Resolution 11-005 Adopts 6-year TIP 2012-2017 � � CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 11-005 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE 2012-2017 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, to provide for the proper and necessary development of the street system within the City of Spokane Valley, the City shall, as required by State law, develop and adopt annually a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ("TIP") with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; and WHEREAS, the TIP of the City shall specifically set forth those projects and programs of both City and regional significance that benefit the transportation system and promote public safety and efficient vehicle movements; and WHEREAS, the Six Year TIP shall be consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and be adopted following one or more public hearings before the City Council; and WHEREAS, a draft copy of the Six Year TIP was submitted to the Washington State Department of Commerce sixty days prior to the scheduled adoption in accordance with RCW 36JOA.106; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on May 24, 2011, for the purpose of inviting and receiving public comment on the proposed Six Year TIP. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: The City Council hereby adopts the attached Six Year TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the years 2012 through 2017. The City Clerk is directed to file the 2012-2017 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation not later than June 30. The TIP shall be reviewed at least annually for the purpose of determining the work to be accomplished under the program and the City transportation requirements. Adopted this 28th day of June, 2011. City of Spokane Valley �� �����. ATTEST Thomas E. Towey, Mayor � `,. L� ristine Bainbri ge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: , � Office o t e City ey Resolution 11-005 Adopting 2012-2017 TIP Page 1 of 1 '�R,= � 1 1� � I , ` ► • . � ���� t�. ADOPTED 2012 - 2017 Six Year � Transportation Improvement Program Resolution 11-005, June 28, 2011 City of Spokane Valley Public Works Department Fundina Sources: • ARRA • BR • City • CDBG • CMAQ • Developers • EECBG • FHWA • FMSIB • HUD • REET • Other Fed • Other RR • Other State • SP • SRTS • SW • STA • STP(E) • STP(U) • TIB • UAP • UCP • WSDOT • WTSC • WUTC City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2012 — 2017 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Glossarv � Abbreviations American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Bridge Replacement Program City Funds Community Development Block Grant Congestion ManagemenUAir Quality Private Developer Funds Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Federal Highway Administration Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Program Housing & Urban Development Real Estate Excise Tax Misc. Federal Funding Sources Railroad Funding Misc. State Funding Sources TIB Sidewalk Program Safe Routes to School City Stormwater Funds Spokane Transit Authority Surface Transportation Program (Enhancement) Surface Transportation Program (Urban) Transportation Improvement Board TIB Urban Arterial Program TIB Urban Corridor Program Washington Department of Transportation Washington Traffic Safety Commission Washington Utilities & Transportation Commission , �r�,.�• , ... Fundinq Status: • S Project Funding is Secured • P Project Funding is Planned. The Most Probable Funding Sources have been Identified. Proiect Phases: • PE Preliminary Engineering • RW Right-of-Way • CN Construction • VE Value Engineering Construction Tvqe: • PCC Portland Cement Concrete • HMA Hot Mix Asphalt • ITS Intelligent Transportation System (Integrated Traffic Signal Control Systems) • STEP Septic Tank Elimination Program Street Functional Classifications: • Urban: • 14 Principal Arterial • 16 Minor Arterial • 17 Collector Arterial • 19 Local Access ���.