e Lessee shall have ten(10) days to cure any breach for the nonpayinent of rent and thirty(30) days t4 cure auy other breach of the lease. Failure o�the Less�e to reinecly said breaches witluu said period shall result in �..essee's total �orfeiture of all its right, title and interest under this Leasc, and the�essor . shall have the right to enter said pr�uises and remove the Lessee and her property therefrom, take iuunediate possession for the purpose of protecting said property and cancel tlzis Lease in its � entirety or re-let the premises. In all cases of such for.feiture,Lessor shall make a good-faith e�'ort to mitigate its clamages. Lessee shall be liable only for reasonable de�ciencies,which do � not exceed fair market vahae of rent�vhich result from re-letting. � $L02 304213.2 7 . . .. . . • • - 24. RLN.[OVA� 0�+�1'�RO:k'�a:k2�1"X. Tal the event T�essor law�lly re-enters tl�e T�eased Premises as provicEed herei.n, �.essor shall have the righ#,but not the obli;ation, to remove all of the personal properiy located therein and to place such property in stora�e at che expense and risk of 7,essee. 25. COSTS A\'D ATTORNEY'S FEE/VE\TU�. If, by reason of any default or breach on tl�e parti of either party in the performauce of any of the pro��isions of#�is.Lease, a legal 2cdon is instituted,the losing party agrecs to pay all rEasonable costs including the prevailin�paz-ty's reasonable attorney's fees as fiYed by the.court in connection�thErcwi�. Tt is agrecd that the venue o�'any legal actiou brought under the te.rnis for t.his lease s.l�all be in Spokane County, �Vashing#on. � • ' , 26. S(TB:IZOGATI\jG`�AIVER.� Lcssor and Lessee each releases aud relieves the other ' and waiv�.s its entire right of recovery agaia�st the other for loss or dam�ge arising nut of, or � � incident to, all perils deseribed in the .fixe and extended covera�e insurance policy approvEd for use in tlie State of Washington,which occurs in, on or about the Leased Preivises, whefher due to fl7e negli�ence of eitver pas-fy, their age�lts oz e�nployees ar other�vise. � . 27. SUBO:f2.IJ:f11�A'�TOY. Exce}�t as otherwise provided Lessee a@rees that this Lease � sh�ll bc subordi.nate to any mort�a�ES or deeds of.trust plac�d on tl�e pro1�erty��rovided tJ�at in thc �vcnt of foreclos�re, if Lesscc is not�ieii in default anc�a�ees to af�on�fo t,�e mortga�ee or ben�ficiary under deed of trust, or purchaser at a foreclosure sale, such mor��agee or beneficiazy ox pur.chaser sl�all reco�nize Les�ee's r.ight of possession foc ttZe full tenn of this �.ease. L�essor a�rees to use Lessor's best cfforts to obtaui A I�ion-�7isturba�ce A�eem�nt. • 28. \70 Wt1,CV�R OF COVENAi�1TS. �ny�vaiver by ei�ier party of any breach hereof by the other shall not be considered a waiver of any fut�re similar breach. 29. �NT.[[122�AGREEVIE�PT. This Lease contains all the ag-�cments bet��een ih� s�oz 3�2,3.z � s � , ,. � , � . „ �j � j parties and no modifications shall be effective except by written instrument,signed by both parties. 30. SURRENDER OF PREMISES. Lessee agre�s,upon termination of this Lease, to peacefully quit and surrender the premises to Lessor without notice,to leave the Leased Premises neat and clean,well maintained,in good condition,normal wear and tear excepted,and to deliver all keys to the Leased Premises to the Lessor. 31.HOLDING OVER If Lessee,with the implied or express consent of Lessor, shall hold over after the expiration of the term of this Lease,Lessee shall remain bound by all the covenants and agreements herein, except that the tenaucy shall be from month to month and monthly rent sha11 be otherwise agreed upon.. 32.BINDING ON HEIItS,SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Lease shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators,successors and assigns of both parties hereto, except as hereinabove provided,but this does not constitute a consent to assignment. 