08-107.00 Red Diamond Const: Broadway Rehabilitation Ph 1.' . -= .- .. CITY OF SPOKHNE VALLEY -BROADWAY REHABILITATION PROJECT -NHASE I Contract THIS AGR.E>~v1E~1T, made and entered into this ~ day of 2008, between the STATE OF WASH1vG'I'OI\i; acting through the Cit}r of Spokane ~~allcy under and by virtue of Title 47 RCW, as amended and RED IaTAM:ONll COivSTRUCTION, INC. Hereinafter called the Contractor. WITI\r)/SS1~TH: That in consideration of the terms and conditions contained hereui and attached and made a part of this agreement, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follo~~~s: I. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment for: Broadway Rehabilitation Project, Phase I STPUS - 3846{007) In accordance with and as described in the attached plans and specification, and the standard specification of the ~Vashington State of Department of Transportation which are by this reference incorporated herein and made part hereof and, shall perform any changes in the work in accord with the Contract Docwnents. The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense. of all equipment, work and labor; of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in these Contract Documents except those items mentioned therein to be furnished by the City of Spokane Valley. II. The City of Spokane Valley hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ, and does employ the Contractor to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the above described work and to complete and finish the same in accord with the attached plans and specification and the terms and conditions herein contained and hereby contracts to pay for the same according to the attached specifications and the schedule of unit or itemized prices at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions provided for in this contract. III. The Contractor for lumself/herself, and for his/11ers heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, does hereby a~nee to full performance of all covenants required of the Contractor in the contract. CITY OF SPOI:ANE VALLEY BROADWAY REHABII.,ITA'I']ON !'1201FC`I'-NHASE I coN'ruAC'r BII) NO.: 08-018 CO$-107 v CITY OF SPOKN-NE VALLEY -BROADWAY REHABILITATION PROJECT -PHASE I IV. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the City of Spokane Valley by reason of entering onto this contract, except as provided herein. TN ~~~ITTtESS VWE-TEREOP, the Contractor has executed this instrtunent, on the day and year f rst below ~i~ririen and the City of Spokane Valley has caused thisvlstn~ment to be executed by and in the name of the said City of Spokane Valley the day and year first above written. Executed by Contractor ~~.Q~1~(~J ~ ; 2008. Date Printed 1\'ttnte ~/`~ea S u.re ~ idc ~~~~~~ ' ~~" ~ Signature CITI' OF SPOI;AT7F \'.AI„[,F;Y 2 COi\`"1'RACT BROAD1~l~AY RI~W.ANIL['CATION PROJECT - PHf1$E 1 13LD 1\'O.: 08.018 City of Spoka~rn'e Valley i ~(e 1/Q~Soh Printed Nnme AC;ORD KATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CER-~ °ATos'ioaioa' ,µ _. PRODUCER 549-358-3800 TWIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Wells Fargo Insurance ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Services / CAL>~0531007 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. 601 W. Main Ave. Suite 1400 Spokane, WA 99201 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED R d Di i I d C INSURER A: Alaska NErtignal In$UYAnCe CO. amon onstruct on, nc. e P 4806 B INSURER B: .O. ox 1 Ifl5URER C: Opportunity WA 99214 INSURER p: ~ INSURER E• COVERAGES 'I'Hk POL1CIf:5 Oh INSURANCE LISTED BELOY'J HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVk FOR'I'Nf: POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTNITNSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CDIJOITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT LVITH RESPECT TO 1NHICH THIS CFRTII~ICA'I'E 0.1AY BE ISSUED DR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCk AFFORDED BY TFIE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS ANO CONpITIONS