�� Adopted 2012 - 2017 �pO�ne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ��1� Dollars in Thousands J Funding Project / Description I Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total � Argonne Road -190 to Trent, o.3s o 0 5s2 ss2 ciry �9 CMAQ 503 S Revise Signal Phasing, Add NB Right Tum Lane at Montgomery, Intersection Improvements at Knox Funding Secured (SRTC 06-31), City Project #0060 2 Pines Corridor ITS: Sprague to Trent S Traffic Signal Control System for Corridor Funding Secured (SRTC 06-26), City Project #0061 Project Total 582 2.26 56 125 1,593 1,775 City 23$ CMAQ 1,537 3 Greenacres Trail, Sullivan Rd. to Liberty Lake g (PE Only) 0 50 0 0 Preliminary planning for shared use pathway on abandoned Railroad right-of-way PE Funded 4 Mansfield Ave Connection - Pines(SR27) to 200- 0�2� 63 s�s o g ft east of Houk Rd (PE/RW Only) Construct 3-lane arterial gap connection from Pines to Houk, w/ sidewalk, curb, and stormwater facilities PE/RW funded by CMAQ (SRTC #10-12) City Project # Project Total 1,775 50 City Other 50 Fed Project Total 50 738 City 100 CMAQ 638 Project Total 738 79 503 582 238 1,537 1,775 50 50 100 638 738 � � Projects and timeframes ident�ed in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/29/2011 Page 1 ���.�,. Adopted 2012 - 2017 �p4�1ne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ��l� Dollars in Thousands Funding Project / Description I Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total 5 Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail, SCC to 5 559 0 0 5ss city g Evergreen Rd (PE Only) STP(E) 372 �ss Construct Shared Use Pathway on abandoned Railroad Right-of-way PE Funded Project Total 372 186 6 Mission Ave. - Flora Rd. to Barker Rd. (PE/RW 1 311 aoo 0 7�� city 96 STP(U) 615 g Only) Reconstruct to a 3-lane section with curb, sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities; Partial Preservation related project PE & RW Funding Secured, (SRTC # ) City Project #0123, � Sidewalk Infill Program S Fill in gaps in sidewalk system throughout city Funded by CMAQ (SRTC # ), City Project # 0 Project Total 711 0 0 539 539 City 108 CMAQ 431 8 Sprague/Sullivan Rd ITS, Bowdish to S Sullivan/Sprague to I-90 Extend Traffic Control System for Corridor Funded by CMAQ, (SRTC # ), City Project # Project Total 539 32 0 0 253 253 City 34 CMAQ 219 Other Fed Project Total 253 558 � 558 96 615 711 108 431 539 34 219 253 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/29/2011 Page 2 ��.�� Adopted 2012 - 2017 �Q�ne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ��l� Dollars in Thousands J Funding Project / Description / Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total 9 Sullivan Road West Bridge S Reconstruct and widen west (southbound) bridge Recv'd FMSIB and BR grants � 24th Ave Sidewalk, Adams to Sullivan S Fill in gaps in sidewalk Funded, TIB Grant 0.08 2,136 200 16,880 19,216 BR 902 966 2,852 2,852 City 226 242 213 213 FMSIB 1,000 1,000 Other 4,375 4,375 Fed Project Total 1,728 1,208 8,440 8,440 0.25 0 0 258 258 City 132 Other 126 State Project Total 258 �� Broadway Ave. Improvements - Flora to Barker 1 511 1,000 3,920 5,430 City 151 UCP 604 P Reconstruct to a 3-lane section with curb, sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities; Partial preservation related project 151 392 392 604 1,568 1,568 Project Total 755 755 1,960 1,960 12 Park Road - #2, Broadway to Indiana (RW & CN 0.75 0 150 2,500 2,650 City 20 338 p Only) STP(U) 130 2,162 Reconstruct to a 3-lane section with curb, sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities; Partial Preservation Related Project Project Total 150 2,500 7,572 E94 2,000 8,750 19,216 732 