08-102.00 EcoPlan Design Concepts: Children's Universial Park at MirabeauI S . AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EcoPlal1 Design/Design Concepts Children's Universal Park at Mirabeau Point Park Project Contract #07 -031 TH -IS AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of Spokane Valley; a code City of the State of Washington, hereinafter "City" and EcoPlan Design/Design Concepts hereinafter "Consultant, "jointly referred to as "parties." IN CONISi:DERATION of the terms and conditions contained herein the parties agree as follows: 1. Work to He Performed. The Consultant will provide all labor, services and material to satisfactorily complete the Scope of Services as outlined in the letter from Thomas D. Vetter of EcoPlan Design and Carol Henry of Design Concepts to Steve M. Worley dated April 14, 2008 (revised), a copy of which is attached and incorporated as an exhibit to this agreement. A. Administration. The City Manager or designee shall administer and be the primary contact for Consultant. Prior to commencement of work, Consultant shall contact the City Manager or designee to review the Scope of Work, schedule and date of completion. Upon notice from the City Manager or designee, Consultant shall commence work, perform the requested tasks in the Scope of Work, stop work and promptly cure any failure in perlotTna.nce under this agreement. B. Representations. The City has relied upon the qualifications of the Consultant in entering into this agreement. By execution of this agreement, Consultant represents it. possesses the ability, skill and resources necessary to perform the work and is familiar xvith all current laws, rules and regulations which reasonably relate to the Scope of Work. No substitutions of agreed upon personnel shall be made without the written consent of the City. Consultant shall be responsible for the technical accuracy of its services and documents resulting therefrom, and City shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies therein. Consultant shall correct such deficiencies without additional compensation except to the extent such action is directly attributable to deficiencies in City furnished information. C. M dic� fic� ations. The City may modify this agreement and order changes in the work whenever necessary or advisable. The Consultant will accept modifications when ordered in writing by the City Manager or designee. Compensation for such modifications or changes shall be as mutually agreed between the parties. The Consultant shall make such revisions in the work as are necessary to correct errors or omissions appearing; therein when required to do so by the City without additional compensation. 2. Term of Contract. This agreement shall be in full force and effect upon execution and shall remain in effect until completion of all contractual requirements have been met. Either party may terminate this agreement by ten days written notice to the other party. In the event of such termination, the City shall pay the Consultant for all work previously authorized and satisfactorily performed prior to the termination date. 3. Compensation. The City agrees to pay the Consultant on a time and materials basis not to exceed $131,460.00 as full compensation for everything done under this agreement. A Management Reserve Fund of $13,146 (10 %) is also hereby established to cover additional work that may be outside the attached scope of work. Prior written authorization is required from the City before work utilizing the Management Agreement for Professional Services — Children's Universal Park at A4irtlbeMl Point Park (Contract No. 07 -031) Page 1 of 5 C08 -1.02 ~.• EZeserve Fund is begun. 4. Payment. The Consultant shall be paid monthly upon presentation of an invoice to the City. Applications for payment shall be sent to the City Clerk at the below stated address. The City reserves the right to withhold payment under this agreement which is determined in the reasonable judgment of the City Manager or designee to be noncompliant with the Scope of 1~Vork, City Standards, City ordinances and federal or slate standards. 5. Notice. Notice shall be given in tivriting as follows: 1'O THE CITY: TO TI-lC CONSUL'hANT: Name: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Phone Number: (509)921-1000 Address: i 1707 East Sprague Ave, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, V1rA 99206 Name: 'I°hom Vetter, Founding Principal Phone Number: (509) 663-5259 Address: 105 Palouse Wenatchee, WA 9801 6. .4nplicable Laws and Standards. The parties; in the performance ofthis agreement; agree to compl}r with all applicable hederal, State, local laws, ordinances, and regulations. 7. Relationship of the Forties. Tt is understood, agreed and declamd that the Consultant shall be an independent Consultant and not the agent or employee of the Cit}', that the City is interested in only the results to be achieved, and that the right to control the particular manner, method and means i.n which the sen~ices are performed is solely within the discretion of the Consultant. Any and all employees who provide services to the City under this agreement shall be deemed employees solely of the Consultant. The Consultant shall be solely responsible for the conduct and actions of all its employees under this agreement and any liability that may attach thereto. R. Ownership ofllocuments. All drawings, plans, specifications, and otherrelated documents prepared by the Consultant under this agreement are and shall be the propcrt}= ofthe City, and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to ftC1~V X32.56 or other applicable public record laws. 9. Records. The City or State Auditor or any of their representatives shall have full access to and the right to e~arnine during nornial business hours all of the Consultant's records with respect to all matters covered in this contract. Such representativesshall be permitted to audit, examine and make excerpts or transcripts from such records and to make audits ofall contracts, invoices, materials, payrolls and record of matters covered by this contract for a period of three years from t:he date final payment i made hereunder. 