08-116.00 Red Diamond Const: Broadway Rehabilitation Ph 1fadartl AId Pra(ea No.: STPUS •364(i(OG7) Local Apencf AIlrcamcrri LA-@873 r`~rie Lowl Agency Project No.: SRTC 08.5 ~~~~~~, CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: QB-018 DEFARTr~.4ENT OF PUB! IC WORKS PROJECT: Broadway RehsbiLlWtlon ProJoct • Phase 1 GONT'ftACT DATE: 91Bf2008 CONTRACTI]R; Red Diamond Constnrct9on. Inc. CHANGE ORDER NO: 2 CAPITAL IAIPR0VEMENT PROJECT NO: 0068 HID NO.: 08-098 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This Change Ober pays far ecnstnrdJon of Cer.7a1 Pro-IAix Lab se•Mer sctrvko aiubowi per Field Stetemer.7 2A. Schodulo A; ExsBng Unil 91d Item Work 59oe.oc Schedule B: NeM Unit Bid Item 1NOrk ~,~ Subtata9 :9,531.00 8.8% Tex z2,~„~j To9al Amount of this Chenpe Order) incl. Taz}: 590,350,07 SUBSTANTIAL CO1.iPLEYI0N gatginal Dete: 10V24/2008 Prlor to this Chango Order. i(H24/2008 Irssrdmg Utis Change Order, i0/2oY100! dIliral Ylcridnp Days: 26 Working Days Added by thla CA: 0 14rorktr9 Days i~dutf}tp this CO: 2' E CHANGES RESULT IN THE F0LLb1VING ADJUSTMENTS OF SCH A CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL CONTRACT SCH AAA4OUNT S 328,234.83 TOTAL FRIOR SCH A CHANGE ORDER Ah40UNT ____,~___,•„~,_„_, _ S 4,800.0G C.OA"7TtACT SCH A PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CW4VGE ORDER (through COa 9~,~ S 332,834.63 NET SGH A Tr:IS CWANGE ORDER S 9,539.00 CONTRACT SCH A AA4OU,VT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER S 342,385.63 THESE CMANGE3 RESULT IV THE FOLLOIYING ADJUSTMENTS OF 3CH B CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL CONTRACT SCH 3 fi~t4gU VT S 950,749.00 TOTAL PRIOR SCH B CHANGE ORDER AASOUNT _~, •,_„ 0,00 CO?,TRACT SCH B PRICE PRIOR TO THIS Ci4AtJGE ORDER ___,_,_,_,____,,,,,,,_~ S 950,949.00 NET SCW B THIS CHAPtGE ORDER __„~ ___ 8 o.or CO\TRP.CT SCH B AMOUNT WCLUDI~"G THIS CHADPGE ORDER S 550,749,00 S.fi%TAX S 92,984.41 COITRACT SCH BAMOUNT (INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER AN~.TA%ES~__,_,_ 5 183,713.49 THESE CHANGES RESULT I1d THE F0LL0V11NG ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRISE: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT A9A0UNT 5 478,983.63 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER A-AOUNT__ __,_____,_~,___ 8 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER ~ 5 478,483.63 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER 5 9,539.00 TOTS CONTiZWCT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE,ORDcR~,____,~.___,•„_,,, S 4E3,514.83 TOTAL TAX (SCHEDULE 8 + CO 2} ,~, 5 93,164,0E TOTAL GO'~fi'RACT A9A0UNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER AND TAX 5 502,296.01 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: \ /[.C/ !.C!'i .C~J ~L - .~ DATE: ~ O The eantracter nwelrtr a h.epa tn~ ad}uetmonf older the terms of Ufe ortpnsl contract fa NI woAc pedomed, RECOJ/9I+EN0ED BY: ' HATE: r ~ ! ~ O U / // i ~ APPROVED BY: DATE: U APPROVED 6Y: DATE: • Oe s7erdcr, t/NaaeWr ATTACHIdEArfS: Copy of the oritsst3l CoM.ract OR[G:NILLS TO: Cor`c~or, Gry cd Spckene Velby GcAta C~ce• PVJ Pta4eu file C08-116 Spokaae~ j~~~ Public Works Capita! Improvement Program 11.707 E Sprague.Ave. Suite,106 • Spokane.Valfey WA 9920 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org FIELD STATFMEl~'T No. 2A .Project: Broadway Rehabilitation.Project.- Phase 1 CIP No.:. 