33.NOTICE. Any notice required or allowed to be given by either party to the other sha11 be deposited in the United Sta.tes mail,registered or certified,return receipt requesteci, postage prepaid,addressed to Lessor or to the Lessee at their addresses stated below,or at such other address as either party may designate to the other by notice given as herein provided. Lessor at: Northwest Christian Schools C/o WEB Properties,Ina j p.o.Box 21469 ; Spokane,WA 99201 � � i Lessee at: City of Spokane Valley � Attn: City Manager � 11707 E. Sprague Suite 106 � Spokane Valley,WA 99206 s� � 34.NON-SMOKING BUILDING POLICY. It is agreed between Lessor and Les � that Redwood Plaza is a smoke-free office complex. There is to be no smoking at any time � inside of the office�building. If smoking within this complex becomes a problem,the Lessor has � I f i , swz so�z�3.s 9 � I E i ...._.... ........... _..:_. ................ ..___. ,.. ..... ........_ __._... . ........_ .............. __....,.. __.__ ._...___ _..,_..._.__. ................ ..__......... . ._.__..___, . • . . • • the ri�ht to cancel this Lease at its option, provided that the-notic�as�d cure provi�ions of se�cion 23 hereof shall be applicable. 35. r�20�tT�OOR S�CU�2T`TY. For tlle safety of all t�nants �nd the janitor in the � Clock°.�o�ver Professional Building, all exterior cloors must be locked af�er 6:00 p.m. Mond��y through rriday. dn the��eekends all doors must be locketl at thc tirne of entering and at the time � of exiting. � 36. 'I'Tl'IE O�`�SS�vCE. Tirne is of the essence in all provisions of ihis L,ease. . � 37. '�E\�1'.l":f1�:4'ROVE1�I�f�S. .Lessor shall at its own cost and�Ypense shall . , compleYe those improvements as outliued i.n E.�ibit A. Tliese in�provements in.cludc ' � consfruction of a new conference room at tl�e southwest comer of ihe suitc�aritli a � ' door from ihat new room into Ehe interior space, finishin;the west wall and noted elect�ical oiitl�ts throughout the space.The space is also to be pai.nte�d,however the � exis�in�carpet is to remain. � 33. A,:I�:F3ITRA�Y.[Oi�i. In the cvent o.f.a disa�reem�nt�risi_n�uncier this T,ease, all mafters sl�all Ue submitted to arbitration as follows: . Thc party seeki.ng arbit�-ation shall subnut, in writin�, to t4ae otizer party, �statement of the issuc(s) fo be arbitrated and shall designate a party to ac�as arhitrator on behalf of the p�rty seeking arbih�ation. The responding party shal.l supply a statemenf of�ny countcr or additaonal issue(s) to � be arbitrated and sha11 no�inate an arbitrator to act for thc responding party. This process shall be accomplished ti�vithin fo�rteen (14) days after the party seeldng � arbitration has deposited in the United States mail,postage prepaid,the initial notice of intent to arbitrate, addressed to the other party at the address her�inabove sl�own. a. Thc ri��o (2) arbitratois selected sball immediately select a third arbitrator. The . arbitrators thus convened shall,within a time establis�ed by a�ajority vote of the arbitrators, conduct a hearing on the issues subuutted to them and render a decision sr.o2�oaai3a 10 � . , : � • on each issue, iu w-riting, to e�ch of�e pai�ies to the dispute. riny decisior�as to . procedure or subst�nce made by a majority o�the arbitration panel shall be binding. tl c�ecision Uy a majority of thc arbitrators on any issues submittcd shall Ue the decision of the arbifration panel as to that issue. Tl�e arbitrators shall have aut:�ority - to ati��ard cos�s and reasoalable attomey's fees to cither party in accordance with fhe merits ancl good fai�li of the position asserted by the pa�ties. . Said final decision of the arbi�ation may be submitted to any court in the county in � which tlie azbitra�ion takes place to be entered in thc forui of a judgemenf therein. b. �n lieu of appou�ting three(3) arbitrators i.n the manner set forth abo��e, the parkies may, by�uritten a�reem�nt, designate a single arbitrator. � � a �xcept as provided hexei�, the arbitration proceed'uigs shall be conducted in . accordanc�wi�li tl�e rules of ihe American Axbitr.alion t-lssociation and the�stahlt�s of � the State of Was�ington l�ert�ining to bindu�g arbifr.ation. •JN tiV.