10. Tnsurance. The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or daanage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performaaice of the ~~rork hereunder h_y the Consultant, its agents, representatives, or employees. No Limitation. Consultant's maintenance of insurance as required by the agrreemcnt shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Consultant to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. A. ,Minimum Scope of Insurance. Consultant shall obtain insurance of the types described below: Autnrnvbile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-o~jmed, hired and Agreement for Professional Services - (:hildren's Universal Park nt A4irabeau Point Park (Contract No. U7-031) Pagc. 2 of 5 ,~• leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Otfice (ISQ) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contracit-al liability coverage. 2. Conrnrerclal Gerrerul Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG UO Ol and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors and personal injury and advertising injury. 1'he City shall be named as an insured under the Consultant's Commercial General Liabilit~~ insurance policy with respect to the ++rork performed for the City. 3. 6~orkers' Comper-satiorr coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of 1~Vashington. 4. Professional Liability insurance appropriate to the Consuhanl's profession. ~. Minimum Amounts ofinsurance. Consultant shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Atstonrobile Gkibility insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of$I,000,000 per accident. 2. Conrrnercral Genera! Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence; $2;000,000 general aggregate. 3. Professioral Lrahility insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 policy aggregate limit. C. Ether Insurance Provisions. °I'he insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the f"ollowing provisions for Automobile Liabilit?~, Professional Liability and Commercial General I,.iabilitti' insurance: 1. The Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. My insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. Cancellation of Consultant's insurance shall be governed by either: a. the policy shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City; or b. the Consultant shall provide at least 30 days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested of a cancellation. D. AeceptabilitY of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. ge_st rating of not less than A:~~II. E. Evidence of C:overate. As evidence of the insurance coverages required by this contract, the Consultant shall furnish acceptable insurance certificates to the Cit}' at the time the Consultant returns the signed contract. The certificate shall specify all ofthe parties who are additional insureds, and will include applicable policy endorsements, and the deduction or Agreement for F'rofes;ionll Services -Children's Universal Park at Mirabcau Point Park (Contract No. 07-031) Page 3 of ~ .l• ~. retention level. Insuring companies or entities are subject to City acceptance. If requested, complete copies of insurance policies shall be provided to t:he City. °l'he Consultant shall be financially responsible for all pertinent deductibles, self-insured retentions, and/or self- insurance. 1 1. Indemnification And Hold Harmless. The Consultantshalldcfend, indemnifyand hold the City, its officers, ofi~icials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance ofthis agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RC~V 4.24.1 1 ~, then; in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injur}' to persons or damages to pro pcrt}r caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Consultant and the City, its officers, of7icials, employees, and volunteers, the Consultant'sIiability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Consultant's negligence. It i Further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Consultant's waiver of inuTiunity under Industrial Insurance. Title 51 RC1V solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of the agreement. 12. Waiver. No officer, employee, agent or other individual acting on behalf of either party has the power, right or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions ofthis agreement. No waiver in one instance shall be held to be waiver of an}~ other subsequent breach or nonperformance. A II remedies afforded in this agreement or by law, shall be taken and construed as cumulative, and in addition to every other remedy provided herein or b}' law. Failure ofeither party to enforce at any time any ofthe provisions ofthis agreement or to require at any tune performance by the other party of any provision hereof shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions nor shall it affect the validity of this agreement or any part thereof. 