0068. Date: September 16; 2008 _Lssued By: Craig Aldworth, Y.E., COSV Project Manager Plan 12ef: Plan Sheets 4 Specifics~tian~Rcf:- 7-17~, 7-18 TOPIC: ~Se~ver Service~for Central:Pre-Mis Late ACTg®t`t: Please replace Field Statement No. 2 ~~rith this Field Statement_ 'I he attached Plan Exhibit shows construction of a sewer service for the Central Premix Lab across the intersection of Lily Road and Broadway Avenue. The following work will be paid for under contract unit bid prices. Sehedule•A: Existin LFnit Bid I tem ~'Voek 13i'd Item Description Quant Unit Uiit Cost Cost 7 Reir-ove PCC Curb 15 LF 56.00 $90.00 9 Remove PCC Sidewalk 9 SY $6.00 $56.00 10 Sawcut ACP Pavement 880 LF- ! $0.85 $748.00 23 Cement Concrete Curb 15 LF $20.00 $300.00 26 Cement Concrete Sidewalk 9 SY $40.00 $360.00 Tatal $806.00 Please provide costs for the following work that is described Schedule B: Netiv Unit Bid Item Work CO Bid Item. Description Quaut Unit Unit Cost Cost 1.1 Ta and Conne~a to Existin 8 In.. Pi e 1 EA 00, op UD , o ~ 1.2 Side Sewer Pi e - 6 Inch ~ 137 LF ~o, oo g ~~0. ao 1.3 Side Sewer Riser - 6 In 1 EA .oO.oo QO• ©e 1.4 6-Inch Sewer Cleanout inc1,~( ad ' 1 EA ,oo ao 1:5 Total 2 , ov Field Stattn___.tNo. 2 September 16, 2008 Page 2 Tease fill in the cost .for Schedules B and C in the follar~«,ng summary schedule. Summa Schedule Work T ~ e Cost A Existin Unit Bid Item Work X806.00 13 New iJnit Bid Item Work oa Total , o p The County ~~~ill waive any Sewer Permit fee. The cleanout shall be ad_ justcd to grade as part of the "6-Inch Sewer Cleanout ".unit.cost. The asphalt removal' quantity for the work is already included in the bid quantity for Item A6. Crushed rock will be paid by the 1°on under Unit bid item 15, Crushed Surfacing Top Course. I will review, the unit costs you provide, and. if they are reasonable, I will incorporate them into Change Order 1. EX. MH 72/7.8N - 8" IE~ 1945.20 t (CHANGE ORDER BENCHMARK} 9~`:~ .~ TAP & CONNECT TO EXISTING SEWER (SPLICE 6" TEE . W/ GASKETED RIGID SUP REPAIR COUPLINGS 5' N OF MH CENTER) C0~1-CENTRAL PREMIX LAB SEWER SERVICE BROADWAY REHABILJTATtON PROJECT-PHASE 1 FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. STPUS-3846(007) CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CIP N0. 0068 SEPTEMBER 12, 2008 ~\ ~• REMOVE AND REPLACE 15 LF. OF CURB REMOVE AND REPLACE 9+/- SQ. YDS. PCC SIDEWALK J fi" C.O. (TRAFFIC RATED COVER) INSTALL 6" RISER PER STANDARD PLAN U-15 STA.=96+41, 58.35' RT. I.E, = 1947.08 (NAVD88) SCALE= 1:50 P~crnrauE FEDERAL AID PROJECT N0. STPUS-3846(007) BROADV~IAYAVENUE 1-90 to Park Road PLAN EXHIBIT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AND SPOKANE COUNTY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWER SERVICE TO CENTRAL PRE-MIX LAB IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE BROADWAY AVENUE REHABILITATION PROJECT -PHASE 1, (CIP# 0068) 1~VHEREAS, as a part of its 200$ Transportation Improvement Program, the CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (the CI1"1~ intends to construct the 13roadway Rehabilitation Project -Phase 1 (the ROAD PROJECT). The work includes the grinding and inlay of hot mix asphalt on Broad~i~ay Avenue, between Heacox Road and Park Road; and WFiER1EJA5, Spokane County (the COUNTY) intends to construct a switary sewer service to the Central Pre-vlix T ab (SFWF.R PROJECT), and the work is located within the limit; of the ROAD PROJECT; and WFIFRF,AS, the C[1'Y and the COUNTY agree that the installation of the SE1'1rLR PROJECT in conjunction with the ROAD PROJECT would benefit the ratepayers, taxpayers and the traveling ptablic; Nb~V, TH:ERIF;FORE, the CITY and the COUNTY do hereby agree as follows: ARTICL.F..