08-111.00 WSDOT: Urban Ramps & Mainline PCCP Rehab Viaduct to Sprague~. Washington State ~~ Department of Transportation Organization and Address Local Agency City of Spokane Valley -Street Department Preliminary Engineering 1 1707 E. Sprague Avc. Participating Agreement Spokane valley, \~.rA. 99206 Work by State -Actual Cost Section/t.ocation Agreementfdumber Urban Ramps ~ jvlainline PCCP Rehabilitation Viaduct to Sprague CCU S~$16 Attachments made a part of this agreement Stele Route idumber Control SQClion Number 90 32.0101 Exhibit "A" Estimate of Costs +l " " Region Surety Band ork Description of V Exhibit B Eastern ~\rp Exhibit "C Plan /Vicinity Map Advance Payment Amount 3,600 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered Into this _ 9~ day of ~~~ ~ , behreen the STATE OF Y~,rASHINGTON, Department of Transportation, scting by and through the Secretary of Transportation, (hereinafter the "STATE') and the above rtarned organization, (hereinafter the °LOCAL AGENCY"). bVHEREA5, the LOCAL AGENCY has requested that the STATE perform certain work as described herein, andlor is responsible for a portion of the +uork as provided for under WAC 468-18-04t?(5)(d), and VdHEREAS, the LOCAL AGENCY is obligated for the cost of work described herein. NOW THEI~EFORE, by virtue of RCW 4728.140 and in consideration of U•~e terms, conditions, covenants, and performances contained herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof, IT IS h9UTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOV~/S: I GENERAL I I PAYMENT The STATE, as agent acting for and on behalf of the LOCAt_ AGENCY, agrees to perform the work as shown in Exhibit "B" Description of +hlork. Plans, specifications and cost estimates shall be prepared by the STATE in accordance with the current State of 'Nashington Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Conslructton, and amendments thereto, and adopted design standards, unless otherwise noted. ' The LOCAL AGENCY agrees, utaan satisfactory completion of the work involved, to deliver a letter of acceptance to the STATE which shall include a release and waiver of all future claims or demands of any nature resuttlng horn the performance of the work under this AGREEMENT. If a letter of acceptance is not received by the STATE vrithin 90 days follo~.ving completion of the ti•rork, the avork will be considered accepted by the LOCAL AGENGY and shall release the STATE from all future claims and demands of any nature resulting from the performance of the work under this AGREEMENT. The LOCAL AGENCY may vriihhold this acceptance of tivork by submitting vrritten notification to the STATE within the 94-day period. This not'tftcation shall include the reasons for •.vithholding the acceptance. DOT Form 224-701 EF IQrIyO The LOCAL AGENGY, in consideration of the faithful performance of the work to be done by the STATE, agrees to reimburse the STATE for the actual direct and related indirect cost of the work as shown in Exhibit "A" Estimate of Cost. Parlial pa frrtenis shall be made by the LOCAL AGENCY, upon request of the STATE, to cover costs incurred. These payments are not to be more frectuent than one {'1) per month. It is agreed that any such partial payment will not constitute agreement as to the appropriateness of any item and that, at the time of the final audit, all required adjustments will be made and reflected in a final payment. The LOCAL AGENCY agrees to make payment for the vror°>< to bo dons by the STATE within thirty {30j days from receipt of billing from the STATE. The LOCAL AGENCY agrees that if payntsnt for the vrork is not made within ninety (90) days after receipt of billing the STATE may withold any tax monies which the LOCAL AGENCY is entitled to receive from the r~lotor Vehicle Fund until payment for the work is received by the STA"I'E. If the LOCAL AGENCY is not entitled to receive fvtolor Vehicle Funds, a surety bond in the amount sho•nrn above wrrtten by a surety company authorized to do business in the slate of ~P/ashington shall be furnished to the STATE prior to execution by the STATE of this agreement. The bond shall remain in force until written release by the STATE. C08_j~1 Payment not made within thirty (30) days aftor receipt of billings shall be cansidcred "Past Due" and bear interest at the rate o(one percent pEr month or traction thereof until paid pursuant to RC'fJ 43.17.240. The LOCAL AGENCY agrees to pay the STATE the "Advance Payment Amount° stated above within 20 days after the STATE submits its first partial payment request to the LOCAL AGENCY, when applecabte in accordance with STATE Inslruclional Letter IL 4017.00. The advance payment represents approximately fifteen (15) percent of