126 258 1,086 4,344 5,430 358 2,292 2,650 � � Projects and timeframes ident�ed in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/29/2011 Page 3 � Adopted 2012 - 2017 �pU�ne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ��1�� Dollars in Thousands Funding Project / Description / Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2012 2013 2014 2075 2016 2017 Total 13 Sullivan Road Corridor Traffic Study (I-90 to p WelleSley) Conceptual Planning for Sullivan Road corridor improvements 2 200 0 0 14 University Rdll Overpass Study o 250 0 0 S Study of feasibility and benefits of overpass at University/I-90 to Argonne/SR-27 15 Sullivan Rd/UPRR Overpass Bridge Resurfacing o.os p Project Resurfacing of RR Overpass Bridge Deck; Full Preservation project 200 City 2� STP(U) 173 Project Total 200 250 City 34 CMAQ 216 Project Total 250 86 0 660 746 City 149 BR 597 �s Sprague Resurfacing #2, Evergreen to Sullivan � � P Grind and Inlay pavement, Storm Water improvements, ADA upgrades; Full Preservation Project PE completed in 2009 Project Total 746 0 1,394 1,394 City �8$ STP(P) 1,206 Project Total 1,394 27 173 200 34 2�s 250 149 597 746 188 1,206 1,394 � Projects and timeframes ident'fiied in the TIP a2 to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6l29/2011 Page 4 ��.��. Adopted 2012 - 2017 ��ne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ��1� Dollars in Thousands Funding Project / Description / Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2072 2013 2014 2075 2016 2017 Total » Sidewalk & Transit Stop Accessibility Project S Sidewalk and bus stop improvements 0 36 25 254 315 City 63 Other- 252 FTA Project Total 315 �a Barker Road - Appleway to Broadway Avenue o.2s 22� �,000 �,ssa 2,s�s city STP(U) P Reconstruct to a 3-lane section with curb, sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities; Realign Broadway east of Barker; Partial preservation related project 19 Barker Road / BNSF Grade Separation (PE & P RW Only) Construct Grade Separation at Barker/BNSF RR/ Trent (SR290) 0 3,000 1,600 0 FY09 Federal Earmark for $720K million, $10M received from FMSIB for CN phase Project Total 4,599 City Other Fed Other Fed Other- RR Project Total 62 104 229 393 663 1,465 455 767 1,694 101 256 263 180 540 611 1,368 1,049 38 95 98 750 1,899 1,950 63 252 315 395 2,521 2,916 620 720 3,028 231 4,599 t � Projects and timeframes ident�ed in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/29/2011 Page 5 � «.�/�'` Adopted 2012 - 2017 � Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ��1� Dollars in Thousands Funding Project / Description / Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total 20 Bowdish Road -16th to Sprague 1 303 200 2,322 2,s2s city UAP P Sprague to 8th: Inlay & Enhancement; 8th to 16th: Reconstruct as 2-lane section w/ curb, sidewalk, bike lanes and new stortnwater facilities; Partial preservation related project Project Total 21 Mission Ave. - Flora Rd. to Barker Rd. (CN Only) � o 0 3,sss 3,sss city UAP P Reconstruct to a 3-lane section with curb, sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities; Partial Preservation related project City Project #123 22 Sullivan / Euclid Concrete Intersection (RW/CN � p Only) Reconstruct intersection in concrete pavement; Full Preservation project Project Total 0 0 1,263 1,263 City STP(U) 23 Mansfield Ave. Connection - Pines(SR27) to 200- o 0 0 p ft east of Houk Rd (CN Only) Construct 3-lane arterial gap connection from Pines to Houk, w/ sidewalk, curb, and stormwater facilities Project Total 965 965 City CMAQ Project Total 101 464 402 1,858 503 2,322 794 3,175 3,969 171 1,092 1,263 130 835 965 565 z,26o 2,825 794 3,175 3,969 171 1,092 1,263 130 835 965 � � Projects and timeframes ident�ed in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/29/2011 Page 6 �,.