13. Assignment and Delegation. Neither part}'shall assign, transfer or delegate any or all of the responsibilities ofthis agreement or the benefits received hereunder without first obtaining the written consent of the other party. 14. Subcontracts. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Consultant shall not enter into subcontracts for any of the work contemplated under this agreement without obtaining prior ~~Titten approval of the City. 15. Confidendalih'. Consultant may, from time to time, receive information which is deemed by the City to be conlydential. Consultant shall not disclose such information ~~'ithout the express written consent of the City or upon order of a Court of competent jurisdiction. 16. .Iurisdictinn and Venue. This agreement is entered into in Spokane County, 1~Vashington. Venue shall be in Spokane County, State of 1~Vashington. l 7. Cost And Attorney's Fees. [n the event a lawsuit is brought with respect to this agreement, the prevailing party shall be awarded its costs turd attorney's fees in the amount to be determined by the Court as reasonable. Unless provided otherwise by statute, Consultant's attorney fees payable by the City shall not exceed the total sum amount paid under this agreement. 18. Entire Agreement. This written agreement constitutes the entire and complete agreement berim•een the parties and supercedes any prior oral or written agreements. This agreement may not be changed, modified or altered except in writing signed by the p~u~ties hereto. A~emenr for Professional Sen~ices-Children's Uni~•ersa] Park at it9iraFreau Point Park (Contrtsct into. 07-031) Page 4 of5 ,.•- DATE(dAhL'DDJYYYY, ACORD CE''i'IFICATE OF TM LIABILITY INSURANCE 07/2312006 PRODUCER Phara: S~J663-2779 Faz: SC96o3-7857 CRAIG LUKENS THIg CERTIFIGATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ASSOCIATED AGENCY GROUP ONLY ANO CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THt3 CERTIFICATE DOES MOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 412 N. MISSION SUITE B ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, WENATCHEE WA 98801 PHONE: 509-663-2179 FAX: 609-663-7857 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED INSURER A: Swett 8 Crewtord ECOPLAN 8 DESIGN LLC C10 THOM VETTE INSURER B: R 105 PALOUSE STREET INSURER C: WENATCHEE WA 98801 INSURER 0: INSURER E: COVERAGES tH:: POLICIES OF DlSURAfCCE LISTED BEL01V HAt~' SEEN ISSUED TO T'f{E UTSUREO MANED ABOYE FOR 7HE POLICYPERI00 INDICATED, MO7VA'THSTANDING Ah'Y REODU2EMENT, TERa1 OR GOMDRION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMEKT VVITfi RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR h41Y PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED 9Y THE POUCIE9 OflSCR[BED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALl THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDRIONS Or SUCH POLICIES, AGGREGATE LINJTS SH01VN htAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, ~~ IN9r TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUII:BER POUCV ¢FF¢cTN¢ POLICY ¢XDIRATI0.y LIMIT9 DATE No nATE cENERALLIAeaJTY V15KKZ08PNPM 02/21108 02/23/09 EACH CuRREMCE : 1,000,000 X COMMERCIAL GF1t=RAi L.iaed.m Dice io Rr~rr=_n s PR:MIAE9 . acwmnaet cLAUSS NJ+AE~ OCCUR laEa ExP rang onA per~n) 5 A X PrarosirndLlabD•y PERSONALdADVWJUAY f 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE t 2,000,000 GEN+L ACC#REGATE LIMB APPLIES PER: PRO- PRODUCTS~COKPJOP AGO, S 2,000,000 POLUCY JECT IOC AUTOMOBILE LIABRITY COM89:ED SINGLE LIMIT ANY AUTO rEd ~dO^I) s ALL OM'NED AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per panon- 6 SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY NONA7,•lNED AUTOS IPor ecClCem) s PROPERTY OM1AJriE Par axidoNl _ OARA(iE LU161ldTY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT s ANY AUTO OTHER TWIN EA ACC s AAJ'TO QNLY: 0.GG S EXCESS f UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE S OCCUR ~ CLAIlAS MADE AGGREGATE f f DEDUCTIBLE S RETENTIONS = WORKERS COMPENSATION AND NC 8TAT1} OlRQR 70RY 11MR6 EMPLOYERS' LUl91LITY PRIETOi1NARTItER E71Et1liNE EL EaCH AGC.ID~tJT ' S , AN1 PRO oII1CONACwO6R O:G.:IUOt•Of E.L. DISEASE~EA EMPLOYEE S a y.., e..~ne. w+0.. APECULL. DaONIAIOfIA D.bvr E.L. DISEASE~POUCY LIh11T S OTHER: DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICIESJEXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/ SPECIAL PROVISIONS Protosslonal Llablllty policy. rco7tinre7C -JAI r1C0 CANCFI l GTI(7N City of Spokane Va11ey SftOU10 ANY OP T1iE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES R[ CANCELLED BeFORE THE ' ' 2426 N. Discovery Place 1 O MAIL 10 DAYS EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENOkAVOR YBtITT&V N071CE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED 7D 7ff' LEFT, BUi FAILURE Spokane Val ley, Wa 99216 TO 00 SO SwILI LMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR IWBILITY OF ANY KIND UPON 7HE ENSURER, fP'S AGENT8 OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPR ESENT'A'TIVE Att ti ~ ~~~ S'~'~' ~~~~~~~~f~ en on: ACORD 25 (2001!08) Coatificate # ezto ©AGORD GoRPQRATIDN 19ti8 `, ~~ eI~,Q4 08 02:31 p - p.2 SiATF rc M ,~ ~u Omer name: THOMAS D VE7TER Company: SF Mutual ©Q JANIS 'JETTER ServicingJOHN WHITE 1lGS U~gq.