OF SUCW POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOYJN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIA4S, INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NULNFiIrR POLICY EFFECTIVE 1fA DD POLICY F.XPIRAY{ON DA E MM DDfYY UfAITS /~ GF:NERAI.LIABILITV OSKLS31157 1/31108 1131109 EAGHDCCURRENCE s 1000000 X 001.1?AEHCLAL GEttERa,L LIABILITY FIFE DA.IA.0.GE Ikrvy One flrel S 100000 CLAIMS idADE ~ OCCUR hS[O EXP (Arn' ann POrS:rnl 5 5000 PERSONAL v .0.DV INJURY S 1000000 X LVASTOPGAP GF,#:fiA4 FGGAEGATE S 2000000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PEA: PRODUCTS • COM?/GP AGG 5 2000000 ~ PRO ~ 7 X POLICY LOC A AUT OI-0ODILE UADIITTY OSAAS31 1 56 1131 /08 1 /3i /49 COMDINED SINGLE UMI7 IEs aoclasnU b 1000000 X AIJY AUTO ALL 0\'JtJEO AUTOS 'GDILY IPIJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS IPev persoN S X HIRED AUTOS I BODILY INJURY S X h"ON-O~iJNED AU7'O$ IPa acrlrfOntl PR:DPLRTV OAh1dGE IPOr ppClOeni) ~ GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO GftLV • EA ACCIDENT S ANY AUTO OTHER T'rtATt EA ACC S AUTO ONlY: AGG S A [JfCES5 LIABILITY 48KLU3 i i 59 t /3i 108 i 131 /09 E.~C'rt OCCURRENCE S 5000000 )( OCCUR ~ CLAIMS h1d,0E AGGREGd,7E S 5000000 b OEDUCTIDLE ^. C~F:'1'EN'1'ION 9 b 1'!C 5TATU- OTH- L•lOR:KERS COMPENSATION AND TORY LIMITS ~R EMPLOYERS' LIADILI'YY E.L. EACH ACCIDENT S E.L. DISEASE • EA EMPLOYEE 8 E_L.OISEASL -POLICY uan1T b OTHER UESCRIP'I'ION Of DPERA'YIONSfLOCATIUN$rVEHICLESfEXCLUSI0N5 ADDED BY ENDORSElAEfTTfSPEC1AL PROVISIONS AS RESPECTS BROADWAY REF{ABILITATION PROJECT PHASE 1, PROJECT NO. 0068 ADDITIONAL INSURED STATUS TO THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AS GRANTED BY TF{E INSURANCE POLICY, POLICY FORMS ARE ATTACHED CERTIFICATE HOLDER I X ~ ADDITIONAL INSURED; INSURER LETTER: GHNGtLLH I IVIV SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CAPlCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY DATE TtIEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER 4VILLX~XJ(1~~7~ MCJL 30 DAYS wR1TTF2! PUBLIC WORKS DEPT NOTICE'YO'I'~E CEfiTIFICA'YE HOLI?ER NAMED TO THE LEFT, iQW"~XC14XIxR000~UC9f1»l7tIXX 11707 E SPRAGUE SUITE 106 ao~o~ex~caxla*~topctcooa~oxwxotnmexxxvas~xlxaxQCVV~o~eciaa>/n~«wx~~snsx~x SPOKANE VALLEY WA 99206 ~`~'S' AUTHORIXED REPRE ATIVE !tl^ ACORD 25-S 17197) i7- 31 9ACORD CORPORATION 1988 BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COiJIMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART Who Is An Insured (Section II) is amended to include as an insured any person or organization (herein referred to as an additional insured), but only if you are required to add that person or organization as an insured to this policy by a vrritten contract that is in effect prior to the "bodily injury', "property damage", or "personal and advertising injury'. The insurance provided to the additional insured is limited as follows: 1. That person or organization is only an additional insured for its vicarious liability for your acts or omissions in the performance of "your work". 2. The insurance provided to the additional insured does not apply to "bodily injury', "property damage', or "personal and advertising injury' arising out of an architect's, engineer's, or surveyor's rendering of or failure to render any professional services including: ` a. the preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, change orders, design or spec- ifications; and b. supervisory, inspection, or engineering ser- vices. This endorsement changes the policy to which it is attached and, unless otherwise stated, is effective on the date issued at 12:01 A.M. standard time at your mailing address shown in the policy. The information below is required only when this endorsement is issued subsequent to commencement of the policy. Endorsement Effective LL/L/06 Insured Red Diamond Co:~s t:. Inc . Policy No. K L S 31 1 5 7 ' Endorsement No. ANIC GL 703 07 01 INSURANCE COMPANY b. To sue us on this Coverage Part unless all of ifs terms have been fully complied with. A person or organization may sue us to recover on an agreed settlement or on a final judgment against an insured; but vre will not be liable for damages that are not payable under the terms of this Coveraoe Part or that are in excess of the applicable limit of insurance. An agreed settlement means a settlement and release of liability signed by us, the insured and the claimant or the claimant's legal representative. 