�� Adopted 2012 - 2017 �O�ne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ��1� Dollars in Thousands Funding Project / Description / Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2077 Total 24 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Concrete � P Intersections (CN Only) Reconstruct Intersections in concrete pavement; Full Preservation project 0 0 2,075 2,075 City STP(U) Project Total 25 Flora Road - Sprague to Mission 1 362 500 2,773 3,635 City UAP P Widen to 3-lane roadway and add new curb, sidewalk, bike lanes and stormwater facilities; Partial Preservation project City Project #0122 26 Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail, SCC to s.5 p Evergreen Rd (RW&CN Only) Construct Shared Use Pathway on abandoned Railroad Right-of-way 2 � Greenacres Trail, Sutlivan to Liberty Lake P (RW&CN Only) Construct Shared Use Pathway on abandoned railroad right-of-way Project Total 0 100 4,280 4,380 City STP(E) Project Total 2.2 0 0 1,095 1,095 STP(E) Project Total 280 1.795 2,075 80 92 555 323 367 2,218 403 459 2,773 100 2,140 2,140 100 2,140 2,140 1,095 1,095 280 1,795 2,075 727 2,908 3,635 4,380 4,380 1,095 1,095 � 0 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/29/2011 Page 7 � �� Adopted 2012 - 2017 � 1 � Six-Year Transportati Improvement Program j � J Funding Project / Description / Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2076 2017 Total 28 Barker Road - South City Limits to Appleway 0.75 490 350 3,753 4,593 City STP(U) P Reconstruct to a 3-lane section with curb, sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities; Partial preservation related project City Project #0125 Project Total 29 Bowdish Road - 24th to 16th o.5 2sa 250 2,2ss z,83s city UAP P Reconstruct Roadway as 2-lane section w/ curb, sidewalk and new stormwater facilities; Partial preservation related project 3o Sullivan / Kiernan Concrete Intersection � P Reconstruct Intersection in concrete pavement; Full Preservation Project Project Total 152 0 1,166 1,318 City STP(P) Project Total 31 Wellesley Realignment @ Barker/SR290 0.65 402 1,700 3,085 5,187 City STP(U) P Realign connection of Wellesley to Barker Rd and SR290, 3-lane section, Part of Barker/BNSF Grade Separation Project Total 60 53 507 620 388 339 3,246 3,973 � 448 392 3,753 4,593 110 458 568 438 1,830 2,268 548 178 1,140 2,288 2,836 178 1,140 1,318 1,318 124 160 416 700 797 1,021 2,669 4,487 921 1,181 3,085 5,187 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/29/2011 Page 8 � Adopted 2012 - 2017 �pO�ne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ��1�V Dollars in Thousands Fundin � g Project / Description I Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total 32 Sprague Resurfacing #3, Fancher to Havana 1 140 0 �,5s2 �,�02 ciry STP(P) P Grind & Inlay, Stormwater Repairs and ADA Upgrades; Full Preservation project 33 Sullivan Road Concrete Pavement, Indiana to 2 � ,259 aoo 0 p UV@��eS�ey Reconstruct urban arterial in concrete pavement; Partial Preservation related project 34 garker Road / BNSF Grade Separation (CN p OnIY) Construct Grade Separation at Barker/BNSF RR/ Trent (SR290) $10M received from FMSIB 0.2 Project Total 869 1,190 2,059 534 533 1,067 5,750 5,733 11,483 534 533 1,067 534 533 1,067 3,335 3,325 6,660 10,687 10,657 27,344 C Project Total 2,059 City STP(U) Project Total 0 0 21,344 21,344 City Other Fed Other- RR WSDOT FMSIB 230 1,472 230 1,472 � 1,702 1,702 117 161 278 752 1,029 1,781 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/29/2011 Page 9 � Adopted 2012 - 2017 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ��1� Dollars in Thousands Funding Project / Description / Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total 35 park Road / BNSF Grade Separation o.2 a5o 300 0 P Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades of Park Road and the BNSF railroad