^.E Address: 1665 PITCHER CANYON RD agenk W'IIENATCHEE WA 9880 i-9457 Effi date: 08-07-2006 to 02-07-2009 Policy: 104 6093-657-47 Description: 2005 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER SPORT Status: PAll3 IN 1=Ut_L WG VIN: JTEBU17R858031220 SFPP #: POLICY NOT ON SFPP PremiumBiliing Information Amount due: 0.00 Total premium: 340.86 Last amount paid; 368.83 Date paid: 08-25-2008 Pr~cvious premium: 0.00 Coverage Qetai~c ~ ne rem,um amounts shown reflect asix-month olic term. Code Descri icon Amount A F.ictbili.t;~ Coverage 1.0.7. E?2 Bcfl,:,ly Injury L_n:its F.ar_h ?erson, =ach Accident s~,oon,ooD sl,ono,ooo ?roperty Darnaga Liai,t each r'uuciCenc s~,oao,ooo ?1 Persona: Injure Protecticr, Coverage ,_;, 59 lsee Policy Schedu?e for L.irnits. ) D Co~alvrehEnsive Coverage - S50 D~Qdr:ctible ' Co.lLi~ion Coverage - ;250 Deductible 43. 19 85.30 -i >:gGrgency Road Service Coverage 9 20 R1 Car, P.ental and Treael Extaen,es Coverage 1T QO Li„nir_ •~ Car, lientai E.xpP.nse £.ach Day, Each Less 80o S1,00G 0 Unccrirs~:rEd Motor venzc],Q Coverago ;q 35 Aodily 1:zjury Limits Eath Perscsn, F,acY~ ~?ccident Si, 000, 000 y?,000,000 ' U1 %ndecinsured Motor ~lehicle Czot:erty Uamaue Coverage 1.80 51, GCVO, OOG ToCal 340.86 Vehicle Details Year; 2005 i~4ake: TOYO1-A Model: 4 RUNNER Body style: SPORT Writ Vlr~: JTEBI)i7R858031220 The information on this document is presented for general informational purposes only and is not intended io serve as a declaration page or policy. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Bloomington, Illinois . , Se;:? ,G4 08 02:31 p .~ S~git FARM ~~ INSUaANCf p.3 Additional Interests Lienholders Code: 64088 TOYOTA MOTOR CREQIT CORP TMCC INSURANCE SERVICE CENTER PO BOX 3025 CORAOPOLIS PA 15108~i912 Additional tnsuredslLessors NONE Insurance Certificates NONE Endorsements dumber Eff Date End Date Description _ i091T CERTIFICATE OF GUARANTEED RENEWAL Odometer Information Odometer reading: 34,000 Odometer date: 08-2008 The information on this document is presented for genera! informational Aurposes only and is oat intended to serve as a declaration page or polic~,r. State Farm P,Autual Automobile Insurance Company, Bloomington, IGinois ' =iDFSIGN CONCEPTS Ccunrenify ,rne l.aaf,rep. Arrbefrrt~ „ 1 April 14, 2008 (revised) ., { 2i i ~lort?t PIItTIIC ACI. Suite 200 Lafayette, CO 80028 tel. 303.654.5301 tax 303.654.5313 Steve i\~i. ~'Vorle~y, .P.C. Senior Engineer-Capital lmprovcment Program Public Works 11707 Past Sprague Avenue Suite 106 Spokane Valley,l~lashington, 99206 Re: Children's Universal Park at Nliraheau .Point Park Dear Steve: 1'Ve are pleased to submit our proposal for Landscape Architectural services for conceptual desigm through construction document services for the Children's Universal 'ark in Spokane Valley. Our design team for this project will include Thom Vetter, Principal-in-Charge LcoPlan Design, Carol Henry, Project Principal and Trish Kur-nik, Project Manager, Design Concepts. Other Consultant`s on this project include Michael Hansen, Physical Therapist Biosports. Additional consultants will be detailed for your review and approval with our fee proposal. Basic Ser~fices 1Ve will provide the following services: Task 1: Project Kick-nff and Information Catherin • Kick-oft;\fleeting +vith City staff-Scope and budget discussion, _ preliminary scheduling, identif}~ agencies and stakeholders involved as listed in the RFT', and others. Discuss developing final purpose and mission statement for Children's Universal .Park.. • Data Collection -Obtain and review the materials available, as outlined in the R1~P including the previous Design Development document. Determine need for additional information. • Site Visit -Inventory; analysis, photos, and documentation. • Progress CJpdates +vith Client - As needed, via phone, email, fax • EcpPlan/L7esign Concepts team coordination meetings and correspondence. Products: o Base map o Site analysis o Meeting notes o Survey 'f ask 2: EYistin~ Dcsi~n Development Review and Evaluation • Review Design Development ]Flan per current needs and standards. • R.e-evaluate plan based upon current park conditions and input from staff and stakeholders. Products: o Brief written DD review and analysis Task 3: Stakeholdcr's i19~cetin~ #1. • Facilitate Stakeholders Meeting nl with identified stakeholder's group (parks and recreation staff, maintenance staff Guild School, local school districts, Shriner's LCospital, .Flarvard Park Children's Center, sports medicine groups; Ronald 1~~1cDonald House Charities, Senior CenterlCcnterPlace, YMCA, Children's Home Society, St. Luke's, F..astern ~Va<shington Center for Deaf and [~[aed of Hearing, Greg Bever and Diana 1~1'ilhite). The goal of this meeting is to inform, listen and generate input, and to create an understanding of the stakeholder's physical and program needs. There may be a series of rneetinss with interested groups over a 2-day period. • Design team will assist in developing invitations to the meetings. City to provide addresses and mail flyers. • Image boards will be used to achieve a better understanding of the groups' preferences. :Products: o Meeting invitations o Lmage boards o Park site plan, e:cisting conditions only o Meeting notes Task 4: Stakeholder's ~7eetin~ #2 • I"acilitate Stakeholders Meeting #2 «~ith identified stakeholder's group (as indicated in Task 3). Prepare 3 bubble diagram layouts of the three potential sites (if City and design team agree that x113 are viable). • Review concepts with stakeholders to obtain comments on locations and mush layouts. Products: 0 3 bubble diagrams o Park site plan with site analysis o ~~leeting notes T.isk ~: Concept Plans • Prepare 3 conceptual design alternatives based on input from 'Casl~s 2 thru 4. The plans will incorporate the identified project goals and program elements with graphic presentation drawings to support the plans and project vision. • Concepts to include imagery boards showing materials and elements to begin defining park