the estimate of cost and covers costs incurred by the STATE in the initial stages of the project. The advance payment will be carried throughout the life of the project vrilh final adjustment made in U1e final payment. III EXTRA WORK In the event unfores8en conditions require an increase in the cost of 2b percent or more tram that agreed to on Exhibit "A", Uiis AGREEMENT will be modified by a supplement AGREEMENT covering said incroaso. In the event it is determined that any change from the description of work Contained in this AGREEMENT is required, approval must be secured from the LOCAL AGENCY prior to the beginning of such'+vork. Whero tho change is substantial, written approval must be secured. Reirllhursement for increased work andlor a substantial change in the description of vrork shall be limited to costs covered by a ti+rrillen rnodificalian, cf~ange order or extra work order approved by the LOCAL AGENCY. IV RIGHT OF ENTRY The LOCAL AGENCY hereby grants and conveys to the STATE the right of entry upon alt land which tale LOCAL AGENCY has interest, within or adjacent to the right of way of the highway, for the purposo of performing the preliminary engineering under this AGREEMENT. V LEGAL RELATIONS No liability shall attach to the STATE or the LOCAL AGENCY by reason of entering into this AGREEMENT except as expressly provided herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the clay and year first above written. LOCAL E Y ay Title ` hate ~ll/~0 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 13y ~ ~ Title - •~~1~ Date 9 ~~ ~~ _._~_. _ DOT Farm 224-701 EF 19I9A GCA 5816 Exhibit A WS®OT Job No. XL2930 Urban Ramps PavinglSafety & I-90 PCCP Rehabilitation - Viaduct to Sprague Ave. Engineer's Estimate for City of Spokane Valley Work Std. No. 0001 Item Descri tion re aration Mobiliza#ion Unit Meas. L.S. Unit Price Quantity 10% of Contract $ Amount S21 063 0170 Removin Guardrail L.F. $3.00 100.00 $300 0145 Removin Conc. Barrier L.F. $15.00 7.00 $105 0182 5334 Removin Guardrail Anchor Li uid g ~ haft Anti-Stripping Additive Each Est. $200.00 S1,571.00 2.00 $400 51,571 5340 5711 As halt for Fo Seal H-~ t M~i~x : ~: aft Planin Bituminous Pavemont Ton S.Y. $500.00 51.50 0.33 15,325.00 $185 $22,988 5787 HtUtA CL. 1f2 IN. PG 70-28 Ton $55.00 1,571.00 $86 405 5830 Job Mix Com liance Price Ad~ustmenl Calc. 1,555.?-9 $1 855 5835 Com action Price Ad ustmeni Calc. 1,728.10 $1,728 6518 Smoothness Com liance Ad ustment Calc. 3,456.20 $3,456 ra : i_c Cast-In-Place Concrete Barrier Transition L.F. $200.00 50.00 $10 000 6760 Beam Guardrail Transition Section T e Each $2 342.00 2.00 $4,684 6716 Beam Guardrail Flared Terminal Each $1 800.00 2.00 $3,600 6807 Plastic Line L.F. $2.00 7,625.00 $15,250 6818 Plastic Wide Line L.F. $3.00 475.00 $1,425 6857 Plaslic Crosswalk Line S.F. $6.00 192.00 $1,152 6859 Plaslic Sto Line L.F. $6.00 221.00 $1.326 6833 Plastic Traffic Arrow Ea. $130.00 16.00 52,080 Traffic Detection Loo Ea. $1,000.00 38.00 $38,000 6971 Pro ect Tem orar Traffic Control L.S. 10% of Bid Item $ $15,140 $232,383 Sales Tax 8.6% $19,985 Engineering 15% $37,850 Contingencies 4% $10,096 TOTAL $300,000 Historical Preliminary Enl;inecrinb cost' hug been $% ~fC;onsh-uctiUn total. Theref'c~re, I'reliminar}~ Engineering = $24,000 Agreement No. GCA 5816 Exhibit B Work to be performed by the STATE Roadway Design for the follotiving, as shown on Exhibits A & C: Grind and Inlay 0.15' of HMA pavement Replace traffic detection loops Remove guardrail Remove guardrail anchors Remove barrier Install guardrail transitions Install guardrail terminals Install barrier transition Install painted and plastic pavement markings as listed on Exhibit A Provide traffic control labor and equipment for all work Provide inspection and project oversight Provide material testing Page 1 of 1 o C 0 ~ ~ V ~ a'qi 1 ~ LL~ O ~ ~ ~ _~:~ ~~ ss?5~sJ~ u .-- ~~ ~ a i~,~a8 SC Miii ~~~~ ~' ~€ ~ 3g '~~~~ w i ~ ~ ~~ ~~:° Mo~~ r F~ ^~~ ,q.~e .,~K ~~ ~ ~ `~ ~ a r ~ >: ~ , ~~; .K i,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 s 5 ~ °~ Q ~ s ~ ~~ ° v ~ 9 ° •~ Q`' ~'`~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~~~ ~ 3 ~ ~4 ii ~ 9~1n7 ~ ~ ~ o j ~~ . oaWgiq iii ~ ~ '~ •~ •~ S ~ ` ~ S ! J I~ C I ? 0. ~n 4°.. `i !~ --~ ~-- Vicinity Map (Pale 1 of 3) ACA 5816 ~X~llbflt C r. N ({ a ~~ o '• 9 ~~~~ Vicinity iVlap (Page 2 of 3) :~ `~ ~ ~ _a. t~_ ~.~~~~~~ ~~~~a ~ m~ c; i jl A ~~ i~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ s ~° ~~ u 't . GCA 5816 Exhibit C `q~ .. ~~ ~~ g ,~ ~ ~s ~~ ~~ 9~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ n fop b ~~ qa ~ ~~ ~~ ~E~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ 1L ~~ ~~ ~! Vicinity Map (Page 3 of 3) GCA 5816 exhibit C