4. Other Insurance If other valid and collectible insurance is available to the insured for a loss we cover under Coverages A or B of this Coverage Part., our obligations are irrSit~d as follows: a. ~imary Insurance This insurance is primary except when b. below applies. If this insurance is primary, our obligations are not affected unless any of the other insurance is also primary. Then, we will share with alt that other insurance by the method described in c. below. b. Excess Insurance This insurance is excess over: (1) Any of the other insurance, whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis: (a) That is Fire, Extended Coverage, Builder's Risk, Installation Risk or similar coverage for "your work"; (b) That is Fire insurance for premises rented fo you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner; (c) That is insurance purchased by you to cover your liability as a tenant for "property damage" to premises rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with pen~nission of the owner; or (d) If the loss arises out of the maintenance or use of aircraft, "autos" or vratercraft to the exfent nmi subject to Exclusion g. of Secfion I - Coverage A -Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability. (2) Any other primary insurance available to you covering liability for damages arising out of the premises or operations, or the products and completed operations, for which you have been added as an additional insured by attachment of an endorsement. When this insurance is excess, we will have no duty under Coverages A or B to defend the insured against any "suit" if any other insurer has a duty to defend the insured against that "suit". If no other insurer defends, tive will undertake to do so, but we vrill be entitled to the insured's rights against all those other insurers. When this insurance is excess over other insurance, we will pay only our share of the amount of the loss, if any, that exceeds the sum of: (1) The total amount that all such other insurance would pay for the loss in the absence of this insurance; and (2) The total of all deductible and self-insured amounts under all that other insurance. lNe will share the remaining loss, if any, with any other insurance that is not described in this Excess Insurance provision and eras not bought specifically to apply in excess of the Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations of this Coverage Part. c. Method Of Sharing If all of the other insurance permits contribution by equal shares, we will follovr this method also. Under this approach each insurer contributes equal amounts until it has paid its applicable limit of insurance or none of the loss remains, whichever comes first. If any of the other insurance does not permit contribution by equal shares, we will contribute by limits. Under this method, each insurer's share is based on the ratio of its applicable limit of insurance to the focal applicable limits of insurance of all insurers. 5. Premium Audit a. We will compute all premiums for this Coverage Part in accordance with our rules and rates. b. Premium shown in this Coverage Part as advance premium is a deposit premium only. At the close of each audit period we will compute the earned premium for that period and send notice to the first Named Insured. The due date for audit and retrospective premiums is the date shovrn as the due date on the bill. If the sum of the advance and audit premiums paid for the policy period is greafer than the earned premium, we will return the excess to the first Named Insured. c. The first Named Insured must keep records of the information