character and the~ming. • a-'repare preliminary cost estimates For each plan. • Review meeting with City staf•E'to discuss designs. • Progress Updates with Client - F1s needed; via phone, email, fax. • EcoPlan/Design Concepts' team coordination meetings and corresponedence. • Investigate criteria for potential awards for inclusion in design decisions. Products: 0 3 preliminary plans sent in time for inserting into Council information packet 0 3 cost estimates o Meeting notes o List of potential awards criteria Task 6: Public iVl:eetin~ #1 • Facilitate Public h~leeting #I wiih stakeholder's group and genera] public. The goal of this meeting is to inform, listen and generate input, and to create consensus towards a final plan. The public meeting will be open house formae with the following items presented and discussed: o Present previous plan and sketches. o Issues, opportunities and constraints for development of the park. • :Present 3 preliminary design alternatives to the stakeholders; general public and special interest groups. The purpose is to gather comments on the plans with the ultimate goal of creating one acceptable plan. • Present imagery boards to further define Children's Universal Park character and theming. • Present preliminary plans to City Council, along with previous public input. • Progress Updates with Client - ~1s needed; via phone, email, fax. • EcoPlat~/Design Concepts' team coordination meetings and correspondence. Products o .Public meeting displays -plans and image boards o Comment form for public o iVl:eeting notes Task 7: hinal Design Devclo~mcnt Flan and Presentations • Based upon the preferred and approved concept, one- final plan will be prepared and rendered. Also included will be presentation-level graphics with sketches, perspectives, elevations, visioning imagery and preliminary details. • Prepare fnal cost estimate with phasing recommendations; if necessary. • Present plan to City Council. • Progress Updates with Client - ,4s needed, via phone, email, fax. • );coPlan/Design Concepts' team coordination meetings and correspondence. Products: o Final Design Development Plan o Preliminary details o Presentation graphics o Cost estunate Task R: Construction Documents • Prepare ttvo submittals (SO% and 95°/u) construction documents based on input from approved Design [development plan. 'Che plan will incorpora[c the identified project goals and program elements with graphic presentation drawings to support the plans anti project vision. • Submittals will be prepared adhering to City standards. • Obtain Front ~'nd Documents from City for inclusion in submittals. • Update cost estimate. • Review rnecting with City staff to discuss each submittal. • Progress Updates with Client - As needed, via phone, email, fax. • Design Concepts' team coordination meetings and correspondence. Products: o L°Yisting Conditions end Demolition Plan o Site flan o Grading and Drainage Plan o Layout Plan o Flan I~nlargements o Situ Details o Landscape Plan o Tn-igation Plan o Irrigation Details o Product List and Cut Sheets o Specifications o Updated Cost Estimate o Meeting notes o Hard copies (4 half'size sets) of above documents 'I~ask 9: Final Bid Pscka~e • Prepare /Revise Final f3id Documents per City comments from 95% set. Set to include plans listed above, and including: -Update Final Cost Fsti_mate - Prepare Technical Specifications, including Bid Form • Submit to City for reproduction and distribution to contractors. Products: o See Task 3 above o Electronic copy of bid set Task 10: 13iddin~ • Attend Pre=laid Meeting. • Address Contractor`s questions. • Prepare Addenda, as needed. • Evaluate bid results. Products: o Addenda o Bid tabulation form o Pre-bid meeting minutes Task 11: Construction Administration • Attend construction observation meetings as requested by City (8 arc included in proposal, additional meetings will be provided at our normal hourly rates) with follow-up documentation. City staff to provide day-to-day observation. Review submittals, shop drawings and RFIs. Review contractor's requests for payments. Attend walk-through and generate Punch List items. Subconsultants Civil Engineering will be provided by Torrence Engineering; 5.930 Sunburst f one, Suite B Cashmere; OVA 98815. 1•"ees will include grading review of plans by EcoPlan/Design Concepts, utility connections for restroom and drainage report. Electrical h,ngineering will be provided by Z Engineering, Qne 5th Street, Suite 310, 1~Venatchee, \VA 9&801. Services will include design for site lighting (parking and pedestrian) and running service to the restroom. Structural Engineering will be provided by Pacific Engineering, 200 South Columbia Street, Suite 300; 1~Venatchee, 1~VA 98801. Services will include structural engineering for retaining walls, specialized design features and structure footings. They will provide 4 site visits to inspect the work. Any additional site visits will be billed at b935.00 per trip. Surveying will be provided by i`I1V Geodimensions, l5 1\'orth Chelan Street; Wenatchee, OVA 93801. Survey will include selected area for Children's Universal Park and connection path from blirabeau Springs to M_irabeau ~~lcadows. Therapeutic Consulting will be provided by L~iosports, 18 North Worthen Street, `Vertatchec, Wf1 98841.. Biosports will provide e.xperrtise in providing the most effective therapeutic exercise opportunities possible to our custom play opportunities. Climbing w:~ll design will be provided by Monolithic Sculptures, Inc. The Boulder-based company will design a custom climbing wall for the