• 1 -RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY 1. Plans and specifications for the ROAD PROJECT have been prepared by the CITY, and the CITY intends to construct the ROAD PROJECT in 2008. The COUNTY has prepared plans for the SF•WER PROJECT, together with technical specifications and an associated schedule of bid items. The CITY has included those pleas, technical specifications, and the associated bid schedule as Change Order ~l for the ROAD PROJECT. The CITY opened bids for the ROAD PROJECT on August 22, 2001;. The low bidder for the ROAD PROJECT has been determined by the CITY to be Red Diamond Construction, lac. The COiJi\'TY has reviewed the Change Order 1 cost, and has elected to accept the cost for the SERVER PROJECT submitted by Red Diamond Construction, lac. in the amount of 510;350.67. This cost estimate is based on unit cost items and may change during construction. The County will accept the final cost, 2. The CITY, upon issuing Change Order ~1 for the SE•tiVER PROJECT, shall have full control over the resultant constniction contract and shall be the administrator for the combined project. • 3. The CITY shall be responsible for all aspects of the design, construction; and construction management relative to the ROAD PROJECT, including, but not limited to, removal and replacement of asphalt within the Project construction limits. 4. The CITY shall make payments to the contactor in accordance with the contract terms, in order that work will proceed according to schedule. ARTICLE 2 - R.1:SPONSIBILITIES OF THE COUNTY 1. The plans and specifications for the construction of the SEWER PROJECT have been approved by the COiJ\'TY. 2. The COUNTY shall designate a "responsible person" who shall represent the COUN'1"Y's interest during the construction of the SEWER PROJECT, and shall coordinate any modifications or changes needed by the COUNTY in conjunction with the work. Central Pre-Mix C~...~ry / COSV Ageeement 3. The COUNTY shall be responsible for the inspection and testing of all work and materials which are solely related to the construction of the S1;~VL-'-R PROJECT, including compaction testing and soils testing within the sewer trench area below the bottom of the inlay elevation of Broadway Avenue. The COUNTY shall provide a representative to perform inspection duties relative to the construction of the SEWER PROJL'CT, as discussed above. The COUNTY'S representaeive shall provide tabulations of pay quantities to the CITY upon 48 hours notice to facilitate the preparaeion of pay estimates by the CITY. 4. Any modifications or chan;es to the S>WER PROJ1rCT shall be coordinaied by the COUV'I'Y and shall be coordinated with and approved by the CITY prior to implementation. ARTICLE 3 - ALLOCATION OF' COSTS 1. This Memorandum of Understanding, once fully executed, shall establish a commitment by the COUNTY to reunburse the CITY for those construction costs associated with the SE~rJER PROJECT. All additional costs associated with change orders and/or valid claims for the SERrER PROJECT shall be the responsibility of the COUNTY. 2. The CITY shall prepare a monthly pay estimate for the S1rWER PROJECT based upon tUe tabulations of pay quantities provided by the COUN`1'Y. The COUNTY shall promptly review each pay estimate prior to presentation by the CITY to the contractor. 3. Upon the sigaing of each pay estimate by the CITY and the contractor, the CITY shall send au invoice to the COUNTY for those amounts to be paid to the contractor by the CITY far work on the S1;1W1rR PROJECT. The CITY shall include copies of the signed pay estimates as attacbments to the monthly invoices to the COUNTY. The County shall pay the City, within 20 days of the receipt of the invoice, for all constnuction costs due to the contractor in association ~i~ith the SE11r1rR PROJECT. CITY OE SPOKANE VALLEY: By: David Mercier City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Office of the Cit}~ Attorney SPOKANE COUNTY: By: N. Bruce Rawls Spokane County Director of Utilities Date: Dste: Date: Page 2 of 2