we need for premium computation, and send us copies at such times as we may request. CG 00 01 12 04 Producer Copy Page 11 of 15 . ~' '~ ~. COs\''CRACTOR'S F'FaR1~ORA•IAt\CE Ai\'17 PAY~•IENT BOND Ici\'Oti~r .4LL i1~IEN BY THFSF 1'1tE:SENTS, that DIAt`~fO1Vn COI~FSfiRUCTTON INC . (Contractor), as Principal, and O.F AMERICA , ~ (Bonding Company), as Surety, a corporation of CONNECTICUT whosc principal office is located at _ HARTFORD, C01\TIDCTICU~T ,are firmly bow.d unto the City of Spokane Valley, a municipal comoratiUn of the State of Vl'ashirrgton, as Qbligee, to fulfill the obligations of the Principal mid the Surety under the Contract to which reference is hcrcafler made, in the amount of $ 491, 948.24 (including 1Vashington State sales tax) for payment whereof Principal and S1RUKy bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors acid assigms jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. RrHEREAS, Principal has by written Proposal datcxl 8 /22 /O8 offered to enter into a Contrail with the City of Spokane Valley for Contract. No, BID N0.: pursuant to the trnns and conditions set forth in the Contract Dacumcnts dated 9 8 08 0$-018 N'OW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if the Principal shall faithfully perform all the provisions of the Contract on its part, and pay all laboreas, mechanics, subcontractors and material suppliers, and all persons who supply such person or persons or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of such work, and indcsrrmify and hold harmless the Obligee from all loss, cost or damage which it may suffer by reason of the failure to do any of the foregoing, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in fiall force and effect. All persons who have furnished labor, rrratcrials or supplies for use in and about the work pro~~ded for in the Contract shall have a direct right of action under this bond, to the extent and in the manner set forth in RC~i~ 39.08. The said Surrr~ty for value received hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the teams of the Contract or to the WORK. to be performed thereunder or the SI'~C1FICATIONS accompan}7ng the same shall in any way aficct its obligation on this BOND, and it dacs hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the WORE: or to the SPFCI.FlCATIONS. 1\°o final scKtlcment behveen the O~'~'NER and the COl`''('RACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whosc claim maybe unsatisfied. TR_A[~~ C;~~AI,TX ANDHS`T11~~DAY OF COMP~'~OF AMERICA suRET'r r Sir~•iaturc CkiRIS ~aRSON _ Typcxl ~'an-~e ATTORA'EY-TN-FACT Title BOND NO: 10 14337 SFPTII'iBIIt YEAR 20 08 . I2~L?]'Ar`90ND CO STRU C.. P \'CIPAL _ Si~~9nature ll C~ 4.1'a ~ d ~ 1 Vvt wt ~~ S Typed Nante ~ ~G ~ `TtreaS k r~e tr/ Title 'A'!•HIVINu r..I'5 ~'t7W[ ~ OF A.TTOAtJErv I$ INVALID NJIT:iUIIT ThIE RQ E~'?RC1EN .A t'O1~~F R OF' A'CTORhFa' TRAVELERS •t Farntin~tnn 1-n+tmin 1 umpun~ tit. Hrul (:uardiAn Inrurnncr 1'unrpun~ FNiriih and Gunrantr In•unnce l'rmtllan} tit. 1'ald ~IrrcUR ILL+000nI'e I rlmpDn~ fI1}rlh) MINI I:IlArants IneurAtx~e lndrn+•riten. [nr. hra+rlcr* 1"u+tU111\ uud lurrlt l nmpam ~cutn/urd 1Nn•t} CrNnpun~ i'ra+rlcr+ 1 asuulh and tiurs•h f'nmpum /rl t,mrtrkll 11. Paul Firr and Siarinr Inrurancr C umpuna 1'nNlvl ~!rll~ f'Wrllh unr! Iaulrslnt~ 1 Irtnpuu~ :Ulnrnes•In Foci Na 7?(1~111 ('eri,~Cy,r,r,.0 C~ 2 5 01416 hVO11' X1.1. MFV BY Ti1F:SE. PRE~lS\'I :ti 1Lul Srahrord .Surety 1~'ump:uH tc a rru>rrxanun rhth Iugnm:ed mtdrr dx• luw+ nt the lute „f Na•u 51,ti,. that `;t Pnnl I•uc rnd'•tunur Inwrrnn Cumium, CI 1'ru1 C:urnltun Inaar.trN•r C'omrurn and St Paul Menut+ 1n'atr;tncc (?rttquny ate al/tp„razurn• Iluly I,tgunizcd unrkt iltr lax+ ,il ahc Strtr 1~t ~hnnr.;rL, t}tnl htrnnngtrtn C a~uahy Clunpunt. l rtvdcr~ C'a+ualh and Surcta Crnnpum. Wld Ir;la•rlrn Cn+ualt+ r»d Sutrly Cumpwt~ ,+! :\n;cnr ,r ;ur' cnrlarruiNm+ duly I,rg>anit,•d urtdrt t!te fau+ of the Stale +ti ('/mneutruL that Unitnl 5taterr Fidrlily Inul (.'rwuunt} 1'Innpam~ t+ ,1 [rtrlvrattrm duly /trF,ant: crl unrk•r th+• laws nI the 5lalr ul ~1at}lund. that FrJlthty nn:I Currant} Intiwunrc Company t+ r a+rptxuttun duly IxFmttaf unr.kt tt><• Ina+ ni the State of InW'a. and dirt l~rdrlth rtwl (iuntanly huuranti'e Unlletti+rnrrs. ine i+ n cltrpuran,ln dnh ruganltcd under Ilx• tuw+ nt the Slme nl w5~.