project. They will also install the wall for an additional lump sum fee. If the design team determines that there will not be a climbing wall, this fee may be omitted. Fees: Eco~Plan J)esign and Design Concepts Preliminary l:)esign and Public ivlectings $ 23,430.00 Construction Documents $ 38,935.00 E3idding $ 2;840.00 Construction Observation $ L6,370.00 Reimbursable Expenses ~ 9,500.00 Total FcoF'lan I)esigtt and Design Concepts $ 91,075.00 Subconsultants Civil )~ngineering $ 10;000.00 Structural Engineering $ 8,740.00 Electrical Engineering $ 5,000.00 13iosports $ 900.00 Surveying (Playground Site) $ 6.830.00 Surveying (1!l:eadows Trail Connection) $ 3,775.00 Monolithic Sculptures, lne. $ 5.140.00 Total Subeonsultaut Fees $ 40,3$5.00 Total till Fees 513~,4GO.UU EcoPlan Design and Design Concepts will provide substantial support as site planners and L~andsaape tlrchitects for this site. ~Ve are experienced educational and municipal facility designers with a successful record of consensus building. 1~Ve look forward to being a part of this project. Sincerely: Thomas :I~. Vetter, k>~A Founding Principal )/eoPlan .Design Carol Henry, .: Principal Design Concepts '~ -- DESIGN CONC t PTS Cnroroonir~ ..+.A lo.vdret~t .1 r~bier~rr January 2003 • Landscape Designer ....... The falln~ti~ttg is an outline of the schedule of fees used by DESiG\' CONCEPTS for billing purpases. These fees arc in effect for all scn~ces rendered unless oilier terms have been nega6ated. • Principal Landscape Architect ..................................... $125.00 • Associate Landscape Architect ..................................... $ t 05.00 • Sr. Project Jl9anager • Project Manager.. ~. ~ \ • Designer/Intern......... Schedule of Fees LA11'llSCAPE f•1 RCHI7ECTLIRA7, SERVICES ..........•.590.00 ............ 580.00 ............ 570.00 ............ 540.00 • Administrative Stafl' ......................................................... 545.00 ' • Transportatian Earpenses ~~~ ,Mileage S .~0 %z • Reimbursement Costs S ~ - Postag~Shippin~Courier rlt Cast = Prints, P productions, Scanning .At cast 'birect r~jienses Ar cost ~" :. • ~ ~ '~ • '-.Outside Connultants.~~ j,. ~' , `"- ran} constaltanl's rc9uired tt perfarm the work are chargccl at cost plus ' a 106 administrative fee. F'a~~nent fcir ser~7CCS rendered is billed monthl}r.~n the 5th dap ar at the ' ~• let minaa~n of the.project. Payment is due ~~~thin Fifl'een days of billing date. - ',.' ' ~ rliiy portiari.of a billing not.~aid ~~~thin thirc}• rlays of the biding date shall he . ~ - , ~ - - /'considered delitic~uent and shall bear a delinduencti• ck,argc. gf'one and a half :" -~ _ - ~aerGei~i (1•.~"r5} per month (annual percentage rate l f3°.6) on the unpaid balanre..Rates subject to change ti+~ithout notice. ~ - - '. ~~ . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION Submitting Dept: Parks and Recrea#ion Date: July 15, 2008 Budget Account No: 309.309.086.x94.76.41.05 CONTRACT TOPIC: Procurement of professional and landscape architectural services related to the Children's Universal Park at Pliirabeau Point Park project. CONTRACT BACKGROUND: In accordance with Council's direction to proceed with the development of the Children's Universal Park staff issued a Request for Proposals on November 28, 2007. Four proposals were received from consultant teams. Inten.~iews were held and staff identified the EcoPlan and Design Concepts team as the most highly qualified firm for this project. Upon completion of reference checks, staff worked with EcoPlan and Design Concepts on the development of the attached draft scope of work and fee. The City Council approved the contract with EcoPIanlDesign Concepts team on May 13, 2008. The cost for this contract is $131,460 plus a management reserve of $13,146. Funds are available in the 2008 capital budget under the Children's Universal Park project. Director of Park an Recreation Legal Department L) Finance Depa .meat ~µ~ L,~,'~~ ~,~,,,~ City Manager U~~ Nom..-~ ~~-~,~. s~ ~ DISTRIBUTION: EcoPlan and Design Concepts City Clerk Parks and Recreation Finance - - C ~~~ ~~~~- ~~ ~ ~m~~~~ ~~ ~~~:,- ~ ,~~ ~~~~~ m ,, _ _ s - D~ _ ~- p Poatapo s CerEtied Fee fYl @ostmerk l7 Retum Recefpf Fee p (F.ntloraement Req~tetl) two ~ RestActed DeOvery Fee p (Entloreement rtequ°sadl r7 N Tavel Costape 8'°--- ~ O ~ serrr7b THOM VETTER ~ S:;odr'1pr'7Jn.;' ECOPLAN DESIGN/DESIGN CONCEPTS ~ _°_':~BO'rNO'___ 105 PALOUSE ct~i Siica; iiwa WENATCHEE WA 98891 c~ig ^ Complete items 1, 2, end 3. A~su compteto item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ^ Print yaur name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ^ Attach this card to the back of the maitplece, or on the front if space permits. t. Afttcl©Addressed ta: A. t ra x ; D Agent O Addr~eo B. Received by (Prfnrod Narrw) C. Date of Delivery D. is dalivery address dlfierent from item t? ^ Yes If YES, enter ddivory address below: ^ No ~- ---_ ~'~ THOM VETTER t`COpEAN DESIGN/DESIGN CONCEPTS 105 PALOUSE _ 3. S eType WENATCHEE WA 98841 Cortifled Mail ^ Exp2ss Phall ~ ^ Roglstered Return Receipt for Merchandise D Insured Mail ^ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Deliver~/T (Extra Fee) O Yea 2. ArtlclePJumberi ~~~ 9~ °f r t nr xar ice lr ac ,~;-~I70fi 7 ~D71d~~0003i 5097 294 r , e t i (Trans q PS Form 3811, February 2U04 Dome~Kic Roturn Receipt to2s95d1~•M•t5ae ;I SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SPOK:ANE COUNTY In the Mat�er oE: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS No. (RFQ) #07-031 City of Spokane Valley AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHING (Architectural Engineering Services for NOTICE the Children's Universal Park) STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss. County of Spokane �I L HC�FFMAN being Eirst duly sworn w► oAth deposes and says that he is the �DTI�OR of The Spakane ValleyNews Herald, a weekly newspaper. Tha tsaid newspaper is a legalnewspaperand itisnow and hasbeen for more thansix months prlor to the date of the publication hereinafter referned to, published in the Eng4sh language continually as a weeldy ncwspaper in Spokane eou�.ty, Washin,gton, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an of.fice maintait►ed at the aforesaid place of publicatiam of said newspaper, which said neK�spaper had bc�*eit approved as a legal newspaper by order of lhe Superior Cowt of Ihe State of Washingtan in and for Spokane County. That the fotlowing is a hue copy of a�OUblic notice as it was published in regular issues cr�mmenring on the �dth �.af November. 2bb�, and eriding the 7th dav af 204� dates inclusive, and that such n�wspaper was regularly distributed tn its subscn�ers during all of said period: ClTY OF SPOKANE VAl1.EY Pubilt Wo�Rs 0 nt �s' R�QU� foR cK1Au�noNS (�QI ``0'-09, �;�CRIBED WORN to before me Arrhitaatunl and EnptnsErMa S�rvfcts �Ua��� �,nw� Park at Mirabnu Polnt this 7th dav ecember, 2QQ7. Purk r"f' �a'y �r 5���'� °r�� q,�r'r�° State of Washin ton af+t�It�6tur�Ydng�neertng cansullant, taam t� g �u�n���!e i+ �ign �t itao t�u�drem� Univorsal County of Spokane ��n� at �.br�r�sr F�tn1 P�nrk '�he �esign w4p fn��tt�� watMi�s� �l�fjl wtil� q!� Statt afM tho �:,�er�An �����1 �,00�n�on I certify that I know or havesatisfactory evidence that m' e°�'�'e °a' Michael Huffman is the who a p eared before �n��� �,�ti�u�►� r�T z�aa. n� u�� me, and said person acknowled ged �that he si gned ttu3 �av�parx:nr ai� Rark Urat�v�U t x o v i c� ecc�v,. t�� c�� tr E� l� na R� 1 4 i A f{ a fi; t d rsn an d ����;>;,+�,���r,�,r���,�o��„�,��j„�, WF th.is instrument and acknowledged it to be his free okyt�a� Ilm�inlr�t:s ar devnlapmen4 d'�tlilrtles �',�s and voluntary act for the uses and p u r poses men- S uldm�+ �ie� C�o la�a �4� ��tiqt� aoplss d• p���a+ tioned in e instrument. b� a� ��,��a stwuw ��a�a ia 0� ARY c:l:,�f:,�ov ��w�a�n�t, �t�a7 E�raga,p�.+�c�u�� Su(►re ltl8. Spoka� Z L_ V,�tt,;�y ��;;r►�a�gtart 9�2tIfr5949. Fat mqr'a trdor• �G mausn �1� vlsit NwwspaB�ene�oqnp,c� o� P11i��+`� t olene Rae en �'t''�' �'-`�b��g Title• Not Pu �c x gA�so �aill� P,4y �1crk �''4..,,, y 1� y ��c�`=�: �6����� �6. �cd�. oec�,e� r, OF W A My appoin ent �xpi.res: 5-16-11 r STA'�'E OF VVAS�GTOI� �ING CO�J10tTY --SS. 217990 No. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY A�davit of Public�tion The undersigned,, on oath states that he. is authorized representative of The Daily Journal of Commerce, a daily newspaper; which newspaper is:a legal newspaper:of general circulation and it is�novi►� and lias tieen for rriore ihan six months prio� to the,;date� of publication hereinafter referred to, pubtished in the English t'anguage �continuously as a daily� netivspaper in Seattle,, Kin� County; Washington, .and it� is now and during all of said time-was printed in an o�ce �maintained at�the aforesaid place of publication of this newspaper. The�Daily Journal of Commerce was on the 12`��day, of June, 1941, approved as a legal newspaper by ttie� Superior Court of King County: The notice in the exact form annexed, was.published in�regular issues of�The Daily Journal of Commerce, which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during.the below stated period. The annexed notice a CN:A&E.SVCS CH7LDRENS�PK �was published on I 1 /30/07 The�amount of the fee charged for the foregoin� publication is the sum of 95�.55 which amount has been paid in� full. ������iiii������ ER a p��i,��� a �sg��N �Xo� •.�F 9 Subscribed and� sw t efore e on v�� NOTARy l� 1L3 ;07 —o— �8�� ����'J►��,C�. ����p�'� N�tary ubl��, for the State of ington, 4� l v ding in Seattle Af�da��9���1�����`�� ��a� �I�' .t�' �5��e of �?Vas�gton ���g Coun� City of.Spok�ne_ V�l�ey Des�gn �hildren's �Tnivers�al� Per'k at 1V1�r.ab_eau Poi�t_,�a�rk I Submittnl Date:�Dec: 21 CI-1TY�0�'��3POKANE VALLEY r Public�orks:D'epastmerit, REQU,ES�T FOR� QUAI.IFICATIOIV3 (AFQ� #07-081 Arczhite�iural�and �Eagineering 3erviaes��or�the� Cliildreia'� �3niYeisal Mirabeeu Poilnt Park, T:he Ciry .of 3poltane V�lley. seeks a qu�ili�ed 'acebitectiitall� engineering carieulf:a�t; tsaai' to ,�completaa desigir.of t�e ChildieA'e Unin�rsal_Park-at Mirflbeau Point` ;,Park: �T�ie •design. �will inr3ude cldsely� with ,c�ty► �staff ti `�and tE� public on d�xelaping con- "cept plans; cvnetruction .,dacu• j �'n�ate�, and estim8te� for a public I.bid "c'urrently% ec}ied�d fcr�2008. Th� Project iavblve� .tli,e develop- �.�nent of a�_psr� .that wilT pr�vide� Go and d ltsaioclud i.cig t�hose r.vi�b acute� oir; aliroa�C ���R1�3', PbJ'�cal limita�ioa$ or d'evelopm�a4�disabili�ies. 9ub�iii� an origia�l plus Baur (9)' �uplicate .:A�� 4f roER&�_'b�� fi:UO P�j�[ i (local��ne� I�`i'iday►. Decembie�r�21� 20'd�: Propo�als, ahiiuld be d�iiv- ered to Ci�y of Spokane. Va11ey �'ublic`Wa�ks D��artmeat E, Sprague Avenu� Suite• 108, �-�Spokane Valley. W�shiugton 9,9�06•b4�4. T'or ntore. infofma� tion, please visit �.gokan�l-! 2�y,ore or;call ;(�09) 921-1000:� ,Ch_ri.