[TNESS WH7�12EOF, the p�ies hereto have executed this instrument af Spolrane, `Vashington, on the day�nd year first above written. � CITY OF SPOKA.IV.E VAI.LEY N'OR"1'I:IWEST CHRIST'Il��SC]�OOLS � � BY: BY: . , � ' • � ITS: �-,.,�r�1� YT�S: .�.'-.... ����1 ' �"� . .ti-. -cl:�c �_ r�4...�s /r'.-.-G-�'� � �3X: . A� . � BY: � �rs: �v � � s:y� -G���r�r� � � . , � - � �flytl.Cl�'r Sfim�i �� �.cio�r7c,� SL0230�i?13.2 11 ' . - , ' • . • • X�essee Ackno`vled�mevt State Qf�V�shinbton' County Of Spokane . � � � On � C-.�J�bEfore me, � � l+� I a/� , -� � � 1 date , -�lotary:Public persanally appeared � �f t �- ��JL'� person�lly knarvn ta me or provcd to me on the basis of satisfartary eviclence to be the persr�n whose name is � subscribed to l•he �ithin insxrumenti �nd aciaiofvledged tome that heJshe e:�ecuted the same � in his/her authorized capacity, and that by his/lier signafure on lhe instrt�menE t�ie P�rson or the entity u�on behalf oF�vhich the person acted, executed.the iustruiuent. � . � `VI'I'i�1ESS my haud and o£Gcial seal � `\``����������tii�� , . . � � Q PSS��,c����i 1 . _�r,yS�pN`E�pr�`� �/!� • . _ ' � .1� l�uJ �� , � _ _� ,� ,� � � �v�'!�a=otAR,- �,�,; ;, . : ;o ;z � � %u - ' � : �,, pua�`�� 'i-�= �S[GIVAT�URE OF\OTARX ' i N �� � � � _ �i, �. ��,,,�8-22�,. � � 1�1y Commission ��pic•es � �. Z�< < . i� �p ������,,....� �� _ . ��I���FIOF\t1V P`'\���`1 [lessnr Acknowled�menf � STATF OF �v�1SH�aVGTOT� � � � :ss County of Spokane) . On this��f� day of c.u.�'� 200�;before mc; the undersigned, a\TOfary puUlic in aiid for thE State o.f Wa 'ngton, personally a}�peared ;�t�,�-'tz�.� Zfl-�.z.uP� aud �' .�-,�-e �. _.�.z.� 'to me kno�vn or prove�z n the basis of satisfactc�y evidencc, to be the agent r rTORTHW�ST �CHRIST1�11v SCFIOOLS, who executed the wit}�in and foregoina i,nstrument and aclmotivledgcd thE said instrument to be thc�ree and voluntary act and deed of said corpora.�ion, for tbe uses and pu��oses therein mcntioned, ar�d on oaih stated that ttaey are authorizcd to executec�said instrument on bel�al£of said corpor�tion. � l'N�VI1'NESS WI��t:EOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af�xed my official seal the day and year first above written. . \�`\���������,t���� . 11 ( /f /� A _ �,�' a��.�'�1 // y//, Un6�� , ���/,yN� _ '(� .�`,.aHi1q!�� . 1� � � �C• l�u�LC.c.v`"_ �J����'����'i''4�.1��i ,Q�t 9[ ��'i���} ��sr� : Notary Public iu and for the State of % U;° 4�'r , � z � Washington, residi,ng at Spokane ; e7�y�,, ��'g�',0`�=��= MY APPointment Expires: /o C 6 0� �, ���,ra-0� ' � � . �: � ����tim�ar��0�. � . '!t ��F `+', y ``�� ���� ..:�.�`\ SI.02 3042 F 3.2 12 . . � _ �� � � _�, - —'�1, � , ' !• I ' �i ��� ! � S �[� . � {y�.l���F , C� ' ���4���F �!4 I 5.+�F l I�i I 11 I�[_�If I f'�1 T I IY �� � .i . � i � ���r�Jk �E�� ���T. r,+ - ° , Er�6. TE�4 C�t�, �ItV� �E�� �IM � . . � _ — � . � � � . _ ' � � F � � ��� i� � � i i . . . L---� �---� - - � H�� �V� ���. � uE� EN�. �!���� �4a��h�. �A�t.�� T�FrI�� ��'� � . � � l����u � . . � � � _ � � BR�NT e . � F F � �� _ - . � � ����� � � F � � � � �I� Cent�r 2 autiet �I� existing �� �20R ' overltiead lights � l� ��; aetli�iec ' , � I�1 f04F4 OL1E2t a�ov2 � �,�fY��,��� �': CIFClll1�OF � . �rAgangou�et �celingfora Addne�w �IC E�4G, F�iG. ,� ��+Y �i�T�� J4�� I�7��� � Gopier . �1 Projeclor sx�lldt for ���rti+�� - . �- p i rg ng canlrn, remave a ut coraf,roam ° u�,��,�1� �Qf�T�'�� i� 2 legh�s irtside af Cai7f Room. Add �ighls - - ���, , . � - removed figh2s koexisting light ������ I I���, � Grcuit ar new swi�d, � � . _ . � � . —�� - —--- � . R�f�3�E�AT�R � . � . i . ; ' � ��nr r bre+ �