~m+m thrum ullla•ttlaely called flit "('wulr.tAlr+",. and Ihrt the Contpantes do herchc tnukr. rnn+unrtc and a{+{trnnt ChttS 1..8rti0rl, George C. Schrogdor, W W Weller, Wm Dinneen. H Kelth fv{CNdtly. Kathy Gurlt3y, Jo Ann Mtkkelson. Heclther Anderson, rind Enn L Repp ul the City ut SFNrlanr_ . titan ol_ W:IChrn~pp ~ . tfrrit tntr and lawlul Atumreyraf-tn-Pact. ettrh to thctr +gtar:ne cap;tetn rt mlue dtuu nnc rn named ahn+•r. tar alFn, e-outc. real .rod ,ukn:~wlealge any end all bawds, rttcrgttrt:utcra- cunditiln-ul utwL:gAktng+ and nihR cvntings lthhFatctry In the rwlutr ttrttrn( uo hchsll 1.1 ttte Caunpanie+ in tltcll bu+lnna rl( },urrrnlccinC the 1'tdrhly of prr.lm+, guarantermg the per(I,ttttance of cnnRtxtn and etiecuhnk ut quarantecrnl: Mmd+ and underluliug5 tr~utred I,r prrntlthai in ut7rs' tiCyinne ,y ylf+ticmflnFti ullnwrd h~ lau ~' ' 1 1 Sth I~ t,11'1'tif_CS 11ilERF.QF the (-/~mp;uttry hour rau~d thu msutbtik'Itt tri he q~ncl~ and Ihr;irartlxtrntc'xula t„ he ttetNl, alfiaeal. Iltl• __ _ ,I•r,, ,,i July _ 2008 "•• 1•armingtnn 1"ASaAh~ CattpAl» FIde41h and (:uannt~ frauruttce (ompugr Fkirlll+ and I:uAranh Insut•tukc (4tdrrwti(eta Inc teuhoard tiurrh l'umpam' ~!. Paul Fite and \lurlnc Invurnnlr l'omiwn} 11, 1'AU! Gunrduul lttsuranlr (Itmpuu~ tit. {'uul Hereon ln:uruner (-rrmpan~ Ira+clen l"tutwlty and 5urrq l'nmprun fraarlrn l'ALllall~ and ~urrty ('ompam IrI \mcrira ruled ~Wlra F'idrtilc :wd I:uArunlt ('nmpwt~ ~t s ~ ~ ° ~ 1977 '" 1927 ~' rI - fj~ i `0 - '' ~ .' wmsvo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ 7 •~ ~"~ - ~ 951 ~• • ~r .;~., ~,Sr:4L~: +I.,SE1lL'x ~;~f, titntr nt C'rrtmn-Urtll 1114 111 IiunGrill sc I i, R v. t In Ihta the 15th ~,. /rl July 20081trfllre me pcrxnt:tlly apl+e:urd (:ntrge• µ' 'ihomp+cm. N•INr tmLnnwlCalgrd htntsell to he d-e Setttur YiCr F"restrfent of Puntnngtnn l'u+urlty C utnnuny, htdeluy and (;uurrnn ittstuunrr ('nmj,am, htdcln~ and l:uarunt+ Inauuncr L'mlervtnlerti tn... Sa'atx~:ud tiurrty Cuntpuny, St, Paul l=rrc IutJ '~lnnnr In+uruucr ('nmltm±, tit Paul Guanhun In+urancr ('Irntitant. St F'rul klrtaut~ ln+tuntur Cunµiam, 1'ra+elrr+ i ,wurh~ and Sumy C/Nnpnny, ~rn~elrn Cnsualt} WWII Swera Clnttpam of ~menca. tutJ Unrted States Ftdrlm ,end ciu:rruuty Cunti,:utti, lutd thur he, u+ +a+h herng .mthornnl +r+tn dn. esrrutCd tltt• ti>,reFcdug manuntent lat dte purpr,+e+ dtrrein clNttuttted by +ICtning on hehulf ~v th< :•~rp.rraurmr, ht hnu•clt u: a flub nutl,rartrd nfhcct In N7ttles 1Yltenwf. I lu ecu:ui. n nr I~.In l .ut.i ~•tii. itl .tul ~ ~G T~~ \1ti („nutuv.r•rn:~t•irr.,iir ~;u'; Id'. ~~~ lui~r `~ii~ ~'0t~ttG i ~,s S~A10-5.07 F'tinf+arf rn U.S A. Tluw Rawer of Atuunry a gnrrrteJ ... _r and by ttte autlu,rits• of the foll+nsrrtg trs+>luhrms trtegged My ltte 13+xuJs,rtAltr.nn•s,d F, iron C~nsualty C'nmpany. Ftdelety oral Cui¢uuty letstuarke Cumpony. FiJcllts unJ C;uafauty Insutaa:e L~tetlrtvmte79. fex., Scahutrrti Surety ('ompnnr•_ ~t Paul Hire anJ M1turine Insurance Ggnpun}. 51. F'uu1 Guanlian tnsuruu.e Graspers, St Paul lviercury Insuraece Canpony, Trxvrlrn Casualty and Surety Company. Trm-dot Casualty anA Surety Company esl America, aewl IJnitrJ 5tntrw FiJclity vat Gunrar-n' C'rnnpuny, which rexolurionc arc now en roll farce and etiect, reading to Follua r RFSULVED, that the Chairman, the President. any SSca C'halrman, am• E.xerutise Vice President any Senrcn Vise Prcridcnl, uty Yicc 1'rrtident. any Setund Yecc Prewi.lem, the Treasurer, am'.*,swiatant Treasurer, the Cnrpterete Secrrtary ex any Asr~enwm Se~ietaty nay oplxnnt .