�tine Baiabridg� I Spoka►ne:V'rilley, �ity. Clerk- Date of pt�licatiaa iui tlfe Se�ttle Dail,y Jqtixual Qfi Cbmmerce� �Novemhar 30� 2007. i�vso�i��so�i Page 2 of affiaavit LE6Al NOTICES 'Federal Tax ID No. 91-0420030 CITY OF SPOIiANE YALLEY AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Puhi(c Warks Dep�rtmenE RE�UEST FOR QUAUFICATtOM5 iRF�) �DT STATE OF WASMINGTON Architecturai and Engfnee�ing Servlces County of Spokane, ss forthe Child�en's Universal Park at A�Irabeau Point Park 'The Cfty of Spakarle Valley �e�ks a quati Name: City of Spokane Valley Acct: 42365 fied archit�ctural/ert�mPering ��su!- tent team t� campl�te a desi�n of the Chilri�n`a Univers�l Fark �t Mirabeatt P•O.: NO Lines 34 P;�,nt Patt+ The cles�gn will uzciude work- ing �t�sely w�tM �it�� staff and ih� pvbiEc Totel Cost: 74.92 Log No: SR15178 on dev�lopmg c�inr.��t plans, r�nstru�- t�on docum�nt�. and �stsmates f�r a p�b- IIC bld CUf�EpI'ly SChEtIUIEd �0� �OO� The I, KStI@ ShSW Pro�ert iri�o��e� 1hP development �fi a do solemnl swear that I am the Princi al Clerk of the SPOKESMAN- parh thal wi►I �provld� �ctiviUes .acc�si- Y P ble �ncl �n�f�cial to a11 children and O�EVIEW, a newspaper established and regularly published, once aauics m�lu��tlg thas� with ��:ut� each day in the English language, in and of generai circulation in the chrorur injunr nnys+cal iimitat�nn� �r d�- v�l�pment disab�litie5 �ubmit en ongi City of Spokane� Spokane County, Washington; and in the City of nal p1�is four (A3 dupl��at� st�p►e� of pr� Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper has p�.sa� �r :pQ pM �lu�al t��me3 Fr�day� a�- been so established and re ulari ublished and has had said eneral ��mber �t. :?0�7 Proposals shnu�d be 9 Y P 9 defivared t� ��ty a1 Spokane Valfey �ub circulation continuously for more than six (6) months prior to the 23rd ne wo�s ae�art►►��� t��1� E Spc���,� day of July. 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office AUenu� 5uitelU6 ,Spaf�aneValley ,wast�� maintained at its lace of ublication in the Ci of S kane, mgton 9l706��44� F�r mar� infa�ma- P P tY P� cs�n ptcas� vlsit www .��o��neva����.ar� Washington; that said newspaper was approved and designated as a or caU 15�91 �21 -1�oQ. legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of �hrist�ne Bainbrid$� C�C Washin on for S okane Coun on the 23rd da of Jul 1941, and Sp�k�ine Yalley City Clsri� SR t5118 9t P tY Y Y that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; that the notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of publication, was published in said newspaper� two time(s), the publication having been made once each time on the following dates: December 1 8, 2007 �.��g� E T Ts,�, That said notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every Q.Q' �s��� E k'°�,�� Fo number of the paper during the period of time of publication, and that ���t�t s 9� the notice was publish d in the newspaper proper and not in a 0 0 o z supplement. Subscribed and s o to be o me at the C' of S okane, this 11th �Y P ���g� day of December, 202007 q�OF�IVPc' ��rr�c_�,�e .���b'G ,1�� Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Spokane County, Washington City of Spokane� Valley 1170,7 East�Sprague� No: Words� at Qer word Total �"$1�80 Spokane�Valley Wa 99206 �No. �Lines at Qer�line Total Attn Chris Bainbridge No. Column in at 26us1ness card�eds Q$80 :oo�Pe� �t, per Col. In. Total �$�so:oo. A��IDAVIT O� PU�LICATIOIV STATE O� WASHINGTON, County of Spokane Kelly McGfllis, being ,�irst :duly s,worri, says thet h:e� is the Classifled �ad, manager of the Joumai Of:Business •whiCh is a Local News CI'1`Y OF SPO�;ANE �AI,LE� newspaper�published and�issued ef Weekly regularly'at Spokane i Spokane county: �ublic �Vurks Depactmen# REQUESTFOR C�UALIF'ICA?'ID�iS (RFQ}'�-p31 State of� Washington and is,;�of� general circulation �in. said county� and ��state, ArCbit�ectural ar�d Lngit�e�erin� Sen�ices for. the �that- the� C�assiflediad Ci�ildren's Univers�l Park a� i�iirFtbe�u pain� p�rk of whicti �the• one �hereto Ttt� Ci/y �of Spvk�ne Valley se�ks qualiC�ad archi- te�tucal/engim�cing cunsultant teum to complet.c; a ,attached is a� true° and �correct, was „pubtished in� �said, ne,wspaper design of tbe Gbildren's Universfll Par.k at a week for, 2 I�1ir�u Pvint P�rk. The de�i will include weeks bein gn g pubtished consecutive times, i wp'�king c�usclv v�"ith �ity stuk� �hd the public �on ��t publication being on �the 6th day. of December� 20 O7 dev�loFing c�ncep! pfans, construct.ion dn�um�nts, 19th �e�t ,��07 aruI e�imatcs far "a publiC t�i�l currendy scha#��1�cJ c� ��st� on the d�c:ef f�}r 30U8. TIa� proj�t invalv� th� �developm�nt of 3 park ih�t v�►i11 ptovicic .acciviti� ac��ssib.le end That said notice was published 'in the regular and "enti�e�issue of•every number-of b�nefieia! to a11 ohildc�en �nd adults �ncluding thos�' said newspaper ducing said period and times of publicatfon; that �said notice was- wich acute c�r chrt�nic �nju�� phy,sic:al �i,mitafipns or published",In the• newspaper proper �and not� in a supplement; that the��charges� �de�elap��nt disa�6�iliti�. Subm.it �n origin�l plus f�ur �4) dupliCUte copics c�f proposut b.y S:Ot� PM herorn, made are at� the regula�, rates: charged �fo� �such advertising; and that the. �lo�a! R�me), Fric�ay, I?ec�rnber 21. �p0i. Froposa{$ same or�any part fhereof'has� been paid: �auld be deliver��! to �itp ul' S�okaae V�11ey �t Public� Works Deparlmcnt, 1} �d7� E. S r�n ue P Axenue. St�ite 1.06. Sppkan� V�alley, Wu,�hington 992U6-S$44. Fi�c mor� infot�uttio», pteu.se visit 'Subscr�bed'and_swom to tietcre.me�this 6th �day ot Dec 2 07 +�v�w.spotcc�nel{.illey.org ar Ca11 �SOy) 921.-1 OQO. Chr3s�ae Bainbrfdge SRakane Yalley City Clerk ���LE J O No Publl in and�for•fh tate of W�hirtgt" �,���SSIOry N�r,� 9 N �i_ �(��(�J N n UB L I C 2 Residing at G��� �i'� o t,5, ��VASN��