tracks. "Other" Funding from BNSF RR 3s University/Sprague Concrete Intersection 0 175 0 P Replace asphalt pavement with portland cement concrete pavement. Full Preservation project 750 City FMSIB Other Fed Other- RR UCP Project Total 1,340 1,515 City STP Project Total 3 Bowdish Road, 32nd to 24th o.5 25s 300 0 558 city STP(U) P Reconstruct Roadway as 2-lane section w/ curb, sidewalk and new stormwater facilities; Partial preservation related project 31 227 364 37 91 31 227 364 37 91 750 750 205 205 1,310 1,310 1,515 1,515 75 75 483 483 Project Total 558 558 Totals: 11,768 9,675 83,807 105,250 10,216 12,554 19,061 21,580 20,330 21,508 105,249 1 l Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/29/2011 Page 10 cnv ��l�y Year Federal 2012 $5,735 2013 $1,152 2014 $7,227 2015 $7,227 2016 $0 2017 $0 Total $21,341 Adopted 2012 - 2017 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Six-Year Transportation Improvement Proqram Totals Secured Projects State Other City $126 $0 $1,110 $0 $0 $242 $1,000 $0 $213 $1,000 $0 $213 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,126 $0 $1,778 Total $6,971 $1,394 $8,440 $8,440 $0 $0 $25,245 Federal $2,106 $5,093 $5,201 $8,991 $10,002 $14,834 $46,227 Planned Projects State Other City Total $604 $0 $535 $3,245 $4,181 $38 $1,848 $11,160 $3,749 $95 $1,576 $10,621 $2,373 $98 $1,678 $13,140 $7,917 $534 $1,877 $20,330 $4,176 $570 $1,928 $21,508 $23,00 $1,335 $9,442 580,004 0 Federal $7,841 $6,245 $12,428 $16,218 $10,002 $14,834 $67,568 State $730 $4,181 $4,749 $3,373 $7,917 $4,176 a25,12 6 Totals Other City Total $0 $1,645 $10,216 $38 $2,090 $12,554 $95 $1,789 $19,061 $98 $1,891 $21,580 $534 $1,877 $20,330 $570 $1,928 $21,508 $1,335 $71,220 $105,24 9 1 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of cir�cumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/29/2011 Page 1 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects wl No Curtently Identified Local Match Within 6cisting Resources Dollars in Thousands PraJect Rame Oeaa'4� Total Coat 32nd Avenue - Evergreen to Best Reconstruct to 3lanes with curbs, sidewalks, bike $1,683 lanes and new stortnwater facilities; Partiai preservation related projed Sth Avenue Phase 1- Camahan to Reconstruct to a 3-lane section with curb, $2,963 Havana sidewalks, bike lanes and stortnwater facilities; PaRial preservation related project 8th Avenue Phase 2- Park to Dickey ReconsWct to a 3-lane section with curb, $4,259 sidewalks, bike lanes and stortnwater facilities; Partial preservation related projed 8th Avenue Phase 3- Dickey to Reconstrud to a 3-lane sedion with curb, $3,661 Camahan sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities; Partial preservation related project Appleway Exlension - Evergreen to Extend Appieway Blvd. with a multi-lane facility $17,381 Tshiriey inGuding curbs and sidewalks. Appleway EMension - University to EMend Appleway Blvd. with a multi-lane faality $14,729 Evergreen including curbs and sidewalks. Barker Road - Spokane River to Trent ReconsVuct to a 2-lane curbed arterial with $6,136 sidewalk and stormwaterfacilities; Partial preservation related project Camahan Truck Lane - Sth to City Add southbound truck lane to roadway; Partial $5,034 Limits, preservation related project EuGid Ave/ Flora Rd - Flora, Euclid Reconstruct to provide a 2-lane, shouldered $5,675 to Euclid; EuGid, Flora to Barker arterial, new stortnwater facilities; Partial preservation related project Evergreen ITS Improvements Traffic Control Systems Upgrades for $708 Evergreen(Broadway to 16th) Evergreen/32nd - 16th to 32nd, Reconstrud to a 3-lane sedion with curb, $6,045 Evergreen to SR-27 sidewalks, bike lanes and stortnwater facilities; Partial Preservation related project Park Roatl -#3 - Sprague to Reconstrud to a 3-lane section with curb, $3,376 Broadway sidewalks, bike