~nnmcys•tn Tarr and Agtner rn oct far and nn hehal! ,~1 the l'amparry and troy er•e wucA aptxnnter we-ch outh,•tity ws het ,>t (ter atrtificutc of authority may ptsx-nix: to ugn weth the C+unpaay's twine rind seal wtW the Cornpatry'w rent baeels, re~`O~fItlUenues, e:,mtre-cts of tndenuuty, ttnJ other wnrin~t ubhgntarv ra tlwe tt,Werc of n twat. mcugnituuue. or runditrnnal ettukttnking. tttut ony of said ufficrrt cn t!u Hcwtd of DirtrU,n at any ttette may trmrne any wch apptttntre turd trsrr-e the powv gisen Turn m her; and et i~ FltKl'HF R NF_ti()l.~'F:p. that the lltatrtnan, the Prr_ceJrtu, any 4'ice C'haertttan, any E,cecuuve Yice Pre+Went, any Stroor titre F'ttsiJettt cx any Vloe Rereidenr may .feiewtc all ur auy pan c.t Ne 1'rxeputug ueutwrity w +xre ur more ut7.rn tx employers set this Ceretrpany. provided that each such JelePatt+xt tw in sa'rr,una and a «py tlrere•,f tr film m the uf6ce ~sf tier Secrtrtan; atrJ it n FUR7'FIER Ia;~SULVED. that any txxrJ, re:ugturnetce. cualrrwt ut InJctttnrty, er writing ohltgat+xy in the nature al a Mrwt. ter+rgmzatu:e, or euereiitletreal unekttakitrg whnl! ire La11J uuJ bttxlenr upon the Cuat(wny wires ta! SJgrrcel h} the Praitktrt. any Vice Chairman. any Eiecutist Vice Presrtlent, any Senior Vice President trr any Vice f'resrelent. arty Sect-nd Vire President. rite Treasurer. any Acuvtattl Trenwetrer, the Car}wtnatc Secretruy or any As~~r:am 5ectetary and duly attestrJ and sealed with nc~ Ccxtrp:uty'w seal by u Srctrtary or Awse>taut Secrewry : r)r tht Auly executed sunder teal, if reyurredt by one or more Att+xrtey's-to-l:oct and Agrnu pursuant to the power presc~ihnl to hfs or her cenitcatr ,rr dtcrr cettltis:alN trt autlmrlty rx by exec <n tnexe ('nm{~am afiicers ponuaat to a wntlen Jelegrttintt at auttetrnty, and n is Fl'RTHER RFSAL\'El). that the ugnatute of earth of the ft~llnwinb officers; 1'tevtdenr. any (:seeeutve Vtce Nrestden[, an} tirniar Vice Prewrdeett, any ~5ce Presrdtru, any ,4,s+•,t:+nt S ice Rr;ident, any SG-retaty'. any Assexeant Sctirttary. aa+t tlse +wl ut the Certnpnny etray tse alfiied by ta~wemrFe ar any pxscr of atteenmy ur to eery ceRificatC rclming thereto spjecrinbng Restdeeu Vice Iwresedentw_ Resident 3+eistant SecreWnes or Atu.q'tteys-in-Fact fist Fteetpones teo-y at ncrwma and atksUnQ 6netdr and temtertalings amt other Ntitings ubhgulury to the uawn• theercel'. nnJ sees wch ptewet of anorrtcy or srrtifirate hearing wch facstmilc seynature or tarumile weal nhdl he valiJ and hiruiia8 upon the Crxtepa~y tend wry each {e+~wer ai e>;nuted and :emfial by arch (aeamelc apnature sad faceemtlr seat sha!! he valid and MnJtng rro the Crrtniwny to the future esuh nspert try any hrmJ rx urulerstanrling to uitlrh tt Is attached f. Kwe M krltanxrt, tt-e undcntgt-ed, Asvstant Secretary, of FarminRtat Casualty C+mt{r~uty, FeJelity and Guaranty lnstuirwce Cor~any, Fieklity anA [iuaranty In>sltrance; t'ndensritcra. Inc.. Seahoarr) Surety Cnmpnnl, 5t. Paul Fitr and M1ianne Insurance Company. tis Paul Guardian Insueance Cumprttty'. St Petal !slercury lettturanee l'rrm{way, Travelers l'asually atul tiurtly Coin{way, Crnvelrrw Casualty atul Sutrts G~rrtnan} v(,Mtrn.a, apJ ltmteJ Stales Fdelity' ttrat Crururtnty CutnFrany do hcret+y ~emh tlun the aMrsc anJ ltxegretng to a true and correct ropy ut tlfe Pcns'er ul Atu,rncy cuCS'YteJ by waid Cuurpunica- ahirh iw in full font ;urJ clictt tool has neN been revukcvl FN 7'F:.SPlM11(r\1 1~FIF:kF:()F. I lt.ac hrteuntu.ct my hand andr8~ the sre4 uf-suid Grnpanies this Ld~ day of SE~~j~ , .o ~~ ~~ Y.un !s9 letttattsc Asst~turet Strretrerv ~.w: . `~~Y .;.~`~. '~ V!.1!`d~ ~• ,ray rs~" •w~ IAwtiF 'y! ~*;~+` ~ tem.„ .