08-123.00 Inland Asphalt: Pines-Mansfield Corridor Congestion Relief.~ Washington Sta.e ~'~ Department of Transportation Contract Number Contract Title Federal Aid Number 7th-2942 Pines -Mansfield Corridor Con>;estion Relief Project CM-9932(032) Change Order Number Change Description ( Date 1 Tcm era r Fence _!f Aug 4, 2008 Region Project Engineer Phone Number Eastern Re ion Steven M. 411orley _ _ X09-688-0198 Prime Contractor /Design-Builder Inland As halt Celn amp ® Ordered by Engineer under the terms of Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications or the RFP ^ Change proposed by Contractor 1 Qesign-Suilder Change Description The General Special Provisions for this project are supplemented as follows: i1~11SCEL!_AYEOUS CONSTRUCTION Section 8-12 Chain l.:ink Fence and ~~'ire Hence Description The Contractor shall furnish and install a ternporary chain link fence at approximate station 1\112+QO to M18+00 to remain for the duration of construction activities. At the e.omplction of construction the Conh•actor shall remove the fence in it's entiret)~. The removed fence shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of oft' the project site. Pay111en1. The lurnp suns amount of 54,782.40 shall be full pay for all lal?or, equipment, and materials to pcrfonn the work as specified. All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the Contract for the type of construction involved unless stated otherwise in this document. Original Contract Amount Current Contract Amount Est. Net Change This C.O. Est. Revised Contract Amount $ $ $ 4,782.40 $ 4;782.40 Prime Contractor/Design-Builder f / Date ~~~~i-Q~ Signature or tvlethod of Concurrence: e~-f''t r r Project Engineer's Signature for Execution: Date ~/~l/QR Distribution: Copy w/Attachments -Steven tv9. Worley Page 1 Copy of page 1 only vao Attachments - PrtmeContractor / I?osign-Builder Copy w!o Attachments - ER Construction Offioe DOT Form a2t'ooSA EP Origlnal w/o Attachments -State Construction Oftioe Revised 210& Change Order -Minor Change Cob-123 Contract Numtzer Contract Title Federal Aid Number TA-2942 Pines - Mansfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project CiYI-9932 ~U32 Change Order Number Change Descriptia~ Date 1 "fem ora ~ Fence Auf; 4, 2008 Region Project Engineer Phone Number Eastern Region Steven tbl. ~'Vorley X09-688-0198 Prime Contractor 1Design-Builder Inland f•1s halt Coal amf Brief Description of Problem /Reason for Entitlement: There was no item set up in the contract for tempora+y fencing to protect private sscure compounds. The ~~rork is beyond that expected by the Specitications. The Coniract.or is entitled to reimbursement for this added work. I Justification of Cosf: Our esti-naie to perf©rfn the work is X4,714.66. The Contractor requested $4,782.40. "the Cont+-actor's request is reasonable. Approvals Required by CO Checklist (if any); Change Ordt~ -Minor Change (Not To Be Used For Structural Changes) Date Calculated By A'1RP Date Au 4, 2008 Checked By Date Inspector's Signature Date Work Started Work Completed Item No. Item Group Date Unit Quantity R.AM/QPL Ledger no. Post Ckd Est. No. Ne+.u Ten ~=er~C~ 8/~~ pg L. ~. ~17~~.N0 - Distribution: Copy wJAttachments -Steven M. Worley Page 2 Copy of page f only w/o Attachments - PrimeContrador /Design-t3uilder Copy veto Attachments - ER Construction Office Original vrJo Attachments -State Construction Office DOT Form 421-QL'SA EF Revised 2108 Contract TA-2942 Change Order #1 Estimate Cost Estimate to install 610 L.F. of Temporary Chain Link Fence . Two days to install, one day to remove. Two laborers performing the work. Hours Rate Total Labor: Laborer 24 $40.00 $960.00 Laborer 24 $40.00 $960.00 $1,920.00 Labor MU + 29% $556.80 Labor Subtotal $2,476.80 Equipment Flatbed Pickup 24 $18.00 $432.00 Truck $432.00 Equipment MU + 21 % $90.72 Equipment Subtotal $522.72 Materials Chain Link Fencing Materials $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Materials MU + 21 % $210.00 Materials Subtotal $1,210.00 Subtotal $4,209.52 Prime MU + 12% $505.14 Total $4,714.66 ~p ~ ~~~~ /~JPn~ sl~~lo~ ~ti~~. ib, IQUB 14: ,JrsM (1'ort~~eai F:nce Spokane noR~r~~w~sT No. b~ 81 P. i F+ACSIbiIL,E TRANSMlT'I'AY. SL'i~BT TQ: PROtii Strve Ibionte'nc~~son GbK7ANY: DATE; IriL.nd Asphsilt 7-1G-08 - FAa(; iUM9ER 7pri'AI, NO, OP YAGIiS TIVOfJgD1~f G COVER 1 Pt7D2J& NI)3.f8EA: SSND510.'S e't~tF13l2bNCS N vnre~& ~'~ YOUA A~ABFI&~SCE Nur~bR: Pints-Mansfield Cott~dar (.J URGENT X FOR RF.VIEN ^ PLEASa CO~L~E.ti~T Q pL&1SE REPLY ^ Pi.HASB :tECYCLE Steve, I've checked with uastallation and we should be able to have the temp fe~ace done by next Friday the z5~ We map have to use some new materials to install the fu11620' L~ of temp fence. C?us p.~cc to install the temp fence is $x270.00 I'ltase let me know A5AP. 7f -yoti have any questions, do not hesitate to grve me a caIl. Thank Pau, .~ , ~~~~- ~~'~ Montt Thomsp~l ~ ~l~F G~- I a % ~JU~'~. ]4817.6. Sp~A~uoAve -Spokane, lVaah~ngtrn 99216- {JQ~j ?8.8CB4-Fan (sfl~j 4'16-9994 74A61d. l3oVca+aiEni Way • Cneur d'Atrnr, bdaho 8J815-7?J9 • (2~~ 7!Z-3S4'1. F~ (2~ T]ag5gg