lanes and stormwater facilities; PaRial Preservation related projed Park Road #4, South City Limits to Reconstrud to a 3-lane section with curb, $1,761 8th sidewalks, bike lanes and stortnwater facilities; Partial Preservation related project Pavement Management Program - Annual street preservation projects per PMP $24,000 Arterials Pavement Management Program - LocalAccess Pines Corridor iTS: Sprague to 16th Saltese/Sullivan Traffic Signal Annual street preservation projects Traffic Signal Controt System for Cortidor Improvements to Intersection, Instail Traffic Signal (In coordination w! Spokane County) $12,000 $785 $250 Projects antl timeBames idenlifie0 in the TIP are to be consideretl estimates ony that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and aie nol irrtended by the Cityto be relied upon by propeRy owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday, June 29, 2011 Page 1 of 2 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects w/ No Curzently Identified Local Match Within Exis6ng Resources Dollars in ThousanCs prpject Name Deaa'b� Tot� Cost Sprague I Barker Traffic Signal Install Traffc Signal $457 Sul�ivan Road NoRh EMension (Bigelow Gulch) Trent (SR290) - Del Ray to Baricer Tum Lane Bowdish Road, Sands to 32nd Reconstruct and widen the Sullivan Road extension north also known as Bigelow Gulch Road to a 4-lane roadway with 8-foot shoulders and a 12-foot two way left tum lane. Widen Trent from Barker to Del Ray to accommodate Tuming traffic movements Reconstruct Roadway as 2-lane sec[ion w/ curb, sidewalk and new stortnwater facilities; Partial preservation related project $55 $532 $3,430 Totals: 5115,120 C Projects and timeframes identified in Ne TIP are to be considered eslimates only thal may change Aue to a variety of circumslances, antl are not iMended by ihe City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making Aevelopment decisions. Wednesday, June 29, 2011 Page 2 of 2 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 20Q - 20� Dollars in Thousantls � 1�11$k PI'�C� II�IB PI'� Ed�CB C� �II�II� T01� �Ill�lt 1 Argonne Road - 190 to Trent, CMAQ 79 582 2 Pines Corridor ITS: Sprague to Trent CMAQ 238 1,775 3 Greenacres Trail, Sullivan Rd. to Liberty Lake Other Fed 0 50 (PE Only) 4 Mansfield Ave Conneetion - Pines(SR27) to 200- CMAQ 100 738 ft east of Houk Rd (PE/RW Only) 5 Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail, SCC to STP(E) 0 372 Evergreen Rd (PE Only) 6 Mission Ave. - Flora Rd. to Barker Rd. (PE/RW STP(U) 96 711 Only) 7 Sidewalk Infill Program CMAQ 108 539 S Sprague/Sullivan Rd ITS, Bowdish to CMAQ 34 253 Sullivan/Sprague to I-90 9 Sullivan Road West Bridge BR 226 1,128 10 24th Ave Sidewalk, Adams to Sullivan City 132 258 11 Broadway Ave. Improvements - Flora to Barker UCP 151 755 12 Park Road -#2, Broadway to Indiana (RW & CN STP(U) 20 150 Only) 13 Sullivan Road Corridor Traffic Study (I-90 to STP(U) 27 200 Wellesley) 14 University Rd/I-90 Overpass Study CMAQ 34 250 15 Sullivan Rd/UPRR Overpass Bridge Resurfacing BR 149 746 Project 16 Sprague Resurfacing #2, Evergreen to Sullivan STP(P) 188 1,394 17 Sidewalk & Transit Stop Accessibility Project Other - FTA 63 315 2012 Totals: 51.645 510,216 � Item # Pralect Name Pii�'y Source ppl Miolnt Total Miolnt 5 Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail, SCC to STP(E) 0 186 Evergreen Rd (PE Only) 9 Sullivan Road West Bridge BR 242 1,208 11 Broadway Ave. Improvements - Flora to Barker UCP 151 755 12 Park Road -#2, Broadway to Indiana (RW & CN STP(U) 338 2,500 Only) 18 Barker Road - Appleway to Broadway Avenue STP(U) 62 455 19 Barker Road / BNSF Grade Separation (PE & Other Fed 101 750 RW Only) 20 Bowdish Road - 16th to Sprague UAP 101 503 21 Mission Ave. - Flora Rd. to Barker Rd. (CN Only) UAP 794 3,969 22 Sullivan / Euclid Concrete Intersection (RW/CN STP(U) 171 1,263 Only) 23 Mansfield Ave. Connection - Pines(SR27) to 200- CMAQ 130 965 ft east of Houk Rd (CN On ly) 2073 Totals: Ez,090 512,554 Projecls and time6ames identfied in the TIP are to be consideied estimates ony that may change due lo a variety of circumstances, and are nol intentletl Dy the Ciry to be relieA upon by property owners or tlevelopers in making Aevelopment tlecisions. Adtled Pmjects are shown in Green �esrhectuC !'v,jsc„ sr,cvm m Or�ng�a FunCetl Projects are shown in Blue Wednesday, June 29, 2011 Page 1 of 3 2olb Item # 9 11 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 PraJect Nane Sullivan Road West Bridge Broadway Ave. Improvements - Flora to Barker Barker Road - Appleway to Broadway Avenue Barker Road / BNSF Grade Separation (PE & RW Only) Bowdish Road - 16th to Sprague Broadway @ Argonne/Mulian Concrete Intersections (CN Only) Flora Road - Sprague to Mission Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail, SCC to Evergreen Rd (RW&CN Only) Greenacres Trail, Sullivan to Liberty Lake (RW&CN Only pri�ry Spe�ce 17[� Miolp�t Total Amalnt Other Fed 213 8,440 UCP 392 1,960 STP(U) 104 767 Other Fed 256 1,899 UAP 464 2,322 STP(U) 280 2,075 UAP 80 403 STP(E) 0 100 STP(E) 0 1,095 2014 Totals: 51,789 579,061 211�i Item # Pra�act Name P�a'9 Sau�ce CIt11 Amomt Total Nnomt 9 Sullivan Road West Bridge Other Fed 2'13 8,440 11 Broadway Ave. Improvements - Flora to Barker UCP 392 1,960 18 Barker Road - Appleway to Broadway Avenue STP(U) 229 1,694 19 Barker Road / BNSF Grade Separation (PE 8 Other Fed 263 1,950 RW Only) 25 Flora Road - Sprague to Mission UAP 26 Spokane Valley-Miliwood Trail, SCC to STP(E) Evergreen Rd (RW&CN Only) 92 459 0 2,140 28 Barker Road - South City Limits to Appleway STP(U) 60 448 29 Bowdish Road - 24th to 16th UAP 110 548 30 Sullivan / Kieman Concrete Intersection STP(P) 178 1,318 31 Weliesley Realignment @ Barker/SR290 STP(U) 124 921 32 Sprague Resurfacing #3, Fancher to Havana STP(P) 230 1,702 2015 Totals: 51,891 E21,580 � 1[BIII �# PI'�Bt �818 PI'�II�'y S�'CB I�f� �Il�lt T0� �01� 25 Flora Road - Sprague to Mission UAP 555 2,773 26 Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail, SCC to STP(E) 0 2,140 Evergreen Rd (RW&CN Only) 28 Barker Road - South City Limits to Appleway STP(U) 53 392 29 Bowdish Road - 24th to 16th UAP 458 2,288 31 Wellesley Realignment @ Barker/SR290 STP(U) 160 1,181 33 Sullivan Road Concrete Pavement, Indiana to STP(U) 117 869 Wellesley 34 Barker Road / BNSF Grade Separation (CN Only) Other Fed 534 10,687 2016 Totals: 57,877 Ez0,330 Pmjects and timetrames itlentified in ihe TIP are to be considered estimates ony that may change tlue to a variety of circumstances, antl aie not irrtentletl by the City to be relied upon by propeAy owners or developers in making developmenl Aecisions. Addetl Projects are shown in Green -. . ... .-...� ��.:+ ...• Funded Pmjects are shown in Blue Wednesday, June 29, 2011 Page 2 of 3 20i1 Item # PraJect Nane Piina7 Sae�w Cml Midn[ iotal Miqnt 28 Barker Road - South City Limits to Appleway STP(U) 507 3,753 31 Wellesley Realignment @ Barker/SR29D STP(U) 416 3,085 33 Sullivan Road Concrete Pavement, Indiana to STP(U) 161 1,190 Wellesley 34 Barker Road / BNSF Grade Separation (CN Only) Other Fed 533 10,657 35 Park Road / BNSF Grade Separation Other Fed 31 750 36 University/Sprague Concrete Intersedion STP 205 1,515 37 Bowdish Road, 32nd to 24th STP(U) 75 558 2017 Totals: 5�,928 Sz7,508 C. Projects and time6ames identified in the TIP are to be consiOereC estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumslances, and are nal intenEed by the City to De relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Added Pmjects are shown in Green �.._.,.heJu�.aa P-o�acts s:��c:^rn �.o On:�� =� Fundetl ProJecls are shown in Blua Wednesday, June 29, 2011 Page 3 of 3