~••_'~•)~ i'~,,.,rw•, `= a ~ 1 r.atti 1977 g 1927 ~ t~ ';a 7 "u"'v~ oM'e~O"°i a w~ ~ ~ ltr' prK~r t • l^1''. t•f~ • ~ ,~ ' 7o verily the retiltenuaty ..f tltls P~,st,rr ut Aturmry, sell I-ri1Kr1.1-?RNtI eN contact us at awN nwelCrstnmrl.cum. Please telex to tt-c Attomey•Fn-Fact numlxr. the ahove•namnl eratls'uluals and the drtailr of the tx,nd to w•he~h the pcrwcr is attoched. r'f"PNF~ Of i r SUPERIOR C�tJ�T OF VVASHINGT�IV FC}�Z S�'��CAI�T�E C�UI�TTY In the Matter of: A�DVERTISEIIIIENT FOR B�S N�, Public Works Department �id OS-D18 Broadvrray Rehabilitat�an Project/Ph�e 1� AFFIDA,VIT I'UBLISI�IIVG Ci�r af 5pokane Valley �l�T'��E STATE QF VI�AS�i1NGT�N County of Spokane MICH.A�L,�1� b ear�g fi�t duly swom �n aath de�ses and says that he ia th� E3�71TCJR of The Spoka�e Valley N�ws �-Ierald, a weeklynewsgaper. That said newspaper ia a le�al newspaper andi�i� nuw ar�dhasbeen for m�re thansiuc rnon#hs pzioi tta #he date af the publicahon her�inafker r��err�d to, published in the Englis�t Langvage c�anti�ually as a w�kly news�Zaper in SpokAne Couniy, Washing#r�n, and it �.s now anci durin� all vf said kime was printed �n an office �aintained at �he aforesaid place �f publicati�n of said r�ewspaper, whicli said newspager had Ueen appraved as a l�g�l n�wspaper Uy arder of ttte Supexior C�urt of ttue Stat� af 1VNashingfic�n in and far Sgcskane Cauniy. That t�� follnwing is a true capy of a pulylic nntice as it� ,+�as �ubtislted in regular i3sues �ummc�nring on th� 1st �,v nf Au�ast. 20� :und endin� #tie �i�f A��u#. 2i�$_ all d.ates incltuive, and t�iat such n�gap�r was regularl�r disir�uted ta its subscril�ers during aU t�f ��id periad: ADY��ElWI�lIT FaR 81D� F C�i111 �POKAI�3E YALLEIC FU�LIC YY�RICS DE�HTME� ���w�r� ���rr�;tar���r ,r�`�C�SGRIBE� �N�I�N to before me r��� �i, u� �r s� this th �a �u�ust. 2U0�3. ��'d d� ��e��� y �h�,n�� Y State oE Washin.gton ��s; ����r�, wor�: er� County af Spokane C�p�u� at� btd pe�}aat ir�iu►Et �nr.a�t�ns ��ns�'b°��t�o��rtr� Q��r i�ertify that i know ar have satisfactory evidenc�e that s n i� Michael Huffinan �s #he erson who ap eared before ���r ��n,re�, �,�c��r�a, p p v�� wa� ��a� �y u,��, ��a�y ��AE yr rne, a�nd said persnn acknow�edged thak h�e signed f►�m 8;D0 e,m. t� 5.b0 �.m. A na�t�rafu►��a�l� p����o.uo��u� ��.�fian�� on ��'F�►� this irtstrument and acknawledged it to be his fre�e �"tl R��'�•�" and voiunfar ack for the uses and ur ases men- ���,��o,�,�t����� Y P P �t tion�� in the instrument. w� m+,� �,�a a�r �QTAA Y In Ih�te�m ais �uraly po�! monay �der. c�g3y c�fur"o o�o1s. aF oBHilPed t�te�Ic (q �tn �rnour�R �p� to C►ve�e�en! (S�by aP tha �ra�un� Q °w. y atth� b�d pxop�ti. F�lyr� In iumish �ta� I� rn �n,pr�r,�,��t, ��y�s �m e,�ti Su� ti jQl�n� 1�Uentz �a �•'�Y 16,��.�' CC' �aue���l��o�r�d. c��F•...�-N.• Title: Na r�' enuxl be sutrmFlbad in �t�f s�rr�C�s� VII A� M a ain`�ent ex ues: S-Ib-l1 �r�s,�d u,� c�� ci� m+�g �r Y PP l� ker�� Vsftay. 117Q'� SPr�g�4 Av[mu^� 5slit4 'tOF#, Sp'pk8n� Valloy, 1Washtre$t�1 and cn�iV�tt! no2latorthenlO:OD p.m, P'BDT, �tf�ieY, Aug� 22, 2�8, 9&f +o�,ir►�s w�R bu �d i�►• ��Y ti�reaitp� and tea� ei�uc# frt If�c� C}Iy �a�uupil {�nah�ls Sufta 107. ll�s Gatp rotnlrte It� ►f�ght to rv3oc! any Emd ell bit� cv� [o vralva mlhol' irr+�gui�t91}es ln ihn bfd�in� P� TF�$' �I�y Ol $�+iltaqo 1fd11gy f�8i�lV891f� t{gh[ t4 MIEaV� ml]I i�i� af Ii�a�nla'�itt� t[i h f� t�fiaY thS�tl�ne L�ed��tGt it4e 6Ld p�k� �tl� or t�etp��a and cnca�r��n qf it� uttl�ss if��uururd �1�aY�d4'ota�err�d �aa�d- Ing s�! (�i1 da T�ro �ity of Vnlley� t� aa�atdar��wi:N �V'I �i 1he Ci►tlf R��nAa� �f 1�3, �7�i �2 11�,�, to 2�Aa# �n� �1ile� �i�, Ccrdo of Feeta�al Itegutat(ans. �partm�nl ai TrBtl5,ytl11�lAt1� Su�UUE A. @f�'� V�`tt4c*�sy. Part �Q. nort-dt�iminatlan,pM F�sRsrt�ily assLsl�sf RfQ�J118 t).1 t�{8 �1[T1fE11[ 81"Tta�B�/�tJq�1 �e�u�d pu�u�nti #+a s4ia�t Aa�, hattlby n�lifiea aU blddets Vt +,+I1t atlim�ivuly ersr�r� that tn any �ro�uac� un�a�i tnle ptlrsu�►nt t� 1hIS adv��iaemen� nlfria�ly busina�s sn�nrprt�a w�i t►o! be d��orimfnaE�E �},4s1 em th� ��n�s at rac�. aola� or n�1a1 o�tg�n i�o cx��ani(�n 4`4t �1 d�1Ya�d. P116l�SH �tt� kf�°.y �$Fv5 H�f��ust 7. A1�gU9t 8. 20b8 s� �r i311, B18 AAtl'ERTISfMENT �ne Valley, iNashi�$tan, FOR 810S CITY OF �9z0�, and reeeived rtot SPOiIANE YAILEII PUBUC �at�r than l0:Di1 a.m. WORt� OEPART�IFNT �flY• �riday 22, 8(ON08-018 B�OAOWAY �08. Bi0 o enin�s wiil R�HABflITA110fi4 be hEfd irnmQdiately PqO1ECT- PNASE 1 �«$���r and read aloud i in th� Ciiy Gnuncil C��am� Notice is h�r�b giv�n Suit� 101. Th� City Y tetains the nght to re)ecl thal the City uf Spakana any a�d ell 6rds and to V2�Hey, SpQkarte Countary �ive min� i�egularities Wdshinglon, will accepi tt�e b�dding prcc�ss. seal� bids for the 6roadway Refiabtlitatlnn �e Gity of Spokene Val- Project Phase 1. 1he �y reserv�s the right t� pro]�ct cons�sts oi roaA waive any irregulari#iss r�sur�a�ing; slorm drain Qr �nformal�;iws ��d to re- canstructian worl� and e�y nr all bids� No waterhne c�astNCtion. �idder may withdraw his CApi�s oi the b�d acket bid aRer the time �n- p Rour�txd for the bid op�n- fncluding specittCat�o�s ;�g, or before the aword *Federai Tax 1D No. fi&Ofi17327 and plgns �n be o4- and e�ecutlan af the t�n- teined St the offiice af the tract, unl�ss the award is AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City oi Spotcene Valfey delayed fpr a periad PubfiG Works Qepa�tment. �ding sncty �6Q1 days. at 1 la07 E. Sp�a�u� Ave- nue, Sitite 3U4. Sppkane n» City af Spokane Val STATE OF WASHINGTON �eg�}�r. WA `-�►2�6-6124� ley, in ac�ardance with County of Spokane, ss. Mo�day tfirough Fada�r T�tte Vi af the Civil Ri hts from ff:AO a.m. to 5:A@ R�t o� 156��,1� St�t, �52, p.r�. !t non -refundabte q2 U.S.C. 2QOOd to 20� Name. City of Spokane Valley l��ct: 42365 am�unt ot �SQ.OU �s re- q and litis 49, Code of qu�red. Cop�es af the bid fQ�eT�) Regulations, p pa�ket includmg sp�i�- p�partmsnt af Transp�r- NO Lines. 125 ca!ions and ptans may be ���an, subt�tle A, D�ice o�tained in POF famat o�t �he Secretary, Pa�t 21, Total Cost: 799.�0 Lo No: SR16812 on a+�ompast d'rsc at no npR.�iscrimi�ation in g charge. Federally ass�sie� pr� All b�ds must be accom- BTams of �h� Department I Honormarie Freiday ot Transportatian issued do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of the SPOKESMAN p�med by a b�d deposit ursuani fo such Act, REVIEW a news irt khe form o€ a s�r�y ��eby r��fl�s all b�d paper established and regularly published, once band, �st�1 maney ord�r, ders that jt w1u aft�rr��- each day in the English language, in and of general circulation in the �sh, cash�er�s �hec�, ar tNe1� ensur� that in arty City of Spokane� Spokane Coun Washin ton; and in the City of certdisd check in an ,�ntract entered fnto pur 9 amnurrt equal ta f�v�-per �a� to th�s advflrtiss Coeur d Alene� Kootenai County� Idaho; that said newspaper has c�nt �5�) of the amount meni minarity busin�ss been so established and regularly published and has had said eneral of the bid propose�, FBiI Q��prises Will not be circulation oontinuousl for more than six 6 months rior to the 23rd we to tumish a bid bond dis�riminated againsi on y t) p� in �ompliance with the the g�ounds �f race, colar day of Juty, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office City birl deposit surety or aattonal ori�in ia c�n9 maintained at its ptace of publication in the City of Spokane. bona form st�aii m�ice the sitt�ratian for an awaro_ Washin ton; that said news a er was a roved and designated as a biG non-respons�v� and 9 p p pp c�usethebid t4 b� t�je�t p�g1ISH Spokgsman �egal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Reuiew: Aivgust 1 Au�ust Washington for Spokane County on the 23rd day of July, 1941 and Bsds must be subm�tte� a pa08 that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect• Chtlstitte Beinbrid�e, m se�ted �nv�lapes a� CMC SvokaR� val�e� C;ty that the notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of dress�l2o the Ci1y Clerlt ���k, c5o9� 68�-017� publication, was published in said news a er� oftheC�tyotS ohaneV$t� SR16812 P P two time(s)� the IEy, ��'07 E� Sp�a�ue publication havfig been made once each time on the following dates: Au�nue. Soit� lU6_ Spa August 1 8, 2008 That said notice was published in the �egular and entire issue of every number of the paper during the period of tlme of publica�on, and that the notice was published in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement. gH q Subscribed and sworn to before me at the City of kane, this 8th �'Ai� da of Au ust 2 y g 008 o ���a i L�L� v p��,�� cv Notary Pub ic in and or the State of Washington, residing in Spokane County, Washington �oFw